Category Archives: ARC News Service

YDNPA – Planning committee November 2024

An ARC News Service report on the meeting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority ‘s (YDNPA) planning committee on November 26 2024. There are two reports here  regarding the applications for three terraced houses at Maulds Meaburn and a new house at Hudswell.

Click here for the long report about the application by Rob and Helen Brown to build a rural worker’s dwelling at Kidstones Gill Bridge in Bishopdale.

Pip Pointon reports on YDNPA planning meetings on a voluntary basis as part of the commitment of the Association of Rural Communities to local democracy.

Maulds Meaburn

It was unanimously agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to approve planning permission for three terraced houses near the Village Institute in Maulds Meaburn once an appropriate Nutrient Neutrality scheme had been organised.

The committee was told that the site was within the River Eden Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Nutrient Neutrality catchment.

The planning officer explained: ‘The applicant’s strategy is to secure the upgrade of a poor quality foul treatment system off-site, to offset the impacts of this development on the SAC. In order for this to be an appropriate solution, the upgrade site needs to be upstream of Appleby treatment works. The off-site improvements can be secured by way of a section 106 planning agreement. This approach has been used elsewhere in the Eden catchment with the agreement of Natural England.’

Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council was concerned that the houses could become second homes or holiday lets. It had been assured by the planning officer that they would be for local occupancy but she said there was no policy basis requiring them to be affordable housing.

The planning officer explained that the application was much the same as that approved in 2019. As the site is next to the earthwork remains of the medieval development of the village which is a designated heritage asset, archaeological work and recording was undertaken. The excavations, however, took so long that the planning permission lapsed.

Member Libby Bateman (Ravenstonedale Parish councillor) said the excavations were quite unsightly in what was a very beautiful village. She felt that the development would be in keeping with other housing there.

The parish council was also concerned about the car parking area to be provided at the back of the houses. It stated: ‘The gradient on the access road and parking areas at 1:8 and 1:12 respectively (indicative section and streetscene) will be a challenge for some drivers. This access arrangement will simply not be used during winter months when there is any frost, ice or snow. This will become a major safety risk in winter not just for homeowners but also passing traffic on the main road.

‘Residents will either have to reverse into the parking spaces up the 1:8 access road or carry out a tight 3-point turn at the top and reverse into “Mini” sized parking spaces, some at right angles to the access. Reversing will again be up a significant gradient. Although the turning circles on the Vehicle Tracking drawing indicate achievability this is reliant on residents parking perfectly in an allocated parking space.

North Yorkshire Cllr David Noland agreed with the parish council not only about the access but that the parking spaces would not be large enough for many modern cars. It was likely, therefore, that residents would park on the road. He said: It’s a mess. But I couldn’t see what could be done.’

There were also questions about how the proposed development could meet biodiversity net gain (BNG) requirements as it was so small. Planning officers explained that off-site BNG units could be purchased from a habitat bank provider.


An application to build a four-bedroom house with detached garage in the garden of The Grove at the west end of Hudswell was unanimously refused partly because it would not be for local occupancy.

Hudswell Parish Council had suggested that ‘principle residency’ would be acceptable. And the owner of the land, Charles Smith, told the committee that if his application was refused it would be overturned on appeal and cost the Authority thousands of pounds and waste officers’ time.

He suggested a payment of £10,000 to the village’s housing charity towards local occupancy housing there would be a better option.

But Richard Graham, Head of Development Management, said it had been recommended for refusal because the house would be outside the present development boundary, would not be for local occupancy in accordance with the present local plan, and would be so big that it would be inefficient use of land.

Such a large house, he explained, would probably be worth in the region of half a million pounds. ‘From the research we have undertaken as part of the new local plan I understand that principle residency might take off around five per cent of the price of the house. Looking back on local occupancy that we have granted over the years [this] has reduced the price of housing by between 20 and 30 per cent depending upon where the house is located.’

This clearly showed, he said, that restricting housing to people with local connections made the houses more affordable.

Cllr Peacock said the proposal was contrary to the present local plan. ‘The problem here is that we have no local need housing and no affordable housing.’

She did, however, point out that the situation in Hudswell was unusual in that part of it came under North Yorkshire Council and the rest was in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Mr Smith told the committee that the county council had allowed new housing directly opposite The Grove. He argued that his proposal was for a windfall site and not one that might be within the development boundary of the village under the YDNPA’s new local plan.

The planning officer, however, stated: ‘The proposal is premature insofar as it relies upon potential policy changes that may come forward in the emerging local plan which is at an early stage. Should development of this site take place in the manner proposed it would prejudice the efficient use of the larger parcel of land intended for housing development to meet a local need.’

And Mr Graham said: ‘Even if this application was being considered months from now and we did have a draft plan that could give weight to it, it is likely that the planning application as it stands would still be recommended for refusal.’ This was because more houses could be built there and should be for local occupancy.

YDNPA – Kidstones Gill Bridge

An ARC News Service report

Without the evidence of livestock on the Howesyke Estate the application for a rural worker’s dwelling at Kidstones Gill Bridge in Bishopdale was a sham, Alastair Dinsdale, Wensleydale farmer and chair of the Association of Rural Communities, told the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority‘s  ( YDNPA ) planning committee on November 26.

The majority of the members, however, voted to approve the provision of a three-bedroomed rural worker’s dwelling with an integral garage at Kidstones Gill Bridge. The planning officer explained that this was part of the Howesyke Estate owned by Rob and Helen Brown. She said the livestock at Kidstones Bridge amounted to 200 breeding ewes, 20 suckler cows and, at present, 40 turkeys for the Christmas trade.

Mr Dinsdale told the committee there was no evidence that the Howesyke Estate owned any breeding ewes or suckler cows. He added that in the report of the independent agricultural advisor commissioned by the YDNPA there was a disclaimer that the number of livestock had been provided by the applicants and had not been verified. [Before the meeting an objector had asked the planning department for detailed information about the number of livestock owned by the Howesyke Estate but received no reply.]

He said, ‘Without this evidence this application is a sham. If the committee give[s] approval without evidence of the suckler cows and lambing sheep farming enterprise then they are granting permission for two luxury houses [one at Howesyke] in the open countryside for 40 Christmas turkeys.’

The planning officer reminded the committee that at its meeting in October it had approved an application by the Browns which was subject to a legal agreement being signed rescinding their right to develop two-semi detached rural workers’ dwellings at Howesyke for which they were granted permission in 2017.

She said: ‘The applicant’s intention is to retain their right to build two new rural workers dwellings. One of these would be at Howesyke, and one would be re-located to Kidstones Gill Bridge.’

She reported that the independent agricultural advisor had taken account of the fact that the functional need is much reduced because of the reliance on adjoining farmers providing livestock care.

She said: ’The conclusion is that there is still a significant functional need in relation to the game rearing enterprise, with intensity of need during periods or bird rearing and livestock birth. Also, that there is a need for a worker to live on site at Kidstones Gill Bridge, to deal quickly with emergencies in the interest of the wellbeing of animals, the efficient running of the holding, for overall security and as poaching deterrent.’

She added that the temporary chalet was the only available dwelling at Kidstones Gill Bridge at present.

Adrian Hume Sayer, whose family has lived and farmed in Bishopdale for over 100 years, called for the committee to dismiss the application because the Brown’s had recently bought  Dale Head Farm with a house less than one mile from Kidstones Gill Bridge. ‘The development of this green field site would seem entirely contrary to the YDNPA’s first principle and to its planning policy,’ he said.

Cllr David Ireton asked if the Brown’s acquisition of Dale Head Farm with its accommodation had been taken into account when the independent agricultural advisor had assessed the need for a dwelling.

The Head of Development Management Richard Graham replied: ‘No, that wasn’t taken into account either in this report or the agricultural advisor’s assessment. If members are not happy with that we can go back to our agricultural consultant to look at it in the light of that additional purchase.’ The committee voted against deferral by nine votes to seven.

Mr Hume Sayer also told the committee that the Brown’s continued stream of development and intensively commercial shooting business was having a significant negative impact on the environment and residents turned to the YDNPA to protect it. ‘Parishioners have raised significant concerns about the environmental impact of this plan and the Browns’ wider operation… such as noise on shoot days,’ he explained.

He was concerned about the impact upon the dark skies policy as it was planned to orientate the new property so that it looked down the dale and so would be easily seen at night. This was not, he said, in keeping with the tradition of building in the valley.

He pointed out that at a meeting of Aysgarth and District Parish Council only three out of the seven councillors voted to support the application with the councillor for Bishopdale parish strongly opposing it. [See note 1 below]

In her statement Mrs Brown three times mentioned that Aysgarth and District Parish Council had supported the application. She said: ‘I understand that there are approximately 657 households in the parish but only a small handful have made objections.’ [Note 2]

She continued: ‘Jack, who is here today, and his partner Lauren, have worked and lived at Kidstones since 2018 both filling the functional needs of the land as acknowledged by officers and the Park’s specialist advisor. After six years living in temporary accommodation it is vital for a permanent worker’s dwelling to be constructed to keep Jack and Lauren as they are both creative contributors to the Bishopdale community.’ [Note 3]

North Yorkshire Cllr Andrew Murday commented: ‘There has been somebody living in temporary accommodation for the past six years. I feel rather sorry for them that they have had to do that, and surely they deserve to have better than that.’

When planning permission was granted in 2017 for what was a traditional farmhouse at Howesyke to be extended and two rural workers’ dwellings to be built beside it (including one for Jack Jones), the Browns had told the planning committee that they intended to live there with their children. [Note 4]

At the November meeting Mrs Brown told the committee: ‘We would love to move to Bishopdale permanently but the circumstances of Rob’s work being in Manchester we have had to put this on hold for a few years. We use Howesyke as a second home, letting the house from time to time, bringing new people to the area to spend in the local economy and enjoy the beauty of the national Park.’

North Yorkshire Cllr Yvonne Peacock pointed out that the former farmhouse was now a luxury holiday let which could sleep 18 people. She disagreed with the arrangement that the applicants would accept only having one rural worker’s dwelling built at Howesyke as long as they could have a house in the open countryside at Kidstones Gill Bridge.

‘I can’t agree to that because it was on landscape reasons that the officers recommended only building one at Howesyke and [my objection] is also on landscape reasons. You can certainly travel from Howesyke to do anything [at Kidstones Gill Bridge].

Cllr Robert Heseltine agreed with her. He told the committee: ‘This is a high end commercial tourism and wildlife shooting enterprise. The farming aspect is minimal. For nearly ten years my family farmed at Dale Head Farm and I was allocated to look after it. I had one day a week shepherding there and walling.’ He described how a farmer from West Burton had taken care of the Kidstones farm by visiting once a week.

Member and Askrigg parish councillor Allen Kirkbride said he did not feel that there was a need for a house for a rural worker at Kidstones Gill Beck. ‘Without the farming there is no need for this house on this site. There is another building available for a gamekeeper not far away,’ he said.

North Yorkshire Cllr Richard Foster, however, strongly disagreed. He stated: ‘According to our agricultural advisor…this property is needed. This other house [at Dale Head Farm] is speculative. We don’t even know if that stays in the management of these people, or if it will be sold. Anything can happen to it. It’s not part of this application.’

He pointed out that planning officers had approved similar agricultural workers’ dwellings in the open countryside in other parts of the National Park. This application, he said, would also have been dealt with by planning officers and was only brought to the committee because of the  background history of Howesyke. ‘We need to forget the past history on this – we just need to move forward,’ he added.

Member Libby Bateman (Ravenstonedale Parish councillor) agreed with him. She wondered if the house would still be useful in preserving, conserving and enhancing the Yorkshire Dales National Park in the future.

‘Is it going to be a family that’s living there that’s going to be having children in the school and those children having the opportunity to grow up in the countryside, that we all enjoy, the beautiful countryside and the wellbeing that it adds to those people? So this is in compliance with the policy. It’s not about who owns it – it’s about what you leave behind and what that does to the environment and to this place in the future.’

Cllr Peacock agreed that what they were doing was not just for now but the future. ‘So we must get it right. So why not delay at this stage and get some more information?’ And she asked that, if it was approved, very strong conditions were applied. ‘Please this must never be a holiday cottage…or a second home.’

Pip’s Notes

1 – Aysgarth and District Parish Council consists of five parishes: Aysgarth (3 councillors), Thornton Rust (2 councillors), Thoralby (3 councillors), Bishopdale (1 councillor) and Newbiggin (1 councillor). It is, therefore, very easy for the councillor from parishes such as Bishopdale to be out-voted. For that reason, it was customary in the past for the views of the councillor/s from a parish affected by a planning application to be given precedence. That did not happen at the meeting of Aysgarth and District Parish Council on September 7 2023. One of three who voted in agreement with the Brown’s application for a rural worker’s dwelling at Kidstones Gill Bridge often has part time employment on the Howesyke Estate during pheasant shoots.

2 – The number of households quoted by Mrs Brown maybe for the whole of Aysgarth and District Parish Council. There are approximately 13 households in Bishopdale parish and there were seven objectors  from that dale to the application.

3 – Jack Jones and a different partner were introduced by the Browns to Aysgarth and District Parish Council on September 7 2023.

4 – The plans for the 2017 application (R/58/65C) showed the semi-detached ‘staff accommodation’ situated next to the farmhouse. That area is now a large car park.

Adrian Hume-Sayer’s statement (abridged)
(A Bishopdale farming family)

The applicants acquisition of Dale Head Farm, with house less than one mile from the proposed site completely negates any demonstrable need for this green field development and I call that the application be dismissed on these grounds.

I would also like to state that the reporting of the Parish councillors vote was somewhat misleading and it should be recorded here that only 3 of the 7 councillors voted to support the scheme with the councillor for Bishopdale strongly opposing.

We all accept that change is necessary but it is the nature of the change and its consequences which the community has come together to rightfully oppose with (I believe) the vast majority of those parish households without a vested interest in the Browns’ enterprise coming together to demonstrate their opposition to this and the Brown’s continued stream of development. Their  intensively commercial shooting business is having a significant negative impact on the environment in which we all live and which we turn to you to protect. Parishioners have raised significant concerns about the environmental impact of this plan and the Browns wider operation, which are well documented, such as the noise on shoot days.

A major part of the justification for this application is the ‘demonstration of need’ for there to be a rural worker on site, not only has the evidence for this has not been satisfactorily verified but importantly this application does not take into account that the owners now own another house less than a mile away from which the site could be reached on foot in a matter of minutes, something that would be expedited by the rebuilding of the Howgill footbridge.

The development of this greenfield site would seem entirely contrary the YDNPAs first principal and to its planning policy

The business needs of absentee owners should not be the main concern in considering an extraordinary development of this kind – the colossal and irreversible environmental impact should be the primary concern….

The report suggests that the present staffing level of the estate is adequate with two rural workers, so why are two workers cottages being considered bringing the number of workers houses to three across the two sites. When the original application was considered, the third house was to accommodate a farm worker but as the farming has not been taken in hand, this additional house is surplus to the stated need.

Alastair Dinsdale’s statement
Wensleydale farmer and chair of the Association of Rural Communities

I am here today to see that policies are applied consistently and fairly.
This application hinges on whether the test of policy SP3 and C3 have been met. The applicants claim to have 200 lambing sheep, 20 suckler cows and 40 turkeys. No evidence to support this has been provided. The independent report contains a disclaimer that land and livestock numbers are the applicant’s figures and have not been verified.

Yesterday when I went to check the building myself I found the building contained young dairy heifers not suckler cows.

Last night I had a phone call from the applicants’ agent asking what I was objecting to. I told him I wanted to see the planning policies applied to this applicant the same as they would be to anyone else and that I did not believe the applicants owned any cattle or sheep themselves. I asked him to provide evidence of ownership today – such as a herd register or continuous flock record. Does he have that with him? [There was no response from the agent or Mrs Brown.]

Without this evidence this application is a sham and I ask the members to be led by the local representative and to reject the application.

If the committee is minded to give approval without evidence of the suckler cows and lambing sheep farming enterprise then they are granting permission for 2 luxury houses, in open country, for 40 Christmas turkeys. If that is the precedent they wish to set then they cannot expect the local community to take their planning policy seriously.

Statement by Helen Brown (slightly abridged)
Rob and Helen Brown – applicants

We are really pleased that Alan Jackson, the Park’s independent advisor and the parish council recommend approval of this application.

As discussed at the last meeting this application ties in with the Howesyke application you as a committee approved last month. In summary this application came forward following pre-application discussions with your officers regarding the functional need for a worker’s cottage at Kidstones bridge, a stand-alone block of 700 acres and ten minutes from Howesyke. This has led to us submitting two separate applications for new properties to replace the two we had consent for –  so one new house at Howesyke and one new house at Kidstones bridge where there is a confirmed functional need.

… Alan Jackson’s report confirmed that this application satisfies all the requirements for policies P3 rural worker’s housing. Jack, who is here today, and his partner Lauren, have worked and lived at Kidstones since 2018 both filling the functional needs of the land as acknowledged by officers and the Park’s specialist advisor. After six years living in temporary accommodation it is vital for a permanent worker’s dwelling to be constructed to keep Jack and Lauren as they are both creative contributors to the Bishopdale community. A new traditional looking cottage will be built in stone and slate with trees screening the site from the road which compliments Howesyke’s strong environmental objectives. It will be totally off grid using power from the hydro plant and we understand that it could be the first off grid home or certainly one of the very small number in the National Park.

We attended the parish council meeting when this application was discussed with the councillors and members of the public, some of which are present here today. And we are delighted that the parish council voted to support the application. We note that there are some objections to the application but 16 of these come from four households, the same four households, and one of these households is based in Stroud. I understand that there are approximately 657 households in the parish but only a small handful have made objections. We ask you to note the support of the parish council alongside any objections.

We fully understand and support the concept that farming needs to evolve and work in harmony with environmental protection and enhancement. We have already planted nearly 100 hectares of land with over 100,000 native trees and restored nearly 400 hectares of degraded peat moorland to benefit wildlife and water quality. Our extensive and careful management of our farmland also supports many of the threatened waders such as curlew, lapwing, redshank, snipe as well as barn owls, kestrel, merlin, and many more which are now abundant in the valley.

Following the government’s recent budget, like many farmers, we will face many financial pressures in the coming years.  For one our basic payment scheme subsidy will be slashed by approximately £30,000 next year which was unforeseen. It is now more important than ever that we can move on from more extensive farming practise to be able to deliver the environmental schemes which provide the vital income stream that keeps farmers in business. We wish to continue to complete our plans, continue to invest and create even greater benefits for the area and for our children so that our farm can meet these future liabilities to allow our children to enjoy the same.

We have created full time and part time roles for many young people, won numerous environmental awards, and so fulfilling many of the national parks management plan objectives .. and contributing to the environment, the local economy, and the local community.

We would love to move to Bishopdale permanently but the circumstances of Rob’s work being in Manchester we have had to put this on hold for a few years.

We use Howesyke as a second home, letting the house out for time to time, bringing new people to the area, to spend in the local economy and enjoy the beauty of the national park. We spend a lot of time in this area and are hands on owners, farmers and employers, running the business using our skills we learnt studying agriculture at university. We have a great team working with us who, along with ourselves, contribute to the local community and have a lot of friends in Bishopdale.

Your support for this application will enable all the related elements to come together…

YDNPA – Planning committee meeting October 2024

ARC News Service reports on the meeting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority‘s  ( YDNPA ) planning meeting on October 15 2024, at which planning applications were approved regarding Aysgarth Holiday Lodges and Howesykes Farm in Bishopdale, and there was a statement about the dangers to health and wildlife of telecommunications masts.

BishopdaleHowesykes Farm

Cllr Robert Heseltine said that seven years ago the planning committee had been wrong to approve an application by Robert and Helen Brown to make changes at Howesyke Farm in Bishopdale. ‘I publicly apologise,’ he said.

Another North Yorkshire councillor David  Ireton stated: ‘Just because we’ve made a mistake and got it wrong… in my view doesn’t make it right by now approving this [new application] when it is entirely contrary to the development plan..’

It was pointed out that in 2017 the planning committee had not accepted the officer’s recommendation to refuse that application which included extending the farmhouse, the construction of two rural workers’ dwellings at the farm, the erection of two barns, and the conversion of a modern barn into five holiday lets.

The new application (for a barn and one rural worker’s dwelling) was, however, approved with the majority of the committee this time accepting the recommendation of the planning officer. They were told that if it was refused the applicants could ‘fallback’ to that of 2017 and build two rural workers’ dwellings at Howesyke.

The planning officer commented: ‘[With] the significant extent of the holiday let proposal, combined with the holiday let use of the farmhouse, it is apparent that the tourism arm of the enterprise would become the main income stream, and significantly more than a diversification to support the environmental beneficial aspects of land management.’

She told the committee: ‘Many significant elements of the development proposal are contrary to policy, with some aspects lacking detailed justification, such as the proposed dwelling and need for the additional barn. The reason for this is that the applicant is reliant on a fallback factor.’

She said that the latest proposal amounted to unsustainable development and there was no essential functional need for the proposed dwelling at Howesyke but stated: ‘There are several factors relating to the fallback scheme that are worse than the development that is now proposed, including the visual impact, the operational needs of the enterprise, and the sustainability credentials. This weighs in favour of granting permission for the development, despite it being entirely contrary to development plan policy.

‘The fallback scheme included two semi-detached houses which, whilst well-designed, were sited poorly. Together with the farmhouse they would have formed a long run of buildings, all with similar eaves and ridge height. In design terms they would compete with the main farmhouse and confuse the hierarchy of dwellings on site.’

There is now a car park where they would have been built. Member Allen Kirkbride described the original location of those two proposed dwellings as infill. ‘I can’t see what the problem is with that [2017] plan,’ he said.

He agreed with North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock who commented: ‘My main concern is that the first [application] went through on the basis that the applicant was going to live in the house and farm 1,000 sheep on the land. That has not happened.’ The farmhouse is now a nine-bedroom luxury holiday let.

Several Bishopdale residents had objected to the latest Howesyke Farm application (see below)  with one stating that there had been an obvious increase in pheasants in the fields plus noise from the shooting business. ‘Howesyke is now beginning to look like some kind of expanding holiday estate. It is not in keeping with the natural, unspoilt image of Bishopdale,’ she had added.

The Browns have also applied to build a rural worker’s dwelling at Kidstones Gill Bridge and that will be discussed in November.  At present a gamekeeper lives in a chalet there for which temporary planning permission expired in March this year.  This is the second time the gamekeeper has remained there after temporary permission for the chalet had expired.

The committee was told that if permission is granted for a rural worker’s dwelling to be built at Kidstones Gill Bridge  a legal agreement would be signed to rescind the 2017 approval to build two beside Howesyke Farmhouse.

Cllr Heseltine commented: ‘In my opinion, it has not been helpful to conflect the Howesyke Farm application with that of Kidstones [Gill] Bridge. It’s muddying the waters and confusing the issue.’

However, Derek Twine, the chairman of the Authority, said: ‘The [Howesyke Farm application] is the lesser of two challenging proposals. There is much that can be learned from seven years ago but we are in a different position with different criteria in terms of businesses and work in the Dales, life in the Dales and the way in which tourism as well as farming has changed.’

And the majority agreed with Cllr Graham Simpkins (Westmorland and Furness Council) who stated: ‘I think we have got a get out of jail free card on the table. Over the last seven years there have been a considerable change in agriculture. This business is growing, it’s employing people, and what’s on the table is better than what we approved in 2017. So I can’t see any reason to refuse it.’

Mrs Brown told the committee: ‘Back in 2017 the planning committee supported our original planning application. The only changes to this current application is the removal of one cottage, the relocation of the remaining cottage to a more suitable site, and the reduction in size of one of the barns.

‘The idea of removing one of the cottages came about after lengthy discussion with the Park regarding the functional use of the worker’s cottage at Kidstones bridge – a stand alone block of 700 acres ten minutes away from Howesykes.

‘The easiest way to resolve the fact we already have permission for two cottages at Howesykes and not wanting to build a third in Bishopdale it was recognised that the best option was to move one of the cottages from Howesykes to Kidstones Bridge. This is the reason we submitted two separate planning applications.

‘In the last 15 years with the backing of the National Park Authority we have invested significantly in Bishopdale financially and environmentally and created employment opportunities for young people. We have created full time and part time roles for numerous young people, won environmental awards and so fulfilling many of the National Parks Management Plan objectives .. contributing to the environment, the local economy and the local community.

‘We wish to continue to complete our plans, continue to invest and create even greater benefits for the area. This application replaces what we already have approval for and does not ask for any more development than what is approved and could be developed.’

‘Receiving approval of the proposal for Howesykes will create the opportunity to move on to support the subsequent Kidstones Bridge application at the November committee meeting and for all the related elements to come together as a holistic finishing to the current situation as well as addressing the demonstrated need in a more direct and practical manner. We can assure you that we have the best interest of the national park and our employees at heart.’

Objections by local farmers and residents sent to the YDNPA before the meeting:

A local farmer commented about allowing a permanent rural worker’s dwelling to be built at Kidstones Gill Beck: ‘This development would be out of character for Bishopdale, in an unsuitable location, will impact the visual element of the area and will bring no significant benefits. Given that the YDNPA generally opposes the conversion of unused barns to accommodation for rural workers, such an out of character new build cannot, for consistency, be approved. There seems to be minimal justification for the demand for accommodation.’

Another farmer stated: ‘A great deal of good work has been carried out by the YDNPA since it was designated in 1954 which has preserved the wonderful landscape we enjoy today by protecting it from unwarranted developments and the near prohibition of green-field developments like this, especially with a purely commercial intent for the benefit of remote investors.

‘Excessive development has already taken place at Howesyke, which has destroyed the original character of the place with further unexecuted plans for accommodation still in existence. The existing permissions  for rural workers to be accommodated if executed, would be much less impactful on the environment than allowing the unwarranted permanent destruction of a fresh unspoilt site on an unsubstantiated premise from an owner with no link to the landscape we all have inhabited for many decades.

‘The owners, Mr & Mrs Brown, were granted numerous extraordinary permissions at Howesyke Farm, which lay outside the normal accepted developments allowed in the National Park, including the development of the site of the large modern building sited to the front of the property despite the strong objection of the appointed conservation officer who stated that such a development would perpetuate the significant visual harm already caused by the poorly sited building and that they could not support the application.

‘As I understand it, the permission which was granted for the doubling of the size of the part 17th century farmhouse (possibly with at least 16th century origins)  at Howesyke was on the understanding that it was to be used as a family home. It has not been used as such by the owner in the years since the major alterations were carried out and seems purely to be let as a holiday let/party venue.

‘The scale of the development is extreme:  the apparent doubling in size of the farm house (with probably at least 16th century origins), the complete disregard for its historic fabric and appearance, the introduction of prominent non-local building materials, the hardcore tracks that have appeared all over the valley, the numerous buildings already erected etc. all for the benefit of commercial absentee owners.

‘Given the number of applications from these owners so far and the following incremental developments that seem to just keep coming it is concerning to imagine what this landscape may look like in 20 years’ time if the present rate of creeping commercial overdevelopment of Howesyke Farm continues. I recognise the need for farms to diversify, but the developments proposed here are extreme, permanent, disproportionate and deeply impactful on the nature and character of the landscape – just as the intense commercial shooting operation run by the owners is on the quality of life [of residents]

A Bishopdale resident wrote: ‘The whole history of the development of Howesyke and adjoining properties and buildings has been expansion and changes of use applications, taking the original concept away from a residential farm to some form of massive leisure complex. Whilst changes to staff residences to holiday lets may seem reasonable…why have a new build further up the dale? This was meant to be a residential farm, and is now morphing into a holiday camp.’

Another commented: ‘The requirement for more holiday lets in such a small area is unnecessary. Additional to this, Bishopdale acts like an ampitheatre and noise is magnified due to the valley shape. Additional people to those already using the holiday let facilities at Howsykes will, when outside with games, music etc. create excessive amplified noise disturbing the local environment and wildlife. Full conversations can be heard quite clearly.’

West BurtonAysgarth Lodge Holidays

The planning committee agreed that the intensity of the lighting along the internal roads at Aysgarth Lodge Holidays near West Burton must be reduced.

The committee was told that the 6000K bulbs in the 49 bollards did not comply with the Authority’s Dark Skies Initiative. It approved the retrospective application which specified that these will be replaced with 2700K and 470 lumens bulbs with ‘warm white’ colour.

Aysgarth Lodge Holidays was given one month to comply. The planning officer commented: ‘This would mean that the new bulbs would be in place for most of the winter 2024/25 and thereafter.’ He said this would be a significant improvement on the existing situation.

Burton-cum-Walden Parish Council had stated: ‘The council remains concerned about light pollution, particularly as we have supported the Dark Skies Initiative, but we will review the situation when the proposals are implemented.’

Its suggestion that the bollard lights should be switched off from 11pm to 6am each night was accepted by the committee and included in the conditions of the approval.

Both North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock and Allen Kirkbride approved of the application but told the committee that the bright light emanating from the holiday site had caused a lot of concern.

Cllr Peacock emphasised the need for screening as the lights from the site were visible from the B6160 near West Burton and also from the A684 when approaching Aysgarth from Hestholme Bridge. She asked that previous planning conditions regarding screening should be checked.

Cllr Graham Simpkins (Westmorland and Furness Council), however, was opposed to any bollard lighting. He said: ‘I think we are failing in our duty. We are supposed to be protecting the Dales by protecting the countryside and the wildlife. If you want something that is illuminated to this extent go to Pontins or Butlins or somewhere. You don’t come to the Dales. What about the kids who want to see our dark skies? Do they have to stop up to midnight to be able to see it? I think it’s a total failure. Bring a torch!

‘I’ve got villages in my constituency that don’t have [street] lights and have dark skies and they love it. In that way the wildlife isn’t confused and we can see the dark skies. [This] will be visible from somewhere and it doesn’t look like the Yorkshire Dales when it’s all illuminated. People come to the Dales to see countryside and wildlife, not to see an illuminated park.’

The approved application included the use of land for siting of a caravan to serve as the holiday park reception and office.

Telecommunications Masts 

The committee was asked if a planning authority could be held culpable if it failed to protect its residents from any harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from telecommunication masts.

In statements at the beginning of the meeting four women asked the committee about the impact of new telecommunication masts in the dales on the health of humans, livestock and wildlife and upon the landscape.

‘We wish to alert members to the areas in which we feel planning authorities could be vulnerable to claims being made against them for resulting harm,’ Sue Holden said.

She told the committee that the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) had stated that compliance with its guidelines may not necessarily preclude interference with, or affects on, medical devices such as metallic prostheses, cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, and cochlear implants.

Alexandra Wood said the ICNIRP guidance related only to thermal effects. ‘Information is readily available detailing the adverse health effects and increased cancer risk of electromagnetic radiation technology via a non-thermal pathway.

‘On the recent Outershaw mast application we see no reference to specific design details. We are asking how can the planning committee verify that any mast antennae set is compliant… without knowledge or understanding of the specific antennae design details from the Telecom applicant? We know Lloyds of London will not insure against the harmful effects of radio frequency from these masts and we don’t know of any insurance company that will.’

The women told the committee that there were over 10,000 independent peer-reviewed scientific papers that demonstrated adverse biological effects of EMFs, such as changes in hormone levels, damage to DNA, sleep disruption and many other serious symptoms including cancer, at power levels way below the current government and industry safety guidelines.

The committee was told: ‘This rollout [of telecommunication masts] is potentially endangering dales people and the habitat. No consent has been sought from locals for many of these masts. We are all being exposed to harmful EMFs without our knowledge.’

Caroline Penman stated:  ‘A 2020 European Parliament study found that ICNIRP’s links to the telecoms companies shows it can’t be considered independent. Many ICNIRP members have received research funding from the industries that benefit from ICNIRP’s high industry-friendly limits.

‘Why, when objectives of the Park’s Management Plan states that overhead lines are to be buried to “reduce the impact on the landscape”, are we even considering building massively imposing towering masts and the ensuing forest of booster masts on the skyline of our iconic Fells, when there are alternatives to achieve the same goals?’

These she said included satellite communications systems or the under road fibre-optic cable network that was used in Cyprus to connect all remote villages within two years.

It would, she said, cost £280 million less to equip 50,000 hillwalkers with iPhone 14 than the Total Not Spot scheme using telecommunication masts. And iPhone 14s can be used to send emergency SOS to text emergency services when outside cellular and Wifi coverage.

‘We could major in being the only place left in the UK totally free of masts, where you can truly digitally detox, pitching yourself against the elements and being allowed to take responsibility for yourself.’

In response the chairman of the planning committee, Cllr Ian Mitchel, read the following statement:

‘Firstly the Authority tries to ensure that information submitted with planning applications is correct insofar as it can. All applicants have to sign a declaration on the planning application forms to confirm that the information provided is true and accurate.

‘Your second point about health risks from telecommunications development is very technical. The National Planning Policy Framework, which sets out Government instructions on how the planning system should operate, is quite clear on how planning authorities should deal with these issues:

‘Planning applications should include a declaration from the applicant that new telecommunications development will meet international commission guidelines on non-ionising radiation protection.

Planning authorities should not “question the need for an electronic communication system or set health safeguards different from the International Commission guidelines for public exposure”.

‘Compliance with International Commission guidelines is a condition of the telecoms operator’s licence which is regulated and enforced by Ofcom and not by planning authorities.

‘You have also made a point about the potential effect on the National Park landscape and the experience of visiting the Park.

‘Every planning application for telecommunications development is carefully considered so that negative effects are balanced against the benefits for our residents, for children in education, local businesses, the emergency services and our visitors.

‘This does not mean that every application is permitted, some have been refused or withdrawn because of our concerns, but on the whole we have managed to find appropriate sites and secure landscape planting for the majority.’

YDNPA – planning committee September 2024

ARC News Service reports from the meeting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority‘s (YDNPA) planning meeting on September 10 2024, when the following were discussed: an application for an agricultural building at Kettlewell; car park barrier at Hartlington  (near Burnsall); a telecommunications mast at Cam Houses, Oughtershaw; and the conversion of a garage into an office at Hawes.

Kettlewell –

After over four years of discussions and applications Nigel Lambert of Fold Farm Shorthorns at Kettlewell has finally been given planning permission for an essential barn for a farming enterprise focussed on environmental land management and preservation of native breeds. (Above: the application site near the sewage treatment works)

At the North Yorkshire councillor Robert Heseltine said: ‘The farmer needs this building – it is a necessity.’

A planning officer had, however, recommended refusal stating: ‘It is recognised that there are difficulties faced by the applicant with regards the storage of agricultural equipment and feed but it is considered that the scale, form and location of the proposed development would have a truly significantly harmful impact on the landscape of this part of the National Park.’

Member and Askrigg Parish councillor Allen Kirkbride pointed out that the Authority’s senior farm conservation officer supported the application not just because there was a genuine need. That officer had stated: ‘It is understood that the planning officer has objections to the siting of the building, however, given the fact that the intended location is adjacent to the sewage works and other man-made structures, it seems logical that this should be the preferred option rather than siting it away from the farm and village which would cause additional farm traffic travelling to and from the site.’

Both Cllr Kirkbride and North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock (Cons, Upper Dales) said that the proposed site would be well hidden. This was due to the mature trees by the sewage works and as more trees will be planted.

Lizzie Bushby (deputy chair of the Authority), however, said the barn would be seen from some views across Wharfedale and Derek Twine (chair of the Authority) asked for further conditions to ensure it didn’t  have a negative impact upon the landscape.

Cllr Kirkbride warned that if they put too many conditions on such a small farm it could fail. As the majority of members accepted the site location the head of development management, Richard Graham, said the planning department could work with the applicant and his agent, Gemma Kennedy, on the conditions regarding the materials to be used and tree planting.

Ms Kennedy told the committee the applicant had been seeking approval for a new agricultural building since March 2020. As a planning officer was concerned about the visual impact that application had been withdrawn. In 2022 Mr Lambert applied to convert and extend an existing roadside building beside Conistone Road with part of it being set aside for use by Duke of Edinburgh campers. That was also withdrawn due to concerns raised by a planning officer.

He then submitted a pre-application inquiry which led to planning officers suggesting a site very close to that which has now been approved. But Mr Lambert was concerned that site was over a  water main.

In June 2023 approval was given for him to convert the roadside building to provide facilities for the DofE campsite.

Ms Kennedy said that in the past three years she has considered all possible locations for an agricultural building with Mr Lambert and a planning officer to try and find a location that would have the least visible impact yet allow the farm to be run efficiently and sustainably.

She explained: ‘All other locations on the holding that have been considered and dismissed would have a far greater visual impact than the application site, not to mention constraints including narrow accesses, sloping sites and historic field lynchets, making them unsuitable to pursue. (Below: the view from the field with lynchets suggested as possible site for the barn by a planning officer.)

‘The applicant’s farming system – keeping native breed cattle on Biodiversity Action Plan hay meadows, epitomises what the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority heralds as its vision. Denying the necessary facilities to operate would be counter intuitive.’

The present application was for a smaller building than that suggested in 2022 with a five metre clearance from the water main. ‘We acknowledge that the building will be subject to public views, but so too are the majority of agricultural buildings in the National Park,’ Ms Kennedy said.

Cllr Peacock commented: ‘Wherever you put a building in  the National Park it will be seen by somebody, somewhere.’

Hartlington –

Edwin Williams of Burnsall Parish Meeting pleaded with members of the planning committee not to start enforcement action against the owner of the private seasonal car park near Burnsall.

A planning officer stated that the installation of a stone entrance ‘island’ and metal boxes for the barrier at White House Farm car park at Lower Hartlington were not in accordance with the planning approval made by the  planning committee in May 2021.

The approved scheme called for two simple cabinets to be clad in a timber housing and for the car park entrance to be screened with trees. A hedge has been planted instead and the planning officer said: ‘The development, as built, is a highly over-engineered approach to the issue of streamlining access and payment for the car park.

‘The landscape is a highly pastoral one providing an iconic setting to Burnsall. The application site is highly visible from the village, the historic bridge and from one of the key entry points to the village. The area around Burnsall has great scenic value which is appreciated by thousands of visitors every year.’

She, therefore, recommended refusal of the retrospective planning application to vary the conditions of original approval and for enforcement action to bring the development in line with that.

Mr Williams told the committee:  ‘When the application was passed in 2021 we were so grateful because the traffic in Burnsall had been horrendous since Covid. On one day the village was blocked for four hours – you couldn’t get a vehicle in or out.’

The barrier system at the car park, he explained, had stopped cars being backed up across the bridge and into the village. ‘So please do not remove these barriers. I plead – I beg – I go on my knees – please do not.’

He said that the appearance of the barriers was minimal – and North Yorkshire councillor Robert Heseltine agreed with him.

Cllr Heseltine described the car park entrance and barriers as a very discreet solution, visible for only a short distance, which had solved the vehicular access problems in Burnsall. ‘We should welcome and congratulate this farming family for commitment over many decades to actually supporting our [the Authority’s] statutory duty.’ (To promote opportunities for the public understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities  of the National Park.)

North Yorkshire councillor Andrew Murday (Lib Dem) said: ‘I find it very difficult to understand why we would refuse this when it would make things so much worse.’

Two committee members, however, believed it was wrong to approve a retrospective planning application when the applicant had ignored what the committee had previously approved.

The majority of the committee did approve the latest application with the condition that the present metal boxes were covered in timber cladding and that some trees were planted to screen the entrance. ARC News Service.

Cam Houses, Oughtershaw –

The committee agreed with a planning officer that the impact upon the landscape around Cam Houses at Oughtershaw of a 20m lattice telecommunications mast with three radio antennas and three 600mm dishes would be too significant.

Twine said this was a situation where the first purpose of the National Park to protect and conserve the landscape came into play. ‘There is not much more iconic than this remote area,’ he added. It was also described by members as an important open area with spectacular scenery.

The planning officer said the mast would breach the skyline in what was a highly sensitive, exposed and relatively wild landscape seen from Ribblesdale. He explained: ‘The proposed development would prejudice the public’s enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by introducing a prominent and incongruous structure that would result in significant harm within an iconic landscape of outstanding natural beauty that is currently enjoyed by numerous visitors.’

The installation of the mast above Cam Houses would include fencing, two telecom cabinets, and hard standing, plus the possibility of an unmetalled grass 250m long track from the Pennine Way.

It was reported that the applicant, Cornerstone, considered the mast to be critical to provide a line of sight to others such as those at Buckden and Coverdale.

When asked if there was an alternative solution the planning officer replied that it had been suggested the fibre optic network in the area could be connected to the mast at Hubberholme. He added: ‘ The coverage on the tops of the hills won’t be as good without this proposal but, certainly in the habitable areas of the valley, there appears to be this alternative proposal.’

Buckden Parish Council had told the committee: ‘The application has significant implications for mobile network provision in Buckden Parish. We are … supportive of improved 4G coverage in remote rural areas.’ It added that communities without mobile coverage were becoming increasingly disadvantaged and the provision of 4G coverage was a pre-requisite of the YDNPA vision of ‘strong self-reliant communities’.

In addition, it said, the funding available under the government’s Shared Rural Network was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to provide remote communities with a service that has been available to much of the country for more than a decade.

It stated that the mast at Raikes Wood, Buckden, would not provide effective coverage in the Oughtershaw area and one at Cam Houses would benefit residents as well as walkers using the Dalesway and Pennine Way.  The parish council was particularly opposed to increasing the height of the mast at Raikes Wood to compensate for not having one at Cam Houses.

The planning officer said the objections included impact upon landscape, impact  upon the ecology, and some strong concerns relating to the health and safety  of such masts, and  how those affected human health and wildlife, in particular insects.

The committee was clapped by members of the group: Dales Commoners – Keeping the Dales Natural, wild and free of 5G.

Hawes –

The demolition of a garage and the construction of a two-storey office building beside Bear Interiors at Hawes was approved even though the parish council was very concerned about the impact upon parking and access to a residential area.

Member Allen Kirkbride said the single storey garage would best be replaced with a single-storey building. North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock questioned if another office building was needed in Hawes and she told the meeting:

‘This is a very busy part of Hawes. I can see this [creating] great difficulties for all the residents who park there. We are putting a work place right in the middle of a residential area.’ Like Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council she was concerned that having an office there would make parking in the town even worse.

The members who attended a site meeting heard residents’ concerns that the private roads on either side of the garage might be blocked when the office was being built, including the only access to Wards store which deals with delivering gas bottles.

At the committee meeting member Lizzie Bushby asked if a parking strategy could be drawn up but Richard Graham, head of development management, responded that was not practical when no parking space was allocated to the garage. The planning officer reported that the owner of the garage did not own the small piece of land in front of it.

She stated: ‘There is no parking on site, so the offices could only be accessed by foot. However, the site is close to many public parking spaces. The Highway Authority has not objected to the proposed development. Questions regarding access over private land are matters for the individuals concerned and not material planning considerations.’

She did not believe the new building would overlook or overshadow neighbouring properties or cause any loss of privacy. Permitted development rights would be removed so that planning approval would have to be obtained for any change of use.

She said that replacing the old garage with an office block built with traditional materials in keeping with conventional architecture would ‘represent a minor enhancement of the street scene’.


YDNPA – planning committee July 2024

ARC News Service reports on the meeting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) planning committee on July 16 2024. Items discussed included:  a slurry bag for Arches Farm at Bolton Abbey;  a housing development at Giggleswick;  a new storage building for the Kilnsey Show;  possible enforcement action against Network Rail.; and a dog walking facility at Devils Bridge. A decision regarding a garage cum workshop in Hawes was deferred for a site meeting.


Arches Farm at Bolton Abbey

Protecting the River Wharfe from pollution is high on the priorities for the Arches Farm near Bolton Abbey, Stephen Bolland told the committee.

He stated: ‘We farm close to the River Wharfe and protecting the river is something that is important to me and my family, regardless of legislation requirements. We already work hard to farm in a way that protects the environment.’

In addition, he said, they want to install a 50m by 29m slurry bag in a field to meet the requirements of the Environment Agency’s Reduction and Prevention of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution Regulations 2018.

But a planning officer argued that due to the proposed location the slurry bag would have a detrimental impact upon the landscape even though there would be a metre high bund. She pointed out that when the bag was full it would be 1.5m above the bund.

The majority of the committee, however, voted to approve the application. As this was against officer recommendation it may be referred back.

Mr Bolland had explained: ‘A slurry storage bag is the type of solution recommended by Natural England and the Environment Agency. And as the next generation at the Arches farm I am enthusiastic about the benefits despite the cost implications to our business.

‘By law we have to collect all the cow slurry and dirty water produced on our farm and store it. Slurry is fertiliser and if applied correctly it avoids the need for artificial fertiliser and doesn’t harm the environment.

‘A need for a large store is so that the application of slurry can be optimised to take account of the environment of growing grass and the weather at the time of application. With a store of the size proposed we will never need to spread in winter or when it is raining so we can safeguard the environment. We are not intensive dairy farmers. We have a mixture of sheep and cattle and our produce, including our milk, is sold and consumed locally.

‘As a family we appreciate the special qualities of the National Park in the picturesque setting of Bolton Abbey. As a parish councillor commented, we have farmed at the Arches Farm for several generations having ensured our operations are in harmony with the tourism activities that draw thousands of visitors to the village each year. Our land management and keeping of livestock adds to the attraction for visitors.

‘I genuinely believe that the slurry storage bag screened by dry stone walls and proposed tree planting will have less of an impact than is suggested in the [officer’s] report. An amended plan has been submitted to show a new dry stone wall instead of previously shown hedge to screen the views from the bridle way to the west. When it comes to long distance views from across the dale, I remain of the opinion that these will only be intermittent glimpses between trees and that it would not be harmful.’

The YDNPA’s historic environment team commented: ‘It’s appreciated that there may be a wider landscape impact from this development, but it’s not considered that it would have a significant impact on recorded heritage assets on, or in the vicinity of the site.’

The planning officer, however, stated: ‘The siting of a slurry bag of the size proposed, along with the excavation works and engineering operations required would impose a large and prominent unsightly feature in this open landscape that would result in harm to the intrinsic pastoral character and visual quality of the area and would fail to conserve or enhance the natural beauty of the National Park. As an unsightly feature of significant scale and prominence it would also distract and detract from the wider setting of the Bolton Abbey historic landscape which is of international importance. It is considered that such a large and potentially reflective feature in this location cannot be adequately mitigated or assimilated into the established, open landscape character through landscape planting and a less harmful location should be considered.’

Member Lizzie Bushby supported her and stated: ‘I do worry that this is a very high quality landscape adjacent to Bolton Abbey and it is visible in long distance views across the valley. It is potentially going to be highly visible and a change to this landscape.’

Bolton Abbey Parish Council had disagreed. It had told the committee: ‘We are of the opinion that this proposal will have no visual impact on the landscape character of the surrounding area nor will it introduce any amenity issues. We believe that the proposal should be supported to allow this considerate, long standing farm enterprise to continue to grow sustainably to the benefit of future generations and the village.’

North Yorkshire councillor Richard Foster commented that it would be difficult to find any site near Bolton Abbey that wasn’t of historical importance. ‘These were some of the first pastoral fields probably in the north of England [as the monks] probably had a dairy farm here rather than a sheep farm because it was closer to the priory for making cheese. So it is probably one of the most historic dairy farms in the country and to stop it on the grounds that it is not meeting environmental targets I think is wrong. I think [ this] is a really good solution. A big metal or concrete structure would probably look worse on the aspect of Bolton Abbey.’

Parish council member Allen Kirkbride said that a large concrete or metal slurry tank would stand out like a sore thumb and that fulfilling the latest legal requirements was a big financial outlay for small farms. ‘To my mind the applicants have bent over backwards to try to minimise the amount of environmental impact on this site. They are willing to screen it with planting schemes and a dry stone wall. I don’t know what more can be done. We are going to lose dairy farming in the dales if we are not careful. We do need help from the National Park to keep farms going especially dairy farms.’

When agreeing with Ms Bushby that a decision should be deferred Member Mark Corner said ‘I prefer nothing at the moment and come back with a better location.’

Cllr Foster, however, stated: ‘I am not sure another site will functionally work. We might be in a position where this [this application] comes back in six months time at which point the farm hasn’t had suitable storage. We could have another wet winter and we could’ve put the farm in the position where it is polluting the river.’

Westmorland and Furness councillor Graham Simpkins said the country needed the farming industry and added: ‘We need slurry management because we know the problems with the rivers.’

And North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock commented: ‘Only the farmer knows the best place for this for his business.’

Several members, including Cllr Foster, asked if the proposed screening with trees and bushes could be increased, and if there was an alternative colour for the slurry bag rather than grey.

Richard Graham, head of development management, said that usually a decision was referred back to the next planning committee meeting if it was against officer recommendation. He said he wanted to talk to the applicant to see if he could offer a landscaping scheme which would improve the impact upon the landscape.


Compromise was the key word when the committee approved a development of nine homes, large and small, on a site at Stackhouse Lane, Giggleswick.

The development will have five open market houses with one to always be a principle residency; two First Homes discounted for first-time buyers; and two flats for rent through a housing association. The First Homes and the flats were counted as affordable housing units.

Mr Graham said that, although principle residency was not a policy in the present Local Plan, having one open market dwelling designated as such had been agreed with the developer.

When asked by Mr Corner whether the developer might seek to remove the four affordable housing units Mr Graham replied: ‘I think it’s unlikely. It’s taken ten years to get to this point with this particular site. It’s been through an awful lot of discussion about viability – and through an appeal where viability has been looked at. I am really hopeful we will get some affordable housing on this site soon.’

He said the site had been allocated for development in the present Local Plan to deliver affordable housing for local people and not open market housing. ‘However, it’s one of the harsh realities of negotiating over a development scheme whereby viability is such an issue that you do end up with a compromise. Our current policy states we would accept a financial contribution in lieu of on-site affordable housing so it’s been a real plus to secure some on-site rather than spent somewhere else. It’s not ideal but it’s a good compromise.’

Cllr Kirkbride said: ‘The only thing that worries me a bit is the size of the affordable housing. It looks slightly minute compared with the open market housing.’

The planning officer had stated: ‘There is significant plot disparity with the four affordable units on a combined plot size equivalent to one of the open market plots. The purpose of allocating the site is in order to secure the affordable units and yet the majority of the site will be taken up with the open market houses. It is also understood that the applicants are seeking to maximise viability on a site with several abnormal costs including significant excavation works and undergrounding the overhead line.’

She explained that due to the sloping nature of the land quite a lot of excavation was required. ‘We have tried to achieve the best compromise and accepted that the houses would be elevated above the road. That was why the landscaping was such an integral part of negotiations.’

In her report she stated: ‘Given that the allocated site had little depth into the field, the submitted scheme brought the buildings closer to the road. However, officers suggested that the applicant increase the depth of the site beyond the allocation in order to site the buildings further back from the road. This has enabled more open space around the buildings and some space for meaningful tree planting to the front. All of the buildings will still remain in the allocated site.

‘The proposed mix of houses includes four affordable units – two First Homes and two apartments for affordable rent. The Strategic Housing Marketing Assessment (SHMA) has identified a need for small affordable rented properties and the apartments will help to meet this need. First Homes are effectively discounted market sale units which are discounted by 30 per cent from the market value and sold at not more than £250k to a person or persons meeting the First Homes eligibility criteria (first time buyer, household income not exceeding £80k). The 30 per cent discount is passed down to subsequent owners of the property but the price cap of £250k is only for the first sale.’

Kilnsey Show

Compromise had also been important in finding a location for a storage building for the equipment used by the Kilnsey Show even though it was accepted it would not be an ideal site.

The planning officer explained that a decision had been deferred at the committee’s meeting on May 28 to see if a better site could be found than that originally proposed by the Upper Wharfedale Agricultural Society (UWAS). Following discussions with UWAS she accepted that a site near Scar Laithe Barn would offer the best compromise.

She said: ‘There is a need for a permanent building to store equipment for the show. It is an important event within the agricultural calendar of the Dales and contributes significantly to the agricultural heritage and economy of the dales.’

Chris Windle, the agent for UWAS told the committee: ‘The society has always been acutely aware of the iconic landscape at Kilnsey. It’s one of the things that makes the show as successful as it is [with a] fantastic backdrop and the acoustics – with the commentary bouncing off the crag.

‘The show is an iconic dales event. It’s probably one of the most important agricultural shows in the Yorkshire Dales. We have got a dilapidated building that has been there 50 years. So we need to have something more modern to ensure that the show, which has been going for over 125 years, can continue for as long as possible.

‘We’ve got a compromise that suits, I hope, the members and the planning officers. It suits the society, it suits the landowner.’

When it was noted that the new location was nearer to Kilnsey Crag Mr Graham said: ‘It’s going to have a landscape impact but we think that it is less than the site that was originally proposed.’

Cllr Foster commented: ’It’s not an ideal site but I do think it’s the best compromise…for the volunteer organisation.’ It was important, he said, that the building worked well for the volunteers.

Parish council member Liz Appleton Hall, who is chairman of Conistone with Kilnsey Parish Meeting, said: ‘The Kilnsey Show showcases the Dales. It’s a very good example of our statutory purpose to promote the understanding and enjoyment of the qualities of the Yorkshire Dales – and 10,000 people went last year.’

Network Rail and Blea Moor

Cllr Heseltine described the work carried out by Network Rail on Blea Moor as ‘vandalism of the highest order’. And Cllr Foster commented that it looked like criminal damage.

They and other members of the committee were shocked to see photographs showing the 4.5m wide track already created by Network Rail as part of one 620m long route to provide access to a tunnel ventilation shaft. The depth of the stonework on the track varies from 600m to 1m.

They were told that its construction had involved the excavation of earth, including peat, in order to reach ground sufficiently solid to build on. The planning officer said the work had begun in August 2023 without informing the landowner, who had stopped it a month later after being told about the track by a Dent Parish councillor.

It was reported that the landowner had worked with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) and Yorkshire Peat Partnership (YPP) between 2020 and 2020 to restore peatland at that site of the track with funds from Nature for Climate and Countryside Stewardship agreements.

YWT stated: ‘Due to the prolonged period between the damage occurring and YPP being commissioned to undertake the works to stabilise the exposed bare peat, damage has continued to occur. For example, peat was left uncovered for a significant period and it is impossible to comprehensively cover up the piles of excavated peat, plus erosion has taken place due to the channelling of water into new gullies (50+) that have formed around the track.

‘The installation of the track has disrupted the structure of the peat and the peatland hydrology. The specialised peatland vegetation that forms under healthy blanket bog conditions forms new peat, captures carbon, slows the flow of water across the landscape and provides habitat for rare and important birds and other wildlife. Once the peat structure and hydrology has been compromised, these processes are also compromised.’

The planning officer reported: ‘Blanket bog is classed as irreplaceable habitat. The unauthorised works have clearly caused loss and damage to an irreplaceable habitat. For such damage to be justified there needs to be “wholly  exceptional” circumstances.’

Network Rail stated that it needed access to three tunnel ventilation shafts serving Blea Moor tunnel to fix new tops to the turrets and carry out repairs to brick and metalwork so as to stop rainwater falling onto the tracks and freezing in winter. The planning officer said that, although it was accepted that these repairs were necessary, these works were clearly not a ‘nationally important infrastructure project’.

Both he and the landowner believed that other methods could have been used to access the turrets such as helicopter lifts, using Argo Cat vehicles, use of bog mats and floating access tracks. All of these, however, had been discounted by Network Rail.

The planning officer told the committee that Network Rail had withdrawn its retrospective planning application for the track. Approval was given for enforcement action.

Devils  Bridge

Just one vote decided the fate of an application to provide a safe place to exercise dogs opposite a parking area near Devils Bridge on the A683. Eight members of the committee voted to refuse the application in accordance with officer recommendation, seven were for approval and there was one abstention.

The proposal was for the change of use of a flat field to create an enclosed private area offering safe and secure spaces for dog owners, locals and visitors, to allow their dogs to play off lead during booked time slots between 6.30am and 9.30am. In addition to the existing wall there would have been a six metre fence with the field being divided into four paddocks of differing sizes.

The applicant, Annie Golden of Pooch Pods Ltd, told the meeting she had read reports about sheep worrying and dog attacks and wanted to help find a solution. She added: ‘The number [of dog owners] has grown hugely. And a lot of these dogs since Covid haven’t had the opportunity to be exercised.’ She said the field was near a parking area where there were toilets and a refreshment kiosk.

Parish council member Libby Bateman commented: ‘There is a real demand for this kind of facility. Dogs will be better behaved if they’ve had a good chase about. I don’t think this will be as intrusive as what we thought originally. I think it will be a great addition to the area.’

But others agreed with the planning officer that it would have a detrimental impact upon the landscape. ‘I don’t think it’s the best place,’ said Ms Bushby. ‘It’s potentially going to have a detrimental impact on the gateway to the National Park.

And Cllr Simpkins stated: ‘This is the gateway to the Westmorland Dales. If you go down there at the weekend this is an extremely congested area. There are motorbikes [and bicycles] all over the place, and there’s cars as well. And the burger van. This is totally the wrong place.’


It was agreed to hold a site meeting before making a decision regarding the application to demolish a garage cum workshop at the west end of Hawes Market Place and build a two-storey stone building to be used as an office.

The planning officer had recommended this be approved. But Cllr Yvonne Peacock told the committee: ‘This is a very very tight site. I think you need to see this in context to actually realise just what it is like and how narrow it is round there.’

Stop Ure Pollution (SUP)


Stop Ure Pollution (SUP) was unanimously voted into existence at a meeting at Leyburn Methodist Church Hall on June 25 2024.

Over 70 attended the meeting as they were so concerned about the pollution of the River Ure, including that caused by the discharge of raw sewage.

The chair of the interim committee of the ‘Health of the River Ure’ group, Prof Richard Loukota, said the aims of SUP were: to stop the discharges of raw sewage when storm conditions were not occurring; to upgrade water treatment facilities; and to identify pollution caused by the run-off from farms.

One man asked how they could bring about change when agencies such as Defra and the Environment Agency were so under-funded and under-manned. ‘You can collect as much data as you like but when you look at Defra they don’t have the resources because of the cutbacks.’ He also wondered what could be done if polluters weren’t breaking the law.

Richard replied that there were instances when polluters were breaking the law and Ofwat has the power to impose unlimited fines. ‘They need to be pushed to do so,’ he said.

Sheila Toper from Aysgarth commented: ‘We have got to start somewhere and the more voices raised the more successful we will be.’

When asked how soon data could be collected Charlotte Simons of the Yorkshire Dales River Trust (YDRT) explained how volunteer citizen scientists could assist with sampling the river water throughout its length and from that data  hot spots could be identified.‘The data collected by volunteers will be more specific and there will be far more testing along the river.’

Along the Rivers Wharfe and Nidd volunteers had tested between 30 and 40 sites she said and added: ‘That gives you a far greater picture of where the pollution might be coming in.’

She explained the YDRT will now work with the SUP volunteers to identify testing sites, hold training days for volunteers and organise a date for the first sampling by the end of August.

Since the meeting about the health of the river on April 30, sponsored by the Association of Rural Communities, over 40 people have volunteered to help with water sampling.

Some at the meeting questioned the independence of the testing of the water samples as the cost of this would be met by Yorkshire Water. Charlotte confirmed that the laboratory is an independent accredited and has been used by YDRT for both testing of samples from the Wharfe and the Nidd.

Richard pointed out that testing water samples was very expensive and it will take time for the new group to build up funds. He said he had attended Save Our Swale meetings to learn from them about setting up such a group.

Both he and Charlotte emphasised that this needed to be a collaborative effort, working with not only Yorkshire Water and the Environment Agency but also the Yorkshire Dales National Park, and other river groups to be effective. This, Richard said, included parliamentary candidates.

He introduced two parliamentary candidates: Liberal Democrat Daniel Callaghan and Kevin Foster of the Green Party, both of whom have included cleaning up rivers and seas in their aims.

SUP committee

Chair: Richard Loukota – lives in Thornton Rust, is a professor emeritus of surgery, and a keen fisherman.

Toby Milbank –  lives near Bedale and is a Chartered Surveyor and Master of Land Economy.  He is a former chairman of North Yorkshire committee of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust and is an amateur conservationist, ornithologist and fisherman.

Douglas Palethorpe – I live in Middleham.  He said: ‘I’m currently a chef and maintenance man and I’ve noticed a decline in the river/fish population whilst living here.’

Luke Pearce – lives at Ulshaw, ‘I’m an Investment Manager but more importantly a fisherman who is married to a wild swimmer.  I walk the dogs down the Ure twice a day.’

David Read – Lives in Redmire ,is a  Scientist and Chartered Engineer, a keen Tri-Athlete/ Open water swimmer.

Mark Thompson – water modeller with Yorkshire Water

Plus  Pip Pointon – the clerk, membership secretary and publicity officer. She lives in  Aysgarth, is a retired journalist and overseas aid worker. Her local voluntary work includes being the administrative officer of the Association of Rural Communities which sponsored the meetings that led to the creation of SUP.

Surfers Against Sewage at Aysgarth Falls











A Surfers Against Sewage  (SAS) team paid a visit to Aysgarth Falls on the morning of Thursday June 20 2024 to find out about pollution in the River Ure. (Above from left: Ann McKelvey,  Chloe Flood, Kirsty Davies,  Katie Bone and Richard Loukota).

They were invited by Prof Richard Loukota, the interim chair of the group being formed to campaign against the pollution of the River Ure and its tributaries.

Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) has embarked on an Election Road Trip travelling the length of the UK  to galvanise communities to demand election candidates to end sewage pollution. It wants to take the sewage debate to political, sewage and surfing hotspots.

It was invited by Save Our Swale (SOS)  to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s constituency to hold one of its hustings at Richmond on Friday evening (June 21 2024).  The CEO of Surfers Against Sewage, Giles Bristow, commented: ‘Local activists [in Swaledale] have been fighting to clean up their favourite beauty spot.’

In Wensleydale Aysgarth Falls is a key beauty spot but  the Association of Rural Communities, which has sponsored the creation of the River Ure group, has pointed out that the Falls are affected by raw sewage discharges.

With its brightly painted open-top double-decker battle bus (see below)  its team on Thursday (Ann McKelvey,  Chloe Flood, Kirsty Davies and Katie Bone) were delighted to be able to visit the Upper Falls at Aysgarth where they were met by Richard and others keen to see an end to the pollution of the River Ure.

Richard said: ‘Surfers Against Sewage are very keen to have safe water for everyone and they have been incredibly supportive of Save Our Swale.  They have kindly offered their support with everything you need to know when you are setting up a group. ‘

He added that many of the visitors at the Falls that day did not realise how much the River Ure was polluted, both from sewage and also agricultural run-off.

Having a River Ure group will, he added, help them to work collaboratively not only with SOS, the Nidd Action Group and  the Ilkley Clean River Group but also nationally with others such as Surfers Against Sewage. ‘We are struggling together,’  he said. And that included those who had become ill swimming in rivers.

He hoped an online database for rivers could be developed similar to the Surfers Against Sewage one for our seas and oceans.   ‘I think the pollution of the rivers is becoming something people are concerned about and it is going to affect their voting,’ Richard commented.

(Below: The SAS battlebus with Aysgarth church in the background)

Health of the River Ure











Above: Charlotte Simons of Yorkshire Dales River Trust addressing the meeting

Some key points from the meeting at Leyburn Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday April 30.

We need to set up our own group of citizen scientists with its own committee. That’s why I have been working on a confidential (BCC) email address  list of all those who have expressed an interest, with the aim of organising another meeting.

We need to work with the Yorkshire Dales River Trust and with Yorkshire Water’s River Health Improvement team to ensure that any water testing we do will be fully accredited and accepted by the Environment Agency.

Here is a more detailed report on the speeches and questions at that meeting:

Alastair Dinsdale, chairman of the Association of Rural Communities (ARC)

Welcome and introduction:

I have lived alongside the River Ure, and its tributary Ellerbeck, all of my life.  I remember my fifth birthday party, playing in the stream and I spent many years exploring and fishing the Ure.

But I have noticed a gradual decline in the health of the river over the years, particularly in the summer months as flow rates decline.  Algae and sediments have choked out the gravels and it’s now very difficult to find a caddisfly fly larvae, a bullhead stickleback or even a minnow.  Crayfish, which were so abundant at one time, are now are almost non-existent.

But why?

In the winter months we see more frequent and much larger flooding of the river.  This winter brought the highest flood level at Wath bridge that I have seen in my whole lifetime, and the flood water barely fit under Aysgarth Yore Mills bridge.

Climate change is real and is happening.

Agriculture, which is often blamed, is in decline in the upper dale with a huge reduction in the numbers of sheep and cattle post the foot and mouth disease outbreak, plus soil health and nutrient management are improving at a pace.

On the flip side, more land is being covered in concrete, tarmac and hard surfacing, for roads, car parks, driveways, caravan sites and similar development making flash flooding much quicker.

Sewage and water treatment plants are inadequate and out-dated as they have not kept pace with house building and summer time loading. In droughts and very low flow periods a significant amount of the flow in the river has been through a sewerage system, raising temperatures and picking up nutrients. This, combined with further warming in low flow pools, is making the water toxic to river life.

Once upon a time the dales were served by local spring water supplies but nationalisation changed all that and now water falling in the upper catchment runs down the river picking up all sorts of nasties before it is drawn out at Kilgram Bridge, stored at Thornton Steward, cleaned and pumped back to the top of the dale.  It is stupid and I hate telling people how ridiculous it is.

Surely storing water in reservoirs, lakes and ponds in the upper catchment would alleviate the peaks of flooding and be there to drink or release into the river to cool and keep the river live?  It happens for the Tyne and Tees, why not here?

When ARC decided to support Aysgarth and District Parish Council in objecting to a holiday lodge development overlooking Aysgarth Falls, despite raising significant concerns that the proposed development with its associated hot tubs was likely to overwhelm the existing sewerage system, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA) planning committee voted to grant permission and stated that they didn’t need to consider the impact on the river within their remit as a planning authority.

I guess that is the same with planning authorities elsewhere in the country.  How is this a sensible way forward?  We know the water companies are failing to invest and update the infrastructure.  Local authorities need to develop an integrated approach to planning and its impact on the environment, including the rivers.  What is required is change.

We want tonight to be positive and bring about accountability and change.  We need a strong group of people to monitor the state of the river, and we need to lobby to improve things before the River Ure becomes the Wensleydale sewer.

Charlotte Simons , Senior Project Manager, Yorkshire Dales River Trust, and its lead for its Wharfe Catchment Management Plan

She said that in England the main sources of pollution were: agriculture and fishing in rural areas; sewage and waste water; and diffuse pollutions such as the run-off from urban areas

The River Ure is 74 miles long with its source at Ure Head with 38 water bodies across two operational catchments before it flows into  the River Ouse. Citizens’ science came into play, she said, when people wanted to find out what the main sources of pollution were, what was causing them and how to improve the situation.

The Yorkshire Dales River Trust (YDRT) had started working with volunteers along the River Wharfe and it was the first inland water body to gain bathing water status, thanks to a large scale citizens’ science monitoring programme. The volunteers  had taken water samples along the whole length of the river and set up an accredited  citizens’ science framework. A report has been submitted by the Environment Agency. The Trust has a community data sharing platform and wants to extend this to not just the Wharfe but the Swale, the Ure and the Ouse, she said.

She continued: Such a project helped communities to influence decision making about their river. ‘You can’t always guarantee that this will happen but there’s been an awful lot of changes along the Wharfe because of the results coming out.’

She explained that on the mornings when volunteers tested water from one end of the Wharfe to the other, two sets of samples were taken: one to be tested for nutrients (phosphates) and the other for bacteria. This was because bacteria samples must be tested more quickly than those for nutrients. There had been two days of water sampling – one on a wet day and the other on a dry day. The tributaries were also included. In that way an overall picture of the health of the river could be ascertained.

‘The lessons we have learnt:  its best to look at the whole river and under different conditions – high flow and low flow. If you want to do advocacy you need to ensure you have got accurate and credible results. You need to make sure  you are following the protocol that is accepted by the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water.

‘But before you do all that you need to be clear about what questions you are asking – what do you want to find out about the river. Because there are different ways to find out different things And then you match  your testing methods to the questions you want to ask .’

She added: ‘Citizen scientists are worth their weight in gold – we can’t do [this] without support of people in the community and without your interest on the ground.

‘What can we all do for our rivers? Be aware of the issues – raise awareness. Get to know [your river]  know your own stretch. If it doesn’t look right report it to the Environment Agency . Be more concerned as a consumer. Think before you put something down the drain.’

She emphasised that wet wipes must not be flushed down  toilets or put down drains as these combined with fat to create fat balls – which were costly to clear.

To a question, she responded that the pollution of rivers had increased since the 1980s and there was more than one source. One factor was the impact of pharmaceutical and personal care products which were entering rivers and tributaries from other sources, not just sewage works, such as sun screens when people were swimming.

Hannah Fawcett – YDNPA Farm Conservation Advisor/Catchment Sensitive Farming

She explained that catchment assisted farming was a national Defra and Natural England scheme administered in the National Park by the YDNPA.  She had worked on the Semerwater catchment scheme for ten years during which time biodiversity had increased.

The Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) team offers a range of help to those farmers who contacted it for  help and advice. The team could help with applying for grants through the national countryside stewardship scheme and could obtain specialist advice from a national consultancy.

The team worked  with farmers to reduce  phosphates and sediment in the Ure and its tributaries and reducing contact between livestock and water courses..  There were grants available for water quality work such as for putting in new drainage to separate clean and dirty water. But she warned that these were not 100 per cent grants and that could be a barrier to getting work done.

Clare Beasant – Yorkshire Water’s River Health Improvement Manager

She reported that the  River Health Improvement team had come into being on January 15 this year as Yorkshire Water wanted a more proactive response to working with people across Yorkshire.

‘What we don’t do is talk to people enough, and what we don’t do is listen to people enough. And that’s why we are really excited about being here tonight, ‘  she told the meeting.

She explained that what they wanted to do over the next five years was to have continuous water course monitoring of the Ure to get a good picture over its whole length.  YW wanted to work with citizens’ science teams to find out where the issues were. It also wanted to understand why waste treatment works were not operating as people would want them to and resolve problems, she said.

As the river health improvement team was quite small they did need to work with communities. ‘We can’t do it on our own. We really need your support as local groups like this and citizens’ science can help us build up that picture. We don’t have the resources  [to do all the water sampling] and so any help is fantastic. We want to be involved and we want to support you as much as we can.’

This, she said,  would include offering to cover the high cost of the water sampling kits and analysis, the latter being carried out by an independent laboratory.

Report from Mashamshire Litter Busters

Read at the meeting: We are a team of about eight volunteers that do our best to collect litter in an area centred on Masham, every week and obviously patrolling the bank and the Burn.  The Town street drains we are certain mostly drain to the Ure carrying litter – except that we hope we catch just some of it before it goes down the drains.    We sometimes patrol up river towards Marfield and down towards West Tanfield.   We are supported by Masham Parish Council who pay for our public liability insurance, high vis vests and grabbers.

If we had sufficient funds and influence I think it would be a revelation to install one of those large nets in the Ure that traps litter and transport it into Masham Market Square for all to see!  Or even at the outlets where street drains end

Nicholas Copes  read a report about the survey carried out for the Wild Trout Trust by Prof J Grey. This had shown that in some of the becks around Hawes there are very few young fish in the spawning grounds.

On his advisory visit in 2021 Prof Grey had reported: ‘Smaller tributaries are of disproportionate importance for the wild fish populations at spawning and nursery areas because of a lack of such habitat in the larger channels. While they are subject to the same environment stressors, restoration measures can achieve notable and quick results because of the smaller scale of such systems.  He noted that diffuse pollution sources of silt/soil ingress was apparent wherever livestock had access to the banks.

Hawes and High Abbotside Angling Association invested in the fish population survey of six tributaries of the Upper Ure, undertaken by Prof Grey, and has been allocated funds towards a river bank protection project  when landowner agreement has been secured.

Eddie Wyvill , the chairman of the Yorkshire Dales Salmon Group, told the meeting that he was also born in Wensleydale but in the last ten to fifteen years had seen changes which had had a massive impact upon the landscape with a direct correlation with the quality of water in the river.

He said: ‘The Yorkshire Dales was one of the strongholds of [hay] meadows. They used to be full of different kinds of grasses and full of flowers.

‘What makes a river? It’s not you and I swimming in it or canoeing in it. It’s what lives in it. And that’s the fish and the insects and that all has to work side by side. But now, due to intensive dairy farming, particularly in Coverdale, many of the hay meadows have been replaced with rye grass, a monoculture with no insects.’

He added that the fields of rye grass were sprayed with slurry and cut five times a year. ‘Just before heavy rainfall down the slurry tankers come, the whole Dale stinks …. I spoke to one of the farmers [who sprayed] 1,500 litres of slurry per acre per cut. That’s eight and a half thousand litres of slurry per acre. And some are doing it down by the River Ure – on the flood plain.

‘What is the National Park going to do about land use and about the dairy intensity? ‘ He believed  that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority  (YDNPA) should be held accountable for land use in the Dale.

Hannah Fawcett, the YDNPA farm conservation advisor, pointed out that the Authority owns less than one per cent of the land in the national park. She and the Authority’s Catchment Sensitive Farming team, therefore, works with private landowners and farmers by offering advice  when requested.

She believed there were less cows in Wensleydale now but what had changed was the way they were managed. ‘We recognise that and we work with  dairy farmers …concerning farming in protected landscapes.’

She said there was a whole sweep of priority habitats in the National Park which were nationally and internationally important. ‘We are working with Natural England and the Environment Agency to protect those habitats and to restore them where possible.

Alastair Dinsdale said it was the changing economics of dairy farming which had led to the creation of bigger farms. There was also a problem with the wetter weather so that the animals were housed in barns for longer.  Even sheep farmers were finding the winter weather no longer fit to keep livestock outside. He pointed out that there were legal rules about what could be spread on farm fields. The fields were supposed to be tested to check exactly what nutrients were necessary before anything was spread on them.

Prof Richard Loukota  from Thornton Rust told the meeting that according to the Environment Agency  there had been 11,612 hours of discharge of untreated sewage during 2023 as compared to 4,370 hours in 2022. This, he said, was an increase of 160 per cent.  There had been discharges for 3,233 hours in 2023 from the treatment plant between Leyburn and Harmby, he added.   The rivers, he said, are ranked and the River Ure comes 57. ‘Which doesn’t sound too bad until you realise that is 57 out of over 4,000.  He wondered  how much Yorkshire Water would spend on the River Ure and its tributaries out of the £180 million it plans to spend in this region.

Neil Smeeton, who lives at West Burton, spoke on behalf of Burton cum Walden Parish Council. He described how upset he was to see visitors allowing their children play in Bishopdale Beck.

He reported that in 2022 the sewage treatment plant at West Burton discharged untreated sewage on 138 separate days for a total of 1,079 hours. And it was only slightly better in 2023. He said:  ‘West Burton sewage treatment plant was the worst for days of discharging untreated sewage in the whole River  Ure catchment area  all the way from Hawes right down to Ripon.  And 29th worst  of all the 2,224 similar plants in the whole of Yorkshire Water area.

‘The farmer who owns the field with the outfall pipe tells me that the bank by the pipe can become so disgusting that he has to contact Yorkshire Water to come and clean it to protect his stock. A fisherman in West Burton told me that the area around the outfall pipe is often surrounded by human waste, wet wipes, condoms, sanitary products and  sometimes it just stinks.

‘Burton cum Walden Parish Council has asked Yorkshire Water to increase the storage capacity of our local treatment plant so no untreated  sewage has to be pumped straight into our beautiful Bishopdale Beck. Untreated sewage only adds to the beck’s problems from Thoralby’s treatment plant upstream.’

He and others reported on the considerable decrease in the number of fish especially in the breeding areas along the becks near Hawes.

Nathan Lawson, Partnership and Community Engagement Advisor for the YW’s River Health Improvement Team –

Apologised for what had happened at some treatment works and said  the operations team would be asked to investigate.   He assured the meeting that Yorkshire Water would follow up on these reports and expected to have funding available next year.

Robert Loukota –  reported that planning permission had just been granted for 122 houses and 27 bunagallows off Moor Road in Leyburn. But the Harmby/Leyburn treatment plant can’t cope now let alone if there are 149 more dwellings.

Clare Beasant – explained that Yorkshire Water does not give its approval for a new  housing development now unless the surface water is to be kept separate from the foul water, thus decreasing the additional  input into sewage treatment works.

One member of the audience said that if the input into a treatment plant was being increased then the size of the treatment plant should also be increased.

Ms Beasant responded that all treatment works were built with extra capacity based on the likely increase in the number of houses.

Alastair Dinsdale commented  that he could not remember when the Middleham sewage treatment  was updated.   And someone responded ‘In the 1970s.’

Ms Beasant responded that the plant at Middleham was included in the present investigations .

Marjorie Iveson said that the treatment plant for Leyburn had been built on land she and her husband had owned.  She said the land around it was full of streams. They had been approached  that week as Yorkshire Water wanted to acquire more land to extend the treatment plant.

Juliet Maddan -said that water was a very precious source, and Water Authorities were charging more and more. The latter were treating the water with chemicals, such as chlorine, which then goes into the rivers. ‘I think Water Companies need to start being honest about what’s going into our water.’ She said there were other ways of making water cleaner and palatable.

Alastair Dinsdale referred again to the decision of the YDNPA planning committee  in October and to the issue of more housing at Leyburn.  He asked if it was right for planning permission to be given before it could be shown there was adequate sewage treatment facilities. ‘We desperately need housing in the dales but I think we need to change the process,’ he said.

North Yorkshire Cllr Yvonne Peacock  Said she had agreed with Alastair at the planning committee meeting when the lodges at Aysgarth Falls Hotel were discussed.

She said that although the recommendations  of  a Highways Authority could be over ruled by a planning committee she was not sure if could over rule those of Water Companies. She would ask about that – and how the concerns expressed at the meeting could be raised during the discussions on the YDNPA’s new local plan.

‘We ought to see if we can actually over rule a planning application based on the fact that [it would] affect the river. We don’t want those houses until [sufficient sewage treatment] is in place – or make sure that the treatment plants are [updated] first.’She added that when bungalows were being built in Bainbridge in the 1970s they were told that the sewage system was good enough.  And since then there have been a  lot more new buildings. ‘It’s an excellent question Alastair and I will follow  it up,’ she said.

Pip Pointon, administrative officer of the Association of Rural Communities – ‘We want to move on, and set up a group that’s going to do similar to what had been reported concerning the River Wharfe. Because without the evidence we are going to get nowhere. And we need the guidance to do it properly.

She thanked Ms Beasant for the news that Yorkshire Water would finance the cost of sample kits and testing. Pip added: ‘Just a warning – the Association of Rural Communities has been the catalyst, has sponsored this meeting. But it is going to depend upon those among you that a group is formed  and has its own committee. That  will be separate from our association. I really do hope that comes about. ‘

Alastair added ‘ We will be really pleased if you form a strong and powerful group that will bring about the changes we all need.’

Oh for a clean River Ure!

My editorial in the March 2024  edition of the Upper Wensleydale Newsletter, as the administrative officer of the Association of Rural Communities

What do the Wharfe, the Nidd and the Swale have that our Ure doesn’t? The first three have groups of volunteers who are monitoring those rivers with the aim of reducing pollution. Surely it is time we also had such a group.

I would love to see the headwaters and upper reaches of our rivers truly representing the objectives of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA). These include conserving and enhancing the natural beauty and wildlife of the National Park, and promoting opportunities for the enjoyment of the special qualities of the area by the public.

As a member of the YDNPA’s planning committee pointed out in October 2023 – a polluted river does not attract visitors.

Nor, indeed, does it protect and conserve wildlife.  A Wensleydale angler told me: ‘The state of the river is very worrying. We have noticed a significant fall in insect life and also a big fall in fish numbers. For the latter, part of this has been due to legislation regarding re-stocking but [it’s] mostly due to the fall in insect life. It appears to us, that the Environment Agency has little interest in the river.’

In its annual report the Angling Trust stated in January that the Ure, Nidd, Swale and Upper Ouse were among the rivers with mapped catchments having the highest phosphate site averages. It said that the main sources of phosphorus in rivers were sewage effluent and losses from agricultural land, and added: ‘Frustration has mounted as essential testing by the Environmental Agency and water regulators has been reduced, and information about pollution remains elusive.’

Alastair Dinsdale, Wensleydale farmer and chairman of the Association of Rural Communities, told the YDNPA’s planning committee in October 2023: ‘A lot of work has been undertaken by various agencies and landowners to reduce pollution into the River Ure. According to the Environment Agency the Upper Dales Yore Catchment has a problem with phosphate pollution, the cause of algae blooms. Phosphates are a major ingredient of cleaning products and probably responsible for 90% of the problem in the catchment due to outdated and ineffective sewerage plants.’

He was concerned that the two sewerage treatment plants at Aysgarth were almost or even already at full capacity and that those bathing and paddling at Aysgarth Falls could become ill.

So what do we do about it? Can we not learn from the Ilkley Clean River Group, the Nidd Action Group and Save Our Swale (SOS)?

One of first steps is to obtain firm scientific evidence about water quality and that will involve volunteers being trained so that they can regularly collect samples for testing. The Yorkshire Dales River Trust is willing to provide guidance and support. Once we have firm evidence we can campaign on such issues as stricter regulations on when Water Companies can discharge raw sewage into rivers and for sewerage treatment works to be upgraded.

Maybe our government can learn about cleaning   up   rivers   from   Singapore   which  is  closely  linked  to  one  of  the  shareholders in Kelda Holdings which owns Yorkshire Water. GIC Special Investments, a sovereign wealth fund owned by the government of Singapore, has a 26 per cent interest in Kelda Holdings.   Singapore is proud of the way its river has been cleaned up and is now attracting more wildlife.

The Association of Rural Communities wants Wensleydale to have the same pride in a cleaned-up river. The Association will sponsor a public meeting in April to see if we can set up a group to monitor and help take care of our river. If you are interested in joining a working group prior to that please do contact me at and write River Ure in the subject.

Our aim is very simple: We do want our river to be safe and clean, where both we and visitors can enjoy it without being afraid of the consequences. And where wildlife will thrive.


YDNPA – Planning committee March 2024

Reports by the ARC News Service on the meeting of  Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s  ( YDNPA ) planning committee on March 12, 2024  when the following were discussed:   how culvert work in Bishopdale affected a gill; amendments to approved plans for Linton Camp; a barn conversion in Dentdale; signage in Carrs Lane and shepherds huts at the old fish farm at Grassington; and detailed plans for an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Appersett.


Interfering with nature and diverting becks was not good practice,  North Yorkshire councillor Robert Heseltine told the planning committee. He wasn’t the only member who warned about bypassing nature when the retrospective application for a drainage pipe at East Lane Farm  was discussed  (see below).

In one objection a resident in Bishopdale reported seeing earth dumped on the gill behind that farm and a conservation officer’s report  did not clarify the situation. The latter stated: ‘There is material (e.g. old pipes, wire, farm waste) that has been deposited into the watercourse, but it is difficult to determine exactly how much was dumped by previous owners or tenants and how much was deposited when earth was spread over the top of buried piping/culverting most recently.’

On the YDNHPA’s Citizens Portal there are some carefully considered objections including this one: ‘The management of water is of high priority in a changing climate, and the management of upland water is critical to rural and urban areas alike.

‘The replacement of a natural gill with a plastic water pipe will cause major problems locally and downstream. At a time when various organisations, including the YDNPA, are experimenting with brush and wool leaky dams to slow the egress of water from higher moorland, it seems short sighted and extremely problematic to then allow a development which will significantly speed up the flow of water from the moors.

‘This development, if permitted, would increase localised flooding at the base of the pipe due to the inability of local drainage to deal with the increased flow, and also downstream as water from the moorland would enter the Bishopdale beck at a greater rate leading to an increased risk of downstream flooding.

‘The national park should be encouraging natural water channels with the obstacles and baffles naturally inherent, to try and slow the entry of water into lower watercourses. As the climate becomes more uncertain, this risk will be increased, and once the original gill goes out of use it will undergo changes that will prevent it coming back into future use.’

Another objector stated: ‘If flooding poses a legitimate concern, proper surveys by qualified experts should be conducted. These surveys should prioritize natural flood alleviation measures aligned with current best practices and sympathetic to maintaining the natural environment.’

This, however, wasn’t done as the Lead Local Flood Authority was not consulted .  It is not surprising, therefore,  that people are questioning the YDNPA’s ability to protect this special landscape.



‘We are supposed to be preserving nature but what we are doing here is bypassing nature,’ commented Westmorland and Furness councillor Graham Simpkins during the discussion about the retrospective application for the installation of a drainage pipe in a field near East Lane Farm buildings in Bishopdale.

The planning officer reported: ‘At the top of the field, a stone-lined trough has been formed adjacent to the gill, serving as the water intake. From here, an HDPE [high density polyethylene] pipe sits within a (now covered), trench. The pipe runs below ground adjacent to the lower portion of the gill for 140 metres, before joining into the existing culverted system, which is piped into the existing highway surface water drainage system.

‘Whilst the design solution has worked, it has been carried out without the benefit of Land Drainage Consent having been sought from the Lead Local Flood Authority [North Yorkshire Council], and without the benefit of planning permission. It has also extended the amount of straight-line culverting; by-passing the lower part of a gill that would likely have assisted in “slowing the flow” of surface water into the existing piped drainage system.’

She concluded that the work was minor in scope, had negligible landscape impact and did not adversely affect biodiversity.

The committee did approve the application in accordance with her recommendation but with an added condition about a drainage management scheme being agreed with the landowners to ensure that water will continue to flow down the gill and that the pipework only took any excess rainwater.

The applicants, Robert and Helen Brown, had informed the planning officer that water flowed down the field into the farm buildings when the gill could not take the volume of water.

North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock said they should have applied for planning permission first so that a full assessment could have been made before work started. She had asked the committee to discuss the application because a lot of people in Bishopdale had reported seeing the gill being filled in.

One of those residents had told the Authority that the retrospective nature of the application bypassed crucial stages in responsible development including a prior assessment of changes to a natural watercourse and wildlife habitats.

The Authority’s wildlife conservation officer had initially objected on the grounds that the work amounted to the infilling of a natural gill. After a visit to the site, however, the officer stated the gill still existed and added: ‘It is clear that the watercourse cannot flow all of the time or even for lengthy periods because there are substantial trees growing in the stream bed. There is material (e.g. old pipes, wire, farm waste) that has been deposited into the watercourse, but it is difficult to determine exactly how much was dumped by previous owners or tenants and how much was deposited when earth was spread over the top of buried piping/culverting most recently.’

Member Allen Kirkbride said: ‘I am not complaining about the pipe, but what I would  like to say is that the water [should be] still running down the gill but at a smaller rate and the overflow is made to go down this big pipe. So we are getting the best of both worlds.’

The head of development management, Richard Graham, commented: ‘One problem is that work has already [been] carried out.’ He said that, as far as he understood it, the pipe was there to take the water when the gill couldn’t cope and the excess rainwater then flowed onto the highway.

After the meeting when  I asked for the wording of the additional condition Mr Graham informed me: ‘The decision notice for this application has not been issued yet as we have asked the applicant to produce the drainage details that the committee asked for. When we have satisfactory details the permission will include a condition that requires the works to be carried out and maintained thereafter.’

I also asked if  the Authority could have waited for the LLFA report on the drainage before bringing the application to the planning committee. To which he replied:

‘The Lead Local Flood Authority (North Yorkshire Council) confirmed that it had no comments to make on the application but noted that the landowner would have needed Land Drainage Consent and that they would contact the landowner to discuss culverting the watercourse. Whilst this non-committal response did not help this Authority consider the issues raised by the planning application it is not a reason to withhold determining the planning application for an indefinite period. A fundamental tenet of the planning system is that planning authorities should not try to duplicate the role and remit of other separate consent regimes.’

Linton camp

‘It seems incredible to me that with the climate emergency that we should caving in to a development that is portraying itself as providing a green environment with hobbit style grass roofed huts and then sticking wood burners in,’ commented  North Yorkshire councillor Simon Myers about the application by Linton Regeneration Company to amend the approval it had been given to develop Linton Camp.

Whereas the original application included wood burners in nine holiday lodges the amended plans also have them in the 24 self-contained ‘serviced’ holiday units which will replace hotel rooms in the main building. It was due to the inclusion of so many more wood burners that the committee decided to defer making a decision.

The committee was told that planning officers had repeatedly recommended that the wood burners be omitted due to the amount of CO2 and small particulate pollutants that they emit and that this contradicted the company’s statement in its sustainability appraisal about  ‘producing an innovative and exemplar development’.

Linton Regeneration Company had responded, however, that ‘there was an absolute expectation from the target market groups that this would be a key element in the experiences being sought in the proposed development.’ The planning officer commented ‘It would appear the wood burners are an aesthetic addition rather than a practical one for heating purposes.’ The heating will include air and ground source pumps and solar panels.

She understood that the company wanted to change the proposed hotel to self-contained units as it had learnt from existing local businesses that it would be very difficult to find 200 to 250 full time and part time staff. The amended development would probably require 30 full time staff and potentially 20 part time cum seasonal staff.

The central building will have a 36 per cent reduced area than that approved for the hotel with the roof being 1.2m lower. It will contain a spa, a gym, 24-seat cinema, a two-lane bowling alley, a bar and a restaurant which will also be open to local residents and guests staying in nearby villages, the planning officer stated.

To its previous objections which included what it  saw as the excessive scale of the development and its impact on the protected landscape, Linton Parish Council added that the amendment meant a reduction in local employment opportunities.

Cllr  Robert Heseltine described the amended application as a pale shadow of the original, the latter having turned out to be a carrot for something entirely different.

He added: ‘I do think this is a massive missed opportunity. You could have done so much good on this site for local families with affordable housing.’

North Yorkshire councillor Richard Foster said the development would be highly visible in the open countryside. What had been  important to him was the provision of employment –  ‘If this had come back offering more staff accommodation I would have been far more forgiving.’

Member Jim Munday commented, however, ‘This site was derelict for over 30 years. Two years ago we agreed with the proposals to build a hotel. Two years later … the applicant has come back with a modified proposal, which is smaller, it is less intrusive. I believe we should welcome the wider range of accommodation in the National Park.  If it wasn’t for the wood burning stoves I would [approve of] this application.


The impact of the increasing number of holiday lets and second homes on local communities was discussed when considering an application which included the conversion of a traditional barn near Dent for guest accommodation.

Dent Parish Council had objected to this because it has its own policy against holiday let accommodation. It stated: ‘Dentdale currently experiences a high percentage of holiday lets and the sustainability of the village and its infrastructure will suffer because of this.’

It did support the internal reconfiguration and extension of the existing farmhouse which is beside the barn at East Clint.

Member Neil Heseltine told the committee: ‘I quite like this development – there’s lots of thought put into it. It respects the integrity of both buildings.’

He said he was extremely happy that Dent Parish Council had objected to a barn being converted for holiday lets as that brought the Authority’s own policy under scrutiny.

The present Local Plan allows for traditional barns to be converted either for holiday lets or local accommodation and the committee’s adhered to this. Permission was granted for the work on the farmhouse, the barn and other facilities.

‘I hear the concerns of the parish council,’ remarked Member Libby Bateman and referred to the government trying to do something about holiday lets and second homes as the proliferation of these was a problem for many parish councils.

Allen Kirkbride said he had every sympathy with Dent Parish Council as in his village, Askrigg, almost 40 per cent of the dwellings were holiday lets: 43 holiday cottages, 24 second homes plus several Airbnbs. ‘This is having an effect on the life of the villages. It is something we as a park authority should think about before we are taken over.’ He added that he owned two barn conversions which were  holiday lets.

Cllr Peacock told the committee that the teashop in Bainbridge could not be open every day due to lack of staff.

She said: ‘Unless you start providing homes for people to live and work here it will be no use coming to a holiday cottage because there will be nowhere to eat. We won’t  have people coming because they won’t be able to get a cup of tea or a pint of beer.’ For this reason the Authority had to consider this policy carefully when preparing the new Local Plan, she added.

Cllr Robert Heseltine also would have preferred the barn to be used for local accommodation. He commented that, to him, the barn was classic of the late 17th century. ‘I just hope the detail respects the integrity of that building.’

Cllr Foster pointed out that at that meeting the committee had approved just one house to be lived in permanently – all the other developments had been for holiday lets.


It didn’t take long for the committee to agree with a planning officer that two fascia signs could be displayed on what is now called ‘Siegfied’s Retreat’ in Carrs Lane, Grassington.

Grassington Parish  Council had objected to the sign on the front of the building at first floor level because, it said, it would be out of character with the adjoining conservation area and would set an inappropriate precedent for advertising first floor business premises.

The planning officer, however, stated: ‘The sign on the front of the building is one of two signs on the frontage. The other sign at the property [advertising an Estate Agent] is a red, white and blue sign which is prominent and bolder in appearance than the sign seeking consent. [This] sign is black with cream letters and is in keeping with the character and use of both the building and the surrounding …shops, cafes and pubs.’ She believed the sign would not visually harm the conservation area.

The owner, Alan Biggin, who introduced himself as a chartered accountant from Bradford, said that after he bought the property three years ago the upper two floors were converted into a holiday let. He felt that the sign was not too big, and was attractive as it had a traditional aura about it.

North Yorkshire councillor David Ireton said: ‘I don’t see anything offensive in this sign whatsoever,’ and agreed with Mr Biggin that the sign below it stood out much more. He told the committee that the holiday let sign  had been taken down whilst awaiting a decision on the application.


The decision to approve installing four shepherd huts for holiday lets on the site of what was a fish farm on Old Mill Lane, Grassington, was just as quickly made.

The planning officer explained that originally the applicant had applied for four holiday lodges but the Environment Agency had objected as there was a flood risk at the site. There was no objection to the shepherd huts as these will be high enough above ground level. The applicant must also have a flood management plan which includes a place of safety.

The application included a building for storing bikes and bins, plus a new garden for the applicant’s house, Riverside Grange.

The planning officer said that the proposed development would significantly aid nature recovery on the site through the removal of unsightly redundant structures and hardstanding and the enhancement through landscaping, walling and tree planting. She added that the site was already sufficiently screened and enclosed by high hedging and fencing.

Grassington Parish Council had, however, objected arguing that shepherd’s huts were not typical to the stone vernacular of the Dales; that the unmetalled access road with no turning space was not suitable; and wood burning stoves were polluting. It added that the local planning authority should have ‘special regard’ to the architectural and historic character of listed buildings, and the preservation and enhancement of the character and appearance of conservation areas.

The planning officer reported that the applicant will install bioethanol burners instead of wood burning stoves.

Cllr Foster pointed out that the fish farm employed up to two people whereas the new use would provide employment for only a couple of hours a week.

The planning officer replied that the low level of employment at the fish farm before it closed a number of years ago was not sufficient to protect this as an employment site.


The detailed designs for an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Woody Bank, Appersett, were unanimously approved.

The application was determined by the committee as it had been made by a member of the Authority’s staff.  Outline permission was granted in August 2022 and the latest application included details of the external appearance, site layout, scale of development and landscaping.

Member Neil Heseltine commented: ‘I really like the contemporary design and materials.’

In his report, the planning officer stated that two trees had been removed for safety reasons and that a tree planting scheme had been agreed.

Cllr Peacock told the committee she had visited the area recently and that the remaining trees would provide sufficient screening between the new house and a neighbouring one.

YDNPA – Planning committee November 2023

Reports by the ARC News Service on the meeting of Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA)  planning committee  on November  14th 2023 when the following were discussed: Dream Heritage CIC requesting permission for a caretaker’s flat in the old chapel Aysgarth; a barn conversion near West Burton;  outline planning permission for ten new homes at Long Preston; a  line of mirrors at a horse riding school at Malham; access to a holiday let at Burtersett;  and the construction of new houses at Sedbergh.

Pip Pointon reports on a voluntary basis on these meetings as part of the commitment of the Association of Rural Communities to local democracy.


Permission was granted for what is intended as a caretaker’s flat in part of the old chapel at Aysgarth.

The committee had been informed that Dream Heritage CIC wanted to create a centre of excellence in Aysgarth for heritage skills, traditional crafts and youth worker training for the North of England.

Rebecca Watkins, a director of Dream Heritage CIC, told the committee that she had bought the chapel with her own money. She said that a caretaker was needed to ensure a Dream Heritage CIC project would be viable and to ensure the building was regularly maintained adding that the jobs would include traffic management.

She said the centre at Aysgarth was intended to serve not only the wider Dales communities but the community of North of England. ‘My aim is to empower the next generation to be catalysts for positive change, saving their heritage and community.’

In its strong objection to the application Aysgarth and District Parish Council stated: ‘The chapel was sold at a reduced price lower than market rate with a restrictive covenant for community use. The community has not been consulted about the potential use for the chapel.’

The planning officer reported: ‘While the proposed development does not constitute a community use … it is nevertheless considered to represent an appropriate use of the building which would conserve this non-designated heritage asset. The limited amount of residential accommodation to be provided [not more than 30 per cent of the gross internal floor area] is considered to be proportionate. It is considered that the conservation benefits of the proposed development outweigh the loss of potential community use.’

Aysgarth and District Parish Council had said that Aysgarth Institute provided well-used community facilities with the maintenance, cleaning, and other facilities being carried out by the committee and local volunteers. As the Institute did not require a caretaker it questioned why one should be needed at the old chapel to facilitate the provision of community use.

At the meeting Cllr  Yvonne Peacock (North Yorkshire) pointed out that none of the local village halls or institutes in Wensleydale needed caretakers.

‘We don’t need a training centre in the middle of Aysgarth… because there’s no parking and there’s no infrastructure.’ She noted that the Dream Heritage courses in such skills as dry stone walling  would cost much more than to attend the many already available in Wensleydale.

She also questioned the suggestion that people could park at the National Park Authority’s car park at Aysgarth Falls and walk about a mile to the chapel.

The Authority’s cultural heritage member champion, Cllr Libby Bateman (parish council appointee), said young people travelling to the training centre in Aysgarth could get there by bus or by taxi from Ribblehead Station (20 miles away) if they did not have a car.

She challenged Cllr Peacock about the need in the Dales for Dream Heritage’s proposed church support programme stating: ‘We are having a terrible time in Dent with a church building.’

Cllr Peacock had told the committee ‘[Dream Heritage] are coming because [they say] we are not keeping our churches correctly. In actual fact the churches have a professional team behind them.’

In its business plan Dream Heritage stated that among the problems and needs its centre in Aysgarth would solve were for church buildings and church congregations to be supported and guided into how best to look after their buildings, congregations and communities. ‘The maintenance of such buildings is somewhat left to unskilled and unknowledgeable clergy or lay people, and thus inappropriate or absent repairs and maintenance are done on the church building,’ it said.

Cllr Peacock pointed out that as the chapel had been bought by Ms Watkins there was nothing to tie its use to Dream Heritage or its business plan. She asked if there could be a legal agreement tying the caretaker’s flat to either the business use or for affordable local housing.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, replied that the conditions on the proposed approval covered this. These are: permission solely for specified mixed use and residential accommodation tied to main use.

Cllr Peacock asked the committee to refuse permission for the application but the majority of members went on to approve it.

West Burton

Michael Bell won the support of the majority of members for his application to convert a barn on his farm near West Burton into his family home. But Mr Graham said that, as he had significant doubts about the reasons given for going against the officer’s recommendation to refuse it, the decision would be referred back to the next meeting (December 19th)

Mr Bell told the committee that his family had farmed in the area around Eshington Lane for over 100 years. He now had a successful sheep business which he hoped to increase.

He and his partner with their two children, however, lived in Leyburn. ‘The converted barn at Eshington would provide us with a family home close to the farm. I am sometimes driving to and from Leyburn two to three times a day.’

He said he had lost sheep over the years due to not being there or arriving too late and added that it was particularly difficult during the dark nights of winter.

As he had grown up in West Burton he had tried to buy a suitable property in that village but the prices had always been too high.

Burton cum Walden Parish Council supported his application stating: ‘Mr Bell… reassured the council that is concerns regarding problems with the provision of services such as water, electricity and telephone connection had been overcome satisfactorily.

‘Mr Bell also mentioned that this traditional, but now partly derelict, barn would not be significantly altered but would, in fact, be restored to its original appearance. The council was again assured that vehicular access would be restricted to the area of the new [agricultural] building in the field near the roadside of Eshington Lane with only a small footpath up to the barn.

‘In supporting this application, the council also took into account Mr Bell’s personal circumstances, in that he would be moving his young family back into the Dales, something that we understand is now an aim of the National Park Authority. The council felt it would also be better for the environment by reducing the numerous daily runs from Leyburn that Mr Bell needs to make to attend to his sheep, and also thereby reduce his overheads.’

Cllr Peacock asked the committee: ‘How many times have we been here trying to help farmers have somewhere to live where they can work in the middle of the night. He needs to be there.’

She said the application was well thought out, including storing waste bins in the agricultural building and continuing to use the parking space beside the agricultural barn.

The planning officer had stated: ‘This part of Bishopdale is aesthetically attractive, a beautiful pastoral landscape that is enjoyed by many visitors and residents. The landscape setting of the barn would be diminished significantly by this proposal due to changes to the appearance of the barn, the land around it and from light emanating from the building and site.’

Cllr Peacock pointed out the barn was close to a luxury holiday lodge site which was lit  up like the Blackpool illuminations at night.  For that reason the conversion of the barn would make little difference to view seen from the other side of the dale, she said.

Other members, however, argued that to approve the application would be against the Authority’s policy. They agreed with the planning officer that the barn was not within a settlement or a building group, nor could it be described as being ‘roadside’ being either close to a road or linked to one via an unsealed track.

Cllr Richard Foster (North Yorkshire) commented that approval had been given for barn conversions that were further away from roads.

And Cllr Graham Simpkins Westmorland and Furness) said: ‘I appreciate that it doesn’t fit with policies but that’s why we have a planning committee. If we follow policies to the letter there is no need for a planning committee. When we have policies that don’t quite fit we can discuss them and make sensible decisions based on particular facts, and this is one of those occasions when she should be looking at what the [result is] to the community.’

He mentioned the desperate need to bring young families back into the Dales and that the agricultural building was close to the road with a short footpath to the barn. He said he would prefer to see the barn retained as a heritage asset than left to fall down.

Cllr Bateman agreed because she felt that at some time in its history the barn  had been a house. Mr Graham, however, said there was no evidence for that.

Long Preston

The committee approved the outline planning application for ten new homes at Long Preston.

Cllr David Ireton (North Yorkshire)  commented: ‘This application seems to tick all the boxes for what we would expect on this site.’

The planning officer stated there would be two ‘First Home’ affordable houses, two apartments for affordable rent, six open market houses on land at Grosvenor Farm on Main Street. The two apartments would be transferred to a housing association to ensure they would remain available in perpetuity. And one of the open market houses would have a Principal Residence restriction requiring the home owner to occupy it as their principal home.

She explained that the site had been allocated for new housing development in the present Yorkshire Dales Local Plan with a capacity of nine houses.

Long Preston Parish Council had objected to the application for several reasons. These included the loss of green space and wildlife; inadequate provision of car parking spaces within the proposed development; access to the footpath which crosses the site; and concerns about the speed of traffic along Main Street.

It stated: ‘The parish council would welcome traffic calming measures to be installed on the main road to make it safer to enter and exit the proposed development. In addition the site line for the proposed entrance does not take into account the change in gradient immediately to the west, rendering the site dangerous to road users and residents.’

Cllr Allen Kirkbride (parish council appointee) asked about speed limits along Main Street. Mr Graham replied that this was a matter for the highways authority. Various issues will be considered when a full application is submitted.


Retrospective permission was granted for a line of mirrors along the south boundary of Holme Farm in Main Street.

These had been installed to assist with teaching and training at the horse riding school. The planning officer stated that the mirrors had very little visual impact from within the riding area as they simply reflected the arena and stables. The 20m long and 2.4m high metre fence on which they are mounted was visible, she said, from the public car park and the picnic area of the Visitor Centre. She did not believe this would harm the visual character of that part of Malham.

Kirkby Malhamdale Parish Council objected to the application because it was very concerned about the leylandi hedge which had been planted. It wants to see this completely removed and replaced with a hedge of local species trees and bushes. It had, however, been informed that the hedge was not a planning matter.


It didn’t take long for the committee to approve the application for the conversion of an existing garage and outbuilding at Ingledene, Burtersett, into a one-bedroom holiday let.

The planning officer explained it was originally intended to gain access to this via an existing doorway which opened on the narrow roadside verge. There was concern at the committee’s meeting on August 22nd about the impact of this upon road safety.

The applicant had, therefore, submitted amended plans showing access via a door which faced into the main house of Ingledene, with the doorway onto the road being blocked off.

‘Pedestrian access can easily be gained through the site, past the main houses to the proposed holiday cottage without the need for visitors to walk on the road,’ the planning officer said. He added that permission had been granted at the August meeting for a parking place to be allocated for that holiday let beside the proposed new garage.


Several members expressed their frustration that lintels had not been installed to the rears of over 20 houses being built at Station Road, Sedbergh.

Cllr Simpkins  described it as a joke that this had gone ahead even though the committee had, at its meeting in August,  refused permission for this alteration to the original plans.

The principal planning officer, Katherine Wood, explained that subsequently Mulberry Homes (a subsidiary of Broadacres Housing Association) had informed the Authority that construction had gone ahead without installing the lintels on the rears of the houses on plots 16 to 42 before the August meeting. Lintels were being installed to the front of the houses.

She reported that Mulberry Homes did not want to affect the building programme as the properties were already under construction. As it  had gone ahead  without planning permission the committee was asked for its view on enforcement action.

She recommended that it was inexpedient to pursue enforcement action as public views of the houses would not be affected especially as trees would be planted to increase the amount of screening. She said all the houses affected would have a rendered finish and added that there wasn’t a strong precedent in Sedbergh for exposed stone lintels on rendered properties.

‘It is, therefore, considered that the minor changes to the original design will not dilute the overall quality of the design of the housing development within the context of Sedbergh,’ she stated.

Sedbergh Parish Council had objected to the removal of the lintels as it felt this would down-grade the quality of the scheme. Cllr Robert Heseltine agreed stating  that this would undermine the aesthetic value of the houses.

Cllr  Foster said they needed to ensure a developer did not do something similar in the future. But he agreed with other members that they did not want to hold up construction.

‘I am very frustrated … but we really need these houses,’ said Cllr  Ian Mitchell (Westmorland and Furness).

And so the majority voted to accept the recommendation not to go ahead with enforcement.

YDNPA, Aysgarth Falls Hotel and river pollution









Above:  People bathing at Aysgarth Falls just below the sewerage treatment works that serves Aysgarth Falls Hotel.

An ARC News Service report on the debate at the YDNPA planning committee on October 3 2023 when approval was given to  Aysgarth Falls Hotel  for full planning permission  for 14 hotel lodges (2 accessible, 3 family and 9 regular) and two facility buildings, together with alterations to the hotel including additional restaurant and bar area, enlarged kitchen facility, minor external layout configuration and staff accommodation. This  also included an 18-space car park, landscaping and drainage proposals including an attenuation pond. The pond will be at the north east end of the field close to the footpath.

This decision led to the Association of Rural Communities deciding to sponsor an open meeting about the health of the River Ure on April 30 at Leyburn Methodist Church Hall. There were presentations by Charlotte Simons of Yorkshire Dales River Trust; Hannah Fawcett, farm conservation advisor, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority; and  Clare Beasant, River Health Improvement Manager, Yorkshire Water. Plus some reports and questions from the audience.

Alastair Dinsdale’s statement to the committee regarding river pollution:

Many years ago I used to empty the small sewage settling tank in the meadow which served the hotel and the youth hostel.  The system was already inundated 50 years ago and discharged raw sewage into the wood and river below. Eventually Yorkshire Water installed the small package sewerage plant below the mill cottages. This is made inaccessible to anything other than small vehicles by the tunnel under Yore Mill and will make removal of solids and other bulk materials difficult. The system discharges directly into the river above the middle falls. When i=I visited the outfall last Wednesday afternoon it was discharging milky coloured liquid with unfiltered solids sweetcorn kernals.

These sewerage plants work using bacteria and will not work with amounts of fats, oils, cleaning chemicals, disinfectants and certainly not the contents of hot tubs, which are emptied along with their chemical contents and refilled between each new guests, as standard practice. All these products kill the bacteria and render the treatment plant ineffective – useless.

According to the environment agency the Upper Dales Yore Catchment has a problem with phosphate pollution, the cause of algae blooms. Phosphates are a major ingredient of cleaning products and probably responsible for 90% of the problem in the catchment due to outdated and ineffective sewerage plants.

The applicant has put forward arbitrary figures suggesting a reduction in discharge but what sort of discharge? What goes down that pipe ends up in the Falls. Nitrates, phosphates, chlorines, medicines, and all those other nasty’s.

Capacity of the sewerage plant

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the plant was at capacity before the granting of planning permission  in May 2022 for the Yore Mill development of nine apartments plus retail, including toilets. No mention of sewerage in that application apart from to say surface water drainage will be dealt with via the existing sewerage system. Does the Authority have the population equivalent dry weather peak flow loads at high tourism season?

In view of the lack of detailed information from Yorkshire Water a full environmental assessment should be undertaken of the whole catchment area of the sewerage treatment plant as it is now – without further development.

Above : the small sewerage treatment plant near the Middle Falls which serves properties in Church Bank as well as Aysgarth Falls Hotel  Photo by Alastair Dinsdale


These proposals fail to pass the test of the statutory purpose of the National Park to conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. The proposal also fails national park policy framework on sustainable development or sustainable rural tourism – very high carbon footprint, no renewable energy,

Environmental impact, open country, legal protection etc

A lot of work has been undertaken by various agencies and landowners to reduce pollution into the river Ure. Does this committee want to act against these efforts and be responsible for causing more pollution? Yorkshire Water is listed as the worst for discharging sewage into water courses in the country. Does this committee want to be its partner in pollution?

Planning Committee debate

Polluting the River Ure will have the opposite effect upon attracting more tourists to stay at Aysgarth North Yorkshire councillor Simon Myers told Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee on October 3.

The majority of the committee voted to approve the application by Aysgarth Falls Hotel to extend the accommodation there by building 14 lodges because, as one said, it would have a positive impact on the local economy – a belief that Aysgarth and District Parish Council strongly disagreed with (see below).

Cllr Myers however had stated:  ‘I am very troubled about Yorkshire Water, as they often [just say that] “we don’t have a problem with it”, when the evidence of the objectors is that this system is at full capacity.’

He wanted an answer he said because so many water sources up and down the country were being polluted by sewerage and mentioned the River Nidd. The committee was told by local farmer, Alastair Dinsdale, chairman of the Association of Rural Communities that Yorkshire Water had installed a small sewerage package plant several years ago to serve the houses near Aysgarth Falls.

‘The system discharges directly into the river above the middle falls. When I visited the outfall last Wednesday afternoon it was discharging milky coloured liquid with unfiltered solids sweetcorn kernals. ‘These plants work on bacteria and will not work with amounts of fats, oils, cleaning chemicals, disinfectants. All these products kill the bacteria and render the treatment plant ineffective.’

He especially mentioned the hot tubs which had been included in the planning application. He continued: ‘According to the environment agency the Upper Dales Yore Catchment has a problem with phosphate pollution, the cause of algae blooms. Phosphates are a major ingredient of cleaning products and probably responsible for 90% of the problem in the catchment due to outdated and ineffective sewerage plants.’

He said anecdotal evidence suggested that the plant was at capacity before the granting of planning permission for the Yore Mill development of nine apartments plus retail, including toilets, in May 2022.  He added: ‘In view of the lack of detailed information from Yorkshire Water a full environmental assessment should be undertaken of the whole catchment area of the sewerage treatment plant as it is now – without further development.’  (see end of report for his full statement)

The parish council had stated: ‘We remain convinced that [fourteen]  lodges with their own toilets and unrestricted use of bath and shower facilities all year round represents a significant increased load on the local service compared to the limited demand from caravans and campers who predominantly use the site in the summer season only. It would appear that Yorkshire Water still have issues with the proposal.’

The applicant’s agent, Steve Hesmondhaigh, told the committee: ‘Our engineers have demonstrated and agreed with Yorkshire Water that a neutral or better than neutral outflow would result from this scheme. In other words, there will be no increase in outflow from this site as part of the planned development.’

Member Allen Kirkbride said he wanted to know more about the impact upon the River Ure and asked for a decision to be deferred so that there could be a site meeting.

Cllr Richard Foster, the head of development management, Richard Graham, and other members, however, said it was unlikely Yorkshire Water would be able to provide any further comment

Cllr Foster said: ‘Their role is to provide sewerage works in the area. We may see this as a problem but we cannot make planning decisions on the basis of that.’

Mr Graham told the committee that Yorkshire Water had not yet responded to a request for further information in addition to what was stated in the officer’s report that it had no objections to the proposed development subject to conditions requiring the development to be carried out in accordance with the drainage strategy, and subject to an undeveloped easement in the vicinity of the public sewer.

The planning officers, Mr Graham said, were quite satisfied with all the information that the applicant had submitted with the application.

Members were, however, concerned about hot tubs being beside some of the lodges. So, through the chair, the agent for the applicant was questioned about this. There was laughter at the response – that the hot tubs would be replaced with outdoor baths (so no chlorine). [The conditions now state there must be no hot tubs and no outdoor baths can be installed without approval.]

Jim Munday was one of the members who emphasised the business aspect of the application

‘This is a significant investment in the development and updating of an existing business. We should think of it for what it is – it is additional bedrooms. We have a great shortage of hotel accommodation within the Dales – there are very, very few that could take a small bus load and this would help all year round. Also, it retains staff accommodation as well as giving opportunities for further increases in staff. Yorkshire Water will say what Yorkshire Water will say.’

He believed that the lodges ‘in the back garden’ would look better than the ‘visually awful’ hard standings for motorhomes and caravans.

Mr Hesmondhaigh stated one of the aims was to stimulate further expenditure in the local economy. ‘Our aim was to produce a scheme that is sensitive to the national park setting and objectives whilst reflecting the need … to ensure that the Aysgarth Falls Hotel complex is a successful [and] financially viable facility in this key national park location.’

He said it was a two-pronged approach to planned development: to improve the facilities of the hotel especially the restaurant; to replace the caravan, mobile home and camping site with an accessible hotel room pods scheme to develop the sustainable investment in the hotel facilities; to extend the off-season and to enhance the viability of the business.

John Dinsdale told the committee that the parish council and the local community believed that some issues had been misrepresented in the planning officer’s report and by the applicant’s supporting documents.

He said: ‘The planning officer’s recommendation is to approve this application and cites planning policies designed to promote tourism, but our view is that recommendation fails to take account of all the relevant data.’

He reminded the committee that this had been listed as a Major Planning Application. That was not addressed by the planning officer in her report. Cllr Foster said he was surprised that this was not mentioned and that the application was only referred to the planning committee because the parish council had objected.

(According to the National Planning Policy Framework  permission should be refused for major developments in National Parks except in exceptional circumstances and where it can be demonstrated they are in the public interest. Consideration of such applications should include an assessment of: The need for the development, including in terms of any national considerations, and the impact of permitting it, or refusing it, upon the local economy… and any detrimental effect on the environment, the landscape and recreational opportunities, and the extent to which that could be moderated.)

Comparisons between planning officer’s report and the parish council’s objections

Planning officer: ‘Some harm will arise from the loss of the tent and touring caravan pitches but this is considered to be offset by the benefits of providing a year round tourism offer, plus economic and employment benefits in a sustainable location.’ She said the loss of 20 tent and 10 tourer pitches met the test of an insignificant loss which would be offset by the economic employment, supply chain and year-round tourism benefits.

John Dinsdale told the committee:

‘To say that the loss of facilities at this site for campervans and caravans only represents a tiny proportion of the sites in Wensleydale is a total misrepresentation of the true impact and appears to be contrary to the aims of newer policies. In reality, the loss of this site represents not 5% but 66% of the space in the immediate area. If the Street Head site is included, that is reduced to about 40%, but the other sites all quote 90% occupancy for the time they are open, so there is no spare capacity.

‘When casting the net wider to include the next nearest sites, the ten-mile radius is reached; this puts them out of walking distance, especially as campervans and caravans are usually static once they have arrived and setup for their stay. Visitors from the further sites to this area would need to drive which newer policies are designed to discourage and would only add to pollution, road traffic and the already documented serious parking problems that this area suffers from. Additionally, and quite properly, the current high cost of accommodation at the site run by the applicant and the likely cost of the proposed new accommodation has not been considered, but the loss of lower cost accommodation in the immediate area must be considered.

Planning officer: It would expand the short-stay tourism season into the quieter months and also has good potential to increase the number of day/evening visitors to Aysgarth, through the increased food and drink offers. As the site is within a ‘honeypot’ location, there is a reasonable likelihood that the proposal would complement existing tourism offers and increase spend in the local economy. The [applicants’] Guest Management Plan clarifies that just as in other hotel offers, visitors would not be required to take all meals within the hotel, only breakfast, and there is a high likelihood that other premises would also be visited during stays given the sustainability of the location.’

She said staff accommodation would ensure staff stay local to their workplace and would spend in the local area. In general, the proposal would increase the number of jobs available, and figures have been supplied to justify the suggested net gain of 17 jobs.

Parish council:

The parish council had pointed out that there was a shortage of workers for the local hospitality industry and so the additional competition would impact on other businesses nearby.

It stated: In these changing economic times touring caravans have become an increasingly important asset to boost the local economy. There is now a Shop/Post Office in Aysgarth which caters for the needs of self-catering visitors, and caravanners and campers are regular users of the facilities. The sale of these self-catering consumables makes a significant contribution to the profitability of that enterprise, and this footfall also supports other businesses in the local area. Clearly, closing the site to self-catering visitors would have a detrimental impact on the shop and damage its viability as well as having a harmful effect to the local economy generally.

The parish council also stated:

The Parish Council re-affirms the strong objection submitted on 02.02.23 .The Parish Council closed its submission in February with ‘The Parish Council welcomes investment in the businesses and infrastructure in our area and will look to support diversification, where appropriate, to deliver maximum local community benefit. We seek to engender a collaborative approach with all parties to support the future prosperity of our area and encourage everyone to communicate and engage with us’. In the five months since this submission, there has been no attempt by the applicant to engage with the Parish Council or rebut any of the serious concerns expressed by the Parish Council and residents. The amended proposal seems to merely be a rearrangement of the proposed lodges and a change to some of the materials used. We find nothing in the updated proposal that addresses the main concerns and objections.’

Impact upon the landscape:

The planning officer reported that both the Area Ranger and the Police had recommended a fence to be constructed between the footpath and the lodge site.

She stated: ‘As the footpath crosses the northern portion of the site, users of the PROW would directly experience the development in its entirety, and throughout the year rather than the existing seasonal experience. Taking account of the existing manicured and semi-engineered landform, clear relationship with the hotel building and other settlement features, and also the design quality, the development in this area would not be so unexpected to the user’s experience as to be unduly harmful.’

She also stated: ‘Whilst the proposal undoubtedly spreads the extent of development deeper into the site, the proposals for low-profile lodge rooms (including DDA compliant accommodation), is considered to be a positive means of expanding the business without providing a large extension to the hotel building itself, and the design challenges associated with this form of expansion. On balance the proposal has an acceptable landscape impact and design quality, taking account of the existing use and appearance of the site, the landscape proposals, and the sensitive design treatments.’

Parish council: The footpath follows a well-established route and crosses down the camping field behind the Aysgarth Falls Hotel. People using this footpath do so to avoid using the road and to enjoy the rural setting and visual amenity immediate area’. This development it said would damage the experience the visitors have come for and expect.

Light pollution.

The parish council argued that the terrace extension at the rear of the main building will generate significant light pollution directly over the immediate adjoining SSSI of Aysgarth Falls which it will overlook. It stated this would be a significant change and would have an impact all year round.

In her report the planning officer quoted the wildlife conservation officer who stated: ‘Concerns with regards to external lighting, and its impact on the woodland beside the River Ure can be addressed by condition.’

In the decision notice there is a condition regarding any external lighting to ensure the protection of the dark skies of the national park – but no mention of light from the terrace extension.

The parish council also listed the sewage issues, and the new late premises licence leading to noise pollution and disruption.


YDNPA – Planning committee October 2023

I have finally managed to write reports for the ARC News Service on the meeting of  Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s  ( YDNPA ) planning committee on October 3,  2023 when the following were discussed: a proposed barn conversion at Chapel le Dale; a caravan at a farm near Stainforth;  and a new agricultural building at a farm near Dent.  The debate about an application to extend Aysgarth Falls Hotel is covered separately.

Pip Pointon reports on these meetings as part of the commitment of the Association oRura f l Communities to local democracy.

Chapel le Dale

Cllr David Ireton  (North Yorkshire Council) got a measuring wheel and measured the visibility splay from Green Slack Barn on the B6255 near Chapel le Dale himself just to be sure he had the correct information for the committee, he said.

He disagreed with the Highways Authority that the visibility splays from the access to the barn from the B6255 were insufficient. The Highways Authority and the planning officer had recommended that the application to convert the traditional  barn for local occupancy or short-term holiday lets should be refused because the required visibility of 215 metres onto a 60mph road  could not be achieved when looking in either direction.  Cllr Ireton said he had measured 186m in one direction and 166m in the other.

He said: ‘This is an existing access. It has been used for years and there have never been any accidents. In fact, the biggest danger on that road is sheep. The applicants worked very hard with our officer to get a satisfactory design. I honestly do not think that access is a danger to the public .’

Cllr Robert Heseltine (North Yorkshire Council) commented that the committee had approved the conversion of roadside barns with much shorter visibility displays than this one had.

But Member Mark Corner said: ‘In my mind the visibility isn’t acceptable – If the barn was occupied full time and the occupants knew the road I think the risk would be lower [than if a holiday let]. This area is also visited very frequently by high speed motor bike riders who come tearing along this road. To me it doesn’t feel like a safe proposition.’

Cllr Richard Foster (North Yorkshire Council) suggested that if the access was levelled it would make it easier for vehicles to make a faster and safer exit. Cllr Ireton and the majority of the committee agreed that the decision should be delegated back to the planning officer to have further discussions with the applicant about the access.


‘There’s too many of us old farmers,’ commented Member Allen Kirkbride. He and the majority of the committee agreed that a young family should be encouraged to develop a new farm at Sherwood Brow near Stainforth.

The applicant’s agent, Sarah Ettridge, said a survey showed over 85 per cent of those currently working in farming were over 45 years old and added that the next generation needed to be encouraged to ensure that the industry remained viable.

The retrospective application for a static caravan for a full-time worker at Sherwood Brow was approved. The planning officer had explained that the agricultural enterprise was relatively new and the long-term financial viability of the business could not be demonstrated at this stage.  She said that the siting of a residential caravan there for three years would provide the young couple with an opportunity to establish the farm and then apply for a rural worker’s dwelling. The caravan must be removed after three years.

A local vet had stated: ‘As a young couple, and a progressive local business that is sympathetic to the traditions and culture of the Yorkshire Dales, every effort should be made to support them and their business – and by providing 24-hour provision it would not only benefit the health and welfare of their stock. It would be a positive contribution to their health and welfare – allowing them and their business to function to its full potential and thereby contributing to the Yorkshire Dales National Park.’

Cllr Heseltine pointed out that, although lambing and calving would be at Sherwood Brow, the vast majority of the farm land was far away. Other members regretted that this was a retrospective application and asked the young farmer to ensure he used the planning process in the future.

Stainforth Parish Council had objected on the basis that it would set a precedent in allowing static residential caravans on agricultural land and ‘creation of farms wherever they want’. This was not accepted by the head of development management, Richard Graham.

The caravan, however, will have to be moved to a less obvious position and clad in timber. The conditions included a landscaping scheme and suitable biodiversity enhancement.


The application for a new farm building at Cherry Tree Farm at Greenwood How near Dent was approved.

Cllr Heseltine remarked during the debate that the farmyard there brought farming into disrepute.

He, like other members, accepted the new building could well be used to tidy up the farmyard but there were critical comments about the application being retrospective. Cllr Foster commented: ‘Here again someone has done something without our permission and it’s really starting to annoy me because we either have a planning process or we haven’t. is there a better location on that site for this building?’

‘Yes, it is annoying. It is just as annoying for officers as it is for members,’ replied Richard Graham. He said officers preferred to enter into negotiations to get something better before anything was built.

Cllr Heseltine said that although he didn’t like anyone going ahead without planning permission the building was now there and he believed the situation could be improved if strict conditions were applied for landscaping.

Cllr Ian Mitchell (Westmorland and Furness Council) believed the main reason Dent Parish Council had objected was to highlight the fact that the planning process hadn’t been adhered to. ‘There seems to be more and more of this happening – when people just do thins and then come back retrospectively.’

The parish council had told the Authority: ‘Whilst the council recognises that the approval of this building may lead to the clearance of the farmyard (something which the council has been working with the enforcement officer on for many months), the council feels that the barn is in the wrong location and is a bit of an eyesore as you approach the village from the West. Furthermore, the council believes that the building is far too big to be a sheep barn and is more likely to be used to store machinery and hay and should be recognised as such.

The council objects to this application in the current location and suggests that the building would be better placed further to the east of its current location, tucked under the shoulder of the hill where it would be less visible.’

Mr Corner asked if they had any control over the mess on some farms. Mr Graham replied that they did have the power to serve notice to tidy up but that was separate from the retrospective application.

The majority accepted the officer’s recommendation to approve. She explained: ‘The proposed development is justified and serves the agricultural needs of the agricultural unit. The building is set on the edge of the existing building group of traditional buildings. The solar array will form a sustainable renewable energy source and the proposal will only have a limited impact on the character and appearance of the locality.’

YDNPA – planning committee August 2023

Reports by the ARC News Service on the meeting of  Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s  ( YDNPA ) planning committee on August 22, 2023 when the following were discussed: development of business site by DSMC at Catchall Barn, Linton;  barn conversion on business site at Bainbridge to provide residence for vets;  proposed caretaker’s accommodation in chapel for community use at Aysgarth;  conversion of Geslings Barn at Dent; and two applications regarding Ingledene at Burtersett.

Pip Pointon reports on these meetings as part of the commitment of the Association of Rural Communities to local democracy.

Linton – It was agreed that green fields at Catchall Barn near Linton can be transformed into a business site.

Linton Parish Council had objected to the application by Diving, Survey & Marine Contracting (DSMC) of Threshfield to using the barn as an office,  the erection of four storage buildings and a covered internal storage area for shipping containers off Lauradale Lane near the junction with the B6265.

Linton Parish councillor Sarah Hill told the meeting a primary concern was that the junction with the B6265 was a dangerous one and there had been accidents there. In addition, she said: ‘The scale of the proposed development with four new large industrial storage units and 18 parking spaces is inappropriate for this site which is the gateway to some beautiful scenery.’

She reminded the committee that the fields had not been identified in the Authority’s Local Plan as a business development site and the parish council was concerned about how a change to industrial use might lead to further applications in the future. The parish council had stated earlier: ‘The preservation of the statutory protected landscape must take precedence over DSMC’s expansion plans.’

Charlie Bayston told the committee that DSMC, which he founded in 2014 and has been based at Threshfield since 2015, carries out commercial diving often using robot operated deep water vehicles, as well as its ‘bread and butter’ work on reservoirs, flood defences, rivers, culverts and bridges including in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

He said he currently employs ten local staff and could employ ten more. ‘Catchall Barn has the potential to provide us with bespoke under cover facilities with more space in which we can operate and grow. As well as offering jobs in general administration, accounting and support roles, we can teach local young people skills in hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics and engineering. Skills that will provide them with well-paid careers allowing them to live here. As a resident here I recognise the need to protect the character of the area and I am convinced that this application will achieve that.’

The planning officer explained that compared to a previous application which had been refused the proposed buildings had been reduced in height to have as minimal impact on the landscape as possible and there would be a significant number of trees and bushes planted to screen the site. She said: ‘The proposed development … is supported by a raft of wider, more strategic Local Plan policies underpinned by current government guidance. The Local Plan aims to encourage businesses to sustain the local economy and to widen the range of businesses on offer expanding out from the traditional agricultural and tourism sectors to provide a more diverse and resilient economy.’

She said the buildings would house a number of shipping containers which would be moved out in the spring and be returned in the autumn so that the equipment used for oceanographic surveys, monitoring and surveying the seabed, could be maintained, cleaned and repaired. She added that Mr Bayston had sought several times to base the business in Threshfield Quarry but the site managers were reticent in allowing developers into it.

Member Mark Corner commented: ‘I am very supportive of the business investing in the dales but my concern is the site and location. It’s a real shame and waste of resources to dig  up this green field when we have existing facilities available to use.’

North Yorkshire councillor Richard Foster, however, spoke for the majority of members when he said: ‘This is a difficult one for the parish [of Linton] but this is a successful business. It isn’t tourism, it isn’t agriculture. It is paying more than the minimum wage to its staff. For me – this is keeping people living in the local area. It is for local young people and its helping to provide infrastructure for the nation.’ As the staff came from Grassington and Threshfield he did not feel they should have to travel to somewhere such as Langcliffe Mill which had been suggested as a more suitable alternative site.

Member Jim Munday agreed: ‘What we need are careers which can actually help people to live here.’ And North Yorkshire councillor Robert Heseltine commented that the buildings would not look much different to those on a farm.

North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock said that there was a shortage of business sites in the National Park and this business was needed.

Bainbridge – An old engine shed in what was the Station Yard at Askrigg can be converted into a four-bedroom  house to provide accommodation for Bainbridge Vets Ltd even though planning officers had recommended refusal.

A senior planning officer reminded members that  business sites were scarce in the National Park so they needed to be strongly protected. She said: ‘It is departing quite significantly from our employment strategy by using part of the site for non-employment use. In the officer’s report it does recognise that a case can be made for some provision on the site but just whether at this scale and if this is the right way to achieve it.’

The applicants, vets Davinia Hinde and Michael Woodhouse, had stated there was a need for onsite accommodation for the supervision of hospitalised animals, supervision of junior staff, site security such as costly equipment and medicines, out of hours support for staff, overnight accommodation for staff and students, and to reduce the need for journeys through Askrigg during out of hours duties.

Askrigg and Low Abbotside Parish Council had stated that the vet’s business was an asset to the local community and an important employer. But it did not believe that the need for overnight presence on the site justified creating a large detached four-bedroom family house.

Parish council member Allen Kirkbride, however, said converting the old engine shed would be a planning gain given the condition it was in and the veterinary practice provided employment with good wages to local people.  He reported that the two other businesses on the site (a coal yard and a brewery) supported the application. ‘They were always worried about security and safety in the area. Vets living on site in a reasonable sized place would help.’ He added that there were two other possible business development sites in Askrigg.

Parish council member Libby Bateman commented: ‘There is a real need –  this business can accommodate its employees, its trainees, its next generation, and that it’s also able to do that on a site that’s near to where the business is and be able to be on call and near to the surgery if people need to bring animals in late at night.’

The majority of members agreed but asked for a  legal agreement tying the converted building to the veterinary practice.

The senior planning officer said that, as the decision to approve was against officer’s recommendation, the head of development management will consider if it needs to be referred back to the next meeting.

Aysgarth – The application by the not-for-profit organisation, Dream Heritage CIC*, to convert part of the former Methodist chapel in Aysgarth into accommodation for a caretaker, artisans and exhibitors was deferred.

The planning officer reported that it was  proposed to convert the former chapel to a mixed use comprising education and residential elements. The residential element would extend to no more than 30% of the gross internal floor area and would comprise a caretaker’s flat with mezzanine floor in what was formerly a meeting room, and a bedroom above the former vestry. The remainder of the building would be used for educational purposes by Dream Heritage CIC which runs educational courses teaching heritage crafts, building conservation and repair and traditional crafts. The proposal includes a workshop/teaching space in the principal room, with ancillary kitchen and toilet. There would be no alterations to the outside of the building.

Aysgarth and District Parish Council had strongly  objected. It’s reasons included: ‘The chapel was sold at a reduced price lower than market rate with a restrictive covenant for community use. The community has not been consulted about the potential use for the chapel. Aysgarth Institute provides a wealth of community facilities and does not have the need for accommodation. The committee and local volunteers take care of the building maintenance, cleaning, opening/closing, etc.’

The planning officer told the committee: ‘The applicant argues that the proposed use is a “community use” since their heritage work will be of benefit to the wider Dales community, and is in line with the statutory purposes of the National Park. Further, it is argued that those attending residential courses in the building will stay in local B&Bs or camp sites and thus bring economic benefits to the local community.

‘While the proposal does not represent a community use as defined for the purposes of policy, it is considered to be an appropriate use of the building. However, the application is not supported by appropriate and proportionate independent evidence, including appropriate financial, business planning, options appraisals, marketing and community engagement evidence as required by policy.’

He recommended that the application should be approved stating: ‘The conservation benefits of the proposed development outweigh the loss of a potential community use.’

Cllr Kirkbride proposed that a decision be deferred stating: ‘If a planning application is submitted for the change of use of a community facility the Authority needs to consider whether there is a need for the facility in the area. One way for applicants to try to prove that is for them to advertise the property as a community facility for a reasonable period. With the current application for the chapel the applicants haven’t done that as they believe that the use they are proposing is also a community use.

‘I believe that the applicant should come back with a business plan etc to show how this application is going to work.  This has just been put forward without showing its possible to run this sort of scheme.’

Another member emphasised the need to consult with the community.

Two representatives of Dream Heritage ClC listened to the debate and after the unanimous vote to defer a committee member said one of them ‘stormed out’ of the room.

* CIC stands for Community Interest Company.’ CICs are limited companies which operate to provide a benefit to the community they serve’  Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Dent – Geslings Barn, Deepdale Lane, can be converted into a dwelling for local occupancy or short term holiday let even though there were questions about the access track which was included in the application.

When Cllr Heseltine asked if it was a roadside barn the planning officer explained that it was part of an existing group of [two] buildings. The application to restore one of these, a grade II listed uninhabited farmhouse, had been already been approved and that included the access track of over 124m from Deepdale Lane.

Cllr Heseltine commented: ‘Prior to that there is no access track to anything – you are stretching my imagination.’

And Cllr Kirkbride said: ‘I can hardly believe this up for approval. The number of barn conversions we have had which have been turned down on a matter of 10 or 20 metres off the road.’

A senior planning officer repeated that it had been recommended due to being part of a group of buildings rather than as a roadside barn.

Cllr Bateman, the Authority’s cultural heritage champion, described the farmhouse as a fantastic building which needed to be re-used as a residence. She added: ‘I would  like to see the barn stay up. There’s no point in keeping the house and allow that to fall down beside it.’

North Yorkshire councillor David Ireland said he supported the application as the track to it had already been approved. And Mr Munday agreed stating that the work on the barn could then be carried out at the same time as that on the farmhouse.

Dent Parish Council’s objections included: concerns about the feasibility of guests getting to the property if it is used as a holiday let as any track up to the property would be steep and narrow. This may lead to vehicles being parked on the highway which would cause an obstruction as this is a narrow single track road. In line with its own policy the parish council also objected to the converted barn being used for short term lets. It stated: ‘Given the need for housing for local families in the dale, the council would prefer to see this property used as a long term let in order to help sustain the dale and its residents, businesses and school.’

The planning officer,  however, pointed out that the present Local Plan allowed for the conversion of traditional buildings to either holiday let or local occupancy or both.  The Authority, he said, was required by  law to follow the policy ‘unless and until the policy is changed’.

Burtersett – The committee considered two applications regarding changes to Ingledene at Burtersett. The first included extending the living accommodation into the existing domestic outbuilding/store; erection of a first floor extension to create an upstairs en-suite and erection of a large detached garage and store. The second was for converting the existing garage and an outbuilding into a one bedroom holiday let with hot tub.

The first application was approved and the second was deferred.

Cllr Peacock told the meeting that both the house and the holiday let would use the same parking which, with the turning areas, will be close to two neighbouring houses. She expected that both dwellings would be used as holiday lets and commented: ‘All of a sudden you don’t just have one or two cars. You can end  up with five or six cars.’ Several parish councils had reported that this was a problem with holiday lets, she said.

Both she and Cllr Kirkbride pointed out how narrow the road was through Burtersett and said there had been more traffic using it since North Yorkshire Highways had signposted it as the route to Semerwater.  Due to the parking and more cars accessing the properties from the narrow road they asked for the applications to be refused.

Cllr Bateman,  however, commented that it was not possible to predict how the house would be used. She also said that the building did need improving.

Cllr Foster felt the application was okay as long as there wasn’t an application to turn it into a holiday let. The planning officer reported that the garage will be large enough to accommodate a campervan and neighbours had been concerned about its impact upon their amenity.

There was more concern about the proposed holiday let as it was reported that the door would open directly onto a narrow roadside verge. Cllr Peacock said this would mean visitors would have to walk along the road to where their car was parked. Some might then decide to park on the road.

‘I think there is a better option here – why can’t they park round the back of the house?’ said Cllr Bateman. And Cllr Foster commented: ‘As it stands at the moment we are actually sanctioning people to walk out … into the middle of the road. I think we can refuse this on access and ask [the applicants]  to come back with another suggestion.’

The majority, however, agreed with North Yorkshire councillor David Noland that the decision should be deferred so that the applicants could find a better solution for parking and access.

Cllr Peacock requested a legal agreement to protect the railings so that none could be removed to provide access onto the village green.

The planning permission conditions include ‘hours of construction’. The parish council had asked that there should be strict times of access through the village during the period of work to reduce disturbance. The parish council was also very concerned about the potential increase in the volume of traffic through Burtersett.

March to July 2023

ARC News Service reports from  meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s ( YDNPA )planning committee when the applicatoins discussed were: on March 7 – A glamping extension to Aysgarth Lodges Holidays, the temporary rural worker’s accommodation at Kidstones Gill Bridge in Bishopdale, housing to replace Orton Works at Reeth; and the proposed conversion of a barn near Dent; April 18 – local occupancy houses at Airton and Austwick;, and the continuation of quarrying at Dry Rigg QuarryHorton in Ribblesdale, plus the ‘catch-up’ review of enforcement (including the residential use of a barn at Manor Grange Farm, Low Lane, Carperby) and statement by Association of Rural Communities about how photographs are used by the planning officers;  May 30 – a communications mast near Buckden;  a housing development at Horton in Ribblesdale; a barn conversion at Thorpe; the proposal to have four luxury pods at High Fellside, Middleton;  and extensions to a house at Grassington;  July 11 – proposed barn conversions at Grinton and Thorpe, a hair salon at Reeth, urgent rail cutting stabilisation works near Dent;,changes to plans for a housing development at Sedbergh,  and enforcement action regarding a camping and caravanning site at Kettlewell.

Pip Pointon reports on these meetings on a voluntary basis as part of the commitment of the Association of Rural Communities (ARC) to local democracy. She was unable to attend the meeting in January 2023. There are two reports available online: altered plans for Sedbegh housing development
and  the proposal for a camping barn near near Muker 

At the end of the meeting in March the four district councillors who were leaving the authority due to the creation of a unitary authority (Cllrs John Amsden, Richard Good, Sandy Lancaster and  Carl Lis were thanked by the chair, Neil Swain,  and applauded by the rest of the members.

In March


One of the very noticeable aspects of this meeting was how limited the photographs were in what they showed. For the application by Aysgarth Lodges Hotel the planning officer showed only two photos, both from north of the site. One showed the road junction with the A684 and the other of a nice green field with trees in the background. The officer explained that those trees screened the proposed glamping site. There were no photos of the luxury lodge site from the south side of Bishopdale. Above: The lights of the luxury lodge site are very visible at night, as shown in the centre of this photograph.

For the application about the temporary rural worker’s accommodation  at Kidstones Gill Bridge the planning officer showed just a location map and one of the chalet. But no photos to show the area where the chalet is sited.

One member pointed out that very few photos were shown of Birchentree Barn at Cowgill, Dent.

Westholme – between Aysgarth and West Burton

The site of Aysgarth Lodges Holidays was compared to Blackpool illuminations or Christmas lights.

‘Talk about light pollution, that is absolutely ridiculous,’  Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden told the committee.  But that view of the luxury lodge site was not shown to the committee members by the planning officer.

The majority of the committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application by Leisure Resorts Ltd to remove two holiday lodges at the northern edge of the site  and to replace them with six glamping pods. The planning officer showed only two photos – see above.

The ‘local’ members – North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock, Richmondshire District councillors John Amsden and Richard Good, and parish council representative Allen Kirkbride from Askrigg – objected to approving the application. Cllrs Peacock and Amsden said photographs should have been taken from the other side of Bishopdale.

They also emphasised the road safety issues. ‘It’s disappointing that the narrowness of the road [from the site] wasn’t shown,’ said Cllr Peacock. Mr Kirkbride agreed and added: ‘My main concern is safety. You have to go 300m up the A684 before you get to a footpath and that section is a fast piece of road and it is dangerous.’

Cllr Peacock pointed out the unusual event of two parish councils objecting to an application. In its objection Burton cum Walden Parish Council agreed with Aysgarth and District Parish Council about the hazardous impact of the increase of pedestrian and vehicular traffic along the narrow road leading to and from the site and along the A684.

Like Cllr Peacock Burton cum Walden Parish Council was worried about flooding as there had been so much in the past at Eshington Bridge. The parish council was also concerned about the capacity of the existing cesspit. It stated: ‘We have received reports from local residents walking in the area about the unpleasant smell from this pit and the possibility that sewage is overflowing into Bishopdale Beck. Any increase would make the situation worse. Also, we have never been able to discover how the contents of the numerous hot tubs already on the site are disposed of.’

Commenting on that at the meeting Cllr Amsden said: ‘I am sick of everybody blaming farmers for pollution.’

Aysgarth and District Parish Council had also stated that the site had a long  history of providing accommodation for static and touring caravans, as well as tents, with minimal impact on the surrounding area. It added: ‘In 2007 all that was lost to the area with the conversion to use for holiday lodges only.

‘The site … is now more akin to a small urban housing development which, when viewed from across the valley, is lit up like a Christmas tree. The site is already much bigger than the original caravan park and has a detrimental impact on the dark sky initiative. Any further expansion would be an over development of the site and add to that detrimental impact. To maximise return on their investment the owners might be better to look at reinstating some of the touring caravan and camping opportunities that were lost to the area by the earlier development.’

Other members of the committee, however, accepted the view shown to them by the planning officer. North Yorkshire Country councillor Richard Foster said that the site was not high profile, but added that he did not travel that way at night. He, like others, agreed that a wider selection of holiday accommodation was needed these days.

Originally Leisure Resorts Ltd had applied to install a further 11 pods in the field on the western side of the site but that has been withdrawn.

Kidstones Gill Bridge, Bishopdale

The possible support of the Authority’s planning officers for the construction of an rural worker’s cottage in Bishopdale was described as a ‘bit contradictory’ by Cllr John Amsden.

The majority of the members agreed temporary permission could be granted for 12 months for a chalet at Kidstones Gill Bridge while Robert and Helen Brown worked with the planning department on an application which would include a permanent rural worker’s cottage there.

Aysgarth and District Parish Council had strongly objected to extending planning permission for the chalet partly because the time allowed for a temporary dwelling had long expired.  Cllr Yvonne Peacock told the committee: ‘The problem with this application is that it should have been enforced long before now. What has happened to the fact that they [Mr and Mrs Brown] were given permission for two cottages at Howsyke and they have never materialised?’

The planning officer explained that permission was granted in 2017 for two rural workers’ cottages at Howsyke in Bishopdale as part of the development of that site. She stated: ‘The case presented in the 2017 application was that the applicants [Mr and Mrs Brown] would live in the farmhouse at Howsyke and the business would be grown to increase ewe numbers from 100 to 1000. Suckler calves would be purchased each autumn.’

She added that planning permission was granted for the temporary accommodation at Kidstones Gill Bridge in 2019 and that expired in December 2020. ‘The siting of the chalet and its occupation has been unauthorised since that date. The intention was that the occupant would move back to Howsyke upon completion of the permanent dwelling, ’ she said.

Mrs Brown (who, with her husband, do not live at Howsyke) told the committee: ‘There have been huge changes made with our farming enterprise which has made us take stock. Our aim is to relocate one of the worker’s cottages we have permission for at Howsyke to Kidstones Bridge. If the temporary planning is not extended there is no alternative accommodation for the two [living there].’

When asked about the plan to have one of the cottages at Kidstones Gill Bridge the head of development management, Richard Graham, said: ‘There is an argument to have one permanent dwelling there …. our agricultural consultant is happy to go along with that rather than two at Howsykes. It is a large holding and a lot of land.’

Wensleydale farmer, Allen Kirkbride, who is a parish council representative on the Authority, commented: ‘They [Mr and Mrs Brown] had planned lots of sheep but it is more into game and wildlife than it was. They should have started at least one of the cottages at Howsyke.’

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine and Cllr Amsden agreed with him that they did not want to see a new  house built at Kidstones Gill Bridge. Cllr Amsden compared this to a farmer not being allowed to convert a barn which was in the middle of the field. ‘A bit contradictory I think,’ he remarked.

Cllr Heseltine asked how much acreage was being farmed at Howsyke and how much at Kidstones Gill Bridge. The planning officer replied that the rural worker was employed to manage 700 acres of land and 1400 acres of woodland and the work included the maintenance of the hydro-plant which is housed in a new barn beside the chalet.

As Kidstones Gill Bridge and Howsykes were only two miles apart neither Cllr Heseltine nor Mr Kirkbride could see any justification for a new dwelling at the former. And, like Cllr Amsden, Cllr Heseltine felt that a barn conversion would be more appropriate.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Foster, like others, felt he could approve a 12-month extension for the chalet especially as there was no other accommodation for the worker and his partner. And Jim Munday commented that enforcement action should be taken after a year if things weren’t sorted out.

At the end of the debate North Yorkshire County councillor David Ireton asked if this would be the final extension for the chalet. He did not receive an answer.


Orton Works at Reeth was an eyesore and the majority of residents were looking forward to getting the site tidied up, Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good told the meeting.

He also commented that, at his last meeting as a member, the committee was considering the most controversial application from his area since he had joined it. He said that some residents in Hill Close were understandably concerned as their homes would overlook the new development. Orton Works, which had been a builder’s yard until 12 years ago, is accessed via Hill Close.

The committee unanimously voted to approve the application to demolish the existing buildings and to construct three local occupancy dwellings. The planning officer told the committee that the original application had been for four houses but this had been amended.

The height of two had been increased, however, so as to accommodate a third bedroom in each roof space. Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh Parish Council was concerned about this additional height and some residents were worried about their homes in Hill Close being overlooked causing loss of privacy.  The planning officer said that care had been taken to reduce opportunities for overlooking, overshadowing or loss of light to neighbours.

She added that if the site returned to being a builder’s yard or similar use the level of noise or disturbance to those living nearby would be unacceptable. The replacement of an employment site with local occupancy dwellings was, therefore, considered justifiable.


By a majority of just three votes the committee agreed that planning permission could be granted for the conversion of Birchentree Barn at Cowgill, Dent, for residential use. But this was against officer recommendation and Richard Graham said the decision would be referred back to the next meeting as he had significant concerns about the validity or soundness of the reasons put forward for approving it.

Three of those who voted to approve the application were district councillors Amsden, Good and Lancaster who will no longer be members of the Authority once the North Yorkshire unitary authority comes into existence on April 1.

The planning officer had recommended refusal because, he stated, the proposal would involve significant alterations and major structural work which would have an adverse impact on the heritage interest and traditional character of the building and the surrounding landscape. He said: ‘Given the amount of demolition and rebuild involved, the proposed development would be tantamount to the erection of a new dwelling in the countryside and, as such, contrary to the … Local Plan.’

Mr Graham told the committee that the policy to allow roadside barns to be converted was to secure a heritage asset and the demolition of two walls would not ensure that. He also said that there had been 13 barn conversions in Dentdale and there were two sites for new housing in Dent listed in the Local Plan.

South Lakeland District councillor Ian Mitchell said that those sites were never going to be developed for financial and legal reasons. He had asked that the planning committee should discuss the application as he wanted to see the building brought back into use rather than falling down and so help to provide  housing for local people.  He added: ‘I am sure this Authority can put conditions on the materials used to make sure it retains its traditional character.’ And Cllr Peacock observed that when rebuilding walls modern insulation could be installed.

Cllr Foster pointed out that a wall was likely to fall onto the road so something had to be done. Cllr Amsden commented: ‘If the wall fell on the road they would blame the farmer and his public liability would go through the roof.’  Instead, he said, the Authority should be aiming to bring the barn back into use and at helping the next generation to stay in the National Park.

Mr Graham said there was funding available to help farmers restore barns. This led to North Yorkshire County councillor Andrew Murday  asking if a barn was restored to its original structure could the owner then apply to convert it into a dwelling. Mr Graham replied that would depend upon having retained the structural and heritage integrity of the barn.

“It just seems to me to be a bit illogical,’ responded Mr Murday.

Mr Graham said that a rebuilt barn would become a modern building and no longer a traditional one.

The parish council had recommended that the barn, when converted, should be restricted to local occupancy with a legal agreement. Mr Graham said that the Authority’s policy was that barn conversions should be for local occupancy or holiday let. ‘It’s not reasonable for the Authority… to restrict to local occupancy,’ he stated.

The planning officer had also recommended refusal because the Highways Authority had advised that there wasn’t sufficient visibility from the  access due to the location of the barn on a bend on the unadopted road. Several agreed with Cllr Mitchell that the problem could be solved by installing a mirror on the opposite side of the road – a solution used by many others living in the dales.

When listing the suggested material considerations put forward to allow the members to approve the application against planning policy, the legal officer, Clare Bevan, added ‘I am not sure how’ regarding overcoming highway concerns. The other reasons were: to improve the condition of an abandoned building and bring it back into use; and the development providing additional housing for the village of Dent. Cllr Peacock asked that supporting local farmers should be included.

in April

At the beginning of the meeting the following statement was read by Alastair Dinsdale, chairman of the Association of Rural Communities:

‘At your last meeting members local to Wensleydale and Bishopdale pointed out that the photos shown regarding the Aysgarth Lodge application and the temporary chalet at Kidstones Gill Bridge (just two photos for each application) did not give a true picture of these within the landscape. And yet, when officers have recommended refusing applications for livestock sheds, barn conversions or camp sites, they have shown many photos from all angles and using various lenses to illustrate their argument that there would be a negative impact  upon the landscape. This is neither fair nor consistent, nor in accord with the Authority’s obligation to conserve and enhance the landscape and scenic beauty of the Yorkshire Dales.’

This was the Authority’s response:

‘Planning officers provide photographs so that members of the committee can see the site from relevant vantage points. It is for members to decide whether they have sufficient information in front of them to make a decision, including whether there are sufficient photographs. Members always have the option of deferring consideration of the application for further information to be provided or alternatively for a committee site visit to be arranged.’

ARC’s comment: It is obviously very important that the members do carefully consider if the photographs they are shown clearly show the impact upon the landscape.


The majority of the committee agreed that three local occupancy houses can be built on the north-west corner of Hall Garth in the village even though Airton Parish Meeting had objected and a resident had told members that the access to the site would be too dangerous.

North Yorkshire councillor Simon Myers explained that, although he understood the concerns about traffic and safety, he was also aware that suitable houses were needed in the dales’ villages for young families. He added that the planning committee weren’t able to refuse an application unless it had sustainable reasons. The Hall Garth site, he said had been tried and tested by an inspector when the Local Plan (2015-2030) was being prepared and the Highways Authority had stated it was happy with the access. ‘I can’t see any sustainable grounds for refusing this application,’ he commented.

Airton resident Catherine Coward told the meeting: ‘I cannot overstate the danger of this access. Even if the walls were lowered completely one would not be able to see cars coming out of the dip and up the hill [to the access]. It is a narrow road with no pavement. The photos you have just seen do not show the level of that rise.’

She said that among those walking along that road were children going to the bus stop and added: ‘If this goes ahead there will be an accident – it is just a matter of time.’

She was also concerned about the visual impact of the three new terraced houses on the village. ‘Airton is a beautiful historic village which has remained virtually unchanged for centuries. If building is allowed in this important open space in the heart of the village it will irrevocably damage both the character and the landscape of this lovely village. This development is not appropriate and would not help the community but harm it.’

Airton Parish Meeting also had concerns about road safety and the likelihood of archaeological remains on the site, as well as Hall Garth having  been designated on the Local Plan as an ‘important open space’ and so should, therefore, be protected in its entirety. It pointed out that the proposed development would not be completely within the area designated for local occupancy housing.

Charles Richardson, the applicant, told the meeting that his grandfather, John Richardson, had bought Hall Garth in 1935 and the ownership of it now was shared between the grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mr Richardson said: ‘I believe it was called Hall Garth because there was a large residential hall in the field many years ago. In the 1960s there was very very nearly a new school and housing development in the field. I believe the need for the school diminished and as a result nothing happened. So the field continued to be used for grazing as it is today.

His interest in affordable  housing, he said, began with reading the Malhamdale Plan in 2005 and then a meeting at the YDNPA office in Bainbridge at which there was a call for building sites in the National Park. He explained that after the site in Hall Garth had been allocated for development in the Local Plan there had then been lengthy discussions with housing associations until finally he had submitted his own application. This was originally for four houses but was reduced to three as the planning officer said that the fourth house would have been too close and would have overlooked an existing property.

She told the meeting that two small sections would be outside the allocated site: a narrow strip on the eastern boundary to increase the size of the rear gardens and a strip to the south so as to create a better access. She believed these modest increases would not impact significantly on the character of the remaining large field.

The Highways Authority had agreed that the visibility from the access would be acceptable once the wall beside it had been lowered.  Iron railings will be fixed on top so that it will be similar to the wall further south of the site.

Several members agreed with the proposal to provide local occupancy houses  and although there were concerns about road safety, the opinion of the Highway Authority was accepted.

The committee was informed that, as there might be archaeological remains there, the site will be monitored when construction begins. The planning officer assured the committee that it would be kept informed if anything was found.


The committee unanimously approved the application for a  housing development at Austwick which will now include properties more affordable to local people.

The latest proposal for eight houses to be built in Pant Lane was welcomed by Austwick Parish Council as it felt it was a better mix of housing and would benefit the community.

North Yorkshire councillor David Ireton agreed and stated: ‘[This] very much takes on board what the parish council would have accepted back in 2020. I am of a view that if developing properties in villages the provision of affordable housing should be delivered within that community. We shouldn’t be importing developments on communities, taking the money out and spending it miles away from them.’

The planning officer explained that the application approved in 2020 was for eight open market dwellings with a commuted sum being paid by the developer in lieu of providing on-site affordable houses. She said that the previous developer had, however, indicated that the required commuted sum would make the development unviable.

She said the latest application was by Venturi Homes with a different mix of eight homes: three open market; two shared/affordable ownership and three principal residency dwellings. She told members that the principal residency meant that the owners had to occupy the houses as their principal home and it was estimated this restriction reduced the open market value by up to five per cent.

She told the committee: ‘The original proposal … [was] unlikely to have a direct benefit for the immediate community of Austwick. The commuted sum… would also not necessarily cover the costs of developing four affordable houses elsewhere. The proposed amendment, however, would directly benefit the local community by providing two shared ownership affordable dwellings within the village, subject to a local connection clause which would prioritise those within Austwick Parish. The three principal occupancy dwellings would also provide permanently occupied two and three bed dwellings in the village, ensuring they cannot be second homes or holiday lets.’

Dry Rigg Quarry

Permission was again granted for a lateral and deepening extension of Dry Rigg Quarry until December 2034 after the planning officer argued that, despite having a detrimental impact upon the landscape,  there was a regional and national need for the aggregate quarried there. Quarrying was due to end at Dry Rigg by December 2021.

The application by Tarmac Aggregates Ltd was first approved in June 2021 with the legal agreement completed in February 2022. This was quashed by the High Court in February this year following a Judicial Review which upheld the view of a local resident, Kate Smith, that the officer’s report had not expressly demonstrated exceptional circumstances for permitting a major development, that it did not expressly afford great weight to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic beauty, and that the harm to the landscape was only considered in terms of visual impact.

Both Austwick and Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Councils objected to the latest application due to the lack of dust suppression and the impact of dust pollution on local residents. The Friends of the Dales objected to the apparently never ending postponement to the end of quarrying and restoration of the site; the impact of significant HGV movements; and the proposed lateral extension of the extraction area.

Member Mark Corner, who is a vice president of the Friends of the Dales, left the room before the application was discussed to avoid any potential bias, he said.  He explained: ‘Before I became a member of the Authority in July 2020 I was an active trustee of the Friends of the Dales and was involved directly in their submission of objection to the original proposal in May 2020.’

In his lengthy report the planning officer quoted the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) that the exceptional circumstances for approving a major development within a National Park included a national need. He stated: ‘It is acknowledged that the proposal will have a detrimental effect on the visual quality of the landscape as a result of the creation of 140m of new quarry face [on Moughton Nab]. However, the effect of these works on the wider landscape character is less tangible and less severe as the character of the Ribblesdale landscape is typified by geology and natural features but also by human influence upon it in terms of settlement, farming and, critically, quarrying. The several historic quarries, including Dry Rigg, form a dominant visual presence in the landscape and are undeniably part of the landscape character of Ribblesdale.’

He stated that the quarry was one of the few in the country and of which there are only four in the north of England that produce the gritstone with the high polished stone value used for road and runway surfacing due to its high skid resistant properties. He said Tarmac had demonstrated the need for that aggregate and that the scope for mining it outside the National Park was extremely limited.

He also stated that quarrying at Dry Rigg supported 36 jobs and the local businesses that supplied it. He said: ‘In local terms 36 jobs represents a medium sized local employer making a significant contribution to the local economy and to the economic health and vitality of communities within the National Park. The proposal would guarantee the economic benefit for a further 13 years.

‘It is considered that great weight should be given to these national and local economic benefits.’

Stephen Cowan, who spoke on behalf of Tarmac, was accompanied by many of those who work at the Quarry. He said these included someone whose father and grandfather had worked there, one for 42 years. The owners of the quarry, he said, had a record of community involvement and funding large and small projects in the dales as well as working with Natural England and the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust. ‘We feel we are part of the National Park and part of its heritage,’ he commented.

Commenting on the presence of the employees North Yorkshire councillor Steve Shaw-Wright stated: ‘This does actually show that there is local employment with what I would term proper jobs with proper pay and prospects rather than minimum wage summer-time jobs.’

And North Yorkshire councillor Robert Heseltine said: ‘Agriculture and quarrying are the two traditional employment industries in the National Park.’ Like many other members he accepted the planning officer’s assessment of the national need and that approval of the application would be in accordance with the Authority’s policy.

Another North Yorkshire councillor, David Ireton, stated, however: ‘I voted against this application last time and there is nothing in this application that has changed my mind.’ Referring to the NPPF that great weight should be given to conserving and enhancing the scenic beauty of the National Parks he said: ‘I don’t see how this [application] does that. It completely ruins what we’ve got.’

North Yorkshire councillor David Noland agreed with him – and also with Kate Smith who had addressed the committee earlier.  Cllr Noland said:  ‘I don’t see how this delivers sustainable development. I don’t see how it conserves or enhances the landscape, or protects the special qualities of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. There is plenty of scope for [the aggregate to be quarried] elsewhere – and not in the middle of this glorious National Park. I think we are all aware of the damage being done to the environment.’

The conditions of the approved application include: restoration to be completed by December 2035; the hours when HGVs must not enter or leave the site or when blasting can take place;  and  a comprehensive scheme of controlling and monitoring dust.

Regarding the latter the chairman of the committee, Neil Swain, asked after the vote: ‘Can we monitor the road conditions between these two quarries to make sure they are kept clean because they have been known to be in a disgusting state at times. So please make sure they are monitored.’


When the Planning Enforcement Closures Report was presented Mr Swain commented that a number of applications had been hanging around a long time due to the Covid pandemic and he hoped this aspect of planning would get back to normal soon.

Some were registered in 2017 and were listed as being ‘regularised’. These included unauthorised building works (Bell Barn and Castle Folly) at Forbidden Corner in Coverdale.

It had been decided, however, that it was inexpedient to carry on with enforcement action concerning the  unauthorised use of an agricultural building for residential purposes at Manor Grange Farm, Low Lane, Carperby. This was registered in June 2018.  It was stated in the report: ‘Delayed decision due to sale of Yore Mill, Covid and owners’ personal circumstances.’

In May 


‘Should rural residents be denied what other areas enjoy?’ North Yorkshire councillor Robert Heseltine asked when the committee debated the application to construct a 4G shared communications mast above Buckden.  The majority of the members agreed and the application was approved.

The planning officer told the meeting that the 25 metre high lattice tower would have some significant landscape and visual impacts but this had to be assessed in relationship to the need for it. He explained that the 3G mast which presently provides limited mobile phone coverage for Buckden and Hubberholme will be switched off by Vodaphone later this year.

He quoted Buckden Parish Council that the removal of the 3G service would leave the area without any coverage and the proposed new mast would benefit residents, businesses, community services, visitors and future generations.

It had also been pointed out that the provision of the new mast was part of the Shared Rural Network initiative between the government and operators that would not be repeated in the near future.

Member Mark Corner (who is a trustee of the Friends of the Dales), however, stated: ‘ Our purpose is to conserve the landscape and the natural beauty of the area and this undoubtedly damages it. Our socio-economic  [purpose] should be second to that, although I do think the parish council made a very vigorous, in-depth analysis.

The parish council recognised the need for line-of-sight for signal coverage but said this meant the mast would be visible. It emphasised that the lack of mobile phone coverage would have an impact upon the quality of  life and the sustainability of the social and economic community of the parish.

It added that the lack of effective mobile coverage was already having an impact upon the safety of those walking in the area, and access to health services and such cost-saving facilities as smart meters. In addition, the electric vehicle charging station in the YDNPA’s car park at Buckden was only usable by 20 per cent of users at present – and by none when the Vodaphone mast is switched off. It was concerned about the access to the site when the new mast was being constructed and the electric supply to it.

The planning officer said that the equipment for the mast would be delivered by helicopter.  The applicant, Cornerstones, will also first have to obtain approval for the power source for the mast. Members were told this might be solar panels and/or a diesel generator.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Members approved the latest application for a development at Rowe Garth in Horton in Ribblesdale because they wanted to see some affordable  homes built there.

North Yorkshire councillors Yvonne Peacock and Richard Foster spoke of the need for sites that were socially and economically viable even if the provision was less than originally expected.

Parish council representative member Allen Kirkbride also emphasised that new open market houses should be for permanent residence and not be used as holiday lets. And Cllr Foster commented: ‘We need to make sure the properties are built and are lived in.’

In November 2019 the committee had approved an application for a development of nine dwellings which would include four affordable homes provided by the then Craven District Council acting as the Registered Provider. By June 2022, however, Craven District Council, had informed the YDNPA that it could not do so.  Without a Registered Provider the applicant stated the development would be unviable and was given permission to pay a commuted sum in lieu of providing affordable housing on the site.

This year the applicant informed the YDNPA that this was not viable either and put forward another scheme. This involves providing two First Homes, one Principal Residency, and dividing one of the dwellings to create two affordable rent flats.

The planning officer explained that First Homes had to be discounted by a minimum of 30 per cent of market value and sold only to those meeting the First Homes eligibility criteria. She said this would provide four affordable housing units which would be made available on a ‘cascade’ basis, first to Horton In Ribblesdale parish, then to adjoining parishes within the National Park,  then to the entire National Park and finally to the whole of the local housing authority area.

A dwelling restricted by a principal residency condition, she said, usually led to a reduction in the market value by up to five per cent.  The barn on the site will be converted to create a local occupancy dwelling.

The planning officer stated that the applicant had provided sufficient site-specific evidence to support this latest application.

Thorpe – By just one vote it was decided not to accept the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application to convert Dowgill Barn at Thorpe into a holiday let or for local occupancy.  But that means it has been referred back to the planning committee meeting on July 11.

Cllr Foster was among those who argued that converting the barn into a holiday let would not only save it from falling into disrepair but also help to keep Dowgill Farm viable. Cllr Heseltine commented: ‘These are desperate times for tenanted farmers.’

Hannah Schindler, on behalf of her family, explained how the viability of the farm had changed recently. She said three generations of her family had farmed there using traditional methods. They wanted to conserve the beautiful barns and protect the wild life but needed to diversify, she said.

Cllr Foster told the meeting that although the barn was not visible from the road he believed there would be less impact upon the countryside if it was converted for holiday use only. ‘This is a good way of keeping a heritage asset and keeping a local farm viable – and the parish supports it.’

Other members, however, pointed out that the application was ‘far against present policy’.  The planning officer told the meeting that the barn was 40m from the B6160 and there was no existing track to it. This meant that converting it was not in accordance with the Authority’s roadside barn policy. She did accept that converting it into a camping barn might be.


There was another very close vote following the debate about allowing four camping pods to be sited at High Fellside, Middleton near Carnforth – but this time the application was refused.

The applicant’s agent told the meeting that the camping pods would increase the variety of visitor accommodation; extend the tourism season and help to reduce the pressure on housing stock being used for holiday lets.  The pods would be sited alongside an existing small woodland to minimise their impact on the landscape and there would be more trees planted to provide screening he said. He added that the landowner also aimed to introduce wild flower meadows to increase bio diversity.

The planning officer told the meeting that the proposal was for four luxury camping pods in an isolated location at High Fellside close to Middleton Bridge. Each would be clad in larch with an artificial AstroTurf roof and have patio doors opening out onto timber decking. The decking would be enclosed with stained timber balustrades. She said there would be a track for vehicles and a parking area in an adjacent field.

Several members said it would be against policy to approve such a development in the open countryside and member Jim Munday commented: ‘It’s wide open country and a super landscape… with long views.’

Parish council representative member Libby Bateman, however, said that after five years the impact upon the landscape would be minimal due to the growth of the new trees. ‘Why can’t people from away benefit from the enjoyment of this iconic landscape?’ she asked.


Approval was quickly given for extensions to be erected on the side and rear of 1 Hardy Grange at Grassington.

The planning officer explained that this had to brought to the planning committee as the applicant was employed by the Authority and there had been an objection by a neighbour.

She said the dwelling was described as a non-designated heritage asset and was within the Grassington Conservation Area. A neighbour believed that the boundary wall had monastic origins linked to Fountains Abbey but the Authority’s senior historic environment officer said there was no data on the Historic Environment Record to support this.

The planning officer concluded that the extensions would complement the property and not have a harmful impact on the residential amenity of neighbours or on historic assets.

Grassington Parish Council reported that it could not unanimously agree on comments on this application. There was no debate at the planning committee meeting and the application was approved unanimously.

In July 


The majority of the members agreed with the planning officer that the socio and economic benefits of providing accommodation for hospitality staff on the old school playing field in Arkengarthdale outweighed the opposition of the local community.

Arkengarthdale Parish councillor Paul Harker told the committee it was the duty of the parish council to report that the community overwhelmingly opposed the application by Charles Cody to build a one- and two-storey building to provide accommodation for staff working at the CB Inn and the Punch Bowl at Low Row.

He said there was considerable concern about the spring water supply and drainage issues, and building on a greenfield site which had been designated as an important open space. He emphasised: ‘The main objection of the community is the building’s location. It will obscure a very well-known iconic view much admired by local residents and visitors alike. The loss of the view is a material planning consideration.’

In response the head of development management, Richard Graham, said: ‘Public views can be a material consideration. What concerns me in this particular location is that this view across the dale isn’t exclusive to this particular place. You can get that from lots of other locations and you can’t protect all of them.’

Cllr Harker disagreed with the planning officer  that while that field afforded a high quality view across the valley a similar one could be gained across the car park between the site and the CB Inn.

The planning officer agreed that the field had been designated as an important open space but said this was done when it was in use by the school. The school, however, had closed in 2019. ‘It is considered that the space is no longer needed and, as such, the proposed development of the site would not represent a significant loss in terms of sporting or recreational assets in the area.‘

He reported that once the school closed the land was offered to the parish council but no alternative community need could be identified adding that ownership subsequently reverted to the applicant’s business.

A  resident, Jane Ellis , pointed out that since the loss of the district council the parish council was their only local democratic representative. The planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application showed that, yet again, a decision was being made by a larger organisation which would have, she said, a huge negative impact upon the dale, over riding local knowledge.

‘In a small dale like this we work with the nature of the land not against it, and to protect its inheritance,’ she said.

Another resident, Alison Piet, commented that the Authority’s members and officers should be working with the parish council, businesses and local people as custodians of the Yorkshire Dales. ‘Why would anyone in this room want to spoil the natural beauty of Arkengarthdale?’ she asked.

Like Cllr Harker and Mrs Ellis she accepted that staff accommodation was needed but not with the loss of that view. And like them she asked why the accommodation could not be sited closer to the CB Inn rather than on the other side of the large car park.

Charles Cody, who owns the CB Inn and the Punch Bowl, told the committee that constructing the building closer to the pub was not viable. The accommodation, he said, was needed because there were now far fewer young people living in the dales seeking employment in the hospitality trade. He had tried to buy dwellings to provide accommodation but couldn’t compete in the holiday cottage market.

Parish council representative Allen Kirkbride and North Yorkshire councillor Yvonne Peacock supported the parish council and local residents and asked the committee to refuse the application. Both agreed on the necessity of staff accommodation but believed the field was the wrong location.

The planning officer acknowledged that the proposed development did not easily fit with Local Plan policies and that it would ‘cause very limited harm’ to the character and appearance of the Swaledale and Arkenggarthdale Barns and Walls Conservation Area, with the loss of the view across the valley. He concluded: ‘The social and economic benefits of the proposed development are considered to be in line with the business and employment policies of the Local Plan.’


Amendments to the plans for a hair salon and beauty treatment centre next to the business park at Reeth led to the parish council supporting the application by Hannah Allison of Swale Health Spa.

The planning officer explained: ‘The application proposals have been amended so that the building has been turned 90 degrees and positioned as close to the south west corner of the site and the existing buildings of the Reeth Dales Centre as possible.

‘As the main elevation and entrance now face north this is away from the houses on Arkengarthdale Road rather than, as originally proposed, facing directly towards them.’ This, he said, would restrict the impact on residential amenity.

Lisa Bridge, the clerk of Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh Parish Council, said that the parish council had initially objected to the proposal due to its likely impact upon neighbours and as most of it would be on a greenfield site. It changed to supporting the application after it had been amended and because the council wanted to support a local person who was seeking to expand her business. This was supported by Cllrs Kirkbride and Peacock.

But some residents did not agree. Speaking on their behalf at the meeting Dr Jackie Alexander said the building would sited on a wonderful pastoral meadow, would be visible for miles and miles and would harm the quality and intrinsic character of the landscape. She added: ‘The building is the wrong style, the wrong size, the wrong colour and the wrong height.’

This, she said did not fit with the Authority’s Local Plan, but rather that the planning officer was shoe-horning it into policies. Trees and bushes would be lost and it would have a negative impact upon dark skies. She, like other objectors, believed the new facilities for the hair salon and therapy centre should be in the town centre.

Ms Allison told the meeting her business had outgrown its present premises in Arkengarthdale Road and they very much needed toilet and storage facilities plus disabled access. She said she had found it difficult to find a suitable property in the centre of Reeth. The committee unanimously voted to approve her application.


Approval was given for a barn at Grinton to be converted into a short-term holiday let even though the Highways Authority and the parish council objected.

Cllr Kirkbride agreed with Grinton Parish Council that Swale Hall Lane was very narrow.  And the Highways Authority stated that, due to the limited visibility at the access on to the road, it considered this development unacceptable in terms of highway safety. Cllr Peacock said the road was part of the Swale Trail and so there were a lot of walkers.

She supported the parish council in its request for an affordable occupation dwelling rather than a holiday let. She said anyone living there permanently would know the road well and so there would be less danger at the access.

The planning officer, however, stated that a one bedroom holiday let was unlikely to generate a substantial number of vehicle movements onto a road which had been shown to be very lightly trafficked. There would be a turning area on the site so that cars could exit onto the road in a forward direction, he said.

Cllrs Kirkbride and Peacock supported the parish council’s argument that this was not a roadside barn in accordance with the Local Plan.  Cllr Peacock said the present track to the barn was created in 2012 after the field with the original track was sold. Planning officers, however, put the emphasis on the track being in existence after 2012.

The application included the erection of a new barn to replace a  modern one near that to be converted. The latter was described by the  planning officer as being of simple, traditional construction.


‘How can we possibly pass something if we haven’t got the final plans?’ asked Westmorland and Furness councillor Ian Mitchell regarding the application by Network Rail to allow rail cutting stabilisation works to be carried out near Dent.

Cllr Mitchell emphasised that they had to be sure the plans were right for the sake of the landowners, the parish council, those living nearby and the landscape. It was unanimously agreed, therefore, to approve the application on the condition that Network Rail works with the planning officers, the landowners and Dent with Cowgill Parish Council to finalise the plans.

The application  is for urgent stabilisation work to be carried out on a cutting near  the hamlet of Stonehouse where there is evidence of instability. Network Rail has permitted development rights to carry out work on its land but some will extend into neighbouring farmland.

The planning officer reported that the objective was to avoid a landslip onto the track. When such an event occurred in 2019 the line had to be temporarily closed for emergency works, he said.

The work this time will include the installation of a new ‘crest ditch’, designed to capture any surface water and take it to an outfall at Arten Gill Beck to the north. This new ditch requires the installation of crossings to allow the farmer quad bike access to the moor.

The clerk to Dent with Cowgill Parish Council, Scott Thornley, said it recognised the importance of the work for the future of the Settle to Carlisle railway but, as a statutory consultee, it had not received the full and final set of plans. He told the meeting the parish council had not been invited to a drop-in session organised by Network Rail in June this year.

The parish council, he said, was concerned about flooding due to the increase flow of water in Arten Gill Beck during heavy rainfall. ‘The parish council has worked closely with the Highways Authority for two to three years repairing flood damage and work to mitigate local flooding and it would be remiss of the council not to prevent further flood risk in the parish.’

The planning officer stated that the plans included fitting the new ditch with baffles to slow the movement of water and so reduce the risk of flooding.

The parish council was also concerned about heavy vehicles using a narrow single track road, the possibility of dry stone walls being removed and the impact upon the residents of Stonehouse.

The planning officer said that there was the potential of residents being affected by noise, dust light pollution and heavy construction traffic. Network Rail would, therefore, be asked take measures to reduce such impacts and to limit construction hours to between 8am and 6pm on weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.  The company had, however, stated work may have to be carried out sometimes from 10pm on Saturdays to 8am on Sundays  when trains were not running.

Emma Richardson, a local landowner, said: ‘Whilst we support the work, it needs to be done sympathetically towards us landowners. We need to work here, we have to have access to the fields and fells for the livestock.’ She was especially concerned about the location of the crossings.

The application includes the construction of an improved access and temporary work compound plus a haul road from the compound up to the cutting.


The quality of a housing development in Sedbergh should not be downgraded for the sole financial benefit of the developer, Sedbergh Parish Council told committee.

At the meeting members were asked to agree to Broadacres changing its approved proposal for 49 dwellings on land off Station Road by relocating the electrical substation,  amending the infiltration basin and road surface colours, changing the landscaping  and removing the stone window and door heads to the rears of 27 houses.

The parish council informed the Authority that it had no objection to the majority of the amendments but added: ‘[Parish council] embers, however, strongly object to the down grading of the quality of the scheme by the removal of stone window/door heads to the rears of plots 16 to 42.

‘The scheme has already changed In terms of its provision of affordable housing and to now lower the quality of the build for the sole financial benefit of the developer would deliver in perpetuity to the community of Sedbergh housing below the specification originally envisaged and agreed.

‘Members noted the implication that this had been pre-agreed with the planning officer. We feel that such a decision should not be dealt with by delegated powers but should be for the developers to prove their case in front of YDNP members at planning committee.’

The planning officer said that Broadacres proposed to reduce the number of road surfacing materials so that the main circulation route was mostly tarmac.

Westmorland and Furness councillor Graham Simpkins commented: ‘They are actually making considerable savings with the road covering because tarmac is a lot cheaper to lay.’

The majority of the committee, therefore, agreed to approve most of the application, but not that for removing the stone window and door heads.


The decision in May to allow a barn near Thorpe to be converted into a holiday let was overturned  at the meeting on July 11.

North Yorkshire councillor Richard Foster had successfully argued at the committee’s meeting in May that Dowgill Barn should be converted into a holiday let even though it is 40m from the B6160 and there is no track to it. He repeated at the meeting on July 11 that the barn could not be seen from the road and it needed to be converted not only to stop it from decaying but also to support the viability of the farm.

In support, Cllr Kirkbride said: ‘This is farm diversification – and farm diversification should be most welcome.’

The previous decision was referred back so that officers could assess the validity or soundness of the reasons for not accepting the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse the application.

At the July meeting the head of development management, Richard Graham, told members: ‘I am very concerned this would be a departure from Local Policy.’

North Yorkshire councillor David Ireton commented: ‘We have a very good policy for barn conversions. I don’t see how this barn can fit into the policies that we members adopted. It’s too isolated in that landscape.’

The planning officer stated: ‘There are other options for the reuse of the barn with a less intensive use such as a camping barn ( i.e. basic bothy accommodation / a “stone tent”) which would suit this isolated location, and therefore see the retention and repair of the barn.

‘The property, whether a holiday let, or permanent dwelling would require a safe off-road parking area. The proposed parking area would involve the removal of a length of wall to create an entrance, the stone boundary wall will be lowered to 1.0m towards the east to create the necessary visibility splays of 2m x 45m. This …would have a harmful visual impact on the rural unspoilt character of this stretch of roadside.’

She added: ‘Many businesses within the National Park are facing difficult times at the moment owing to the current economic crisis, and uncertainty over the single farm payments and the move to a post Brexit agricultural economy are affecting farming in particular.

‘The applicant currently farms 250 acres of land in sheep and beef cattle, but this has recently been reduced from340 acres as the landlord has sold off a portion of land. The applicant’s family wish to carry on the family business when the applicant retires in the future and this holiday let would assist in ensuring the viability of the farm.’

These, she said, were personal circumstances and as such could only be taken into account if they were very exceptional. ‘These reasons do not apply specifically to this applicant and the circumstances, whilst compelling, are not an exception,’ she said.

The majority of the members accepted her recommendation to refuse the application by John Schindler.


An enforcement notice will be issued to stop fields at Low Hall Farm, Kettlewell, being used as a permanent camping and caravan site.

An enforcement officer told the  committee  that the caravans on the site were clearly visible not only to those living nearby but also from a distance.

Member Derek Twine commented: ‘[Recently when] I was walking down into Kettlewell it was clearly visible with large and numerous white caravans and campervans and this significantly marred the enjoyment of the view and the heritage view.’

The enforcement officer showed photographs of how close these were to some residences. She stated: ‘The unauthorised use of the land as a permanent caravan/camp site has introduced a more intensive use than had previously taken place. Photographic evidence shows that there are times when the site accommodates a large number of caravans and campervans.

‘Clearly this level of usage generates a significant degree of noise and activity arising from vehicles arriving and leaving the site and activity from visitors on the site setting up camp and enjoying meals outside sometimes until late hours. Given the close proximity of residential properties, in many cases only separated from the campers by a low stone boundary wall, this level of noise and activity would undoubtedly be disturbing to a level exceeding what residents would reasonably expect.

‘Furthermore the stationing of caravans and campervans against the wall separating the site from resident’s gardens clearly undermines privacy enjoyed by residents in their gardens and homes. The unauthorised use adversely affects residents enjoyment of their gardens and properties to a high degree and is a significant increase in what had been the case previously.’

She reported that the application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a permanent seasonal camping and caravanning site had been refused and that an appeal had been lodged. The owners’ agent had requested that no formal enforcement action be taken until that had been determined.

She continued: ‘Waiting for the outcome of the appeal will mean that there is potential for this site to continue to cause harm for residents for another year. If a [enforcement] notice is served it is open to the owners to also submit an appeal against the notice and potentially the Planning Appeal and Enforcement Appeal can be dealt with at the same time.’

She said that as an unregistered site it could still be used, under permitted development rights, for caravan rallies that last no longer than five days, and for camping and caravanning for 28 days in a year.

The majority of members voted for an enforcement notice to be served.

A Crime against the Yorkshire Dales

Statement by the Association of Rural Communities concerning local democracy  in the new North Yorkshire Council and the under-funding of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority:

A major crime has been committed against local democracy and the special landscape of the Yorkshire Dales – and the perpetrator is the government.

The government pushed for large unitary authorities to replace district councils in north England. One of these, North Yorkshire Council,  states on its website states that it is ‘being built with local at its heart and aims to be the most local, large council in England.’

But actions speak louder than words as is very obvious for those living in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale. Not only do they no longer have their own district councillor (Richard Good) but they have lost their local representative on the planning committee of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA).

Mr Good’s place on the YDNPA planning committee has now been allocated to Steve Shaw-Wright the North Yorkshire County councillor from Selby – almost 73 miles from Reeth.

Two other local district councillors have been replaced on the planning committee by those who do not live in the National Park.

Alastair Dinsdale, chairman of the Association of Rural Communities said: ‘I see this as the final nail in the coffin of democracy within the National Park. We, the community, own, live and manage the area as unpaid park keepers. We are now controlled by officers, appointed members and elected members from larger authorities around the National Park. Residents of the National Park should have the same level of local government representation as everyone else.

‘For a sustainable future we need to take back some control before the next generation turn their backs and leave, and then who will look after what we have created and managed so well?’

In addition to the problem of representation it looks as if Swaledale and Arkengarthdale will also suffer from the under-funding of the Yorkshire Dales National Park (YDNPA).

The core grant from Defra to the YDNPA has not increased for eight years – and yet seven years ago, in August 2016, the size of that National Park was increased by almost a quarter (from 653 sq miles to 841 sq miles)  .  The YDNPA stated at that time: ‘It’s thrilling that these fantastic areas [such as the Great Asby Scar, the northern Howgill Fells, Wild Boar Fell and Mallerstang ] have at last been recognised as worthy of national park status, based entirely on the quality of the landscape and rich recreational opportunities they offer.’

But what is the use of having the status without the money to do the job properly?

As the YDNPA Chief Executive David Butterworth told the Full Authority meeting on March 28, due to inflation the core grant from Defra was less in actual terms now than it was in 2010, and in real terms was worth half of what it was then. ‘We used to have a £1, now we have 50p,’ he said.

He explained that through income generation and using some of its reserves the Authority has balanced its budget and expects to meet most of its objectives which include producing a new Nature Recovery Plan for the National Park. But it still needed to cut back on some projects including wildlife conservation, trees and woodlands.

It is also re-evaluating its very successful Rights of Way maintenance programme. As the responsibility for these rests with the Highways Authorities the YDNPA will discuss funding with the new Unitary Authorities.  There is also the possibility of having card-only car parking machines at its car parks which, it stated, would save about £50,000 a year by 2025.

And there is a proposal to remove the Authority’s presence from Hudson House in Reeth from 2024/25, which would save it £31,000 a year. Authority member Allen Kirkbride, the parish council representative for the northern part of the Yorkshire Dales, described Hudson House as ‘very much the face of the national park’ in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale.

Those two dales are an integral part of the Yorkshire Dales and would have been key factors in its designation as a National Park in 1954. The barns and walls in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale are so iconic that in 1989 much of those dales became the largest conservation area in the country.

Hudson House works in partnership with several local agencies as well as providing an office for the National Park’s Ranger and its Tourist Information Centre. Mike Evershed, the chair of Hudson House Ltd, told the meeting on March 28 that its mission was to further the economic, social, cultural and environmental interests of residents, businesses and visitors to Swaledale and Arkengarthdale. He spoke, therefore, about the effect of the YDNPA’s withdrawal on residents, businesses and visitors.

He said: ’In terms of businesses and visitors, I believe it would be very damaging if the visitor centre in Reeth were to close completely. I am well aware that in recent years it has been something of a Cinderella and not a high priority for staffing or stocking. But Swaledale is one of the most iconic dales and Reeth a historic centre both for business and recreation. I believe there is scope for us to work with you to reduce costs and improve sales or, if necessary, to find an alternative way to maintain a tourist information presence in Reeth. So I would urge the Authority to work positively with us to explore alternatives before taking any irreversible steps to close the centre completely.

‘The second point I would like to make is that your local area ranger is also based in Hudson House and that does not seem to be considered. The co-location of the area rangers in the communities they serve was one of the best decisions the Authority has made. People can and do drop into Hudson House to talk about issues before they become problems. This co-location has also been of great importance when there have been emergencies, such as after the devastating flash flooding in 2019. So there is considerable concern in the local community that you are planning to close the ranger’s office as well as the visitor centre.’

The way things are going it won’t be just Hudson House which is the Cinderella but all of Swaledale and Arkengarthdale.

January to December 2022

ARC News Service report on  meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority‘s (YDNPA) planning committee  in 2022.

Applications discussed: January  11 –  a proposed glamping site at Askrigg; and alterations at The Stables at Marske;  February 22 – conversion of the Railway Station at Horton in Ribblesdale, a live/work unit and dog breeding kennels at Langcliffe near Settle,  a new farmstead near Appersett, enforcement action against owner  of Bainbridge Ings Caravan site near Hawes, and an enforcement notice regarding a container at Stirton;  May 17 –  use of Colt Park Barn at  Chapel le Dale,  snack kiosk at Crina Bottom, Ingleton, a new house at Embsay, dormer window on a house at Threshfield, and opening a caravan site at Little Asby during winter; June 22 –  increasing number of  letting rooms at Fell View Barn for The Angel Inn at Hetton, the future of the affordable  housing in a development at Horton in Ribblesdale, touring caravan pitches at Swaleview Caravan Park, Swaledale;, and an enforcement notice concerning work carried out around a former Wesleyan chapel in Ravenstonedale; August 2 –  Fell View Barn and The Angel Inn at Hetton;,glamping pods at Town End Farm, Airton, and  by GTEC to convert at barn at Hawes; September 13 –  a new barn and slurry store at Saxelby Farm, Hebden, the conversion of what was  once a gym into holiday lets at Sedbergh, a possible  housing development at Grassington; and alterations to the access, garden and curtilage of Old Hall, Conistone, October 25 –  additional guest rooms for The Angel Inn, Hetton, a new Technology Centre at Sedbergh School, additional livestock housing at Gildersbeck Farm, Melmerby,  an agricultural building at Hebden; an ice cream trailer at Burnsall, and additional route for timber lorries from the Ingleborough Estate passing through Austwick to the A65; December 6 – for a local farming family to convert a barn at Hawes,  the conversion of a small shop to a holiday let also at Hawes, the redevelopment of a commercial site in Sedbergh, and  a complex application from United Utilities concerning replacing sections of the aqueduct from Haweswater which will particularly affect Killington parish.

Pip Pointon attends and reports on the YDNPA planning committee meetings as part of the commitment to local democracy by the Association of Rural Communities.

in January 


Almost all of the members voted to refuse an application by Richard Alderson to have three glamping cabins, two with hot tubs, on a field by his house on the south-eastern side of Askrigg.

Mr Alderson told the committee that he had lived and worked in the National Park area all his life but his work had dried  up due to the pandemic. “We realised we needed another stream of income to secure our long-term stability,” he said. He had initially considered having a camp site but this would have probably meant up to six cars being parked there at any one time.

He said he had been advised to consider luxury low-key cabins which would be environmentally friendly. The income from these, he said, would not only help them but enable his family with their children to move back into the area later. He added that this would “help to stop Askrigg becoming a ghost town”.  He told the committee that the glamping site would also sustain local businesses and commented:  “We believed we had identified a niche opportunity.”

He pointed out that there had been no objections from the wildlife conservation officer. The YDNPA’s building conservation officer had no specific objections but had requested that consideration be given to the impact of new development upon the character of the conservation area.

The Highway Authority had, however, recommended that the application should be refused as the public highway leading to the site was, it stated, insufficient in width to accommodate the increase in traffic. Access would be via Silver Street and the unmade Cringley Lane.

The planning officer reported: “Silver Street is narrow and single width with houses and  high garden walls to either side. This leaves nowhere for on-coming vehicles to pull off the road to pass each other.

“Silver Street emerges onto the main road at the centre of Askrigg. The parish council and residents report that it is dangerous due to the lack of visibility.”

This was emphasised by David Blake, a retired professor of music, who, after 39 years of living in Askrigg, had moved with his wife to Cringley House four years ago. He said he was speaking on behalf of his neighbours, several of whom attended the meeting.

They were concerned, he reported, that they had not been informed that the application was on the agenda for the last meeting of Askrigg and Low Abbotside Parish Council and so they had not attended it.

Mr Blake said the disturbance when work was being carried out on site was likely to be extreme and there would be continued disturbance to residents once the glamping cabins were in use. In addition, they believed the road was not suitable for heavy works traffic, and the additional vehicular use could make it difficult for emergency vehicles to gain access.

“This endeavour is entirely out of keeping with the environment [and]the landscape,” he said.

When recommending refusal the planning officer listed not only the highway issues but also that the proposed timber cabins would harm the appearance and the character of Askrigg Conservation Area and the surrounding landscape; and would cause overlooking, noise and disturbance that would be detrimental to the amenity of those living nearby.

Committee member Allen Kirkbride (from Askrigg) told the committee that the application had caused a lot of debate in the village. He summed up the arguments for and against the application before stating that he would abstain from voting.


A planning officer visited The Stables at Marske last year to check on concerns raised by Marske and New Forest Parish Council which included the possibility of the holiday accommodation being used as a “party house”.

His presentation at the planning committee was barely audible but he was heard to say that after monitoring the situation there was no evidence of The Stables being used as a party house.

Oil tanks had, however, been installed to the rear of the Grade II listed former stable block and a wall increased in height so as to screen them without planning permission.

The committee agreed that the oil tanks were necessary for the heating systems and should remain. They also agreed with the planning officer that the section of wall which had been altered looked rough and unfinished, and was possibly unsafe. It should, therefore, be repaired to standard agreed by the planning authority.

The application by the Heritage Property Group (Marsk) Ltd also included alterations to the car parking layout so as to increase the number of spaces from 17 to 34.

In his report the planning officer stated that there had been no increase in the number of accommodation units and added: “The proposed increase in car parking spaces would litter the grounds of the listed building with parked cars when in full use, which would be substantially harmful to the setting of the building and amount to over-development of the site.” He believed the increase could lead to traffic conflict on holiday change-over days.

The applicant had altered the application after being advised to have 20 car spaces which would be two car spaces per unit.

Like the planning officer, members Kirkbride and Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden emphasised the need to ensure that a local farmer could still access a private farm track. For this reason the proposed parking spaces close to that access were removed from the plans.

Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good said the parish council was particularly concerned about parking on the site and the construction of the wall. He told the committee that there was a serious parking problem in Marske especially when walkers left their cars there.

In February

Horton in Ribblesdale

Some community use of the Railway Station at Horton in Ribblesdale should be retained several committee members insisted when the application to convert it into a one-bedroom holiday let and a cafe cum bar was discussed.

The committee did give permission as long as there was a condition, proposed by member Mark Corner, to retain reasonable community use. The chairman, Neil Swain, said this condition would be drafted and if there were any problems it would be brought back to the committee.

Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council had told the committee that the community had seen a gradual reduction in facilities over the years and so it was felt some sort of community use should be retained at the railway station. It said the station was used by community groups and that the parish council and Horton Local History Group had filing cabinets there. It did not consider that alternative community facilities in the area were suitable.

Those who objected to the application included North Craven Heritage Trust, The Friends of the Dales and Horton Local History Group.

Craven District councillor David Ireton commented: ‘The community needs that protection that they have a facility to meet for business.’

The planning officer, however, stated: ’The minor impact upon the community must be balanced against the positive re-use of this significant building enhancing the railway company’s offering.’

The application to convert the former Midlands Railway building (opened in 1876) was made by Settle and Carlisle Railway Properties (Trusts). A condition of the permission will be that the waiting room will be retained for railway users. The number of car parking spaces will be increased from five to six to provide for those using the holiday let.

The Trust stated that although it planned to open the cafe from 8am to 6pm every day, it was keen to provide a more permanent arrangement for community groups.

Jim Munday, the member champion for development management, described the application as sound as it would give a worthwhile purpose to the building for many years to come.

‘This application will focus more attention on the station and benefit rail travel. Trains are more environmentally friendly, someone else does the driving. They don’t park on the pavement and they don’t obstruct people’s drives.

But he also described Horton in Ribblesdale as being a village under siege due to 200,000 people a year undertaking the Three Peaks Walk. Many of them, he said, took the train to Horton in Ribblesdale station.

For those living in the private road leading to the railway station this can cause many problems as there was, according to one resident, an unwelcome element of drivers who did not heed the No Parking signs and could be very abusive when challenged.

‘We are senior citizens and find it increasingly stressful and upsetting having to cope with abuse. If this application is passed I would ask what happened to the ethos of the national park being jointly for the locals and the visitors alike?’ she said.

She explained that the station was a convenient place for many to either drop off walkers or to collect them. She added that she and her neighbours were often picking  up litter and that was likely to get worse if there was a cafe at the station.

During the debate parish council representative Cllr Allen Kirkbride asked if members of the Friends of the Dales should have declared their membership. Mr Corner said he was a member but thought it had been sufficient to say he had been lobbied. North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine stated he had let his membership lapse.


A registered Kennel Club dog breeder can create a live/work unit in a timber shed at Cowside near Langcliffe so that he can care for the dogs without affecting any neighbours.

The committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that Ian McKenna could convert the Old Diary into live/work accommodation and another shed (the shippon) for breeding kennels. He explained that such a dog breeding business was ideally sited in a more isolated location so that neighbours would not be affected by the noise, and that Mr McKenna needed to be on the site full time.

Even though a dog breeding business would not usually be classed as an ‘essential rural-based enterprise’ for which an exception to policy could be made he believed Mr McKenna’s application could, therefore, be approved.

The agent, Mike Harris, said Mr McKenna’s present accommodation wasn’t sustainable and that the pragmatic solution was to allow him to live on site where he could care for the dogs 24/7, and continue living in the area near his children.

‘I am very much in favour of small rural businesses,’ said Cllr Kirkbride. And North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock agreed.

Cllr Ireton asked what would happen if the dog breeding business closed down.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, replied that there would be a legal agreement that the Old Diary could only be occupied by someone working in the dog-breeding business, and that it, the shippon and the grassed area used for exercising the dogs should remain in the same ownership. He assured the committee that this would be enforced.

The majority voted to approve the application even though Cllr Heseltine said that the past planning history did not sit well with many of them.

This included an enforcement notice in May 2019 to stop the use of the Old Dairy as a self-contained dwelling house, and an application to convert the shippon into a dog breeding unit being refused in April 2020. The planning officer said that a case  had now been made to support the siting of the business and accommodation in a more remote location.


A barn and a farmhouse can be constructed on a new farm – The Crag and Carr –  near Appersett, even though 29 trees along the A684 will be felled.

A planning officer reported to the committee that the 360 acre farm did not have a suitable barn for housing cattle in winter or a farmhouse. He explained that the applicants were previously long-standing tenants of the nearby East Birkrigg farm. But possession of  the farmhouse and associated farm buildings was taken back by the owner (Myles Metcalfe) in 2017 before subsequent sale.

The new barn and farmhouse will be close to another farmstead and in the only field that has direct access to the A684.  The planning officer stated.  however, that to obtain sufficient visibility splay 29 deciduous trees will be felled. These trees, he reported, contributed towards the somewhat unusual ‘green tunnelling’ enclosure of the highway.

This special feature was one of the reasons why Mr Metcalfe and David Braybrook objected to the application.

Besides questioning the proposed location of the new buildings, Mr Metcalfe said: ‘This section of the road is truly one of the most scenic in the whole of the Yorkshire Dales and it is now under threat.’

David Braybrook, who lives in Rigg House West opposite the proposed access, was also concerned about the felling of healthy trees that, he said, could well survive for another 20 to 40 years. He also pointed out that the access would be onto a dangerous and narrow stretch of road.

Like Mr Braybrook, Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council pointed out that the traffic survey quoted was carried out in 2020 during the height of the lockdown when there were less visitors. ‘In more recent months this has increased 10 fold and it is, therefore, not a true reflection of daily life here now,’ the parish council stated.

It added: ‘We are more than dismayed at the proposal to remove trees… and we strongly object. One of the YDNP policies is to protect the landscape and support wildlife and the environment and the proposal seems in direct contravention of that.’

The planning officer reported that the Highways Authority had asked for the access to have a 4.5m set back from the road but this had been reduced to 2.4m to limit the number of trees to be felled.

The farmer, Nick Prince, said there had been a full assessment of the new farm and all other possible sites for the buildings had been discounted for reasons such as no potential for secure access or environmental sensitivity, or impact on the landscape.

He told the committee: ‘Our cattle need to be housed over winter to protect the land. Continuing to manage the farm [without] is stressful, impractical and unsustainable.’ The barn he said was also needed for calving and lambing, the storage of produce and machinery and  gaining accreditation as a farm.

Regarding the application for outline permission for a farmhouse he said: ‘We currently live in two bedrooms in my mother’s house in Hawes which is impractical for the family and unsustainable.’

He explained that it was difficult to reach the farm when the road between Hawes and Appersett was flooded; nor could they protect livestock from being stolen or take proper care of the animals if they weren’t living there.  ‘Living on site would reduce personal stress and anxiety – the worry for the welfare of the stock. Their security and their safety cannot be constantly monitored from off-site.’

The planning officer stated: ‘The proposal, including the formation of a new means of access, strikes a necessary balance between avoiding unacceptable visual and landscape impacts and safeguarding highway safety, whilst it is also acceptable in ecological terms.’ Trees will be planted to compensate for those felled, he said.

Cllr Richard Good commented: ‘I can’t see how you can run a farm if you don’t live on it.’

The committee first gave approval for the barn which must be built and brought into use before the farmhouse can be constructed. There will be an agricultural occupancy restriction on the latter.


The owner of Bainbridge Ings caravan site near Hawes has tried to make a mockery of the National Park’s planning system, said North Yorkshire County Cllr Yvonne Peacock, who represents Upper Wensleydale.

She recounted how the site had, until 2017, had a well-run camping site which enabled many to visit the area. ‘It’s a cheaper way to come and enjoy the Dales,’ she commented.

Cllr Kirkbride said: ‘Ever since they [the new owners] have taken this over they have taken us for a ride. I’m surprised it has gone on so long before we [take] action against it.’

Speaking from his experience as a Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme assessor, Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good told the committee: ‘The lack of tent camping in the area is becoming a serious problem. There isn’t a tented site that close to Hawes any more. We definitely do need it.’

The committee unanimously voted for an enforcement notice to be served following what the chairman, Neil Swain, described as an extensive but entirely justified presentation by an enforcement officer.

The officer explained that despite extensive contact with the owner during planning, enforcement and appeal processes significant breaches of planning control had continued at the site. In the field designated to be used only by those with tents there were  very visible gravel tracks and hard standings for touring caravans and campervans, a static caravan and a timber cabin which was being used as a guest washroom.

The owner had lost an appeal following the planning decision in June 2018 which required the field to continue to be used for tents only. Showing photos of the gravel track and hard standings now in the field the officer stated: ‘It is clear why the planning inspector was concerned about the use of the field for caravans or caravans.  This is exactly what the planning inspector was trying to avoid.

‘The one interesting thing you won’t find in this area are any tents. There is a sign – No tents allowed on site,’ he told the committee.

He said that approval was given in 2020 for an all-weather two-wheelings access track and grass filled grids for the field to be only used by touring caravans. He showed photos of the wide gravel track and the hard standings that are there now, again in breach of planning conditions.  ‘You can’t see any grass where the hard standings and parking areas are,’ he added.

Another unauthorised development, he said, was the installation of four cabins in that field. ‘They are permanently sited, they have fresh and waste water plumbing , they have gas installed, they have fencing and they have hot tubs.’

He explained that the planning permission in 2018 had allowed the owner to install eight camping pods on part of the site. But neither the pods nor the layout were in accordance with planning conditions. The owner lost his appeal against the enforcement notice and the officer said the matter was now moving towards prosecution.

He said there was an on-going pattern across Bainbridge Ings of breaches of planning control since the new owners took over in 2017.

In his report he warned: ‘Breaches of planning control impact adversely on the ability of the Authority to maintain public confidence in planning system and, in particular, the Authority’s ability to retain planning control over this site.’

Cllr Good agreed with Cllr Peacock  that prosecution should start immediately the six-month compliance order ended. He said: ‘We don’t want a day over six months because these are serious breaches.  I hope you enforce very vigorously as soon as you possibly can.’

To a request to start prosecution even sooner Richard Graham, head of development management, explained that was up to the legal officers and that, following the pandemic, the courts were overloaded.

The enforcement notice will be for the following:

In the tents only field: no more touring caravans, static caravans, mobile homes or campervans; the removal of the static caravan and the timber cabin; the removal of the unauthorised tracks and hard standings; and to restore the land to its previous state.

In the touring caravans only field: the complete removal of four unauthorised cabins; the removal of the gravel tracks and hard standings; and to return the land to its original condition.


It was also unanimously agreed that an enforcement notice should be served on the owner of a container in a field near Bog Lane, Stirton.

It was reported that the owner has been told since May  2018 that planning permission was required. An enforcement officer said that the owner had not responded to the latest correspondence sent by letter, email and voicemail, and the container remained in the field.

When Eden District councillor Ian Mitchell asked why it had taken so long to request enforcement action Mr Graham responded that the pandemic had had a severe impact during which the planning department had to deal with planning applications. He said it had been a difficult period and that, with recruitment, they were now getting rid of the backlog.

In May

Chapel le Dale

The Enforcement Closures Quarterly reports usually are approved very quickly and without comment. But not at the May meeting. Craven District councillor Carl Lis was the first to question how the situation at Colt Park Barn at Chapel le Dale could be described  as  ‘No Breach’ of a planning approval.

‘I am a bit confused, as is the local parish council. Its usage has increased enormously and this has created quite a big problem in terms of safety particularly by the access [to the B6479] . Where are we with this? What’s  happening with it?’ he asked.

North Yorkshire County councillor David Ireton agreed. ‘Quite clearly there is a breach,’ he said, pointing out that the original planning application approved in 1992 was for English Heritage to have sole use of the barn.

The situation was reported to enforcement because of ‘multiple use by other organisations’.

The head of development management, Richard Graham,  told the meeting that any application needed to be considered ‘without enforcement hanging over it.’ (Ingleborough National Nature Reserve applied for a lawful development certificate on March 23 this year.)

For the application by Ingleborough NNR and comments of residents click here.


Member Mark Corner then asked how it took four and a half years  to decide it wasn’t expedient to pursue enforcement action regarding the work carried out to increase the height and re-roof the building to the rear of the Forge at Hawes.

Mr Graham replied that there was a backlog as a result of Covid when enforcement had not been a priority. He reminded the committee that at the Full Authority meeting in September 2021 it had been decided, in view of the real time cuts in the budget, that enforcement would be split from development management (planning). The latter had remained as a priority programme but enforcement hadn’t.

Crina Bottom, Ingleton

The importance of enforcement was emphasised when the committee considered the application for a small, wooden kiosk at Crina Bottom, on the walking route to Ingleborough, which would be used to serve hot and cold drinks and cold food.

The owners, Adam Gough and Moira Domican-Gough, were asked to provide a management plan to show how they would ensure that no litter from the kiosk would end up on top of Ingleborough.

Referring to the piles and piles of litter at the top of Whernside Cllr asked: ‘How on earth are we going to police this to ensure that we don’t add to the problems we have already.  It’s just the issue of how they are going to guarantee that nobody takes litter from the [kiosk]  up onto Ingleborough. It’s a massive issue. We need to do something about the litter problem.’

And North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock stated: ‘We have a statutory duty to do planning but no statutory duty to enforce. My problem would be the enforcement. This is such an important part of the National Park. Someone needs to keep an eye on this and make sure what it says in the application does actually happen.’

Mrs Domican-Gough told the committee that since they bought Crina Bottom just over a year ago they had moved many skip loads of rubbish off the site. ‘The last was a large digger that had been a landmark for about 30 years,’ Mrs Domican-Gough told the committee. ‘We are very proud of the results.’’

She assured the committee that the plates and cups would be washed and re-used. No plastic bottles would be available and there would be a recycling bin for cans. All the food would be sourced locally with the cakes being made in her kitchen. They would include items for the kiosk with their own shopping so that additional deliveries would not be required. And they would encourage walkers to protect and care for the environment and livestock.

‘We feel it will help make the countryside more accessible for some and prevent an elitist attitude towards the outdoors,’ she said.

Cllr Ireton said: ‘I don’t think there is anywhere on Whernside that serves drinks and food so I don’t think we can hold the applicant responsible for the problems that the general public create.In fact, it may reduce [the problem] as this will give them an opportunity to get a drink and a snack that is controlled.’

The planning officer emphasised that this would be a very low key and modest facility which was very unlikely to have a negative impact upon the highly sensitive open upland landscape. He added: ‘The development would offer walkers an enhanced opportunity to enjoy the landscape with a refreshing drink or slice of homemade cake.’

The majority of the members accepted his recommendation to approve the application.

YDNPA press release


The creation of a new house in Brackenley Lane, Embsay, was approved with the condition that the access, with adequate visibility splay,  must be created first.

Embsay with Eastby parish councillor Vince Smith, told the committee that if that wasn’t done the construction traffic would cause chaos. The parish council accepted the need for more housing, he said, but would  prefer one wasn’t built at the western end of Brackenley Lane where there was no footpath and which would exaggerate existing problems on a section of single-carriageway road. The road, he added, was not only used by schoolchildren but also as a back route between Skipton and Grassington.

The planning officer explained that it was due to the access onto a narrow road that the applicant had reduced the number of bedrooms from four to three. This should reduce the number of cars at the property. The plans for the garden had been altered to create parking spaces and the position of the garage had been altered.

Cllr Peacock agreed with the planning officer that this would provide a family home for local occupancy.


Previous enforcement action and a court appearance led to the latest application to retain a dormer window at High Winds, Wharfeside Avenue,  Threshfield being unanimously refused.

The planning officer reported that in February 2017 the committee had approved a much smaller dormer window to be built with materials which matched the exterior of the Edwardian-villa style of the semi-detached house. The one constructed was, he said, significantly bigger  with two larger windows plus a small central opening plus other changes to the approved plans. This led in 2018 to an enforcement notice being served and an application to retain the dormer being refused. Finally, at a court appearance in November 2020, the applicant, Andy Gould, was found guilty and fined. Mr Gould then applied to retain the dormer with new tile hanging and upvc window frames.

The planning officer recommended refusal on the grounds that, even with the alterations proposed by Mr Gould, the dormer would still harm the character and appearance of the Edwardian building and surrounding area.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine said the dormer did blend in with the roof and not easily seen from the Skipton to Kettlewell road. Member Mark Corner, however, commented: ‘I think it is a carbuncle on the roof.’

Little Asby

Permission was granted for Chapel Farm Caravan Park at Little Asby in Cumbria to remain open 364 days a year.

Asby Parish Council had objected to allowing the caravans to be occupied during the winter because of light pollution, concerns about drainage and flooding, and the possibility of them being used as permanent residences.

The planning officer reported that the intention was to use low-level bollard-height solar powered lights along internal roadways which would be motion-sensitive and that would be included in the planning conditions.

He and the many members expected occupancy to be low in winter significantly reducing the  possibility of drainage problems and light pollution. He added that one of the planning conditions would be that caravans could be used for holiday occupancy only.

Eden District councillor Sandy Lancaster commented: ‘I can’t see it having an effect upon anybody given that it is a cul-de-sac road – it’s very quiet.’

And then Lancaster City councillor Kevin Frea suggested that maybe, in the future, those working in the area should be allowed to use such caravans as residential accommodation in view of the high price of houses.

Mr Graham replied that residential use led to many changes in the environment around the caravans as compared to holiday use.

There was a ripple of laughter when the chairman, Neil Swain, asked if anyone else wanted to say something controversial!

In June


The Angel Inn was once the hub of Hetton, but is now a 21-bedroom ‘hotel’ which over dominates the centre of the village a resident, Richard Jackson, told the committee.

The owners of the Inn, Wellock Estates, have applied for planning permission to erect an extension to Fell View Barn to increase the number of hotel suites there from five to ten. At the planning meeting Richard Armstrong, on behalf of Hetton cum Bordley Parish Meeting, successfully requested a site meeting so that members could see the situation themselves – and especially the preliminary plans for car parking.

The planning officer stated, when recommending approval: ‘It is recognised that the village does experience a high level of visitors to the hotel due to its popularity and that causes concerns to local residents. However, unlike the previously refused scheme [in 2019] which would have resulted in a shortfall of 34 parking spaces, it is considered that the current proposal is much more modest and the scale is proportionate to the current business and would not result with significant impact to the village.’

She reported that an application for ten letting bedrooms in the barn was refused in 1995 and a year later the Authority gave approval for staff to be accommodated there. In 2002 that was changed to five letting rooms.

Mr Armstrong explained that Fell View Barn was part of a complex of buildings in the centre of Hetton owned by Wellock Estates, with the area around them being used for car parking. He pointed out that three years ago a traffic expert had told the planning committee, on behalf of Wellock Estates, that there would be sufficient parking at Fell View Barn if it was converted into a restaurant and guest accommodation.

He said the planning officer had recommended approval of that application but the committee, after a site meeting, had unanimously refused it. When an appeal inspector stated there would be a three-day appeal inquiry Wellock Estates had withdrawn the application citing financial reasons, he added.

‘You are now faced with a similar situation,’ he told members. This included a traffic report which he said should be treated with suspicion.  Both he and Mr Jackson told the meeting that the car parking plan for Fell View Barn was based upon data from 2006 when cars were smaller needing a turning radius of 5.9m. Today a Range Rover Sport required a turning radius of almost 13m, Mr Armstrong said. Mr Jackson described the layout for parking at Fell View Barn as over-ambitious and would lead to the drivers of large vehicles parking on the road.

They said that no accommodation nor parking spaces were provided for the staff. There was only a limited bus service until 6.30pm  with none running on Sundays, so staff and visitors had to drive to Hetton.

Mr Jackson listed the three other properties Wellock Estates had bought and turned into holiday lets and said: ‘In total, at this point in time, The Angel has moved from the original position of five letting bedrooms to a total of 21 bedrooms.’ He added that the total frontage of the properties in the centre of the village was more than 150m.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine supported the parish meeting’s request for a site meeting stating: ‘The speakers have given rational and cogent reasons for us to be cautious again over this application. We were proved right last time [about] significant over development.’

When the senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, pointed out that site meetings were costly and asked if the request met the Authority’s criteria for one, he responded: ‘Transparency and democracy is all important.’

North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock stated: ‘It certainly makes a lot of difference when you actually see the site.’

The majority of members voted to defer making any decision until a site meeting had been held.

Horton in Ribblesdale

It was agreed that a housing development at Horton in Ribblesdale can go ahead even if there is no on-site affordable housing.

The planning officer explained that in November 2019 the committee had given permission for five open market and four affordable housing units to be built at Rowe Garth. One of the conditions was that the affordable housing provision should be secured by the involvement of the applicant Craven District Council as the registered provider. But Craven District Council has been unable to progress as the registered provider she said.  It has now applied to amend the application to include what the planning officer described as the ‘fall-back position within the Section 106 agreement in the form of a commuted sum in lieu of the on-site affordable housing provision’ should no other registered provider be found.

Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good said: ‘My concern is … are we going to lose an opportunity of affordable housing?’ He asked why Craven District Council would no longer be the registered provider.

The planning officer replied: ‘My understanding of it is that there was a commitment to delivering a lot of new infrastructure which rendered it unviable to the designated provider. I think that is why others haven’t come forward.

‘If they can’t get a registered provider then they would have to pay a commuted sum. The expectation would be that is put towards affordable housing in the locality. At the very most, I would have thought it would be in the Craven part of the National Park but that would be [up to] the housing authority.’

North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock asked about the criteria for allocating affordable housing for rent. She said the Authority’s criteria had not been followed by a housing association which said it had acted correctly in accordance with its own.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, replied: ‘It’s our policy and included in every legal agreement that affordable housing should be made available first of all for people who live in the parish, then cascades out to those who meet the criteria, to those in surrounding parishes, and so on to the wider district or National Park area. We are not a housing authority nor are we a registered provider. Allocation of the housing is dealt with by the registered provider or the housing authority – so they make the decisions [about] who will get that  housing.’  He said he would contact a housing association if there was evidence that the Authority’s criteria was not being followed.

Cllr Good told the committee that Craven District and Richmondshire District Councils were part of a consortium in Yorkshire  (Yorkshire Housing) which makes the letting arrangements. ‘I don’t think we have a lot of control,’ he said.


The Yorkshire Dales can’t afford to lose caravan and camping pitches Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden told the committee.

The majority of members agreed with him and voted to refuse permission  for Swaleview Caravan Park to replace a minimum of 15 of  30 touring caravan pitches with 16 static caravans. Five touring pitches would be created elsewhere.

Andrew Carter, proprietor of the caravan park, said they ensured that those staying there could not use caravans as permanent residences. Hudswell and District Parish Council supported the application and had told the committee: ‘his site has always been operated in a responsible manner, causing no problems and providing good quality longer term holiday accommodation. The applicants have tried short term lets which have not been viable and restrictive to their business.

‘Most important is their assertion that longer term lets would free more properties for those who wish to live full-time in the area, bringing more economic growth to the area.’

The planning officer stated: ‘It is this scenario that the Authority’s policy seeks to avoid.  The policy was developed in response to an increasing trend for touring sites to be converted to private static sites or to more expensive lodges, or even permanent park home type sites where single statics were converted to double units without the need for planning permission. There are locations within the Park where this form of development has taken place with permanent harmful effects on the character and appearance of the landscape.’

He added that any significant reduction in the availability of short-term holiday pitches would have a detrimental effect on the Authority’s tourism strategy.

Cllr Good commented: ‘This is probably one of the better caravan sites I have ever seen. It is extremely well run. I don’t have a problem with people staying a bit longer as long as they can’t stay 12 months but I do have a big problem with reducing the number of touring caravans. There are still a lot of people who  use touring vans.’

Cllr Robert Heseltine warned that if the application was approved it would create a very serious precedent.


‘This must be one of the worst examples of compliance… I’ve seen in 42 years on the National Park,’ Cllr Heseltine told the committee after seeing the slides shown by the enforcement officer, Ian Faircloth, of the work undertaken around a former Wesleyan Chapel in Ravenstonedale.

The committee voted unanimously for an enforcement notice to be served for the removal of works which were not approved in the planning permission granted in February 2021. These include the reinstatement of land to the west and south of the site; and the removal of an unauthorised car parking space and the new access to the A683.

The chapel is at the junction of the A683 with Murthwaite Lane between Sedbergh and Kirkby Stephen. The planning permission allowed an access onto Murthwaite Lane as there were concerns about oneto the busy A683.

Mr Faircloth told the committee that in May 2021 Rangers reported extensive engineering works to the west and south of the chapel exceeding those shown in the approved plans. They had also reported that the car parking area was further west of the chapel; that the package treatment plant had been installed to the south of it outside the red line development area; and terraced areas had been created in the  hillside with retaining  pre-cast interlocking blocks.

He stated: ‘During a site meeting on 30 June 2021, the owner advised that drainage problems had resulted in the relocation of the car park and package treatment plant. The owner indicated an intention to install stone facing to the pre-cast concrete blocks and further advised his intention to retain terraced areas in the hillside in conjunction with the installation of camping pods, a workshop/”man bar”, chicken sheds and housing for lambs. The owner indicated an intention  to submit an application in respect of the unauthorised works but has not done so.’’

Mr Faircloth showed slides to illustrate that: ‘These breaches manifest on the site as a significant scar on the landscape and, although in places to be softening through seeding with grass, the overall impact remains significant and at odds with the approval for a more constrained and less visually intrusive development. The adverse impact on the visual quality and landscape character of the area is significant, and the new access to the highway has not been tested through the planning process with consequent concerns over highway safety remaining.’

Cllr Peacock commented: ‘It’s appalling what they’ve done. One thing I do not want to see is retrospective [application] because that is what often happens. They come back later expecting us to agree… because it’s already done. That gets me really cross.’

Member Jim Munday added: ‘These isolated chapels on the road to Kirkby Lonsdale are some of the most charming in the area.’

And Cllr Heseltine said: ‘This applicant has completely destroyed the simplicity of the rural setting of this remote chapel. It’s the remoteness in the landscape that gives them the character. This has been  urbanised to a very significant degree and it’s not acceptable. I wish we could do more than just put enforcement on.’

Cllr Amsden wondered why enforcement action hadn’t been started earlier.

In August


A decision concerning the application by the owners of The Angel Inn at Hetton to increase the number of guest suites at Fell View Barn has again been deferred by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee.

When proposing deferral at the planning committee meeting on Tuesday August 2  North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine said: ‘This application is anti-social and disruptive to the quiet living of Hetton residents.’

He quoted the planning officer’s report that Hetton had a quiet, traditional character and that The Angel already had a dominant and busy business in the centre of it. ‘The plan before us today will significantly exacerbate this already unacceptable dominance,’ he said.

The reasons he gave for deferment were: the inadequate and unworkable parking arrangements; significant increase in parking on the highway; the detrimental impact on the well-being and health of livestock in an adjoining agricultural barn; a new residential unit (holiday suite) within six inches (15mm) of a livestock building and the removal of any maintenance facility to the latter.

He said the construction of a residential unit and a storage shed so close to a livestock barn would completely stop any ventilation which was critical for livestock. He pointed out that planning officers would never support a substantial livestock barn being built that close to a residential unit. And he was concerned about a new 1.9m high stone wall being built 150mm from the barn.

‘It does concern me greatly that we are going to allow buildings so close to a farm and we could easily end up losing the livestock on the farm. I have seen that happen,’ said North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock.

The planning officer stated that whether it was legal or not to construct the wall was a private matter between the owner of the farm building and the applicant and was not a planning requisite. But Cllr Heseltine and several other members pointed out that the wall was included in the planning application.

Cllr Heseltine reported that there had been a professional survey of the parking situation in the village which had concluded that the proposals in the application would be dangerous to both drivers and pedestrians in Hetton.  He said that North Yorks County Highways had not carried out due diligence on the critical parking proposals and had accepted on face value the provisions by the applicants.

Both he and Craven District councillor Richard Foster questioned the lack of parking for those employed at The Angel and Fell View Barn. Cllr Foster told the meeting that there was no bus service in the evenings and so staff had to drive to Hetton.

Some members were also concerned about the lack of biodiversity especially in the car park at the front of Fell View Barn and the impact on the appearance of the village.


The majority of the members of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee voted to approve the siting of four glamping pods at Town End Farm, Airton, subject to a new landscaping plan.

The planning officer had recommended refusal. She stated: ‘The proposed pods, lighting and associated development would form prominent and incongruous visual features within the landscape as well as introducing a high level of human activity in a landscape with a quiet and undeveloped character.’

But North  Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine told the meeting: ‘This is a small scale development related to the existing business and I would have thought that, subject to tree planting, that the proposal will blend into that landscape. I do think, in this instance, that the recommendation for refusal is rather a harsh one.’

Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good agreed with him and stated: ‘This is an excellent plan. I cannot understand refusing it.’

Member Mark Corner, however, said that although the Authority had a duty to support economic development it also had a duty to conserve the landscape and the natural beauty of the dales. Unlike Member Allen Kirkbride, he did feel that in the proposed location the pods would stick out like a sore thumb. He asked why the pods could not be sited nearer to the farm instead of in the open fields.

The farmer, Chris Hall, told the committee: ‘With the support of the YDNP in 2003 my wife, Jane, and I diversified by converting a modern agricultural building into a farm shop and tearoom, and a traditional barn into three self-catering holiday lets. These businesses have been a great success – the PO [post office] is now part of the farm shop, providing another service to the community.  Town End is at the heart of Airton and needs to continue in its role within the community, ensuring its future by this small scale addition of alternative guest accommodation.’

He said that his children wanted to take over these businesses now he and his wife wished to retire but there wasn’t sufficient income to support two families. The glamping pods would, therefore, provide crucial income he explained.

The pods, he said, would be well screened from the south, west and east by the farm steading and drystone walls. ‘They would be positioned in such a way that only the top of the gables will be visible from the north above the dry stone wall, when driving south from Kirkby Malham. The planting of mature trees will further screen them.’

He added: ‘We have visited other sites where pods, shepherd’s huts and caravan sites within the YDNP have been approved and noted that they are far more visible than this proposed site. We also note that these approvals haven’t requested that dry stone walls and mature trees exist at the time of application, only that they should be put in place during the development of the sites.

‘The chosen site for the pods is the best site for them, taking landscape and the visual impact into consideration and we do want to make the least impact possible.’

He also told the committee: ‘Over 95% of the National Park is in private ownership, our farm being part of that and, therefore, it is us and other local people who farm the land and run the businesses who are the custodians of the National Park. We, as custodians, acknowledge that this is a special landscape and want to keep it as such.’

When asked later if the decision would be referred back  the head of development management stated: ‘The application will not be referred back to the next meeting but will be determined pending the submission of an acceptable landscaping scheme. We have not had an acceptable landscaping scheme yet so the application is still outstanding.’


Once again an application to convert a barn in Old Gayle Lane, Hawes, into a dwelling  has been refused by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee.

At its meeting on Tuesday August 3 Neil Heseltine, who is chairman of the Authority, told the committee that there had been no significant change in the latest application submitted by GTEC Property Holdings since an Inspector dismissed an appeal in April this year regarding the previous one. ‘To agree with it at this stage after that inspector’s assessment, would be to drive a bus through our own Local Plan,’ he commented. He added that the present application was contrary to five of the policies in the Authority’s Local Plan.

Member Allen Kirkbride, however, maintained that it did fit the Authority’s policy for a roadside barn including having had a track to it. ‘A barn of this size would have had a track to it [and] it would have been used two to three times a day,’ he said.

He and North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock argued that it was not in the open countryside as stated by the planning officer, because there was a caravan site on the other side of the road, and dwellings and a cattle market nearby.

Craven District councillor Richard Foster said that without another use the barn would decay. He added: ‘We  have a barn policy that doesn’t specify definitively how close to a road a barn has to be. I would like to see some work done with the applicant about the curtilage  – let’s pass this and put the right conditions in.’

‘We are a bit hypocritical about roadside barns,’ commented Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden. He, like Kirkbride and North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine,  pointed out that sometimes applications to convert barns had been refused permission even when they were right next to a road, and others had been granted permission when there was no track across a field to them.

The majority of the committee, however, agreed with the planning officer who stated: ‘The traditional field barn, some 29m from the roadside and not served by an access track, does not accord with the locational requirements of [Local Plan] policy. Furthermore, the proposed development would lead to a significant degree of landscape harm through the creation olf a dwelling with a large curtilage and the associated domestic paraphernalia that would be expected with it, the proposed parking area and a widened access track. The proposal would harm the rural, pastoral setting of this visually isolated farm barn and the scenic beauty and pastoral character of the landscape.’

In September


Calls to secure the future of the last dairy farm at Hebden won the day at the meeting.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine was among those who told committee members that  they must secure the future of the family dairy farm.  The majority of members agreed and did not accept the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse  the application by Gavin and Helen Herd to erect an agricultural building for 70 cows with a slurry store underneath in a field near their farmhouse at Saxelby Farm.

Mrs Herd told the committee they wanted to pass on the farm to the next generation. She said ‘We are a farming family passionate about milking our cows in a traditional way. But we are afraid that without these slurry facilities and associated livestock housing we will have no alternative but to cease farming.’

She explained that they believed that by incorporating the shed and slurry store it would be less intrusive on the village than two separate structures. She said they had considered all possible sites and added: ‘We believe our planned site is the least intrusive on our village or the National Park landscape. We discussed all the possible sites with the parish council and residents.’

Craven District councillor Richard Foster said he knew the area well and also believed there wasn’t another suitable site. He told the committee: ‘If we turn this down we won’t have a dairy farm at Hebden.’

Several members agreed with Cllr Heseltine that the small dairy farms had played an important part in the development of the landscape in the Yorkshire Dales and needed to be supported through the planning process when they had to modernise their facilities in line with government legislation.

Members Mark Corner and Neil Heseltine (chairman of the Authority), however, agreed with the planning officer that the application should be refused. The planning officer said: ‘The proposed development would result in a large wide spanned building that would introduce intrusive modern development beyond the distinct and clearly defined boundary of Hebden and extend the village out to the west. The proposed development would be seen in the landscape as a stand-alone building not visually linked with the existing farm buildings and so would have a harmful effect on the visual quality of this part of the National Park.’

Mr Corner reminded the committee that the primary purpose of the National Park was to conserve the landscape and its members should not consciously allow developments which would damage it.  Both he and Neil Heseltine were concerned about the siting of the building.

The planning officer stated that the proposed site was unacceptably close to nearby dwellings and would prove harmful to the residential amenity of neighbours, and potentially their health, by reason of noise and odours arising from the housing of animals and associated farming activity.

She also reported that the Environmental Health Officer had dropped their original concerns after the slight re-siting of the proposed building. She stated:’It should be noted that environmental health responses are based on whether a Statutory Nuisance is likely  to be caused and not on the basis of how a proposal would affect ones “amenity” or enjoyment of ones property, which is more subjective but a much lower threshold.’

Member Allen Kirkbride (a parish council representative) said that for over 30 years he had had a barn with a slurry store within similar close proximity to six residential dwellings and there had been no complaints about smell or noise. He asked why the planning officer had not sent the farm conservation advisor’s report to members. (Nor was it specifically mentioned in the planning officer’s report). The planning officer replied: ‘This was an omission on my part.’

The farm conservation advisor had stated: ‘I believe [the application] would safeguard the future business of a well-established small family farm which are so important to the landscape, culture and communities of the Dales. Currently these farms are in a very precarious position and we risk losing these working assets as financial and environmental pressures are significantly increasing in the near future.

‘All dairy farms need to provide at least four months storage of slurry and ideally six months. Over the next few months new grants are being offered to help dairy farmers with financial assistance to provide this. There are issues with the location and siting of the new building but it seems that these have been largely overcome with the amended plans.’ (from YDNPA Citizen’s Portal).

Hebden Parish Council strongly supported the application stating that it wished to encourage the only remaining dairy farm in the village. It added: ‘After a site meeting the councillors are satisfied the barn is located a reasonable distance from residential properties and it was explained that the up-to-date design and structure of the building minimises noise and odour. Hebden is a working village and the council hopes that it remains as such.’

After the majority of members had voted to approve the application contrary to the officer’s recommendation, the head of development management Richard Graham told the meeting that, as sound reasons had been given, that decision would not be deferred to the next meeting. The reasons were: to protect the viability of a local dairy farming enterprise in accordance with modern farming requirements; to ensure adequate safeguards for those living nearby; and that the visual impact would be reduced with a landscaping scheme.


The committee decided that the gym on the Cautley Road  once used by Baliol School can be converted into three holiday cottages.

Sedbergh Parish Council had objected because it was part of the only site allocated for business development within the parish and approval, it said, could set a precedent.

South Lakeland District councillor Ian Mitchell pointed out that the building had not been used for business purposes for 11 years and now looked appalling. He agreed with the planning officer that it was unlikely any business use could be found for it.

The officer said: ‘The gym building forms a complex with two dwellings, being in close proximity to them and sharing the same access, turning and parking area. This arrangement would compromise the type of business use that the building could be put to.’

Two members emphasised that it was already part of a residential site and that converting it to holiday lets would be a planning gain given the deteriorating condition of the building. The committee accepted the planning officer’s assurance that changing the use of the traditional building would not prevent developing the rest of the site for business uses.


Approval was given, without any discussion,  about the retrospective planning application for alterations to the access,  garden and curtilage at the Old Hall at Conistone.

The applicant had applied for permission to rebuild a collapsed wall and pier, to widen the driveway, the installation of an underground LPG gas tank, and the erection of a greenhouse, chicken shed and a log shelter.

Conistone with Kilnsey Parish Meeting had objected because, it said,  the greenhouse was highly visible; there were safety concerns about the siting of the gas tank and its proximity to neighbouring properties and a public right of way; and as the application did not include the development of the garage.

The planning officer told the committee that the siting of the LPG gas tank was not a planning issue. About the garage,  she said the applicant had been advised that ‘proving that there are no external alterations to the building, the first floor of the garage can be used for residential accommodation’.

She concluded: ‘The retention of the greenhouse and other structures, the widening of the entrance and the change of use the land from a field to domestic curtilage would have a negligible impact on the wider landscape and would cause less than significant  harm to the setting of the listed building [Old Hall].


A decision on the application by Endless Developments (Grassington) Ltd to build 23 houses and flats in Moody Sty Lane, Grassington, was deferred.

Grassington Parish Council’s objections included: building 23 instead of 20 dwellings, with only 30 per cent affordable housing when there should be 50 per cent; and the likelihood of access  and drainage problems.

The planning officer had recommended refusing the application. Her reasons included that the seven proposed affordable housing  units would not fulfil the Authority’s primary aim for allocating the site for housing which was to support the social and economic well-being of the local community. Like the parish council she was concerned about the segregation of the proposed affordable housing from other dwellings on the site.

She said that the proposed design and layout would lead to over development and inadequate off-street parking. She added that insufficient information  had been provided to assess impact from drainage and surface water runoff.

She told the committee that the developer had now asked to discuss all these issues and so she asked for a deferral.

In October


It was decided that the number of guest suites at The Angel Inn complex in Hetton can be increased.

The decision was deferred in August because committee members were very concerned about the impact of a new wall on a livestock shed and questioned if the car park would be adequate. Wellock Estates Limited, which owns The Angel Inn, had applied to create five new guest rooms and to alter the car parking provision at Fell View Barn.

The planning officer told the October meeting that an amended application there would  be a wall only at the end of the proposed extension which would be 500mm from the livestock shed.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine argued that it would still be difficult for the farmer to maintain the livestock shed if there was such a small space between it and one end of the extension. He added that the three guest rooms in the extension would be so close to the shed that there would be complaints about the smells and noise. ‘This could lead to the disappearance of another Dales farming business,’ he said.

He agreed with Craven District councillor Richard Foster who commented: ‘This is over-development in a very small village. The car park will not accommodate what the business is producing.’

They proposed that the application should be refused. But the head of development management, Richard Graham, said that if the majority voted for refusal the application would be referred back to the next meeting. He explained: ‘I have doubts about the soundness of the reasons put forward. If it went to appeal officers would have to produce evidence to convince an appeal inspector that the North Yorkshire County Council’s highways engineer is wrong [about the car park] and that Craven District’s environmental health officer is wrong on health issues.’

The environmental health officer had stated that although noise and odour from the cattle shed would affect the hotel suites that would not be classed as a statutory nuisance given the temporary nature of the accommodation. They did not believe this would jeopardise the farm business but might affect the uptake of the hotel accommodation by guests. The officer explained: ‘Therefore it would be at the risk of the hotel to build new suites there. There is guidance on new agricultural buildings not being built within 400m of an existing residential dwelling … as this is for guest accommodation, I’m not aware of any similar guidance.’

The planning officer reported that the applicants had submitted an amended parking plan which showed 23 parking spaces each measuring 2.4m by 4.8m in line with the county council’s specifications. The highways officer had confirmed these dimensions were acceptable and that vehicles would be able to manoeuvre within the site.

The majority of the members felt that the amendments were sufficient and voted to approve the application.


Sedbergh School can build a Technology Centre which will not only transform the educational facilities of its own students but also serve other local schools and businesses.

The committee unanimously approved the school’s application even though the Authority’s own senior listed building officer and trees and woodlands officer had objected to the application.

Richard Graham told the committee: ‘ It has been a difficult planning application for officers to assess. There are clear elements of harm in this proposal – the removal of trees and harm to heritage assets. On the other hand there are clear benefits both to the local and wider economy.’

The committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application which included a replacement of the car parking area and the demolition of a toilet block.  She reported that the school with 450 employees was the largest employer in the National Park and the development would create a further seven full-time jobs.

Peter Marshall, the  school’s Chief Operating Officer, told the committee: ‘The purpose of the Technology Centre is not just for a new technology-based curriculum. It will enable the transformation in teaching to our children for tomorrow’s jobs, and to maintain our competitiveness as a major employer.’

He said that several sites had been considered but it was believed that on the north side of the listed buildings would be the best option for movement between the academic facilities and would form a new heart of the school around a central courtyard. He added that  more trees would be planted including a memorial plantation.

Member Mark Corner commented: ‘I think it’s a very impressive facility and I have got no issue with the need for it or the benefits it will bring. I just want to be convinced that all the alternatives have been assessed. I realise that a trade-off has to be made if they want students to get to their lessons quickly but there must be alternative sites which would work without damaging the trees and the historical assets.’

The planning officer  reported that several mature trees would be felled and that the toilet block to be demolished was within the curtilage of listed buildings.  She said the Technology Centre would be close to and affect the views of three listed buildings.

She told the committee, however: ‘It is considered that the proposed development would cause less than substantial harm to several heritage assets.’ She said that the benefits to the local economy and community had been considered as well as the proposed building being of high quality design and materials and added: ‘[This] would create a a visually interesting and highly sustainable feature building. The loss of the mature trees is highly regrettable. The trees have significant amenity value in their own right but also contribute to the setting of the listed buildings.’

South Lakeland District councillor Ian Mitchell said the advantages outweighed the disadvantages and the application was supported by Sedbergh Parish Council  and South Lakeland District Council.

The latter had informed the Authority: ‘The development would assist in building the wider South Cumbria area’s reputation as a centre of science, technology and engineering with the opportunity to link the centre to the advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses in Kendal, Ulverston and Barrow-in-Furness and to local universities. It would provide opportunities for other local schools, such as those listed in the Community Access Opportunities Report, to make use of the facilities and improve their education provision.’


Despite a strong objection from a parish meeting the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee voted unanimously to approve two applications for further livestock facilities at Gildersbeck Farm at Melmerby in Coverdale.

The applications by J H Simpson & Co were for a 30m extension  to an existing cattle shed and an additional livestock building. The planning officer explained that these would be in a complex of large farm buildings which were widely visible particularly from across the dale as they accommodated an intensive enterprise with 650 dairy cows and 200 dairy followers.

About the new building she said: ‘The landscape and visual impact is considered minimal relative to the scale and layout of the existing farm complex.’

The committee accepted that this applied to the extension as well and that the facilities were needed. The chairman Neil Swain commented, however: ‘I am concerned about the scale of this particular operation.’ He felt limits needed to be set within the National Park.

Coverham with Agglethorpe Parish Meeting had strongly objected. It had told the committee: the farm was overstocked and further intensification was not appropriate; the proposals were more suited to an industrial estate; all the feed stock was brought in by road and so would increase pressure on the road network; degradation of water quality of the River Cover; and the severe impact on dark skies from the existing development on the south side of the dale.


The committee also unanimously approved an application for a new agricultural building at Daisy Farm, Hebden.

The planning officer said that an unsightly building close to a listed barn would be demolished which would significantly enhance the appearance of Hebden Conservation Area. The new building, which would not be much larger than that demolished, will be on the site of an open storage area and would be seen in the context of the rest of the farm, she said.

Burnsall Parish Council,  however, objected because it believed the building would be too large for the location and its size could not be justified for the number of sheep currently on the farm.

Cllr Foster explained that it was an expanding sheep business.


The committee unanimously agreed with a planning officer that an ice cream trailer could be parked in the car park at Burnsall from April to October.

The application was brought to the meeting because Burnsall Parish Meeting had objected. It  had informed the Authority: ‘ Concerns were raised about a loss of amenity in that the ice cream trailer looks unsightly and spoils the view of what is a beautiful village green with the bridge and river in the background.’ There was also concern about the impact upon trees nearby.

The planning officer told the meeting: ‘The proposal represents a minor commercial addition addition of a small trailer to a busy car park. The development is semi-permanent and will be removed from the site for five months of the year. The proposal provides some part time employment.’

The applicant had confirmed that there was no desire to carry out tree works.

Ingleborough Estate, Clapham

Permission was granted for the timber lorries from Thwaite Wood on the Ingleborough Estate to take a different route through Austwick to the A65 when necessary.

The committee was told that when the work began the lorry drivers found it was dangerous turning left onto the A65 from Clapham Lane as, due to the length of the lorries, they crossed the white line onto the opposite carriageway. The applicant asked permission for lorries to use Greystonber Lane from the centre of Austwick to the A65.

The committee had approved an application in October 2021 for preparing for and extracting timber from Thwaite Wood, with no more than 12 lorries a week passing through Austwick along the approved route via Clapham Lane to the A65.

Residents have pointed out that lorry drivers already found it difficult to drive through Austwick where many cars were parked, and that there were also cars parked along Greystonber Lane even though it was quite narrow. The Highways authority accepted the amended route.

In December 


It was decided that the Shop on the Bridge at Hawes can be converted into a holiday let but a barn on the outskirts of the town cannot become the home of a local farming couple.

Emma Blades told the committee that converting the barn 150m from Hawes along Burtersett Road would allow her parents to remain part of the Hawes community. ‘They have now come to retirement age and want to stay in the dale where they have lived and worked extremely hard all of their lives and let the next generation go forward.

‘This barn conversion will provide an affordable retirement home and it’s on our land close to the farm where my dad can still be on hand to tend to the livestock.’  She added that if there wasn’t another use for the barn it, that and the iconic dry stone walls would be left to fall down for the dales landscape depended upon the farmers.

She explained that as house prices were so high in the dales and with no affordable housing available, her parents would have to sell some of the farm land to be able to buy property. That would have a huge impact upon the sustainability of the farm’s future, she said.

She and some members of the committee asked that young farming families should be encouraged to stay and work in the dales to help retain sustainable communities.

North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock was one of those who agreed with her. She emphasised how close the barn was to Hawes, that there had been a track to it in the past, and that four years ago permission had been granted for one on a neighbouring farm to be converted.

But the head of development management, Richard Graham, said that converting that owned by the Blades’  would not be in accordance with planning policy as it was not a roadside barn, did not have an existing track to it, and the county council Highways Authority had objected as the visibility from the access onto the A684 was not sufficient. And, unlike the other barn, converting it into a residence would have a negative impact upon the landscape.

The Authority’s senior listed building officer had stated: ‘The [Blades’] barn has a very high landscape value. It is a landmark in a stunning setting – a barns-and-walls landscape – when approaching and exiting the east side of Hawes. This barn is not suitable for conversion as it does not seem to meet policy, and due to the harmful impact on the wider landscape the proposed residential use would have.’

The planning officer stated that creating a new access would cause more landscape harm as some of the dry stone boundary walls would have to be removed.

The majority of the committee members agreed that the application should be refused. The committee did,  however, unanimously approve  the conversion of the Shop on the Bridge to a one-bedroom holiday let.

A planning officer stated that, whilst the marketing of the shop since September 2020 did not meet the usual justification requirements for converting it to a holiday let, there was such a small loss of commercial space [30sqm] that there would be no significant harm to community vitality or employment opportunities.

One of the reasons for Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council objecting to the application was because the original plans showed an extension on the back of the shop overlooking Gayle Beck. The planned extension was removed from the amended plans. The parish council also stated concerning the one-way road past the shop: ‘This is a very narrow cobbled street and already suffers from high volumes of traffic and associated wagons etc and does not allow parking.’

The Highways Authority, however, did not object. The planning officer reported that public parking, as for many houses in the centre of Hawes,  was available within easy walking distance.

He added: ‘The proposed development would see this vacant property brought back into economic use, helping the viability of this part of Main Street.’


Permission was unanimously given for the commercial buildings in Kings Yard off Bainbridge Road, Sedbergh, to be demolished and replaced with seven residential dwellings.

Members were told that three will be in a terraced row fronting Bainbridge Road and designed to reflect the existing Victorian houses in that road. Three will be of a modern design and built around a courtyard. Two of these will be designated as affordable housing. The seventh will look like a traditional cottage.

Peter Marshall, the chief operating officer of Sedbergh School,  told the committee that he and his wife owned the site and were, themselves, looking for a permanent home in Sedbergh. ‘We acquired the site two years ago and have worked closely with officers, architects and the developer to design a scheme which is sensitive to surrounding residential properties. With your support this development can transform this central area of Sedbergh town,’ he said, and added: ‘ The site is challenging to develop.’

The planning officer explained that a balance needed to be struck between making the best use of an awkward, tightly constrained site whilst protecting the amenity of existing neighbours. She said that the new residents would be buying into the traditional character of the area where dwellings were positioned ‘cheek by jowl’.

She explained that the existing buildings were in reasonable condition even though they hadn’t been used for nine years. The application was in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) regarding the development of brownfield sites including the number of open market houses.

There was concern about the loss of unofficial parking spaces on the private site especially as there was limited parking in Bainbridge Road. The planning officer said there will be two parking spaces for each new dwelling and spaces for those who already have access rights due to their properties backing on to the site. It was hoped that more car parking spaces would be made available in Sedbergh.

Killington and Mansergh

An application by United Utilities (UU) to replace sections of the aqueduct which carries drinking water to Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester from Haweswater was approved even though there will be significant impacts upon bio-diversity and the people living in the area.

Members accepted that this will be a major development of regional importance. The planning officer explained that new tunnel for the Haweswater aqueduct would be 53 kilometres long involving seven different local planning authorities and nine planning applications. That within the Yorkshire Dales National Park would be 6.43 hectares long through the parishes of Mansergh and Killington, with the latter especially being affected during the four to five years it would take to carry out the work.

Besides all the earthworks the application included a new valve house building within a fenced compound with vehicular access, a temporary construction compound with storage areas, and drainage infrastructure, plus local highway works along the Old Scotch Road (OSR).

The planning officer reported  that none of the routes for heavy goods vehicles (HGV) to the M6 were ideal with each raising safety concerns. ‘In different circumstances that might be grounds or refusing planning permission. But in this case, where we are considering one element of a wider scheme to upgrade a piece of regionally significant infrastructure, compromises will be necessary.’

Killington Parish Meeting objected strongly to the OSR being chosen, disagreeing with UU that it had been fully consulted. It stated: ‘OSR is a dangerous road with many blind summits and bends which even the proposed new passing places cannot eliminate. A traffic survey indicates 2,500 vehicles using it during the last week of June. UU’s proposals for a further 1,100 vehicles per week (UU’s estimate) are both dangerous and unrealistic.

‘The turn on to the OSR from the A684 that the lorries would need to make, is itself on a blind bend. This turn is from a road that is classified as one of the 20 most dangerous roads in the country. Why is this route UU’s preferred route when another two-lane route via Hophouse Lane is available but has been rejected?’

Member Libby Bateman told the meeting about OSR: ‘You can’t see vehicles coming, its full of potholes and the verges are really, really soft. If you pull off you are stuck…’

She agreed with the planning officer that others would be affected – the walkers, cyclists and horse riders who wanted to enjoy the countryside. The planning officer said that there should be signage to warn such road users.

His recommendations that there should be legal planning obligations temporary traffic orders,  ‘Haulier Rules’ to establish procedures and practices for all the HGV drivers, and for a Highway Stakeholder Group be set up were accepted.  Craven District councillor Richard Foster emphasised the need to consult with local residents and parish councillors.

Member Neil Heseltine was concerned at the plans for HGVs to be using that route not only from 7am to 7pm on weekdays but also from 7am to 1pm on Saturdays. He commented: ‘For those people to have their lives disrupted for six days a week for five years is too much. So to me I would take Saturdays out.’

He was also concerned that the compensation being offered might not be sufficient for all the negative impacts of the scheme. The planning conditions include a site reinstatement and restoration plan, tree replacement and biodiversity.

Widening the OSR in some places, providing temporary passing places, altering junctions and creating temporary compounds would, the planning officer said, have significant landscape and visual impacts due to the removal of dry stone walls and the loss of trees and other vegetation. It was reported that UU intended to replace trees on a three to one basis and to re-instate areas used as passing places and what had been high value habitat verges. There will be additional compensation for the loss of some lowland meadow.

Cllr Peacock questioned why the removal of dry stone walling by a large company was acceptable, but not for a local family to create a safe access to a barn.

YDNPA – Full Authority meeting March 2022

Reports from the meeting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) Full Authority meeting on March 29 2022. A large part of the meeting was dedicated to deciding on how to reply to the Government’s response to the Landscapes Review (Glover Review). The ARC News Service reports on the issues of the governance of National Parks and how these Authorities are supposed to have sufficient funding for the ambitious ideas mentioned in the Government’s Response. There are links to that Response and to other reports.

Governance: The chair of a National Park should be chosen by its members and not by the Secretary of State as proposed by the Government, the YDNPA chief executive, David Butterworth, told the meeting.

The Government has argued that appointing the chairs of National Parks by the Secretary of State, in line with Defra public bodies, could provide greater continuity, strategic direction and accountability.  Mr Butterworth, however, commented “We think the chair should be elected by the body of the organisation.”

He and the members supported the Government’s suggestion to create a National Landscapes Partnership instead of a  new statutory National Landscapes Service – a Government quango which would have been responsible for appointing all the members of National Park boards. The Government disagreed with that because of “the important role locally elected members play in giving the boards democratic legitimacy”.

The Landscapes Review had also proposed that the membership of every National Park Authority should be reduced to 12. The Government, in its Response, said that it might not be appropriate to cap membership of national park boards at 12 especially for those [such as the YDNPA] which are in areas with large numbers of local authorities. It stated: “Reductions should not be at the expense of the skills, expertise and diversity needed.”

Mr Butterworth pointed out that the YDNPA would lose four of its 16 members next year when new unitary councils came into being.  He said there would be a formal paper put to members later on what the membership should be.

The consultation on the Government’s response continues until April 9  and Mr Butterworth commented: “The problem with consultations is they only ask questions they want answers to.”

Funding: At the Full Authority meeting officers and members frequently highlighted the need for sufficient financial support from the Government.  Mr Butterworth stated:

“The Government’s response recognises that they are proposing an ambitious new vision for our Protected Landscapes and that the scale of the ambition must be matched by equivalent resource to ensure effective delivery. However, it goes on to state that there is limited scope to increase the core grant.

“The proposition is that the ambitious vision will be funded, to a large extent, through private sector investment and commercial income. The proposed National Landscapes Partnership will have a key role in securing this income.”

He continued: “There is no robust analysis of the financial implications of the Government’s Response to the recommendations contained in the Landscapes Review, but nor was there any financial analysis in the Review itself, other than it identified the need for a significant increase in resources for Protected Landscapes if its recommendations were to be realised.

“At the time this report was put together we still do not know our settlement for 2022/23 and beyond but if, as expected, it is flat cash then there is a gap between the Government’s vision and the reality of our resources.”

For instance, when reporting on the environmental land management schemes (ELMs) which are part of what the Government sees as the agricultural transition needed to protect landscapes Gary Smith (YDNPA director of conservation and community)  said: “We would like the National Park to have a strong role in delivering the scheme and to help farmer to access it. But we don’t know how much money will go into the scheme and we don’t know how much of a priority National Parks will [have].  There is a lot of uncertainty because it is still being worked out.”

Or as Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden commented as a semi-retired farmer: “We haven’t got a clue at the moment.” Like another Wensleydale farmer, Allen Kirkbride, he warned that it could take several years for the ELMs scheme to get up and running – at a difficult time when the country could face food shortages.

The members authorised officers to to submit a response to the Government’s consultation.

Reports posted on Richmondshire Today:

Dales approves most ambitious budget

Campaigners call for complete motors ban on dales green lanes

Holding out for dales railway reinstatement a “waste of time”

Government Response to the Landscapes Review


Dark Skies and Light Pollution

This letter from the Association of Rural Communities has been published in the Darlington and Stockton Times:

It is very sad that, during this year’s Dark Skies Festival there is one part of the Yorkshire Dales where the view of the night sky is impeded by the light pollution from what can only be described as a new settlement between Aysgarth and West Burton.

The light pollution from Aysgarth Luxury Lodges is far in excess of that from any Dales’ village. When planning permission was given in 2007 for such lodges to replace the static and touring caravans which used to be on that site it would appear from the plans that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning department had expected a layout and screening which would have greatly reduced the amount of light pollution from large windows and glazed doors.

We have asked the Authority what it intends to do regarding this light pollution so that all in that part of Bishopdale and Wensleydale will be able to look up and marvel at the beauty of our amazing night skies as would be expected in an International Dark Skies Reserve.

February to November 2021

ARC News Service reports on the discussions of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s  ( YDNPA ) planning committee on:  February 9 –  the  5G test-bed mast at West Scrafton; new housing development at Bainbridge; and an application regarding Marske Hall; March 23  – an application by DSMC UK for a barn conversion and a new building near Linton,  a barn conversion at Appersett , new houses at  West Witton,  and  Falls Country Park at Ingleton;  May 4 – parking barriers at a car park at Hartlington  near Burnsall and the extension of the Spar shop at Sedbergh;  June 15 – the further extraction of aggregate from Dry Rigg Quarry at Horton in Ribblesdale and a large  housing development at Sedbergh;  September 7 –  a shepherd’s hut at Starbotton; change of use of an agricultural building at Stirton;  and a laundry at Sedbergh;  October 19 – use of a bridleway to transport timber from near Clapham through Austwick, a farmer’s request for accessible accommodation at a farm at Flasby, the change of use of the former school building in Arkengarthdale, and an enforcement notice for a small laundry at Sedbergh; November 30 –  a shed to house sheep at Cogden Hall farm near Grinton, two holiday-let pods at Sedbergh; the provision of purpose-built accommodation at a farm at Flasby; and enforcement action regarding the removal of a telecommunication mast at Hartlington;

In June and September  I was unable to attend the meetings and the recordings made by the YDNPA were poor, due to the need for social distancing during the Covid pandemic. The reports from those months are not, therefore, as detailed as I usually try to provide.

I report on these meetings on a voluntary basis as part of the commitment of the Association of Rural Communities to local democracy.

February 2021

Telecommunications mast (5G test-bed) at West Scrafton

Wensleydale School students living in Coverdale are having to sit in cars parked on top of a hill to get digital connection so they can participate in lessons during lockdown, North Yorkshire County councillor Karin Sedgwick told the planning committee.

She reported that she had been told there wasn’t much point in giving students iPads if there was no broadband or mobile phone connection. Nor could doctors carry out consultations or send prescriptions online due to the lack of connectivity in Coverdale. And that was why she fully supported MANY’s application to install a mast at a farm near West Scrafton as part of the 5G trial programme.

She believed that during the public consultation the questions and issues regarding 5G had been answered and said: “Digital connectivity isn’t a luxury. It’s an absolute necessity these days.”

Matt O’Neill, the county council’s lead responsible officer for MANY (Mobile Access North Yorkshire) explained that parts of Coverdale did not even have basic 2G connectivity which was launched in 1991. “During the same period since 2G was launched we have seen the outward migration of our  young people from the dales. Rural communities and this area in particular have missed out for over 30 years on mobile coverage and broadband,” he said.

The committee unanimously agreed to approve the application by Quickline Communications to install a 15m high monopole with mobile communications antenna and equipment cabinet at West Scrafton. This, the planning officer said, was one of three masts in the MANY project supported by North Yorkshire County Council which were required to provide connectivity especially to ‘not spots’ in the Coverdale area.

About making the decision, parish councillor member Ian McPherson commented: “This is like stepping into a lion’s den. I am aware that this has been extremely controversial and that there are very strong feelings … on both sides.

“I have always been very wary about mobile phone masts not only because of their impact on the environment but also because the possible health problems that they could give rise to. But what we are essentially looking at here is how we address the issue of very clear ‘not spots’ in Coverdale… Not being able to get mobile coverage could be a matter of life or death. It is pretty clear that this [mast] will blend in well.

“I did read Professor David Hill’s letter because I place a great deal of credence on what he might say. But I’m afraid I have to say that I don’t think it fully addresses the legal side or a material planning consideration in this particular case. Although there are genuine local objections … I do consider that the local need for broadband and mobile coverage actually overrides these questions.”

Like the planning officer  he quoted the government’s guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): “Local planning authorities must determine applications on planning grounds only. They should not seek to prevent competition between different operators, question the need for an electronic communications system, or set health safeguards different from the International Commission guidelines for public exposure.”

He said: “The applicants have provided a declaration confirming that the proposed installation complies with the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNRP) guidelines for exposure of the public to radio frequency and electromagnetic fields. Nevertheless, objectors say that certain scientific studies are critical of ICNIRP safe exposure guidelines and consider that the development will have an adverse impact on the health of the public, wildlife and the environment and that a precautionary principle should be applied. The objectors refer to various scientific studies but none that can be applied directly to this site.”

Cllr McPherson stated: “I don’t think we have any legal position to be able to object on [health] grounds.  It doesn’t seem we have any legal right to provide a different view from that of the International Commission.”

Speaking on behalf of objectors Harriet Corner told the committee that although the planning officer’s report stated that the area selected for the 5G trial programme [covering West Witton, Middleham and Coverdale] had  limited or no coverage, 90 per cent of the premises did already have access to superfast broadband.  She quoted government policy that the number of radio and electronic communication masts should be kept to a minimum whereas, she said, the 5G programme would lead to a proliferation of them.

She argued that EE intended to provide mobile coverage from the mast at Gildersbeck and that superfast broadband now reached as far as Horsehouse in upper Coverdale.  “MANY never told its consultees that there were better alternatives. MANY project manager Mr Michael Grayson has given written evidence that the [5G] project will not go ahead without the majority support of the community. This has not been demonstrated. All that has been shown so far is support for connectivity.”

The planning officer said that there  had been 63 objections and 41 in support of the new mast.  West Scrafton Parish Meeting he said had reported that seven had objected to the project, whilst 35 had supported it because of the importance of improved mobile phone coverage both for domestic use and also personal safety when out and about.  It added: “Whilst it was acknowledged that the fibre broadband is excellent in the village the lack of a mobile signal has been a constant complaint for many years.”

Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden stated in support of the mast application: “I have been speaking to quite a few farmers in Coverdale. As you know agriculture is a very dangerous occupation. If anybody has an accident or heart condition or anything like that and they need an ambulance they have no connection whatsoever.”


Even though three local Members told the committee that the construction of five houses near the Rose and Crown at Bainbridge would be in danger of flooding and would not provide affordable homes that local people wanted the majority voted to approve the development.

Parish council member Allen Kirkbride told the committee: “Nearly the whole of the village of Bainbridge [say] this is the wrong development in the wrong place and it is not affordable to the vast majority of people. The whole field is likely to flood. I’ve known it all my life and basically it has been a bog for most of the time.

“The access has not been approved by Highways. The application fails to preserve and enhance the parish conservation area. The shared housing accommodation will not work in a rural area.”

Bainbridge Parish Council had told the committee that it was not only concerned about flooding but also that  shared ownership was not appealing to local people and had not proved successful in alleviating the housing crisis. “Local people need local properties that are available for them to buy at truly affordable prices.”

It  had supported an application in 2018 through which local people could have bought the houses at a 30 per cent discount. But the Holmbrae 2016 Residents Group (Holmbrae is some of the new housing behind the Rose and Crown) said it would lodge a Judicial Review challenge as it questioned whether the houses would be affordable when taking into account local incomes.

In February 2018 Members still decided to approve the application. In February this year the planning officer reported that the site owner and applicant had then met with the Authority in January 2019 and the options were discussed in the light of the threat of legal challenge. One of those options was shared ownership managed by a Housing Association.

The planning officer continued: “This is a national government-backed scheme aimed primarily at first-time buyers, with the homeowner purchasing a defined share of between 25% and 80% of the dwelling, and the Housing Association retaining the remaining share with an affordable rent being paid on this remaining share. Homeowners would seek a mortgage for the share that they intend to purchase with a minimum deposit of 5%. Homeowners are able to purchase more shares later as and when they can afford them; this is known as ‘staircasing’. When homeowners wish to sell, the Housing Association has ‘first refusal’ on the property and also has the right to find a buyer.”

He said that if there was no buyer for the shared ownership a house could revert to affordable rent also in accordance to the local connection rule. This means, he explained, that the houses will be first offered to those in the parish of Bainbridge, then to those in neighbouring parishes, and finally anyone in the Yorkshire Dales National Park [2,179km841m2 ] will be eligible. After that anyone in Richmondshire could apply.

The planning officer stated: “Whilst this proposal is intermediate affordable housing that will not be affordable to those in housing need on the lowest incomes, assuming that all the units sell, it will still address a clear affordable housing need as well as a recent history of undersupply within this locality, the wider National Park and the Richmondshire District as a whole.”

Jim Munday, Member Champion for Development Management, said if the houses didn’t sell they would be offered on the basis of affordable rent. “Whichever way it goes we have affordable homes,” he said and added:

“The population of the national park is in decline and its changing. We need at least 55 new dwellings a year to stop a decline. Last year only 22 were completed. We need more homes.
Secondly we have a stated policy that throughout the national park there’s a place to live for younger working age households. To help halt the decline in numbers we need more affordable homes for local people. “

Allen Kirkbride remarked: “We are all in favour of new local housing for local people but we need them in the right places – the National Park wants to get the figures up and its pointless getting the figures up if the housing you build are in the wrong places which these are.”

Marske Hall

The over-development of Marske Hall and other buildings would cause permanent harm to the deeply rural and tranquil character of that part of Swaledale, a planning officer told the committee.

Richmondshire District councillor Kenneth Good also emphasised this, as had Marske and New Forest Parish Council.  And the committee voted unanimously to refuse the application to convert Marske Hall from 10 open market apartments to a 20 room aparthotel and the kennels and Sawmill into events venues.

Cllr Good said: “Marske is a very quiet and beautiful village. It has no commercial activity at all. I think the last pub closed over 120 years ago and, apart from the church, everything else is residential or agricultural.”

He agreed with the parish council which had stated: “The parish council would welcome development of Marske Hall … but developments cannot be at the detriment of the community of Marske and New Forest.”

The parish council and residents were particularly concerned about creating a wedding venue for up to 70 people in the Sawmill rather than converting it into two three bedroom dwellings or holiday let units for which permission was granted in 2016. The parish council also noted that no consideration had been given to include local housing development or long term residential lettings.

The planning officer said that the noise seven days a week from such a venue would be catastrophic because of the impact on the peace and tranquililty due to the comings and goings of guests and the use of amplified music which were part and parcel of the wedding use. She did not accept the opinion of the applicant, Mr I Morton, that the events venues were required to make the development viable.

She reported that the applicant had asked for a decision to be deferred to that amendments to the plans could be made. But, she said, these would include the retention of the Sawmill as a wedding venue and even a reduction in the hours of use would not be sufficient. She added: “The wedding venue is considered to be harmful in any form by the nature of the activities it brings with it.”

Her other concerns included the impact of creating car parking spaces within the picturesque garden as well as the under provision of spaces for cars which could only be remedied by removing trees. She said the applicant had offered to plant more trees but had not specified where.

The parish council reported that the access and egress to the site was considered to be hazardous as it was located on blind corners and the Highways Authority had also objected. The planning officer said there could be 147 people on the site each day excluding staff.

Historic England, like the Authority’s senior listed building officer, had raised concerns about the impact of the proposed work on the historic decorative detailing inside Marske Hall. The planning officer said that the 16th century hall, which was extensively remodelled and extended in 1730, was of historic and architectural  grandeur.

The Hall, the Sawmill and the kennels are Grade II listed buildings. The committee was told that the cumulative impact of the proposed work on the Sawmill would cause substantial harm to the significances of the listed building.’

A resident, Naomi Meredith, told the committee that all the objections by residents were not a case of opposing any development in their backyard but rather the over-development of the site. This would not only threaten the very things that local walkers and coast-to-coast walkers valued such as peace and tranquillity. wildlife and dark skies,  but also have a hugely adverse impact on the farmer whose access goes through the site, she said.

Cllr Good commented: “The farmer is extremely concerned because he would have to go up and down the track with people coming and going and there is concern that the noise could affect animals.

Another Richmondshire District councillor, Stuart Parsons, informed the committee that when the main road into Swaledale was closed for any reason the county council directed traffic along the narrow road through Marske. He had driven The Little White Bus along that alternative route – “It was an absolute nightmare. The big problem was if  you met a large agricultural vehicle,’ he said.

In March:


An application which included a “massive” portal framed building being constructed near Linton was considered so contrary to policy by the majority of the committee that it was refused.

Lancashire County Cllr Cosima Towneley commented: “The Local Plan is God in this case. I personally feel that this would have been a perfectly acceptable build considering what it would have brought to the area in long-term benefits. But I think I think sometimes landscape trumps the actual wellbeing of people in the park. I am disappointed that no alternative [sites] can be found.”

Charlie Bayston, managing director of DSMC UK told the committee that the diving, surveying and marine contracting business needed more space especially as planning officers were keen for them to relocate to a place where shipping containers could be undercover.  At present, the company is based in a converted barn at Threshfield and shipping containers had been stored beside it.

The company had applied to convert Catchall Barn to provide office accommodation and safe storage, and to erect a 36m by 25m building which would be  9.2m at its highest point so that it could house a number of shipping containers. To provide a biodiversity habitat it would have had a grassed curved roof, a large amount of landscaping and tree planting, plus  ground source heat pump and systems for rainwater harvesting and reed bed filtration for grey water.  Mr Bayston continued:

“We searched for four years before purchasing Catchall Barn following [planning] pre-advice. This included looking in Grassington, Threshfield, Kettlewell, Skipton, Silsden and Crosshills without success.’ He said they had checked to see if they could move to Threshfield Quarry but after four years of trying found that space could not be allocated.

“There are currently no other alternatives available to us and if this application is rejected we see no other option than to move the business out of North Yorkshire making [our] existing employees redundant.”

The planning officer, however, advised the committee that the new building would have a significantly harmful impact on the landscape. She said: “It is a wide open and uninterrupted landscape which affords long views up the valley towards Linton and any new development on this site would detract from that. The application is for a new business development on  a site not allocated for business, not adjacent to an existing village or settlement, nor related to any other development other than the small stone barn.”

This was supported by Natural England and Linton Parish Council which had submitted seven-page letter listing its objections.  Linton resident, Georgina Wilkins, told the committee that the proposed new building would be massive and, with the large amount of hard standing, would be a blight on the landscape and set a worrying precedent. “No grassed roof or planting can minimise the impact of such a proposal on the open valley to Linton,” she added.

After the vote the chairman, Julie Martin, told Mr Bayston that she hoped he had heard the committee’s great sadness at having to refuse the application. “In other circumstances we would be absolutely delighted to approve it but I am afraid we can’t do in this case,” she said.


Barn conversions within the Yorkshire Dales National Park should only for local occupancy and not short-term holiday lets, Askrigg  parish councillor Allen Kirkbride told the  planning committee.

Cllr Kirkbride, who is a parish council representative on the Authority, said: “The Yorkshire Dales National Park is just full of holiday cottages and somehow within the new Local Plan we have got to try and make these barn conversions for local people only.”

The chairman of the planning committee, Julie Martin, commented: “Yes, I think we are all aware it’s something we need to reconsider.”

The committee was considering an application to convert Tom’s Barn at the eastern end of Appersett for a local occupancy dwelling or a holiday let. Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council had objected because it only supports barn conversions if they are for local occupancy as it believes there are  enough holiday lets in the area.

The planning officer informed the committee that the parish council’s objection was not sustainable.  He explained that approval had been given in July 2019 for the barn to be converted into a three-bedroom local occupancy dwelling or short-term holiday accommodation. The latest application was necessary, he said, as the owners had proposed a number of changes to the original plans, including reducing the number of bedrooms to two.  This, he added,  will allow the living and dining space at one end to be full height and so better retain the agricultural character of the interior.

Member Jim Munday said that the latest plans would make for a better conversion. The majority of the members voted to approve the application.

West Witton

West Witton is expanding enough with the addition of 17 houses at the west end of the village, the parish council told the Authority. But at the planning committee’s meeting approval was given for two more new houses.

The parish council informed the planning committee that the 17 dwellings at the west end amounted to one third of the National Park’s annual housing target and would increase the size of the village by about ten per cent. It stated: “The feeling of the parish council (and many residents) is that we have enough new development in the village. It is believed that the current building development is enough for the local need.

“With West Witton providing such a high proportion of the target number of new homes within the National Park already, we feel the current expansion to the village is enough both in terms of the National Park target and the overall size of the village.”

A planning officer stated that the Local Plan did not impose a quota on development in any given settlement. He said: “The proposed two new dwellings would mean that over a decade West Witton would have an average of just over two new dwellings per annum. It is considered that this would not be excessive growth for the 7th largest village of 170 addresses and one of the most accessible within the National Park.”

He explained that the two new houses would be built within the side garden of Thistlebout which is on the north side of the A684 at the east end of West Witton. The planning application  was for the alteration and extension of Thistlebout, the construction of two houses and change of use of agricultural land to form small gardens for them.

There will be legal agreements on the two houses to secure local occupancy. The parish council had pointed out that these would be offered for sale at full market value.

The planning officer told the meeting that the parish council’s objections to the original plans had included the plan to demolish and re-site a commemorative shelter. The parish council had also  been concerned about the size of the development within the boundary of the site. Both issues were addressed, he said, in the amended plans, with the shelter to remain in-situ.

Some residents believed that the extension of Thistlebout and the new houses would have an impact upon the amenity of neighbours and views across the valley from a footpath. There was also concern that the new houses would be detrimental to the character of the village.

But the planning officer stated: “The proposed development of new build  housing, extension of an existing dwelling and the change of use of a section of agricultural land is considered to be an opportunity to secure local needs housing on a small windfall infill site that in its siting, scale, form and appearance would be acceptable and not represent an excessive growth in housing in West Witton or harm the visual amenity of the street scene or the landscape, residential amenity and privacy or highway safety.”

This was accepted by the committee without any debate.


The committee unanimously agreed to defer enforcement action against the owners of the Falls Country Park at Beezley Farm for two months to see if the mitigation measures to reduce the impact of unauthorised hard surfacing could be made more effective.

Photographs were shown to explain how the tree planting had, so far, not been sufficiently successful. The officers said that, although the areas of  hard surfacing were now far less visible it, the grass growing on the soil scattered on them was unlikely to be sufficient to withstand having caravans parked there.

The committee had deferred enforcement action in March 2020 so that officers could discuss with the owners a tree planting schedule and other ways to tone down the stark appearance of the unauthorised caravan pitches and a circular track. The latter now has a central grass strip.

At the March 2021 meeting the officers recommended that enforcement action should not be pursued and that the owners should be given more time to carry out additional work to further minimise the visual impact on the landscape.

In May:

Hartlington – By just two votes the planning committee decided that two camera-operated automatic parking barriers screened by trees and bushes can be erected at the entrance to a field at Wharfe House Farm, Hartlington.

Michael Daggett, representing the farm’s car park business, told the committee that his family had farmed at Wharfe House for 121 years and had operated a car park there for three generations.

Since 1952, he said, it had been a valued community site which had supported outdoor sports events since its inception. “The amount of traffic we are now experiencing warrants a vastly upgraded entry [and exit] system.  It will have the least amount of visual impact, significantly improve highway safety and management.”

Supporting his application, Craven District councillor Richard Foster told the committee that last year, during the Covid lockdown, the car park at Burnsall had been closed. This had led to serious problems in the village as even the emergency services could not get through the village due to the number of cars parked along the roads.

He was pleased that a different group of people had been attracted to the National Park during the lockdown and added that there were often hundreds of cars in the Wharfe House Farm car park.  He commented: “They come, they enjoy themselves, and they get out in the countryside often from urban environments. They love it.  There will be a lot more staycations this year – a lot more people will want to use the facility and I think what is proposed  is very minimalistic. The barrier area will look a bit like a sheep fold.”

He believed that the barriers would provide a better method of traffic management and stop the road being blocked by cars waiting to access the car park. Both Hartlington and Burnsall Parish Meetings supported the application and the clerk to the latter wrote: “The main reason is that it will ease traffic problems over the bridge and at the junction in front of the Red Lion. At the moment traffic backs up as car [drivers] are paying on the way in. This would allow cars to move on to the car park faster and also not block the road for through traffic.”

The planning officer, however, had recommended that the application should be refused. She stated: “This kind of development is typical of an urban car park dealing with high volumes of traffic, not an informal car park that only has a legal right to be there for 28 days a year. Whilst the barriers may be removable, the cabinets and camera would remain, and would be incongruous features in this highly sensitive landscape.

“The high visual quality of the landscape around Burnsall and the fact that it is unspoilt by unsightly modern development is one of the ‘special qualities’ of the National Park and the reason why so many people visit the area. Although this proposal is small in scale it is development of this nature which has a negative impact that erodes the visual quality and farmed landscape character of the area.” She illustrated this by showing photographs she had taken that morning.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine pointed out that the weather forecast had been very bad for that Tuesday morning so it was not surprising there had been so little traffic. He said that was an exceptional day. He added that the car park was not only a necessary part of the farm’s diversification but also satisfied a crucial need for the health and wellbeing of the nation.

He also called for consistency in planning, comparing the car park with the large ones at Bolton Abbey, Bolton Priory and Cavendish riverside.  “Surely what’s good enough for [them] should be good for Burnsall. I can see no substantial intrusion into the landscape with this proposal.”

Other members supported the installation of eight solar panels on the toilet block to provide power for car parking facilities and the provision of ticket machines, but not the barriers. Neil Swain commented: “I have no issue with the car park. It’s an important and necessary facility but what it doesn’t need is two rather ugly and modern barriers in the middle of an entrance way. They will stand out like a sore thumb [and] the planting scheme is out of place in that particular part of the landscape.”

The planning officer told the committee that the car park, which is generally used from Easter until the end of summer, had never had planning permission, nor had there been an application for a lawful development certificate. Under permitted development rights  temporary use of the land should be no more than 28 days, she said.

With eight members voting to approve the application and six against, the head of development management, Richard Graham, commented that, although he disagreed with the decision, acceptable reasons had been given and so it would not be referred back to next month’s meeting.  The reasons put forward were that the development would not have a negative impact on the landscape, and the barriers would help traffic management.

Sedbergh –  Members unanimously agreed to approve an application to erect a single storey rear extension at the Spar shop in Sedbergh.

Sedbergh Parish Council had objected because the extension will enable the shop to have its own butchery. This, the parish council stated, would have a negative impact upon the vitality and viability of other businesses within the town’s High Street.

The planning officer, however, disagreed. He and others also  pointed out that competition with another butcher was not a material consideration.

The agent for Spar, Abigail Kos, told the meeting: “The application relates to a small single storey rear extension to accommodate a preparation area for a new butcher’s counter. The overall retail sales area of the shop will not increase but the shop floor will be reconfigured to accommodate the butcher’s counter.” She commented that the butcher’s shop in Sedbergh had a very high reputation, selling quality meat from local farms.

Member Ian McPherson, who is a Sedbergh Parish Council warned that if the application was refused it would be approved at appeal.

In June:

Dry Rigg Quarry, Horton in Ribblesdale

The planning committee approved the application by Tarmac Aggregates Ltd to continue winning and working Dry Rigg Quarry until December 2034.

Quarrying at Dry Rigg Quarry was due to end on December 2021.   The committee was told that the new application would  allow further lateral and deepening at the northern tip of the quarry which will extend the steep, benched quarry faces below Moughton Nab. The Minerals Officer, David Parrish, stated: “This will affect the visual appearance of the site, both during the working period and in the long term. It would also mean that restoration of the northern tip area at original ground level would no longer be possible.”

He had noted: “The scar created by quarrying of the hillside below Moughton Nab is visible from a wide area and has a significant and adverse impact on the appearance of this part of Ribblesdale.” He also stated: “The existing quarry is prominent in the landscape and can be seen from public rights of way and roads over a wide area in this part of Ribblesdale. The main adverse elemtns are the stepped quarry faces that have been excavated into the hillside below Moughton Nab and the screening mounds that have been formed on the edge of Swarth Moor SSSI. The stepped faces are the result of past quarrying and cannot be restored.”  There were strong objections to the present application because of the negative impact upon the landscape within the National Park.

In their objections  Austwick Parish Council and Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council pointed out that there was considerable dust pollution.  Austwick Parish Council stated: “The councillors believe that statements in the application documents indicate that insufficient attention has been given to this pollution problem with no sense of importance or urgency.”

And Ribblesdale Parish Council informed the planning committee: “The present dust suppression system is not effective and there is no indication that this dust will be effectively supressed during the intended working. Residents at Helwith Bridge will be subjected to dust particulates from road transport over an extended period of time and a conveyor system should be employed.

“There is a lack of blast and vibration information in relation to Foredale and there is the risk to the water supply to Foredale Cottages. Any permission granted should be reviewed after five years to determine negative effects on the community and the environment.”

Mr Parrish reported that Dry Rigg was one of a small number of quarries  which supplied high Polished Stone Value (PSV) aggregates with resistance to abrasion for use in the construction and maintenance of skid resistant roads. He stated: “If Dry Rigg closes replacement supplies from alternative sources in the UK or overseas would, for the most part, be likely to involve greater transport distances, with less availability of rail haulage and a correspondingly increased carbon footprint.”  He added that the main markets for the aggregate from Dry Rigg were in Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire.

A large amount of the stone from Dry Rigg is taken by road  to Arcow quarry near Helwith Bridge via a single track road past Foredale Farm and Foredale Cottages to be  transported by rail. Mr Parrish stated that in 2020 64 per cent of the stone from Dry Rigg and Arcow was delivered by rail.  Lorries from Dry Rigg also travel via Helwith Bridge to reach the A65. The company has offered a 15 per cent reduction in the existing combined road traffic limit from Dry Rigg and Arcow quarries and that more would be done to reduce the amount of dust on the roads.

Mr Parrish outlined the measures that were being proposed to moderate or compensate for the negative impacts of continued quarrying and  stated that it was essential that those were implemented and maintained effectively  with the roads being kept in a clean condition. His report also covered the issues of blasting and the impact upon Swarth Moor SSSI.

In his conclusion he reported: “This proposal to extend Dry Rigg Quarry is considered to be a major development. National Planning Policy Framework and Local Plan policy set out that planning permission for major development should only be granted in exceptional circumstances where it can be demonstrated to be in the public interest.” That, he said, included both local employment and  national considerations.

He recommended approving the application by stating: “The judgement to be made is finely balanced: the proposal would provide the local economic and employment benefits of extending the life of the quarry but it would also have adverse environment impacts. On balance, it is considered that the main impacts, other the continuation of the current visual impact, could be mitigated and compensated for and  therefore it is recommended that permission is granted subject to strict controls and mitigation measures.”



The application by Broadacres Housing Association to construct 15 open market, 17 affordable/social rented; and 17 affordable shared ownership dwellings adjacent to Station Road (A684) to the west of Sedbergh was also approved.

Both Cumbria County Council and Sedbergh Parish Council had questioned the original positioning of the access onto the A684  from the development and the proposal to fill in a large depression on the site. The planning officer explained that amendments made to the plans had, therefore, included changing the access and reducing the number of houses from 50 to 49 so that the depressions on the site could be used as open spaces which would also assist with drainage.

The councils had also raised the issue of improved pedestrian access to the town but Broadacres said this was outside its remit.

There will be a mixture of housing on the site: detached, semi-detached, terraced and bungalows. The planning committee was told that Broadacres has proposed that the affordable housing should be available to those with a local connection, and also to those living in adjoining and concentric parishes outside the National Park in addition to the usual parish cascade system used by the National Park for allocating  housing. They will also enter into a legal agreement to secure the affordable housing in perpetuity to ensure the dwellings remain available to eligible people at an affordable cost.

The planning officer stated that the development would contribute significantly towards the affordable housing need in Sedbergh and surrounding area, providing a range of new homes in a sustainable location that will support the social and economic well-being of the local community.

Item-6-Plans-List-No-2 (1)

In September


Kettlewell with Starbotton Parish Council had originally objected to permission being granted for a shepherd’s hut to be placed in the southern toft beside the recently converted barn ( Toft Gate) as it  would be upon part of an important green space within a conservation area.

The planning officer, however, pointed out that the plans had been amended and the shepherd’s hut and seating area would be sited within a walled part of the barn’s residential curtilage. He added that the change of use of the site had been approved when permission was granted for the barn conversion.

He said: “Taking account of the enclosed curtilage siting of the hut, its positioning approximately 40 metres away from the highway and public right of way together with the modest scale, it is considered that the proposal would have only a minor impact which would not adversely affect the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.”

Members were also told that the hut will be screened by trees that were planted south of the site about three years ago.

The committee voted unanimously to approve the application.


The committee also unanimously approved the application for change of use of an agricultural building at Skyrakes Farm, Stirton,  to create a workshop and commercial storage space.

Stirton with Thorlby Parish Council’s  reasons for objecting included that the proposal could lead to the need for alternative storage for  the agricultural materials and equipment currently in the building; additional traffic to the site, and that the farm was not completely “set away from public view”. It also pointed out that there were caravans stored on the site without planning permission.

The planning officer said the agricultural materials and equipment could be stored in three other agricultural buildings. He added that the applicant had agreed to reduce the height of the building so that it would be less visible from Grassington Road.  Two adjoining buildings would be demolished and so considerably reducing the visual impact of the northern part of the farmstead. With native trees to be planted to the north the appearance of the site would be improved.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine expressed regret at a gradual loss of agricultural buildings and a reduction of the farming in favour of other commercial ventures.


Enforcement action against the owner of a laundry at the rear of Main Street in Sedbergh was deferred because a new planning application had been received on Friday September 3.

The committee was told by the enforcement officer that the owner had indicated that he would look at introducing a noise reduction scheme.

The enforcement officer explained that in late 2020 a complaint was received that storage buildings were being converted into a public laundry. The owner was advised that planning permission was required and an application was received in November 2020. This was refused a month later on the grounds that a commercial laundry business in that location would have an adverse effect on the residential amenity of neighbours due to noise, odours and disturbance.

The committee heard that the owner did not appeal but continued with setting up the business. During a site visit by a National Park officer in July this year a dehumidifier was being installed and two of the three washing machines were in use.  The other equipment included two  dryers, a sink, washing baskets, an ironing board and a linen press.

In August there had been a complaint about noise and  this was being investigated by Environmental Health. The head of development management, Richard Graham, told the committee that a statutory nuisance did not have to be proven for noise issues to be considered by the committee when considering an application.

In October:

The Deputy Chairman of the planning committee, Mark Corner, chaired the meeting.  At that time he and two others members of the planning committee were  trustees of the Friends of the Dales. Also, at that time, on its website this group stated: ‘The issue of development control in the Dales is often a thorny one and Friends of the Dales helps by providing an independent watchdog role.’  (Two trustees are no longer members of the planning committee and Mr Corner is now a vice president of the Friends of the Dales)

Austwick and Clapham

Despite some impassioned pleas from members and the representative of Austwick and Feizor Parish Council the planning committee gave approval for timber lorries to use public bridleways between Austwick and Clapham.

Ingleborough Estate’s application was for the creation of a timber wagon turning and timber stacking area in Thwaite Wood near Clapham, plus the maintenance and improvement of timber extraction route and the installation of a reinforced concrete crossing over a sheep underpass.

Seven members voted for approval and seven were against and the acting chairman, Mark Corner, made his casting vote in favour of the officer’s recommendation. At the end of the debate he told the committee that he was a regular user of the bridleway. ‘It is one of the nicest lanes in the dales. I don’t mind stepping aside for the occasional tractor or slurry wagon. It’s no great drama. I do feel we need to keep the number of movements [in mind] – we are talking of a maximum of 40 a year and only during the week, avoiding the periods when children are in and out [of school].’

Member Allen Kirkbride also pointed out that there would only be one wagon a day using part of the bridleway and passing through Austwick.

Austwick Parish councillor David Dewhirst, however, reported that there was considerable concern about the impact upon the village and 967 people had already signed an on-line petition objecting to the proposal.  He said half of the two and a half mile route taken by the timber wagons was along the popular Pennine Bridleway and the other half along narrow lanes with 90 degree bends and steep hills with up to 20 per cent gradients.

‘There are also a number of pinch points in Austwick going past the front doors of no fewer than 91 houses, a primary school, a pub, a shop and post office,’ he added.

Clapham with Newby Parish Council also objected to the proposed route partly because of the impact upon the safety and amenity of those using the bridleway. It stated it preferred a route, using smaller vehicles, which went towards the Clapham end of the byway.

Craven District councillor Carl Lis pointed out that when the Authority was considering routes for quarry vehicles it had been agreed these should not go through Austwick and he questioned the consistency of the planning officer’s recommendation.

He stated: ‘This part of the Pennine Bridleway is a prime example of the quality of work that has been done in this National Park. It is an incredibly important part of our network. To suggest that we should in any way damage that to me is absolutely, totally unthinkable.’

He said the only reason the planning officer had given for rejecting an alternative route proposed by the parish council was the steepness of the gradient.

Member Jim Munday asked if he would have to shove his grandchildren into a ditch when a timber lorry approached them on the bridleway.  And Member Derek Twine pointed out that advising walkers to step onto the verge was alright for those who could easily do so but certainly not for those using mobility scooters.

Christopher Guest, the agent for Ingleborough Estate told the committee that the alternative routes suggested were either unworkable, destructive to both the landscape and ecology of the area, or simply not viable economically. He explained that the majority of the woodland had been neglected for decades and if the work was not carried out it could not be sustainably managed.

The Authority’s Trees and Woodland team had reported that the woodland was affected by ash dieback and the larch and rhododendron was susceptible to a highly infectious disease (phytophthora ramoram). The estate was, therefore, keen to fell and sell ash and larch before they became worthless. Its proposed woodland management plan had been approved by the Forestry Commission.

None of the members objected to the creation of the stacking area, the proposed management of the woodland and the removal of timber. The turning bay and stacking area will be within Thwaite Wood at the junction of Thwaite Lane and Long Lane. The proposal includes the removal of 16m of drystone wall at the stacking area, the partial resurfacing of the lanes with crushed limestone, and some widening of parts of Thwaite Lane.


The National Park needs to consider the sustainability of communities including the elderly and their ability to continue to farm, North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock told the committee when it was discussing an application to provide purpose-built accessible accommodation at Bark Laithe Farm, Flasby.

She wanted to find a solution that enabled Robert Riley to remain farming while caring for his wife and argued that the proposed purpose-built accommodation within the farmyard was the best option. This will replace a timber stable block. All the bedrooms and the toilet facilities in the farmhouse are on the second floor.

Robert Riley told the committee: ‘Wendy has mobility issues and her health has deteriorated significantly in recent years. We have reached the point where she needs specialist accommodation which is all on one level.  I am now faced with a situation where I am not prepared to allow Wendy to suffer by living in a house that is totally unsuited to her needs. Unless this is approved I face the alternative of having to move from the farm into a bungalow in a nearby town or village.’ He added that would end his farming career which was his real passion.

Allen Kirkbride supported this stating that he saw it as a farmyard development and a necessary exception.

The planning officer had told members: ‘The personal circumstances of the applicant are not of such an exceptional level that adequately justify the need for a second dwelling,’ and that, therefore, there was no policy-basis for approval.  The Authority’s legal officer, Clare Bevan, stated: ‘As a point of law personal circumstances can be a mitigating consideration but we must be satisfied that they are exceptional.’

Mark  Corner agreed with the planning officer. He said he was very sympathetic to the situation but didn’t feel they should set a precedent. He stated: ‘I can’t see why the existing farmhouse can’t be adapted. Policy is designed to exclude all but exceptional circumstances. Unfortunately getting older and less mobile is a generic challenge for all of us.’

The committee, however, decided (seven votes to six with one abstention) to approve the application by. The head of development management, Richard Graham, said that this decision would be deferred to the next meeting so that officers had time to test its validity or soundness given that it was contrary to the recommendation of the planning officer.


The committee agreed that the former school building in Arkengarthdale can be converted into a single dwelling with two bedrooms to be used for bed and breakfast.

Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good told the committee: ‘I do support the application but it’s a shame that it isn’t going to be affordable homes. What I do like about this application is that we have got bed and breakfast provision.’

The planning officer reported that, following the closure of the school in 2019, the Arkengarthdale School Building Community Group, supported by Arkengarthdale Parish Council, had the site registered as an Asset of Community Value. This had triggered a six-month moratorium that restricted the building to community uses only. The Community Group had, however, failed to raise the funds required by June last year and the building was sold on the open market. Richmondshire District Council had confirmed that the building was no longer listed as an Asset of Community Value.

Cllr Good explained that the community in Arkengarthdale had then been given six months to try and put together a scheme for community use. There had been lots of bright ideas but nothing came forward he said. The new owners, Martin and Sue Stephenson, were then able to apply for change of use.

Their application included the construction of a car port with a studio cum classroom above it, the latter to support the activity weekends being planned by the Stephensons. This, they had told the planning officer, would bring in couples, families and small groups who would enjoy the activities in the local countryside and on-site and so help generate local employment and support businesses in the area that provided accommodation.

Cllr Peacock declared an interest and did not vote.


The owner of a small laundry behind Main Street in Sedbergh was given one month to discontinue that part of his business and remove all the equipment after the committee unanimously voted to authorise the Authority’s solicitor to serve an Enforcement Notice.

South Lakeland District councillor IanMitchell told the members that it was situated in a non-commercial area which was totally  unsuitable for a laundry. And another member, Jim Munday, commented: ‘It’s the wrong business in the wrong place.’

Nigel Close Ltd had applied for retrospective planning permission for using two small, single storey outbuildings behind Main Street for the laundry which serves the business’s  three holiday lets. A previous application (minus a planning statement) had been refused in December 2020. The applicant had, however, gone ahead with setting up the laundry.

The applicant had maintained that as it was in a commercial business and service area and could be carried out without detriment to the amenity of neighbours it did not require planning permission. The planning officer reported that, since it became operational, there had been complaints from three neighbouring properties. He said the laundry use was presently resulting in noise and odour emissions from the building and site to the detriment of residential amenity.

In the original planning application it was stated that the laundry would be in operation from 8am to 5pm 365 days a year.

In November 


“We have got to send the right message out that this Yorkshire Dale National Park does encourage young farmers,” North Yorks County councillor Yvonne Peacock told the YDNPA planning committee at its meeting on November 30.

But by a vote of seven to five the committee refused the application by J Allison and Sons to erect a 54.9m by 13.7m shed to house sheep at Cogden Hall farm, Grinton.

Member Mark Corner * said: “I have no issue … with the need to have a new building on the farm. My concern is the location – it literally sticks out like a sore thumb if you look at that schematic. I just feel its in the wrong place.”

The “schematic” shown by the planning officer throughout the discussion powerfully emphasised his argument that: “The proposed agricultural building, by virtue of its siting, scale and massing, would result in an adverse impact upon the scenic beauty of the National Park landscape, would not conserve the character and appearance of the Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Conservation Area and would harm the significance of grade II listed Cogden Hall through intrusion to its natural setting.” The brown and green colouring on the “schematic” was barely visible but the long black “shed” definitely did.

The Authority’s member champion for development management, Lancashire County councillor Jim Munday, agreed with Mr Corner and stated: “This [would be] three and a half metres to the eaves and five and a half metres high. How tall are sheep?”

After the vote Cllr Peacock pointed out that the farmers would need to use tractors in the shed.

The applicant, Stephen Allison, had told the committee that the farm, which supports four households of 13 people and the long term rental of a further six households, had been Marks and Spencers’ Swaledale lamb producers of the year in 2020 and 2021.  They needed to prepare for farm subsidies to halve by 2024 and wanted to introduce environmentally-friendly measures such as not wintering sheep on the moors so as not to poach  but to protect the land.

He said: “My cousin and I have young families and we are both in our early 30s. The building is of standard width and length for what is necessary to provide sufficient housing to accommodate 336 sheep and their lambs. It is important to ensure there is sufficient access to the central passage to feed check and bed up the sheep with a tractor. The site was chosen because that is where the need is and two other farm workers live on site. Additionally no other site is available to accommodate the required size.

“We believe the concerns of the adverse impact upon the scenic beauty of the landscape and the harm to Cogden Hall farm are grossly overstated. We therefore commissioned a heritage impact assessment which concluded the building would have an entirely acceptable level of impact upon the historic environment. We also assisted with the preparation of a visual impact assessment which found the building would have a minimal impact on the landscape. The visual impact was a major consideration and much thought was given to the potential effect both on the site and the wider landscape. A landscaping plan has therefore been proposed to plant trees to lessen any impact and to break up its massing from both near and far.”

He disagreed with the statement in the planning officer’s report that the shed would be located on raised ground. He stated: “The site is in a natural dip and would additionally be further built into the ground.  It will not be over dominant and intrusive.”

Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good agreed with him. He accepted that the shed would be big. But the footpaths around it, he said, were rarely used and there was only a small gap along the B6270 where it might be visible. He added: “If you are travelling at ten miles an hour you might just see it.”

He did not feel that the planning officer had clearly explained that the sheep needed to come off the moors in winter for environmental reasons which fulfilled one of the requirements of the National Park.

This was an opportunity, he said, to encourage farming and added: “Dales farming is traditional but we have to modernise it [and] this is a great opportunity with a young farming family… with lots of new ideas and lots of enthusiasm.”

He asked the committee to remember that although Cogden Hall was a listed building it had been home to a farming family for many years and would remain so.

Supporting his call to approve the application, North Yorkshire County councillor Yvonne Peacock stated: “I was pleased to see this application because for once we have got a young farmer wanting to farm. And not only himself but his whole family and his cousins.”

She pointed out that the YDNPA has a policy of encouraging people to visit the Yorkshire Dales – and that much of the beautiful scenery they came for had been created by farmers. She argued, therefore, that it was in the public interest to encourage farmers. But farmers could not continue to farm as they had in the past.

“We don’t know what the government’s going to come up with – and we know things in the future could be very very difficult. I want to see farmers making their farms viable. If we don’t encourage them now we might find that our beautiful dales will not be [worth] visiting,” she said.

Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden commented: “This is environmental land management. It’s a management tool not just a building. There are lots more buildings a lot more prominent than this one in Swaledale. I think you ought to get Google maps out and have a look. All this government thinks about is tourism and in the next ten years agriculture is going to be in a very sad state. We are going to be importing more food [causing] more pollution.”

After the proposal to approve the application was rejected Cllr Good said that there should have been a site visit so that members could have seen the location for themselves.

One of those who voted against approval was Derek Twine who commented afterwards: “I sense that some of members who voted against would be pleased to a further application at a later date which took note of the issues about the size and the style and the location.”


The application for two holiday-let pods and a pedestrian broadwalk in the extensive private grounds of a house in New Street, Sedbergh, was approved even though the parish council had made a strong objection.

Sedbergh Parish Council felt that the application lacked merit and was concerned about the environmental impact, loss of amenity to neighbours and access and parking. There is no parking available at the pod site and the planning officer commented  that those arriving by car would have to take their chances of finding a space in Joss Lane car park. He added that many might come by bike or on foot.

Member Allen Kirkbride  said that many parts of the Yorkshire Dales had parking problems and it was getting worse. Both he and Cllr Peacock asked if this problem could be considered when planning applications were being assessed.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, told them, however, that issues with parking were not a reason for refusing an application.

The planning officer stated: “The proposals are for small-scale visitor accommodation and …is not considered to be detrimental to neighbours, highway safety, trees, the environment or wildlife in any significant way.”

He reported that no protected wildlife habitat would be destroyed and the application did include compensatory planting and habitat enhancement. He added that given the distance between the pods and nearby houses and their being sited among trees the environmental health officer believed there would be little impact on neighbours.

Just one of the committee members abstained from voting to approve the application.


After a month waiting for a final decision on their application for purpose-built accommodation at Bark Laithe Farm at Flasby Robin and Wendy Riley watched as the majority of the committee voted this time to refuse it.

In October the majority of the committee approved the application but this was against the planning officer’s recommendation and so it was referred back. At the November meeting members were told the first decision was contrary to the Authority’s policy and so was neither sound nor valid.

She stated that Mr Riley had not shown there were exceptional reasons to approve his application to replace timber stables with a detached building suitable for his handicapped wife. She said: “Clearly there is sympathy for Mr and Mrs Riley’s circumstances however decreasing mobility with age or age-related health problems is a very common condition and, it is considered, neither exceptional nor ‘special’. Many people live with such problems through adaptions to their existing living accommodation.’

Mr Corner commented: “I cannot see why the building [farmhouse] built in the 1980s can’t be satisfactorily adapted. The floor area of the house is larger than that proposed in the new dwelling.” Like the planning officer he said that, if the application was approved, the proposed design was out of character on the farmstead and would need to be reconsidered.

Mr Kirkbride disagreed and said Mrs Riley’s handicapped situation should be considered. He added that the new building within the farmstead would not stand out.

The committee, however, voted by seven to five to refuse the application. After the vote Mr Kirkbride questioned the system that did not provide Mr Riley  with the right to comment on the planning officer’s report at that meeting. (Applicants can only address the planning committee once and Mr Riley did so at the October meeting.)


Unanimous approval was given for enforcement action to be taken immediately to ensure that a 10m high telecommunication mast near Hartlington is removed.

The committee was told that the Authority had refused an application to install a mast and associated works at Dibbles Bridge near Hartlington because these would be in a prominent and highly visible location harming the natural beauty of the upland landscape and the setting of the Fancari stone circle which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument.  ESN (Emergency Services Network) and EE Ltd appealed the decision and in early 2018 went ahead with the installation of the mast.

In June 2018 the appeal was dismissed. It was then agreed that a mast could be erected at the entrance to Stump Cross Caverns and the work was completed in July 2021. The mast at Hartlington, however, has not been removed.


YDNPA – Full Authority March 2021

ARC News Service report on the Full Authority virtual meeting of the YDNPA on March 30 2021 during which an “amber warning light” was given concerning  future budgets; there were reports on supporting upland farming and about Nature Recovery; and there were calls for the right for local authorities to continue virtual meetings after May 8.

During the meeting the Authority’s chief executive officer, David Butterworth, twice emphasised that decision making should be local and not be dependent upon “two blokes sitting behind a desk in Whitehall”.

It was stated during the meeting that the YDNPA has been in the forefront of developing programmes to involve farmers and landowners in nature recovery and this is despite the Authority  (like other National Parks) having faced significant real-term cuts in core grants from the Government over the past few years.

Even so, in the Review of National Landscapes by Julian Glover it is stated that the 10 National Parks and 34 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB) in England were not effectively protecting the national landscapes. He also reported that National Parks needed better funded budgets, secured in real terms, so that they could plan ahead with confidence.  The Review recommended that a National Landscapes Service should be set up encompassing all the National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England.  This will cover almost 25 per cent of England – and the Review also recommends that Defra should appoint all the board members of the National Parks, and the chairmen by the Secretary of State (in Whitehall?!)

Budget warning

The Authority was issued with an “amber warning light” this week – that continued cuts in the real-term value of its grants from the Government could leave it with only four priority programmes and its staff being reduced by almost a third.

The situation is so bad that the Authority’s head of finance and resources, Michelle Clyde, stated twice in the draft budget report for 2021/22 that members should see it as an “amber warning light.”

The chairman of the Finance and Resources committee, Neil Swain told the members: “In order to maintain a steady ship for 12 months…we’ve effectively allocated the whole of the general reserve to maintaining services in the next 12 months.

“Members must be really very clear that this is a budget that cannot be repeated. Unless we receive some significant increase in funding …in the next 12 months members are going to have to make some major decisions on which elements of our programmes we are going to have to think about cutting back on.”

Ms Clyde explained that between 2010 and 2015 the National Park grant in England fell by nearly 40 per cent in real terms which led to significant programme cuts and reductions in staff numbers. In addition the Authority was experiencing cuts in the real-term value of the Defra grant because it had not been increased to allow for inflation since 2019.

She told members: “The draft budget has been prepared against a background of unprecedented uncertainty. In particular, the Government’s planned Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), which would have set our grant level for the next three years, has been postponed, and the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on our other sources of income will continue for some time.

“The financial outlook from 2022/23 onwards may be extremely difficult as the economic impact of dealing with Covid becomes clearer. The funding of public services will be a key issue for the Government to address.

“If that approach involves significant cuts in grant then all English National Park Authorities will come under severe pressure in delivering their programmes, particularly the four priorities that have been established by National Parks England: Dealing with the impacts of Climate Change; Nature and Wildlife recovery in National Parks; the future of farming and Land Management; and National Parks for everyone – improving access and diversity.”

She stated that the budget presented to the members was affordable without resorting to any programme cuts but the future was much less certain. She added: “The impact on our programmes is very much dependant on the outcome of the CSR and the long term impact of Covid 19, as well as any changes in delivery that Defra might wish us to make in response to the (Glover) Landscapes Review.

The Authority, she said, had adopted a “wait and see” approach to the situation last year but it did not have sufficient reserves to continue to prop up its spending plans. “The likely state of the country’s finances makes the prospect of a significant cut to our Defra grant a real possibility again.”

The members were told that Defra had confirmed by email that the core grant for 2021/22 would be the same as last year with no increase for inflation but the formal agreement was still awaited.

Farming and Nature Recovery

At the Full Authority meeting it was re-affirmed that the Government’s new programmes to protect special landscapes can only be delivered by farmers and landowners working in partnership with local authorities such as the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.

The YDNPA’s chief executive, David Butterworth, emphasised this when he commented that this was better done at a local level than by “two blokes sitting behind a desk in Whitehall”.

The members  agreed that a new Nature Recovery Plan should be prepared by March 2022 and that the objective should be that by 2040 the Yorkshire Dales National Park should be home to the finest variety of wildlife in England. It was noted that it already contains more nationally important habitats than any other national park in the country.

To create a new plan It was, therefore, essential that the Plan should be developed with local partners and with farmers and landowners, the Authority’s senior wildlife conservation officer, Tony Serjeant, stated. The Authority, he explained, only owned and managed 0.001 per cent of the land in the National Park with public agencies and charities owning less than five per cent. This meant the Authority had to work by largely influencing others.

Reporting on the Authority’s 10-year Dales 2020 Vision programme he told members:  “We have managed very well against what’s happening at national level and we can hold our heads up high and be proud of what we have done.”

Serjeant explained that the biggest challenge was recovering blanket bog and peat of which there was a large amount in the National Park. It could take 100 years he said for peat in some areas to achieve a depth of 40cm and so be recovered. Due to that only 29 per cent of priority habitats outside of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) had reached Natural England’s definition of “favourable” condition. Within SSSIs 96 per cent were in good condition.

There had been some hugely notable successes, he said, such as increasing the habitat for dormice in Wensleydale,  and maintaining the range of red squirrel, curlew, lapwing, redshank and snipe.  The proportion of rivers in good ecological condition had also increased significantly.

“It is essential to protect what we have and aim for more, bigger, better and more joined up. That’s the approach we are taking. I am confident we that we can play our role in being at the forefront of creating nature recovery in England and the UK” he said.

He emphasised that it was necessary to get the proposed agricultural subsidy award system right so as to incentivise farmers and land managers to keep habitats in good condition and to create new ones. One example of this was the Dale-by-Dale initiative, funded by Natural England,  where  the Authority is working with farmers and landowners in Garsdale, Kingsdale, Littondale and Raydale to look at opportunities for nature recovery. The YDNPA is also working in partnership with other local authorities and national parks towards the restoration of habitats, peat uplands and woodland.

Adrian Shepherd, head of land management, reported  on the preparatory work being carried out for the Government’s “The Path to Sustainable Farming: An Agricultural Transition Plan 2021 to 2024” He told members:  “The programme will be delivered much by farmers working in partnership to protect the landscape and so I see this as a huge opportunity for the farmers who protect the landscapes as well as the protected landscape authorities themselves. There will be huge challenges to farmers. They are going to have to take on board many new opportunities.”

Many of the programmes envisaged by the Government, he said, had already been pioneered in the National Park. These include the Payment by Results trial involving 18 farms in Wensleydale focused  on hay meadows and habitats for wading birds like curlews which has been on-going for four years and now has been promised another year’s funding by Defra.

“We are the only National Park Authority in the country to deliver the national programme of catchment sensitive farming,” he said which he added would have huge benefits for farmers.

He explained that the payments currently on offer to farmers will be withdrawn over the next seven years and would be replaced with a new system which will offer a significant range of opportunities to farmers to obtain funding with a major emphasis on being rewarded for “providing public goods” . It is planned that upland farmers, 75 per cent of whom live and work in “Protected Landscapes”,  will receive funding for improving the natural environment, cultural heritage and public access.

Shepherd reported that in January Defra officials began discussions in strictest confidence with representatives of National Park Authorities and AONBs on how such a scheme would work and the level of funding that would be provided. Details are not yet available, he added and continued:

“Members will be aware that this Authority has been at the forefront of national thinking on the future support for farming in  the uplands. Our approach has been based on taking a strongly collaborative approach with farmers and landowners.” This is being led for the Authority by the Yorkshire Dales Biodiversity Forum and the Yorkshire Dales Farming and Land Management Forum.

“Members have repeatedly made clear the importance  they attach to the Authority’s role in supporting the future of farming in this National Park. As a result, the Authority has developed a highly-knowledgeable and skilled team of staff who, in turn, have helped to develop and deliver a range of local and national-level projects,” Shepherd stated.

When asked by Craven District Cllr Richard Foster how the Authority intended to balance the different breeding requirements of curlews and lapwings which did not seek tree cover and those of red squirrels which did, Gary Smith, director of conservation and community,  said the YDNPA had collected data on every single species and  habitat over the past ten years. “That’s pretty much a unique position in this country for an organisation to have,” he added.

Richmondshire District Cllr John Amsden pointed out that those on short-let farm tenancies weren’t able to participate in many of the schemes to assist upland farmers.  “I think a lot of tenant farmers will just quit unless [the new programmes] are properly managed for their benefit as well,” he warned.

Shepherd replied that the current scheme was worse for tenanted farmers as it was based upon area payments, whereas the new scheme would be based on rewarding the provision of public goods.

Countdown to end of virtual meetings

Despite an extraordinary level of lobbying by local authorities throughout the country the Government has decided that virtual meetings should stop on May 8 before all the Covid restrictions are lifted David Butterworth told the meeting.

He said that the regulations introduced last year to allow video conferencing would end on May 7 and after that face to face meetings would have to be held.

“That’s a deliberate decision by the Government – in spite of an extraordinary level of lobbying from local authorities that they want at least the option to be able to hold meetings either face to face or via video conferencing in the future,” he said.

He explained that, at present, the timetable was for all restrictions to be lifted on June 21. But the YDNPA has two meetings scheduled between May 8 and June 21 including that of the planning committee. Mr Butterworth was not happy with the two suggested solutions put forward by the Government: either to hold meetings face to face or for all powers and decisions to be delegated to the chief executive officer.

Of the latter he said: “I would be particularly keen that you didn’t take that approach [as it is] a serious one for democracy. Well, I don’t think it is.” He added that each local authority should be able to make its own choices. “The decisions should be made here and not in the middle of London,” he asserted.

The members agreed with North Yorkshire County Cllr Kenneth Good that the YDNPA should write to Government ministers to ask that virtual meetings could continue after May 7, not just due to Covid-19 but also as some local authorities, such as the YDNPA, covered large geographic areas and that, during winter, it was difficult to travel.

Craven District Cllr Carl Lis said he was disappointed by the Government’s decision as he had hoped that the advantages of virtual meetings regarding climate change and carbon footprint would have been taken into consideration.

Member Jim Munday commented: “One of the things about virtual meetings and/or hybrid meetings is accessibility. That means that everyone within the National Park has much greater accessibility to the meetings.

“This has been noted at planning committee [meetings] since we went virtual in that we have had people who can afford half an hour to give their evidence but not a whole day to travel across the park to attend an actual meeting. So there is accessibility for people in all weathers and all times.”

One member, Ian McPherson from Sedbergh, even suggested that members of National Park authorities should go on strike! He said if members did not attend meetings the message might get through to the Government that everything was grinding to halt just for the sake of a simple piece of legislation.

5G masts – the best for connectivity?

Coverdale Connect and Protect has held several Zoom meetings concerning the application to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s  (YDNPA ) planning committee on February 9 2021 for permission to install a 5G mast at West Scrafton

Zoom meeting on February 2:

Residents throughout Coverdale would have better broadband and mobile phone connectivity via the commercial use of emergency services masts and fibre-based broadband than the 5G testbed and trial which runs only until March 2022, it was stated during a Coverdale Connect and Protect  Zoom meeting on February 2.

This group has asked the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) to refuse approval for a 5G mast at West Scrafton in Coverdale not only for environmental reasons but also until there is a thorough, impartial investigation into the impact of 5G technology on humans and animals.

When introducing the Zoom meeting Harriet Corner from Coverdale said: “I truly consider [this dale] to be one of the wonders of the world in terms of its beauty and nature. I had a rural childhood but now there’s little left of the wild spaces I used to know. The landscape is littered with masts, pylons and wind turbines.

“Let’s protect this incredible place for our children and grandchildren rather than put the landscape, the ecology and the health of our community at risk. But let’s solve our connectivity issues in a safe way that covers the entire dale.”

Anne Pilling, who lives outside Horsehouse in Coverdale, explained that MANY (Mobile Access North Yorkshire project) was a publicly and privately funded consortium supported by North Yorkshire County Council which had been given £4.4m of government funding to trial 5G in the county. She said the test area included West Witton, East Witton and Middleham but not the northern end of Coverdale beyond Gammersgill where the need for broadband and mobile phone connectivity was the most acute.

She reported that emergency service masts installed at Coverhead and Braidley could be updated to provide a commercial service and that on January 21 YDNPA had given permission for an emergency service mast at Gildersbeck.

“From my enquiries with EE this will provide 3G or 4G commercial service which should cover the [5G] test area,” she said and added that she had been told that within six months this would also provide a mobile phone roaming service.

She told the meeting that rather than the 5G test area having the least connectivity more than 90 per cent of the households in it already had access to superfast broadband. She added that fibre broadband was the gold standard as it was safe, faster than 5G, reliable, weatherproof and heat proof.

West Witton parish councillor Graham Bottley warned: “My real concern is if 5G is brought into these areas with its inferior service that will prevent [residents} ever getting fibre broadband. My view is it will harm the community in terms of worse provision of service.” He said that in the past West Witton residents had been told they would never get fibre-based broadband and yet this year it would be installed in that village.

Raymond Brown of Coverdale said that 60 per cent of residents he had spoken to were in favour of the 5G mast. He questioned the statements made during the meeting that 5G was a health risk to people and the environment. He pointed out that the World Health Organisation and Public Health England had stated 5G was safe.

Mike Sparrow responded that such agencies and the British Government accepted the guidelines and safety standards set by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) But, he added, the Appeal Court of Turin had judged the ICNIRP to be conflicted as a consequence of its members having direct or indirect relationships with the telecommunications industry, and accepted funding either directly or indirectly from it.

“The point we are making … is that there are alternatives that would work better that wouldn’t expose us to the same potential risks.

He said he had read many academic papers in which scientists argued there were reasons to be worried about 5G and non-ionising radiation. He listed several studies which had reported on the adverse impact upon insects, animals, birds and trees.

There was, he added, the problem of latency – just as there had been with cigarette smoking. So it could take decades before the impact upon health was known. He said insurance companies were so concerned that they were unwilling to insure for any damage caused by such technology.

“If they are not going to indemnify us for any damage to our communities… how are we to believe it is safe?” he asked.

Planning officer’s recommendation

A planning officer has recommended that the YDNPA planning committee should approve the application for a 5G mast at West Scrafton.

In his report it is stated: “This project is looking at how 4G/5G technology will benefit rural communities and is specifically targeting areas with limited or no current coverage, ‘not spots’, which include the Coverdale area. The proposed installation will form an important link in the chain and needs to have line of sight with other local sites.” (These are at Yarker Bank Quarry at Leyburn and Penhill Farm, West Witton.)

The report continued: “[The] business model is to provide broadband coverage to the locations that the Main Network Operators (MNO’s) do not. These would otherwise remain as ‘not spots’ within the National Park.  “The site is not near to a statutory safeguarding zone such as a school.

“Paragraph 116 of the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) says that the need for an electronic communications system should not be questioned.

“It is considered that there is a justifiable need for a telecommunication site to be provided at this location.” And on health issues it stated: “The applicants have provided a declaration confirming that the proposed installation complies with the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNRP) guidelines for exposure of the public to radio frequency and electromagnetic fields.

“All hardware on site would carry certification that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards. The mast would be located a significant distance from any residential property. The siting does not give rise to any perceived health risks.

“Nevertheless, objectors say that certain scientific studies are critical of ICNIRP safe exposure guidelines and consider that the development will have an adverse impact on the health of the public, wildlife and the environment and that a precautionary principle should be applied. The objectors refer to various scientific studies but none that can be applied directly to this site.”

Among those who have objected is Professor David Hill, chairman of the Environment Bank. See: Are the Dales being used as a guinea pig?

Statement by Coverdale Connect and Protect

On Tuesday February 9th members of the Yorkshire Dales National Park planning committee will be asked to rule on whether a 15 metre high mast should be erected in the unspoilt Coverdale hamlet of West Scrafton.

The mast is part of a privately and publicly-funded 5G ‘test-bed and trial’ project managed by North Yorkshire County Council which is looking to use this corner of the YDNP to experiment with 5G applications.

Residents are being enticed by the offer of free wireless broadband and mobile phone coverage for the duration of the trial and, not surprisingly, this is attractive to the minority still struggling with poor connectivity.

Big questions remain unanswered however. Putting to one side the mounting scientific evidence that 5G has damaging effects on human health, wildlife and the environment, and the impact of mast proliferation on the aesthetics of an unspoilt corner of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, the kind of fixed wireless broadband and mobile signal that this organisation is proposing is not the best solution for our needs.

More than 90% of households in the target area already have superfast fibre broadband; fibre is the gold standard – safe, reliable and weather-proof – and it should be available to everyone in the dale. Planning permission was recently granted for an emergency services mast which we understand will provide a commercial mobile signal to the target area. So why was this corner of YDNP selected for this experiment? How is this in the best interests of the people of Coverdale? What happens when the funding runs out in March 2022?

When we ask what is going on we are met with silence or obfuscation by NYCC councillors and officers. Coverdale is an unspoilt area of natural beauty, home to rare and endangered flora and fauna. Such a treasured and rare landscape must not be put in jeopardy by a communications trial curiously mired in secrecy. It would be an abdication of the responsibility the YDNPA have to uphold their primary purpose, namely “to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the national park” and we therefore ask the Planning Committee to defer any decision until our questions have been answered.

Mike Sparrow’s scientific studies

At previous Zoom meetings Mike Sparrow said that there was evidence that the type of frequencies used for 5G could not only have very damaging effects upon birds but also on bees and humans.

Among the peer-reviewed research he quoted was a report by the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association in Australia in 2018 which stated that 68 per cent of 1,955 scientific studies illustrated “significant biological and health effects”.

The government, he said, had based its assurances to the public on the guidance provided by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) which maintains that non-ionising radiation (as from 5G) causes harm only at tissue heating levels of exposure and no deeper biological effect.

And yet the Appeal Court of Turin had judged the ICNIRP to be conflicted as a consequence of its members having direct or indirect relationships with the telecommunications industry. The ICNIRP’s guidance was, therefore, held to be “unreliable due to bias”, Mr Sparrow reported.

In a letter to Sir Keir Starmer MP he wrote: “In order to protect and reassure the public, we believe that it is essential that the government is compelled to undertake a full public, independent and transparent enquiry into the published adverse health effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation, prior to any further expansion of wireless telecommunications network capability. The conduct of ICNIRP and the reliability of its guidance should, inevitably, be examined as part of this process.

“A government that ignores the science, and is prepared to gamble with the health of its citizens is unworthy of trust.”

Supported with references he stated: “There are now thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies that demonstrate unequivocal evidence that non-ionising radiation at very low levels of exposure cause significant biological harm such as:

· carcinogenicity (brain tumors/glioma, breast cancer, acoustic neuromas, leukemia, parotid gland tumors),

· genotoxicity (DNA damage, DNA repair inhibition, chromatin structure), mutagenicity, teratogenicity,

· neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)’

· neurobehavioral problems, autism, reproductive problems, pregnancy outcomes, excessive reactive oxygen species/oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, blood-brain barrier disruption, pineal gland/melatonin production, sleep disturbance, headache, irritability, fatigue, concentration difficulties, depression, dizziness, tinnitus, burning and flushed skin, digestive disturbance, tremor, cardiac irregularities,

· adverse impacts on the neural, circulatory, immune, endocrine, and skeletal systems,

· Damage to voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in cells.”

He continued: “Representation has been made to both the Secretary of State for Health and Public Health England in relation to the adverse public health consequences implied by the body of peer-reviewed science referred to above. Government has dismissed the concerns raised, referring simply to their reliance upon ICNIRP guidelines, without any acknowledgement of the scientific evidence that contradicts such advice; or the fact that ICNIRP absolve themselves from responsibility.

“The government has a duty to protect the health and wellbeing of its citizens, including exposure of the public to ‘dangerous activities’, which includes the production of electromagnetic radiation. It has made no attempt to evaluate the risk of existing wireless EMR, or the potential risk posed by the millimetre wave EMR used to deliver wireless 5G.”

And he added that the government had failed to acknowledge or investigate substantive evidence that pointed to the severe harm caused by the electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) of 5G.

“It is ironic,” he said, “that, at a time when science is being invoked to justify the government’s response to Covid-19, the science pertaining to harm caused by EMR is being ignored; a threat which may pose an even greater long-term risk to public health.”

About himself Mr Sparrow said: “I have a background in industry (35 years covering various sectors) which culminated in my leading an international utilities construction and maintenance business. “Part of that portfolio included the construction of high-voltage power lines with associated telecommunications fibre optics. The nature of the business, and the risks entailed, meant that I spent a disproportionate amount of time focused on safety and technical standards. Hence, I am familiar with magnetic fields, induced currents and other electro-magnetic phenomena.”


February to December 2020

ARC News Service reports from Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority  (YDNPA) planning committee meetings in 2020 with settlements in alphabetical order.

Most of the meetings were held remotely due to the Covid lockdown and all the speakers could be heard clearly – which made it so much easier to provide full reports. These reports are provided by Pip Pointon on a voluntary basis as part of the commitment of the Association of Rural Communities to local democracy.

Arncliffe – March

Despite the full support of Arncliffe Parish Meeting to see an ‘eyesore’ in their conservation area replaced with an extension which it believed would improve the visual appearance of the School House, the planning committee  rejected the planning application by the owners.

The agent, Robert Groves, told the committee on March 10: ‘This [flat roof] is quite an eyesore and it is the most dilapidated part of the building. The proposed extension is modest…and it will bring about a huge improvement. It completely respects the original Gothic architecture of that part of the school house.’

He said the Parish Meeting had held a special meeting to discuss the application and had written to the YDNPA three times in full support of the proposals and revisions.

The majority of the committee members, however, agreed with the planning officer who stated: ‘The School  House is an important and distinctive building in the Arncliffe Conservation Area [which] contributes positively to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area because  of its Gothic character and appearance. The proposed extension would  undermine and harm the overall character and appearance of the building by adding a large extension of unsympathetic proportions and architecture.’

She said that two flat-roof extensions had been built in the 1970s to provide additional facilities for the school. The application was for replacing one of these with a two-storey extension with a hipped roof to provide a garage and a home office with shower room above.

Committee member Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong said: ‘Due to the scale of the proposed extension it would dominate the building. A smaller extension would get a more positive response.’

Askrigg – October

Farmer Richard Scarr was told he would have to provide further plans to show how the impact of a replacement barn on the landscape of Upper Wensleydale could be reduced.

A planning officer said that Mr Scarr wanted to replace a semi-derelict traditional stone barn with a larger modern one but, as it was in an isolated and prominent position, it would cause real  landscape harm. For that reason he recommended that Mr Scarr’s application should be refused.

Mr Scarr told the committee: ‘I am a four-generation farmer. We are traditional Dales farmers keeping Swaledale sheep and selling lambs in the local mart at Hawes. We have traditional hay meadows which we cut for hay each year.  Since my childhood the hay has always been stacked in the field barn. We feed the hay to the sheep in winter and by the spring the barn is empty and is used for lambing. This barn has fallen into disrepair with the roof collapsing. We propose to replace it with a new building serving the same purpose.

‘This will enable us to continue the traditional practice of hay making to conserve the species in the hay meadows and avoiding the plastic black bales and secure the continuous traditional farming practices.’

He said he had already agreed to reduce the size of the new building, to increase the cladding and to stone face the north elevation, plus carrying out expensive tree planting.

He continued: ‘The location is very important. It makes not only storing hay easier but also feeding it to the sheep in winter, and lambing my sheep in the spring. Over the years working in the lower fields has provided an opportunity to engage with visitors using the public footpath. This is something I have personally enjoyed and also gives lots back to the visitors who can understand a traditional dales farm and be in connection with those who live and work here. Losing this would be  a genuine loss to me and to those who enjoy visiting the National Park.’

Member Allen Kirkbride (an Askrigg parish councillor) commented: ‘As far as I can see he has done everything he can to make sure that this barn fits in and doesn’t stand out like a sore thumb.’

He pointed out that just over half a mile away there was another brand new barn that stood out just as much as Mr Scarr’s would.

Richmondshire District councillor  John Amsden agreed. ‘There’s quite a lot of barns been put up in the last couple of  years. I can see one from the top of my land on the other side of the dale which sticks out like a sore thumb because it’s on the hilltop… we also have the National Park building … which sticks out. By the time the trees have grown up I think [Mr Scarr’s] will fit in. It serves the farmer’s purposes.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine, however, commented that with modern tractors hay could easily be stored at the farmstead. The planning officer had said that there would be support for a new barn at the farmstead. ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right. We are not in the business of providing sore thumbs in a protected landscape,’ Cllr Heseltine said.

Lancashire County councillor  Cosima Towneley retorted: ‘We need to take a pragmatic view of this. Farming does not stand still. This is not a chocolate box landscape. People have to live. ‘

Member Ian McPherson proposed deferral and stated: ‘I would personally like to see if there is a way the construction of the building can be ameliorated to make it more compatible with the natural environment.’  And the majority agreed.

Austwick – June

In December 2014 John Blackie (then the Leader of Richmondshire District Council) and the then chairman of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (Peter Charlesworth) warned about the loss of affordable and local occupancy homes in very rural areas due to the government’s new policy which would allow a developer to build 10 or less houses on one site without having to make sure there was a provision for affordable local housing. Charlesworth stated: ‘This… is likely to more than halve the number of affordable  homes built in the National Park – homes that are essential to the long-term viability of local communities.’

Of the government’s policy Blackie said: ‘It’s a stab in the back for those who have the best interests of the future of rural and deeply rural communities at heart, and retaining the essential ingredient of young people and young families within them to maintain their long-term viability.’ (Northern Echo December 2014).

The government raised the threshold to 10 houses before which developers had to provide some on-site affordable housing. Instead they can pay a contribution towards affordable housing. The continuing frustration and disappointment with the government’s policy was very evident when the following application for a development at Austwick was discussed.

The application to build eight dwellings on land off Pant Lane in Austwick was approved even though the majority of the planning committee members were deeply disappointed that it did not include any affordable housing.

‘We are potentially giving permission for eight second homes or holiday cottages … with no specification for affordable housing,’ stated North Yorks County councillor Richard Welch .

And the chairman of the Authority, Craven District councillor Carl Lis summed up the feelings of most of the committee when he said: ‘There is no doubt that within the Austwick area there is need for affordable housing and I just find it disappointing that we can’t get that. Okay, we are going to get a financial contribution but that… doesn’t have to be used in Austwick. So Austwick loses its provision of affordable housing.’

Craven District councillor David Ireton added: ‘Small villages are requiring local need and local affordable housing. We are in danger here of somebody getting the cheque book out … and developing open market houses with no restrictions.’

As one member after another questioned the lack of provision for affordable  housing the head of development management, Richard Graham, had to explain several times why they had no choice but to approve it. He said that the Authority’s previous Local Plan had required affordable housing to be provided on a site with that many houses. ‘It was impossible to sustain that policy position because the government’s policy changed. And Local Plans have to be in accordance with the government’s policy. As it stands at the moment [the application] complies with Local Plan policy and government policy.

‘The proposal will provide a financial contribution towards affordable housing. That can be used to help bring forward sites for affordable housing where the finances are marginal. We are talking to housing associations and community groups around the National Park about bringing forward various sites purely for affordable housing.’

The government’s policy and, therefore, that of the Local Plan meant, he said, that the planning committee could not add a condition  concerning affordable housing. Cllr  Robert Heseltine requested that because he said: ‘Every applicant will put this foot in the door approach and virtually nothing will be provided in the smaller villages in the National Park.’

A planning officer  had told the committee she has encouraged the developer to include some affordable housing but complex negotiations would be required with Craven District Council and a housing association.

Two members, Allen Kirkbride and Cllr John Amsden, asked about including solar panels and charging points for electric cars. Cllr Lis agreed, pointing out that the Authority did have a policy on climate change. He added: ’We haven’t even got an indication as to the heating system. We need to encourage developers to install things into these houses which make them environmentally friendly.’

Austwick Parish Council told the committee: ‘The initiative to progress this Housing Development site is welcome as the availability of a number of new smaller houses could be of social and economic benefit to Austwick and may help to secure, for the longer term, the services and facilities we now have in place to support our community.’

It did not, therefore, object but had a number of concerns which included the lack of  on-site affordable or local occupancy housing and renewable technologies. The planning officer reported that the developer had not yet decided what equipment to use for renewable energy technologies and he had been encouraged to consider alternative sustainable sources of heating.

Members queried giving permission before these details were agreed. “It’s totally wrong because they can walk away and do absolutely nothing,” commented Cllr Welch

The parish council also asked about  the potential of surface water run-off and the developer had agreed to use  limestone chippings instead of tarmac on the access road. There will now be only one access so that a portion of a high dry-stone wall  will not be demolished. The planning officer explained that this and amendments to the design would mean there could be bigger gardens and more landscaping.

Member Jim Munday and Craven District councillor Richard Foster said it was a good development for Austwick. ‘It’s a great site and more houses are needed,’ said the latter.

And Cllr Cosima Towneley reminded the members that they didn’t have a foot to stand on due to the government’s policy.

Bainbridge – October

It didn’t take long for the committee to approve  permission for 37 additional solar panels on the rear (south) roof slope of the YDNPA office premises (Yoredale) in Bainbridge. These will have black frames and low reflectivity glass to match the appearance of the existing panels.

A planning officer stated that the application was a direct consequence of the Authority adopting a ‘Carbon Reduction Plan’. He said Yoredale was a large modern office building within the conservation area of Bainbridge. The south facing roof was visible at close range from Cam High Road but not from medium to long distance views.

Bainbridge Parish Council had objected to the installation of so many solar panels on that roof believing them to be an eyesore to anyone using Cam High Road and nearby footpaths, negatively affecting the visual amenity of the area.

At the meeting Allen Kirkbride commented: ‘An awful lot of hikers walk up that road and they look directly onto it. People pass in cars. I have no problem with solar panels – I may have a problem with the number of solar panels they want to put on.’

And another member, Jim Munday, said: ‘I’m all for carbon reduction … but in my opinion the two items of modern technology that blight our National Park [because] they are intrusive and unsightly [are] mobile phone masts and solar panels. At the moment they seem to be necessary evils but we must encourage development to less intrusive solutions to the problems of telecom and power generation to minimise the impact of those by better siting and design.’

Braidley in Coverdale – October

Before the committee could discuss an application to convert a barn near Braidley in Coverdale into a local occupancy dwelling  or holiday let the chairman, Julie Martin, stated: ‘I just want to make a few comments myself as  cultural heritage champion not least because the … building conservation officer is unhappy about this one. I do feel that it is unfortunate that this application has come forward in this form.

‘I know the site … I have gone past there many times and it is very isolated and very prominent in the landscape.  I do feel as our planning officer clearly does that  [this] is too intensive a development for this site. The application doesn’t fully meet the requirements of our design guide and that is disappointing.  Having said that I do think it is entirely possible that a smaller modified, more sensitive set of proposals would be suitable for us to approve.’

The planning officer said several times that the barn was on a sloping site and would, therefore, result in landscape harm due to what he described as a large curtilage, enlarged windows and three rooflights, especially as it could be seen from a footpath 300m away on the opposite side of the River Cover.

The majority of the committee voted to refuse the application.

Bolton Abbey – December

The committee unanimously agreed that Oliver Barker of Catgill Campsite Ltd at Catgill Farm could add four additional timber glamping pods to the three already there.

Mr Barker had removed hot tubs from the plans as Bolton Abbey Parish Council was concerned about the impact upon the private water supply. He is considering installing water storage tanks so as to apply for the installation of hot tubs later. The parish council had noted that providing water for hot tubs could affect the beck and so lead to problems for livestock and wildlife along that waterway.

Mr Barker said the present pods had proved to be a great success especially when many people were considering holidays in the UK due to the Covid epidemic. Providing more glamping pods would help to boost the local economy and provide more employment he added.

Cllr Robert Heseltine told the committee that the local water supply had always been very reliable and that the site would be well screened.

Member Neil Swain commented that it was a very good thought-out proposal.

The parish council had also reported concerns about the number of pitches at the camp site, the holding of caravan rallies,  the length of time of operation of the camp site and also parking on the lane. The planning officer said these had been passed on to the enforcement team for investigation.

Crosby Ravensworth – February

The listed Monks Church Bridge at Crosby Ravensworth needs more than a ‘sticking plaster’ repair the chairman of the parish council,  David Graham, told the committee.

‘Our community wants the bridge widened,’ he said. ‘This is a working farming modern community – it is not a preserved museum. Our farmers don’t use horse and carts. They use very large modern farm machinery.’

He added that the drivers of large delivery vehicles also had difficulties –  ‘Speed has never been a problem – it’s simply the size of the vehicles trying to use it.’

That has led to the bridge frequently being damaged, he said, with most of the repairs having  been carried out using cement mortar. This time  Cumbria County Council had applied for permission to use lime mortar to repair a 2m length of the bridge.  The planning officer reported that this would reinstate the original appearance of the structure.

David Graham, however, commented: ‘This is a  sticking plaster. It is not a solution to the problem we have got with the bridge. Our main concern is the on-going issue of bridge suitability for the modern age.’

He and another councillor, Ginny Holroyd, had taken photographs to the meeting to show how the bridge, which they said was constructed in the 19th century, had been widened in the past.

The parish council, he told the committee, agreed with the planning officer that an application recently submitted by the county council to alter the bridge would cause substantial harm to the bridge and surrounding conservation area.

He said: ‘It would not only remove important historic fabric but also result in harm to the character and appearance of the bridge itself and on the wider conservation area. That’s not something we want as a parish council either. Historic England experts suggested looking at road realignment. To realign the road would mean demolishing the wall of the churchyard, taking part of the graveyard and demolishing a two-metre high dry stone wall and taking part of someone’s garden – so totally unacceptable and totally impossible to achieve.

‘The planners have been working with Cumbria Highways developing a proposal for road markings and signage. These include 50m of four-inch wide white lines across the bridge, ‘Slow’ road markings and signage, black and white bollards at each corner of the bridge, ‘Road Narrows’ and  ‘Double Bends’ [signs], and 30 miles per  hour repeater signs – a forest of modern signage.’

He questioned how that would solve the problem and said that the parish council had written twice to the YDNPA planning department asking for it to engage with them.

‘We simply ask for a meeting on site with the planners and with interested parties so we can come up with a solution that will work for everyone. Our whole village wants a solution.’

Committee member and North Yorkshire parish council representative, Allen Kirkbride, asked for a decision to be deferred so that a site meeting could be held. But this was not accepted by the committee with some members stating that the only issue they had to deal with that day was the application to repair the bridge.

Member Jim Munday said: ‘I think this is something which needs to be worked out later but for today let’s have our sticky plaster to repair it.’ And the majority agreed.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, said: ‘We are happy to meet with the parish council. What we would like to do is talk to the county council as [it is the] highways authority.’

Allen Kirkbride requested that should be a  joint meeting of all the parties involved.

At the beginning of his submission to the committee David Graham explained that he had worked for Cumbria County Council for 34 years and for the last 10 years until he retired he was responsible for all the highways maintenance in that county. For the past 20 years he has lived just round the corner from Monks Church Bridge.

Embsay near Skipton – August

The  use of cedar shingles on the roof of new garage at Hill Top Farm, Embsay, was questioned by the parish council and by Craven District councillor Richard Foster.

‘The roofing material should be either stone or reclaimed slates instead of shingles which are alien to the character of the locality,’ stated Embsay with Eastby Parish Council.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, said: ‘One of the most important buildings in the National Park, Scargill Chapel, which is a grade II star listed building, is covered entirely in cedar shingles. Its roof is the most dominant feature of the building.

‘It is very difficult to get hold of the right stone slates for new buildings in the National Park. Some of the materials that we have traditionally used are very expensive. So cedar shingles is one material that has been used on a number of buildings in the park and we have been very happy with the way they have weathered.  Over time they weather to a grey colour that looks just like limestone. So it’s a material that, for a number of years,  we have advised people to consider.’

Cllr Foster asked if cedar shingles were included in the Authority’s Design Guide and another member said they were. (See Appendix A of the Design Guide)

The parish council had thanked the planning officer and the applicant for making what it described as a number of significant changes to the original plans. But it felt that, as the site was within a conservation area further amendments should be made.  It said that the weatherboarding on the top half of the garage should be vertical instead of horizontal to reflect the character of traditional agricultural buildings.

The committee did approve the application to erect a single storey double garage in the rear garden of Hill Top Farm – with cedar shingles and horizontal weatherboarding. The conditions included further landscaping to screen the garage.

Feetham, Low Row – July

Members again quickly agreed with a planning officer that a two extensions could be added to 1 Lilac Cottages at Feetham, Low Row.

The application by Stephen Muchmore was for a two storey extension to the west and a single storey extension to the rear of the end terrace cottage, as well as excavating part of the garden to form a level patio.

Melbecks Parish Council had objected for the following reasons: that lowering the ground at the rear would increase the potential for flooding to Lilac Cottages; the existing sewerage tank was insufficient if the cottage was upgraded and a package treatment plant should be installed; parking problems; and that increasing the number of bedrooms from two to three would reduce the opportunity for local young people to get on the housing ladder and stay in the dale. The parish council added that by extending the property it was likely it would become a second home or a holiday let.

Ed Jagger, the  agent for Mr Muchmore, however, assured the committee that the owners planned to move their family to Fleetham on a permanent basis and that the cottage would not become a second home.

He pointed out that the proposed extensions were similar but on a smaller scale to those at the other two properties in the terrace and the rear gardens had already been excavated at them.   He said: ‘The rear of the existing building [1 Lilac Cottage] is constructed into the hillside using traditional stone walling with no cavity. Consequently the back wall suffers from significant damp. The excavation of the rear garden will allow the walls to dry out and any surface water be dealt with in a controlled manner rather than running against the rear wall.’

He added that there would not be any increase in the bathroom or kitchen provision.  The proposal was for the existing bathroom to become an en-suite to an existing bedroom and for the downstairs shower room to be replaced with a new first floor bathroom.

The planning officer stated that although the availability of affordable housing was important to the Authority and was included in the Local Plan the issue was not addressed by placing restrictions on homeowners who wanted to extend or improve their properties.

Cllr John Amsden commented that it was only right to question whether the sewerage provision was  up to date. ‘We have to keep in mind the environmental issues,’ he said.

Gaisgill, Cumbria – August

Three planning applications in 15 months have meant that the Authority has not gone ahead with enforcement proceedings for the removal of a cabin at a small holding in the open countryside near Gaisgill.  Each application has been refused, the last one by the planning committee at the August meeting. The planning officer said it was likely the applicant would now appeal that decision.

The planning officer reported that the present owners bought the smallholding a few months after an enforcement notice should have been complied with. This was served in January 2018 and required the removal of the cabin and restoration of the land by August 2019.

He said that the latest application was  similar to the previous ones being for the retention of the residential cabin for an agricultural worker for a further three years.  The previous temporary permission granted by Eden District Council expired in November 2016.

Cllr John Amsden commented: ‘There is an enforcement notice on [the cabin] and it should be fulfilled. You can’t keep stringing  it along as far as possible because it has gone on too long as it is.’

Ian McPherson said: ‘My understanding is that it is perfectly possible to have an enforcement action being taken contemporaneously with a planning application. In view of the history of this I’m not totally clear why we haven’t taken steps for enforcement.’

Richard Graham explained: ‘The next steps in enforcement would be prosecution of the applicants for non-compliance. Obviously that is a very serious step for any planning authority to take against someone. If an application has been submitted then it has always been felt right to consider that and determine it prior to taking the next step of going to court.

‘There has also been a degree of delay this year due to the Corona virus outbreak and the various restrictions that have been placed on the planning system and the court system.’

The planning officer told the committee that on the small holding there was a converted barn being used as bed and breakfast accommodation and another barn which had been partially converted.

The applicants’ agent, Andrew Willison-Holt, said that the conversion work on the second barn had stopped in order to divert funds into buying more stock and  land. The cabin allowed them to develop the farm into a diversified business.

He argued that the application was in accord with what the government called a trial occupation.‘We are asking you for three years to prove our case with the expectation that after the three-year period we will be in a position to justify a permanent dwelling. All [the applicants] ask, like every other farmer, is to be given the opportunity to prove themselves regardless of the enforcement history.

Mr Graham, however, stated: ‘Where there are two dwellings that are available to the applicants it is clearly, in our opinion, not appropriate to allow temporary permission.’

Cllr Amsden said he could understand why they wanted another holiday cottage but the priority was somewhere to live without having an enforcement order hanging around their necks.

The planning officer reported that the applicants had not shown that there was a need for a full time worker on the small holding and that the cabin did harm the character and appearance of the open countryside in a tranquil and visually attractive area.

Mr Willison-Holt disagreed and stated that the cabin sat on rising land alongside farm sheds.  Neighbours, however, said it was easily visible from the road and was an eyesore which detracted from the surrounding area.

The committee agreed not only that permission should be refused but that the enforcement  notice should be enforced.

Gawthrop near Dent – October

The walk through Gawthrop near Dent has been described as one of the best in the Yorkshire Dales, member Ian McPherson told the committee.

He said this was a site of great tranquillity which exemplified the wild and peaceful beauty one expected in the National Park, and was of great interest both historically and topographically. That was why he, unlike the majority of the committee, could not support an application to convert Upper Barn at Combe House in Gawthrop into a three bedroom local occupancy dwelling or holiday cottage even though he accepted that a refusal could be overturned at appeal.

He referred to the objection made by the Friends of the Dales. Besides stating that this was a remote and beautiful location that had many features of high nature conservation importance the society also objected on the grounds that the barn did not meet the definition of ‘roadside’.

Cllr Amsden also queried this. The planning officer replied that the policy was that a traditional barn was either roadside or within a building group to be eligible for conversion. She said that Upper Barn formed a group of buildings with Combe House.

She stated that the conversion of the building to a dwelling house or a holiday let would ensure the long-term future of the listed building. ‘Without such a use, the building is likely to deteriorate over time. There is, therefore, no satisfactory alternative.’

Dent Parish Council had objected on the grounds that the barn was a heritage asset and that the planned work would be detrimental and disproportionate to such an asset. The parish council also has a policy not to support any applications for short term (holiday) lets in Dentdale as it considers the number of these to be excessive.

The planning officer  reported that the barn had been altered in 2005 when permission was granted to convert the barn into an ancillary domestic store and dwelling (the latter did not take place).

New openings had been inserted then and the planning officer had insisted that the insertion of any more would be harmful to the significance of the building. But as the barn had been re-roofed she believed there would be no loss of historic fabric by installing three rooflights. She added: ‘The harm caused to the listed building through the insertion of rooflights would be less than substantial when weighing against the public  benefits of securing its optimum viable use.’

The latest plans were also amended to reduce the amount of curtilage. She reported that there was a public right of way immediately behind the barn where the proposed new curtilage will be. However, a diversion order (not yet legally sealed)  has been made to redirect the  path further to the east. The only advice was that the public right of way should remain free from obstruction.

Grassington – October

All but one of the committee voted to approve a farm visitor attraction with agricultural museum, whisky distillery and tea room  at Gam Farm  even though there were warnings that Grassington could be overwhelmed with traffic.

‘Grassington will wonder what’s hit it,’ commented Allen Kirkbride about the increase in traffic that could be expected following the new series of  All Things Great and Small. And Cllr Robert Heseltine warned that the visitor attraction at Gam Farm could also become very popular.

Which was why Cllr Richard Foster was very concerned about the impact on Grassington. ‘I do see the need for diversification. I do see that this could be a benefit to Grassington. But the main street is one car wide with cars going  up and down.’ He agreed that people should be encouraged to park at the National Park’s car park and then walk along Main Street to Gam Farm.

The planning officer reported that North Yorkshire County Highways Authority had stated, following a transport assessment commissioned by the applicants, that it didn’t expect the increase in traffic through Grassington to be significant.

Grassington Parish councillors had been divided with some supporting the application and others being very concerned about the increase in traffic and parking at Grassington.

The application included a 25 space car park to the immediate north of the farmstead with 11 overspill spaces to the rear of the whisky distillery.

One of the owners of the farm, Chris Wray, told the committee: ‘We will encourage everybody to park at the bottom of the village … and everybody will be encouraged to see this as a day out in Grassington and to walk up through the town.’

He explained that he and his wife had built up the farm from 10 acres about 17 years ago to 235 acres now. ‘It is now home for a whole variety of rare breeds which includes sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and cattle. We are particularly proud of our cattle as we have northern dairy shorthorn [Dales Dairy Shorthorn]. These cattle were virtually extinct but we have built up a herd of 60 cattle and it is one of the largest herds in the country.’

He added that the farm was not viable with livestock sales alone. ‘I have to emphasise how everything has to link  together and unless we join everything else together it will fail.’ The application included an agricultural worker’s dwelling because, he said, it was absolutely essential to live on site.

The planning officer stated that the Wrays will  specialise in traditional farming practices and rare breeds and an agricultural surveyor had confirmed that the existing farm was large enough to require 1.4 full time workers and, therefore, a dwelling.  The planning officer said the four-bedroom dwelling would be relatively large but there were substantiated personal circumstances which included the possibility that the principal worker would require assistance sometimes at unsociable hours.

Residents had been concerned about the scale, height and prominence of the house due to it being  on the brow of a hill. The planning officer reported that the building had been reduced in height and the design had been simplified so that, within the context of the farmstead, it would not have an adverse landscape impact.

She said modern farm buildings will be converted to create the tea room, the farming museum, a stable, a craft display area and storage for the whisky distillery. A new large building  will house the distillery and, once the open farm is operational, visitors will be able to taste and purchase it.

As the whole farm is on the brow of the hill the owners have agreed to extensive tree planting to screen the site.

Grinton – March

It has taken several hearings at planning committee meetings and almost certainly a  high cost financially and emotionally to a young farming couple before they finally gained permission to convert Shoemaker Barn at Grinton into their home.

In October 2018 an application to convert the barn was approved – but against officer recommendation. So it was referred back to the meeting in December 2018 when the majority accepted the officers’ recommendation to refuse it (see Barns and Yurts). Chris Porter applied again in 2019 once he was working full-time in the family business of JW Porter & Sons which farms lands from Oxnop and Summer Lodge to Grinton in Swaledale. This meant he could apply for permission to convert the barn into an agricultural worker’s dwelling.

Member Allen Kirkbride told the committee at the meeting in November 2019: ‘This will turn an eyesore  into a home for a young family which is going to live in the Dales and farm in the Dales.’

And Mr Porter’s agent, John Akrigg, stated: ‘This Authority is aware of the fragility of hill farming and is committed to work with stakeholders to safeguard its future. If members support this application … they will do something positive and send a message to other young people that they have a place here.’

But the planning officer had recommended refusal arguing that there wasn’t evidence that the farm business’s land at Grinton did require a full-time worker even though the proposal included a new agricultural building to house rams over winter and lamb sheep in the spring. So when the majority of the members voted in favour of approval the application was once more referred back.

At the meeting in December 2019 the members again accepted there was a functional need for an additional agricultural worker’s dwelling to serve the JW Porter & Sons business. But the majority agreed with the planning officers that if the barn conversion could be approved only if tied by a legal agreement to the farm business as a whole. They did not want the converted barn to be sold later and the family then arguing there was a need for an additional dwelling at Oxnop where most of the business is located.

At the March meeting the planning officer informed the committee that he had been told  by the agent that a legal agreement could not be completed as the land ownership was complex and the business did not own any of the land. The agency stated that various family members and some non-members made land available to the business by virtue of a combination of gratuitous licences, tenancy agreements and grazing licences. This meant the applicants could not compel the various  owners to enter into such a legal agreement.

The planning officer had, therefore, recommended that the application should be refused. But after negotiations with the couple it was proposed to tie the barn legally to a person employed in full time agriculture on the land at Oxnop, Summer Lodge and Crackpot.

This was agreed unanimously. As he left the meeting Chris Porter thanked the members and staff for making it possible for  him and his wife to achieve their dream of being able to continue to live and work in the National Park.

Horton in Ribblesdale – August

The parking problems in Dales villages must be taken seriously the chairman of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Neil Heseltine, stated last week.

He spoke after the Authority’s planning committee (of which he is a member) approved an application to which Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council had objected on the grounds of lack of parking spaces.

‘I think we have got to take these parking issue seriously in Dales villages. I know we have got a really big issue with it in Malham. I just think we have to take that into account when we are dealing with planning applications, and take the parish councils’ objections seriously,’ Mr Heseltine said.

The committee unanimously agreed that a garage at Fourways in the centre of Horton in Ribblesdale could be replaced with a new building which will be used for the applicant’s beauty business and as a bed and breakfast letting rooms.

The application was for altering the planning permission granted in November 2019 so that the building could be larger. The planning officer said it was understood this would make the B&B more suitable for disabled guests and provide space for a carer to stay.

Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council objected because, it said, there would be no additional parking space on the site. The planning officer told the committee that there would be the same number of spaces available as before albeit with less space around them.

She added that it was not considered that the building would have a significantly greater impact on the character and appearance of the area, nor on the amenity of neighbours.

Mr Heseltine asked if the new building could be legally tied to Fourways and that was included as a condition to the planning approval.

Horton in Ribblesdale, Arcow Quarry – August

The road between Arcow and Dry Rigg Quarries near Horton in Ribblesdale is often covered in silt Cllr David Ireton told the planning committee.

‘The times I passed [that road] it was an absolute disgrace,’ he said and asked the Authority’s minerals officer, David Parrish, what had gone wrong with the wheel washing machinery at the quarries.

Mr Parrish replied that he had not seen the road in that condition and said that anyone who did so should contact the Authority or Tarmac.

‘I agree it is important to  keep onto the company to ensure the roads are kept in a clean condition,’ he added.  Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council had also expressed concern that vehicles running between the two quarries had led to dirty road conditions.

Mr Parrish reported that a wheel wash had been installed at Dry Rigg recently and a more modern, efficient road sweeper was being used. He added that one of the planning conditions for quarrying to continue was that the road were kept in good condition.

The committee approved an application for the siting a mobile washing plant at Arcow Quarry where quarrying is permitted to continue until 2029. The plant will be used to wash and separate mixed  materials with the higher quality aggregate being exported by rail.

Ingleton Quarry – February

Permission was granted to Hanson Quarry Products Ltd  to continue mineral extraction and processing at Ingleton Quarry until the end of December 2025 instead of finishing work there in May 2020.

Cllr David Ireton said: ‘The damage to the landscape is already done so it is sensible to get out as much as possible from the quarry.’

Allen Kirkbride commented: ‘The company seems to have done all that it can do environmentally. It’s only five years… and its a good creator of work which is something we really do need in the Dales.’

Ingleton Parish Council had informed the Authority that, with the exception of its chairman, all the councillors had been in favour of approving the application. It added: ‘With the reduction of tonnage produced by the quarry the parish council would like to see a reduction in working hours with half the stone produced being transported by railway.

‘Concerns were raised about effects on nearby dwellings and members would like to see monitors in place to closer properties. There was comment from members regarding the desertion of bird life from the area particularly with the introduction of the new crusher and it was hoped that the new bund would be completed as soon as possible.’

The planning officer told the committee that the company had agreed to three monthly monitoring beside nearby residential areas. He believed that the impact of the operations at the quarry could be successfully mitigated provided lighting, dust and noise controls were implemented, maintained and monitored.

The company’s agent, Jack Tregoning, explained: ‘It is very important to note that this quarry is one of the small number [15 or 16] in England and Wales capable of producing high specification aggregate high polished stone value gritstone … which make it the choice for road surfacing particularly on heavy traffic roads. It is relatively scarce and in high demand.’ The extension, he added, would allow them to make the best use of the one and a half million tonnes still at the quarry.

He said there had been two isolated incidents which had led to too much dust being produced and lighting being left on overnight. Steps had been taken to make sure this did not happen again. They would continue to have liaison meetings with the parish council and local residents he said and added: ‘We encourage people to report any issues and we take action where necessary.’

The planning officer said that restoration of the site was expected to be complete by 2026 especially as a lot had been done already.  He reported: ‘The deep quarry excavation will fill with water when pumping ceases creating a lake almost 100m deep with an outfall to the River Doe. Calculations indicate it may take about 12 years for the void to fill. The remainder of the site will be restored to grassland and woodland.’

The Friends of the Dales objected to yet another extension stating that the quarry should close this year and be restored. As a trustee of the Friends of the Dales the chairman of the planning committee, Julie Martin, declared an interest but said she was not on that group’s policy committee and had not taken part in its consultation process. She did, therefore, take part in the discussion and voted to approve the application. Ian McPherson also declared that he was a member of the Friends of the Dales.

Cllr Carl Lis declared an interest as he is a member of Ingleton Parish Council. He said he had not taken part in the discussion or voted at the parish council meeting.

Ingleton – March

A decision to begin enforcement action against the owners of the Falls Country Park at Beezley Farm, Oddies Lane, Ingleton, was deferred because ‘real willingness’ had been shown by the owners to reduce the visual impact of the recently installed hard surfacing  for caravan pitches.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, told the committee: ‘There is a real willingness to resolve the situation. They have offered to do work to reduce the visual impact of the site with a range of measures including tree planting.’ He explained that some of the suggested work would require planning approval and the applications would take time to prepare.

Cllr David Ireton pointed out that the caravan site was near Ingleton Quarry and a large car park. He added that tourism was a key part of the area’s economy.

Member Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong, however, believed that approval should have been given for enforcement action but with a longer time for compliance because of the history of the situation.

The enforcement officer had reported that an enforcement case had been opened in June 2017 when she had seen that land had been excavated to level the field. On a later visit she saw that aggregate had been laid forming a formal circular track and hard standings for siting caravans. Tarmac had been laid on the newly created gateway.

The agent had maintained that the 1992 planning permission was not clear and the works carried out were permitted as a requirement of the site licence. The enforcement officer, however, stated: ‘It is clear that the conditions and reasons within the planning decision notice support the conclusion that short stay caravans refers to touring caravans. The planning permission does not authorise the siting of any static caravans.’

She added that Craven District Council Environmental Health Team had confirmed that there were no provisions for levelling the land, the laying of hard standings and for the installation of tracks under the terms of site licences for touring sites.

She reported that the field was located in a highly visible location and the engineering operations had resulted in a fairly naturalised grassed field being materially altered. It would be possible to see the hard surfacing even when  the site was closed between January 14 and March 1 each year. ‘The extent of the engineering operations carried out to date are wholly inappropriate for a touring site having a harmful impact on the natural beauty of the National Park landscape,’ she said. (The hard standings are very apparent on a Google Satellite map.)

Cllr John Amsden suggested that the aggregate should be replaced with grasscrete because that would blend in better.

Langcliffe, Settle – August

With just days to spare an application to develop part of the disused Langcliffe Quarry was fully supported by the planning committee so that Craven District Council could make a ‘meaningful start’ by Tuesday September 1 in order to obtain European Development Funding for the project.

‘This will be the last opportunity to obtain a European grant so we do need to move forward. I can understand some concerns about conservation but I think that it is an industrial site and it needs to return to some sort of employment [use],’ said Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good.

The committee was told that the proposed development represented the only credible solution to have come forward for the site for decades which would not only result in a significant level of employment in the area but would also secure the long term sustainable management of the Craven Limeworks monument, habitats and woodland at the quarry.

The committee’s chairman and member champion for cultural heritage, Julie Martin, said: ‘Any application may not be absolutely ideal but I think this is a one-off chance to secure the site for the future and secure its management. I certainly feel it’s going in the right direction and, on balance, we should approve it.

‘It’s unfortunate that we haven’t had a site visit prior to determining this application for various reasons not least the time constraints that we are working under.’

She declared an interest as a trustee of the Friends of the Dales and said she had not been involved in any way with that society’s objection to the application.

The committee was informed that Historic England considered the development to be well thought-out and designed to reference the history of the site and to enhance the industrial feel of the monument, as well as securing its management, the detail of which it expected to be laid-out in a Management Plan.

Members decided that many details of the application could be determined by planning officers. As it was not fully approved that application did not, therefore, provide the basis for work to start on September 1.

So a planning officer, under delegated authority, approved a separate application by Campbell Driver Partnership to demolish a disused industrial building on an adjoining site in the quarry. This approval was given on August 26 – the day that the consultation period ended.

The committee was told that the main application also needed to be approved to provide a degree of certainty when obtaining funding for the overall development. The applications affect sites associated with the Craven and Murgatroyd Limeworks which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and the Stainforth Sidings within the Settle-Carlisle Conservation Area, all owned by Craven District Council. Neither development site includes the Hoffman kiln (a continuous burning horizontal lime kiln) which is a key feature of the Scheduled Ancient Monument.

A planning officer told the committee that the quarry ceased operation in the 1930s and was then used as a landfill site until 1993 when it was capped and restored to grassland. The committee was told that the district council’s Environmental Health officer has requested a further investigation into any potential contamination in the landfill area.

The main application split the development site into sections: the construction of six new buildings and the conversion of two stone buildings on the area nearest to the Hoffman kiln ‘all designed to respect the retained historic buildings’; more contemporary industrial style buildings further south; an industrial depot with a single storey workshop and store on the existing car park; and a new car park on the former quarry floor. Much of this, she added, was in the allocated site for business development in the Local Plan.

Cllr John Amsden pointed out that the proposed wooden staircase to the new car park would not be in accordance with the Disability Act and said there should be wheelchair access.

The chairman of the Authority, Neil Heseltine, asked if there could be a rail link to the quarry and also about how the loss of 0.8 of the one hectare of Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land (OMHPDL) will be compensated for. Such land has been defined as a UK Priority Habitat.

The planning officer replied that the district council’s ecologist was confident replacement land could be found but more clarification was needed before the application was fully approved. She reported that the applicants had agreed to reduce the size of the car park so that less of the priority habitat was affected.

Natural England has requested a landscape assessment and the district council has confirmed it will sign a legal agreement to secure the conservation management plan for the whole quarry. The district council has agreed to reduce the scale of buildings, retain trees and to have new trees planted. Provision also has to be made for bats if the buildings they are roosting in are demolished or converted.

A lighting assessment and plan has also been requested to evaluate the impact of the development on the dark skies of the National Park.

Further conditions may also be required to safeguard the amenity of those living in a privately owned cottage in what was part of the former limeworks workshop. In her summary of objections the planning officer listed: the lack of assessment submitted with the original application specifically relating to the historic environment and to ecology; the increase in traffic crossing the public footpath; the need for a better cycling infrastructure; the development being too large; the need for renewable energy and the potential for flooding. The planning officer reported that one of the planning conditions would be that there should be a sustainable drainage system.

As usual the YDNPA, unlike neighbouring district councils, did not provide full details of objections and representations on its website.

Linton Camp – October

Permission was granted for a 67 bedroom visitor complex with a spa, a gym,  a bar and a restaurant to replace the now derelict Linton Camp even though there were many objections from local parish councils.

Ms G  Wilkins, who spoke on behalf of the Linton community, told the committee:  ‘Running a hotel and spa at this scale would require around the clock activity creating noise and light pollution and thereby destroying the tranquillity of the area.’  It would, she said, have a detrimental impact upon the local Dark Skies Festival for generations to come.

Linton Parish Council had informed the Authority that it considered the amount and scale of the proposed development to be excessive and inappropriate in such a rural location within the National Park. It stated: ‘Government planning policy advises that such major developments should be refused in National Parks unless there are exceptional circumstances. No such circumstances exist.’

Member Neil Heseltine said there were many concerns about the scale of the development and asked for clarification about the definition of a major development.

The head of development manager, Richard Graham, responded that there were two pieces of legislation referring to ‘major developments’. In the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) it was defined as a test as to whether or not a development, due to its scale and setting, would have a significant adverse impact that would compromises the purposes of a designated special landscape. According to the NPPF it was up to the planning authority to decide if a proposal was a major development or not.  He continued:

‘Officers do acknowledge that [this] is a relatively large development in a sensitive landscape. However, because of the nature and the setting of the site and the nature of the proposals we believe that the effects… can be mitigated such that they wouldn’t have a significant adverse impact…’

Under another piece of legislation, he said, a major development was categorised as being over 1000 sq m or more than 10 dwellings. ‘Because the same term is used its often confused that the major development test refers to anything that’s over 1000 sq m or over 10 dwellings. That’s not the case. It’s a decision made based on the nature, scale and setting and potential impact of the development would have. As officers we considered that this proposal isn’t a major development.’

Craven District councillor Richard Foster was obviously not fully convinced for later he pointed out that an application to extend a caravan site had been refused on the basis of being a ‘major development’.  ‘This seemed to be not major because it was a derelict site,’ he said.

Allen Kirkbride commented that some years ago  there had been a lot of objections to the development of a derelict site in the centre of Askrigg. ‘One of our main arguments was traffic – that cars would be going in and out endlessly. The fact of it is that  you don’t notice its there. A lot of people park up for days at a time and they go out walking. They have brought an awful lot of financial input in the Upper Dale. The development has been nothing but a success in Wensleydale.’  He  said he was impressed at the lengths the developers had gone to to hide the site near Linton.

Cllr John Amsden commented that the site was an eyesore and something had to be done with it. To that Cllr  Robert Heseltine responded: ‘This site has shamefully been neglected with virtually no management or care for many decades,’ and asked if, by approving the application, the owners were being rewarded  for having let the site become an eyesore.

The planning officer told the committee that Linton Camp, which was established in 1939 to provide holiday accommodation for city children, was classed in the Local Plan as an allocated business opportunity site which included visitor accommodation.  She stated the site was highly prominent in an attractive open landscape and that the proposed development was extensive with part of the hotel extending into the greenfield area. She said the height of the building had been reduced so that it would not be so visible and would have  a curved grass roof. The applicant  had also reduced the number of units from 61 to 49 and the scale of the lodge developments, with the latter partially below the ground levels of those outside the site.

‘The siting of the buildings represents the most sensitive solution to ensuring that such buildings work with the topography to minimise their landscape impact,’ she said.

Neil  Heseltine also asked what protocols the Authority had in place to ensure that all the conditions included in the approval of the application would be discharged.

The planning officer responded: ‘We will carefully word conditions to make sure they are carried out at the appropriate times in the development. Some will be at a relatively early stage and will need to be confirmed and the details agreed with us. We work with the developers very closely to make sure that the details are what we anticipated when permission was granted. If conditions are not complied with we have the option to enforce those conditions.’

Cllr Cosima Towneley stated: ‘I will support this on the grounds that I think it is innovative – a very good plan and it will have long term gains for the National Park.’

The majority agreed and voted to give permission to the head of development management to complete all the detailed work on the application including conditions. These will include: tree planting and landscaping, archaeological evaluation and recording, lighting strategy [to try and minimise impact on Dark Skies], noise mitigation, and the implementation of a sustainable travel plan.

Thorpe Parish Meeting and Threshfield Parish Council had also objected to the application and, like Linton Parish Council, were especially concerned about traffic congestion on the narrow roads around the site.   The very detailed objection from Linton Parish Council included photographs showing the problems that had been experienced in the last few years.

‘The sustained influx of visitors to the YDNP and to Linton specifically has placed a number of unbearable burdens on the local community. The local services are already failing to cope with visitor numbers. If approved the development would add a material, additional population to the village and broader area that is failing to cope with the current influx of visitors, traffic, litter and anti-social behaviour. We feel that this would irrevocably destroy the delicate fabric of the community that makes the Dales such a unique special place,’ It stated.

Low Row, Swaledale – March

The planning committee unanimously approved  a much reduced extension to Hazel Brown Farm Visitor Centre.

Cath Calvert, who created the visitor centre in 1996 to supplement the income of their farm in Swaledale, told the committee: ‘At this stage I would like to hand over to the next generation. I am very fortunate that my daughters, Ruth and Beth, are keen to step up to the challenge.

‘I feel this is a great opportunity not only for the farm but the tourism offer in the Dales.’ She added that they had worked with the planning officers to try and adapt the application. ‘We appreciate your support,’ she said.

The original application included a first-floor extension to the centre that would have five hotel-style rooms but the Highways Authority and local residents objected because of the increase of traffic using the access lane from the B6270.

At its meeting in February the planning committee deferred making a decision to see if a solution could be found. The Highways Authority recommended refusing the next application,  again because of the limited visibility at the junction with the B6270 even though the five hotel-style rooms had been removed. It stated: ‘The intensification of use which would result from the proposed development is unacceptable in terms of highway safety.’

This led to further discussions between the applicant, Ruth Calvert, and planning officers. The planning officer told the committee at the March meeting that the visitor centre would continue to operate in accordance with the opening times agreed when permission was granted for the visitor centre with opening times restricted to 9am to 6pm and limited operation to the months March to September.

He said that given that there would be no extension of the building and no change of use, it was reasonable to assume that the number of vehicles using the sub-standard access would remain at a similar level as now. The Highways Authority had now raised no objections but the planning officer added that a management plan, secured with a legal agreement, was necessary to ensure that only groups which had booked in advance to visit the centre could use the cafe and play space. Many schools book educational visits to Hazel Brow.

The reconfiguration of the ground floor of the visitor centre was, therefore, approved so that it will become a multi-purpose area with a cafe, reception and play area, and that glazed doors could be inserted so as to provide more light.

Permission was also granted  for converting the Joiner’s Shop into two holiday  lets or for local occupancy (with legal agreement). The access to the Joiner’s Shop is different to that to the visitor centre.

In his report the planning officer stated: ‘It is proposed that courses and workshops based around traditional farming techniques such as butter making, spinning and weaving, as well as yoga and photography, would be provided at the visitor centre.’

Member Allen Kirkbride commented: ‘I am pleased that in the month since we deferred this that the planning officer and the applicant have been able to get together and come up with a good solution.’ He added that for years the visitor centre had been very popular tourist attraction with many people going there to experience farming.


The committee quickly approved an amendment to the application from Hazel Brow Farm Visitor Centre which for a path to be relocated so that it wouldn’t affect the amenity of a neighbouring dwelling.

The footpath will provide access from the visitor centre with holiday accommodation to the main road in Low Row.

Malham – July

It was agreed that a small barn adjacent to the village green at Finkle Street in Malham can be converted into a takeaway refreshment kiosk.

Kirkby Malhamdale Parish Council reported that there had been a high level of concern in Malham about the application for several reasons. These included wanting to protect the village green and any increase in car parking.

It stated: ‘We have extreme problems with parking already in Malham and are working with Area 5 Highways and NYCC to implement further traffic management initiatives in Malham village, some of which will be established and finally implemented during 2020 after many years of effort on our part.’

Rachael Caton, who had made the application with her husband  Ashley, told the committee during its virtual meeting: ‘Our family have lived and worked in Malhamdale for over 100 years and we are very respectful of the surrounding village green and the need to protect its unique status.

‘The concerns of local residents have been very carefully considered in the management plan submitted as part of this application and these are reflected in the proposed conditions relating to opening hours, lighting, signage, bin storage and the lack of parking for customers.’

She said there would be no seating for customers outside the kiosk which would be accessed from a new door onto their own land.  ‘The barn benefits from the footfall of walkers [going] to Gordale Scar via a permitted footpath which runs across our farmland.’

This farm-diversification project  would not only provide walkers and cyclists with locally-sourced refreshments but also  employment as both she and her husband were busy farming, she added.

The planning officer told the committee that staff and deliveries could use the existing track to the barn. There would be limited seating available inside for those waiting to be served with takeaway food.

He explained that the barn was substantially rebuilt around 2009 and so was not considered to be a traditional agricultural building. Some of the features introduced previously will be removed, such as replacing the ornate arch over the cart opening with a simple flat lintel, and blocking up one of the new windows on the upper floor.

He added: ‘Malham is a key visitor centre in the National Park. The proposal makes use of an underused building within a prominent location. [It] would contribute to the attractiveness of Malham as a visitor location of more than local importance. This is an important factor in consideration of the potential impact of the Covid-19 global pandemic on the economy of the National Park.’

Local councillors including Cllr Richard Foster were happy that the concerns of the parish council had been met.

Mansergh – December

The application by Gareth Cowan for two additional holiday lodges at Hawkrigg Lune Valley Park at Hawkrigg Farm, Mansergh, was also unanimously approved.

Mansergh Parish Meeting had told the Authority: ‘Whilst most people were sympathetic about farms needing to diversify to maintain income, a substantial majority believe that the existing 20 lodges is enough. The site has grown considerably over the years in small numbers and, in the event of this application being approved, there will be another next year to extend again.

‘Any extra lodges will add to the traffic problems already being experienced on the road leading from the B6254 to the farm entrance. This road is now extremely busy due to there being a horse livery yard further down … and there is a big increase in the number of cyclists and walkers.’

Kirkby Lonsdale Town Council did not object because, it said, as only two lodges were proposed and natural screening was already in place. But it did state it would oppose any further proposed additions.

Mr Cowan told the committee that the additional lodges would be a benefit to the local farm shop and that they encouraged those staying at the lodges to participate in community events. He added: ‘This is our home and our livelihood.’

Members agreed that the two additional lodges would not have a detrimental impact on the landscape and accepted the advice of the Highways Authority that the slight increase in vehicular use was unlikely to have a significant material affect on existing highway conditions.

Millthrop, Sedbergh – July

Land available for housing in the Yorkshire Dales was so precious it should not be wasted a planning officer told the committee.

A planning officer stated this at the end of her lengthy analysis of the application for permission to erect eight new houses on land opposite Derry Cottages in Millthrop, Sedbergh. The committee voted unanimously to accept her recommendation that the proposal should be refused.

She reported that 15 dwellings could be built on the site rather than eight, and that was a wasteful use of land. She said: ‘On the face of it, it would appear that the proposed layout has been contrived to avoid the provision of on-site affordable housing contribution particularly through the provision of large executive-style homes on the majority of the site. Fifteen units would go much further to delivering the Authority’s housing objectives as well as delivering more community benefit.’

She stated that half of the proposed houses with their gardens would take up two thirds of the site and that the design and layout of the proposed development was contrary to the prevalent character of Millthrop which, in a good proportion of the hamlet, has a very high density.

The proposal was for a terrace of four properties, semi-detached houses and two large detached ones. The planning officer  did not feel that any of the houses were in keeping with the Authority’s design guide and said:  ‘The larger semi-detached dwellings are neither a bespoke modern dwelling nor a good barn conversion style. It is considered that they are a poor hybrid that cherry picks architectural features from each building type and mixes them together in an unsuccessful manner.’

Member Ian McPherson, who is a Sedbergh parish councillor, commented: ‘Millthrop is arguably one of the most attractive hamlets in the Park. It is far too attractive to be spoiled by the proposed development.

‘This application offends in almost every particular. It is seriously flawed.

‘First of all there is the failure to meet the density required which, if it had been done, would have required on-site affordable housing.  Second, we  have heard the design, siting and layout are inadequate and would be detrimental  to the character of Millthrop.

‘Thirdly, we have many, many instances where the applicants have failed to provide adequate information requested by the planning officers regarding, amongst other things: the impact of the development on neighbouring amenity; surface water run-off; the problems regarding foul sewerage and highway safety.

‘On top of which the applicants have been particularly unwilling to engage in constructive discussion with the planning officers on alternative ways forward.’

Sedbergh  Parish Council had told the Authority that although some new open market housing would help to balance the market locally it was concerned about  highway safety issues  and the concept of the developer paying a commutable sum towards affordable housing instead of building some. It stated: ‘As the application represents a significant development for the  Parish it was unanimously felt it would be better if the developer could be encouraged towards other options that would actually benefit the community.’

Three members of the committee (Julie Martin, Ian McPherson and Cllr Robert Heseltine) had declared an interest as they were members of the Friends of the Dales, which had objected to the application. Martin, who was re-elected as chair of the planning committee, declared that she was a trustee of the Friends of the Dales and stated: ‘I haven’t been party to any discussions on this issue.’

All three said they believed they could participate in the planning committee discussion and vote – and did.

Stainforth – July

Stainforth Parish Council had objected to the application for a lambing shed on land west of Sherwood Brow because the building had already been erected and as it was close to the roadside.

Cllr David Ireton commented that it was a shame that the farmer, Mr Newhouse, had not applied first but all the committee members agreed with the planning officer that the retrospective application should be approved.

The planning officer explained that the building was set down from the road and its eaves were roughly at road level. He showed pictures to support his argument that the timber-clad shed was not too visible and would not have a negative impact upon the landscape.

He said the lambing shed would serve the needs of a small farming enterprise and that no alterative sites within the owner’s ownership had been identified that were still easily accessible.

Tebay – May

A camping cabin purpose-built for providing holiday accommodation for the disabled can be erected at High Woodend Farm overlooking Tebay.

The chair of Tebay Parish Council, Adrian Todd, informed the committee that if the farm was not allowed to diversify if would become uneconomic and cease to exist.

And a member of the committee, Allen Kirkbride, pointed out that such specialised accommodation for handicapped people was very rare in the Dales.

A planning officer had recommended that the application should be refused because the cabin with its decking and parking area would be in such a prominent position on a hill that it would harm the character and visual quality of the rural landscape.

Member Jim Munday agreed and stated: ‘For my money one of the best sights in Britain is when you drive north from the Sedbergh turnoff of the M6 and on the east side of the road you see the Howgills. They are fantastic. Sadly, in my opinion, this structure would stand out like a sore thumb in what is an outstanding landscape.’

Another member, Ian McPherson who is a Sedbergh parish councillor, disagreed. ‘I know this area very, very well. The view that you get of Tebay [from the M6] is a mix of commercial, agriculture and residential housing. This is a matter of interpretation but I cannot agree with Mr Munday that [the cabin] would stand out like a sore thumb. I do not think you will notice it at all.

‘I think credit can be given to the applicants for the thought and consideration that they have put into planning this particular building and putting it in the only place they feel is viable for their farm to continue to be a working farm but provide good facilities as well.’

In his statement to the meeting Cllr Todd, said: ‘The application is for a single camping cabin providing much needed purpose-built disabled family accommodation for tourists in the Upper Lune valley. The cabin is specifically and carefully designed to include a wet room, fully adapted kitchen and other essential disabled facilities. Tourism is vital to the local economy, and it is important that the needs of every sector are catered for.

‘The building [will be] within the curtilage of the farm and located on the only suitable site taking into account the practical needs of this small working hill farm which is a factor that [planning] officers have failed to appreciate or properly and sensitively consider.

‘The survival of this upland livestock farm – and the way of life that goes with it – is hanging in the balance. If the farm is not allowed to diversify it will become uneconomic and cease to exist. This would be a devastating blow to the local community which places a very high value on its agricultural heritage.’

In her statement the applicant’s agent said: ‘Due to health and safety, accessibility and animal health reasons there is no option to locate the cabin elsewhere within the site that is less open. The chosen location allows the cabin to nestle against the backdrop of the existing farm buildings.’

The majority of the committee voted to approve the application against the officer’s recommendation. That usually meant the application would be referred back to the next meeting. But on this occasion Mr Graham stated that it would not be as members had put forward very good reasons and material considerations for approval.

These were that the development would provide an opportunity for farm diversification; provide tourism accommodation specifically designed for disabled and wheelchair-using visitors; the structure would not be overly prominent or out of place in the landscape; and that the design was innovative and would not be unduly harmful to the landscape.

Thornton in Lonsdale – February

Even though Thornton-in-Lonsdale Parish Council had been unanimous in its opposition to the siting of six luxury timber camping pods at Kirksteads on the A65 near Ingleton the committee approved the application.

The parish council had questioned the need for the pods as, it said, the parish was already well served by similar types of holiday accommodation. The planning officer, however, reported that in 2013 a visitor accommodation study had identified a gap in the provision of sustainable short stay self-catering accommodation. Cllr Lis agreed because, he said, the pods would provide a cheaper option for those wanting to stay in the area.

The parish council was mainly concerned about the access from Masongill Fell Lane onto the A65 and what it described as the dangerous pedestrian access to local amenities.

Highways North Yorkshire, however, had no objection and an engineer stated: ‘There are several other camping/caravan sites in the same vicinity which could have similar comments so I cannot see why this particular application will create a safety issue of people walking along the A65.’

Cllr Lis commented: ‘The parish council has tried to do something about the speed of traffic on that road but the argument that comes back constantly from Highways is that there haven’t been any accidents on that road. But if would be good if Highways looked at it longer term.’

Following a question about the access from Cllr Richard Foster, Richard Graham said a condition could be added that there should be no access from the pods through the rest of the site where there are two buildings one being the Escape Bike Shop and the other housing the applicant’s plumbing, electrical and security business. These businesses have access onto the A65 via a slip road.

The planning officer said there had been considerable discussion with the owner about the siting of the pods so as to minimise the visual impact. They will now be close to the existing buildings and one of the conditions is that there will be a substantial amount of planting to screen the site.

Allen Kirkbride observed that if the application was for a barn conversion it wouldn’t have got over the first hurdle as the new twin-wheeled access track was so long.

The committee unanimously approved the application.

West Burton – June

If someone wanted to know all the reasons why an application for a barn conversion should be refused they should look at that for a barn in Eastfield Lane, near Eshington Bridge, West Burton, said member Ian McPherson. The application was refused.

The planning officer reported that the barn was roofless and that  there was a large full-height crack on the right hand-side of the eastern gable. As there was no structural assessment, it was not known how much rebuilding work would be required to make it sound enough for conversion into a three-bedroom family home, he added.  Nor were there any details about the provision of electricity, telephone or broadband access.

The highway authority had objected as the access to the site would require significantly improved visibility splays, a larger parking area and passing spaces along the narrow lane.  The highway engineer had noted that the proposed parking area would obstruct access to the agricultural building for which permission has already been granted. This might mean that the parking area would have to be enlarged and so intrude further into the field, the planning officer said.

The applicants had stated that the access to the traditional barn would be on foot from the parking area and the planning officer believed this could mean that a paved path would have to be created.

He pointed out that traditional barns could only be converted into dwellings if they were within existing settlements, building groups, or in suitable roadside locations. As this barn did not have a track leading up to it, it was in the open countryside and was not covered by that policy he said.

The committee was told that it was much the same application as that refused by an officer under delegated powers in 2018.

Cllr John Amsden had asked for the committee to consider the application because the applicant, Mike Bell, had said he needed to be near his farm to look after his livestock. The planning officer reported that there was nothing in the application to show that Bell had an essential full-time agricultural need to live and work on the land.

Cllr Amsden accepted that there was  a lack of information from the applicant. ‘As you are going to refuse it, he will just have to come back again with more information,’ he said.

Cllr Robert Heseltine commented: ‘If an application came back it would have to have full justification for agricultural [need].’

When answering a question from Cllr Towneley Mr Graham stated: ‘A bunk barn or camping barn is a much easier use than a dwelling and most camping barns require very little work to be done…to enable them to function. I think a well-designed camping barn in this location would probably fit with policy as it wouldn’t require curtilage. It wouldn’t require an extension, it wouldn’t necessarily require services to be provided, car parking, or any of the other attendant things required for the more intensive use that a permanently occupied dwelling requires.’

West Stonesdale – May

A young couples’ dream of diversifying their farm by the re-occupation of  a Victorian moorland house near Keld in Swaledale  has been held  up due to lack of information and wildlife surveys.

The majority of the members voted to refuse an application by Mark and Linda  Rukin to restore the two bedroom  house known as High Frith at West Stonesdale, replace the roof to the rear lean-to and create a twin  wheeling stone track to the property.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, told the committee that the decision could have been very different if the planning officers had received all the information they had requested over the past four years.

When asked why it had taken four years Mr Graham replied: ‘This was a finely balanced application. If you keep on asking for the information knowing these issues can be resolved and it might result in a positive recommendation then that’s what you do. We haven’t brought this application to committee at the drop of a hat just asking for refusal. It’s taken a long, long time and a lot of consideration. What’s been a little disconcerting or frustrating is that we only found out last week that the applicant had actually been changed. The ownership had been changed over two years ago.’

When presenting the planning report he said that this wasn’t a case of a young family in need of a home to be able to stay in the Dales as they already had one. The proposal was, he explained, for High Frith to be re-occupied to form an open market house.  It was, he said, in a very remote upland location characterised by its wild natural beauty and tranquillity.

‘The  house would need to be connected to central services which will entail providing 500 metres of electricity line. The agent says that this could be undergrounded but it is not clear that the very high cost or the feasibility of doing this has been properly investigated. It is not always possible to underground electricity cable in upland locations particularly where the bedrock is very close to the surface.

‘In addition, the building has potential to support bats and protected bird species. Unfortunately the original applicant considered that a proper survey would be an unnecessary expense. The lack of a proper survey of the building for protected species is a significant stumbling block. Without that information the Authority cannot discharge its legal duty under the Habitats Regulations and the Habitats Directive. The Authority would be acting unlawfully if permission is granted without a proper assessment.’

‘On one hand the proposal would conserve a traditional building albeit not one of any special significance. On the other hand there are questions about undergrounding power lines and protecting wildlife that have not been adequately addressed. The proposal would realise an asset for the farm business but in doing so would have a negative impact on the scenic beauty of a wild and tranquil upland landscape through the creation of a new track, the re-occupation of the building with lighting and curtilage developments, all of which is required for a house in permanent occupation.’

A statement from the applicants, Mark and Linda Rukin, was read: ‘We are a young couple and we have always lived and worked in the area. We’ve got two daughters aged six and four and we are expecting our third child in August. We are both from farming families in Swaledale and our goal is to continue living and working in the dale whilst raising our children. In the current climate with the future of farming being so uncertain, we’ve been encouraged to diversify where possible. We hoped that re-occupying High Frith would help to provide an additional income to allow us to continue farming traditionally in the uplands.

‘As custodians of the countryside, we’d hate to have to watch the former dwelling fall into a worse state of disrepair and become an eyesore, which we know will happen without some attention but without a use we just cannot justify any spending on the property.’

The Rukins pointed out that over time the stone used to resurface the twin-wheeling section of the track would blend into the landscape the same way as many other farm tracks have done.

Several members of the committee agreed with Mr Graham that the decision was a finely balanced one and that the  lack of information, and especially the survey of protected species, was a major stumbling block.

However, Cllr Robert Heseltine commented:  ‘To my mind the only justification for re-occupation would be the agricultural land management need and that would be with a clear agricultural tie.’ He also argued that a family dwelling in that remote location would be unsustainable due to such issues as the provision of local authority services and other services.

Cllr Richard Foster wanted to know what the family intended to do with the house if it was restored. He commented: ‘If its going to be sold off its not really going to help the farm business [but] holiday accommodation would.’

Member Allen Kirkbride proposed that the decision should be deferred for a month to give the family time to provide the information requested. He didn’t feel that the new proposed track would be so visible and pointed out that in Swaledale, Malhamdale and Upper Wharfedale there were many solitary farm houses  up on the moors.

He said:  ‘To have this one lived in again would be a great benefit.  For the wildlife species the applicant is willing, if approval [is given] to do a wildlife survey up to the standard that is necessary. He can’t really see the point of having to spend a lot of money (he’s a dales farmer) to do a survey if it’s not going to get planning permission.’ Cllr Foster, who is a dales farmer, was not impressed with the reluctance to pay for the required surveys.

Supporting the call for deferral Cllr John Amsden said: ‘We have got to bring these houses back again. Is the National Park going to keep these barns and old  houses in good condition or are you going to leave it to the farmers to do it? There’s a lot of houses high up [on the moors] and we want to bring these houses back [into use] again. It’s ridiculous just letting them fall down.’ He added that there had been  a curtilage wall and a track at High Frith many years ago.

Cllr David Ireton asked what would happen if the application was refused.  Mr Graham replied that the applicants would have six months in which to come back with a fresh application without having to pay another application fee. He added: ‘The list of information that members require and what we have asked for in the report is going to probably take longer than a month to provide.’

And so the majority voted to refuse the application.

Yarnbury – May

An application cannot be rejected because of supposition and rumour stated Cllr  Cosima Towneley.

The committee unanimously approved a listed building application for internal alterations to the ground and first floors of Yarnbury Lodge in Old Moor Lane, Grassington, plus changing a door to a window after accepting the advice of the head of development management, Richard Graham, that the works would not cause significant harm to the Grade 2   listed building. The alterations include creating two new bathrooms.

In a statement to the meeting Maria Ferguson,  the agent for the owners (Mr and Mrs Law) explained that the alterations related almost entirely to an extension which was built in 1998 and had no historic significance.

She told the committee: ‘There is suspicion and rumour that they intend this to be a commercial shooting lodge…or a hotel. This is not the case. There is no secret in the fact that Mr and Mrs Law live in London. Mr Law hails from the North of England and it is important he has a base here. His parents still live in the North. The intention is to use the property solely as a private residential dwelling for himself, family and close friends.’

She added that in objecting to the application Grassington Parish Council had failed to recognise the significant sum required to restore the property nor the economic benefits to the area as the Laws intended to employ locals to carry out the work. She explained that the Laws had also applied to improve and alter The Smithy which was near Yarnbury Lodge so that his parents could use it.

Cllr Richard Foster commented that it was a shame to lose two family homes but he accepted that the Laws did intend to live there some of the time. He  also accepted Mr Graham’s advice that there was no reason to turn down the application.

Grassington Parish Council had commented that the application sought to change the internal layout from an historic family home and office to what could only be described as a mini hotel. The parish council asked what justification there was for such a change which would inevitably mean the loss of a historically significant building.

The Authority’s senior listed building officer stated that the amount of bathrooms was an issue because of the increased moisture content within the historic building; the application of waterproof materials such as paint and tiling could trigger more damp in an historic building; the number of bathrooms exceeded what was proportionate to the use and upset the balance between service rooms and other rooms expected  in a historic house; and that the amount of tiling and bathroom fixtures would have a visual impact and the associated pipework could result in loss of damage of historic fabric and features.

A planning officer reported that in the mid 19th century the house had once been the home of the Duke of Devonshire’s mineral agent. He stated: ‘Yarnbury Lodge is an imposing  house. It is listed in its own right but the listing description notes that it was probably part of the development of the whole site in association with the development of the lead mining industry at that time.  There are four houses within Yarnbury, all the buildings within the area are listed and much of the surrounding area is a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

YDNPA–Planning Committee Review and Impartiality

At the YDNPA’s virtual Full Authority meeting on Tuesday December 15 members discussed the review of the planning committee arrangements, and there was a response to the statement by the Association of Rural Communities about whether or not the chairman of that committee should be seen as an impartial facilitator.

Review of planning committee arrangements

Changes to the way the public can relate to its planning committee could be seen as an erosion of democracy or accountability  the Authority’s members were told.

A review of efficiency and effectiveness of planning committee arrangements including the recommendations by a working group led by Jim Munday were presented at the Full Authority meeting. These included  limiting the attendance at site visits to Authority members and officers only; and permanently reducing the five-minute slots for public speakers at committee meetings to three minutes.

The Authority meeting was told that the arrangements for public speakers had been changed with the introduction of virtual meetings. There were now three-minute slots – one in support of a planning application; one for objectors; and one for a parish council representative. These were allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis with  the applicant taking priority in support of an application.

Member Mark Corner commented: ‘I think we need to be careful how its communicated. It could be seen as an erosion of democracy or accountability in terms of the speaking time and the inability to attend a site meeting.’

The recommendation to restrict attendance at site meetings was approved. Richmondshire District councillor, John Amsden, had commented that it was democratic to have some of the public at site meetings so that they could understand the situation. ‘You have got to let the public see what you are doing and [that you are] doing it properly,’ he said.  

South Lakeland District councillor Ian Mitchell pointed out that at face-to-face meetings prior to the pandemic there were occasions when a five-minute slot for public speaking was shared by two people. Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good agreed and added that with complex plans five minutes could be needed.

The Authority’s Chief Executive, David Butterworth, assured the meeting that once it was possible to hold face-to-face meetings again  the members would be asked if they wanted to return to allowing five-minute slots.

It was agreed to replace the Authority’s ‘reference back’ procedure with a formal system of deferral so that officers would have time to test the validity or soundness of a decision being made by the committee contrary to the recommendation of a planning officer.

The members also accepted that if a parish council disagreed with an officer’s recommendation concerning a minor ‘householder development’  (such as alterations to existing dwellings) that application would no longer have to be referred to the planning committee. But the planning committee might still be asked to consider such an application if it was ‘called-in’ by a member or referred by an officer.

In June the Authority had already agreed that the frequency of planning committee meetings should be changed from monthly  to once every six weeks.

The chairman of the planning committee, Julie Martin, pointed out that the conversion of barns was often a contentious issue.

She said: ‘We are in a situation now where over the last two to three years a  half to two thirds of all completions and permissions are barn conversions and I don’t think that was actually our policy intention. That, to me, is extremely disappointing. The reason for this is that we are not getting other forms of housing coming forward. We have got to get to grips with that in the new Local Plan.’

Gary Smith, the Deputy Chief Executive, told the meeting that the problems they faced with seeing more houses built within the National Park – economic, political and now Covid-10 – added up to a perfect storm.

‘What we want and what we need is affordable housing and probably smaller properties. But what the builders and companies are telling us is that they can’t afford to build any, otherwise the sites are unviable.. That is a problem that none of us have come up with a brilliant answer to in the last 20 years.’

Should the chairman be seen as an impartial facilitator?

The following was read on behalf of the Association of Rural Communities at the beginning of the  meeting:

The Association of Rural Communities is very concerned that at the Authority’s planning meeting on November 17 the senior legal officer stated that the chairman could speak at the beginning of the committee’s discussion about a planning application.

It is generally understood that the chairman should be seen to be an impartial facilitator of such a meeting. That is why those chairing meetings are usually advised that, if they do want to express their views, they should do so at the end of the discussion.

In its own code of conduct the Authority does not provide any specific guidance for chairing planning committee meetings. But it does state: ‘It is important … that planning decisions are made openly, impartially, with sound judgement and for justifiable reasons. The aim of this code of good practice is to ensure that in the planning process there are no grounds for suggesting that a decision has been biased, partial or not well founded in any way. Do come to meetings with an open mind and demonstrate that you are open-minded.’

If the chairman expresses a strong opinion at the beginning of the discussion about an application, as happened on November 17, how is it possible to demonstrate that they are impartial and open-minded, and have come to the meeting intent on listening to others and allowing members to come to a consensus? Maybe there should be specific guidelines for those chairing planning committee meetings.

This was the Authority’s response read by its chairman, Neil Heseltine.

The Chair of Planning Committee is …a member of the committee and as such she is entitled to take part in the debate like any other member they are not merely as an impartial facilitator. There is nothing in legislation regarding local authority meetings or in the Authority’s standing orders which prevents the chair from speaking first during a debate.

The advice given by the legal advisor to the planning committee on 17th November was correct. … the recording of the application in question is currently available on the Authority’s website and it is clear that Mrs Martin spoke as part of the debate after the officer’s presentation, the public speaker and after members had had an opportunity to raise points for clarification.

Mrs Martin made it clear at the start of her comments that she was not making a proposal and that she did not subsequently move any motion either for or against the proposal.There is no evidence that Mrs Martin stifled or influenced the debate by speaking first.

The application was determined after a number of members had contributed to the debate and the recording of the item demonstrates that members came to their own view on the application when making a decision.

From the November 17 report

The chairman, Julie Martin, began the committee’s debate by  stating: ‘I want, as cultural heritage champion, just to make a few remarks about this application myself.’

At which Richmondshire District councillor (RDC) John Amsden broke in: ‘You are supposed to be just chairing the meeting… the chair should speak at the end of the debate… not at the beginning.’

The Authority’s legal officer, however, Claire Bevan, stated: ‘She is perfectly entitled to speak at the start of the debate.’And Mrs Martin continued and during her statement she said:  ‘I do feel that there are strong reasons for refusal of this application…’

Another RDC councillor, Richard Good commented: ‘I am surprised that you are allowed to speak because at other authority’s that I sit on, you would not be allowed to speak until the end.’

During the debate member, Ian  McPherson, agreed with her and stated: ‘I do pay a great deal of heed to what she ways with regard to matters of historical interest and impact because she is a member champion [and], as she mentioned, she is a consultant in this area. So I do give that a great deal of credence.’

A Farmer’s response to a YDNPA consultation

Declining farming businesses result in damage to the landscape, and the chairman of the Association of Rural Communities, Alastair Dinsdale, is concerned that the policies of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority are helping to create that.

As a Wensleydale farmer he found It impossible to fill in the “Exploring our options” response form produced by the Authority as part of its consultation on its next Local Plan. Instead he sent the Authority his own analysis:

Community Sustainability – the options were : no new homes; 30 new homes per year; or 70 new homes per year.

To achieve a vision of a generations of people living and working within the landscape, to have a flourishing local economy that underpins a landscape, is of benefit to the nation, and to be a home to strong, self-reliant and balanced communities, you need to have residents, of all ages, with homes to live in and jobs to provide them with an income and services to provide basic education, health, transport, communication, recreational and cultural needs.

The National Park has set itself targets in the past and failed to meet them, and it has a duty of care to the local communities alongside its other duties. It should also recognise the positive contribution the local communities make to the nature and character of-the national park. The negative impact of the park planning policies on the communities can be easily seen by comparing communities inside the park to those just outside its boundaries. The park authority needs to not only prevent any further decline but also try and restore some of the decline suffered over the last 30 plus  years.

An approach by target will not allow the Park Authority to look at housing as part of the larger picture, and targets have achieved very little in the past. If the Park Authority is  to achieve its vision it needs to take elements of each of the options it outlines according to the circumstances of each application. Policy instruments have failed to stabilise the local population and are no more likely to work in the future.

As the planning authority has control of building design and location then they have it within their power to ensure there is no impact on cultural heritage and no building in areas likely to flood regardless of the absolute number of new homes built in the Park in any time period. The Park Authority has the opportunity not only to approve building in areas where such  problems are not experienced but also to work with other agencies to improve water quality and help reduce the impact of flooding lower down the river catchment areas.

The Park Authority should have the knowledge and expertise to advise prospective house builders of the best choices for location, and construction to minimise GHG emissions. And the planning authority should have more vision to be pro-active and helpful not obstructive. The authority should also come up with plans to show how residents can make old, sometimes listed properties, that may have been the height of design decades or centuries ago, fit for purpose now, in a cost effective way.

Carbon Futures

The three  options outlined are too rigid. The Park Authority needs to remain open minded and have room to alter its plans as scientific knowledge grows. GHG emissions affect us internationally. This has been very clearly demonstrated during the current coronavirus crisis. If you reduce flights and motoring then the GHG emissions fall dramatically.

The policy should be mindful of what is created locally and the planners should be proactive in promoting and suggesting good practice but the authority also needs to lobby for stronger action for the rest of the UK – and internationally.

The whole country should have an aspirational target of zero carbon but is it the role of the park authority to set a policy to target such a policy independently and to implement planning policies in line with that? It will create an even more distinctive line between the population of the park and the population outside the park. It should not be that this policy creates an environment where only those who can afford the aspirations can live.

A community requires affordable housing if it is to be balanced and there is a risk that pursuing a carbon zero policy out of line with the rest of the country will damage the local communities even further. The Authority also needs to clarify its policy with regard to solar panels, wind turbines and water power generation. The natural environment might suggest that the national park would be a suitable place for this type of investment and way of achieving carbon neutrality however the visual impact seems to have the over-riding power to stop such development. Is this inconsistent with the vision the park authority has outlined?

Finally how does the Authority reconcile tourism and its duty to bring more people to the park with its ambition for carbon neutrality? Even eco-tourism does not necessarily mean carbon neutrality. People still usually travel in some form of transport that produces GHG emissions. people still want to stay in comfortable, warm accommodation.

On-Farm Development

Again the three options are too rigid, and lacking in a pro-active approach. There needs to be flexibility and a creative approach that recognises the needs of all involved and the planning department reality should not act in isolation without consulting the other departments within the authority – for instance the farm advisory group.

The idea that re-wilding is the answer is questionable. Tree planting and peat restoration are long term projects and will not compensate either for carbon emissions generated by transport or for loss of income from current farm use at the moment. There will be minimal scope-for farm diversification, particularly in the short term while the projects become established and the tree planting will require a significant amount of time and money investing to ensure the 6ees are not damaged and grow to maturity. Damage by rabbits and deer can cause a significant number of saplings to fail.

Has the park authority drawn its data suggesting there will be significant savings in emissions from operations, fertiliser use and livestock from national statistics or from a study of farming operations within the national park? The farming within the national park will produce significantly less emissions than farms outside the park, on perhaps less rugged terrain and with a friendlier climate. There would be some saving but not as much as on arable farms or from large industrial livestock units. The type of farming in the park is also friendlier to the soil and will return nutrients to the terrain in the form of muck without moving large quantities of artificial fertiliser internationally.

There is also some debate about the amount of carbon capture that permanent pasture holds. Some suggest that it retains more carbon than forestry. More data will undoubtedly become available about this, but if the policy of the park was to encourage the removal of that pasture in the immediate future it would be very short sighted. There is no definition given of what is meant by nature friendly farming and by intensification. Are the three options mutually exclusive? At what point does a farm become intensive? The options are somewhat simplistic in their approach and fail to recognise the complexities and overlap of the three options.

The farming community makes a huge contribution to the appearance of the landscape. The farming community also possesses a huge a mount of knowledge about the landscape on a farm by farm basis, and knowledge and skills to maintain that landscape. The farming businesses within the national park sell their goods in a market place outside the national park, and have to compete with other businesses outside the national park. They have to abide by regulations relating to many aspects of their businesses that are set nationally and  internationally but which are made harder to comply with and more costly by their location within the national park. In many ways the control over their property has been-eroded and to some extent confiscated by the national park to the ‘national benefit’. This is now also happening to the wider local community with the erosion of their representation on the planning authority.

Where there is a declining farming business is where you find most damage to the landscape. There is no surplus labour, or finance to buy labour, for maintenance of walls, barns, historic features, paths, gates, weeds control, etc. And there is no spare labour or money to invest in trees, hay meadows, leaky dams, hedges, etc.

There is also considerable scope for farmers to help with GHG emissions, not simply by tree planting, re-wilding and peat bog restoration -  none of which habitat is necessarily the best for tourism, but also perhaps simply by maintaining pasture. The Park Authority could also be pro-active in schemes to use methane for instance in bio-digesters, or to install wind turbines.There are a lot of ambitions which the Park Authority profess to want to achieve, that are often dismissed simply because of visual appearance. There are also visions that the authority claim to seek that are damaged by excessive tourism. For instance the bird population, including populations of curlews, lapwings and oyster catchers had much successful years when access was restricted in the spring. This happened both in 200L during the foot and mouth crisis and during the current Covid crisis. How is the Park Authority going to reconcile it’s conflicting visions?

The Park Authority should be fighting to-keep the farming community and culture strong in an environment within which it has operated for centuries. It is part of the heritage of the area and it provides employment. The current coronavirus crisis has shown what happens that jobs in the hospitality and tourism sector may not be secure, whereas the farming employment has kept going. There is a real danger in planning policy resulting in all employment being reliant on one sector.

Finally the resources to finance environmental schemes – whether the ELMS scheme or some other scheme that may come along – are going to be severely damaged by the huge debts created by the coronavirus crisis this year and there is no guarantee that the re-wilding schemes can be funded or that diversification wiil be viable if farming incomes cease or planners make it too difficult to comply with regulations and compere in the national marketplace.

First workshops at Immanuel Kindergarten, S Sudan


Above: girls collecting soap after a workshop

Carolyn Murray’s appeal  to help teenage girls in South Sudan is already having a major impact in the deep south of that war-torn country.

Her appeal is for funds to run an educational project aimed at helping teenage girls in Yei (pronounced Yay) so that they did not have to sell themselves to pay for soap and food for their families as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The project has been pioneered by Malish Simon Lo Thomas, head teacher of Immanuel Kindergarten in Yei which Carolyn has supported for many years.

Malish was delighted that all the 30 girls invited to attend the first five-day workshop turned up. Thanks to the donations received by the Immanuel  Kindergarten charity it was then possible to hold a workshop for teenage boys.

Malish reported: “All the girls and boys are really very happy with the training and they said ‘let this kind of awareness continue’.

“They are really thankful with the administration of Immanuel Kindergarten and all those who are supporting the school.”

At the end of each day of the workshops some of the students helped to create a radio drama which was broadcast in Yei and other parts of South Sudan, as well as three awareness radio talk shows. “It is a really good programme and it will keep the girls and boys very busy,”  said Malish.

Other head teachers are now asking Malish to organise more training sessions  but he has warned them that additional funds will be needed to extend the project until the end of the year.

He added, however, that thanks to the support from the charity 300 girls and boys from 20 schools in Yei will be able to attend workshops.

The donations pay for meals at the workshops and stationary materials. But most of all, especially as part of the training during the workshops is about Covid-19, each student receives a bar of five pieces of soap to take home afterwards.

Carolyn stated: “The feedback has been very positive from the students. Basically, I think it’s someone taking notice of them and caring.”

Donations at

Death of Local Democracy in National Parks?

Death of Democracy in the Dales.

Tuesday June 30 was a black day for local democracy and representation in the Yorkshire Dales National Park according to the Association of Rural Communities. And it has warned that it is likely there is worse to come – disenfranchisement from local democracy for a quarter of England’s population.

At the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority virtual meeting on Tuesday the majority of the  members accepted a recommendation to slash the Authority’s membership from 25 to 16 to try and fend off the even more radical proposals in Julian Glover’s Landscapes Review. These include the creation of a new body, the Natural Landscapes Service, to oversee all National Parks (NPs) and Areas of Outstanding National Beauty (AONBs).

The Chief Executive, David Butterworth told members that Glover’s proposals on governance in the Review were quite startling. ‘He maintained that the main Boards should be between nine and twelve members all nationally appointed.’ And Butterworth warned that, even during the Covid-19 pandemic, the work on implementing the Review’s proposals had been made a priority by the government.

‘The introduction of a National Landscape Service … is proceeding at an astonishing pace. This is why we need to grasp this particular issue and get it sorted because, if we don’t, it will be sorted for us and not necessarily in a way we might find helpful for the Park or its communities,’ he said.

Member Nick Cotton commented: ‘We have got an express train heading towards us and we have to be aware that change is going to be inevitable.’

He was a member of the the working group set up to evaluate the membership of the Authority. He said: ‘We were caught between a rock and a hard place, the devil and the deep blue sea, the frying pan and the fire. We were forced into looking at every option that we had and if we didn’t make a difficult decision we would have an even more difficult decision forced upon us.’

Butterworth explained: ‘Glover and the panel working alongside him felt that National Park Authorities (NPAs) had lost sight of their national remit and the national purposes for which they were established. They hadn’t been successful in combating the decline in nature conservation; should be doing more to combat climate change and were too parochial. Our visitors,  like our staff and our boards, were not diverse enough. These issues were best addressed by more and better central direction through the establishment of a new body, the National Landscapes Service.’

He added that both the working group and the Authority’s Audit and Review Committee to which it reported had felt that Glover had seriously undervalued the importance of not only local representation but the important links that NPAs have with local communities through the services they provide.

‘It is not the size of the committee that matters. It is the efficacy of the membership. I find it much easier to work with those who are willing to work and not sit and simply talk,’ commented Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley

Jim Munday, deputy chairman of the Audit and Review  Committee, agreed with Butterworth that this was the best way forward. And, like the Glover Review, argued that the Authority’s membership should be more in line with the boards of charities and private companies. ‘We have to do this. This is a practical, pragmatic solution… and we have to move forward.’

Craven District councillor Robert Heseltine, however, retorted: ‘The National Park Authority is a public body… it is a local authority in its own right. It is not a private charity nor is it a private company. It is a public body and it should have proper public, democratic representation. Personally – these recommendations are a retrograde step for our rural areas and more importantly a retrograde step for the democratic process.

‘With the substantial geographical expansion of the Yorkshire Dales area that we have just assimilating to be followed by a 36 per cent reduction in membership is illogical, it is demeaning for local democracy, it is unnecessary and it is unwise. Also, to reduce the national representation in a national park down to four demeans the national interest in national park governance.’

He was one of the five members to vote against the recommendation. Another was North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch who stated: ‘Today isn’t D-Day, it’s a treble D Day: Death of Democracy in the Dales.

He spoke of how he regularly attended parish council meetings to report on what was going on in North Yorkshire and in the National Park. It was doubtful, he said, that he would be able to continue to doing that about the National Park. This was because, in  future there would be just one Craven District councillor on the YDNPA board – and just one from North Yorkshire County council who might not be from Craven. It meant less democracy and accountability, he said.

Allen Kirkbride pointed out that with 16 members the YDNPA would have fewer members than any other NPA. He argued that, given the geographic and population size of the YDNPA, 20 members would be more ideal.

It was also noted during the meeting that Lancaster City and Lancaster County Council would be over-represented with the reduction in membership. By law each local authority is entitled to appoint a member to the YDNPA: three county councils and five district councils. The membership of 16 will include eight Secretary of State appointees of which four are parish council representatives.

After the meeting the Association of Rural Communities commented: ‘The government’s decision to extend the boundaries of the Yorkshire Dales Park has led to the absurdities which now exist in the membership of this quango: that a Lancaster City councillor will have the same voting power as the single representative of Yorkshire County Council even if the former represents only a population with the Park of 139 while the latter will represent 2,689. That is no criticism of the individual councillors.’

Further comments from the Association of Rural Communities:

Compare that to the situation in the Lake District where there is just one county council. Its National Park Authority describes itself as ‘The Voice of the People’. Its Board includes five Cumbria County councillors, five from district councils and ten Secretary of State appointees (including parish council representatives). In addition to that it has the Lake District National Park Authority Partnership consisting of 25 organisations with representatives of public, private, community and voluntary sectors. This Partnership approach was recommended by Julian Glover’s Landscapes Review.

The Review begins by stating: ‘The underlying argument of our review, which covers England, is that our system of national landscapes should be a positive force for the nation’s well-being.’

It proposes that the  National Landscapes Service should be set up to bring the 44  National Parks and  the Areas of Outstanding National Beauty (AONBs) in England together as ‘part of one family’. The Review notes that 24.5 per cent of England is already covered by these national landscapes. And it expects that even more areas will be designated as national landscapes.

The sting is,  however, ‘in the tail’ when it proposes that all National Park Board members should be appointed by the National Landscapes Service and the chairs of Boards by the Secretary of State. That means a quarter of England would be taken over by the government and a new quango.  The Review contends that  this is because the government – and the taxpayer – pay for these national landscapes.  But what of all the services that the county councils are providing in those areas  such as highway maintenance, schools and  bus services. And how is the work of farmers and landowners valued? Without them who will physically maintain those special landscapes? And what of the communities?

So, while proposing to completely undermine local democracy  and representation, the Review states:

‘Our system of national landscapes works best when it works with people on its side. We can all agree that a village that is lived in, with an active school, people who work, and who are part of a living tradition, is better than a sterile place that is full of shuttered homes, empty pubs and derelict shops.

‘If we are serious about demonstrating the value of “lived in” landscapes to the global family of national landscapes, then we need to be serious about the people who live in them, and show how it’s possible to offer meaningful social and economic support for them.’

For that reason it proposes new purposes for the National Parks: Recover, conserve and enhance natural beauty, biodiversity and natural capital, and cultural heritage; actively connect all parts of society with these special places to support understanding, enjoyment and the nation’s health and well-being; and foster the economic and community vitality of their area in support of the first two purposes. If there is conflict between these greater weight will be given to conservation in line with an updated ‘Sandford Principle’.

The Review states: ‘We also think it is essential that communities have a voice in decision-making, which is why we want to keep local authority and parish representation on planning committees, and introduce community seats on Boards.

‘We’ve found local people often feel National Park Authorities are remote, despite the heavy presence of locally-elected representatives. The most is not made of Secretary of State appointees.’

So – the Review proposes to stop the selection of any Board members by local authorities and instead have all members centrally appointed.

The Association of Rural Communities has frequently pointed out that those who are most remote from local people in the Yorkshire Dales National Park  are often the Secretary of State appointees (not including parish councillors) and the local authority councillors on the Board who do not live in the National Park. This has been a constant complaint of local residents since the 1980s.

Light Pollution near Aysgarth


When a friend begged me to go and take some photographs of Aysgarth Lodges Holidays site in February I didn’t realise how important they would be later. Even though that was the ‘low season’ I was shocked at how much light pollution was emanating from that site just before the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s Dark Skies Festival.  The site, which is close to Bishopdale Beck, is now closed due to the Covid 19 lockdown.

In the photograph above the Aysgarth Lodges Holidays site is that illuminated by strings of lights in the middle. Above it to the left is the eastern end of Aysgarth.

In February the Association of Rural Communities, Burton cum Walden Parish Council and Aysgarth and District Parish Council questioned the Authority about the situation at the Aysgarth Lodges Holidays site.

The owner of the site, Leisure Resorts Ltd, has now made a retrospective planning application to the Authority for the siting of a caravan for use as a reception/office and site wide lighting plan.

The Association  has told the Authority that the application does not answer the concerns of many local residents or the  two parish councils about light pollution.

In its Design and Access Statement the company states concerning lighting: ‘The type of lighting provided on site is low-level lighting which will prevent unnecessary light pollution in this sensitive environment. The location of individual lights has been selected in order to provide light and therefore safe passage for customers accessing and egressing their holiday units and moving around the site during the evening and early morning when natural light levels are low. Every effort has been made to minimise the number  of lighting bollards used whilst providing a safe and usable environment.’

In the application it is stated that the reception/office unit (below) complied with the statutory definition of a caravan and therefore reflected the form of the holiday lodges located on the site.


see also New Village in Bishopdale

The lodge site was developed on Westholme farm in the 1970s by Margaret and Tom Knowles into a family holiday caravan and camping site. From 2007 to 2008 Mr Knowles tried for over a year to to make the Authority aware of how and why the site was being turned into a luxury lodge site with no place for campers or touring caravans. He told the Authority that when he and his wife were running the site it was not visible from the other side of Bishopdale.

With the Association of Rural Communities he campaigned to protect the right of campers and those using touring caravans to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Yorkshire Dales.

February to December 2019

ARC News Service reports from YDNPA planning committee meetings in 2019 with settlements in alphabetical order.

Pip Pointon reports on the YDNPA meetings on a voluntary basis as part of the Association of Rural Communities commitment to local democracy in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

John Blackie – At the beginning of the meeting of the planning committee in August 2019  the chairman, Julie Martin, asked everyone to stand for a minute’s silence in memory of John Blackie. She said: “He has made an enormous contribution to this committee over the years and an enormous contribution to his own community.”

February 2019

The split in the committee so evident at the December meeting was less apparent this time – but was clearly visible in the voting concerning the proposed new agricultural building at Throstle Nest Farm, Thornton Rust. There again the decision depended upon the chairman of the planning committee, Richmondshire District councillor Caroline Thornton-Berry, voting with seven others in line with the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application. Most of the elected representatives voted to approve it. But this time, at least, there was a more open debate compared to the meeting in December.

Conversion of barns and traditional buildings:

After tensions ran high in December about barn conversions the planning committee found that even the most straight forward of applications were on the agenda at the February meeting.

When asked about this by Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock the Authority’s head of development management, Richard Graham, replied: “I am concerned that officers’ interpretation of policy is somewhat determined by members’ interpretation of policy. So, in the interests of consistency in decision making… it is for the best interests of the Authority that these are brought to the committee.”

All five of the applications for converting traditional roadside buildings were quickly approved: three  from Wharfedale and two from Arkengarthdale –  for the Old Butcher’s Shop at Langthwaite, and Neddy’s Barn, East of Eastfield on the  Arkengarthdale Road.

Dan Gracey, the agent for the owner of the Old Butcher’s Shop, described it as an interesting little building in the centre of Langthwaite. The back of the building facing the beck is lower than the front and that will contain two bedrooms and a bathroom. The kitchen and living room will be in the upper floor which is level with the road at the front.  Mr Gracey said the owner had worked closely with the planning officers to achieve an acceptable design.

The planning officer told the committee that the conversion would maintain the character and appearance of the building and would not harm its setting within the village.

North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie welcomed both this application and that for Neddy’s Barn as Arkengarthdale so needed local occupancy housing.

Richard Coates read a statement by his son, Thomas, about why he wanted to convert Neddy’s Barn into a two-bedroom dwelling. Thomas recalled that when he attended Arkengarthdale School there were 34 pupils and now, he said, there were only three. He explained he had gone on to qualify as a joiner and had the skills to work on the conversion himself, making it affordable to him.

He said: “I would like the chance to preserve this building for the future while also providing a home for myself. This is my one chance to remain in the Dale.” He added that he would maintain the agricultural character of the barn and there would be minimal impact upon the landscape because no external alterations or extensions were needed.

Cllr Blackie commented: “Wasn’t it wonderful to hear somebody of the age of 21 prepared to stay in the Upper Dales for the rest of their life.”

Askrigg – February

Three representatives of the Askrigg Foundation charity  had to wait several hours before the planning committee considered – and unanimously approved –  an application to create three affordable dwellings for rent in perpetuity at the foundation’s buildings in Askrigg.

“It’s great isn’t it? So pleased with the decision and all the support we had. Now the hard work starts in earnest,” commented Betsy Everett.

This approval means that the charity can not only renovate the retail unit and relocate the office to the ground floor, but also convert the upper two storeys into residential flats and the rear building into a cottage. This is the third community-led housing scheme in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, the others being the three-home scheme completed in Hudswell last year, and a four-home scheme at Arkengarthdale for which planning permission has been granted.

Askrigg – March

A large field barn at Long Shaw near Bainbridge may be beautiful and large enough for a family home but converting it would be against policy the planning committee decided by an eight to seven vote.

Edward Scarr told the meeting that it would make a suitable family home given its location on the family farm. “It would be ideal for my work. We have four young children under the age of six and want to convert the barn into a family home.”

He said that he and his wife, Gwen, had always lived and worked in Wensleydale and converting the barn would enable them to raise their family on the farm. Mrs Scarr attended the meeting with their daughter Faye who was born in late February.

They heard several committee members speak in support of the planning officer who had stated that the YDNPA’s policy required that to be suitable for conversion a barn had to be in an existing settlement or building group, or be close to or adjoining a road.

He reported that the barn at Long Shaw was 110 metres from a road and would require a long track to be created and a significant length of walling to be moved to provide access to a road.

He added: “Although the proposed works to the barn are relatively well designed, it is in a very prominent and exposed position in the landscape. Its conversion to a permanently occupied dwelling would have a negative effect on the landscape that arises from the replacement of a simple, unadorned traditional farm building with a dwelling that has car parking, lighting, curtilage development, new access road and significant alterations to the existing roadside walls and the character of the road itself.”

Julie Martin agreed that this would be an intensive use of the barn which would have an impact upon the landscape. “It has been demonstrated there is a need but not at that location. The applicant has been asked to explore an alternative option,” she said.

Mr and Mrs Scarr had been told that, as it was accepted there wasn’t sufficient housing at the farm for the required number of agricultural workers, it was possible that an application for a new build dwelling at Yorescott Steading , where the ewes were lambed, would be acceptable. To this North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie remarked that a new build might have more impact upon the landscape than a sympathetically converted barn.

Another North Yorkshire County councillor, Richard Welch, pointed out that many farmhouses were far from a road. “In ten years time you wouldn’t know it was a barn conversion,” he said.

Eden District councillor William Patterson agreed and asked if the YDNPA was going to pay for the upkeep of such buildings in the future – or would the owners be expected to keep them up as a national asset? He and others were concerned that if it was no longer needed for agricultural purposes and was not converted into the dwelling it would fall into disrepair and disappear.

“Is it true that we would rather see a non-designated heritage asset [disappear] when there is a family who wish to make use of it?” asked Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley. “I can not think of a better way of using an agricultural heritage that will otherwise go to waste,” she added.

Austwick – March

Permission was granted almost as quickly for the conversion of a detached stone building at Fleet House in Wharfe, near Austwick, into a one-bedroom dwelling either for holiday let or local occupancy.

Austwick Parish Council supported the conversion because it would reinstate some traditional features and secure the future of the redundant small barn by creating a viable use.

It did, however, ask that there should be conditions regarding external lighting and for the removal of all permitted development rights. These were included by the planning officer.

Cllr Towneley asked about parking especially as the parish council had requested that there should be clear, workable, enforceable and permanent provision for at least one car parking space. Richard Graham, the head of development management, said that the Authority could not regulate that.

The planning officer had told the meeting that the barn was adjacent to a non-metalled road within the hamlet of Wharfe and the design of the proposed conversion was considered to be high quality.

Aysgarth – November and December

David Peacock had applied for permission to convert Yore Mill into two apartments, six holiday let apartments and one local occupancy apartment in conjunction with a visitor centre, some business, light industrial and retail use and the re-instatement of the hydro-electric turbine.

Aysgarth and District Parish Council had told the Authority that it supported the application and  would appreciate it if the application dealt with quickly as the  listed building was in a dangerous condition and needed to be restored and maintained as soon as possible.

The North Yorkshire Highways had, however, recommended refusal because of the absence of adequate on-site parking spaces. It noted that if those staying at Yore Mill parked in the YDNPA  car park they would have to cross the bridge where there was no formal footway. “Pedestrians would be expected to walk in the carriageway to the detriment of road safety,” it stated.

When recommending refusal the planning officer stated: “The proposal to convert Yore Mill into a mixed used development without sufficient dedicated car parking would cause congestion in and around the Aysgarth Falls area and displace car parking from the nearby public car parks which would be to the detriment of road safety and the amenity of residents.”

The applicant’s agents had informed the Authority that there were some late developments regarding car parking provision and so asked that a decision should be deferred to the next meeting.

As officers considered this was appropriate in the circumstances it was unanimously agreed to defer the application to December 10.

December – In December members were informed that Mr Peacock had come to an agreement with the YDNPA to pay for a new space at the nearby national park centre car park and to buy nine annual passes, as there were only three car parking spaces at the Mill. As the officers said that this went some way towards alleviating the car parking problem the committee approved Mr Peacock’s application to convert the Mill.

The offices said that finding a future use for the Mill as soon as possible was necessary to prevent the fabric of the building declining any further.

Barbon – March

“This is  our first conflict with the Yorkshire Dales National Park,” Cllr Robert Groves, the chairman of Barbon Parish  Council told the meeting. Barbon in Cumbria became part of the National Park in August 2016.

The parish council had objected to an outline application for a single storey dwelling on some land in Moorthwaite Lane, Barbon.

Cllr Groves explained that the site had serious drainage problems and  added  that previously the refusal of planning permission for any residential development there had been upheld at appeal because any building would fill in one of the open spaces in the village which were an important part of the character and appearance of Barbon.

The planning officer explained that as Barbon was in one of the new areas of the National Park  the application had to be considered in accordance with the South Lakeland District Council’s Core Strategy. He said this had changed since the last application regarding that site and the new policy allowed for “infilling” development between residential properties.

He told the meeting that the applicant’s plans included flood alleviation measures,  and that the low profile of a bungalow would not be harmful to the distinctive characteristics of Barbon.

Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley said she hoped the Authority would be quite strict about the design when that was submitted for approval.

She abstained from voting but all the rest of the members voted to approve the application.

Barden – February

The application to convert the former Wesleyan chapel at Barden to a local occupancy dwelling or holiday let and the provision of pedestrian access to the existing car parking area was very quickly approved. The planning officer  reported that there would be four bedrooms and four bathrooms with the garden, including a  hot tub, in the existing enclosed area outside.

Storiths – the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees had applied to convert Harry’s Barn at Storiths into a single bedroom dwelling for local occupancy or holiday let. This again had a small enclosed area outside sufficient to accommodate a hot tub. The planning officer pointed out that the piggery attached to the barn looked to be in poor structural condition but was still an undesignated heritage asset as was the rest of the barn.

Cllr Blackie asked how such buildings were defined as undesignated heritage assets. Mr Graham said this term had come into use about six years ago. “Many of these buildings are over 100 years old. With the materials and traditional construction methods they often have a history. They may look somewhat dilapidated but you can describe them as a heritage asset because of their contribution to the landscape.

Eden District councillor William Patterson then jokingly asked if all the heritage assets had asbestos roofs.

Beamsley – November  and December

The majority of the members refused the advice of an officer to approve an application by the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees for Bolton Abbey Estate to change the use of a dwelling, barn and agricultural buildings to form offices, storage buildings and workshops at Red Lion Farm, Beamsley partly because this would mean a tenant farmer and his family would have to move out of their home.

Colin Winterburn told the committee: “It seems to us that the Estate are intent on removing the indigenous population. We farmed 144 acres until we got notice to quit on 100 acres.”

He said they still had 44 acres on which 60 cattle would be kept. If they have to move they would also have to close their farm shop.

Joanna Winterburn had told the committee: “This is a frightening experience for me, my family and it affects a lot of other people all in aid of creating storage and offices.

“Without successive tenancies the young generation will move out of the area in search of security, taking with them the skills passed on through countless generations.”

Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden said it wasn’t right to kick a tenant farmer out to provide storage facilities and commented later: “It’s the farmers who keep the landscape looking lovely for tourists. They don’t do it for you lot, they do it for a living and it’s a very hard living.”

The Chatsworth Settlement Trustees’ agent, John Steel, said that several members of staff and equipment had been displaced when the Tithe Barn on Bolton Abbey Estate was restored. Of Red Lion Farm he stated: “This site offers a very convenient location on a single complex that can accommodate the Estate maintenance teams.”

He added that the Estate was offering the Winterburns an alternative home and compensation that greatly exceeded the statutory minimum and alternative farm buildings but would not allow any more buildings to be constructed.

He continued: “The 44 acres we believe cannot generate sufficient income to support two full-time workers. The farm shop … opens three days a week and the income generated has never been of sufficiently high level where it needs to be taken into account for reviews. Whilst the long-standing tenant is facing change it is a change that will not make the family homeless nor deprive them of the ability to continue farming.”

But North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine quoted the Tenant Farmers Association (TFA) that neither the new home nor the compensation being offered would guarantee that the Winterburns could continue farming as they currently do and stated: “If this application is successful it will be the final nail in the coffin of this Dales’ farming business. “

They had, he said, farmed with the security of an Agricultural Holdings Act tenancy and added: “It appears there is a break down in the trust needed between the landlord and tenant. What is needed is [time] to reconcile their differences.”

He reported that there were alternative sites as there were hundreds of traditional and modern agricultural buildings on the Bolton Abbey Estate many of which were either not used or under-used.

Ian McPherson asked how anyone would feel if someone came along and said their home was needed for storage purposes and pointed out that even if the shop wasn’t economically viable it was being used and was highly valued by the community. Both he and Mrs Manners Armstrong questioned how approval could be in accord with human rights legislation.

Mrs Manners Armstrong pointed out that interference with someone’s human rights had to be justified as in the public interest. “I do not agree this is justified as in the public interest,” she stated. She, like other members, did not believe the officer’s recommendation was in line with the Authority’s policy regarding change of use as the modern farm buildings were not redundant.

She added: “To approve this would be in conflict with our first purpose – to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Park. And if a Dale’s farm has been in functional operation for 300 years is not a cultural heritage I don’t know what is. To me we have to protect this – this is very important”.

Or as Mrs Winterburn said: “We have worked all our lives to pass this farm onto our children. Should the application be granted not only our lives but the Dales’ communities and the lives of future generations will change for ever.”

December – Planning officers told members that it could be shown there was a continuing need for the premises for farming and that there were exceptional consequences for the Winterburn family as well as losing a community shop if the  application by the Bolton  Abbey estate was approved.  The majority of the members voted to refuse the application.

Carlton in Coverdale – February

Cllr Peacock told committee members that they should go and see the high standard of workmanship Andrew Dent had carried out when converting the former Church of England School and Good Shepherd Church in Carlton in Coverdale before making a decision about some of the uPVC windows he had installed.

But the majority of the members refused his retrospective planning application as they agreed with the planning officer that by replacing the late 19th century windows at the front and the side of the building with uPVC ones he had harmed the character of what was described as an un-listed heritage asset.

Planning permission was given in 2011 to create an extension and two local needs dwellings side by side facing the highway. Mr Dent explained that he bought the building in 2013 and decided to have one dwelling in the front and one at the back so that he did not need to break through external and internal walls to create doors. He also installed uPVC windows rather than wooden ones which, he told the planning officer, would have cost about £50,000.

“The south facing windows did not have any frames. The glass was just set into the stone. It would be impossible to create the original look. New windows were, therefore, essential,” he said. He added that only by installing the uPVC windows could he meet the fire escape regulations. He described the uPVC frames as being a neutral, earthy colour rather than yellow.

Cllr Blackie told the meeting that the windows were installed four years ago but only came to the notice of the Authority when Mr Dent wanted to bring the planning permission in line with the latest policy which allows converted buildings to be used for short term holiday lets as well as local occupancy even though he plans that the dwellings will later be for two of his three sons.

Mr Dent not only offered to sign a legal agreement but also asked for the same planning  condition as had been approved some years ago on the uPVC windows installed in a Grade II listed building in Carlton. This required any future reglazing to be agreed with the Authority.

The planning officer reported that the internal conversion of the building carried out by Mr Dent was considered acceptable in principle and there was no longer any need for an extension. It had been agreed he could retain the uPVC windows at the back.  She maintained, however, that the windows to the front and side of the building could have been upgraded far more appropriately and showed members pictures of alternative solutions.

Mr Dent said about his work on the church and his former school: “It was so important to me to get the details correct and in keeping.”

Carperby – July

Aysgarth Station, Carperby

Approval was given for new track to be laid at the former railway station, across the road bridge and along 200m of the former track bed which overlooks the National Park’s car park.

The owner of Aysgarth station, David Smith of West Coast Railways, will lease the former track bed from the Authority now that planning permission has been given. The approval was also for him to make private use of the railway for storing and moving locomotives, carriages and goods vehicles.

His agent, Steve Davies, who is also a director of the Wensleydale Railway, told the committee that Mr Smith’s plans for the old station would provide the best opportunity to reconnect Aysgarth station with Redmire.

This was queried by Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden who said the latter would only be possible if someone was willing to invest £1 million pounds per mile.

Like other members he did not feel that there would be much noise from the site especially as the approval only allowed for 12 locomotive movements a day, 36 days of the year. A planning officer stated that steam operations would be limited to one to two days a year.

It was  pointed out that there was already a lot of noise and pollution due to the National Park car park and the number of people who visited Freeholders Wood, the SSSI which almost surrounds the station site.

The planning officer said  that 35 trees will be removed many from along the sides of the raised track bed by the car park. She explained that area had been colonised by trees as the track had not been used for so long.  One of the conditions will be a landscaping plan to show where replacement planting would take place, she told the committee.

Ian McPherson, the Authority’s member champion for the environment, said he would support the application but asked that the progress of the project should be carefully  monitored. He added that the landscaping plan was important to ensure that wildlife corridors were protected. He noted that in certain areas of Britain Network Rail was destroying vast tracts of trees against the wishes of the Department of Transport.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch pointed out that Mr Smith’s company owned the carriages at Hellifield which were now covered in graffiti. “Are you confident that this is not going to end up the same?” he asked.

Mr  Davies assured the committee that he was.

He said: “Two years ago we sold Aysgarth Station to what turned out to be the best possible buyer [Mr Smith].

“The Wensleydale Railway was in a significantly difficult financial situation. Aysgarth was a major millstone around our necks. We were servicing a £200,000 outstanding mortgage. The station building was falling down and there was actually no way the station could be realistically retained as part of the commercial portfolio of the railway.

“The sale of the station allowed the railway to pay off significant debts and it is an absolute fact that since that sale we have not looked back.

“We, as a board of directors, agreed that because Mr Smith had such ambitious plans for the site that we would support him in delivering this planning application. So I am effectively on secondment, if you like, from the board of the Wensleydale railway. And our vice chairman, Carl Les, has formally endorsed our support for this project.

“The second element of this project and with the mechanics of this application is that we believe that this provides the best possible opportunity to reconnect Aysgarth with Redmire. Mr Smith has the resources and personal ambition to start taking the track back towards Redmire.

“If you grant this application what you will not find is this is will become moribund and yet another undelivered major project. So your faith in the project will be met by a full investment to make this a reality.

“The sale of Aysgarth station …. caused a rift within our membership [and to]  those who were absolutely convinced that Aysgarth [station] represented the jewel on the way to Hawes and Garsdale the sale was unthinkable and there was significant resistance.  The successful delivery of this project will, I think, go a huge way towards healing some of the wounds. It will show that Mr Smith and the Wensleydale Railway did not make a bad decisions and that we are going to be in a position to optimise the chances of re-connecting Redmire with this station.

“I think we have gone a long way in satisfying the statutory requirements, particularly in terms of ecology, but the key issue is that although this is fundamentally a private venture it undoubtedly has major public benefits.”

Cautley near Sedbergh – April

Permission was granted for a barn at Cautley Thwaite Farm to be partially converted into a local occupancy dwelling or short-term holiday let.

Sedbergh Parish Council had questioned leaving part of it as a barn as it felt converting all of the building would better ensure long-term maintenance of a heritage asset,  provide valuable family scale accommodation and that it would remain as a single planning unit.

The planning officer, however, stated: “The retention of part of the byre (including internal stalls) in the southern end of the building is supported as this area contains older timbers and furniture that pre-date the barn itself. It is likely that some materials used in the construction of the building were salvaged from an older barn on or near the site. By not converting this area to habitable accommodation, allows the historic features to remain in place as evidence of the past history of the building.”

She added that the existing access to the barn could be used to provide a parking area behind the barn as a new dry-stone wall would be built to screen them from open view.

Cracoe – September

The majority of the committee agreed that two extensions can be added to No Name House in Cracoe despite the objections of the parish meeting.

North Yorkshire County councillors Robert Heseltine recognised that Cracoe Parish Meeting seemed to be very much against the application but added: “Every concern that the parish meeting has brought has been overcome by the applicant in negotiation with the planning officer.”

The parish meeting’s objections included: the proposed extensions would overcrowd an already narrow lane; the proposed number of two parking spaces would be disproportionate when the number of bedrooms was increased from four to five; there were no extra parking spaces nearby; and the positioning of a flue for a new wood-burning stove. It stated it would not object to the replacement of the rear conservatory with just one of the extensions if its  height, size and roof pitch were the same.

The planning officer reported that the garden room which will replace the conservatory was not significantly greater in size, would be largely screened by a tall fence, and would not overshadow the neighbouring property.  The applicant, Richard Johnson, had agreed to place the wood-burner flue higher up so that smoke from it could not affect the neighbours.

The two-storey cat-slide extension on the other side of the house followed local precedent and would not, the planning officer said. have a negative impact upon neighbouring properties. He added: “Overall, it is considered that the proposal will have a sympathetic appearance within the site and the setting of the neighbouring listed building.”

As some residents were concerned about the future use of the garage the conditions included that this could not be converted into living accommodation without the written approval of the Authority.

Cracoe – December

A request by Craven District councillors Robert Heseltine and Richard Foster for a site visit was turned down by the committee. Cllrs Heseltine and Foster argued members should see for themselves how  a proposed new agricultural building at Meadow Croft in Back Lane, Cracoe, would have a negative impact on the landscape and the amenity of neighbours.

But the majority of the committee agreed with  North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch and Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley that the planning officer had worked hard with the applicant to find a suitable site. The officer explained that the original application for a larger building submitted by James Bowdin was refused because it would have been on a much more prominent site and 20m from a neighbouring property. This application for a smaller building next to Mr Bowden’s house would be 24m from a neighbouring property.

A neighbour, Helen Pullin, however, told the committee that due to the building being on higher ground it would still be overbearing  even if dug in by 200mm to help reduce its height, and the trees to be planted to create screening would be only 15m from her property. Like Cllrs Heseltine and Foster she maintained that the building would still have a negative impact on the landscape.  They agreed with Cracoe Parish Meeting that there were better sites for the building and that it would still be too large.

They also asked how a smallholding of two acres and 30 sheep was sufficient to qualify for an agricultural building.  “Are we setting a precedent?” asked Cllr Foster.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, responded that the applicant was also a self-employed dry stone waller. He, therefore, needed the building not just for storing winter feed and lambing in spring, but also to store agricultural machinery.

Craven District barn conversions – April

Six out of the eight barn conversions in Craven District approved by the  planning committee on April 9 will be primarily for holiday accommodation.

David Staveley, however, made it very clear that he wanted to convert Lane Head Laithe at Throstle Nest, Eshton, into a three-bedroom home for him and his wife on the family farm. North Yorkshire

County councillor John Blackie commented: “I don’t think any member could make a more compelling case for the approval of this application than David Staveley himself. What better case can you make for a redundant building.”

The Highways Authority had, however, objected because it did not believe there was sufficient visibility at the access onto the road. The planning officer reported that about 12m of the boundary wall would be set back to improve visibility.

And Mr Staveley stated: “We are very aware of the danger as we have been using this as a farm access for 19 years.”

Even a planning officer described Nether Hesleden Farm Barn near Litton as being in the open countryside and it is in the Littondale Barns and Walls Conservation area.

He explained that the power supply to this roadside barn could be undergrounded from Nether Hesleden Farm, that there would be little change to the exterior of the building, and that the garden had been reduced to the minimum. He added that the converted dwelling would be used primarily as a holiday let.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch said: “I can’t think of a more classic example of what defines a roadside barn. I can’t see any problems with it. It ticks all the right boxes in the right places.”

The application to convert Ellis Laithe at Grisedale Gate Farm near Threshfield was solely for conversion to a holiday let. The planning officer stated that only the existing openings would be used and the proposed parking and external area would be modest and contained within the existing width of the walled lane to the south. No extension is required.

An application to convert this barn into a home for a farm worker was refused by the committee in December. The planning officer told the committee that the Authority was discussing with the applicant the possibility of applying to build a family home at the farm. Ellis Laithe will now become part of the farm’s holiday letting business.

Stirton-with-Thorlby Parish Meeting had told the Authority that not all residents were happy with Manor Farm Barn in Thorlby being used solely as a holiday let. As with most of the other applications the owners, Trustees for Roman Catholic Purposes Registered (TRCPR) had applied for both local occupancy or holiday let in line with the Authority’s conservation policy for roadside barns and those within settlements.

The agent for TRCPR, Robert Hodgkiss, told the committee that the application was not contentious and was in accord with national and local policies. It would, he said, have a sustainable use within the village once converted.

Three of the applications were made by the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees (Bolton Abbey Estate). For speed of approval none matched those dealt with by the planning committee in February.

The Trustees applications to convert the former Wesleyan chapel at Barden and Harry’s Barn at Storith were submitted on January 7 and approved by the planning committee on February 12 which might be a record! Both will have hot tubs installed as they will be primarily for holiday accommodation.

Those two applications did not require any amendments whereas the three submitted on January 17 did. The amendments to the plans for the Shippon at Stank House to the west of Bolton Abbey included moving the hot tub to a less obvious position!

Permission was granted for the conversion of both the Shippon and the barn at Stank House, which is already used as a holiday let. The access to the complex is via an existing private driveway.

The third application from the Trustees was for the conversion of Laneside Barn at Hazlewood to the east of Bolton Abbey. This is near two cottages on what the planning officer described as a very quiet lane.

She said that the proposed garden and parking would be contained in the yard serving the barn and so would be screened from public view.

The eighth successful application was by the artist Victoria Russell to convert a toft barn at Starbotton into a studio and dwelling (see below)

Embsay – March

Permission was granted for four bedroom dormer bungalow for  local occupancy to be built in Millholme Rise, Embsay.

Cllr Vince Smith attended the meeting on behalf of Embsay with Eastby Parish Council which had objected to the application. He explained that the parish council believed the height of the proposed building would set a precedent for higher builds in that area.

The parish council also wanted an area of hard standing to be created on the site before construction began so that vehicles were not parked on the road especially as it was close to a junction and a bend. But the planning officer said it was not possible to do that as any hard standing would hamper the developer’s ability to construct the building.

She told the meeting that the applicant, who lives next door to the site, had asked for a  higher ridge height so as to have space for two bedrooms in the roof space. She said the overall ridge height would be the same as for the original approved scheme with a negligible difference in the height of the eaves.

Fremington – March

The committee unanimously approved the application by Mr and Mrs Peter Catchpole to convert Little Barn at High Fremington in Swaledale into a one-bedroom local occupancy dwelling.

Mrs Catchpole explained that they were living in rented accommodation and wanted a Dales home of their own.

Several residents had, however, objected and they were represented by Chris Whittaker. He disagreed with the planning officer that there was sufficient visibility splay from the proposed access as it was near to a blind bend and crossroads. Nor was it always a quiet road for, he said, during a cycling event 4,000 riders had raced up it.

He did not accept that the proposed extension was not significant as it would increase the size of the barn by 42 per cent and added that the amenity of those living in the house close to the barn would be affected.

The planning officer reported that the neighbouring house was 3.9m away on the other side of the narrow road. The plans had been amended so that the windows overlooking that house were smaller and glazed, he said.

He stated: “It is recognised that the proposal would introduce a degree of domestication into a site that currently exhibits a largely agricultural and undeveloped character. However, the proposal is relatively small in scale and, further to amendments to the scheme, is not considered to adversely affect the immediate setting of the barn. It should be noted that the wider landscape impact of the proposal is negligible given the lack of public views from longer distances.”

He also believed that the package treatment plant would not affect the two properties to the south of the barn.

The conditions include creating a photographic record of the barn before conversion and a written scheme of investigation regarding excavation and archaeology as the external work would be close to Fremington Dyke. This was one of the linear dykes in Swaledale which formed part of the boundary of an early, post-Roman, British political area or kingdom (Out of Oblivion).

Gaisgill – May

Despite a plea from a farmer for more time the committee refused planning permission for a wooden cabin at Gaisgill to continue to be used as a temporary dwelling for a further three years.

Neil Plant of Rayne Holdings said that the smallholding at 3 Rayne Cottage, Gaisgill, was being developed and the wooden cabin was still needed. “Just give us a chance. Three years is going to make a difference,” he said.

Eden District councillor William Patterson supported him and stated: “I can’t see the problem with giving the chap a chance to build up a small holding.” And North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie added that many Dales farmers had started their farms that way.

But the head of development management, Richard Graham, reminded the committee that in December 2017 it had approved enforcement action to be taken for the removal of the cabin as the three-year temporary permission given in 2013 had expired.

A planning officer had told the committee that when Mr Plant had requested pre-planning advice in October 2018 he had been told that he had not shown there was a functional need for a full-time worker to live at the site and that the business could just as well be run from one of the nearby converted barns owned by Rayne Holdings.  The officer added that the current and previous owners had had two and a half years to remove the cabin from the site.

Authority Member Julie Martin commented: “We don’t have any clear evidence that this is needed for a agricultural worker and we don’t have evidence at this present time that this is a viable business. We do have evidence that there is alternative accommodation. I think we have to follow through otherwise we undermine our own decision [in December 2017].”

Eden District Council granted permission in May 2019 for the change of use of one of the two barns from a holiday cottage to an unrestricted residential dwelling.

The committee voted by ten votes to seven to refuse the application.

Garsdale – March

Permission for an outbuilding beside Rose Cottage in Garsdale to be converted into one-bedroom short term holiday accommodation was granted very quickly as the application was not considered by the committee until after 6pm. (The meeting began at 1pm.) The planning officer quickly explained that it was a 19th century former garage alongside Rose Cottage within a roadside group of stone build cottages on the A684.

He said that the proposal represented a reasonably sensitive conversion and would not have a detrimental impact upon the landscape, residential amenity or highway safety.

Garsdale – May

Cllrs Blackie and Peacock questioned the length of track required to provide a barn conversion in Garsdale with safe access to the A684 at Aye Gill Farm.

They compared the length required (about 160m) with that proposed for a barn conversion at Long Shaw near Bainbridge which was refused in March this year.  The track for that would have  been 110m long.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, emphasised that the barn near The Hill in Garsdale was a roadside barn in accordance with the Authority’s policy. That at Long Shaw was not a roadside barn and a length of walling would needed to be moved back from the road to provide sufficient visibility at the access, he said.

The planning officer reported that there would be no loss of walling at the access onto the A684 at Aye Gill Farm

Remarking on the photographs shown of the proposed track to the barn in Garsdale, Cllr Peacock said: “This looks to me like a farm track.” She noted that drivers in some small cars would have difficulty negotiating it and that the officer had not included any recommendation about improving it.

The planning officer described the building in Garsdale as being a substantial early 19th century bank barn standing beside the A684 some 7k to the east of Sedbergh. “It stands in an isolated and locally  prominent position on top of a bluff. The barn structure is basically sound and no rebuilding of walls is necessary,” he said.

The owner has agreed to demolish the additions to the barn which were added in the 20th century.

The committee unanimously approved the application to convert the two-storey stone barn into a three bedroom dwelling for local occupancy or short term holiday letting.

Gayle – February

It was agreed that a large roadside barn “in the wilderness” along Beggarmans Lane near Gayle can be converted and extended to create a “horse assisted learning” business.

The planning officer told the committee: “The applicant’s therapy is geared towards people who have experienced post traumatic stress disorder as well as people with stress and other mental health issues. As well as horse-assisted learning the applicant [Caroline Penman] would use the building as a base for Paleo eating, Craniosacral therapy and mindfulness. The location has been chosen by the applicant for its tranquility and wild nature which is considered to aid the therapy.”

The two-storey Dodds Hall Barn is around two miles south of Gayle and has a stone walled enclosure which will be used for car parking. The planning officer reported:

“What is proposed in this location is a very high intensity employment use requiring the erection of a large first floor extension to the building and the erection of stables, [two] shepherds huts  and an outdoor interaction area in the surrounding land. The whole field would also be used for equestrian purposes.”

He added that the addition of a large extension, the fact that the barn was not adjacent to or within an existing settlement and that the business was not land-based, meant that the application was not in accordance with policy and so any approval would require a departure from the Local Plan.

Although it was reported that Ms Penman had run a similar, successful business in Cyprus the planning officer warned that there was a degree of risk should this venture fail once Dodds Hall Barn had been converted.

The senior listed building officer had reported: “The external stairs and floating FF extension with balcony and covered GF terrace underneath has a harmful impact on the heritage significance of the barn’s and Dales vernacular architecture in general, and would be visible from the road.”

The committee, however, accepted the planning officer’s  argument that the proposal had been relatively well-designed to work with the site itself to minimise its landscape impact and impact on the building. He said: “Whilst the extension to the building is significant, it is relatively lightweight and would only provide internal living space to one floor with the ground floor forming a sheltered area [for  horses].”

He added: “This is a relatively unique site and a unique proposal that would result in economic and social benefits in the locality and has support from the parish council.”

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council had told the committee: “It offers a completely new dimension to the all-important tourist sector in the Upper Dales – horse assisted learning. The site and the surrounding landscape entirely fits the description of a wilderness, although the town of Hawes is just seven minutes’ drive away.”

The planning committee approved the application for the conversion and extension of the barn to provide visitor accommodation and manager’s dwelling, a change of use of land for equestrian purposes, provision of  all weather riding surface, car parking and erection of stable building.

Grassington – May

The  committee very quickly approved a planning application for alterations to Yarnbury House in Moor Lane, Grassington, even though the parish council had asked the Authority  to investigate the true intentions of the applicant.

The committee heard that Grassington Parish Council strongly suspected that this was an attempt to change the use of the property to another shooting lodge without having to make a formal application for change of use – something it would oppose.

The parish council said that the application gave the appearance of wanting to enhance and increase the living accommodation and added: “How can this be done when the bedrooms will be reduced from four to three, but more features such as a boot room and a drying room are added, together with the conversion of the double garage?”

The application included altering the outbuildings and garage to become ancillary living space to Yarnbury House.

The planning officer reported that there had been lengthy discussions with the applicant and that the proposed scheme had been significantly amended so as not to cause substantial harm to the listed building.

She added: “Neighbours have raised the issue that the house may become a shooting lodge or used for some kind of shooting enterprise and that the applicant is a sporting company not a private resident. The agent has confirmed that the site will be used as a private domestic dwelling.”

The agent, Maria Ferguson, emphasised this at the meeting. She said that her client had bought Yarnbury House so that he and his family and friends could enjoy the countryside and sporting activities.

Grassington – June

The majority of members agreed with the planning officer that the proposal by Jason and Claire Simpkin to use a large field and construct two buildings for a small campsite would have too much of an impact upon the landscape.

The officer commented: “The concerns with the current proposal are a matter of scale rather than a matter of principle.”

She said that a modest campsite and one building for facilities in the northeast section of the field adjacent to the B6265 Hebden Road would be acceptable. The Simpkins planned to use all of a one hectare field on a plateau above the River Wharfe for approximately 25 seasonal pitches. They proposed two buildings, one to provide facilities for the campers, and the other to include the manager’s accommodation. Mr Simpkin told the committee that Grassington did not have a campsite.

He read a letter from the Grassington Chamber of Trade which noted that there had been a dramatic drop in the footfall of tourists in the town in the last couple of years and that the creation of a family friendly campsite would lead to an increase. “I hope this development will enable a greater range of visitors to Grassington, especially young families,” Mr Simpkin said and added that his plans were in line with the National Park’s statutory purposes.

He had informed the Authority that a smaller campsite would not be a viable business. He argued that having a manager on site would help to alleviate some of the concerns raised by residents such as the possible increase in noise and nuisance, and the impact of lighting.

North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie agreed that having a manager living on the site would be helpful and added: “I am amazed that Grassington hasn’t got a camp site. Campers spend far more in the local economy than any other form of tourist and so keep the shops and services going.”

Other members, however, accepted the officer’s contention that a two-storey stone building to house an office and reception on the ground floor and a self-contained manager’s flat on the first floor was too much. The planning officer did not accept that a seasonal site for 25 tents needed a manager to supervise it, especially as there was a site for 24 tents at Kettlewell which did not provide such accommodation.

She reported that the proposed new buildings would replace a static caravan and the dilapidated remains of a railway carriage. She said there was also concern about the possibility of campers walking along a road to the village where there was no footpath as that would be the shortest route to the pub.

Grassington – September

The first and second floors of a former butcher’s shop in Grassington can be converted into a two-bedroom dwelling the committee agreed.

An internal passageway will be created to provide access to the apartment, the planning officer said. She added that the external alterations would be minimal being the insertion of three roof lights, the re-opening of a blocked-up window and the re-use of an existing door.

She commented: “The proposed development would see the loss of the upper floors from a potential business use, but there is still a large ground floor shop remaining together with two quite substantial store room areas.” The applicant had pointed out that the upper floors had not been used for 20 years.

Some residents had queried  the siting of wheelie bins behind the premises but the planning officer said that the land did belong to the applicant. “Whilst the storage of wheelie bins in this location is not ideal, they would not have such a harmful impact on the amenity of neighbours to warrant the refusal of planning permission,” she stated.

Grassington Parish Council objected to the  application because there was of the lack of parking in that area. The planning officer reported that the occupier of the dwelling could obtain a parking permit for the National Park Authority car park nearby.

Committee member Craven District councillor Richard Foster, commented that even though there was a lack of parking spaces in Grassington the conversion of the upper stories of the shop would be a great use of that space.

Approval was given on the basis that the applicant would sign a legal agreement restricting use of the flat  to the local occupancy criteria set out in the Authority’s Local Plan or to short term holiday let.

Grassington – December

The committee unanimously approved an application for a single storey lean-to extension at the rear of a house in Main Street, Grassington, and for stone steps and a wrought iron handrail at the front.

The planning officer reported that the applicant had explained that the steps beside an existing wall were required to provide safe level access down a slope which was steep and slippery in bad weather.

Grassington Parish Council had objected to the steps because they would not be in keeping with the village and would create an obstruction and therefore a danger to road users. It added that the steepness could be mitigated by walking where the slop was less severe.

Grinton – November and December

The planning officer had recommended refusal of the Porters’ application to convert Shoemaker’s Barn because they had not proved a need for an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Grinton and because: “The proposal would lead to the creation of a fake and prominent ‘traditional barn’ that never previously existed which would result in a harmful and disruptive effect on the understanding of the historic landscape and the significance of the Barns and Walls Conservation Area.”

Richmondshire District councillor Richard Good commented: “I find it difficult to say that we need to keep it like that because it is in a conservation area… because it is ugly.”

John Akrigg, the agent for Chris Porter and his wife who had applied to convert Shoemaker Barn to create a family home for themselves, said: “Without the retention of the people who possess the skills to safeguard these landscape features the Dales that we all love and fight to protect cannot be sustained. One day the Swaledale [sheep] may be the icon for the Dales but the herds will have disappeared.”

He added: “This Authority is aware of the fragility of hill farming and is committed to work with stakeholders to safeguard its future. If members support this application today they will do something positive and send a message to other young people that they have a place here.”

Cllr Kirkbride argued that the Porters wanted to restore the barn to how it had looked years ago. They would do this, he said, by removing concrete extensions, lifting the roof slightly to the height it had been before a fire many years ago, and re-inserting windows where they had been previously. “This will turn an eyesore into a home for a young family which is going to live in the Dales and farm in the Dales,” he said.

The alterations over the years had meant that less than 30 per cent of the original barn remained but another member, Jocelyn Manners Armstrong, said: “I do think the applicants are in a difficult position here and it is partly the way our policies are constructed that puts them in that position and, therefore, we have a bit of responsibility to try and help. On one hand we say there’s not enough of the original building left for us to say it is a traditional building [that can be converted]. On the other hand we say that it would be a new build in the open countryside. There is an interesting traditional building which they do want to restore.”

She explained that she had voted against the Porters’ application in December partly because it was for a holiday let or a family home. But this time it was for an agricultural worker’s dwelling and she, like many other members, accepted there was a need.

The planning officer stated that there wasn’t evidence that the land at Grinton did require a full-time worker even though the proposal included a new agricultural building to house rams over winter and lamb sheep in the spring. The new agricultural building would be sited behind the barn.

He said that Porters should consider creating a new dwelling on land owned by their extended family at Oxnop or at Gunnerside – or apply to add an extension to their present home at Grinton.

Cllr Kirkbride pointed out that the farm enterprise had land from Grinton to Gunnerside and so needed agricultural workers at either end as well as at Oxnop. For that reason the agricultural need should be based upon the farm enterprise as a whole he said.

Member Ian McPherson commented: “Given the need to support and nurture and enhance farming in the Dales and in view of the fact of the reports relating to individual members of the family and their health concerns…. I feel the benefit of the doubt should be given to the applicants.”

December –  The majority of the committee again voted to approve the application to convert Shoemaker’s Barn into a dwelling.

Planning officers stated that the conversion of the derelict barn into a home on the basis there was a need for an additional home for the farm business and that it would get rid of an eyesore were acceptable reasons even though they had previous had felt it was an unnecessary development.

Hawes, Halfway House – February and October

The committee was told that four cars being parked on the former track bed at Halfway House near Hawes might prejudice the re-opening of the railway between that market town and Garsdale.

Ruth Annison, who convened the meeting at Hawes last summer to discuss the re-opening of that six miles of railway, told the committee: “Halfway House is one of the very few critical sites for railway reinstatement. The possibility of access and parking for four cars encroaching on the track way is a serious matter so that I have already given formal notice that, if necessary, we will report this application to the Secretary of State.”

A professional engineer, Tony Smare, said that it looked as if establishing a new train service on the former branch of the Settle-Carlisle railway was achievable, and asked if alternative parking at Halfway House could be investigated before the application was approved. Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock agreed with him.

The application was for full permission to convert the barn attached to Halfway House into a separate local occupancy dwelling.  The planning officer said that as the Authority’s policy was to support the reinstatement of the railway line the application had been advertised as a Departure to the Local Plan for a period expiring on February 22.

He reported that the conversion of the barn would have a neutral impact upon the landscape and that a dry stone wall would be built to divide the present garden between the two dwellings.

He told the committee that although the existing car parking area on the former track bed would be increased to accommodate two more cars the track bed would remain unaltered and would be reversible should the railway be reinstated.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, reported that the owners of Halfway House also own the track bed there, using some as curtilage and some for parking. Neither he nor the Authority’s chief executive officer, David Butterworth, felt the issue was big enough to be considered by the Secretary of State.

Mr Butterworth commented: “In the 21 years that this Authority has been in existence I don’t think there has been a single application that a Secretary of State would even consider calling in. I don’t think this one will be either. So it’s up to members to make a decision.”

Cllr Blackie asked, however, that the representations made at the meeting should be carefully considered and if there any issues that couldn’t be resolved the application should be brought back to the committee.

The majority of the committee, however, accepted Mr Butterworth’s advice and voted in favour of the officer’s recommendation.

October –

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council asked the committee to hold a site meeting at Halfway House so that the members could see for themselves how dangerous the access was.

In February the committee had approved an application to convert the barn next to Halfway House into a local occupancy dwelling. The owner then applied for it to be used for short stay holiday lets as well.

Allen Kirkbride  agreed with the parish council that, as the access was by a corner on the A684, it would be far more dangerous for short stay visitors who didn’t know the area well than for anyone living there permanently. It was also pointed out that the Highways Authority had objected each time to the application because of the access.

Like the parish council Mr Kirkbride also wanted to see the barn converted solely for local occupancy.  “This was specifically for local occupancy. [The owner] could have said in February that it would be dual purpose. Now he comes along and changes his mind. “

The majority of the committee, however, disagreed with him and the new application was approved.

Hawes – February

An enforcement notice will be served on the owner of Bainbridge Ings Caravan Site at Hawes for the removal of camping pods which were described by Cllr Blackie as grey-painted abominations and by a planning officer as “wholly alien features within the landscape”.

The planning officer read the following letter from Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council:

“Councillors were appalled at the ‘Pembroke’ pods that have been installed which look completely out of keeping on the site at Bainbridge Ings. The bright orange fencing around the stone chipping base adds to their unacceptable appearance.

“It was pointed out they have been installed close to Old Gayle Lane, along which many local people and visitors enjoy a circular walk on mainly flat ground, often with young children in push chairs, starting and finishing at either Hawes Town Centre or Gayle. At this time there are few leaves on the trees by the edge of the site so they are in full view.”

The parish council had objected to the loss of almost all the camping pitches on the site and pointed out that many regular visitors had said they could no longer afford to stay there. (A glamping pod on the site is advertised at £249 per week.)

At the planning meeting Cllr Blackie said that in the past the site had been covered with tents during the summer and that campers were the best supporters of the local economy.

He described how the parish council had been heavily involved in seeking modifications to a previous application by David Khan of The Lodge Company North.

The planning officer reported that the four Lune Valley pods included in that application had been considered acceptable due to  their dark stained timber, curved shape and being arranged in an informal circle.

She said that the four Pembroke pods,  however, were larger and have an unusual shape –  “akin to a portacabin with a triangular insert bisecting the body and protruding above the flat roof. The structure is clad in a dark battleship grey material with orange wood panels. Each pod has a horizontally boarded timber enclosure around it and the pods are laid out in a line.

“The structures have an uncompromising and unsightly appearance, lacking any aesthetic or architectural merit,” she added.

Mr Khan told the committee that the Pembroke pods were lower in height than those originally planned and so would be easier to screen. He said that a comprehensive planting scheme had been agreed with the Authority.  He had been assured by the supplier that the orange fences would weather to a cedar colour. He explained that he had invested heavily in the site and needed a variety of accommodation to attract people.

The committee, however, unanimously agreed with the planning officer that the Pembroke pods did harm the natural beauty and visual quality of the National Park landscape as they were highly visible and incongruous, and represented poor design. Mr Khan was given three months to comply with the enforcement notice to remove them along with the fences and the hard standings, and to reseed the affected area with grass.

Hawes – March

There was applause when the majority of the committee voted to refuse an application to convert the Methodist Chapel and Sunday School into five holiday lets. This, however, was contrary to the planning officer’s recommendation and so has been referred back to the meeting in April.

The planning officer stated: “The willingness of the parish council to set aside the problematic elements of this proposal illustrates the dilemma at the heart of this application. The buildings are part of the town’s heritage and as such are worthy of retention and a viable economic use that would ensure their future. However, it is difficult to envisage a new use that will not have the same parking and access problems as this proposal.”

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish councillor Sheila Alderson told the meeting: “There is absolutely no parking outside the chapel.” Both she and Jack Sutton, who lives near the chapel, said that the small area of parking at Town Foot, opposite the doctors’ surgery, was used by residents who had nowhere else to park their vehicles. When that space became full vehicles were parked on the pavement.

“You take your life in your hands when you try to access Hawes,” commented Mr Sutton.

The meeting was informed that the developers, Matthew and Sally  Faulkes with Ian Morton and Heritage Apartments Ltd,  had proposed that five annual parking permits at the Dales Countryside Museum (DCM) car park could be purchased for those staying at the holiday lets.

The agent, Rachel Ford, explained that the conversion of the building would cost over £500,000 so local occupancy was not viable. The application was, she said, compliant with the Authority’s policy and the provision of more  holiday lets would bring more visitors to Hawes and so be good for  local businesses. She maintained that the holiday lets would not have an impact upon residents and  that there would be a reduction in traffic compared with when the building was used as a church.

Cllr John Blackie disagreed stating that it had mainly been used on Sundays and many people had walked to it. Both he and Mr Sutton questioned that those using the holiday lets would want to walk 300m with luggage from the DCM car park especially when it was raining.

Cllr Alderson said the parish council was very concerned about Chapel Lane, which it described as an important access road for local residents, being blocked when people were unloading or loading luggage at the proposed  holiday lets. The parish council could not understand why the Highway Authority had not objected to the application.

The planning officer explained that according to the National Planning Policy Framework a development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe. He added: “The Highway Authority has no objections but requires a Construction Management Plan to be provided to include parking for operatives, the loading, unloading and storage of plant and materials.”

He said that the developers had shown that the building was no longer needed by the community and could be sensitively converted.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch commented: “I couldn’t think of a more insensitive conversion for the local residents and  how it will affect their  lives. We are creating a nightmare for local residents.”

Another North Yorkshire County councillor, Robert Heseltine, compared the development with trying to pour a pint into a quart pot.  And Allen Kirkbride added: “A large use [of this building] with lots of holiday cottages is going to make life in Hawes quite unbearable at times.”

The parish council had pointed out that the government through its Homes England Agency was now actively promoting community-led developments  of affordable housing with very substantial grants. This made an affordable housing scheme  for the Methodist chapel far more viable. “We would be prepared to accept some of the drawbacks if we saw clear benefits for the community,” Cllr Alderson said.

Cllr Blackie told the meeting: “The parish council has no doubt that no change is not an option but it questioned what is proposed is the best use. The word that comes to mind is over-development. Simply – there is no room for what is proposed. Something on a lesser scale would have been more acceptable.

“But they want to squeeze every square inch out of the former Methodist chapel. The trouble is with doing that – they will spill over their requirements to compromise the amenity of local residents who live in that very densely constrained area just near Town Foot. There are 14 houses – some are holiday lets and some are used by local residents. They have a right to enjoy their amenity.  Something less ambitious, something less profit-making would actually be more acceptable.”

Before the application was discussed by the committee Cllr Blackie said there had been a complaint from the applicants concerning whether or not he should be involved in speaking or voting. “There is a clear threat that if I do, the applicants may well wish to take legal action against the Authority. I want to say that I have never ever in 21 years of sitting on this planning committee – or at Richmondshire District Council –  had a complaint made in this way.

“I have never been accused of bias in the way that the applicant has accused me of bias. The bias comes from the fact that I had and I still run holiday cottages.”

He said he had taken legal advice many times and been told that he could take part in deciding holiday cottage applications so long as he had no financial interest. He explained that he had made it clear that he had expressed a preliminary view on the application in writing and verbally previous to the meeting, but had come to the meeting with an open mind as he was legally obliged to do.

“This seems to be an attempt to fix the jury but I have done absolutely nothing wrong. Threatening both me and the National Park is undermining the planning process.”

When she addressed the committee Ms Ford stated concerning that complaint that it had never been their intention not to have Cllr Blackie involved or to speak but to make the Authority aware  of some issues.

Ms Ford, who is the head of planning for the Leeds-based agents Bowcliffe, had written to the Authority previous to the meeting  that Cllr Blackie was biased against the application because he ran a holiday cottage company in the Dales. She had also complained about his behaviour at a site visit where, she said, he broke the code of conduct by using that as an opportunity to lobby against the plans.

She stated: “If Councillor Blackie proceeds to vote on the application …., to vote against the proposal and if his vote turns out to be decisive, then my clients will have no option but to explore potential legal claims against the council. I strongly suggest that Councillor Blackie plays no further role in the decision making process for my client’s application.”

From Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council report:

Methodist chapel. – The councillors and others at the meeting agreed that strong representation should be made to the planning appeal hearing concerning the former Methodist chapel.  The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) refused an application to convert the chapel and hall into five holiday lets.

It was agreed that the key issues were the lack of parking, severe congestion caused by bad parking,  and the increase in the number of holiday lets rather than affordable housing.

One man who lives near the chapel stated: “We are completely surrounded by holiday lets. We have lost all our privacy.”

He and the parish council also emphasised that the lane behind the chapel was a public highway.

Affordable homes. –  The meeting was told that three out of ten dwellings in Hawes were now holiday homes or second homes.  Andrew Fagg said: “In four years’ time it is conceivable that there will be fewer than 50 pupils at [Hawes Primary] School.

Hawes –  June

Permission to convert a barn close to the business park at Hawes into a home for a local young family has been recommended for refusal by a Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority planning officer because it is, she argues, in the open countryside.

In her report to the YDNPA planning committee meeting on Tuesday June 11 she describes the barn north of The Shearlings off Hardraw Road as a high quality non-designated heritage asset which makes a positive contribution to the landscape in an area that is readily accessible by visitors walking the Pennine Way.

In this she follows the advice of the Authority’s senior listed building officer who states: “This barn is a key feature in this location, along this very popular public footpath. It is not a roadside barn, but a landmark building set in the middle of a field, with a very fine landscape backdrop.“The proposed domestic conversion of this building would therefore have a negative impact, in particular the creation of a residential curtilage with car parking, extension and new openings.”

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council, however, completely disagrees.

It has informed the planning committee:“The applicants, a local couple, Ashley and Katie, who have two young children attending Hawes Primary School … are committed to remaining in Hawes for the rest of their lives and they have set their heart on converting the barn at The Shearlings and making it their family home.

“It is located on Ashley’s father’s farm holding, his father being Neil Iveson, one of the most renowned of sheep dealers in the North of England.” Ashley had told the parish council that he worked from home using the Superfast Broadband service in Hawes, in a highly specialist position within the horse racing industry.

The parish council explained: “This occupation allows him some time to help his father gather sheep for sale at the various Auction Marts in the Yorkshire Dales and beyond, especially Hawes Auction Mart, or to supply them to customers on the firm’s books. Accordingly the converted barn would be very convenient for this dual role. The extension proposed for the barn would be to provide a home office for his work.”

It continued: “Several [parish councillors] commented that this is exactly the type of young local family we need to retain in the Upper Dales, and [that] this is what the YDNPA in its policies and its public messages has been broadcasting in the media for 18 months now.”

The parish council pointed out that the barn was off the road to the Upper Wensleydale Business Park, was opposite the Community Fields and near the 120 unit Brown Moor Caravan site, as well as sitting neatly within the enclave of Brandymires. Hawes Fire Station is 50 yards away.

The parish council stated that the barn had not been used for some 15 years and the access to it would be hidden by the extensive lairage agricultural building used to hold sheep in transit. (Which cannot be said for the nearby sewage works.)

The parish council had supported the YDNPA planning committee when, in February this year, it accepted the recommendation of a planning officer to approve the conversion of a large roadside barn “in the wilderness” along Beggarmans Lane near Gayle to create a “horse assisted learning” business even though he said this was not in accordance with policy.

The application was for the conversion and extension of the barn to provide visitor accommodation and manager’s dwelling, a change of use of land for equestrian purposes, provision of all-weather riding surface, car parking and erection of a stable building.

And at its meeting last month the committee approved an application for a barn in Garsdale which a planning officer described as being a substantial early 19th century bank barn beside the A684 which was in an isolated and locally prominent position.

Meeting on June 11:

A young couple’s request to convert a barn at Hawes into their family home was turned down by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee on Tuesday June 11.

Ashley Iveson told the committee: “I ask you to give me and my family an opportunity to live and work on the farm holding that’s been part of my family for generations – and an opportunity to live in a town that we love for the rest of our lives. I would not like to raise my children anywhere else.”

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council and North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie supported him in the assertion that the barn could not accurately be described as in the “open countryside” as it was close to Brandymires and the caravan park on Hardraw Road, and to the business park, Hawes Fire Station, the water works and the sewage works. It is even closer to Mr Iveson’s father’s lairage agricultural shed.

Mr Iveson said he was particularly disappointed at the way in which the planning officer had criticised this large shed. She had reported: “The shed is in an unfortunate position and is a visual detractor in the area. It is important that this does not set a precedent for further harmful development.”

Mr Iveson commented that the Authority had given planning permission for the shed: “It seems to me that the officer is using her obvious dislike of the shed against my completely separate development,” he said.

The Hawes and High Abbotside Parish representative, Jill McMullon, told the committee that she met many in the community through her work with the Upper Dales Community Partnership. She said she had previously served as a Richmondshire District councillor and had chaired that council twice and been a member of its planning committee for ten years.

She said: “At Richmondshire District Council we always tried to take the local community with us at planning. Now that’s not always possible but our track record was far, far better than yours.”

The Iveson family was, she said, a perfect example of the young family the National Park needed to retain if there was to be a bright future for the local community in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.“What is the point of the National Park making a priority of retaining and attracting young families to the Upper Dales, shouting this from the roof tops, and then coming forward with a report which seems to go out of its way to scotch the aspirations of a couple and their children to live in our community for the rest of their lives?”

She added that the report completely missed the point that the barn and the lairage shed belonged to the same farming business. “This application is a test of the real intention of the National Park Authority – are you going to walk the walk, or are you just talking the talk?”

Committee member Ian McPherson, however, said that once again there was a conflict on the committee between personal views and policy. He quoted the planning officer’s report which stated: “The barn in question is a field barn surrounded by agricultural land. It is not located within the settlement boundary of Hawes as defined in the Local Plan. It is not within a group of buildings. It is not a roadside location (it is approximately 90m from the Brunt Acre Industrial Estate road) and it is not served by an existing track. For these reasons the development does not comply with policy.

“The dwelling would not provide rural workers accommodation nor be an affordable property.” Mr Iveson had emphasised that, if converted, it would be a local occupancy dwelling, not a holiday let.

In her report the planning officer stated: “The barn in question being located immediately adjacent to the Pennine Way and within walking distance of the amenities and facilities of Hawes town centre would make an ideal camping barn. There is therefore an alternative economic use for the barn that would not require the level of intervention proposed by this development.”

Cllr Blackie commented: “I am bewildered about the suggestion [for] a camping barn. A camping barn, in my view, would create for more upheaval in the landscape than a domestic dwelling. It would also attract cars to be parked indiscriminately in the industrial area.”

He pointed out that in May the committee had approved a barn conversion where a 190m track was required to provide access to a road and reminded the members that there were different interpretations of the Authority’s policies to those of the planning officer. “Today I think she has got it wrong,” he said.

Cllr Blackie, Allen Kirkbride, a parish council member of the committee, and Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council emphasised that the barn was on a farm holding and that the proposed extension would provide an office for Mr Iveson who works from home as a specialist horse racing reporter as well as helping his father with the lairage business.

Committee member Jim Munday said he had read the parish council’s submission with great interest. “It’s full of character, it’s full of Dales’ interest, it’s got a hero and a heroine, and there’s a lot there which one empathises with.”

But he also felt it perpetuated the myth that the Authority refused many applications for barn conversions. “We’ve approved 110 barn conversions in the last three years and refused only nine. We like to say Yes and we usually do,” he added. He agreed with the planning officer that the committee should refuse Ashley and Katie Iveson’s application.

After seven members voted to refuse the application with four wishing to approve it, Cllr Blackie noted that, following the local elections, two Richmondshire District councillors had not yet been appointed to the Authority’s planning committee. He, therefore, asked for the decision to be deferred to July so that the two new members might have a chance to consider the issue.

The legal officer Clare Bevan said, however, that the committee had already decided not to approve the application.

After the meeting Julie Martin, who chaired the meeting, stated: “I feel very sorry for the applicants in this case. We have a flexible policy, which has already seen more than 150 traditional buildings converted to residential and business uses. “It was very clear that this proposal would not meet the criteria set out in the policy – not least because it has no access to a road. Whoever has been advising them has really let them down. I strongly urge people to please come and talk to our planning service at the earliest opportunity, so as to avoid this sort of disappointment and expense.

“Not all barns are suitable for conversion, particularly those away from the roadside in prominent positions. If there’s a doubt about whether or not a conversion is within policy, pre-application planning advice will clear it up before any expectations or hopes are raised and before any money is spent on professional services.”

Mrs Martin (a trustee of the Friends of the Dales) was deputy chair of the planning committee until Caroline Thornton-Berry stood down as a Richmondshire District councillor.

Hellifield – June

“This is where I would like to retire to in a few years’ time,” Michael Stapleton told the committee concerning the proposed conversion of a barn at the farmstead at Little Newton, Hellifield, near Long Preston.

The planning officer explained that the main problem with that at Little Newton was the relatively poor condition of the barn including the partial collapse at the first-floor level on the front wall. The original plans included taking down and rebuilding the front wall.

The planning officer pointed out that this was in conflict with the Authority’s policy that buildings should be capable of conversion with no more than minor structural work.

She added: “Furthermore, much of the historic significance of the building is due to the evidential value of the windows and doors visible on this frontage, which would be lost if the front wall was rebuilt.”

Part of the barn had once been a farmhouse.After an independent assessment it was agreed that the walls could be retained by using special shoring systems.

Hetton – April

The small village of Hetton in the  Yorkshire Dales had  to retain the services of a Queens Counsel at considerable cost in its bid to stop Michelin-star chef, Michael Wignall and his partners, from turning the Wine Cave at the Angel Inn into a fine dining restaurant with the loss of 16 car parking spaces.

Andrew Armstrong, representing Hetton cum Bordley Parish Meeting , told the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee last month, that the parish meeting had felt obliged to do this because residents believed that a considerable increase in on-street parking would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety and the community.

The planning committee was told that Michael and Johanna Wignall and their partners, James and Jo Wellock, wanted to create a fine dining restaurant at the Wine Cave. But their plans included the removal of 16  car parking spaces in the rear yard, the construction of a rear extension,  and the creation of a landscaped courtyard.

In March the planning committee did approve plans for internal and external alterations at the Angel Inn including extensions at the rear. Hetton cum Bordley Parish Meeting objected because, it said, the increase in guest bedrooms would lead to more cars being parked along the road especially if the parking area behind the  Wine Cave was no longer available.

The parish meeting was so concerned when the planning officer recommended approval for the applications by Wellock Property Ltd that it asked Lichfields Planning Consultancy for advice.  Justin Gartland, the chairman of that consultancy, told the committee in March: “It is not acceptable practice to suggest that the parish meeting should secure its own consultancy.”

The parish meeting’s representative, Andrew Armstrong, said: “Hetton parish meeting has been obliged to go to the length of employing the Queens Counsel who represented [the Authority] at the 1995 planning appeal.” The Authority’s decision at that time to refuse a planning application involving the Angel Inn was upheld at the three-day appeal on the grounds that it would be detrimental to highway safety and the amenity of the local community. Mr Armstrong said that the same issues still applied.

Carl Tonks of the cTc transport consultancy told that meeting that a survey had been carried out in September 2018 using a nationally accepted data base. This had shown, he said, that there would still be significant capacity for car parking within the area even after the proposed alterations at the Angel Inn and the Wine Cave.

The parish meeting, however, argued that the survey had been carried out at a quiet time in the village and when the rear car park at the Wine Cave was operational.

Also at the March meeting Charles Reeday, a farmer whose house is next door to the Wine Cave, told the committee that the alterations to it would greatly affect his garden and home. “We already suffer noise from the Angel across the road but the rear of our house is away from this.” They would not be able to escape the noise if the back of the Wine Cave was developed, he added.

Another resident, Richard Jackson, said the increase in noise and light pollution would have an impact on the neighbours. Mentioning the expense of employing a QC he said: “We are wondering how and why the National Park is still considering to give approval. What more is it  possible for the village and the parish meeting to do?”

As the majority of the committee at the March meeting did not accept the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application the decision was referred back to that on April 9.  The head of development management, Richard Graham, reminded members that the traffic survey had been carried out in accordance with a nationally  accepted model to industry standards and that evidence would be needed to counteract that.

North Yorkshire county councillor Richard Welch commented: “This is the over development of the site and detrimental to the residents and other road users. It will also have a detrimental impact on the residents’ amenities.”

The committee unanimously agreed with him and refused permission for the application.

Horton in Ribblesdale – November

An application for nine new houses and a barn conversion at Horton in Ribblesdale was approved with the strong recommenation that a pedestrian footpath to the village should be provided.

The chairman of Horton in Ribblesdale Parish councillor Martin Hanson told the committee that the need for a footway along the B6479 could not be ignored. “This is an extremely fast piece of road despite being a 30 limit. The parish council has sourced and provided a permanent speed camera on a location directly opposite this development and it showed a peak speed of 75mph. In Horton there is no highway lighting. All the lighting is footway lighting sorted out by the parish council. If there is no footway we can’t put in footway lighting.”

The committee asked for a footway to be included in the site plans. But it would be up to Highways North Yorkshire to provide a footway which linked it to the village the planning officer said.

She also told the committee that there would be a serious impact upon the access to the development site if the present lean-to on the barn was not removed. North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine said that  replacing the lean-to at the front of the barn with a new one at the back did not respect the integrity of the building.

The access to the development will be at one end of a terrace of  four stone and slate terrace cottages which will comprise the local affordable  housing on the site. The five open-market self-build houses will be in a loose farmstead layout, the planning officer said, with one being a new-build farmhouse-style dwelling and four others to look like modern agricultural buildings with timber cladding and metal roofing sheets.

Member Neil Swain  said the latter should be relatively easy and cheap to construct allowing people to build their own homes.

Ian McPherson, however, did not  like the distinct separation between the affordable homes and the open-market ones.  The planning officer explained that this was for purely practical reasons as Craven District Council  will hold the freehold for the affordable homes as the Registered Provider.

She reported that shares for those four houses would range from 25 per cent to 75 per cent subject to the income levels of the prospective purchasers and ownership would be capped at 80 per cent. The district council will enter into legal agreements so that those houses will remain affordable for perpetuity.

Like Cllr Hanson, Craven District councillor Richard Foster commented that it was a shame that it had taken so long since the development was planned in 2012 because now the village’s  school and  shop had closed. He and other members hoped the development would encourage young families to move into the area.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch, however, asked if young couples would want to move to the village as there was no school for their children and an irregular bus service.

A local resident, Julie Rose, also questioned the likelihood that young families would want to live there. “The only people who want to move to the village now either want second or retirement homes,” she said.

She told the committee that the development would not be in keeping with the style of the surrounding residential properties especially as there would be three different designs on the site which, she argued, would not blend together.

The planning officer reported that the developer had amended the scheme so that the affordable houses and parking area would not be as close to existing houses and so have an impact upon the amenity of neighbours.

Before the debate began there were declarations of interest by North Yorkshire County councillor David  Ireton and Cllr Heseltine. The chair, Julie Martin, declared an interest as a trustee of the Friends of the Dales which had responded to the consultation on the development. She said she had taken no part in preparing that and so would vote. Cllr  Welch said he would speak but would not vote as he had attended discussions about the development at county council meetings. There was a need for transparency in the eyes of the public he said.

Ingleton Quarry – December

David Parrish explained that due to a recent appeal court decision the a decision concerning the application by Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd to extend its permission to continue working at Ingleton Quarry until until December 2025 instead of ending in May 2020 should be deferred and this was agreed.

The Friends of the Dales had objected to the proposal to extend the operational life of the quarry. It stated: “The 2015 application secured an extension until May 2015 to allow reserves remaining in the quarry to be extracted. We are now told a further five years are needed. The quarry should close to schedule and be restored.”

The chairman of the Authority’s planning committee, Julie Martin, is a trustee of the Friends of the Dales.

Killington – March

When an 18th century barn at Aikrigg partially collapsed during a severe storm the owners were heartbroken, Ian Dawson, the chairman of Killington Parish Meeting told the planning committee.

He explained that the owners had been given permission to convert the barn into a home for themselves and a base for their business. “We would welcome this new couple,” he said.

They had applied for permission to reconstruct the partially collapsed barn to form a dwelling but the planning officer pointed out that this would now amount to a new open market home which did not comply with the South Lakeland Core Strategy.

South Lakeside District Council had given permission in 2014 for the two other barns on either side of that which collapsed to be converted into open market dwellings. They are in a remote location near Killington.

Ian McPherson argued that the impact of the barn on that group of buildings, the beneficial impact on the visual quality of the surrounding landscape, the reason why it collapsed and that South Lakeland District Council has approved similar applications were valid material considerations for approving the application even if it was not in accordance with policy.

Cllr Towneley agreed and added that there would be considerable loss in the archaeological heritage of the hamlet if the barn was not reconstructed.

Twelve out of 15 of the members voted to approve the application. As this was against the officer’s recommendation it was referred back to the April meeting at which the majority of the committee again voted to approve the application.

Keld – October and November

A young farmer, Chris Rukin, explained to the committee the problems he and his family would have with condensation if  the bathroom window in the converted barn they were living in was removed and blocked  up.

The planning officer stated that the modern window, which was installed without permission,  was at odds with the traditional agricultural character of the building. When this was  combined with the proposed extension [on that gable end],  the result would be a complicated and unbalanced appearance detrimental to the significance of the Barns and Walls Conservation Area,” he said.

He told the meeting that officers had worked with the Rukins to create an acceptable proposal for the single-storey extensions and removal of the bathroom window. That proposal was approved in July this year – but then the  Rukins applied to keep the bathroom window.

Mr Rukin explained that the problems with condensation had become severe once he and his wife were living there permanently. As he was working on the farm there was a lot of washing. “The condensation was getting into the walls and starting to smell. When it was used as a holiday cottage there wasn’t the same level of showers and baths. Since the window has been installed we have had no problems. We don’t want to go back to that situation.”

Allen Kirkbride, North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine and Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden agreed that such a young farming family deserved their support.

And Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong said: “In my opinion this would be seen as unreasonable and disproportionate to refuse permission for this very specific reason when there is a legitimate basis for requiring it [the window].”

The chairman of the committee, Julie Martin disagreed and stated: “As the cultural heritage champion I believe we should take a strong line and refuse it.” She said that she appreciated the damp issues but the officers had been exceptionally helpful and accommodating.  Part of the deal struck earlier in the year, she explained, had included the removal of the unauthorised window. “Its a bit like reneging on the deal to come back to retain the window,” she added.

The deal was for a single-storey extension on the east elevation to provide additional ground floor living accommodation, and a single storey lean-to extension on the south elevation to provide toilet and wash facilities for the campsite on the farm.

Eleven out of 16 of the members voted to grant permission for the extensions and retaining the bathroom window. The reasons they gave were that the window didn’t materially harm the appearance of the building and that it was necessary .

As this was against officer recommendation the decision was referred back to the November meeting.

Langcliffe – May

There were gasps when an enforcement officer showed the committee a photograph of the fully fitted modern kitchen inside “The Old Dairy” beside Cowside Barn at Langcliffe.

She said that when she visited the building in June 2017 she was told it was mainly being used as a kennel facility even though there were some kitchen units, a sink, a cooker, a bed and a sleeping bag alongside the designated area for dogs. She was told that the only time it was occupied was when additional care was needed for the dogs and new litters.

When she went there in November 2018, however, she found that the building had been converted into a three -bedroom dwelling house. Two of the bedrooms are en-suite and there is a bathroom and living area. All the windows and doors had been replaced with uPVC double glazed units. Outside there are hanging baskets, decking, a BBQ, washing line and garden furniture.

The enforcement officer showed photographs of how the interior of the cabin looked in 2017 – and then those taken in November 2018 which so surprised the committee members, especially the black and white kitchen with large extractor fan.

She reported that the owner intended to apply for a Lawful Development Certificate to prove the lawful use of “The Old Dairy” as a dwelling house from March 2013 to December 2018.

She stated: “Despite the owner’s assurances that the outbuilding has been occupied as a self-contained dwelling house since March 2013, no supporting evidence to prove the lawful use of the building has been forthcoming. The fact that there was a bed and basic kitchen facilities within the building does not demonstrate that the building has been occupied as a self-contained unit of accommodation .

“At the time of visiting in 2017, the building did not appear to be in use as habitable living accommodation. It appears that, prior to the works being carried out to convert the building in late 2017, it was used as an ancillary out building and as kennelling facilities in connection with Cowside Barn.”

The enforcement officer added that a smaller building had been constructed without planning permission next to “The Old Dairy”. She said that when she visited in April 2019 there were seven dogs and three litters (24 puppies) in that building.

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock commented: “So many people in the Yorkshire Dales never do anything without asking for planning [advice or] permission. To me it is only right that we respect that.”

For that reason, she said, the Authority should take enforcement action when something had been done without planning permission.

The committee agreed that the Authority’s solicitor should serve an Enforcement Notice to secure the cessation of the use of “The Old Dairy” as a dwelling house; the removal of internal fixtures and fittings including the kitchen units and appliances; and the removal of the decking and fence.

The original recommendation was for a three-month compliance period but the committee agreed this should be extended to six months to provide time for those living there to find alternative accommodation.

Langcliffe – August

Langcliffe Parish Council disagreed with the Authority’s planning department about how contemporary design can be introduced to traditional buildings.

It objected to the application to the plans for re-instating a cart entrance with timber and glass at The Barn in Low Fold, Langcliffe, because, it said, “glazing on the front elevation would introduce a negative modern feature to the traditional neighbouring building design, and would impose a visual impact on the historic village.”

The planning officer, however, quoted the Authority’s Design Guide which states: “alterations to dwellings present an excellent opportunity to introduce contemporary designs and materials even on traditional buildings.”

The applicant, Kevin van Green, said he and his wife had carefully studied the Design Guide, employed an architect with decades of experience of traditional stone properties,  and  liaised with the planning officer when working on a high quality design which reflected the setting of the village.  They plan to use it as their family home.

The planning officer noted that the proposed design would mean that previous unsympathetic alterations which had affected the barn’s original agricultural character and appearance would be removed including replacing a flat roof on a single storey extension at the rear with a more traditional catslide roof.

Mr van Green said that the proposed alterations would reduce the amount of glazing by 20 per cent. In addition, it had been agreed, following the parish council’s objection, to reduce the amount of glazing on the cart entrance.

He told the committee: “We believe that the barn presents an opportunity to show how contemporary design can fit comfortably into the surroundings. Our design will greatly improve the functionality of the interior spaces allowing light in. It is in keeping with the area given that  glazed cart entrances are not a new concept to the Yorkshire Dales National Park.”

With just one abstention  the members voted to approve the application. This included the demolition of the existing porch and chimney; installation of metal balustrade to balcony and four new rooflights and a flue to the roof; and the replacement of windows, doors, guttering and downpipes.

Long Preston – December

Permission was granted for the construction of 16 new affordable homes off Green Gate Lane in Long Preston even though the parish council had felt this would be over-intensive use of the site.

The planning officer explained that in 2014 and again June 2017 permission was given for 13 affordable homes to be built where there had been a large industrial building and a yard. The new application was for eight affordable homes for rent, and the others to be affordable through shared ownership with a Registered Provider retaining the freehold so that they can never be sold outright. She said that the total number of bedrooms had only increased by one.

Long Preston Parish Council stated it did not object to the affordable housing development but, besides what it viewed as over-intensive use of the site, was very concerned about the safety of children walking to and from school as the roads and lanes around the school were narrow with no paths or pavement.

Cllr Welch agreed with the parish council that the access into Green Gate Lane from Maypole Green was very narrow. Like other members he emphasised the need for affordable homes and said: “We have lost two schools [in this area] in the past few years. We would rather have extra houses than lose schools.”

The planning officer pointed out that there was a footpath from the development site to close to the school.

Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong pointed out that the plans included no bungalows for elderly people and asked if any lifts would be installed to help people access the second floor flats. “We are supposed to think about housing for life. And sometimes even young people need lifts,” she commented.

Mr Graham said that suggestion would be considered. And the planning officer added that the application included a mix of housing to allow for various needs. The housing varies from three-bedroom houses to  one-bedroom flats.

Mallerstang – August

The telecommunications mast at Hazel Gill Farm, Mallerstang can remain an Iron Grey colour.

When Eden District Council gave approval for the construction of the telecommunications base station in October 2016 one of the conditions was that all of it should be Olive Green in colour. EE UK Ltd, however, had erected a mast which is Iron Grey.

The members shown a photo of this and unanimously agreed that it blended into the landscape as well as an Olive Green one would. The planning officer noted that it would be even better if the white antennas were also painted grey.

Mallerstang Parish Meeting had agreed with the two objectors who were concerned that varying the conditions on the mast at Hazel Gill Farm would have an impact upon that further up the dale at Castlethwaite.

The planning officer stated that the landscape context of the Castlethwaite site was different and added: “Any proposal to vary the condition controlling the colour of that tower would have to be considered on its own merits.”

Maulds Maeburn – August

It was unanimously agreed that a causeway will not have to be constructed to the rear of a new house beside the River Lyvennet at  Maulds Maeburn.

This had been one of the conditions included when Eden District Council approved the plans in July 2016 for the construction of a house in the garden of 1 Stepping Stones. The objective was to provide  a safe escape route if there was serious flooding.

The site is within the Environment Agency’s flood zones two and three and the original application required the provision of a Flood Risk Assessment. It was for that assessment  that the causeway was included – but it would have been over the village green and Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council would not give permission for it.

Mike Archer told the committee that after he applied to have the condition removed there were 15 letters of objection. These included the request that the application for the house should be reconsidered now that Maulds Maeburn was within the Yorkshire Dales National Park; that no new houses should be built in flood areas; and that the proposed house would harm the character of the village and the Conservation Area and create parking and access difficulties.

Mr Archer said that many of the objections had been made as a result of an anonymous email being widely circulated. That email, he said, had shown an image which misrepresented the design of the house. He added that the house would fit in with traditional buildings in the village and would be built in accordance with the requirements of the Flood Risk Assessment.

The planning officer reported that Authority could only agree to lift a condition but not revoke the approval given by Eden District Council.

Maulds Meaburn – October

A large number of the issues raised by Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council about the application to build three terraced houses  on land adjacent to the village institute in Maulds Meaburn had been dealt with before the meeting said the chairman, Mrs Martin.

The planning officer reported that outline permission had been granted by Eden District Council in September 2016.  He said that in accordance with some of the points made by the parish council the present application stated that the window and door frames must  be made of timber and not white UPVC; porous surfacing material should be used on the access road and car parking area so that surface water will be retained on the site and not contribute to any flooding along the road; and the front gardens should be enclosed by a traditional dry stone wall.

The parish council had argued that six parking spaces was inadequate and that could lead to parking congestion by the village institute. The planning officer’s report stated that one more parking space has been added and that the houses should be built to a high quality design that reflected the  local character.

The planning office reported that some of the other issues raised by the parish council had already been dealt with by the District Council when outline planning permission was given.

The planning committee approved the application.

Ravenstonedale – December

Mr Graham assured members that the Flooding Authority would be asked again if sufficient measures would be undertaken to ensure that the construction of a local needs house in the garden of Coldbeck House in Ravenstonedale would not increase the possibility of flooding in that area of the village.

The majority voted in favour of permission being granted once that assurance was given. Both Ian McPherson and Cllr Welch emphasised that the main problem was the possibility of flooding and a resident, Diane Palmer, told the committee that on that issue the Authority had a duty of care.

This had formed part of the objection made by Ravenstonedale Parish Council which was presented by Scott Thornley. It had argued that the construction of the house would have a negative impact upon spacious layout of what was possibly the oldest part of the village and is a Conservation Area. It disagreed that this was an “infill site” and was concerned about the impact not only on neighbours but also the remaining section of the historic mill leat as well as how  removing several  trees would affect the red squirrels.

The planning officer maintained that this would be an infill site in accordance with Eden District Council’s planning policy. He said the applicant had modified an earlier application due to the issues raised by the parish council and residents. The proposed house was now smaller and there would be a flood attenuation tank below ground on the southern side of the site plus a permeable surface for the car parking area.

He said that the high retaining wall around the existing garden would severely limit views into the site and restrict any impact upon neighouring properties.  He added that the mill leat would be retained.

The applicant, Christopher Kelly, told the committee: “We have worked hard with the National Park officers and we believe that this new house in this location would have minimal impact.”

Reeth – October

Two committee members put forward a very common sense solution to how to protect the amenity of neighbours once a new garden has been developed behind the Burgoyne Hotel: create a deep cultivated bed along  the boundary wall.

Some residents of Hill Close had objected to the development of the garden because it would be so easy for hotel guests to look down on them over a wall which is only 1.3m high. The planning officer told the committee that the material consideration was the severity of the impact on the amenity of neighbours. He had, therefore, suggested imposing conditions to mitigate the impact.

One of these was that a screen wall or fence should be erected two metres from the boundary. The hotel owner, Ian Hewitt, explained that this and a condition excluding the public from the chef’s garden were overly onerous. He wanted the chef’s garden to be part of the hotel experience for their guests.

Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley was the first to suggest a flower bed and then Jim Munday said: “The simple thing is to have a cultivated bed along the wall of an appropriate depth to prevent anybody from looking over the wall.”

The committee agreed and also felt that there wasn’t a good reason to exclude the public from the chef’s vegetable garden. They were told by the planning officer that the vegetable plots would enable the hotel to grow its own food which would assist in the viability of the business.

Residents were also concerned about the possibility of large events being held in the garden accompanied by loud amplified music. Mr Hewitt told the committee  that the grass area of the new garden would not be suitable for  marquees  and added: “We don’t intend to have events there.”

The conditions, however,  included that there should be no formal functions or events  in the new garden; no tents, marquees or other temporary shelters;  no playing or broadcasting of amplified music or speech; and guests not being allowed to be in it after 10pm.

Once the amendments to the conditions had been agreed the majority of the members voted to approve the application for change of use of the land.

Permission was also granted for the demolition of a single storey detached outbuilding at the rear of the hotel. The planning officer explained This narrow brick building with rusty corrugated metal roof was built as a shower block during World War II when the hotel had been requisitioned by the Ministry of Defence. The space created by its demolition would be used for guest car parking Mr Hewitt said. As it is one of the few structures built for military purposes in the National Park during that war there must be a full archaeological recording of it before it is demolished.

Sedbergn, Gypsy and Travellers’ site – May

The 21-day site for Gypsies and Travellers at Scrogg Bank Field, Cautley Road, Sedbergh, has been a complete “godsend”  Sedbergh Parish councillor Ian McPherson told the committee.

Cllr McPherson, who has been a member of the Travelling and Settled Community Respect Group for ten years,  proposed that only a five-year temporary permission should be granted for the site and this was unanimously approved. The application was for permanent permission which Sedbergh Parish Council objected to because, it said, this would enshrine the use of the site by Gypsies and Travellers for the long-term.

The provision of the site covers the period when Gypsies and Travellers are going to and returning from the Appleby Fair. Cllr McPherson told the committee: “This field over the last five years has been a complete godsend.

“It means that instead of Travellers being here, there and everywhere and putting their horses to graze on the school playing fields and using ditches [as latrines] has largely ceased. Without this field it is felt that matters would return to the bad old days.”

The committee was told that when in use the site for no more than 100 caravans at one time will be supervised at least twice a day by South Lakeland District Council (SLDC)  officers and the Police. An enclosed skip and bin bags will be provided and the SLDC will clear away litter and waste afterwards. Portable toilets will be provided.

John Bucknall, a trustee of Pendragon Estates which owns the two farms adjoining the site, told the committee: “The Gypsies have their own codes of cleanliness. Some, in preference to using the sanitary facilities provided on site, use the hedgerows, adjacent fields and our farm entrance as latrines.”

He recounted how last year one of the tenant farmers found  teenagers had driven a ewe into a gill and appeared to be attempting to steal two lambs. Some horses had also been put to graze on a farmer’s field. “Grass is gold. These are our best meadows,” Mr Bucknall said.

“We live in a state of virtual siege in the house and on the farm while the Gypsies are encamped. We cannot leave house or farm unmanned at any time and we feel at constant risk of intimidation and trespass. Our tenants are in constant fear of stock being injured or stolen,” he added.

He understood the need to provide such a site and appreciated the achievements of the public meetings. He said he had been able to discuss their difficulties with Billy Welch, the Gypsy leader [Shera Rom] at one of those meetings.

“As the conditions of the fair constantly change, I support the five-year temporary permission,” he said.

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock commented that Sedbergh was fortunate to have such a site. She explained that Bainbridge village green was now a managed site for the Gypsies and Travellers over the period of the Appleby Fair when there was no charge to use the public toilets. Residents did often feel intimidated she said and found it difficult when generators were being run until midnight.

Eden District councillor Ian Mitchell did not take part in the discussion and did not vote as he is a member of the Appleby Fair Multi-Agency Coordinating Group. This year Appleby Fair begins on Thursday June 6 and ends on Wednesday June 12.

Sedbergh – May

Unanimous approval was given for the conversion of a barn in Joss Lane, Sedbergh,  into two dwellings for either holiday  lets or local occupancy even though a degree of rebuilding may be necessary.

A planning officer told the committee that some of the single storey walls and the upper part of a gable wall were unstable. “The majority of the walling and the most important features of the barn would be retained. The degree of rebuilding is therefore justified on heritage grounds,” he said.

But David Parratt, on behalf of his mother-in-law who lives in The Old House adjacent to the barn, stated: “We consider that the building appears unsafe and would require rebuilding.” He added that major intervention would probably be required.

Sedbergh Parish Council had initially objected to the application because, it stated, the barns exhibited apparent defects, including leaning walls, displaced masonry, open joints and cracked lintels.  After seeing amended plans it no longer had any objections.

Mr Parratt was also concerned about the impact upon the amenity of those living in The Old House especially if the new dwellings became holiday lets, and that a package sewage plant had not been included in the plans. The committee agreed that the latter should be included.

The agent for the applicant, Ian Swain, said that The Old House would not be overlooked by the new dwellings as the barn was at an angle to it.

Ian McPherson, who is a Sedbergh parish councillor, commented that he regularly walked past The Old House and the barn. “The barn has been crying out for renovation for a long time. In my view it would make an excellent holiday let or local occupancy dwelling.”

Sedbergh – June

Approval was given for the 18th century bank barn in  Howgill Lane at Sedbergh to be converted into a local occupancy two bedroom dwelling.

The planning officer told the committee: “The building in question is a characteristic Dale’s barn that is prominent in public views when travelling along Howgill Lane. However, the proposed conversion scheme has been sensitive to the character of the building and amounts to minimal external change to both the structure and its surroundings.”

Sedbergh Parish Council had stated that it considered the development would improve what was currently an eyesore on the outskirts of the residential centre of the town and at the same time retain a heritage asset in a sympathetic manner. It would provide valuable accommodation for a local family subject to the appropriate 106 restrictions.”

Sedbergh – August and September

The only time  members disagreed with an officer’s recommendation at the meeting concerned  the application for change of use of the two upper floors the premises at 6 Finkle Street, Sedbergh, to a two bedroom flat with a new external door to provide access to the ground floor of the flat, plus change of use of the remaining ground floor and the basement from retail and storage to A1 retail.

The majority of the members decided that turning the upper floors back to residential use did not constitute “new build” and so the owner should not have to sign a local occupancy legal agreement as requested by the planning officer.

Cllr Kirkbride said that, in this instance, the Authority’s Local Plan was wrong and several agreed with him that the economic well-being of Sedbergh had to be considered.

The planning officer, Mr Graham and the Authority’s legal officer, however, all argued that changing the use of part of the first floor from commercial to residential meant that the two-storey flat did now require a local occupancy restriction in accordance with Local Plan policy.

Planning permission was granted in September 2016 for part of the first floor to be used as a café and the rear courtyard to be an al fresco dining area.

Jacky Baines told the committee that she had created a café in part of the first floor with the hope that it would attract more business to her ground floor shop. But the business had still became unviable and the ground floor is now rented to someone running a flower and gift shop.

She said that as she had bought the building in 2014 as an open market property (shop and flat) she would now make a considerable loss if she signed a local occupancy S106 legal agreement for the flat.

The planning officer reported that the proposed re-instatement of a separate ground-floor entrance to the flat was acceptable but he had recommended refusal of the application because Ms Baines had declined to sign a local occupancy legal agreement.

Simon Arnold, chairman of Sedbergh Parish Council’s planning committee, told the committee: “[The flat’s] use as a café was a tiny snapshot in the building’s life. It involved no structural change and only occupied part of the first floor and added: “When we heard that an S106 was being insisted upon we felt this was being unnecessarily incorrectly applied. “

It would, he said, deter new business activity in the town and so increase the risk of ground floor commercial properties being left empty. “We as a parish are keen to preserve Finkle Street. It sits in the traditional centre of our town. Anything that provokes empty properties [works] against the viability of the other businesses and creates a damaging first impression for people visiting the town. We feel that Sedbergh needs a mixture of housing. Small properties like this provide a valuable foothold on the open market.”

Sedbergh Parish councillor Ian McPherson, who is a parish council member of the Authority, said he had asked for the late submission from Mrs Baines’s agent to be circulated. He told the committee he had not participated in any discussion about the application beforehand.

The agent, Barbara Hartley of Garsdale Design Ltd, stated that when they were first advised by telephone by the planning officer that a local occupancy legal agreement was required for the flat they had asked that the parish council should be informed. This request was refused and so Garsdale Design had done so.

She quoted the Local Plan policy which stated: “that new housing within settlement boundaries on sites of up to five dwellings will be restricted to local occupancy.” She said: “The flat at 6 Finkle Street is not new. The top two floors have been used as residential for the major part of the building’s life. We do not think that the intent of [the] policy was ever to re-designate the occupancy of existing dwellings when, for a relatively short period in their lives, they have been used for an expansion of a ground floor business.

She continued: “A negative planning decision on this application will have major implications for Sedbergh. It will set an undesirable precedent for the business community. There will be a reluctance to expand any business knowing that if that expansion fails and they wish to reinstate the residential use this will have huge financial repercussions for them. It has much wider implications for Sedbergh and its effort at attracting new business to the town.

“One of the main remits of the Authority is to support sustainable communities. We agree that housing type and occupancy is one of the remits. But in the service towns such as Sedbergh the economy and the viability of business has equal importance.”

This point was picked up by several members of the committee and led to Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley‘s proposal to approve the application without a legal agreement as there were, she said, material considerations. These were that the flat had been designated as residential not long ago and that a legal agreement would restrict local economic growth and create commercial disbenefits.

Neither the legal officer, Claire Bevan, nor Mr Graham were convinced. And the chairman, Julie Martin, commented: “We need to be clear on the reasons.”

Cllr McPherson stated: “I am normally a sticker for absolutely sticking to policy, but I am not certain that this is new housing as required by [policy]. There was certainly a new use but there has been a very rapid… request to revert back to the original use. I am not really convinced, and I don’t think others are convinced either, that this is the kind of new housing that was envisaged when this policy was made.”

He added that to apply the policy would create a situation that would seem quite ridiculous to third parties. It could be interpreted, he said, as being against local people who find themselves in a situation where they could suffer financial loss.

Cllr Kirkbride said: “We should be there helping communities. I am a great believer in local housing but the policy we have is totally wrong. We need to do something when the time comes [to preparing the new Local Plan] to alter this.”

North Yorks County councillor David Ireton also queried the policy as he, like several other members, felt this was clearly an example of a shop with accommodation above it.

Jim Munday, however, argued that anyone who bought the property and ran the shop on the ground floor would qualify for local occupancy. And Mr Graham commented that the policy was part of the Local Plan which was only adopted in 2016. “It is not the purpose of this committee to make up policy on the hoof. We are taking the first steps to create a new Local Plan but this is the policy at the moment.”

He added that the policy was part of the Local Plan which was only adopted in 2016. “It is not the purpose of this committee to make up policy on the hoof. We are taking the first steps to create a new Local Plan but this is the policy at the moment.”

To this Cllr Towneley said: “Officers recommend but it is this committee to decide and we can do that in any way shape or form that we wish.”

Ms Bevan countered this with: “But [members] still have to decide in accordance with what the law says, which is in accordance with the Local Plan unless they identify material considerations.”

Eight members voted to approve the application without a legal agreement. The four who voted against this included the chairman.

Mr Graham said that as this was against officer recommendation the decision would be referred back to the September meeting.

September –

The majority of the committee again voted in favour of allowing the two upper floors of 6 Finkle Street in Sedbergh to become a residential flat again without the imposition of a legal agreement that it must be for local occupancy. (Such agreements can include holiday lets.)

The head of development management, Richard Graham, reminded members that at the August meeting a planning officer had recommended refusing the application because the owner had refused to sign a legal agreement.

The majority of the members, however, agreed that turning the upper floors back to residential use did not constitute “new build” and so did not require any legal agreement. They were also concerned that the imposition of such a legal agreement would have a negative impact upon businesses in the centre of Sedbergh.

As that was contrary to the officer’s recommendation the issue was referred back to the September meeting.  Mr Graham said that the housing policy was aimed at delivering more affordable housing for local people. He did not accept the possible “material considerations” put forward last month but rather suggested others which could be used to support a decision that was not in accordance with policy.

He said: “Changing the use of the upper floors to residential in the circumstances in this case would not have a material effect upon the delivery of affordable housing for local people. The proposal would create a two-bedroom flat which, in this location, would be a relatively affordable form of accommodation and is less likely to become a second home or a holiday let than a house would be. But, of course, that cannot be guaranteed.

“There is a wider consideration here that [such a legal restriction] would hamper flexibility of businesses to use their premises and that may frustrate some of the economic objectives of the Local Plan.”

Jim Munday argued that imposing a legal restriction was in accordance with the Authority’s Local Plan especially as it wanted to attract more young people to the National Park.

But seven of the 13 members disagreed and confirmed the decision to approve the change of use of the two storeys without a local occupancy legal restriction.

Sedbergh – August

The conversion of a potting shed into holiday letting accommodation was described by the chairman, Mrs Martin, as a novel application.

Cllr McPherson pointed out that this would be invisible to the public but set within the beautiful gardens at Greenbank. He described the latter as an interesting house with extensive gardens which were open to the public several times a year.

The application for one-bedroom accommodation and including a small extension was unanimously approved by the committee.

Settle – June

The committee quickly approved the application by Andrew Morrell to convert a Grade II listed barn at Cleatop Park, Settle, partly to be used as a holiday let, and partly to create a private garage and artist’s studio.

Mr Morrell had originally wanted to add a glazed artist’s studio on the east elevation but this did not conform with the Authority’s policy which is based upon conserving traditional barns.

Smardale – April

Violent and anti-social incidents at a care home for vulnerable children in Smardale have created so much fear in that small community that the residents appealed  to the planning committee not to allow even more youngsters to reside there.  But their request has been refused.

Gloria Venning told the committee in March that the trained staff at Cloverdale, run by A Wilderness Way Holdings Ltd,  weren’t even able to control two children. She reported that the Police had been called when a staff member locked herself and another child in a safe room while a distressed teenager was left wandering around the area with a knife. She said there had been six incidents at Cloverdale so far including arson and anti-social and sexual behaviour.

“In less than two years this property has been transformed from a family home … to an offenders’ institution,” she said.

The planning committee accepted the request of Eden District councillor William Patterson to hold a site meeting mainly to see how difficult it was to reach Smardale. Cllr Patterson and residents pointed out that the nearest Police station was 30 miles away and the only route into Smardale was via a single-track road.

At the meeting on April 9  however, the planning committee by eight votes to six, gave approval for change of use from a dwelling house to a residential institution capable of housing six children.

At that meeting Cllr Patterson refuted a statement by a committee member that the residents of Smardale were prejudiced.

“If the people of Smardale were prejudiced they would have fought for it not to be there in the first place,” he said.

Rosemarie Lees on behalf of Waitby and Smardale Parish Meeting told the April meeting: “We agreed not to oppose the original application for four vulnerable children to be there – indeed we sought to welcome them.” She said the planning officer  had trivialised the residents’ major concern – the fear of crime.  “The fear is real – the incidents are serious,” she said and added.

“We have totally lost confidence in the management of Wilderness Way. The company does not communicate with residents.”

She and others pointed out that the nature reserve at Smardale was being publicised as a major tourist attraction by the YDNPA. But visitors would have to walk past Cloverdale to reach it.

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock was especially concerned that the application was for the change of use of Cloverdale from a dwelling to a residential institution.  She warned that members needed to be very careful as they didn’t know what sort of applications might be made in the future.

The agent for A  Wilderness Way Holdings Ltd told the committee that the objective was to make Cloverdale similar to a family home for the vulnerable children residing there.  She said that Ofsted, which inspects and regulates the services at Cloverdale, had asked that it should have the capacity to take up to six children in an emergency.

A Certificate of Lawfulness was issued in December 2017 confirming it could be used to provide care and accommodation for no more than four children under the age of 18 with the support of two carers on a 24-hours shift rota basis. To be able to accommodate six children with six adult carers Cloverdale needed to become a residential institution.

The agent added that the aim was to have a care home where the children could enjoy the wonders of the National Park.

The planning officer stated: “The proposed use would deliver a significant social benefit for the wider community in that it would provide care and respite for children/young people to recover from experiences that have rendered them vulnerable. Cloverdale is considered to be an appropriate location for such a use given its rural setting being ideal for therapeutic care and being remote from the home areas of children/young people where there may be significant risks to the success of their care.

“Concerns based on the fear of crime are not compelling given the lack of a reasonable, cogent evidential basis linking the use with criminal activity and given that the Police are satisfied with the applicant’s Statement of Purpose and admissions process.”

The chairman of the Authority, Craven District councillor Carl Lis, said that the Police and Ofsted were the experts – and Ofsted had asked for the residential capacity to be increased.

Committee member, Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong, stated: “This is an excellent location making a positive contribution to these children’s lives.”

And another member, Jim Munday, added: “This is about providing a safe home for vulnerable children. What is missing … is serious dialogue between the applicant and the local population. It’s important that the applicant and local population sit down and talk this through.”

Stainforth – March

Residents asked the committee to refuse an application for a hot tub in the garden of a holiday cottage beside Stainforth’s 18th century Grade II listed bridge because the noise made by those using it detracted from the enjoyment of the natural environment and tranquillity of the area.

Cllr Richard Welch supported them and stated: “This should be refused as it is beside a historic bridge and a footpath and so did affect the quality of life and the tranquillity of the village.”

But the majority of the other members accepted the planning officer’s argument that there would not be a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area, nor would the heritage significance of the bridge be affected. One of the conditions, however, is that it should only be in use between 9am and 9.30pm.

The application by the owner of Bridge End holiday cottage for the replacement of two existing sheds and the siting of an electric hot tub was, therefore, approved.

Frank Underwood, on behalf of Stainforth Parish Meeting, explained that the electric hot tub would replace one which was heated by a  wood burner.  On occasions those using that hot tub had created a lot of noise he said. He added that the National Park was also responsible for the social and well being of residents.

“How a hot tub is fostering the social and well being of the local community escapes me,” he commented.

A resident, Viv Mills, told the committee that 19 residents – almost one fifth of the community – had sent in letters of objection and added: “It is clear from the number of objections that it doesn’t fit in with the historic nature of the area.”

She said that Bridge End was unique in the village because it was the only holiday cottage causing problems and the daily time limit on the hot tub would not solve these as it could be in use all day.

The owner, Lianne Butler, said a higher fence would be installed to screen the garden. The hot tub was, she added, near the pub’s beer garden, brought in business for the pub, and attracted families to stay at Bridge End.

Starbotton – April

Despite a warning by a parish council that the conversion of a barn at Starbotton would lead to further inappropriate development in a conservation area created to protect a medieval “toft” system the planning committee approved the planning application by artist Victoria Russell.

Kettlewell with Starbotton Parish councillor Ian Macefield  told the committee  that Tom Lear Barn was an integral part of Starbotton’s medieval toft (croft) system.

“The toft system is the key charm, character and essence of the village,” he said.

The planning officer agreed that the barn had a very high heritage significance as there was evidence of it originally being of cruck construction and so likely to date from the late 16th century.

She said there  had been extensive negotiations over the design to produce a sensitive scheme which would also enable the owner  to use it as an artist studio as well as a two-bedroom local occupancy dwelling.

The parish council had objected to the original plans because they included a glazed gable which, it said, was out of character with the barn and other buildings in the conservation area.

This was not included in amended plans. Instead there will be patent glazing providing light to the first floor. The planning officer stated: “Although patent glazing can be a significant feature on a roof, on this building it will appear as a single strip of glazing running the length of the rear roof and will avoid the requirement for several roof-lights or new windows which would alter the simple character of the barn and impact on historic fabric.”

A committee member, Julie Martin, pointed out that the Authority’s senior listed building officer had commented extensively on the application but that had not been included in the planning officer’s report. She noted that this had happened with several reports to the committee that day.

The parish council had also objected to the proposed access. The planning officer explained that access via Back Lane or Long Lane had been considered but it was concluded these  green lanes of medieval origin were too narrow and unsuitable for modern vehicles. It was also unlikely, she said, that Ms Russell would obtain legal right of access down those lanes.

Instead the application included using a track across the toft but stopping a short distance from Tom Lear Barn. The medieval wall line is to be reintroduced in order to separate the majority of the field from the proposed parking and garden, she said.

“It is considered that the important landscape setting of the barn and the Conservation Area will therefore be retained, with some enhancement in the form of the reinstated medieval wall line compensating for the introduction of the track within the field,” she added.

The parish council, however, had stated: “The proposed track will have a serious visual impact, being visible from the footpaths above the village. In addition, the track and the soakaway  on a medieval toft will require earthworks on a potentially important archaeological site.”

Cllr Macefield said that Back Lane was at least 8ft wide and was already being used for access to Tom Lear Barn and the Quaker burial ground. He added that a vehicle with good ground clearance could be driven over the hump back bridge along that lane.

The parish council was also concerned about the installation of a cattle grid as this, it maintained,  would be an alien feature in a medieval village setting.  It added that a cattle grid was not especially good at controlling stock and would present a danger to children and small animals.

Swarth Moor – July

The farmers who have grazing rights on Swarth Moor near Helwith Bridge in Ribblesdale were not  consulted before Natural England applied to the Authority for permission for a restoration project which which will include the creation of water-filled ditches.

The planning committee heard that Natural England’s project would involve the  construction of peat bunds for rewetting raised mire and the excavation of three mitigation ponds for great crested newts, as well as a viewing platform and a boardwalk.

Stainforth and Horton-in-Ribblesdale  Parish Councils had objected to the application because: the grazier’s hadn’t been consulted; the ponds could be extremely hazardous to the livestock being grazed on the common land and  the impact of an increase in the number of visitors on the wildlife on the moor especially the roe deer. These concerns were also raised by Austwick Parish Council.

Colin Newland of Natural England told the planning meeting that since submitting the application the agency had met with Swarth Moor commons rights holders. He said he had been told that they were concerned about the long term management of the moor and the impact on graziers’ livelihoods.  “One of the outcomes of that is that we will take forward a Countryside Stewardship Scheme for the common,” he said.

Committee member Allen Kirkbride, who is chairman of Askrigg Parish Council, commented: “It seems that the farming community who graze this area have been just an after thought for Natural England who should know better.”

He agreed with North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine that a few decades ago landowners were given tens of thousands of pounds to grip and drain the peat moors. “Now they are being given tens and thousands to fill it in,” he said.

Another parish council appointee, Chris Clark, spoke from his own personal experience: “We’ve blocked 125 hectares and the results of that have been an increase in biodiversity, improved irrigation, and carbon sequestration. On top of that we have had absolutely no problems with the stock getting stuck or drowned.”

The committee was informed that, as common land was involved, Natural England would have to obtain the consent for its plans from the Secretary of State. It was, therefore, expected that the graziers would make representations to the Secretary of State.

A planning officer told the meeting that the project was aimed at halting and reversing the long-term decline of a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)  by enhancing the lowland raised bog. “This is a national priority habitat which is very rare in the National Park and uncommon elsewhere,”  he said. The project also aimed at protecting the home of a population of great crested newts. He added that roe deer were not legally protected. He maintained that the project would have a positive impact on the condition of the SSSI.

The majority of the committee voted to approve the application.

Thornton Rust – February

A Wensleydale farmer was refused permission to construct a new agricultural building even though the committee was told by a parish council chairman that there was no chance of finding a site nearby that didn’t flood.

The planning officer stated that as the farmer,Nigel Thornborrow, did not want to reduce the size of the proposed building at Throstle Nest Farm on the A684 near Worton, he should locate it further away from the road.

Cllr John Dinsdale, chairman of Aysgarth and District Parish Council, Mr Thornborrow,  Cllr Peacock, and Cllr  Blackie, all tried to explain to the committee that the farmhouse and buildings were on a hill surrounded by fields that flood regularly, as does the road. Mr Thornborrow had applied to demolish two old farm buildings and replace them with one large one. This, Mr Thornborrow said, would house his farm machinery and also his livestock when a barn nearby flooded.

When shown a diagram of  how much larger the building would be compared with those to be demolished many members agreed that it would be too close to the road and have a harmful impact upon the landscape.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welsh commented: “I think it would stick out like a sore thumb”.

The parish council,  however, had told the committee: “The current agricultural buildings [are] in an unattractive derelict and potentially dangerous state and need replacing urgently. The proposed replacement building is in line with the existing building and should cause no concern.

“The Council consider the proposed development to be a planning gain as it will improve the landscape visually and will assist with the development of a local family business.”

Threshfield – August

An application to sub-divide Sunnybank at Threshfield into two dwellings was unanimously approved.

Threshfield Parish Council had informed the committee that it did not support the application because, when approval was given for the single-storey extension in 2009, it was meant to be maintained as a single dwelling with single ownership. It was also concerned about the access from the B6265.

The application was for creating a home for the disabled applicant in that extension. He has agreed to sign a  local occupancy legal agreement.

The planning officer stated: “The proposed development will increase the housing stock in Threshfield and provides a single store residential unit which is ideal of a disabled resident.”

When Craven District councillor Richard Foster proposed approval he pointed out that there were very few bungalows in the National Park.

Threshfield – October

Permission was granted for a shed to be replaced in a garden at Park Grange Cottage.

Threshfield Parish Council had objected to the application because, it said, the new shed would be bigger than the existing one and so too big for the area. It would also be higher than the existing shed.

The planning officer told the meeting that the footprint of the new shed was smaller than the existing one and the ridge height would be 20cm higher. He stated that the new one would fit in the same space which was bounded by three walls. “The proposed development will result in an improvement to the appearance of the site,” he said.

New ‘village’ in Bishopdale

Above: Aysgarth Lodges Holidays site is in the foreground.

Aysgarth Lodges Holidays site between Aysgarth and West Burton looks more like a village than a campsite, Cllr Rowland Dent told Burton cum Walden Parish Council on Tuesday February 4. The parish council was also concerned about the impact upon the Yorkshire Dales National Park’s Dark Skies initiative. It’s Dark Skies Festival to celebrate the stunning dark skies of the National Park, so free from light pollution, begins on February 14.

The administrative officer of the Association of Rural Communities, Pip Pointon, told Burton cum Walden Parish Council that the Association had asked the YDNPA’s head of development management, Richard Graham, last week about the situation at the site particularly regarding light pollution.

The Association, she said,  had stated that there was a large amount of glazing to be seen on the other side of Bishopdale and a lot of light was also visible from the A684 when approaching Aysgarth.

She told the parish council that Mr Graham had replied that an officer would check on the situation.

Cllr Dent commented on Tuesday: “It has come to my attention quite recently, since the trees were gone, that on a night it looks more like a village than a campsite. I just wondered how much of it had planning permission and if it was permitted development.”

The councillors noted that all the lodges on the site were changed last year. The chairman, Cllr Jane Ritchie, added that the parish council had not been informed of any planning applications concerning the site since 2007. She said that the parish council had seen nothing to object to when it saw the original plans. Approval for the subsequent changes to the plans had then been made by a planning officer under delegated powers without consulting the parish council again.

The clerk was asked to write to Mr Graham asking that the parish council receive copies of any further replies to the Association of Rural Communities.

Cllr Ritchie said: “The other thing we need to mention is that the National Park is particularly trying to support the Dark Skies  and if they are serious about that, and there are people in this village who are keen on that, then that should be part of their inspection [of the lodge site].”

For a bit more about the history of this site click here.


Adam Hurn–an obituary


Above: Adam Hurn (right) with Adam Henson

Over 300 people attended the gathering at Askrigg on November 26 to celebrate the life of Adam Hurn where he was remembered for being a wonderful, caring vet with a tremendous appetite for adventure.

The celebration was held at Bainbridge Vets and one participant commented afterwards: “Adam’s enthusiasm for life and living came across so powerfully. Peoples’ warmth and affection for him, their respect and admiration shone through.”

Local farmer, William Lambert and his family commented: “Adam was a wonderful vet and friend to the whole farming community and we will miss him dreadfully.”

Nobby Dimon scripted the story of Adam’s early life for the celebration and this was enacted by Dan and Amy Cockett.

Adam was born in London in November 1951. His family moved to Manchester when his father, a TV film director, was involved in the early days of Coronation Street, and Adam was s sent to a preparatory school on the South coast. It was there, during his lonely walks, that he became interested in animals. He then attended Westminster School and should have gone on to Cambridge University but was unable to do so due to illness. So instead he hitched lifts to Greece and after a year there gained a place at Liverpool University to study veterinary science.

It was in the university’s sports centre that he met Vanda and they were married in September 1975. Following graduation he first worked with a practice in Liverpool which led to him not only being the vet to Police dogs but also to Knowsley Safari Park. At the latter his jobs included castrating a cross-eyed tiger and lancing very large boils on elephants.

From Liverpool he moved to a mixed practice in Saffron Walden and then a friend from his Westminster School days challenged him to volunteer to work with UNAIS (International Service with the UN).

He and Vanda at first declined because they had two young children. But then, in October 1981, they became possibly the first family to volunteer, he as a vet and Vanda as a teacher. They travelled to a very remote part of Bolivia with their five-year-old and one-year-old daughters, Alice and Daisy, to work with the Guarani Indians. Their new home had no running water nor electricity.

One of Adam’s key projects was to show how, with good management, pigs could be bred to make maximum use of soya and maize and so provide an income and food for families. He also developed a simple water filtration scheme to improve the quality and health of villagers. While in Bolivia they adopted their son Marcos.

When they returned to England four years later Adam was looking for another challenge. He had worked as a student in Bainbridge and was happy to accept David Metcalfe’s invitation to join the practice in Wensleydale.

He served the community as a vet for nearly 30 years and one of his client’s commented: “He was a most rare human-being: wise, thoughtful, considerate, compassionate…the list goes on, including the-best-vet-ever!”

Vanda recounted that the most challenging and heart breaking time for them was during the foot and mouth outbreak in 2001. With David in quarantine she said Adam worked frenetically to try and save the animals of all the farms. “He was constantly phoning the Ministry in Leeds to challenge decisions,” she added.

Following that he was interviewed by Adam Henson for the BBC’s Countryfile programme about the broad range of vet work in the Dales.

Retirement gave Adam and Vanda the opportunity to travel overland through South America from Mexico to Buenos Aires, during which they spent over a month back among the Guarani Indians – who now had running water, electricity and even broadband.

At the funeral at Skipton Crematorium Vanda said: “Life’s an adventure. It certainly was with Adam and I’ve loved every minute of the adventure – from our early days in Liverpool… to Bolivia, India, Spain and our wonderful Wensleydale.”

At the celebration at Askrigg Adam’s huge sense of adventure was also remembered. His love of windsurfing was described by David West-Watson. “We have travelled to some very windy locations for some ‘intense water therapy’. Adam suffered the same bug as me – he loved it when it was extreme – the slight fear and enormous exhilaration,” he said.

Adam went on windsurfing courses in Brazil, Spain and Ireland, as well as at Tiree with Peter Hart, described by David West-Watson as a teaching guru for windsurfers. Hart sent the following email:“Adam was the inspiration for the saying ‘age is just a number’. After four days of gales when others were flagging, Adam would be out there bouncing around like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh … “

Adam’s insatiable spirit of adventure was also well known in Wensleydale. Will Daykin described the adventures the Wensleydale Mountain Biking group had had thanks to Adam finding “short cuts” by looking at Google maps. “We have an annual Christmas ride down from Tan Hill. Adam’s ‘extra bit we could do’ actually involved a section of rock climbing,’” Will said.

The others who participated in the celebration included: Adam’s daughter, Alice Hurn; Helen Appleton ; Andrew Fagg; Peter Nettleton; Richard Fawcett; and Dan and Amy Cockett.

Vanda especially thanked the staff at the neurosurgery unit at the James Cook University Hospital and neurosurgeon Mr Varma. She spoke of how Adam established a mutually respectful relationship with Mr Varma, the neurosurgeon, and they discussed all the details of his treatment including when to stop it.

He died at home in Bainbridge on October 10. “Adam felt he had the best possible treatment,” Vanda said.

Donations are being shared between two Askrigg charities: Low Mill Outdoor Centre of which Adam had been the chair, and Yorebridge Sports and Leisure Centre of which Vanda is the chair. Donations can still be made via or Yorebridge Centre, Askrigg, DL8 3BJ tel. 01969 650060.

Pen-y-ghent cafe


It was sad to hear  that Pen-y-ghent cafe in Horton in Ribblesdale has been closed this year (see  John Lester’s comment).  Peter and Joyce Bayes not only ran the cafe for many years before  handing over to their children but also founded the Three Peaks of Yorkshire Club.  I first posted the following article in 2009:

Left: Peter Bayes (centre) watches as Iain Main enjoys one of the cafe’s trademark pint mugs of tea, while a walker clocks in after completing the Three Peaks challenge. About his walk along the Three Peaks route  in the  summer of 2009  Iain commented: “I have been coming for many years. I come to be quiet, for solitude and to commune with nature. But at stiles and gates it was like queuing to get into the Marks and Spencers January sales. Sometimes there were 50 people waiting to get through. I don’t begrudge the charities but over a thousand people in a space of 12 to 14 hours is going to take a toll on the undeveloped parts of the path. It’s a great service to the charities but there needs to be a debate with the National Park  Authority about the wear and tear on the landscape and the amount of litter.”

On Saturdays throughout the summer Horton in Ribblesdale is overflowing with walkers taking part in the Three Peaks challenge to raise funds for charities. It has been Heart Research UK’s biggest annual fund raising event for 15 years and, like many other charities, it provides its own support and safety systems.

But for many undertaking the Three Peaks challenge there is still nothing like clocking out and in at the world-famous Pen-y-ghent cafe and enjoying its trademark pint mugs of tea and home-made cakes. Since 1965, when Peter and Joyce Bayes moved to the village, they and their children have turned the cafe into an institution among the walking fraternity. And many are proud to wear the shirts or badges that go with completing the trek over Ingleborough, Whernside and Pen-y-ghent within 12 hours. This entitled them to join the Three Peaks of Yorkshire club instituted and run by the Bayes.

The ping of them clocking back in is a constant background noise throughout summer afternoons except when the cafe is closed on Tuesdays. The family bought an old clocking-in clock from a Lancashire mill many years ago to keep up with the number of walkers who wanted to use their free safety service. For after a long day the Bayes don’t close at 5.30pm and put their feet up. Instead they remain on duty waiting for the last tired walkers to sign back in.

The Bayes family are concerned about the impact of big charity events upon residents, landowners, other walkers and local businesses. In a letter to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority in 2008 the Bayes stated: “Our business adheres to a guiding set of principles and ethics which are informed by a sense of responsibility for the impact that our customers have on both the immediate locality and the wider landscape.” They have helped large groups to find alternative routes by collaborating with the department of physical education at Leeds University.

Footnote: Joyce died in 2012 and Peter died on January 28 2022.

YDNPA and farming in the Dales

Farmers could be facing a huge adverse economic shock, members of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority were told on Tuesday September 24.

The risk is so great that they agreed unanimously that the Authority’s working group on the Future of Farming and Land Management in the Yorkshire Dales National Park should continue.

Ian McPherson, the Authority’s member champion for the Natural Environment who has chaired the working group since its inception in June 2017, told the meeting: “We began to realise that the future of farming was probably the single most important issue facing the Authority at this time.”

He pointed out that the Authority’s head of conservation and community, Gary Smith, had warned that farmers were  entering an even deeper state of turmoil during this period of political uncertainty. “The situation is changing from day to day,” commented Mr McPherson. He said the working group, which includes farmers, should have the widest possible remit so that it could keep abreast of changing circumstances

Mr Smith had asked how the Authority wanted to influence the design of the new Environmental Land Management scheme. “We really want to build on the fine work that is going on in Wensleydale,” he told members.

Recently retired farmer, Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden, reminded the members that it was the farmers in the National Park who managed the land not the Authority. “Its hard work and a lot of them are tenant farmers. They are working seven days a week, long hours and are often lonely as in a lot of cases the farms are one-man bands.”

He therefore suggested that Dales farmers should be paid £25,000 to £30,000 a year to manage the countryside.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine commented that one in six of all jobs in the Yorkshire Dales were connected with farming.  He added: “That’s a lot of families who rely on farming.”

Dales farmer and the Authority’s member champion for sustainable development, Chris Clark told the meeting: “The adverse economic shock is a huge reality for this Authority.” He warned that the economic viability of farms must be kept in mind when considering policies that have nature and climate change at their heart and added: “There’s no point in having  ‘pay by results’ unless this includes the viability of the farms.”

The members had already  voted unanimously to declare a ‘”Climate Emergency”.

Mr Smith reported that the Authority had reduced its own greenhouse gas emissions by 62 per cent and had directly funded projects in the National Park that were removing around 500,000kg of carbon dioxide emissions each year through planting trees and peat restoration. He said the Authority  has effectively been ‘net zero carbon’ since 2013.

“By next year it is likely that we will be sequestering twice the amount of greenhouse gas emissions than we will be emitting,” he said.

Julie Martin commented: “I think this is an absolutely fantastic and really important opportunity for us to lead what is a very, very crucial area for all of us, but perhaps particularly for our young people. I know from my own children how important it is. And we are in a key position to inform and motivate others.”

Cumbria County councillor Nick Cotton said: “I think we should be really proud of what we have done. Let’s see how we can concentrate our efforts on those two things – peat restoration and tree planting, which have already proved to be so successful.”

The importance of planting trees was also emphasised by the Authority’s head of Ranger services Alan Hulme during his report on the impact of the flash floods which hit Langthwaite and Lower Swaledale on July 30. This event was a warning that flooding could occur at any time of the year and not just in winter, he said.

He showed slides of the devastation caused by the rocks and debris which had been swept down the valleys by the flood water. “The debris on the fields is mostly contaminated as there is lead in the area,” he said. This, he added, would take years to rectify.

About three and a half kilometres of rights of way had been either washed away or covered by landslides and debris, he reported. In addition, 16 bridges had been lost 11 of which were on rights of way as well as several footbridges. He  emphasised that the tourist trade in the area depended a great deal on rights of way being open.

He told members: “The bridges are our big loss. It will probably take about two years [to repair them]. The cost to us, we think, will be about £600,000 to restore rights of way. We are making some headway already by utilising some of the local community’s equipment, contractors and volunteers.”

He and several members praised the community’s response and resilience and the way groups of volunteers had come from other areas to help. They were grateful for the funding being made available and for the way Richmondshire District Council had responded.

Richmondshire District councillor Stuart Parsons hoped that money would continue to be available for several years through some form of long-term sustainability fund.  “It will take years to repair the damage,” he said.


For over 20 years the Association of Rural Communities has urged the YDNPA to recognise the importance of farmers in managing the beautiful landscape of the Dales. This has again been emphasised by the association’s present chairman, Alastair Dinsdale, who farms at Carperby. See: YDNPA and the importance of farmers.

YDNPA and John Blackie

An ARC News Service report about the beginning of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA) meeting on September 24 2019. There were tributes to John Blackie by the chairman of the Authority and by the Association of Rural Communities (ARC) ; a call by Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council for the Authority to be called to account over disparaging remarks about John Blackie; and a question from the Association of Rural Communities about a possible conflict of interest.

Carl Lis’s tribute as chairman of the Authority to John Blackie

He said he and John Blackie were members of the Shadow Authority which was set up on April 1st 1996, the year before the new Authority was created. Prior to that, he explained,  it was a committee of North Yorkshire County Council. He continued:

“Over the years John was always a massive advocate for his local community and the evidence of his personal achievements are there for everyone to see. That was evident at our conference last week when one of the tours centred on Hawes and highlighted some of the community issues that John’s input had been so [effective]. Everyone here I am sure will remember the tenacity John exhibited in supporting many, many local issues. The threatened closure of the Friarage Hospital was one of the notable ones but there were many others.

“I am sure all of us here today would have received emails on a whole range of issues over the years, many of them extremely detailed but always passionate. Some of them sent in the very early hours of the morning. That was John. I’m convinced that there will never be anyone quite like him. It would be wrong for me to suggest we always agreed but entirely appropriate for us to respect his memory and his achievements. With that in mind could I ask that we all stand to observe a minute’s silence in memory of John Blackie.”


There were two speakers during the Public Question Time

Jill McMullon, chair of Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council:

She said that the comments that had been made about John Blackie at the July meeting of the Authority’s planning committee when he was absent had been described as  ‘nothing short of disgraceful.’ She added that at the meeting in July it was suggested that Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council should hold Cllr Blackie to account. She continued with the following as agreed at the parish council meeting on August 12:

‘The Parish Council would like to make the following statement “disparaging comments made about Cllr Blackie are rejected as inappropriate and entirely untrue. The Parish Council and several members of the public in attendance wish it known that any comments made by Cllr Blackie in regard to the planning applications in question, are wholly supported.  Furthermore, the Parish Council feels that it is the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority that should be held to account on this matter”.’

Pip Pointon on behalf of the Association of Rural  Communities (ARC):

In August the Association of Rural Communities requested the advice of the Authority’s Monitoring Officer on the possibility of there being a conflict of interest arising from the chairman of the planning committee being a trustee of the Friends of the Dales. The Friends of the Dales states that it is a campaigning group and has often lobbied the Authority especially concerning barn conversion applications.

The Association was told that it would receive a written response from the Monitoring Officer – but as yet it has not received one.

The Association was also very concerned at how three Authority members made non-agenda statements at the beginning of the July planning committee meeting in which they criticised John Blackie. Allen Kirkbride reminded the committee that Mr Blackie was not there to defend himself.

When the Association queried this later Cllr Carl Lis stated : “At this difficult time for the Authority with Mr Blackie’s demise, I would suggest that if ARC wants to have a serious discussion about how we – and the local district councils – might tackle the difficult and complex challenges around the availability and affordability of housing, then I would genuinely welcome that.”

So why not honour Mr Blackie by remembering how he fought consistently for over 20 years for affordable housing for local people?

He had often begged the planning committee to be flexible enough to find a way to allow young families to create homes out of redundant barns. Because Mr Blackie did that again at the June planning meeting one member in July asked Hawes and High Abbotside parish council to call him to account.

This Association knows of no parish council in the Upper Dales which would call Mr Blackie to account for the way he tirelessly championed the cause of individuals and local communities – even from his hospital bed. If ever someone should have been honoured nationally for championing local communities it was Mr Blackie.

The chairman of the Friends of the Dales has called for a review of the Authority’s barn conversion policy because it was concerned about ‘aspects of the working of the policy which permits the conversion for residential purposes of barns regarded as being “roadside”’.

The Association of Rural Communities has been told that the Authority will instead begin the process of updating its Local Plan. When doing so, this Association hopes that the Authority will keep in mind the number of times parish councils have asked that local occupancy should be the priority when barn conversions applications are considered – especially as in the past few years the majority of barn conversions have been for business use, mainly for holiday lets.

Cllr Carl Lis’s  Response

Thank you both for your statements

In relation to your comments about Mr Blackie, as I referred to earlier, I worked with John from Day 1 of this Authority in 1996. We both came to understand and accept that there would be some fairly robust discussions at times. It was his nature. He could take as good as he gave, and I think we would best honour his legacy now by looking forward.

Before we can do that, though, I have to deal with ARC’s allegations about Mrs Martin.

All Members of the Authority are aware of the rules regarding declaring interests at meetings when relevant to an item of business and participating when the item of business is debated and voted upon. Mrs Martin’s involvement with the Friends of the Dales is a matter of long-standing public record. Like all other Authority Members, she has completed a register of interests, which can be viewed by the public on the Authority’s website.

Many District Councillors, County Councillors and Members of National Park Authorities are also members of other organisations that campaign on particular issues or express views on individual planning applications. Your statement appears to suggest that none of these Councillors should be able to sit on the Planning Committee. That just can’t be right. I’d suggest that the issue here is simply that you don’t like the Friends of the Dales.

Looking to the future, I wrote to you some months ago offering to meet representatives of ARC to see if we could find a more helpful and constructive way of working. I haven’t given up on that possibility, so I shall write to you again after this meeting to make the same offer. In doing so, can I ask you please to provide some basic information about ARC. For example, do you have any objectives, a constitution, or elected officials? How many members are there and, if those members are public bodies such as parish councils, can you say who they are?

I’m sure you’ll agree that it is important that our Members and the public can understand what ARC is, and what its members’ interests are.

Press release by ARC immediately afterwards:

ARC didn’t make allegations against Julie Martin. It questioned the Authority on an issue of conflict of interest.

One of ARC’s founder members was the late Stephen Butcher. When he became a Craven  District Councillor and represented that council on the YDNPA he stood down as a member of ARC so that there would be no question or possibility of a conflict of interest.

We have chosen to be independent – to provide a local democracy service and to monitor the YDNPA – something which many in the National Park appreciate and support.

For more about ARC see Association of Rural Communities and that information has been available on this website for years.

Also see: John Blackie, the Rural Summit and that complaint.

Hard Banks Barn Ice Cream Parlour


Left to right: Andy Singleton and Gillian and Adrian Harrison outside Hard Banks Barn

A beautifully restored barn in lovely countryside with an ice cream parlour hidden inside has proved to be a magnate for locals and visitors alike in Wensleydale since Saturday September 21.

On the approach along the A684 from Aysgarth Hard Banks Barn looks like a well-renovated traditional building that fits so well into the undulating countryside around it.

“You cannot tell from the outside what is within – which sort of makes it a nice surprise,” said Gillian Harrison who manages the ice cream parlour in a joint venture with her husband, Adrian. And it is a wonderful surprise to walk inside and find a light and airy ice cream parlour where the atmosphere is enhanced by the late 18th century beams.

The designer, Andy Singleton, commented that it was not where such a traditional barn was situated but rather the way It was restored. He had assured the National Park planning officers that the barn conversion wouldn’t have a detrimental impact upon the landscape and was delighted with the result.

Part of the airy atmosphere inside is due to his creative use of the original ventilation apertures. He had had the splayed reveals inside widened and small glass “windows” inserted without changing the outside appearance of the barn.

“I think those appealed to everybody. It’s a bit higgledy piggledy but that adds to the character,” Gillian commented.

Their Wensleydale Ice Cream comes from their own Jersey cows and is manufactured at their farm at Thornton Rust. There are now three generations of Harrisons at the farm: grandparents Maurice and Anne; Gillian and Adrian and their two children.

Gillian and Adrian explained that they hope the ice cream parlour will enable the family to support themselves without turning to intensive farming methods. “You’ve got to have additional revenue. There are so many variables in farming and it’s a big risk [business] with small margins,” Gillian said.

Hard Banks Barn, they believe, will show just how much everything in the Dales is intertwined in what is very much a man-made landscape. Even the colour of the grass depended, they pointed out, on the fertiliser used and the animals which graze on it.

They plan to have cows grazing near the barn and to display pictures to show how the milk is processed into ice cream. And their customers agreed that the ice cream is superb.

There are tables and chairs downstairs and more in the ‘Minstrels Gallery’ above. Alongside the ice cream there are also coffee, cakes and waffles. Adrian and Gillian are employing five local part-time staff to help Gillian with another making the ice cream. And they are very grateful for the support of Maurice and Anne Harrison.

The parlour is attracting a wide age range of people and Gillian was delighted to see children larking about outside and rolling down the grassy bank.

One Monday they hosted children from the BAWB federation of schools who were taken there by their parents as an after-school treat. “The parents said it was so nice because there aren’t many places they can take the children for a treat,” said Gillian.

She and Adrian were also very happy to see people going to the parlour for their sweet course after their Sunday dinner. “I always wanted it to be like a ‘pudding’ barn,’ she commented.

They believe the ice cream parlour fills a niche market in Wensleydale and helps to attract tourists. And they and their staff can – and do – tell tourists about other local attractions. They are looking forward to continuing to work with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority to make the ice cream parlour a success, especially its tourist department and the Dairy Days project.

The Harrisons are very grateful to all those who helped to make their dream come true and for a grant from The Yorkshire Dales LEADER programme. They plan to hold an official opening in a few months’ time in memory of John Blackie for all the work he put into the project.

During the winter the ice cream parlour is open from 10am to 5pm Thursday to Sunday each week.

In November 2014 I posted a report on the obstacle race the Harrisons were facing as part of my coverage of the Rural Summit in Leyburn that was organised by John Blackie. 

Below: Hard Banks Barn. The brown patches will disappear once the grass has grown. 

YDNPA Planning Committee, John Blackie and “cherry picking”decisions

July 9 – July 16: What a week! On Tuesday July 9 I attended the YDNPA planning committee meeting – which began with statements which were not listed on the agenda (see below). Finally Askrigg parish councillor Allen Kirkbride reminded the committee that John Blackie was not there to defend himself. John had been admitted to The Friarage Hospital in Northallerton the day before.

That week I didn’t write any reports after that meeting because there was a lot to do in preparation for my husband’s Memorial Meeting on the Saturday.

And it was on that Saturday morning I heard the sad news that John Blackie had died.  John could be acerbic – but he was a formidable and relentless champion for all those living and working in the Dales. The last time I spoke to him – about 10 days before he died – he recounted with considerable joy that he had helped someone get transport to hospital.

It was so typical of him that he would put aside his own health problems to help others. But sadly it was also typical that he was criticised for his determined championing of local people, especially young families, at a National Park meeting. I’m glad I could support him when, in 2014, there was an unsuccessful complaint against him. That complaint was supported by Cllr Carl Lis, who is now chairman of the YDNPA.

I do know that dozens of people supported attempts to have him honoured for his work. Maybe the file is stuck somewhere on a dusty shelf…


“John Blackie isn’t here to defend himself.. and he has been attacked by several members,”  Allen Kirkbride firmly interjected at the beginning of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s  ( YDNPA ) planning committee meeting on Tuesday July 9.

When the planning meeting started Gary Smith, YDNPA director of conservation and community, was in the chair as the first items on the agenda were membership of the committee and then the election of the chairman. But before he could get  on with that  Craven District councillor Carl Lis, who is the chairman of the Authority, asked for a statement to be read out as Cllr Blackie and others had raised questions about who had been allowed to attend and vote at the meeting in June.

Mr Smith read the following: “In June Mrs Pattison was perfectly entitled to be at that meeting. National legislation related to the membership of National Park Authorities under the Environment Act makes it clear that where a member is appointed by one of the local authorities to serve on the National Park Authority they remain a member up to the point where that Authority appoints somebody else to replace them. If that goes on for more than three months then the authority ceases at that point.”

Cllr Lis than said how disappointed he was that Mrs Pattison was not at the July meeting because she was so upset at the way her attendance in June had been questioned. He said that Cllr Blackie had phoned her.

Member Jim Munday then read a long statement he had sent to the press the day before much of which had been published by Richmondshire Today along with the suggestion by Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council that it should hold a vote of no confidence in the National Park. Mr Munday stated:“I hope that the people attending the Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council meeting next week will hold their chairman John Blackie to account.”

At the meeting he ended with: “And finally I do hope that Mr Blackie will not be tempted to bully the staff. The staff  here are doing a job with a policy that he and the rest of us devised and agreed.”

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine said he agreed with everything Mr Munday had said.

Mr Smith tried to carry on with the agenda  (none of what had been said by Cllrs Les and Heseltine and Mr Munday having been listed on the  agenda).  But not before Cllr Kirkbride  pointed out that Cllr Blackie was not there to defend himself. (Cllr Blackie had been admitted to the Friarage Hospital, Northallerton,  on Monday July 8 and died there on Sunday July 13.)

Once Julie Martin was elected as chairman, and Neil Swain as deputy chairman (both being  Secretary of State appointees), and the minutes of the last meeting were approved, Mrs Martin said there would be a five minute adjournment while she was briefed on the next item on the agenda. And that was this statement by the Association of Rural Communities:

“This Authority states that its code of practice ‘is to ensure that in the planning process there are no grounds for suggesting that a decision has been biased, partial or not well founded in any way.’

“Last month it was emphasised once again that the members of the planning committee should make decisions according to policy. But do you?

“At the meeting in February a planning officer made it very clear that a decision to approve the conversion of Dodds Hall Barn near Gayle would not be in accordance with policy. The committee accepted his recommendation to approve the conversion of the barn to provide visitor accommodation and a manager’s dwelling for a ‘horse assisted healing business’.

“This included a stable block and a large two-storey extension with a balcony. How does that compare with the tight restrictions which have been placed on other barn conversions or the reasons that have been given to refused an application?

“How then can you say to a local young couple seeking to convert a barn into a family home that you consistently adhere to policy? It looks instead as if you are cherry picking.

“For many years it was accepted by the planning committee that decisions should be deferred until newly elected district and county councillors could be there to represent their constituents. At the June meeting a request to defer a decision until the new Richmondshire District Council members were in attendance was refused. And yet Margaret Pattison was allowed to attend and vote even though she is no longer a Lancaster City Councillor.

“This is not a personal comment regarding Mrs Pattison. Nor is this about just the rules…

“How can this be seen by the public to be acting with integrity and fairness?”

Mrs Martin stated: “We don’t normally respond directly to public statements but given the seriousness with which we treat this particular issue we will provide a full written response to all the points you have raised.”

For the statement from Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council and Jim Munday’s response see post on Richmondshire Today.


Above: Dodds Hall Barn on Beggarmans Lane, Gayle

Below: the barn at Hawes which was described by a planning officer as being in the open countryside.

This is the response from Cllr Carl Lis, chairman of  the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority to the statement and questions made by the Association of Rural Communities:

Thank you for your public statement at the National Park Authority (NPA) Planning Committee on Tuesday 9 July. It raises a number of allegations that are of concern to the whole Authority rather than simply the Planning Committee, so I have decided the response should come from me as Chairman. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding but I took the judgement that the sad news of Mr Blackie’s death should not be overshadowed by this issue.

I will turn first to the issue of determining planning applications. As you know, all planning applications must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. That is a matter of law. This is because planning policies – which have been adopted after wide public consultation and formal examination by a Planning Inspector – should not be set aside without sound planning reasons for doing so.

The application for development at Dodds Hall Barn (essentially for visitor and manager accommodation and equine business) was considered to be contrary to the Development Plan. Whilst it me the locational requirements of policy L2 (being a roadside barn because of its curtilage and pre-existing track), the policy concerns centred on the intensity of the use and the impact on the landscape. However, on the particular facts of that application, the Committee concluded that there were material planning considerations, in the form of social and economic benefits for the local area, which justified approval.

The application for the development at the Shearlings, Hawes (conversion of barn to dwelling for local occupancy/holiday let) did not meet the locational criteria under L2, and there were no material considerations identified to justify approval. Again, the Planning Committee considered all the points that were made at the meeting and resolved to refuse the application.

When making decisions, the Authority always tries to apply some flexibility where material (i.e. lawful) considerations allow, something I understand ARC would want us to do. But with the best will in the world, that flexibility cannot lawfully extend to allowing any development anywhere simply because the applicant is ‘local’.

It is telling to note that in the case of Dodds Hall Barn the applicant sought pre-application advice from the Authority , and amended the proposal to bring it more in line with policy. Unfortunately, in the case of the Barn at the Shearlings (and the 3 other barns that have been refused in Upper Wensleydale), the applicants did not seek pre-application advice from planning officers. If they had, they would have been advised of the clear policy conflict at the outset. There is clearly an issue here when nearly half of all the refusals under L2 have occurred in one small part of the National Park – and we will be taking steps to try to encourage people to get proper advice before risking their money and time.

On your second point, the terms of membership of the National Park Authority are set out in national legislation. The law provides that if a member is waiting to be replaced on an NPA following an election, that individual continues to be an NPA member until a new appointment is made by the appointing authority (subject to an upper time limit of three months). We are still awaiting notice of a replacement appointment from Lancaster City Council following the elections in May. Accordingly Ms Pattison was fully entitled to take part at the June meeting as a Lancaster City Council appointee. That has been the law for over 12 years.

I was surprised that you chose to raise this issue in relation to Ms Pattison. At the May Planning Committee, Mrs Caroline Thornton-Berry not only attended the meeting but she actually chaired it, even though she was no longer a member of Richmondshire District Council at the time. I do not recall you raising any concern in relation to that instance.

Finally, at this difficult time for the Authority with Mr Blackie’s demise I would suggest that if ARC wants to have a serious discussion ab out how we – and the local district councils – might tackle the difficult and complex challengers around the availability and affordability of housing, then I would genuinely welcome that.


Association of Rural Communities

The Association of Rural Communities stands for local democracy in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and consistency in planning decisions.

This Association continues to be an independent watchdog on planning in the national park – unlike the Friends of the Dales which says it is and yet has two of its trustees as members of the Authority’s planning committee. As part of its commitment to local democracy its administrative officer, Pip Pointon regularly attends and reports on the meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA) planning committee on a voluntary basis. For her reports see ARC News Service.

The Association of Rural Communities was founded in 1995 during a period of intense anger against what was then the Yorkshire Dales National Park committee and its chairman at that time, Cllr Robert Heseltine.

People wanted to see more consistency and fairness in planning decisions, and more democracy and accountability. One of the Association’s prime objectives was to work for the economic and social well-being of those living and working in this national park. This was added to the purposes of national parks by 1997 – but is so very important today when the rule of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) quango has been extended to include more districts in Cumbria and Lancashire.

The Association campaigned for secret ballots and limited terms of office for the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the YDNPA – and that was finally introduced in November 1999. Before that they were elected by a show of hands, and Cllr Heseltine had been chairman for 11 years.

Members of the Association’s committee have monitored the YDNPA planning committee meetings since the late 1990s. Back then the Association called for applicants and objectors to have the right to address the planning committee – something which is now accepted practice.

The Association has questioned the YDNPA about other inconsistencies over the years, and in 2001 even pointed out that the members of the Authority’s planning committee should be provided each month with the minutes of past meetings so that they could make informed decisions.

The Association’s chairman at that time, the late Jim Cunnington, also asked the planning committee to defer decisions until newly elected district and county councillors could be there to represent their constituents. This became accepted practice – but has now been discarded by the planning committee.

It was the Association’s late president, Tom Knowles, who spotted in 2007 that an officer, under delegated powers, had made a decision which seriously undermined the YDNPA’s ability to fulfil one of its statutory purposes – to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of national parks by the public.

The Association alerted the planning committee to the precedent set by the officer in allowing the removal of pitches for tents at Westholme caravan site near Aysgarth on the basis that this was a “planning gain”.   The result is that a site which had catered so well for touring caravans and campers, including those participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, has become a luxury lodge park where it costs about £600 per week to stay during the summer season. (For how the Westholme site started see Margaret Knowles.)

The planning committee took steps to contain that damaging decision and in June 2014 accepted that camping was “a low impact form of visitor accommodation” which enabled poorer families to come and enjoy this beautiful countryside and that this significantly benefited the economies of local communities. The new Local Plan will  provide even greater protection for camping and touring caravan pitches in the National Park.

We need your support if we are to successfully lobby for more democracy within the  Yorkshire Dales National Park and to act as a watchdog on the activities of the Authority. We want the voice of the people living and working in this area to be heard – locally, regionally and nationally.

The membership is £10 per year. The Register of Members is held by the Administrative Officer and is kept completely confidential. You can send us comments via reports on the ARC News Service of this website.

To cut back on costs many more decisions are being made by planning officers. So parish councils and residents need to be even more vigilant when planning applications are advertised locally. Applicants and residents can contact the district or county councillor who represents their area on the YDNPA planning committee and request that an application should be discussed by the committee if they are concerned about the possible decision that just one planning officer might make.

YDNPA and the cost of the boundary extension

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) not only needs a Local Plan which includes all the new areas added in August 2016 but must also commission  its own socio-economic study.

“Our policy making and our decision making is only as robust as the evidence on which it relies. The evidence we have available is based upon assumptions, analogies and anecdotes,” Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong said at the YDNPA’s  Full Authority meeting on Tuesday December 18.

Peter Stockton, the Authority’s head of sustainable development, told the meeting: “In the past we sort of begged, borrowed and stole the evidence from our district [council] colleagues and it never quite fitted with our own planning area. The problem is that it is skewed to the towns outside [the park]. So we never quite got that deep rural information that we needed. We don’t really know how many people live in each district of the National Park.

Approval was given for the Authority to commission an independent socio-economic study of the National Park to provide baseline facts for a new Local Plan and also for the review of the present one.

Mr Stockton commented: “Generally speaking Local Plans are worth tens of millions of pounds … to developers, landowners and to people who are making use of the infrastructure and the development that needs undertaking.”

He explained that when the boundary was extended the YDNPA inherited seven local plans some of which were out of date. During the  Full Authority meeting on Tuesday the Eden District Local Plan was adopted.

But members decided that the Authority must now begin preparing a new, single Local Plan for the whole of the National Park.

Mr Stockton reported: “Within the new parts of the National Park (especially Eden) there may be a perception of unnecessary and additional bureaucracy being ‘imposed’. It is also by far the most expensive and resource-intensive option.”

As several specialist consultancies (including the socio-economic one) would be needed he added: “The costs are likely to be significantly higher than the current budget projections for the ‘Development Planning’ programme.”

Nor did the planning department have sufficient staff to carry out all the work required to get the new Local Plan adopted within three to four years. His proposal that a senior policy and performance officer should be employed to assist with this was accepted.

Member Chris Clark said: “It now seems sensible to have one plan rather than several. We need it to breathe life into the vision we have come up with in our Management Plan.”

He argued for a wide-ranging socio-economic study to provide benchmarks for a park-wide Local Plan and added: “There will be costs and there will be a significant amount of time and staff resources required but to me that is where we need to start this planning policy.”

The socio-economic study, he said, would provide a solid foundation for robust decisions and would set the options for long term strategy.

North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie warned that the Authority needed to find consultants who understood deeply rural areas and that even more resources could be required if the Authority was going to produce such a Local  Plan within four years.

Both he and Lancashire County councillor Cosima Towneley asked that the county councils (North Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria) should be consulted, as well as the district councils and Lancashire City Council, as the former provided so many important services such as transport, schools, health and social care. It was agreed to amend Mr Stockton’s report accordingly. 

In March Mr Stockton will report to the Full Authority about the commissioning of the socio-economic report.


In September 2016 the Association of Rural Communities asked Richard Graham, the head of development management, if additional staff would be required following the boundary extension. He replied:

“The number of planning staff has not increased since 1st August. The additional work generated by the enlargement of the Park has been dealt with by officers working additional hours. The Finance and Resources Committee has approved a reorganisation of the Authority which includes some additional resources for Development Management in technical support, minerals planning and planning enforcement.”

YDNPA and the importance of farmers


Above: Alistair Dinsdale at his farm in Wensleydale

The developing partnership between farmers and national park officers could save some hill farms from dereliction if and when the single farm payment is phased out the Association of Rural Communities was told at its annual general meeting at Kettlewell.

Its chairman, Alastair Dinsdale, who has a dairy farm at Carperby in Wensleydale praised the team at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) which is involved in pioneering some of the agri-environment schemes that could be rolled out nationally.

He has been involved in the three year agri-environmental scheme which was funded by the EU to test the payment by results in Wensleydale and several other areas of the country. The government is now directly funding those for a further two years.

Mr Dinsdale said he was encouraged by the way the YDNPA’s team was working with the farmers. “The involvement of the National Park has been quite impressive. It has grasped that there is a clear link between farming and the landscape.

“I feel we have a partner. It is wholly different from years ago when the Authority didn’t acknowledge the social and economic importance of those who lived and worked in the national park.”

This is something that the Association of Rural Communities has campaigned about for over 20 years.

Mr Dinsdale was, however, still very concerned about the future of hill farming. He said: “Without the Single Farm Payment the vast majority of the agricultural hill businesses are not sustainable. The environmental payments which are emerging will have great difficulty in matching that funding which is desperately needed to keep these people on the land.

“I am sure people will leave the land. Given the [average] age of farmers, the farming community will look at this as the final straw. We may have a period where we see dereliction in certain areas.

“The people who are developing these new policies haven’t grasped that this funding [Single Farm Payments] is necessary to produce a living off these farms.”“We need to make sure that the funding coming in for the environment will keep people on the land and keep the National Park looking like we all want it to be.”

In his speech he especially remembered the association’s founder, Tom Knowles, who had inspired them to campaign for more consistency in planning and a better working relationship between Authority’s officials and those living and working in the National Park. He also paid tribute to a former chairman of the association, Stephen Butcher.

Both Mr Knowles and Mr Butcher died this year. “I don’t think people have acknowledged what they really achieved,” he said.

He thanked Jack Heseltine and Pip Pointon for continuing to monitor the Authority’s planning committee meetings and Mrs Pointon for producing ARC News Service reports on behalf of the association.

Full Authority Meeting, December 2018:  Review of Designated Landscapes

It was agreed at the Full Authority meeting that the government should be informed  about the significant and central role of farmers and landowners in maintaining the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

The members approved the Authority’s Review of Designated Landscapes which was then submitted to the government. This will be used to compile the government’s review of National Parks and Areas of Natural Beauty (AONB) as part of its 25 Year Environment Plan.

The YDNPA review stated: “The Yorkshire Dales NPA has a close working relationship with farmers and land managers. This has been developed over many years with the Authority sometimes running its own local agri-environment schemes, as well as supporting the delivery of national schemes (and occasionally directly delivering them).

“The most high-profile example currently is the ‘Payment by Results’ pilot project in Wensleydale. This builds on the wider work of the Northern Upland Chain Local Nature Partnership and the Northern Hill Farming Panel, which identified the need for action to support ‘High Nature Value farming’. In particular, it identified a need for ‘a more collaborative approach to the delivery of agri-environment schemes, using the skills and knowledge of HNV farmers to deliver environmental outcomes in a way that allows the whole farm to work and make sense as a system.”

The review continued: “From our experience through the pilot [scheme] and the wider feedback from farmers we believe that National Park Authorities should be involved in the direction, co-design and delivery of the new environmental land management scheme. The aim being to provide a system that is responsive to our landscapes and farming practices; that better integrates and works alongside local farmers and land managers and ensures positive outcomes for nature and those who work the land.

“These schemes should be: locally-tailored and locally-administered; based on a more collaborative approach that uses the skills and knowledge of the sort of High Nature Value farmers found in the National Park; paid by results not by adherence to a tangle of rules and prescriptions; and focus on delivering multiple benefits (biodiversity, water management, heritage etc).”

The review also considered the socio-economic impact of National Park and AONB authorities on those who lived and worked in those areas especially at a time of large demographic shifts (including the movement of young people),  the huge increase in the number of second homes and holiday lets, and the reduction in key local services such as transport, post offices and the roll-out of broadband and mobile telecommunications.

It stated that there were significant market failures in relation to housing and a chronic shortage of affordable housing and added: “These are national rather than local or even just rural issues.”

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock emphasised that the YDNPA should have a duty to the social and economic wellbeing of those who lived and worked in the National Park.

And North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie said that the way forward was to encourage more self-help projects like those in Hawes. He also described the Right to Buy scheme for Housing Association tenants as being one of the biggest threats to providing local affordable accommodation in the National Park. “Right to Buy threatens the communities that we have here,” he said.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine and Cllr Peacock questioned the statement: “There is a wide recognition that National Park Authority boards are too large and cumbersome. In the YDNPA the board is also unrepresentative of the population at large [as a consequence of the 2016 boundary changes].”

“Small is not always beautiful,” commented Cllr Heseltine. He felt that the membership of 25 on the YDNPA board was right because sufficient members were required to ensure good representation.

Cllr Peacock commented that the Yorkshire Dales National Park was so diverse that a wide spread of board members was necessary.

It was agreed not to change the report, however, especially as it pointed out that the YDNPA would be carrying out a governance review in 2019 and 2020.

The full report can be seen at: Review of Designated Landscapes – Submission.

YDNPA – Barns and Yurts

ARC News Service: Reports on the YDNPA (Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority) planning committee meeting on Tuesday December 11 2018 regarding the following: reference back refusals concerning Shoemaker Barn at Grinton; Mike Barn near Appersett; and  Pike Hill Barn near Hawes; as well as holiday yurts at Low Abbotside; a proposed barn conversion at Threshfield; and a building for a biomass boiler at Stirton Tithe Barn. Cllrs Allen Kirkbride, Yvonne Peacock and John Blackie were very critical of the way the reference back decisions were dealt with:

Businesses involving young families are not appreciated by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Askrigg parish councillor Allen Kirkbride told the committee.

“I am not pleased with the way today has gone and how the Authority appears to be reacting,” he told other members of the committee.

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock agreed with him. She warned that the Authority was going back to being as divided as it was 20 years ago.

And North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie stated: “We want to attract young families. We want to retain young families. We want to attract new businesses. [But] we have been kicked in the teeth by a planning system that is there to shape our future not ruin it.”

They spoke out about the way three barn conversion applications had just been dealt with when discussing an application for seven seasonal yurts at West Shaw Cote Farm, Low Abbotside in Upper Wensleydale.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, told the committee that the barn conversions should be refused as the landscape would be harmed if they became dwellings. For each application Cllr Blackie and Cllr Peacock asked the committee to consider the needs of local young families.

Cllr Peacock pointed out that it was young farmers like the one who wanted to convert Shoemaker Barn at Grinton into a home for his family who maintained the walls and barns. “You cannot expect to sustain our communities and to look after our landscape if we don’t actually have people wanting to live and work in the dales,” she said.

It was very unusual that no committee members spoke against the three barn conversions. Yet when the vote was called seven lifted their hands in support of the officer’s recommendation for refusal while seven supported the applications. The counting was almost inaudible and it wasn’t clear that the chairman, Richmondshire District councillor Caroline Thornton-Berry had also voted against approving the applications. Nor did she clearly state after each vote what the results were.

It was also unusual for the Authority’s Chief Executive Officer, David Butterworth, to attend a planning meeting. Mr Graham told members that if they did grant permission the decision might be unlawful.

For the voting about the yurts at West Shaw Cote Farm no announcement was needed as every member approved the application – even though the officer had recommended refusal.

Cllr Kirkbride had questioned the way a “long-range” photograph had been used to support the officer’s argument. “That must been at least two and a half miles away at least… to make it look worse than it actually is,” he commented.

He pointed out that the yurts would be there during the summer when the trees were in leaf and so there would be more screening. The nights were also shorter – and so there would be far less impact upon the National Park’s dark skies status.

Mr Graham agreed that this decision would not be referred back but the applicants will be asked to plant more screening. “Bushes not trees,” said Cllr Thornton-Berry.

After a long afternoon she asked the committee to make a quick decision about an application for a children’s playhouse at Hudswell which the planning officer had recommended for approval. The voting was so fast it was lost among the scraping of chairs and chatter. And there was no announcement about the result. (It was approved)

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch commented afterwards: “As someone who sits on other Authoritys’ planning committees this is the only one which has a reference back procedure.”

He recalled that at the October meeting  of the YDNPA planning committee the majority of members voted to approve an application for a house in a haulage yard at Hebden for a local family. This was against officers’ advice. He continued: “I wonder what happened in the following month when, at the November meeting under reference back, it was refused by nine to eight. What happened to make five members change their minds?”

The YDNPA press release following the meeting: Landscape conserved with barn decisions

Decisions made by Planning Committee today have helped to conserve the open, farmed landscape of the Yorkshire Dales, the Park Authority Chairman Carl Lis has said.

Members voted to refuse applications to convert three barns near Appersett, Hawes and Grinton because of the harm such conversions would do to the landscape. Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Chairman and Planning Committee member, Carl Lis, said:  “I need to stress that we are permitting lots of barn conversions – 99 of them since 2015, against eight refusals – but they do need to be in the right locations.

“Approvals for the three applications today would have led to landscape harm, in part because such developments would bring with them new tracks, car parking, lighting, overhead lines and the other facilities necessary for residential use.

“Some Members made the argument that we should have approved the applications in order to help the applicants find an affordable home.  I think it is not a case of deciding between looking after the landscape and looking after local people.   The two must be taken together, as it is the fantastic landscape of the Park that provides the engine for the local economy.”

Mr Lis added “I can understand the disappointment of the applicants, but if they believe we have made the wrong decision they have recourse to appeal to an Independent Planning Inspector.”

Shoemaker Barn, Grinton

At the October meeting of the planning committee the majority of the members voted to approve the application to demolish an agricultural building and convert a stone barn into a dwelling. Grinton Parish Council supported this not just because it would improve the appearance of the site but  as it would also provide a home for a young family. The application included a new agricultural building to be constructed nearby.

As that decision was against officer recommendation it had to be referred back for confirmation. At the December meeting Mr Graham stressed that members had to put forward acceptable material considerations to support any decision which was not in accordance with the Local Plan. He stated that two of the considerations put forward by members could be considered: that the improved appearance of the site represented a planning gain; and that it would support sustainable communities and provide an opportunity for a home for a local family.

He argued, however, that as so much of the barn would be rebuilt plus the addition of two porches and a rear extension it would look like a modern building rather than a historic barn. He said: “A large modern farm building and a large modern-looking dwelling in this location would detract from the visual quality of landscape and would not preserve or enhance the historic character of the Conservation Area.”  This could not, therefore, be described as a material consideration he added.

“The provision of a house for the applicants specifically can not be a material consideration unless there are exceptional personal circumstances involved. Personal circumstances are rarely sufficient reason to outweigh policy… It has not been demonstrated that this proposal represents the only opportunity for the applicants to live in the locality, or that their current accommodation in Grinton is not suitable, or that there is an essential need for them to live at this location,” he said.

Cllr Blackie commented: “Here is an opportunity to be flexible and to support a local family who will add to the sustainability of the local community.

Mike Barn, Lanacar Lane, Appersett

At the October meeting a decision on this application for the barn to be converted for local occupancy was deferred as the majority of members were in favour of approving it contrary to the officer’s recommendation. The reasons given by members were: the barn fulfilled the “roadside” criterion as in the Local Plan; there were dwellings nearby and the residential use would not have a harmful impact upon the area.

Mr Graham told the December meeting that the barn did not “physically adjoin the boundary” with the road and did not have an “immediate definable curtilage”.

Cllr Blackie pointed out that Mr Graham’s report did not give the distance between the barn and the road.

He asked how this compared to the distance between Tug Gill Lathe and the B6160 in Wharfedale. The application to convert Tug Gill Lathe was approved by an appeal inspector.

Mr Graham accepted that Tug Gill Lathe was further. He added that the appeal inspector had stated that its curtilage did meet the road. “That was a mistake. I think the inspector’s decision was a very cruel one and I don’t think [we] have to stand by it.”

“That’s something I have never heard before in a planning committee in 21 years,” commented Cllr Blackie.

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch compared barn conversions to many of the farmhouses which were often quite a distance along a track from a road.  Converting barns could enhance the landscape he said and added:

“It makes it look as though people live there. It is not a museum, not a chocolate box scene to be put on postcards. Providing barns are converted sensibly there is no difference between them and a farm house.”

Pike Hill Barn, Ashes, Hawes

A decision on this application was deferred at the October meeting as, yet again, members had been inclined to disagree with the officers.

At the December meeting Cllr Blackie explained that Pike Hill Barn was within one of the small enclaves that formed part of the community of Hawes and so the application was in accordance with the Local Plan.

He also asked why Mr Graham’s report did not include the fact that the owner of the barn had amended his application to include local occupancy as well as for holiday lets.

Ellis Laithe, Grisedale Gate Farm, Threshfield

One young couple with their baby waited all afternoon for the committee to discuss their application to convert a barn into an agricultural worker’s dwelling.

Frank Kitching told the committee that he needed to live close to the family’s farm as he helped with caring for the livestock. During the two-month long lambing season he said he slept in his pick-up at the farm.

The planning officer reported that there were three holiday lets at the farm and argued that one of these could provide a home for the couple. He said that no financial information had been provided to prove that the holiday lets were essential to the farm business. He accepted that there was a need for permanent on-site accommodation for Mr Kitching.

Jocelyn Armstrong-Manners said the committee did need more financial evidence concerning the  holiday lets. And Cllr Kirkbride wondered if the plans could be amended so that the proposed extension would be on the gable end of the barn.

It was agreed, therefore, to defer making a decision.

Stirton Tithe Barn

Permission has been granted for a building to house a biomass boiler and to store pellet fuel in the car park beside the Tithe Barn at Stirton.

Clive Armstrong, who now owns the barn with his wife, told the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee on Tuesday December 11: “We feel passionate about preserving our environment for future generations.” For this reason they aimed, he said, to install a zero carbon footprint heating system at the barn.

Planning permission for the 17th century barn to be converted into four offices with car parking spaces for six vehicles was obtained by the Trustees of Roman Catholic Purposes  in November 2014. Mr Armstrong said they now intended to have only  three offices and one of these would be for his wife’s business, Dignicare.

One of the reasons Stirton-with-Thorlby Parish Meeting objected to the new building was because it would reduce the parking spaces to four.  Heather Longbottom, on behalf of the parish meeting, told the planning committee that it would not be possible to park on the road near the barn due to the bends and narrowness of Stirton Lane. Residents, she said, were also concerned about the possible increase in large vehicles  using the lane.

Her husband, Peter Longbottom, questioned the efficiency of biomass heating in the barn conversion and felt that the proposed building would detract from the appearance of the Tithe Barn. He was also concerned about having access to repair the wall between his meadow and the car park at the barn.

Mr Armstrong said that, if in the future more parking spaces were required, there was land available.  He told the committee that only two deliveries of pellets would be required each year and by wagons which were well under the weight restriction on that lane.

They had originally intended to attach the new building to the barn but the Authority’s conservation officer was concerned about the impact of this upon the character of a listed building.

The building will be clad with vertical timber boarding with a mono pitched roof of reclaimed stone slates. One of the conditions was that the flue should be removed should the building no longer be used to house a biomass boiler. The committee agreed with  the request of the parish meeting that the whole building should be removed should that occur.


Pip Pointon reports on the YDNPA meetings on a voluntary basis as part of the Association of Rural Communities objective to encourage democracy in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

February to November 2018

ARC News Service local democracy reports on YDNPA planning meetings in 2017 provided on a  voluntary basis by Pip Pointon. Below are reports on the decisions made regarding applications from the following towns and villages: Appletreewick, Arkengarthdale,  Bainbridge, Bolton Abbey Estate, Coverham (Forbidden Corner) , Dent, Embsay, Fremington, Grassington, Hartlington, Hartlington Raikes, Hawes,  Hebden,  Kettlewell, Long Preston,  Malham , Maulds Meaburn,    Newbiggin-on-Lune, Oughtershaw, Rylstone, Stalling Busk,  Swaledale (telecommunications masts,Thoralby, Threshfield, West Witton.

The issues discussed included telecommunication masts in deeply rural areas (see also Swaledale Telecommunication Masts below), and barn conversions.  See also the appeal decision regarding an application to convert Tup Gill Lathe near Kettlewell.

There are no reports from the August meeting (due to my wedding celebrations) nor from that in October (as I was ill).

Quote of the year:

At a meeting of Aysgarth and District Parish Council the chairman of the YDNPA planning committee, Richmondshire District councillor Caroline Thornton Berry was asked about inconsistencies in how applications for garages had been dealt with in a Dales village.

Cllr Thornton Berry replied: “You are dealing with humans and the planning officers are all different. They all have different takes on everything. That’s what you are up against. There is no total consistency.”

Transparency and Accountability:

The Association of Rural Communities was very concerned that the planning department was becoming less transparent and accountable. In June it made the following statement to the planning committee:

“At the Full Authority meeting in September 2017 [YDNPA] Members agreed that the functions of the Authority’s Development Management should be streamlined.

“One of the criteria was that the information should already be readily accessible to Members and the general public. It was argued, therefore, that the monthly list of decisions made by officers under delegated powers was unnecessary because there was a wealth of information about planning applications available on the Authority’s website. It was stated that this data could be searched by date and location in any parish.

“The emphasis there should be on ‘in any parish’. There are now 112 parishes in the National Park. We would estimate that it could take two days to carry out an overview of decisions regarding any one issue such as barn conversions. That is not making information easily accessible to either Members or to the general public.

“In fact, the Association of Rural Communities would argue that information is remaining hidden especially as it can be very difficult even for Members to contact individual officers. The standard auto-reply from one officer urges enquirers to contact him by email, stressing how difficult it is to maintain contact by telephone.

“We do understand that the planning service is under-staffed and under pressure – but surely in the 21st century it is possible to generate lists of decisions by officers and to make those available on the Authority’s website? This would greatly improve the transparency and accountability that the Authority has stated it wishes to achieve.”

This request was refused – and so that lack of transparency continues, as it does in other ways.

When studying planning applications it is frustrating that the YDNPA does not make it possible to view all the comments it receives unlike Richmondshire District Council. Residents in Middleham could read all the arguments for and against a proposed glamping site in a field north of Curlew Barn on East Witton Road, Middleham (17/00892), Middleham, compared to what was available about the Forbidden Corner applications on the YDNPA website. The ARC News Service can – and does – report on what is said during the five minutes allocated to objectors at planning committee meetings. The written objections, however, often give far more detail.

Debate about barn  conversions at the June meeting

Even strong legal advice about the consequences did not stop the majority of the members confirming that two barns – at  Oughtershaw and Hartlington Raikes – could be converted into dwellings.

Parish council representative Ian McPherson told the meeting: “We [the Authority] went to the trouble to get Counsel’s opinion. It is a very thorough and detailed opinion. If we don’t stick to policy … we will be letting ourselves in for the consequences as Counsel sets out.

He added that those members who agreed to approve the applications after such advice were on a different planet to him.

Julie Martin commented that if they breached their own criteria it would be difficult in the future to adhere to the policies in the Authority’s Local Plan and Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong reminded the committee: “Our policy is basically a conservation  based policy – and that is our primary purpose.”

Richard Graham, the head of development management, summed up the Counsel’s advice by stating that consideration had to be given to the impact  upon the character and appearance of a traditional barn, its landscape setting and upon the historic significance of the building.

Most of the committee, however, did not agree with the planning officer that the conversion of both of the barns should be refused because the proposed alterations would detract from their heritage significance and the landscape. The planning officer also argued that the proposed extension to that at Oughtershaw was significantly too large.

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie pointed out that Counsel had stated it was possible to have a large extension or alteration that did not have a significant effect on a building, just as it was possible for a small extension or alteration to have a significant impact. So just measuring an extension did not reveal if it’s size was significant or not.

He added that the converted barn without the extension to house a utility room would not suit the needs of a young farmer with a family living in such a remote place as Oughtershaw.

Parish council representative Chris Clark said: “If that barn is not converted it will fall down. It is already deteriorating and there are holes in the roof. I would rather see a family in a roadside barn with the extension than have a barn which falls down.Its only a few yards away from Oughtershaw hamlet.”

The planning officer had also argued that the barn at Hartlington Raikes was too far away from the road to be described as a roadside barn.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine reminded the members that an appeal inspector had overturned the Authority’s decision to refuse a barn conversion at Tug Gill Lathe near Starbotton which was a similar distance from a road.

He did, however, want the Authority to reconsider its policy of allowing dual use of such barn conversions, removing the permission for holiday lets and retaining just that for local occupancy. And he did not like the use of telescopic lenses on cameras when officers were seeking to illustrate what they believed would be the impact upon the landscape.

“It is important to take care of the landscape but also to care for the people who live here,” said Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock. She added that it was proving very hard to get new affordable  homes built in the National Park and so barn conversions were very important.

Appletreewick – February

A planning officer’s recommendation to approve a retrospective application to retain an area of hard-standing near the New Inn in Appletreewick was accepted. This was on condition that there was an approved Management Plan and that only pre-organised groups will have the right to camp at the site.

The Management Plan would include the provision that the field gate should remain shut and locked at all times with only authorised key holders able to have access. This would be in accordance with the requests made by Appletreewick Parish Council. Residents are also concerned about how the security of the site is monitored and the control of litter and noise.

The hard standing was created by Yorkshire Water when it was carrying out work at the sewage works. It was reported that the owner does plan to cover it with earth from the site and then to seed it with grass.

Some residents had questioned the size of the hard standing but the planning officer believed that it was needed to accommodate up to six cars and three larger vehicles carrying equipment when Scout groups were camping at the site.

Arkengarthdale – November

There was unanimous approval for the application by the Upper Dales Community Land Trust Ltd to build four affordable homes for rent in perpetuity on land adjacent to the Methodist Church in Langthwaite, Arkengarthdale.

Arkengarthdale Parish councillor John Watkins told the members that when he bought his home in Arkengarthdale 20 years ago it cost him less than £70,000. Today it would sell for around £270,000. ‘For me that is simply not affordable. Home ownership in Arkengarthdale and indeed the rest of the Dales is now the privilege of the older and the fairly well off. And that’s why our communities are dying off in my opinion. What is badly needed are nice affordable homes to rent such as the ones under consideration here’.

The chairman of Arkengarthdale Parish Council, Stephen Stubbs, said: ‘Arkengarthdale Parish Council is very excited abut the prospect of four affordable homes being built for rent for perpetuity in Arkengarthdale. They’ll be primarily for young people to live in, and will encourage them to bring up their families here and so keep the future bright for our deeply rural communities, because a Dale without the presence of young families does not have a future at all.’

Mr Stubbs and Mr Watkins are both directors of the Upper Dales Community Land Trust. Another director,  North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie, told the planning committee how important the development was to Arkengarthdale and then went and sat with the public and took no further part in the meeting.

The planning officer commented: ‘This is an encouraging proposal for community-led housing made by a community land trust that would help increase the supply of local housing for the local community. The proposal would address a proven local need that is supported by the Housing Authority and there are no alternative sites within the housing development boundary that could deliver affordable housing.’

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock said that such community-led housing schemes were an excellent way to solve the problem of providing affordable homes.

The YDNPA’s member champion for development management, Jim Munday, said after the meeting: ‘It is very encouraging to see this community-led housing scheme being proposed. The Upper Dales Community Land Trust, led by John Blackie, deserves considerable credit for making it happen.

‘The Authority has been pleased to be able work closely with the Trust, the local community and the housing authority, Richmondshire District Council.’

Bainbridge – February

The committee also approved the application to construct five affordable dwellings on land to the rear of the Rose and Crown.

Bainbridge Parish Council supported this and had pointed out that the real incomes of farmers and those employed in agriculture had substantially declined in the last few years to a point that open market housing was no longer affordable.

“Above all councillors felt that they wanted to be able to keep local people in the place where they want to be.”

But some residents are not sure the proposed development could be described as affordable housing and so set up the Holmbrae 2016 Residents Group. The planning committee deferred a decision in December because this group threatened legal action.

The Authority reported that In a letter from its solicitors this month  the Holmbrae 2016 Residents Group reaffirmed its position that it would seek to quash any decision to approve the application by way of judicial review. The letter, it said, reiterated previous objections based around the lack of evidence that the dwellings would be affordable and attached a report that they have had prepared by a consultant. The report disagreed with the need for five affordable dwellings within Bainbridge Parish, argued that alternative infill sites have not been fully considered, questioned the support for discount for sale properties rather than requiring affordable rented accommodation, and disputed the affordability of the proposed dwellings to those in housing need.

The planning officer has recommended that the application should be approved. He reported that even though the area behind the Rose and Crown was outside the housing development boundary it could be considered as an exception site as long as it was a small scale development where all the  houses were all restricted by legal agreements to be “affordable” to local residents who were in housing need “on a cascade basis”.  There was, he said, a considerable backlog in the provision of affordable homes in the Upper Dales.

He believed the new houses would reflect the character and appearance of other dwellings nearby and would have no negative impact upon the conservation area or on the amenity of other residents.

He stated: “The National Park has a static (potentially declining) and ageing population – a serious demographic problem identified in the Local Plan. The Authority’s Housing Strategy aims to release more land for housing to address this problem and support the social and economic well-being of local communities. The provision of more housing for sale to local people at a price below the market price in Bainbridge will contribute to the strategy and support the sustainability of the community.

Cllr Peacock said that such community-led housing schemes were an excellent way to solve the problem of providing affordable homes.

The YDNPA’s member champion for development management, Jim Munday, said after the meeting: ‘It is very encouraging to see this community-led housing scheme being proposed. The Upper Dales Community Land Trust, led by John Blackie, deserves considerable credit for making it happen.

‘The Authority has been pleased to be able work closely with the Trust, the local community and the housing authority, Richmondshire District Council.’

Bainbridge – November

The committee unanimously approved the application to build five ‘affordable dwellings’ on land at the rear of the Rose and Crown.

Cllr Peacock stated that the term “affordable housing” did not just mean to rent but also to buy. She explained:

“There are many, many local people who want to live and work in the Yorkshire Dales National Park who would not be eligible for property and they cannot afford to rent on the open market, which is now evidently higher than any mortgage. And they cannot afford to buy open market houses. They are in housing need. In the last six months a huge amount of work has gone into making sure that these are affordable houses.”

She was supported by Cllr Blackie who said that unless there was a 30 per cent discount on the new houses many local people would not be able to afford them because of the price increases caused by properties being bought for second homes and holiday accommodation. The committee was told that 30 per cent of the housing in the National Park was now holiday accommodation.

“Bainbridge is thriving but it still needs young families. Without young families your community does not have a future.” he added.

The six month delay in approving this application was due to a review being commissioned by the YDNPA following the threat by the Holmbrae Residents Group (HRG) that legal action might be taken.  The HRG questioned that the development at Bainbridge would be in accordance with Local Plan policy in respect of assessing the need for such affordable housing. It added: ‘The Authority has adopted a flawed approach to the question of whether the development can be described as affordable housing taking into account local incomes.’

In his report to the November meeting the head of development management, Richard Graham, stated that, even with the discount, two of the houses would only be affordable to those with the highest earnings available in National Park. With the discount the cost of the  three-bedroom houses has been estimated at £185,000,  £196,00 and £182,000, and the two-bedroom houses at £147,000 each.

Mr Graham  pointed out that the number of private lettings in the Upper Dales has fallen dramatically from a high of 92 lettings in 2012 to just nine in 2017. In the same period the median rent had increased from £477 a month to  £594pcm. He reported that most of the cheaper houses which those on low incomes could buy were small stone built cottages that were more expensive to heat and were often in remote areas and had no gardens. He added that insufficient affordable houses were being built each year to fulfil the estimated need.

The new houses at Bainbridge would, he said, be built to modern building regulations and would have adequate parking and garden space for families. In addition to each house being subject to legal agreements which will apply the 30 per cent discount with a local occupancy restriction there will also be a clause restricting purchasers to those in housing need. This would be vetted by Richmondshire District Council as the housing authority.

Mr Graham stated: “The Authority’s Housing Strategy seeks to widen the range of affordable housing to meet the needs of local families and first time buyers and attract younger working households to live in the National Park.” He added that there were no suitable sites within the housing development boundaries of the Upper Dales villages. That at Bainbridge is outside the housing development boundary and so comes under the policy for rural exception sites.

Bolton Abbey – September

It would be a sacrilege to change a 200-year-old barn at Bolton Abbey in any substantial way, Cllr  Heseltine, told the committee  – and the majority of the members agreed with him.

Lancashire County Council councillor Cosima Towneley, however,  reminded the committee that the agent, John Steel, had warned that if permission was refused the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees of the Bolton Abbey Estate would not appeal. “Why should anyone pour any more effort into a building which is absolutely no use?” she asked.

At present all that the public can see of it is the corrugated roof Mr Steel said. He explained that the Estate expected the cost of converting the barn into a two-bedroom holiday let, including using insulated dry lining for most of the interior, to cost just under half a million pounds.

The planning officer commented: “The internal finish …would have the appearance of a modern property. The proposed dry lining of this building would harm its heritage significance and could put the long-term survival of its fabric and features at risk of accelerated decay.” He stated that insulated lime plaster would be better as it was a breathable material.

The Estate, however, believed that if lime plaster was used the barn would not be fit for use as a holiday home, said Mr Steel. He added that the Estate had submitted seven sets of amended plans during its discussions with the Authority and Historic England. One of the biggest changes had been to agree to thatch the roof with ling (heather). “This will be sourced from the Estate as it would have been when the barn was originally built,” he explained.

The planning officer reported that the large threshing barn and adjacent walled-off cow house dated from the 17th Century or early 18th Century and was one of the largest surviving example of its type in the northern English uplands. It has partly reset cruck trusses, low eaves  and remnants  of heather thatching under the sheeting on the roof. The cow house, he said, had a particularly wide doorway which, it was believed, was widened in the late 18th C to accommodate the famous 1,132kg (312 stone) Craven Heifer.

Historic England assessed the barn and cow shed as a listed building in November 2017  about four months after the Estate applied to convert it. Some of the committee members agreed with the Authority’s  listed building officer that conversion to any domestic use, including holiday accommodation, would have a detrimental effect on the high heritage significance of the building.

The planning officer told the members that until a few weeks prior to the meeting the officers had hoped to come to an agreement with the Estate but then there were problems concerning what type of interior wall covering to use and the proposed car parking and curtilage area. He said that an alternative parking area had been suggested which the Authority and Historic England believed would have a less damaging impact upon the historic layout beside the barn.

“Because the applicants are not prepared to change [these] we reluctantly recommend refusal,” he stated.

Cllr Allen Kirkbride, the parish member for the Upper Dales, commented: “I am very disappointed there hasn’t been agreement between the two parties. It is a historic building [and] what has been done to the roof is criminal.”

He voted in line with Bolton Abbey Parish  Council which had not objected to the proposal but the majority of the members  accepted the officer’s recommendation.

Coverham– February

Middleham Town Council  did not object to Bell Barn being re-developed to provide catering facilities beside the Saddle Rooms but pointed out that this was yet another retrospective application, requested more conditions and suggested that the owner should be asked to pay towards the cost of repairing the road to this tourist attraction.

It stated: “Council notes that this is a further retrospective application and is unhappy that this appears to be an established practice by this applicant [Colin Armstrong]. The important contribution of the site to the local economy is fully recognised by the council, indeed we include the Forbidden Corner within our Middleham business forum and wish to support them as we do all other local businesses and enterprise.

“It is disappointing always only to be able to comment in retrospect, when construction has been undertaken without any permission. Planning rules apply equally to all businesses and residents.”

The council is also concerned about the road conditions around Forbidden Corner. It pointed out that there would be an inevitable increase in traffic levels along the narrow roads through Middleham and past the Low Moor racehorse training gallops. These, it said, were not maintained for heavy use and the surfaces deteriorated rapidly.

It added: “The council wishes the planning authority to consider placing a condition that the applicant should contribute towards the additional costs of retexturing the road, particularly from West End, Middleham to Tupgill Park entrance, including taking account of the surfacing needs for use by ridden, shod horses.”

It also asked for a condition which will protect racehorses on Low Moor. It stated: “Council asks the planning authority to take account that there is no vehicular right of access … across Low Moor to the northerly entrance to Tupgill Park. The Moors are  held in trust by the council and leased to Middleham Trainers’ Association. The route is clearly signed as a private road and Public Bridleway only.”

It was now, however, being frequently used  by large goods vehicles and delivery vans going to and from the Forbidden Corner. As a result it was very worn and damaged causing considerable risks to valuable racehorses and their riders.

It continued: “Council objects strongly to extending opening hours for the altered structure: business hours for the Forbidden Corner have been restricted on grounds of the potential danger to ridden horses and disturbance created by vehicles moving through Middleham at night and during the morning training hours from dawn to 1pm.”

The opening hours considered acceptable for Bell Barn by the planning officer are 12am to 11pm Monday to Saturday, and 12am to 9pm on Sundays and Public Holidays.

While the YDNPA’s visitor services manager commented that the re-development of Bell Barn was positive in terms of local employment, local services and produce, and the wider tourism economy, the senior  listed building officer was less impressed.

The latter stated: “The application has failed to adequately take into account or conserve the heritage significance of the site or of the recently demolished stable block. The replacement building includes details which imitate traditional features, but without any demonstrable historic context, and is likely to give a false impression of the site and its historic development.”

The planning officer’s recommendation to approve was accepted by the committee.

He reported: “The re-development of the  courtyard building which has occurred has created an additional indoor visitor facility at an existing visitor attraction and has potential benefits for the local community.

“Although the development has resulted in loss of part of an undesignated heritage asset the former stables are not considered as having been worth of retention for their own sake.

“The siting, design and appearance of the redeveloped courtyard building is considered to be acceptable and has not caused significant harm to the landscape, residential amenity or highways safety.”

Coverham – June

Yet another retrospective planning application for a site connected to Forbidden Corner at Tupgill Park, Coverdale drew an exasperated sigh from Cllr McPherson.

But a planning officer said that as most of the application site was hidden from view the work which had been carried out would have little impact upon the landscape. The committee, therefore, accepted his recommendation to approve the application for permission for grading and drainage channels on land to the rear of the Ashgill buildings, the provision of rear access, parking areas, construction of an oil tank compound, planting, landscaping an ancillary works. The application was described as part retrospective as not all the work had been completed.

Cllr  McPherson commented: “Whenever I see an application with Tupgill Park on it my heart sinks, simply because I know it’s going to be retrospective. I would like them to know we really have had enough.”

The planning officer explained that there had been a significant development in the working relationship between the owner of Tupgill Park and the YDNPA. The Authority had received one application (for the demolition of Ashgill Cottage) prior to work starting, and another for an extension to Ghyll Cottage where work had only just started. The application to demolish Ashgill Cottage and replace it with a building containing four self-catering holiday units had been withdrawn, he added.

The Ashgill complex, he reported, was on the hillside above the Forbidden Corner and consisted of the main  house, several cottages, stable buildings, yards and a  horse walker. It was, he said, a commercial race horse training and equestrian centre.

Middleham Town Council informed the Authority that it had several concerns about the application. These included the “piecemeal development on a large site with no coherent design strategy”, the consistent pattern of retrospective applications and the use of the private road to the north of the site.

The  Council stated: “There is ongoing vehicle traffic from the site across Middleham Low Moor owned by this Council and leased to Middleham Trainers’ Associaition. It causes undue wear on a private road and affects the horses under training and crosses a bridleway. The operators of the Forbidden Corner make no attempt to restrict this.”

In response the planning officer observed: “The proposal is a comprehensive solution to the access, parking and drainage issues affecting a definable area of the Ashgill complex.

“As the private road [is] owned by Middleham Town Council they would know who has the right of access and can control it accordingly. The National Park’s Access  Ranger notes that the right of way is indirectly affected but has not objected.”

Dent – November

A small barn next to the Stone Cross in Main Street, Dent, can be converted into a three-bedroom holiday let even though Dent Parish Council strongly objected.

The majority of the planning committee agreed, however, that it was better to let it be converted than for it to fall down.

South Lakeland District councillor Ian Mitchell told members that the parish council’s main argument was that converting the barn into a holiday let did not meet the YDNPA’s policy on sustainable development.

The parish council had stated: ‘Increasing the number of properties in Dentdale that are available as holiday lets does not contribute to the sustainability of the community. There are already holiday lets in the village which are under utilised (some being empty for many months including during the summer). There is a need for housing for local occupancy and the constant sale of property to be converted to holiday lets means there are less opportunities for local housing.

“If something is not done about this now, the community will die. The loss of the primary school would be a tragedy in this community and without housing for families this will happen. The Census revealed that the population has stopped growing for the first time since 1970.

“The existing open market housing stock remains very attractive to people wishing to retire to the National Park, while this external demand pushes up prices beyond the reach of many local families and first time buyers. The Census also revealed that 22 per cent of housing is now second homes or holiday lets.”

In response the planning officer said: ‘While the views expressed by the parish council are understood and it is recognised that there is an acute need for more local occupancy dwellings across the National Park generally, it is important to remember that the conversion of traditional buildings (acceptable uses) policy is a conservation orientated policy not a housing policy.

“The aim of the policy is to secure the long term future of traditional buildings in a manner that conserves their intrinsic value in locations able to accommodate the intensity of the new use.”

Embsay –April

The committee agreed with Embsay with Eastby Parish Council that a raised patio in Brackenley Lane would have an unacceptable impact upon the amenity of neighbours.

Embsay with Eastby parish councillor Judith Benjamin told the meeting that those standing on the 60cm (almost 2ft) high patio could look directly into the garden and a private room next door. She said that this would be a breach of the Authority’s own guidelines to avoid  any tall extensions along a boundary which would be overbearing or dominating if viewed from a neighbour’s window or sitting out space.

She added that the two metre high fence proposed with the approval of the planning officer would not remedy this, and that the fence would be overbearing and over-shadow the neighbour’s garden.  “The only logical solution would be a reduction in the height of the patio.”

She also asked that the width of the patio should be decreased so that it did not reach up to the neighbour’s boundary.

The planning officer had stated “The construction of the raised patio is unfortunate as it is an  un-neighbourly development which gives the neighbours a perception that their privacy is more greatly affected that would be the case if the patio was at ground level. Nevertheless it is considered that the patio does not afford a greater degree of overlooking … The proposed two metre high fence will screen views from seated patio users and will help to reduce the perception of overlooking.”

Cllr Heseltine agreed with the parish council that the patio was an un-neighbourly extension as people would stand there and so be able to see much more.

When the majority voted to refuse the application Mr Graham commented that this could lead to enforcement action. He said the decision would have to be ratified at next month’s meeting.

This decision was confirmed at the meeting in May. The members agreed it was high enough to have a significantly harmful  impact upon the privacy and residential amenity of a neighbour.

Fremington  – Dales Bike Centre

The new management plan for the Dales Bike Centre must be enforced Cllr Blackie told the committee.

Like the rest of the committee he fully approved of the plans put forward by Stuart and Brenda Price to double the size of the Dales Bike Centre at Fremington in Swaledale. But the committee had heard that some residents were unhappy especially as the Bike Centre had not complied with the planning conditions included with the original permission ten years ago.

Paul Evans, on behalf of the residents in Low Fremington, told the committee that, contrary to the original planning conditions, the café was not only being used by cyclists but by other day trippers who arrived by car. He said that residents had not complained about breaches in planning conditions and any disturbances because they had tried to be good neighbours.

He continued: “This new proposal will result in a much large scale 24-hour a day operation which we are told we now have to police by the way of a telephone number – and the impact will increase dramatically.

“Very limited steps have been taken to relieve our concerns. The best we are offered is a six-foot wooden fence that may be better than the previous screening which was never delivered.

“This is a huge development dwarfing the village and creating a tourism hub in a residential location. It has been claimed this will have no impact on either the landscape or local amenity. However, we would say this view has been influenced and skewed by the potential economic gain.”

He asked if the car parking area at the Bike Centre could be moved away from nearby properties and a high stone wall in place of the wooden fence.

Mrs Price said: “We have made every effort to minimise the impact and considered how to manage the expanded business. We are deeply passionate about our community and take an active part in it. “We felt our home village of Fremington was an ideal location to tackle the emerging cycle tourism market. It’s been an amazing time. We have been part of a huge explosion in cycling and cycle tourism in the Yorkshire Dales.

“Our development will provide the vital infrastructure to support the Swale Trail and capitalise on the legacies of the Tour de Yorkshire whilst allowing us to be at the forefront of cycling in Yorkshire.”

Cllr Blackie said how grateful he was for such entrepreneurs who supported the local economy and local communities as well as providing so much pleasure and enjoyment for visiting cyclists.

Cllr Peacock agreed stating: “This application is spot on. We have got to try and encourage people and this is a good way to do it. They [Mr and Mrs Price] have done a wonderful job.”When members asked about the original planning conditions not being kept they were assured that the new management plan would be secured with a section 106 legal agreement.

Grassington – March

There was a unanimous vote in favour of allowing New Dyke Barn on Hebden Road near Grassington to be converted into a three bedroom dwelling for either local occupancy or a holiday let.

Grassington Parish Council had originally objected to the application because of concerns about the safety of the access onto Hebden Road. “Traffic leaving the access is doing so blindly and this could cause numerous accidents. There was a fatality there a number of years ago and the concern is that if that access was opened and used again another could occur,” the parish council reported.

“The access to the site is currently to the east of the barn which has been identified as unsafe,” the planning officer said. She told the meeting that the proposal now included a new access and parking area on the western side and this had resolved the issues raised by the parish council.

She reported that if any new electricity supply to the barn was required it should be installed underground.

Hartlington Raikes – May

“I don’t want to see that again,” Cllr Heseltine told planning officers at the meeting.

He was referring to the second reason a planning officer had given for recommending refusal of an application by Matt Mason for a barn to be converted at Hartlington Raikes.

The officer had stated: “The applicant has not entered into a legal agreement that would restrict the use of the building to short term holiday lets and/or local occupancy use and as such, the proposal would not contribute positively to the economic/tourism benefits or to the housing mix of the National Park and would therefore be contrary to … policy.”

Both Cllr Heseltine and Cllr  Blackie said they had never seen such a reason for refusal like that before. Cllr Peacock pointed out that usually planning permission was granted first with a condition that a legal agreement was required.

The planning officer replied: “It’s simply a procedural matter. If it [the application] were to be refused today and it was appealed against, the inspector considering the appeal would see that there wasn’t a legal agreement entered into. When it goes to appeal the only thing that can be considered is what is on the reason for refusal, so the inspector wouldn’t be considering whether it would be a local occupancy at all. He would say the Authority hasn’t objected to a lack of a legal agreement, therefore, I don’t need to require one. That’s why it’s on the recommendation.”

Mr Mason was the first to compare his application with Tug Gill Lathe near Starbotton. In late March a planning inspector overturned the planning committee’s decision to refuse permission for Tug Gill Lathe to be converted into a local occupancy home. In the appeal decision summary the inspector disagreed that the converted barn would have a negative impact upon the landscape and also recognised that the Authority’s policy which allowed roadside barns to be converted required local occupancy or holiday  let legal agreements.

Mr Mason told the meeting that the planning officer had questioned the proximity of the barn at Hartlington Raikes  to a road. But this barn, he said, was closer to a road than that at Tug Gill. He explained:

“I submitted this application in  January 2017 to convert this roadside barn to a family home for my daughter. We would happily sign [a Section 106 agreement] and comply with all the regulations.” On his application he had written that the converted barn would be subject to either local occupancy or holiday let restrictions.

Julie Martin agreed with the planning officer that converting the barn at Hartlington Raikes would detract from the landscape character of the National Park and commented: “I was very concerned about the Tug Gill Lathe decision which, to me, didn’t seem to be the correct interpretation of our policy. In what circumstances can we actually refuse roadside barns?”

Cllr Peacock, however, stated: “It is a judgement as to whether we think that is a roadside barn or it isn’t. Tug Gill Lathe has now been passed so  I personally believe that our policies say that this is okay.”

At the June meeting the majority of members confirmed the decision to approve this application – see “Debate about barn conversions” above.

Hartlington – July

An application for a pay station machine and control barriers at the seasonal car park at Wharfe House Farm, Hartlington, was turned down due to the chairman’s deciding vote.

The members were equally divided between those who agreed with North Yorkshire County councillor Gill Quinn that it was a well thought out scheme which would enhance traffic management, and others who felt that the pay station and control barriers would be too intrusive within the landscape.

The applicant, Michael Daggett, explained that the field had been used for seasonal parking since the early 1970s and, on occasions, had provided a facility for up to a thousand visitors at a time, including young families who could then picnic beside the river.  This was especially important as there were so few car parking spaces in Burnsall.

The planning officer reported that the field was only open  when it would not be damaged by cars being parked  there. This temporary use of the land should be no more than 28 days in a calendar year. In 1974 permission was granted to build a toilet block there.

She stated: “The high visual quality of the landscape around Burnsall and the fact that it is unspoilt by unsightly modern development is one of the ‘special qualities’ of the National Park and the reason why so many people visit the area. Although this proposal is small in scale it is development of this nature which has a negative impact that erodes the visual quality and farmed landscape character of the area.”

Hartlington Parish Meeting told the Authority: “There have been some slight concerns about the impact of visible barriers in an agricultural field. Also regarding having a system where vehicles are backed up onto the road waiting to enter whilst collecting a ticket.

“Any system allowing cars freely into the car park and charging upon exit or at a discrete ticket machine would be a major improvement on road safety and congestion. Whether this could be achieved without visible barriers…does appear to appease more residents.”

Hawes – July

The likelihood of a 40mph speed limit being introduced on the A684 on the eastern approach to Hawes led to approval being given to a young local couple to convert a barn into a three-bedroom home.

The committee unanimously approved the application by artist Stacey Moore – and Mr Graham said that even though this was against the recommendation of the planning officer the decision would not have to be ratified at the August meeting.

Steve Calvert, Miss Moore’s partner, told the committee that both of them had been born in Hawes and most of their families were still living and working there. He worked full time in a local builder’s merchants and Stacey had returned from university to open her own business in Hawes.

He explained: “The house prices in Hawes are extremely high for first time buyers and I don’t believe that is an affordable option for us.” They could, however, afford to convert a barn which the Moore family owned. “It will make an ideal family home with three bedrooms and allow us to stay in Hawes for the rest of our lives. We love the Dales and can’t imagine living anywhere else.”

Cllr Blackie told the committee about the proposal to introduce a 40mph limit. Both he and Cllr Peacock emphasised the importance to the local communities of retaining young people and young families.

Julie Martin congratulated the couple on putting forward such good plans for a barn conversion.

The planning officer had pointed out that the barn could not be described as a roadside barn as its curtilage did not adjoin the road. But there was an unsealed track leading to it and the barn was already well screened, so there would not be a negative impact upon the landscape.

Hebden – November

A family home cannot be constructed at the Longthornes Haulage Depot at Hebden, because the site proposed would be too cramped for a modern dwelling, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee decided on Tuesday November 13.

At the October meeting the application by Mr and Mrs J Longthorne had been approved but that decision had to be confirmed at the November meeting as it was against officer recommendation. During the following month several committee members, including Jim Munday who is the YDNPA’s member champion for development management, decided they could no longer support the application. Last week he was one of the nine who voted for refusal with just five supporting the Longthornes.

Mr Munday explained that the Authority had already approved a planning application to convert a listed barn beside the proposed site. That barn, he said,  would be totally dwarfed by a new four-bedroom house with the latter having very limited curtilage.

Mr Graham stated that the proposed new house would be on what would have been part of the historic curtilage for the barn conversion and would be an over-development of the site. Julie Martin asserted that this would create a new sub-standard family home with no garden.

Cllr Peacock, however, pointed out that the affordable houses near the YDNPA’s office in Bainbridge also had very limited curtilage. ”Nobody seems to mind that somebody on benefits lives in a house with very little garden.” She added that it would be in line with government policy to build as many houses as possible on a site with each having very limited curtilage.

“Here we have a local businessman in the National Park who employs people. Now that is something I wish we had more of,” she commented.

She reminded the committee that this would ensure that another family would remain in the National Park. The Longthornes had stated they wanted the house for a grandson who is required to be on the site so that he could respond immediately to requests to provide gritting and snow clearance during the winter. He would also be there to help ensure the security of the site.

Cllr Heseltine asked how the committee could ignore the public service that the Longthorne family was providing.

And Cllr John Blackie  pointed out that the family had requested a legal agreement that would tie the house to the business.

Mr Graham, however, said that such a legal agreement required evidence that the house was necessary to the business and that had not been provided.

Hebden Parish Council fully supported the application because of the local need for affordable housing so as to keep up school numbers.

Kettlewell – June

There were no divisions when members discussed the proposed alterations at Scargill House near Kettlewell – and members unanimously voted in favour of the application made by the Scargill Movement.

This includes demolishing several buildings including the Three Peaks complex which was carefully designed in the early 1970s to not only reflect the topography of the site but also to help provide a fitting setting for the Grade II* chapel designed by George Pace in the early 1960s. The complex was described by a planning officer as being a highly valued non-designated heritage asset.

English Heritage has stated, however, that the complex as well as the Aysgarth building and the dining room will not be listed.

During a site visit some members were told that the Three Peaks buildings had been poorly constructed and were in a bad state of repair. The high steps and different levels also made it unusable.

The Scargill Movement is keen to provide disabled access, en-suite accommodation and a more sustainable site. To do this the dining room and the Aysgarth building (a much altered traditional barn) will be demolished and new ones erected to allow easy access between them and the new Three Peaks as well as better facilities within well-built, thermally efficient buildings.

Dave Lucas, the operations manager, told the meeting: “Our intention with this scheme is to ensure the long term future of Scargill…so that it will continue it’s work [as a Christian centre] in a sustainable way and continue to contribute to the economic and social fabric of our local communities in the Yorkshire Dales. Also that the chapel will continue to be used for its intended purpose and to be properly looked after.”

English Heritage has given listed status to the distinctive Marsh Lounge, built in 1965, which was described as a rare example of Pace’s secular design. It’s roof will, however, have to be altered as it leaks.

A planning officer pointed out that most of these buildings were, and would be, well screened by the large area of ancient woodland, from which the steeply rising roof of the chapel with its large windows appears “to grow out of the dale”.

The present residential block, built  in the 1970s and 1980s, is less well screened. It is intended to demolish this and construct a new block with natural stone but using a contemporary design and having an undulating grass roof. The Scargill Movement no longer plans to construct a large building on the car park. It is expected that it will take 15 years to complete the scheme.

It was agreed to delegate authority to the head of development management regarding the ongoing discussions about such issues as the lighting schemes, the materials to be used, the hours of construction, a travel plan for the management of visitors’ arrival and departures, and a legal agreement to tie the woodland management plan to the development.

Kettlewell – November

The photographs shown to the Yorkshire Dales National Park  Authority’s planning committee did not give a clear representation of the parking problems in Sally Lane, Kettlewell,  Cllr Clark told the members on Tuesday November 13.

Both he and North Yorkshire County councillor Gillian Quinn asserted that converting a small barn in Sally Lane into a one-bedroom holiday let would increase car parking problems.  Cllr Quinn said that on many occasions vehicles were double parked there.

This amounted to a material consideration for refusal, said Mr Clark, especially as Highways North  Yorkshire (with the support of Craven District Council) had objected to the application because parking was already extremely tight there. Kettlewell-with-Starbotton Parish Council had also objected for the same reason.

The YDNPA planning committee, therefore,  confirmed its decision to refuse the application even though a planning officer had recommended approval. He stated: “Should the application be refused and the applicant lodge an appeal, officers consider that it would be difficult to demonstrate that the use of a one-bedroom cottage for holiday use would result in such a level of highway disruption that the impact on the highway network would make it unsafe for the users of the highway.”

Members were also concerned about the complete lack of any curtilage around the barn. Both Craven District councillor Carl Lis and Cllr Quinn queried that district council workers would, for a fee, empty an externally accessible bin store.

Long Preston – November

Approval was given for an agricultural storage building to be constructed at Megs Croft in Green Gates Lane, Preston.

Long Preston Parish Council had objected because it felt this would lead to over intensive use of the land as there were two agricultural buildings there already.

The applicant, Roy Newhouse, told the committee that he had been born on a farm and had worked for many years in agricultural services. “What I want to do [now] is build up a small farm for my son,” he said.

As he had amended the plans he submitted since last  year  the planning officer accepted that the timber-boarded building would serve the needs of the smallholding. One of the conditions is that when it is no longer used for the purpose for which it will be installed it must be removed from the site.

Malham – April

It was agreed that a mast on the National Trust’s Malham Tarn Estate should be capable of not only serving the Emergency Services but also provide mobile phone communications.

The application for a 15 metre high lattice mast was made as part of the Home Office’s Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme. The planning officer reported that such masts are used to provide  voice and data reception for the emergency services as well as sending patient details to a hospital to enable staff to prepare for their arrival, video recordings of arrests from police officers’ body cameras and live streaming to nearby officers.

He said that for this one use a monopod mast would be sufficient. As this would have less impact upon the landscape he recommended that the application for a lattice mast should be refused.

Neil Swain declared a personal interest as he was acting as the landlord for the National Trust site. He had asked the committee to consider the application because, he said, mobile communications were at the very forefront of the needs of modern families and, therefore, a key element in trying to attract more families to live and work in the Park.

Eden District Councillor Valerie Kendal and North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch said that the mast on Malham Moor should be strong enough to be shared with commercial operators who could provide mobile phone coverage sometime in the future rather than having a proliferation of masts.

Cllr John Blackie pointed out that masts were proposed for Keld, Muker and Arkengarthdale. He wanted to ensure that these were lattice masts so that those Dales’ communities would have 21st century communications.

Jim Munday, however, commented: “This is is almost in the centre of the National Park. It is totally unspoilt.” He pointed out that in other parts of the National Park there was talk about getting rid of pylons rather than installing new ones. Julie Martin agreed with him that the lattice mast would be considerably more intrusive than a monopole.

This time, when the majority of members voted in favour of a lattice mast contrary to the officer’s recommendation, Mr Graham told the committee that the decision would not need to be ratified at the next meeting.

Malham – September

“We are  letting very good schemes go by the board simply because of dogmatic policies,” Cllr  Towneley angrily told the committee.

The committee had just – by one vote – refused permission for Cawden Barn at Malham Raikes, Malham, to be converted into a local occupancy or holiday let.

The members were told that the applicants wanted to use it for agricultural accommodation from January to March each year as the family had 500 sheep at Malham which lambed in the open. It would then be used as holiday accommodation. The agent, John Steel, said that although the barn was outside the village boundary there were dwellings within 25 to 40 metres of it.

Kirkby Malham Parish Council supported the application “in principle” as it wanted the barn to provide “local occupancy” living accommodation. It added: “It should  not be for the purposes of holiday letting and be restricted by a local occupancy condition.”

The planning officer reported that back in 2006 the historic barn had been in a ruined state. It was then heavily restored  using non-traditional construction methods, including a distinctive arch, and enforcement action was pursued. The planning committee had approved a retrospective application in 2009 for the barn to be used for storage but not all the conditions have been complied with he added.

He said the latest application did not comply with the Authority’s Local Plan and would be a new dwelling in the open countryside. The barn, he said, was not a traditional building of heritage significance as it had been erected in 2009.

Cllr  McPherson stated: “Unless we stick to our policies the whole thing becomes a lottery – there’s no certainty. This is contrary to local policy.”

Cllr Peacock, however, retorted: “If we cannot go against policies and put forward material considerations then it is just a waste of time for us sitting here. A planning committee  is here to judge a planning application and we cannot sit here and say ‘this is against policy so we are not doing  this’. We can say ‘Yes, we understand it is against policy’ …but we can put forward material considerations whether or not they are good enough. This is the reason we have a planning committee.”

Cllr Towneley agreed with her and added: “Policies are there but we are not here just to be ruled by policy.” She asked the members to consider the benefits to the community of having more young people living in the Dales and added: “Are we seriously saying that because of a dogmatic policy we are going to fail to allow this chance of use and to allow sustainability?”

Maulds Meaburn – November

Eight unauthorised changes to way Snow Drop Barn in Maulds Maeburn in Eden District was converted into a dwelling amounted to a shocking act of vandalism, the YDNPA’s member champion for cultural heritage, Mrs Martin, told the meeting.

She described the Maulds Maeburn as an outstanding village in landscape and historical environment terms. The barn, she said, was on its northern edge and played a key and very visible part in the setting of the village and the conservation area. She added that as it was so visible from both the northern and western approaches to the village the conversion had seriously damaged the historic assets of Maulds Maeburn.

Cllr  Peacock commented: “It makes a mockery of the planning committee. We’ve got to make sure that everybody realises that this is wrong.”

Cllr Blackie agreed and stated: ‘The applicant has totally ignored our concerns. Frankly, what they’ve done is nothing short of criminal. It does seem a very, very dramatic breach of planning regulations.’

The committee unanimously agreed that a retrospective application for the change of use of land to form a garden, retention of excavation of land and the construction of retaining walls should be refused and that enforcement action should be taken.

Members particularly commented on the way the appearance of the barn had been changed by sandblasting the exterior and re-pointing with pink mortar.

The other unauthorised works were: a much larger curtilage to the side and rear of the building; significant excavation works to the rear of the building and hard surfacing of that area; construction of a large blockwork retaining wall; conversion of the detached outbuilding and installation of roof lights; reconfigured internal arrangement; different window and door arrangements; different and larger roof lights in different locations to those approved and a new opening in the gable.

A Maulds Meaburn resident, Judith Fraser, told the committee: “Every day we are going to be looking at an inappropriate development.”

Members were informed that the applicant had been told in May this year to stop the works on the site, and was warned on several occasions that any works  carried out would be at their own risk. But the work had continued.

The enforcement notice will give the owner six months to secure the removal of the retaining walls and reinstatement of the land to the north and east of the building line, and the removal of all the timber sheds which have been installed on the site.

Permission was refused for the erection of a garage cum store, an incubator shed and four chicken huts.

Newbiggin-on-Lune – July

The committee refused to remove the local occupancy condition Hill Top Barn in Newbiggin-on-Lune even though they were told it was not fit for purpose and would not meet statutory legal tests.

The condition was imposed by Eden District Council in 1997 when it allowed what was known as The Stone Ban to be converted into a workshop and dwelling. Since the National Park was extended the YDNPA follows the Upper Eden Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan for that area.

Ravenstonedale Parish Council informed the Authority: “Current policy makes no provision for such a condition and it is noted that in recent months no less than three similar applications in the same locality of the extended National Park have had no such condition applied. It is considered that the re-application of this Local Occupancy condition is now unreasonable.”

The planning officer, however, maintained that retaining the local occupancy condition was consistent with national and local policies. “[It] forms part of the local planning authority’s strategy for tackling on-going challenges with regards to sustainability. To remove the condition would facilitate its sale as open market housing possibly as  second home thereby hampering sustainability,” he stated.

Cllr Peacock said that the Authority was trying hard to extend the number of houses available to local people so as to make Dales’ communities more sustainable.

Cllr McPherson (a retired solicitor) commented that the original condition should have been more precise and accepted that the applicant’s agent, Kayleigh Lancaster, had made a very strong case for it to be removed.

Due to the bad sound system it was not clear what else he said – nor was it possible to hear what Ms Lancaster told the committee. She has kindly provided a copy of the statement she read at the meeting:

I am a chartered Town Planner, with both Local Authority and Private Sector experience. We were asked by the applicant to consider this condition, and advise on the wording and criteria of the condition. This is application is a re-submission of an earlier application which was also recommended for refusal by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority earlier this year.

This application has been submitted on the basis that the occupancy condition is not fit for purpose and would not have met the statutory legal tests for a planning condition, nor would it today.

As you will be aware, the planning condition states that Hill Top Barn “shall only be occupied by a person or persons (including dependants, widow/widower) who in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority satisfy an identified local housing need”.

Whilst we do not question the aim of the 1996 Eden Local Plan at the time, we do question how this has been executed in the form of this poorly constructed condition. There is no definition of what is meant by ‘identified local housing need’, nor is there sufficient information provided to enable an occupier to establish whether they would comply with this condition.

As an example, I would draw your attention to the local occupancy conditions which are regularly used by this authority. Your approach is robust and clear for all to understand, both the criteria and the locality are clearly defined. In addition to this, the use of the phrase ‘in the opinion’ is not considered to be precise for the purposes of a planning condition.

In imposing this condition, Eden District Council have attached ‘Notes to the Applicant’ which refer to an affordable housing section of the Local Plan, despite the original application not being for affordable housing – we would therefore question its relevance but can only assume it was referred to in an attempt to provide some support for the condition – this has no legal standing.

We would question how reasonably the Authority could assess whether someone could comply with the condition. There is a significant amount of uncertainty created through its imposition and we would contend that it is unenforceable in its current form.

This point is further illustrated in a letter sent by EDC in 2002, in which they attempt to retrospectively clarify what was intended by this condition. I must stress that the contents of this letter and the note to applicant already referred to cannot legally be relied upon in the enforcement of a planning condition. The planning condition itself must be precise and enforceable, which in this particular case the condition is not.

Whilst we acknowledge the YDNP have been put in a difficult position in trying to defend a poorly worded condition which was imposed by another authority and we also acknowledge the importance of Local Occupancy Housing in the NP, the decision taken today must be based on an assessment of the legality of the existing condition and other such factors should not cloud your judgement.

In refusing this application the YDNPA must be entirely satisfied that the original condition, meets the statutory planning condition tests which are to be reasonable, relevant to the development, relevant to planning, precise, necessary and enforceable. As we have already stated, the condition is ambiguous and therefore cannot reasonably be considered to be precise or enforceable.

Finally, I would ask you, as Members of this Committee to consider whether you consider this condition to be fit for purpose and to consider whether you would be able to make a robust assessment of identified local housing need in the absence of a criteria and defined locality. If your answer to this is not a definitive yes, then the authority should grant approval for the removal of this condition.

Oughtershaw – March

How to define “a significant extension” and the difference between a holiday let and local occupancy when a farmer was trying to plan ahead for the day when his son would join the family enterprise became pivotal issues at the meeting.

Nigel Pearson had applied to convert a roadside barn at Oughtershaw to create a local occupancy dwelling or holiday let. The planning officer stated that Mr Pearson’s son might or might not become the local occupant in five years time and so the conversion had to be considered as a holiday let which did not require an extension.

Mr Pearson explained that it might take four years for the family to finance the conversion and that any use of it as a holiday let would only be until his son needed it.

He added:”The barn is on the small size and if you are a dual worker you need a place to take off your boots, shower and clean up. You also need space in the utility room for a large freezer and fridges for food and storage. In such an isolated place you can’t pop to the shops every day – you need ample supplies of food. An extension is needed so that we can accommodate this need.”

The planning officer, however, pointed out that the extension represented 47 per cent of the original floor space in the barn. North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine warned: “If we back this today it’s a coach and horses through a policy – a precedent that will come back to haunt  us.”

“The size of the extension is the main issue,”  he added.

Cllr Kirkbride, however, pointed out that there were numerous barns in the dales which had extensions and Buckden Parish councillor  Cllr Clark, who  lives at Oughtershaw, commented:

“What Oughtershaw needs is more vibrancy, more people and more families. Even though there is an extension I believe the barn will still  maintain its agricultural integrity. I think we should go for it.”

Both Cllr Blackie and Cllr Peacock reminded the committee of the need to encourage young people and families to live in the dales.

“If we can encourage this young man [Mr Pearson’s son] to finish his schooling, to go to agricultural college and come back to work this  land we should. Let’s face it, if we didn’t have the farmers working this land it would be an eyesore and tourists wouldn’t want to come,” Cllr Peacock said.

And Cllr Blackie added: “We need to put our money where our mouth is. If young people express a desire to continue in that industry they should be afforded that opportunity without having to push those who preceded them out of their homes.”

He said that although in the policies regarding barn conversions “significant” was not defined the proposed extension should be reduced in size.

The majority agreed and a decision was deferred to give Mr Pearson time to amend the plans.

Oughtershaw – April

A new bench mark could be set for the conversion of traditional roadside barns in the Yorkshire Dales if the plans for a small one at Oughtershaw  are approved. This was the warning given by a planning officer at the meeting on April 10.

And when the majority of the committee voted in favour of Nigel Pearson’s application Mr Graham said that the decision would be referred back to next month’s meeting as there were some fundamental points on policy to be considered.

He explained that there should be strong material considerations for deviating from the Local Policy and if there weren’t a precedent would be created.

In his report a planning officer stated: “If approved, the proposal would set a new bench mark for barn conversions whereby all applicants would wish to have a kitchen off the main building with a fully glazed screen wall that represented a 33 per cent increase in floor space.”

At the meeting he said that the extension could be half the size of that proposed and warned:  “Officers consider that to allow this proposal due to its size and function would result in a clear precedent that would seriously undermine the existing policy. It would be likely to generate numerous new applications.

“While officers would have to try and resist such proposals it would represent a green light for the addition of bright, modern fully glazed airy kitchen and dining rooms for all new barn conversions and applicants would ask to have these considered by the committee rather than by officers. Any such subsequent approvals would further erode the policy and efforts of officers to negotiate sensitive conversions schemes.

“The final and fundamental tenet of the planning system is that applicants should be able to expect consistency in decision making.”

Cllr Blackie expressed concern that the officer had over stepped the mark in his presentation – and for doing so Cllr Blackie was rebuked by both North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine and the chairperson, Richmondshire District Councillor Caroline Thornton-Berry who stated after the vote : “I would ask members if they would respect officers who are doing their best – they have got very clear guidelines.”

Even so the majority accepted Cllr Blackie’s argument that the plans should be approved as it would provide accommodation for a rural worker in a very isolated area where  additional storage and utility space was required especially in winter. He explained that Mr Pearson had reduced the size of the extension as suggested at the March meeting and no longer wished to use the converted barn as a holiday let until his son wanted to live there.

The planning officer stated: “While officers would have to try and resist such proposals it would represent a green light for the addition of bright, modern fully glazed airy kitchen and dining rooms for all new barn conversions and applicants would ask to have these considered by the committee rather than by officers. Any such subsequent approvals would further erode the policy and efforts of officers to negotiate sensitive conversions schemes.

“The final and fundamental tenet of the planning system is that applicants should be able to expect consistency in decision making.”

At the June meeting the majority of members confirmed the decision to approve this application – see “Debate about barn conversions” above.

Rylstone – July

The application for an extension to Fox House in Raikes Lane, Rylstone, was refused because the applicant had decided not to go ahead with an amendment agreed with the planning officers.

At the planning meeting in May members had deferred making a decision so that officers could discuss amending the plans. The original application was for an extension above the existing kitchen to form a bedroom which would result in a dual-pitched roof. The officers felt that a mono-pitched extension with roof lights would have less impact upon what they viewed as a building (a former Quaker meeting house) of significant historic interest.

The applicant, however, decided against amending design partly, the officer reported, because the sound of rain on the roof lights would disturb those sleeping in the bedroom. A different amendment was discussed but then the applicant decided to stay with the original plans for a pitched roof, the officer said.

Stalling Busk – July

Cllr Blackie wanted an enforcement notice on a holiday let to go to appeal to clarify whether or not Hilltop at Stalling Busk had been sub-divided into two dwellings.

An enforcement officer said that a two-bedroom attachment to Hilltop was being run and advertised as a fully self-contained holiday let with its own kitchen  and bathroom. There were doors connecting it to the main property on the ground floor and upstairs but guests did not need to use these for access to the holiday let.

He argued that  Hilltop had been subdivided to make two separate dwellings contrary to the Authority’s housing strategy.

The owners were, therefore, advised  to either cease using it as a holiday let and make it part of the main building again; submit a planning application for a local occupancy dwelling for one of the dwellings; or operate a Bed and Breakfast business using two of the five bedrooms and remove the separate kitchen.

Cllr Blackie said: “There is absolutely no intention by these owners to want to create a separate dwelling. Our Local Plan is very strong on bringing visitors into the Dales to spend money in the local economy, to provide employment. My advice to [the owners] is that they should go to an enforcement appeal. I am going to ask the planning inspector what his opinion is… if it is, in planning terms, a sub division or whether it is an informal use of part of the property which is in no way self-contained because you can [get to] the property both upstairs and down.”

The majority of the committee agreed that an enforcement notice should be issued, with a six months compliance period of six months, for the cessation of the use of the building for residential purposes as a separate, self contained dwelling house for use as a holiday let.

Swaledale Telecommunication Masts – June

A 12.5m high lattice communications mast which could also provide mobile phone coverage in Upper Swaledale will be installed at Crow Tree Farm, Gunnerside, as part of the Home Office’s Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme.

Muker Parish Council had strongly objected to the original application which was for a “telegraph pole” mast. It had stated: “The possible erection of this mast within an Upper Swaledale landscape is at best controversial. The erection of this mast without the potential facility for commercial network coverage for both residents of the parish and visitors alike is not acceptable to the Council.”

The planning officers, therefore, asked the Secretary of State if that application could be amended – and it was. The meeting was told that a monopole mast will, however, be erected at Crook Seal Barn on Birkdale Common 6Km west of Keld.

A planning officer explained: “There is no resident population included within its range. The light traffic on the road [B6270] and the small number of game keepers and seasonal shooters means it is highly unlikely there will be any commercial interest in providing a service to the public at this location. However, EE, the installing company for the Home Office, could switch on their apparatus system [for public use] but that would be their commercial decision.

“This is a completely different situation to that at Crow Tree Farm. The predicted coverage for that shows that there is a substantial resident and visitor population in Swaledale between Thwaite and Gunnerside. A lattice mast…would be capable of accommodating a number of commercial operators. That mast will be substantially bulkier than is needed at Crook Seal.”

Cllr  Blackie stressed the need for 4G coverage in such remote areas (see below) and said it was likely that, once lattice masts were installed as at  Crow Tree Farm, there would be campaigns to get mobile phone coverage in those deeply rural areas.

“This is an essential opportunity to bring communications up to the 21st century in the more remote areas,” he said.

Eden District councillor William Patterson told the meeting that there was a monopole mast on his farm erected by BT Cellnet and onto which Vodaphone had bolted its equipment to provide a public service. “Monopoles are far less obtrusive,” he said.

Jim Munday wasn’t so sure. He commented: “I am extremely uncomfortable with the alien poles on the landscape. It is wrong, it is out of place and it is horrible.” He emphasised the need to ensure that when the masts were no longer required that the owners of the equipment should remove them and reinstate the sites.

The planning officer had received the following advice from the Home Office via Entrust Services.

“A public user on an 800 MHz LTE capable device will be able to make a 999 call on the EAS (Emergency Alert System) network provided that the device is VoLTE capable. Users from other Operators with similarly capable devices will not be able to establish a connection.

A public user on a non 800Mhz LTE capable device will not be able to make a 999 call on the EAS network. As the only coverage available in the EAS areas will be 800 Mhz LTE, non 800Mhz capable devices, will not be able to establish a connection.”

There are  4G devices that do not support LTE 800Mhz and also 4G LTE 800Mhz devices that don’t support VoLTE.

Thoralby –April

Approval was given for a large  slurry store to be installed behind trees above Heaning Hall at the east end of Thoralby. This will be nearly 41 metres in diameter and five metres in height with a capacity of 6,005 cubic metres. According to the YDNPA this will be the largest  circular slurry store in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Michael Lancaster told the committee that there had been detailed discussions with planning officers about where to locate it so that it would have minimal impact upon the landscape. He said its location will also mean that there will be a reduction in the movement of slurry wagons through Thoralby,  will allow him to store slurry for six months, and enable  him to increase efficiency and grass production on the farm.

It was a significant investment, he said, and was the next step in the improvements he had made since taking over the farm from his father 11 years ago.

Cllr Blackie commented: “If you want to see the Upper Dales continue in dairying you have got to recognise and give support to farmers.” He added that the site above Heaning Hall was much better than that originally proposed by Mr Lancaster. That had been at the west end of the village near the farm buildings but in a much more visible location. Mr Lancaster had withdrawn that application.

Threshfield – March

A new dormer extension on a house in Threshfield must be removed within three months the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee decided on March 13.

An enforcement officer reported that the dormer at High Winds, Threshfield, did not comply with the plans as approved by the committee in February last year. That approval  had been subject to several conditions to ensure that the roof, walls and window materials matched those of the existing building.

The officer found that the dormer was larger than had been approved and that the roof pitch was much flatter. The window arrangement had also been altered. She described the dormer as now being a dominant and unsightly feature.

Cllr  Heseltine asked if enforcement could be deferred to give time for the applicant, Andy Gould, to make a planning application for the dormer as it is now but this proposal was rejected by the other members.

In a letter to the committee the Gould family explained that they had sought not to spoil the appearance of the house any more than it had been due to other extensions being added prior to their acquiring it.

“We were determined to make sure the dormer was the best for the house and the best in the area. The dormer may have altered during build, but only due to circumstances  whilst it was being built.”

One of those factors was that building regulations dictated that an emergency exit had to be incorporated into one of the windows. The inclusion of a suitable larger window then had an impact  upon the slope of the roof, the family stated. They said they had chosen different but better materials to match the colour of the house. They added:

“The dormer is certainly not an unsightly feature. We don’t consider it to be visually prominent and don’t believe it is harming the character or appearance of this part of Threshfield.”

At the meeting Cllr Welch commented: “It is totally out of character. We are talking about setting an example.”

The committee gave authorisation for an enforcement notice to secure the removal of the unauthorised dormer extension and to reinstate the roof slope using tiles to match those on the existing roof. There is a compliance period of three months.

West Witton – May

The number of children at West Burton primary school might not have halved in six years if the housing development at West Witton had gone ahead earlier Cllr Blackie told the meeting.

He pointed out that the site had been listed as being available for affordable housing at the Local Plan inquiry in 2004.

“We’ve taken 14 years to get from a landowner wanting to contribute to the need for affordable housing to actually getting a scheme on the ground. Is there any wonder that young people are voting with their feet to leave the National Park?” he asked.

He told the meeting that the Authority had jibbed and jibbed about how many houses were needed on the site but recently had become more supportive. He added:“Houses on that site in West Witton are within the catchment area for West Burton primary school. The school has gone down in six years from 44 children on the roll to 22. It may not have been in this position if that scheme had come forward quicker – rather than having to go through the bureaucratic log jam that it has.”

Cllr  Peacock said the Authority’s planning officers had worked with the developer and the district council to make sure that the right application was made.

A planning officer reported that there will be 17 houses of which six will remain “affordable” in perpetuity by always being sold at 70 per cent of their market value. Two others will be affordable rental properties retained by the developer, Swale Valley Construction, and managed in conjunction with Richmondshire District Council as long as the latter provides financial support.

“We do need affordable housing to rent but we do now know we need affordable housing to buy as well. A lot of work has gone into this – we have actually got a perfect site and the perfect application,” Cllr Peacock said.

Cllr Blackie explained that when the Authority had approved the application for a second housing development behind the Rose and Crown at Bainbridge it had set a precedent for discounted market properties for sale in perpetuity at 70 per cent.

“I think this is the way forward if you are going to be able to provide houses to purchase rather than to rent, although there is still a need for housing to rent as well,” he remarked.

Cllr McPherson noted that some residents in West Witton had objected to the application but that West Witton Parish Council had supported it.

The parish council had accepted there was a proven need for affordable housing but was concerned that there was no provision for single person accommodation and about the potential for the future development of the field. It has asked if a matrix sign could be sited at the bend in the A684 at the western entrance to the village just before the entrance to the development.

In memory of Jim Cunnington

plaque_threeThere was a definite ‘Wow’ factor on Thursday June 7 when some members of the Association of Rural Communities‘ committee gathered at Winterburn for the delivery of a plaque in memory of Jim Cunnington.

The first surprise was to see  how well the lime tree had grown after it was planted in Jim’s memory five years ago.

Then I watched almost in awe as two farmers, the Association’s chairman Alastair Dinsdale, and Clifford Lambert, created a gap in the dry stone wall between the tree and the road and skilfully inserted the stone on which Alastair had attached the plaque. It was a short master class in dry stone walling.

Afterwards Jim’s widow, Jenny (pictured beside the plaque), invited us back to her home for a delightful afternoon tea.

At the committee meeting that evening it was agreed that the Association should plant two more trees – in memory of two more of its founder members, Tom Knowles and Stephen Butcher. This will be discussed with the families of Tom and Stephen.

Below: Alastair (left) and Clifford inserting the stone with plaque attached;  the plaque with the the lime tree behind it; tree planting in May 2013. 



Stephen Butcher – a son’s tribute


It was a shock to hear of Stephen Butcher’s death on May 1 aged 89. The leader of Craven District Council, Cllr Richard Foster, said that Stephen really cared deeply about the people and landscape of the area.

It was that which led him to be a founder member of the Association of Rural Communities (ARC)  and its chairman for several years.

James Butcher told those who attended his Dad’s funeral at St Peter’s Church, Rylstone, on May 18 that Stephen was born in Keighley and had a strong Christian belief throughout his life.

When at Sedbergh school he had developed a love for sport, particularly rugby and cricket, and academically had great talent for English and the Classics.

Stephen had moved to Fleets Farm when he was five-years-old, after his father (a solicitor) had bought it. He might have chosen another career if his father had not been so keen for him to farm. James said: “He embraced this with enthusiasm and committed himself to farming. He studied agriculture at Cirencester and was inspired by what he learned there.

“In 1962 Dad had met and married the woman who would stand beside him for 56 years. Mum and Dad made a wonderful team and provided a great deal of inspiration and support to us three children and their seven grandchildren over the years.

“We take comfort that he was still fully active in mind right at to the end although a life in farming had left his body jiggered, his knees, hips, back and shoulders worn out. But his wicked sense of humour, strong mindedness and integrity never faltered.

“He was a countryman to the core, he loved living and working in the Dales, and in return he gave a lot back. He cared passionately for the countryside, its wildlife, architecture and community. An over- riding theme for him was that the Dales must be a living and working place, it must continue to evolve.”

He said his Dad’s life had many facets. The first, of course, was as a farmer. He bought Throstles Nest Farm opposite Kilnsey Cragg and this became his and Moira’s first family home. He described his dad as forward thinking and progressive. He improved the farm, put up modern farm buildings, and embraced new technologies particularly silage making and the introduction of continental cattle including Charolais. James continued:

“His success with the [Fleets] herd was immense and the herd’s blood lines influenced Charolais breeding world-wide. His ultimate accolade was to breed both bull and cow – the Charolais pair that won the Burke trophy interbreed championship at the Royal Show, something unique. Nobody ever did that again.

“Dad was actively involved at all levels of society making great friends and travelling all over the world promoting the breed and buying cattle. He also imported other breeds – continental cattle and sheep.”

Stephen served on many farming committees both nationally and locally and was a member of Craven Cattle Mart for 40 years. As its chairman, James said, he had steered the Mart through its move from the town centre to a new site.

“After retiring from full time farming he came off the board of Craven Cattle Mart and we were worried about how he would cope with the transition. We shouldn’t have worried. It was really the start of a whole new positive era of his life. We were immensely grateful for his unstinting support and his continued interest in the farm.

“He was encouraged to stand as Craven District Councillor and was voted on as a councillor for Calton Ward. Dad always took his responsibilities seriously whatever committee or organisation that he represented. He refused to be a Yes man, was strong minded and principled, despising unnecessary red tape.

“He soon found his natural forte was planning matters firstly with Craven District and then the Yorkshire Dales National Park’s planning committee. It didn’t matter who you were – friend or stranger. If you approached Dad for help, he would listen to your case, investigate it diligently, and if he thought it was right, he would support you. It’s only in recent days, reading your letters, that I realised quite how many people of all backgrounds and situations Dad had helped.

“He continued to have an active interest in planning matters long after he stepped down from being a councillor. He was an active member of the Association of Rural Communities and campaigned vigorously for sensible planning decisions.”

Stephen had many other interests. He acquired his love of cars from his father and at Cirencester became friends with the racing driver, Jack Sears. He went on to race saloon cars at amateur level rubbing shoulders with the likes of Stirling Moss, James said. He never lost his love of fast driving or his adventurous streak. He liked skiing, sailing and travel, and went on a trekking holiday on the Everest base route. And back at home he enjoyed painting, wood turning and gardening.

He and his wife participated in all aspects of local community life. He played cricket with the Kettlewell team, was a regular performer in amateur theatre productions, and was an early member of the Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue providing support by using his four-wheel drive tractor and jeep.

James described him as a loving father and grandfather. “It is safe to say Dad led a full and an accomplished life. He will continue to inspire us for many years to come.”

To that Joanna Rycroft added: “Grandpa was a gentle giant and had a heart of gold. We are all incredibly proud of being his grandchildren and will miss him enormously.”


Stephen first became a member of Craven District Council when he was elected for what was then the Calton Ward in 1994. He then represented the Gargrave and Malhamdale Ward from 2002 until his retirement from the district council in 2012.

He was chairman of the district council from 2001 to 2002, and served on various committees including planning, licensing, community services, economic development, regeneration and development, environmental services, and estates and leisure.

Stephen represented the district council on various bodies including the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority from 1998 to 2002, and again from 2006 to 2012.

We on the ARC committee will miss him greatly.

Tom and Margaret Knowles

The rich family life of Tom Knowles was celebrated at the St Peter and St Paul RC church in Leyburn – and it was for his family and as someone who cherished and loved to share the beauty of the Yorkshire Dales that he founded the Association of Rural Communities.

“Grandad taught us family is an important support centre.,” Sarah Jayne Mitchell said in her tribute to him, during which his other grandchildren and some of his great grandchildren joined her at the front of the church to say their own quiet farewell.

She told a packed church that Tom had been born in Durham in August 1933 and baptised Thomas Henry. His family moved to Darlington five years later and after he left school he went into farming in Wensleydale with the Iveson family at Wensley.

He met Margaret Lambert at a National Farmers’ Union dance in Leyburn in 1953 and they married two years later. Tom commented after she died four years ago: “We loved working in each other’s company and we were a great loving team.”

When they moved to Westholme near Aysgarth in 1958 it was just a small dairy farm. Not long afterwards they were asked by the then Vicar of Aysgarth, the Rev John Benson, if they would let boy scouts camp there two to three weeks a year.

Soon after this they started catering for the parents of boy scouts and many others for Tom and Margaret certainly understood how important it was to encourage people on more restricted incomes to visit the Dales. Some of those people later came to live in the area.

Local people also enjoyed the food at the camp site restaurant and the discos. “Many of us were lucky enough to share those days. We now have some great memories of the beautiful place at the end of the rainbow known as the ‘wreck’”, said Sarah. But Yorkshire Dales National Park planning officers tried to close the campsite and eventually created a situation whereby the site could become a luxury lodge park where campers and touring caravans were not welcome. (see below)

After Tom and Margaret took over a bed and breakfast business with a restaurant in 1988, Tom became an Aysgarth and District parish councillor. He was remembered at this year’s Aysgarth Township meeting as being a generous man who bought the village its first Christmas tree with lights.

His experience as a parish councillor made him well aware of the growing anger towards what was then the Yorkshire Dales National Park committee and he poured out his frustration in a letter to the D&S in 1995. Even he was surprised by the huge response to that letter.

He spent the last part of that year attending large angry meetings from Askrigg and Garsdale to Kettlewell and the Association of Rural Communities was born. As the association’s president he summed up very clearly in 1998 some of the major problems facing the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.

“The Yorkshire Dales should be a prosperous area with young people able to have families in thriving villages and towns, and able to earn a living without having to leave their local communities. The most important issue facing the YDNPA is how they can improve the local economy which is necessary to keep the younger generations employed in the area. Instead they are being driven out as there are too many second homes and holiday homes,” he said.

He continued helping to monitor YDNPA planning meetings for the association after he and Margaret moved to Spennithorne in 1996. Retirement also gave him time to indulge in cooking and baking.

Sarah explained: “Grandad had many hobbies which included painting, gardening and baking. This made him well known in [local] show circles for winning many cups and prizes.”

Tom and Margaret had three children – Carolyn Bowe (who died in 2003), Jacquie Dinsdale and Tony Knowles, as well as 13 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren with one more due on what would have been his birthday.

Father James Blenkinsopp officiated at the funeral mass and the bearers were Tom’s grandsons: Paul Knowles, Stephen Bowe, and Keith, Stuart, Ryan and Chris Dinsdale.

The collection of £470 will be shared between St Peter and St Paul RC church and Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Tom began writing to the planning department in 2007 asking about the basis on which the holiday park at Westholme was being remodelled. The Association of Rural Communities assisted him and after several letters it found out that the planning department had given approval for the remodelling on condition that the site could no longer be used for pitching tents, touring caravans, trailer tents or mobile homes. This, it was stated, would be for the “benefit to the natural beauty of the landscape” partly because there would be no brightly coloured tents. The site has now become a multi-million pound eco lodge site.

The funeral service for Margaret Knowles took place at SS Peter and Paul R C church in Leyburn on Thursday, March 13 2014.

She was a popular Dales’ lady who had lived her whole life in the Aysgarth and Leyburn area. Her grandchildren especially remembered her for providing an important support centre in their lives.

As her granddaughter, Sarah Jayne Mitchell read her family tribute to this “beautiful lady” Margaret’s other grandchildren joined her and held candles in memory of her.

Margaret, who was born in May 1936, was one of three children of Horner and Alice Lambert. She attended West Burton primary school and then Yorebridge Grammar at Askrigg. She met Tom at a National Farmers’ Union dance in Leyburn in 1953 and they married in 1955.

In April 1958 the couple moved to a small dairy farm at Westholme, Aysgarth. Soon afterwards the then vicar of Aysgarth, the Rev John Benson, asked if they would be prepared to allow boy scouts to camp there for two to three weeks a year. This led to Margaret and Tom developing the farm into a very successful, well landscaped site for caravans and tents, which was also used by those taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

The discos in the restaurant and bar were very popular with local young people and Margaret’s hospitality was especially appreciated. Sarah Jayne commented: “Many of us (were) lucky enough to share those days – we now have fantastic memories of that beautiful place.”

In 1988 Margaret and Tom moved to Grayford near Carperby and established a thriving, successful bed and breakfast business with a restaurant. And yet again Margaret’s cooking was a big attraction.

Sarah Jayne said that her grandmother had been crowned Needle Queen at a national competition in London in 1972 and had gone on to become very well known over numerous years for winning cups, trophies and prizes at the Spennithorne and Harmby Village, Wensleydale, Reeth, and Muker shows for her knitting, crochet, dressmaking and baking. And last year in BBC2 ‘s Country Show Cook Off a celebrity chef was shown at the Wensleydale Show sneaking a piece of her prize-winning savoury tart to try and find out why his was only ranked third.

Sarah Jayne told the very large congregation at the funeral: “Grandma taught us (that) family is an important support centre to our lives. We are told constantly that our beautiful family is so unique – that is because we have excellent role models.

“Over her life our beautiful grandma was a strong lady overcoming a triple heart bypass and cirrhosis of the liver.”

Margaret and Tom had three children – Carolyn Bowe (who died in 2003), Jacquie Dinsdale and Tony Knowles as well as 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Tom commented: “I’ve loved working in each other’s company and we were a great loving team.”

Father Pat O’Neill officiated at the funeral mass and the bearers were her grandsons – Paul Knowles, Stephen Bowe, and Keith, Stuart, Ryan and Chris Dinsdale.

The collection of over £1,140 will be shared between Herriot Hospice Homecare and Marie Curie Cancer Care.


Communication masts in the Yorkshire Dales


County councillor John Blackie has ensured that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee will decide on what type of masts should be erected in Upper Swaledale in a bid to provide communities there with 21st century communications. (Above – looking across Upper Swaledale)

This is because, he said, a monopole mast has been approved for High Seal Houses in Arkengarthdale by a planning officer under delegated powers which will be solely for the use of the Emergency Services and can’t be shared with other mobile communications operators.

At the April meeting of the YDNPA planning committee a planning officer recommended that the application for a lattice mast on Malham Moor, which could be shared with other suppliers, should be refused. He said that as it was part of the Home Office’s Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme a monopole would be sufficient and have less impact on the landscape.

YDNPA member Neil Swain, who acts as the landlord for the National Trust site on Malham Moor, had asked the committee to consider the application because, he said, mobile communications were at the very forefront of the needs of modern families and, therefore, a key element in trying to attract more families to live and work in the Park.

The majority of the committee approved the application because, as two said, the lattice mast will be strong enough to be shared with commercial operators and will not have a significant impact upon the landscape.

Following that meeting Cllr Blackie hopes that it is not too late to reappraise the decision regarding the mast at High Seal Houses in Arkengarthdale.

He has told Arkengarthdale Parish Council: “This may be a last chance for several years to secure mobile communications in Arkengarthdale and Upper Swaledale, which we all agree are both communications black spots of the highest order; but if the YDNPA is going to allow mast operators to get away with installing equipment that does not facilitate mast sharing then, given the huge importance of mobile reception in everyday life, it is consigning our deeply rural communities to a bleak future and an increasing spiral of ultimate decline.”

He has pointed out that in Keld and Langthwaite there is not only no mobile phone service but no terrestrial TV or radio signal either. When BT installed Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) to Keld in late 2017 it refused to put Angram on the circuit even though the fibre cable passes through it, nor will all properties in Keld be offered FTTP.

He added that in Langthwaite’s telephone exchange the aluminium underground wiring was so worn out that it was unfit for purpose and unsuitable for broadband via Fibre to the Cabinet. A resident there who lives 100 yards or so from the Dale road was quoted £29,000 by BT to be provided with a telephone line, he said.

He noted that the lack of such 21st century communications facilities means that primary and secondary school children cannot work at home on homework that requires them to have access to the internet; and that farmers cannot submit stock records and claims for subsidies online.

The largest employers in the local economy in Keld and Langthwaite, he said, were the accommodation providers. But they are losing trade due to the lack of internet connection, both for making bookings and because their guests expect to be able to communicate with the outside world!

“We have traditionally relied on a high loyalty factor…but the lack of modern communication provision is eroding this very important return visit source of business. It is especially important to visiting young families with children/teenagers to have a mobile phone service available so they can keep in touch with their friends whilst they are away on holiday,” Cllr Blackie added.

He has strongly urged Arkengarthdale and Muker Parish Councils to contact Rishi Sunak MP as they had been assured by him that the new communications masts would be capable of being shared.

The two masts proposed for Upper Swaledale are at Crowtrees and Birkdale Common in Muker Parish.

April 26 2018 – UPDATE

“Working together, and using the oxygen of publicity to highlight our plight, in six days we have turned monopole [telecommunication] masts, which will not accept any mobile service providers’ masts, into new planning applications by the Home Office for lattice masts that will accept equipment by all the mobile phone operators, should they wish to provide it. At least for the mast at High Seal Houses, Arkengarthdale, and Crow Trees near Muker. And there is every indication we can get the Home Office to change the application  at Birkdale Common near Keld to a lattice mast,” North Yorks County Cllr John Blackieannounced today.

He thanked the ARC News Service, Richmondshire Today and the Darlington and Stockton Times for helping to publicise the issue. He continued:

“All this stemmed from the planning committee meeting at the YDNPA last Tuesday week, where members (I seconded the proposal) overturned an officer recommendation for a monopole mast at Malham [Moor] only suitable for use by the emergency services in favour of a lattice mast capable of taking a number of mobile telephone service providers. This led on to my research of the policy and emerging permissions at the YDNPA for the masts in the Upper Dales,”

He was in contact with Arkengarthdale Parish Council which contacted Richmond MP Rishi Sunak as he had promised last September that the new masts being commissioned by the Home Office to provide coverage for the emergency services could also be used by commercial operators to provide 4G and broadband services to such remote communities.

Mr Sunak did take up the issue with the Home Office and the YDNPA and stated today: “In correspondence I had with the Minister last year, it was made clear to me that the company building the masts – EE – would be offering a commercial service given that the Government  was meeting the cost of building the structures in the most remote rural areas like the Dales. Further, the design of the masts would facilitate their use by other mobile operators where possible and commercially viable.

“So it is very important that we don’t close off that possibility by erecting masts capable of only meeting the needs of the emergency services.”

He said he would write to the YDNPA asking it to fully take into account the Home Office Minister’s guidance on mast shareability when considering any future mast applications.

The YDNPA reported today that the Home Office had applied to build five telecommunications masts in some of the remotest parts of the national park as part of a new “Emergency Services Network” (ESN) to be built by EE.

Those approved for  Malham Moor and land off the B6255 in Widdale were for lattice masts which can be shared with commercial operators, unlike the “telegraph pole” mast approved for High Seal Houses. The applications for “telegraph pole” masts on Birkdale Common west of Keld and at Crow Tree Farm have not yet been approved.

The YDNPA stated it had now asked the Home Office’s agents to amend the application for Crow Tree Farm to a slim lattice tower design. And Mr Sunak  said that the Home Office has confirmed it will make a fresh application for that at Seal Houses Farm for a mast which will carry commercial operators’ equipment.

YDNPA Head of Development Management, Richard Graham, said:  “The Authority’s policies recognise the masts as ‘essential infrastructure’.  It has been our job to work with the Home Office and EE to make sure the masts are designed and sited in such a way as to bring about maximum benefit while minimising their visual impact where we can.

“Much of the public debate is about whether the masts should be lattice towers or monopoles.  Towers have a clear advantage, in that they are big enough to be shared by other commercial operators.  But two linked considerations count against them. First, all the evidence suggests it is highly unlikely that other telecoms companies are going to want to step in to use these masts – because it just isn’t commercially viable for them to do so.  Second, lattice towers have a greater impact on the landscape than monopoles.

“The key point is that all the masts will be capable of doing the job for the emergency services and carrying a commercial service for EE customers – if EE choose to make that investment.”

He has pointed out that, due to its location, the mast at Birkdale would not provide coverage for the communities of Upper Swaledale.

YDNPA and the conversion of traditional barns

Converting roadside traditional barns was heralded as a vital element of the new Yorkshire Dales Local Plan in 2016 and has become one of the most successful ways of providing new homes for local people. But now it seems that policy is at a watershed. (The barn at Bouldershaw Lane, Arkengarthdale.)

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) has reported that of the 79 proposals for new homes made between December 2016 and October 2017 50 were for converting roadside barns and other buildings.

Not everyone is happy about that. In his letter to the Authority’s chief executive, David Butterworth, last year Mark Corner, the chairman of the Friends of the Dales (formerly the Yorkshire Dales Society) stated: “The definition of ‘roadside’ barns seems to permit development along very minor roads or tracks into ‘open country’. In some cases this will have an adverse effect on the Dales landscape… We are concerned at the potential cumulative impact of barn conversions on the landscape and the attractiveness of villages.”

And this month a planning officer warned that if the YDNPA planning committee approved a proposal to convert a barn at Oughtershaw it would set a new benchmark for the policy.

In addition, the committee has to consider the implications of a planning inspector overturning its decision to refuse permission for the conversion of a barn between Starbotton and Kettlewell. The inspector ruled that converting the barn (Tug Gill Lathe) would not have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the National Park.

At the planning meeting in May 2017 the chairman of the Authority, Craven District councillor Carl Lis, commented that if permission was granted for Tug Gill Lathe others could seek approval to convert barns in Wharfedale which were not as well hidden. “This is a step too far,” he said.

Another committee member, Ian McPherson, remarked: “Once we set the precedent of allowing roadside barns in that kind of landscape [to be converted] then, in my view we might just as well go home because we are not fulfilling the first statutory purpose that the National Park is basically all about.”

The planning inspector, however, stated: “I have considered the Council’s [YDNPA’s] argument that the grant of planning permission would create a precedent for other proposals. However, no directly similar sites were put forward and the particular characteristics and location of the site are readily distinguishable.

“In my opinion the proposed additions and alterations comprise the minimum necessary to enable the conversion to proceed and in other regards the external appearance of the appeal site would remain largely unaltered. The proposal would conserve the landscape and scenic beauty of the National Park and would also preserve the character and appearance of the existing building.”

Recently the Authority underlined the necessity of creating more homes for local occupancy. It stated that new homes will support the economy, Dales’ communities and the facilities they rely on, such as schools. Its objective, according to the Local Plan, is to increase the supply and range of new housing (including affordable and local occupancy) by 55 dwellings per annum.

It explained: “The target of 55 .. is almost twice the projected rate of household growth up until 2030 but still only half the estimated shortfall of affordable housing. It is, however, equivalent to the average rate of actual housing completion over the last 12 years, so is firmly rooted in deliverability”

In its draft Management Plan, however, the Authority states it will support the completion of at least 325 new dwellings in a range of tenures, sizes and types by 2023. It accepts that this is an ambitious target which is well above the “objectively assessed need”.

It notes: “Delivery will be challenging as developable land is almost wholly privately owned, is not freely available or commands unrealistic expectations of value. .. The focus remains on delivering housing that is affordable or satisfies local needs.”

The figures show that the one way that local needs are being met is by allowing more traditional barns to be converted into dwellings if they can be defined as “roadside” and without any “significant” extensions.

One of the barn conversions that the Friends of the Dales objected to was that at Bouldershaw Lane in Arkengarthdale last year. The chairman of Arkengarthdale Parish Council, Stephen Stubbs, told the planning committee:“We have to start protecting and developing the Dale now and we have to find affordable accommodation for tomorrow’s generations. Part of the remit of the Yorkshire Dales National Park has to be to assist us in resolving this difficult dilemma.”

The Association of Rural Communities (ARC) has supported and campaigned for the conversion of traditional barns for local occupancy since its inception in 1995.

Its late founder and president, Tom Knowles, stated in 1998:“The Yorkshire Dales should be a prosperous area with young people able to have families in thriving villages and towns, and able to earn a living without having to leave their local communities. The most important issue facing the YDNPA is how they can improve the local economy which is necessary to keep the younger generations employed in the area. Instead they are being driven out as there are too many second homes and holiday homes.”

YDNPA – Barn conversion appeal decision

Tug Gill Lathe between Kettlewell and Starbotton in Wharfedale can become a two-bedroom local occupancy dwelling following the Appeal Decision of a planning inspector who ruled that the barn conversion will not have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. In May last year the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority ’s (YDNPA ) planning committee refused an application by Margaret Rhodes to convert the barn.

The majority of the members accepted the planning officer’s assessment that the creation of a dwelling at Tug Gill Lathe would have a significantly harmful effect on the highly distinctive landscape of Upper Wharfedale due to its residential curtilage, car parking, external and internal lighting and other domestic usage.

The chairman of the YDNPA, Craven District councillor Carl Lis, commented then that if permission was granted for Tug Gill Lathe others could seek approval to convert barns in Wharfedale which were not as well hidden. “This is a step too far,” he said.

Another committee member, Ian McPherson, stated: “Once we set the precedent of allowing roadside barns in that kind of landscape [to be converted] then, in my view, we might just as well go home because we are not then fulfilling the first statutory purpose that the National Park is basically all about.”

Miss Rhodes’ agent, Robert Groves, told the committee: “A small respectful conversion as this one, occupied by the applicant who has a high respect for the landscape, can protect the environment and landscape better rather than, say, the barn reverting back to some other use or being derelict and the land slipping from being within the controlled schemes of Natural England to more unrestrained farming practices.”

The planning inspector stated: “I have considered the Council’s [YDNPA’s] argument that the grant of planning permission would create a precedent for other proposals. However, no directly similar sites were put forward and the particular characteristics and location of the site are readily distinguishable.“

In my opinion the proposed additions and alterations comprise the minimum necessary to enable the conversion to proceed and in other regards the external appearance of the appeal site would remain largely unaltered. The proposal would conserve the landscape and scenic beauty of the National Park and would also preserve the character and appearance of the existing building.”

He added that Natural England had stated that there would be no adverse impact upon the Upper Wharfedale Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in which the barn is situated, nor on the River Wharfe SSSI nearby.

There will be a legal agreement so that it remains a local occupancy dwelling, and the conditions include compliance with the plans and the removal of permitted development rights so that the YDNPA retains control over any future development.

She can’t do that – she’s a girl

The suffragette movement definitely inspired me as a child. The fight for women’s right to vote made me believe that women could aspire to a more interesting and fulfilling life. But in the 1960s there were so many hurdles in the way.

The first time I heard someone say “She can’t do that – she’s a girl!” was when my mother was discussing my choice of secondary schools with the wife of my primary school headmaster. I had just got good grades in the 11-plus exam and had a choice between going to grammar school or to the technical school. Mrs Gray assumed my mother would send me to the technical school where I would learn some domestic skills. When my mother responded that I wanted to follow in the footsteps of my two brothers and go to grammar school Mrs Gray was  horrified. “She will only get married and become a housewife – what a waste!” she said.

Ever the rebel that just made me more determined. The first few weeks at the grammar school, however,  revealed more about the British class divide. My neighbours on the council estate where I lived decided that a grammar school girl was too stuck up to talk to – even if I was wearing a second-hand uniform and riding a bike which my father had created out of bits he had found on a rubbish dump. It took me years to prove to my working-class neighbours that I still wanted to be friends with them.

At the all-girls grammar school it took just a few days for many in my class to realise that I was from a council house estate. They didn’t speak to me for years. Some only did so on the memorable occasion when a female teacher announced that I was considering leaving school early.

I was in the second year of the sixth form and wondering what to do next. My first choice was to be a cartographer but I was told very firmly by the careers officer that women were not allowed to work in the field. All they were allowed to do, it seemed, was a nice little safe office job. I didn’t want to be a glorified shorthand typist. So I looked for a job I thought I would like where I could be on equal footing with men. I chose journalism – but how to get a foothold in that when I didn’t want to go to university first? That could be achieved, I was told, by getting to know local editors and to keep reminding them I wanted the next trainee journalist position that became available. (There were no diploma courses in journalism then.)  I was, however, a bit too successful because I got offered a job before my A-level exams.

So there I was sitting in a classroom being berated by the teacher and her sycophants about why I had to refuse that job. And guess what, someone said “You can’t do that – your a girl.” Even they thought journalism wasn’t a proper job for a woman.

I didn’t respond but, as rebellious as ever, I left the school within days and started work at the local weekly newspaper. Through the fog of cigarette smoke I could just about discern an office full of men – and it didn’t take long before I learnt that to them my role, as the only woman, was to make the tea.

About a month later I was delighted when I got a proper job – to report on the hearings at the magistrates court. When I got back most of the men were there and for once the chief reporter joined them. And why? Because they wanted me to report in full on a sodomy case. They thought they were in for a good laugh. I told them to b***** off and left. I returned to the office in the evening when they were gone to write my reports. The photographer was also working late and he earned my respect that evening for being kind and supportive.

Not surprisingly it turned out to be a long, hard apprenticeship but I did survive.

I’ve just celebrated my 70th birthday and that rebellious streak is still there. That’s why I regularly, on a voluntary basis, attend many meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA). The Authority is a quango and has considerable power over the lives of people living from near Lancaster City in the south to part of Eden District in the north, as well as Wharfedale, Littondale, Wensleydale, Swaledale and Arkengarthdale.

These days local newspapers don’t have the staff to be able to cover its planning and full authority meetings. So when it comes to a big issue like whether the council tax on second homes should be increased by 500 per cent the press usually rely on what is given to them by the Authority, either by its press officer or its chairman. That did not include reporting that some members of the Authority did warn about the possible  undesirable consequences. Only the ARC News Service reported on that.

There have been so many occasions over the years when the views of local residents and even the Authority members would not have been reported if it hadn’t been for the ARC News Service.

Just some thoughts regarding the YDNPA:  For 11 years it was run  by just one man (Cllr Robert Heseltine). The Association of Rural Communities called for the Authority to have secret ballot votes when electing a chairman. In 1999, when the Authority did do that, it also decided that no-one could continue as chairman for more than four consecutive years. Now,  however, we seem to have a “revolving door chairman” because Cllr Carl Lis was elected chairman from 2004 to 2008 and  2009 to 2012, and has had a further two years in that post since 2016. Is he trying to equal Cllr Heseltine’s total?

What’s more – the  Authority has never had a female chairman.

YDNPA – Planning reports February to December 2017

ARC News service reports on YDNPA planning meetings in 2017. Issues discussed: Consulting parish councils; holiday lets or local occupancy; barn conversions and objections to these  by The Friends of the Dales (Yorkshire Dales Society).

There are reports on the decisions made on applications from the following towns and villages: Angram,  Appersett, Arkengarthdale,  Arncliffe, Askrigg, Bainbridge, Barbon, Barden, Bishopdale, Bolton Abbey, Buckden, Conistone, Cotterdale, Coverdale ( Forbidden Corner ),  Crosby Garret, Embsay, Tim’s Barn, Gayle, Grassington, Hudswell, Hawes, Kettlewell, Litton, Linton, Long Preston, Newbiggin in Bishopdale, Rylstone, Sedbergh, Stackhouse, Starbotton, Thoralby, Threshfield, and West Burton. And there was the apology made by Lancaster City Council concerning a barn conversion at Leck.

The villages and towns are listed in alphabetical order. (Above: Semerwater – see Countersett)

Pip Land attends the YDNPA meetings on a voluntary basis for the ARC News Service to ensure that reports are available to the public. No newspaper reporters attend these meetings and so the ARC News Service is the only independent source of information concerning those meetings. In doing so this service also provides an archive of more detailed reports than can be found in the minutes available from the YDNPA.  If you would like to support this service do join the Association of Rural Communities.

Consulting parish councils – February

Parish councils in the Yorkshire Dales National Park must give substantial reasons for either supporting or objecting to a planning application even when they don’t know what the planning officers will recommend.This was emphasised both at the YDNPA’s planning committee in February and  at Aysgarth and District Parish Council ’s meeting a week later.

At the latter meeting Pip Land of the Association of Rural Communities  reported that if a parish council did not give detailed reasons a planning officer could make a decision under delegated authority that was contrary to its recommendation. An application will only be dealt with by the planning committee if either a parish council has given substantial reasons for taking a different stance to a planning officer or if a member calls it in.

The chairman of the YDNPA’s planning committee, Richmondshire District Councillor Caroline Thornton-Berry, commented at the meeting of Aysgarth and District Parish Council that the problem was that a parish council did not know what a planning officer would recommend when asked for its opinion.

At the YDNPA planning committee members had called in three applications on the behalf of parish councils: the dormer extension at Wharfeside Avenue in Threshfield; Mystified Bungalow in Bishopdale; and for a new house in Barbon.

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie had called in the Barbon application and explained: “It will demonstrate to the communities in the newly extended areas, unfamiliar with how planning application are decided at the YDNPA, the process of member call-in, and the importance of encouraging their parish councils to provide robust planning reasons to underline their replies to statutory consultations by the YDNPA.”

Holiday lets versus local occupancy – August

Richmondshire District councillor Yvonne Peacock pointed out during the meeting that two parish councils (Buckden and Bainbridge) had objected to converting traditional buildings for both local occupancy and holiday lets instead of for just local occupancy.

Bainbridge Parish Council was concerned about the proposed barn conversion at Countersett, and  Buckden Parish Council had objected to the conversion of the Village Tea Rooms.

She asked the members of the Authority to take note that parish councils in the north and the south of the National Park were very concerned as they knew how much the converted buildings were needed for local occupancy housing. She told them that there were now 34 holiday cottages and second homes in Bainbridge.

Buckden parish councillor Chris Clark  said that the parish councillors were not against converting the Village Tea Rooms into a dwelling but could only register their concern about holiday lets by lodging a strong objection.

Senior planning officer, Michele Clowes, explained that if traditional buildings like those at Buckden and Countersett were considered to be suitable for intensive residential use then it automatically followed that an applicant could apply for holiday let or local occupancy, or for both. If, however, the building was in an isolated  or sensitive location then the planning officers would recommend less intensive use – that is holiday lets.

NB: in Thornton Rust in Wensleydale 25 of the 50 dwellings are now holiday lets or second homes. And in Kettlewell in Wharfedale 19 of the properties which have been sold recently are now holiday lets or second homes.

“Our villages are dying,” commented a member of the Association of Rural Communities. But what can we do about it?

Debate about Barn Conversions (Appersett and Hawes) – November

Two decisions were deferred until bat surveys could be carried out in the spring because the wildlife conservation officer had recommended refusal as there was insufficient information that bats would not be harmed.  Both applications had been made by Myles Metcalfe for: Pike Hill Barn, Ashes, Hawes, to form a holiday cottage; and Mike Barn, Lanacar Lane, Appersett, for a local occupancy dwelling.

The only other objections were from the Friends of the Dales (formerly the Yorkshire Dales Society). It recommended refusal regarding Pike Hill Barn because of its location and adverse impact on the character of the local  landscape. And about Mike Barn its statement included: “There would be an unacceptable reduction in the special qualities of the National Park which would also adversely impact on its value to tourists.” The meeting was informed that the objection from the Friends of the Dales (FOTD) concerning Pike Hill Barn had been sent by its chairman, Mark Corner.

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council strongly supported that application but wanted to see the converted barn made available for long term lets for local occupancy.It also strongly supported the conversion of Mike Barn and stated: “This attractive barn will make an excellent home for a local family.” The planning officer recommended refusing both applications.

The objections from the FOTD were  in line with a letter Mr Corner recently sent to David Butterworth, the YDNPA chief executive officer. In this he said there had been a spate of applications since the introduction of the Authority’s new Local Plan which allows for roadside barns and those within groups of buildings to be converted.

Mr Corner stated: “The definition of ‘roadside’ seems to permit development along very minor roads or tracks into ‘open country’. In some cases this will have an adverse effect on the Dales landscape…We are concerned at the potential cumulative impact of barn conversions on the landscape and the attractiveness of villages. A case in point is the village of Thorpe. Five conversion applications have been made in the last year or so and we fear that such development will change the fine character of this location…

“We are aware that the Authority plans at some stage to review the impact of this policy and we would request, given the high number of applications coming forward and our concern regarding some of them, that this review takes place now.”

At the annual general meeting of the Association of Rural Communities it was pointed out that most of the applications for barn conversions in Thorpe were intended for local families who wanted to stay in that area.

Since August last year the Authority has approved the following conversions in Thorpe all with legal agreements: two barns and a coach house for local occupancy; one barn for either local occupancy or  holiday lets; and an agricultural workshop to become a holiday let. In addition permission was granted for a cottage to be re-occupied as an open market dwelling.

Angram – December

There was a very close vote when it was decided that an agricultural building should not be extended to under a metre from a neighbouring house. At present the agricultural building is 7.5m from Spion Kop in the hamlet of Angram in Swaledale.

By extending it to the east the building would be just 0.9m from that house and so very close to the ground-floor kitchen. The planning officer said this could mean the level of noise and smell associated with a building where there was livestock could go beyond what would reasonably be expected by residents even when living next to a farm.

The committee was divided between those who felt that a farming enterprise should be supported and those who felt that the close proximity to Spion Kop could not be ignored. Cllr Peacock argued that the area depended upon its farms and the agricultural building could already be clearly seen from Spion Kop. And Cllr Blackie pointed out that Muker Parish Council had unanimously supported the application.

But Jim Munday agreed with the planning officer and said: “We should support our farmers but in this instance there are alternative solutions.”

Six members voted to approve the application and seven were against it.


It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words – and that might be true about the photograph (above) taken by John Watkins of the barn off Bouldershaw Lane in Arkengarthdale. The slides shown by the planning officer did not include the view from the road, over the field gate, to the barn.

These days applicants are not allowed to distribute their own photographs to members at a meeting. This often means that members only see the views that the planning officers use to emphasise their own recommendations. At the meeting on March 14 Cllr Blackie asked if he could show Mr Watkin’s photo to members and the chairman, Cllr Thornton-Berry did give permission.

The planning officer recommended refusal because he considered that the work required to convert the barn for continuous occupation, including the new vehicular access with wide visibility splays, would have a harmful impact on the character and appearance of the Upper Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Barns and Walls Conservation Area and on the character of the building. He said it could, however, be converted for  holiday use.

In his speech the chairman of Arkengarthdale Parish Council, Stephen Stubbs, said: “Please don’t put another nail in the coffin of the sustainable future of Arkengarthdale as a thriving community.”

His plea was heard as the majority of the committee members voted to approve the application to convert the barn into a local occupancy home for Jack Stones.

As this was against the recommendation of the planning officer it will be discussed again at next month’s planning committee meeting. Some of the members emphasised that they wanted assurance that the supply lines to the barn would be undergrounded.

Cllr Blackie stated: “There is no way the Stones family would do anything to harm the Dale. Everything will be undergrounded to the property.”

He described this as a test case of the National Park’s new policy of allowing roadside barns to be converted into local occupancy homes. He, like several other members, felt that the barn was just close enough to a road and that, as only modest alterations would be carried out, there would be very little harm to the landscape.

Allen Kirkbride, the parish council representative for Wensleydale, Swaledale and Arkengarthdale, commented that the access to the barn was  similar to that at Burtersett which was approved in September 2016.

Cllr Stubbs told the committee:“Arkengarthdale is not just a community in the village as the restrictive, tightly drawn boundary suggests. The prescriptive boundary makes it virtually impossible for any developments in the Dale. Our community is actually widespread.

“I respect the Yorkshire Dales National Park and support them in most of their work and policies, although they do need to better represent and support sustainable local communities.”

He listed the facilities which had been lost such as the post office and the shops as it was so difficult for local young people and families to buy properties there.

One of those young people was Jack Stones whose grandfather (Clark) and father have undertaken the gritting and snow ploughing in Arkengarthdale since the 1970s, he said. But Clark Stones was no longer able to do that job anymore and Jack wanted to take over. If the gritting was not undertaken by a local contractor the roads during icy weather would not be treated until after 8.30am which was too late for the school bus.

“This has caused unnecessary risks to the children’s lives,” he added. He continued:

“Jack is fortunate to have employment in the Dale but he,  like other young people who have been priced out of the Dale, is struggling to find suitable, affordable accommodation. For example, last year, a three-bedroom semi-detached house near the barn sold for over £350,000. Rental opportunities are rare and a property not far from the barn costs £800 a month.

“Without young people and new families the Dale will not survive as a living, working Dale. It will become a museum for the privileged,” he argued.

“We have to start protecting and developing the Dale now and we have to find affordable accommodation for tomorrow’s generations. Part of the remit of the Yorkshire Dales National Park has to be to assist us in resolving this difficult dilemma.

“By proposing that this barn is suitable for a temporary tourist accommodation but has no viability as a permanent residence with a regulated local occupancy clause is deeply wrong ,” Mr Stubbs said.

The application was also supported by Reeth Parish Council because of the great need for local occupancy housing in the area and that this would be an appropriate use of such a barn.

The Highways Authority objected as it felt the access was unsatisfactory. And the Yorkshire Dales Society stated: “The Society is concerned about the precedent that would be set if this proposal for development of a field barn in open countryside, with the associated curtilage and access tracks, is permitted, and thus refusal is recommended. The small size of the proposed dwelling could lead to a future proposal to extend, and its possible use in connection with gritting operations could be disruptive to nearby properties.”

One resident also asked that the barn should remain undeveloped and stated: “If all the barns are slowly converted it will result in urban sprawl.”

(Another resident commented on Facebook that that would be difficult in Arkengarthdale.)

Arkengarthdale – April

The committee confirmed that a barn at Bouldershaw Lane in Arkengarthdale can be converted and extended to form a local occupancy dwelling.

The planning officer had recommended refusal because, she said, the application was not in accordance with the new policy which allows roadside barns to be converted into local dwellings.

The majority of the committee, however, agreed with Cllr Blackie that the barn was close enough to the road to be described as “in close proximity”. He also stated that, with the extension, the dwelling would be sufficient for a single person or a couple.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, warned about setting a precedent. “There will be a lot of barns in very similar situations to this one,” he said.

For this reason it was agreed that it should be made clear that approval was given on the basis that the barn was accepted as in close proximity to the road and converting it would not be detrimental to the landscape especially as the owner had agreed to underground all power lines and any other services to it.

The planning officer did argue that converting the barn would have a detrimental impact especially as it was in a conservation area. But several committee members believed this would be marginal in a dale where most of the dwellings were scattered and many had been converted from barns.

The decision was referred back to the committee for ratification as last month the majority had not accepted the planning officer’s recommendation.

Arncliffe –  February

As it was highly unlikely that a small domestic office at the bottom of  long garden at Rose Cottage in Arncliffe would become a separate dwelling the committee agreed that it could be converted into a holiday let.

The planning officer explained that it would be accessed through the garden of Rose Cottage and there was no realistic prospect of it becoming a separate permanently occupied residence. This material consideration made it possible to approve the application even though it was contrary to the Authority’s planning policy.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine warned that the situation might change in the future. The chairman of the committee, Cllr Thornton-Berry, said that was why there would be a legal agreement tying the outbuilding to Rose Cottage and restricting its use to short-term holiday accommodation.

When converted the building will become a self-catering holiday let with a single living space with a bed, kitchenette and seating area, plus an en-suite and WC.

Askrigg – August

Cllr Peacock and Askrigg parish councillor Allen Kirkbride supported David Scarr’s application to convert part of his building at Beck Bitts near Askrigg into a three-bedroom dwelling which would allow a local plumber to live next door to the workshop. But the majority of the members accepted the recommendation of the planning officer that it would not be in accordance with policy.

Cllr Peacock agreed that it would be an exception to policy to approve the application but pointed out that the business employed local people who served local people. “To us it is essential that we keep these people.”

The danger was, she said, that they would give up and move to Leyburn to have more secure premises as there had been so many thefts from the workshop at Askrigg.

As a member of the local FarmWatch Cllr Kirkbride told members that the workshop had suffered the most break-ins of any premises in mid Wensleydale. The Police had stated that one way to reduce the problem was to have someone living at the site.

The majority, however, agreed with the planning officer that there was no justification for an exception to the “no dwellings in  the open countryside” rule unless they were required for workers in agriculture, forestry or other rural-based enterprise who had to live in a rural location.

“What is a necessary rural enterprise?” asked Eden District councillor Valerie Kendal. She argued that for rural communities plumbers were essential.

The planning officer had also stated that approval would be against the policies aimed at retaining the few commercial workshops in the National Park. He added that the creation of a dwelling would harm the character and appearance of the open countryside in a tranquil and visually attractive area.

Askrigg Parish Council had told the Authority that it was fully supportive of the application because it should improve the area and reduce possible crime.

Bainbridge – December

A decision concerning the application for five new affordable homes on land belonging to the Rose and Crown in Bainbridge was deferred because of the threat of legal action.

Mr Graham explained: “Officers have been working with the developer to produce a proposal which is considered acceptable and would deliver much needed affordable housing for local people. In assessing affordable housing proposals we rely upon the housing authority, the district council, to tell us whether they consider what’s being proposed is genuinely affordable. In this case what is proposed is housing for sale to local people at a price 30 per cent below the market value of the properties.

“The district council has confirmed that the discounted price … is similar to that for affordable houses just down the road. The district council had also confirmed that the discounted price may not be affordable to all people in housing in need but it would be to a proportion who cannot access the private market,” he said.

The Holmbrae 2016 Group of Bainbridge Residents had, however, disagreed. They had complained that residents had not had access to financial information relating to the discount to be applied to the sale price of the dwellings to ensure that these would be affordable. In their letter to the Authority they threatened that if the information was not released and the residents re-consulted on the proposal they would seek to quash any decision to approve by way of judicial review.

Mr Graham therefore recommended that members should defer the application to allow time for officers to consult further with the district council and to allow for a further period of consultation with residents. The members accepted his advice.

Barbon – February

The committee refused an application to construct a dwelling adjacent to Studds Hall in Barbon partly because it could lead to further housing development in a field.

Barbondale became part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park in August 2016 but the South Lakeland District Core Strategy still applies. This does allow for infill or the rounding off of an incomplete cluster of houses. The YDNPA planning committee, however, was not convinced that the application fitted either of those categories.

A former chairman of the Authority, Kevin Lancaster (a South Lakeland District Councillor who attended as a private citizen) explained to the committee that Barbondale was characterised by small clusters of dwellings. North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie compared this to the situation in Arkengarthdale.

Cllr Lancaster and the applicant’s agent, Anthea Jones, argued that the house would not disrupt this pattern of settlement. Ms Jones said that the application was different to that refused by South Lakeland District Council in June 2015 because the house would be built further back in the field to make it less visible.

She expressed surprise at the objections put forward by the Highways Authority concerning the access onto the main road as it  had not objected to the plans submitted in 2015. The house, she said, would make it possible for someone who has lived in the village all his life to continue living there.

It was pointed out that, in the past, permission had been granted for a small part of the field to be used for car parking.  Members Ian McPherson and Richmondshire District Councillor Stuart Parsons argued, however, that this had not disrupted the integrity of the field whereas the new house would.

The planning officer stated the green gaps between clusters of buildings was an important feature of Barbon and added: “To permit development of a section of an otherwise open field would result in a distorted building line opening up further land adjacent to pressure for future development, particularly between the proposed site and the highway.”

Barden – August

For the sake of animal welfare and to protect a farmer’s livelihood the committee voted to approve the erection of an agricultural building at Broad Park, Barden, beside Lower Barden Reservoir.

As that was against the officer’s recommendation the decision will have to be ratified at another planning committee meeting. The members were told it would not be referred back until the Authority had the information necessary for a Habitats Regulation s Assessment. The chairman of the committee, Cllr Thornton-Berry, told the applicant’s agent, Peter Williams, that it was up to him and the applicant (Gordon Banks) to provide that information very soon if the application was to be discussed at the September meeting.

Mr Williams had told the meeting: “The applicant did not feel able to attend in person today because of the magnitude of the occasion and the inevitable pressure he feels.

“I cannot stress enough the importance of the proposed facility to the applicant’s livelihood. This Authority has historically always been supportive of agriculture. In this case, despite strong agricultural need, the planning officer has refused from the outset to show any support to the applicant’s farming enterprise.” He asked the committee to support the development in its compromised form.

When the committee discussed the application in June this year it suggested that the proposed building should be smaller and built closer to other buildings at Broad Park. The applicant had new plans drawn up in accordance with this advice but had pointed out to the planning officer that the smaller building would accommodate only 30 per cent of his livestock at any one time and to reduce its size further would undermine his ability to provide the level of care required. The latest plans included an outdoor handling facility as the proposed building was smaller.

The planning officer, however, again recommended refusal. He explained that the land was owned by the Chatsworth Estate with most of Mr Banks’ tenancy being within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The buildings at Broad Park were not but were within the SSSI impact zone. The previous tenant, Mr Banks’ father, had had use of two traditional barns but these were no longer available to Mr Banks. It was stated that he lives about two miles from the farm and does need a building for his equipment and to care for the sheep during the lambing season.

The planning officer said: “The National Park policies would not generally support a new venture including a substantial new building in such an exposed location within the open allotment. It flies in the face of the landscape requirement and the purposes of the National Park and its Local Plan.

“Together with the lack of accommodation there has to be a concern as to the sustainability of the enterprise, but also the precedent of allowing such development in these particular circumstances.”

He had suggested an alternative site which, he said, had been dismissed out of hand on the basis that Chatsworth Estate might not agree to it as it was within the SSSI. “Without the Estate considering options they are dictating to us where development should be directed,” he added.

North Yorkshire County councillor Robert Heseltine said there was an absolute need for the building due to animal welfare and to support the farming enterprise. And Cllr Kendal argued that it was not a new enterprise as the applicant was already providing a service to other farmers as a sheep sheerer and shepherd.

Julie Martin told the committee that although she was not happy with the application for a variety of reasons which included the impact upon the landscape and the environment, she would not vote for refusal because a farming livelihood was at risk and that the new plans were a bit better than the previous ones.

“I don’t see that there is a realistic chance of a different location and a better proposal coming forward,” she said.

At the meeting in September the majority of the committee confirmed its approval of this application.

Bishopdale – April

An £850,000 redevelopment of Howe Syke farm in Bishopdale was given the green light by a large majority.

But that has to be confirmed at next month’s meeting because that decision was against the Authority’s policies stated the head of development management, Richard Graham.

One of the committee members, Chris Clark, warned that there might be problems with the agricultural element of the scheme proposed by Rob and Helen Brown due to Brexit.

“I admire hugely the entrepreneurial approach to this,” he said but explained: “Post Brexit there’s going to be a significant reduction of support …between ten to 40 per cent. No farm in the dales can manage without support. Our hill farmers are going to be in real trouble.”

Mrs Brown, however, told the committee: “Our goal is to build a viable dales farm that can survive the pressures of the post Brexit world using a combination of farming, shooting and tourism.”

Their planning application is for: the erection of an extension to the existing farmhouse which would incorporate the adjoining barn into the domestic accommodation; the erection of two semi-detached rural workers cottages; the conversion of a modern barn into five short-term holiday lets with associated garages; the extension of the existing site office to provide kitchen facilities; and the erection of two agricultural barns.

Mrs Brown explained that the holiday lets would be used by shooting parties during the shooting season and would then be available to other visitors. They not only needed good family accommodation for a gamekeeper, an apprentice gamekeeper and a farm manager, but also to improve the accommodation for themselves and their children, she said.

“It has taken three years of consultation with the Park’s officers and three pre-planning applications to put in this proposal,” she added.

But the planning officer recommended refusal. Two members of the committee agreed with him that it would set a bad precedent if the Authority did not adhere to the long-standing national policy not to approve any new housing development in the open countryside unless it met an essential need.

A consultant had reported that there was a need for just one gamekeeper to live on site. As there were so few sheep at present a farm manager could be accommodated in a caravan for a three-year period while the number was being increased to 1,000.

The planning officer said that the proposed conversion of the modern agricultural building would perpetuate the visual harm caused by it, and the new barns would cause further harm. He added that the proposed extension to the farmhouse and adjoining traditional barn would dominate and detract from the appearance, character and heritage of those buildings.

Several members, including Cllr Blackie, disagreed with all the reasons put forward for refusal. Cllr Blackie mentioned the declining population in Middle and Upper Wensleydale and pointed out that there were now only about 35 people living in Bishopdale compared to hundreds at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Browns, he said, were willing to put their time and effort and investment into regenerating the dale and already had a seven-year record of doing that through various green initiatives such as planting trees and installing hydro-electric power.

Ian McPherson was among those who agreed with him. He stated that the policies could be interpreted in various ways. “We could look at the detail and fail to take advantage of what could be a major source of employment. I think this is an adventurous project,” he said.

And Steve Macaré stated: “I think we should be bold and support this enterprise as the potential damage to the landscape [will be] minimal.”

Cllr Harrison-Topham in his final speech to the committee (he will not stand for election again) believed there was a functional need already for three workers and shooting parties would not want to stay there if there were caravans on the site.

Aysgarth and District Parish Council was praised by Allen Kirkbride for giving substantial reasons for supporting the application. “Without them this would not have been brought to this meeting,” he said.

Bishopdale – May

The majority of the committee again voted in favour of approving the application for the development at Howe Syke Farm in Bishopdale even though they were warned it could set a dangerous precedent.

Cllr Blackie told the committee that according to a business assessment the development had to be taken as a whole otherwise it wouldn’t work. “We need to be bold but not act blindly. It is an exceptional application because of the size of the investment proposed, the track record of the applicants [Rob and Helen Brown] who are willing to make that investment, and their past history which is very favourable.”

He argued that it was in accordance with the government’s National Planning Policy Framework because it would encourage economic growth and so help to sustain communities. This would regenerate a dale that has been dying, he said.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, warned that the application failed to comply with some of the fundamental principles in the Local Plan such as justifying the need for new agricultural buildings and staff accommodation. A consultant’s report had, he said, shown that only one dwelling for a staff member was needed at Howe Syke Farm.

He told the committee: “If members are still minded to grant permission I would be grateful if you could give clear reasons why this proposal is exceptional so that officers can explain to other applicants why this application has been dealt with differently.”

Julie Martin and Jim Munday warned that a dangerous precedent could be set. Mrs Martin agreed with Mr Graham that, if the application was refused, the Browns could still apply for permission to go ahead with the less contentious parts of the development.

But Brenda Gray commented: “I think we should be very careful before we turn down an opportunity like this.” And Cllr Heseltine added: “For future generations I will support this without reservation.”

Cllr Harrison-Topham believed that a consultant had not taken all the factors into consideration regarding the shooting business when assessing the need for staff accommodation.”He is wrong I am afraid,” he said.

This was his last planning committee meeting and the chairman, Cllr  Thornton-Berry thanked him for his long service on it. “He will be badly missed,” she stated.

The committee did accept Mr Graham’s recommendation that the development must be subject to a legal agreement to ensure that the buildings and holiday lets remained as a single interdependent enterprise by tying the land holding and farmhouse to the holiday lets, to control their occupancy for holiday purposes only, and to prevent any part of the development being sold off separately.

There must also be legal agreements regarding the conditions which include biodiversity enhancement, landscaping schemes, the specific use of the agricultural buildings and staff dwellings and the archaeological recording of the farmhouse and its adjoining barn. (It took about six months for these agreement to be prepared.)

Bolton Abbey – April

Approval was given for the unusual step of holding a site meeting before an application was discussed by the committee.

Mr Graham explained that the application was for converting the Tithe Barn at Bolton Abbey into a wedding venue. He stated: “It is a very important building in the Park. Hopefully we can find a suitable new use for the building.” The Tithe Barn is a Grade II* listed building and is within the Bolton Abbey Priory Scheduled Ancient Monument.

But before work can begin on the barn a new bat roost had to be constructed and that needed to be built during the summer, he said. As this was such a tight timetable he asked if the site meeting could be held at the end of April. The application will then come to the planning committee on May 9.

Bolton Abbey – May

Bolton Abbey could become one of the first places in Britain to have a bespoke bat house. When proposing that the committee should approve an application to convert the early 16th century Tithe Barn on the southern edge of Bolton Abbey village Ian McPherson, the Authority’s member champion for the natural environment commented:“I have not heard of a bespoke bat house being created before. It may not be the first time in this country but it’s an indication of the way the applicants seem to have approached this whole project.”

Will Kemp said the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement had worked with the Authority, Historic England and others, for five years to develop the plan for converting the Tithe Barn into a wedding venue.“The Tithe Barn is a very special building. It is 500-years-old and it has suffered during that time from weathering and, to a lesser degree, under  use. We want to conserve it for another 500 years.

“However, finding a use for the building which is very suitable to it and pays for its restoration has been a major problem for us over the last 20 years. We are absolutely sure that the wedding barn use is the way forward.

“It is a Grade II star listed building on a scheduled monument in a conservation park, in a National Park with a colony of bats, with residents nearby.” They had sought to ensure that no harm would take place to human health and the environment – and to protect those bats.

Bat surveys have shown that the Tithe Barn has conservation significance for roosting bats as 50 to 60 Natterer’s Bats use it in the summer. Five Common Pipistrelle Bats roost and hibernate there.The development scheme, therefore, includes the construction of a five metres by 10 metres stone and slate bat house linked to known foraging grounds.

The planning officer stated that once usage  has been proven, bats will be excluded from the Tithe Barn before hibernation starts. She added: “It is considered that a wedding venue would be a positive use of the building. [This] would require only minor internal division and would retain the open timber structure. The interior of the building is  highly significant with the original 16th century oak timber frame intact and visible.”

The renovation work will leave the timber frame fully exposed for the entire length of the Tithe Barn. “It is one of the best preserved medieval barns in northern England and a rare example nationally of a medieval tithe barn of this scale,” she said.

For this reason, all the work will be recorded under archaeological supervision. Historic England also  hopes that there will be greater public access once the work is complete.The application, which was unanimously approved, includes the creation of a wedding terrace with a gazebo; a car park for 67 cars;  a new access road and a service yard.

NB: This application was later withdrawn.

Buckden – August

The Village Tea Rooms can be converted for local occupancy or holiday let in accordance with the new Local Plan because they can be regarded as a “traditional building”.

A planning officer explained that although it had a modern appearance there was evidence that a building with a very similar footprint existed on the site in the late 19th century.

She stated that an earlier application to convert the tea rooms had been approved but the sale fell through before a legal document could be signed.  She said that no harm would result to community vitality or employment as the tea rooms were no longer commercially viable, and there were several other restaurants and pubs nearby. The new owners will have to sign a legal undertaking to ensure that the new dwelling would not be sold  on the open market.

The application was discussed by the committee because Buckden Parish  Council had strongly objected to the possibility of the tea rooms becoming a holiday let (see above).

Conistone – February

Altering a legal agreement made in May 2006 would allow the Trekking Centre at Conistone to make more flexible use of a converted barn, it was agreed.

A planning officer explained that the original legal agreement allowed the one-bedroom converted barn to be used only for local occupancy.  “Allowing  a choice between local occupancy or holiday let gives the applicant flexibility to use the building in a way which best supports their businesses. A holiday letting use tied to the trekking business would deliver …tourism and visitor benefits,” the committee was told.

Countersett – July

Concern about retaining the special qualities of the landscape around Semerwater  was one reason why the members did not accept the planning officer’s recommendation to approve converting a barn at East Hill Top, Countersett, into a one-bedroom dwelling for local occupancy or short-term holiday lets.

The officer argued that the barn was redundant and was within a loose group of buildings as it was near a smaller outbuilding and a barn which was being used as a residential workshop. She stated that it was almost unnoticeable from Semerwater and converting it would secure its future as a heritage asset.

She explained that the whole of the north-eastern wall of the two-storey barn would need to be re-built along with the corner of the south-eastern elevation, and the roof would be replaced. This, however, did not constitute replacing the building, she added.

Some members queried how the application fitted with the Authority’s new policy of allowing roadside barns to be converted and pointed out that the barn was still in agricultural use. The head of development management, Richard Graham, said that the policy included barns that were in groups of buildings and did not require a barn to be redundant.

Cllr Peacock was one of the members who maintained that the barn could be seen from Semerwater and, as a local parish councillor, said that residents in Countersett often raised concerns about light pollution.

One of those residents, Merrie Ashton, told the committee: “Semerwater is such an extraordinary national asset which should be protected and promoted. The location is dramatic and unspoilt. It needs very, very careful management. The light from this building would be a problem for wildlife.

“There is a species of bat – the long-eared bat – which is roosting in the barn, which is highly susceptible to light. Light pollution is detrimental to their feeding and breeding. Conversion from an agricultural building to a domestic building would most likely result in the roost being abandoned.”

She added that even if the height of the dry stone walls around the site were raised, it was likely that any cars parked by the barn would be visible from Semerwater. Besides its concerns about the height of the walls and the groundworks required, the parish council also noted that the barn was quite a distance from Countersett.

The majority of the committee voted to refuse the application but, as that was against the recommendation of the planning officer, the decision was referred back to the August meeting.  Mr Graham said this was because the issues were fundamental to the Authority’s local plan.

Countersett – August

The majority of the committee did a complete U-turn and voted to approve the conversion of a barn at East Hill Top.

Jim Munday told the committee: “After careful consideration I believe I was distracted by the actual or perceived shortcomings of the applicant rather than on the merits of the application itself. In my opinion the application is sound. It relates to a barn rightly described as an undesignated heritage asset. If left undeveloped it will become just another pile of stones. It’s well worth restoring and put to beneficial use.  The site is well concealed by the lie of the land and accessed by an existing two-wheel track which already has planning permission.

“The existing site is a redundant, former agricultural field barn. It is a building of architectural and historical importance which needs a new use to ensure its longevity.”

Mrs Martin agreed and said: “Like Mr Munday, having seen the update from the officer on this, I have changed my mind. I don’t especially like the proposal … but we don’t have a valid reason for refusing it.”

The new Local Plan allows for traditional barns to be converted if they are by the roadside, or within an existing settlement or a group of buildings.

The two members who live in mid Wensleydale, Cllrs Peacock and Kirkbride, disagreed. Allen Kirkbride commented: “I probably know this site better than anybody else. To my mind it is out of the way. It is not close enough to form part of an enclosed group. I think it is out of place.

Both he and Cllr Peacock maintained that there was likely to be a negative impact upon the landscape and particularly the area around the River Bain and Semerwater if the barn was converted and there were cars parked outside it.

Bainbridge Parish Council’s had objected and had stated that it would only support such buildings being converted for local occupancy. (See above)

Cotterdale – December

Permission was granted for a barn in Cotterdale to be converted into a two-bedroom local occupancy dwelling or for short-term holiday lets.

The applicants had originally intended to have the living area on the first floor of the building with the bedrooms below. They had also wanted to create an additional parking area in a field next to the barn. There had been objections to this because the first floor living area would impact upon the amenity of the neighbouring cottage and the parking area in the field would also cause access problems for the neighbours.

Following a site visit in November it had already been accepted that permission would not be given for a parking space in a field. The applicants had also agreed to have the living area on the ground floor.

Helen Shovlar, whose cottage is attached to the barn, explained to the committee that she was still concerned about the impact upon her access and amenity. She asked if the two doors and two windows overlooking the narrow alleyway to her back door could be blocked off.

The agent for the applicants, Peter Foskett, explained that they wanted to retain as many features of the original barn as possible and that had to include all the openings.

Cllr Blackie recommended that one of the doors should be solid wood but disagreed with Mrs Shovlar about the other openings. He added that Hawes and Lower Abbotside Parish Council would have preferred the barn to be converted just for local occupancy. “There are only six residents in Cotterdale and 14 properties so there are more cottages as second homes than there are as residencies,” he said.

Like the parish council Cllr Heseltine questioned the policy of allowing dual use of barn conversions (local occupancy and holiday lets).“If it’s a holiday cottage or whether it’s a second home it’s denying a family a permanent residence,” he commented. For that reason he would prefer that such dual consent was only given in exceptional circumstances.

Coverdale – August

The enforcement officer requested that enforcement action should be taken against the owner of Forbidden Corner in Coverdale. The 6.8 m “mock medieval castle” which has been erected there was not, he stated, screened by trees and could easily be seen.

“It is considered that the ‘castle folly’ causes harm to the significance of the historic  landscape and undermines the public understanding of the Special Qualities of the National Park,” he  said.

Mr Munday retorted: “It should stay in Disneyland” – and all but Cllrs Peacock and Kirkbride agreed with him.

“It reminds me of an abbey,” commented Cllr Kirkbride, and Cllr Peacock felt that the viewing platform at the top with its magnificent views across Coverdale would attract even more tourists to that dale.

The majority agreed, however, that an enforcement notice should be issued with a compliance notice of three months, requiring the demolition and removal of the “castle folly” and the restoration of the site to its previous condition with no structures  higher than three metres.

Crosby Garrett – July

The residents of Crosby Garrett near Kirkby Stephen did not want to fall out with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority but they did want to see a home provided for the postmistress who has served the village for 34 years Dr Carl Hallam, the chairman of the parish meeting, told the committee.

He explained that Richard Harper, a local respected builder, wanted to build a two-bedroom dwelling  next to his own for his sister, Helen, and his elderly mother. “Helen was born, went to school and has worked in Crosby Garrett all her life. She is far more than our postmistress – she runs a small shop, she delivers our papers, is a friend to everyone, and the first to help when anyone is ill or in need. We are concerned that when she retires she and her elderly mother, with whom she lives and for whom she cares, may not be able to remain in the village,” he said.

He, like the rest of the community, disagreed with the planning officer’s statement that the proposed site was outside the village boundary. He argued that the site had been within the village for centuries – long before the railway viaduct. The planning officer reported that this formed the southern limit of the settlement.

“We will accept any conditions you may wish to impose on this site. We do not, under any circumstances, wish to fall out with the Yorkshire Dales National Park. We voted to be in your Park and all we ask is your advice – to guide us through this application to a successful conclusion,” Dr Hallam added.

Like Dr Hallam, Mr Harper’s agent, Rachel Lightfoot, said that neither the railway viaduct nor the cattle grid near the proposed site defined the edges of the village. The siting of the new house would, therefore, be in accordance with Eden District Council’s emerging plan which allowed local need dwellings to be built in villages like Crosby Garrett. Eden District Council’s planning policies still apply following the inclusion of the area into the National Park last August.

Ms Lightfoot also quoted the Authority’s policy on the social, economic and environmental aspects of the National Park’s sustainable development policy. She said: “This proposal is considered to meet these requirements. It will enable a long-standing member of the community who has lived in Crosby Garrett throughout her life and worked for the community to remain in the place where she was born.”

This was emphasised by Mr Harper who added that he would be happy to discuss the design, siting and other conditions with the Authority.

Eden District Councillor Valerie Kendal agreed with them that the site was within the village but she was surprised that the application was for an open market dwelling rather than for local occupancy. Like some other members of the committee, she felt there should be an archaeological survey of the site.

The planning officer reported that there was evidence of surviving earthworks south west of the railway viaduct including large banks and garths which would imply the medieval shrinkage of the village. The proposed site, she said, would intrude into the remnants of such earthworks. For that reason the Authority’s senior historic environment officer had advised an archaeological survey which would comprise of a small number of trial trenches covering the area of the proposed building work.

It was, therefore, decided that a decision should be deferred so that an archaeological survey could be carried out, plus the inclusion of a legal agreement covering local occupancy and possible amendments to the design of the house. The planning officer had described the design as poor and stated  it would have more of the appearance of a bungalow than a traditional barn.

Crosby Garrett – November

Even though 12 out of the 15 committee members voted to approve the application for a home for Crosby Garrett’s elderly postmistress so that she can continue living in her own village it is far from certain that decision will be confirmed at the December meeting.

After the vote – when one member voted against and two abstained – the head of development management, Richard Graham, said: “This application will have to be referred back. The main reason for doing that is that in granting permission for this  you are, in my mind, making a decision contrary  to Local Plan policy for a number of reasons. I would like to make sure you have proper advice to ensure that it is a lawful decision.”

The committee was told that the application should be assessed in accordance with the policies of Eden District Council. The planning officer argued that the new house would not be within the village boundary and, if it did, it would not fit the criteria of being either filling a modest gap between existing buildings (infill) or rounding off the village. If it did it should not have more than 150sqm of internal floor space compared to the 178sqm shown on the plans. Nor did the officer accept that a convincing case for housing need had been made.

Cllr Welch reminded the committee that a decision was deferred in July this year for three reasons: for an archaeological survey to be carried out; for the design to be improved; and to ask if the applicant would consider a local occupancy legal agreement. “As far as I can see, all the three reasons for deferral have been overcome,” he said and added that the Authority was 25 per cent below its target of seeing 150 houses a year built in the National Park. (The interior floor space was not mentioned at the July meeting.)

Several members agreed with Allen Kirkbride  that the new house would not have any detrimental effect upon the village. He added that within the areas which were added to the National Park in August 2016 the villages do not have boundary lines around them and said: “With the parish council having such a strong view I feel it is my job to support them.”

Cllr Gray agreed: “The government says we need more housing for local people. Sometimes it just needs common sense to say ‘Yes – we go ahead’”.

At the beginning of his report the planning officer stated that the application was for an open market house. When Cllr Kendal queried this he repeated that. When she asked again Mr Graham told the meeting that the applicant, Richard Harper, had offered to sign a local occupancy legal agreement.

Mrs Kendal did not accept the planning officer’s statement that the railway line defined the boundary of the village. She explained that two houses had been demolished when the railway line was constructed in Victorian times and to the residents the village still extended beyond it.  She added that there was a wide range of housing styles and of the 60 houses in Crosby Garrett ten per cent were beyond the railway line.

She told the committee: “The applicant has said he wanted it as a retirement home for his sister who was born in one of the adjacent cottages and wanted to retire as the postmistress.”

“The important point is that we actually get a house for local occupancy,” said Cllr Blackie. “The fact of the matter is that the policy is in a complete and utter tangle – and that is no fault of our own. If there is a way we can actually ensure that this is a local occupancy house then, to me, untangling the tangle isn’t necessary.”

Crosby Garrett – December

The committee unanimously supported a proposal which would allow Crosby Garrett’s postmistress to remain in that village when she retires.

The planning officer had explained that the reasons put forward by the committee in November for approving the application for a new house were not supported by either Eden District Council’s current or emerging Local Plans. He said that according to the emerging Local Plan the house would not fit the definition of being either infill within a modest gap between existing buildings or rounding off the settlement within a logical and defensible boundary.

The applicant had offered to sign a local occupancy legal agreement but the proposed house would have a floor area of 178 square metres in size as compared to the 150 square metres allowed under the Eden District Council’s emerging Local Plan for such dwellings.

Cllr Blackie, therefore, proposed that the application should be approved because of exceptional circumstances and the officers be given delegated powers to seek an amendment to the design so that the house had a floor area of 150 square metres.

The exceptional circumstances he said were due to parts of Eden District having been included within the Yorkshire Dales National Park last year. “There is a time warp between policies within that part of the Park which is new to us, and they [Eden District Council] are also moving forward with policies for the areas beyond the Park, and us incorporating their policies within ours. So these are very unusual circumstances,” he explained.

This decision will be advertised as a departure from Local Plan policy and so subject to no new issues being raised.

Embsay – February

Embsay with Eastby Parish Council was extremely disappointed that a planning officer had recommended approval of a dormer window contrary to the new Local Plan.

Parish councillor Vince Smith reminded the planning committee that according to that Local Plan dormer windows should not encroach on the wider street scene.

The planning officer accepted that the proposed dormer on a chalet bungalow in Rockville Drive, Embsay, would be conspicuous from Millholme Rise but argued it would appear as a subservient feature due to its size and siting. She added: “Although the dormer would be a prominent feature in the street scene, it would not be out of place in this context.”

Even though Cllr Smith warned this could lead to a proliferation of such applications the committee accepted the recommendation of the planning officer.

He told members: “The danger for the Park in allowing its own policies to be overridden… is that the fabric of the Park will be eroded from the edges inwards as the pressure on housing increases.”

He added that just because Embsay was on the edge of the National Park did not mean that its residents should be treated as second-class citizens and not be afforded the same protection against he wrong kind of development.”

Two members, North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine and parish council representative Alan Kirkbridge agreed with him.

The approved application was for the enlargement of the garage to provide a kitchen, utility and store; the enlargement of the porch and alteration to access; and the insertion of roof lights as well as the new dormer.

Embsay – December

The chairman’s casting vote was needed to ensure that an application for an extension to a bungalow in the Rockville Estate of Embsay was approved even though that extension was described by North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine as an unfortunate carbuncle.

The first proposal was for the application to be refused in line with the request made by Embsay with Eastby Parish Council. With a four-four split (there weren’t many members there that day) the chairman, Cllr Thornton-Berry, again cast her vote against refusal. Then a majority voted to approve the extension even though Parish Councillor Vince Smith had carefully explained that this would be against the Authority’s own Design Guide.

The Design Guide, he told them, stated that the extension should not be more than half the length of the original bungalow – but it would be. “Effectively it becomes a super bungalow with another front door facing the street, and incorporating bathrooms, twin bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a study and a snug,” he said.

An extension, he pointed out, should be set back from and not dominate the original house. He added: “This extension is not set back. In fact it projects forward. It [will not be] subservient to the house.”

The fact that the extension roof would not be lower than the original was a blatant disregard of the rules, he said, and the proposed gable ends would dominate the street scene and overlook gardens. “The planning officer appears to be persuaded that the removal of a Juliette balcony rail would answer the parish council’s concerns about the impact upon residents’ amenity – it does not.”

Both he and Parish Councillor Judith Benjamin told the committee that it would be possible to look down from a room in the extension into a bedroom window of a nearby house. Mrs Benjamin said that local residents had no overall objection to the renovation of older properties, but were concerned that by increasing their size reduced the amount of smaller homes in the area and so made it difficult for local people to downsize.

The planning officer reported that the applicant had made amendments to the plans. These had included reducing the size of a sun room at the rear of the bungalow. She believed that the extension would not have such a harmful or overbearing impact for her to recommend refusal.

Gayle – March

As there are no permitted development rights within National Parks for cladding a wall to make it waterproof Michael Webster of Gayle had to apply for planning permission to add about four inches to the gable end of his house in Gayle.

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council informed the  planning committee  that it doubted that a planning application was required, but recognised Mr Webster was keen to demonstrate, as a sign of good faith, his wish to engage with the planning process.

Last year Mr Webster  was told to remove the insulation material he had begun to install or an enforcement notice would be issued.

His planning application was for an extension which included the solid wall insulation and water proofing system with a render finish, plus extending the stone work on the front and rear walls, as his objective was to ensure the house looked exactly the same as before.  This was approved by the planning committee.

Tim’s Barn, Gayle – June

Tim’s Barn at Gayle is unauthorised development and the subject of an enforcement investigation the committee was told.

This was in response to this statement made by the Association of Rural Communities:

“The Association is very concerned by what appears to be considerable inconsistency surrounding barn conversions at present. At the May meeting of the planning committee the application to convert Tup Gill Laithe near Kettlewell into a local occupancy dwelling was refused on the grounds that such a dwelling would have a negative impact upon the landscape. Compare that with the situation regarding Tim’s Barn near Gayle.

“Planning permission was granted in 2011 for conversion of what was a traditional barn into something similar to a bunk barn with very rudimentary facilities inside.  The conditions stated there should be no vehicular access track and no external lighting.  Earlier this year there were on-line adverts for ‘Tim’s Barn’ stating that it was fully equipped and beautifully furnished with en-suite shower cubicle, underfloor heating, a super king-size bed,  electric cooker, washing machine, a private car parking space for one car and much more.

“The planning department was informed about this in January following a very angry debate among Dales’ residents on Facebook. Some even suggested organising a protest march.

“Many feel that the way Tim’s Barn has been converted, contrary to planning permission, sets a very clear precedent. If it is allowed to remain as it is, it will completely undermine your policies concerning which barns can be converted. “How can you then, as a committee, argue that any barn conversion should be refused because it would have a negative impact upon the countryside?”

To this Richard Graham, the head of development management, made the following response:

“The statement from the Association of Rural Communities refers to ‘considerable inconsistency surrounding barn conversions at present’ comparing the refusal of planning permission for the conversion of Tug Gill Laithe at Kettlewell with the conversion of Tim’s Barn at Gayle.

“In reply, there is no inconsistency in decision making in relation to these two cases. Tug Gill Laithe was a planning application that Members considered against Local Plan policy L2 and decided to refuse permission.

“The conversion of Tim’s Barn on the other hand is unauthorised development and is the subject of a current, ongoing enforcement investigation. The Authority has not made a decision but will need to consider whether it is expedient to take enforcement action and in doing so will need to consider whether the unauthorised development complies with or conflicts with Policy L2.”

Policy L2 allows for the conversion of traditional agricultural buildings within existing settlements and building groups, or other suitable roadside locations.

Tim’s Barn, Gayle – October

Late last year some residents in Upper Wensleydale used Facebook to call for a march to the YDNPA office in Bainbridge to protest at the way Tim’s Barn at Gayle had been converted into a luxury  holiday cottage when its owners had only been granted approval in 2011 for a “stone tent”.

As Cllr Blackie told the committee at the October meeting: “It was the talk of the town in the Upper Dales – here was a stone tent, the most basic of accommodations, that  had been advertised on the internet as a five-star holiday cottage.

“I brought this matter in front of this committee on three occasions since January, since it was raised at the parish council of Hawes and High  Abbotside. It really undermines the credibility of this planning authority to have people simply run rings round it in this way.”

Residents were very concerned, he said, that the owners of the barn could get away with that while everybody else had to play by the rules.

He added that there were now no “sour grapes” about this as the parish council wanted to support Mr and Mrs Tim Crick’s retrospective application for a camping barn. He added:

“I think it is really important for the reputation of this planning authority and its integrity and credibility that we add a condition that there is no occupation of the barn as a stone tent until the internal fittings, which are of a luxurious class, are removed.”

The agent, Andrew Cunningham, told the committee that his clients were keen to work with the Authority and to remove the internal fixtures and fittings and the external hard landscaping at the barn. The barn would , he said, be returned to very basic overnight accommodation and access to it would be by foot.

The planning officer noted that the barn, which is in a field in the open countryside, was an appropriate location for a camping barn as it was easily accessible by foot from Gayle, is close to two public footpaths, and was within a half a mile of the Pennine Way.

He said that, following a complaint, it had been found that the barn  had been converted into a fully furnished holiday cottage.

The committee unanimously voted to approve the application for a camping barn.

Grassington – April

Permission was granted for an extension to a large steel portal framed agricultural building at Town Head Farm.

The committee was told that this would make an efficient use of the site and would mean that livestock would no longer be kept in a smaller, older building. The planning officer noted that the extension would also substantially reduce run-off from the current dirty yard.

Several members commented that the farm yard looked a mess and hoped the new structure would lead to an improvement.

Grassington Parish Council had been concerned that the extension was described as the first of three phases but no information had originally been provided about the next two phases.

The planning officer said further details had now been received. The second phase application was for the removal of the old timber barn and replacing it with a larger building which, as with the extension, would also cover part of the yard. The third phase will involve the covering of the yard between the two new buildings.

Grassington – October

John Webber told the committee that he had been in discussion with planning officers for 14 months concerning his application to make more use of the former farmstead at Halfway House for his tree and forestry business.

The problem was that his original application did  not fit with the Authority’s Local Plan. The committee did approve his amended plans which include converting a barn into a local occupancy dwelling and erecting a building to house his  business machinery.

The planning officer explained that whilst the Local Plan did support the provision of new buildings for business use it also sought to protect the open countryside from development. As Halfway House was in a prominent location in the open countryside it was, therefore,  difficult to support the construction of the new building or the creation of a new yard area there.

“It is considered that if part of the business were incorporated within one of the traditional barns within the site as is now proposed, there would be a good justification for locating the business on this site,” she said.

Mr Webber has also agreed to locate the proposed new building nearer to the existing buildings and to plant trees to the west of it for screening.

In addition he will demolish a modern lean-to extension that had been added to the barn which will become a dwelling and to remove an unauthorised static caravan from the site.

He said his proposal would enable him to keep all the business equipment in one place and also provide accommodation for his elderly parents.

He explained: “Most of our work is based in the National Park – the work of the Authority being fencing and tree planting, tree work and footpath work. We also work for the National Trust. We are looking to start work … on the Settle to Carlisle [railway] line. Because of this we need more staff but I need the security [of this] development to do this.”

The committee heard that Webber Forestry currently employs nine members of staff and three trainees and has plans for expansion.

North Yorkshire county councillor Gillian Quinn noted that Mr Webber had taken on board the advice of the planning officers. “We really do need to support the long term viability of this business,” she said.

Grassington Parish Council had withdrawn its previous objections to the application especially after being reassured by Mr Webber that the new building would not be  used for manufacturing purposes.

Hudswell – March

It was agreed that a unilateral legal undertaking must be made by the owner of Underbanks on the Reeth Road near Hudswell to carry out remedial work.

Retrospective planning permission to retain alterations and extensions to the Grade II listed building and the conversion of agricultural buildings to form additional living accommodation will be subject to the legal obligation to ensure that some heritage features are  re-instated within six months.

When driving from Richmond towards Reeth Underbanks makes a bold statement just inside the National Park (above), the members heard. This was because an appeal inspector gave conditional approval for a wrap-around extension with large windows to be added to a barn.

But a planning officer reported: “Following a number of site visits and a visit by the Listed Buildings Officer, it was determined that the development was so fundamentally in breach of the May 2015 consents, which were dependent on pre-commencement conditions, as to invalidate the previous permission. Since the submission of the current application, there have been extensive negotiations with the applicant despite the seriousness of the offence involved.”

The committee was told that Mr Davies was now proposing to take down the ashlar stonework on the wrap around extension and rebuild the north and east elevations with random rubble stonework to match the existing building.

The planning officer  stated: “The sawmill appears to have been demolished and rebuilt and the horizontal and vertical stepped stonework has been lost during the reconstruction.

“The sawmill was a very unusual building and the stepping of the wall seems to be a rare feature. The current plans show that the horizontal step would be partially re-instated with the windows being reduced in height.

“As the heritage significance has been lost through demolition of the former sawmill, it is considered that the re-instatement of part of the step would be acceptable.”

He added: “The stair tower into the courtyard is an important feature of the building, of 17th century origin, and consequently it is important that this is preserved in its original form.” The height, however, has been increased and it is proposed to reduce this. The Authority also wants to see a stone staircase and the courtyard cobbles replaced.

The following were accepted by the planning officer:

  • That the metal framed dark grey window frames in the wrap-around extension, the rebuilt sawmill and the north and east elevations of the outbuildings could remain. The planning officer commented: “Whilst this material is not usually considered acceptable for windows in either a barn conversion or a listed building, the style and colour of the windows are considered to work reasonably well.”
  • Although one of the conditions was that the original buildings on the site should be finished with natural stone slates it was considered that the Bradstone “Old Quarried” slates which had been used instead were not significantly harmful to the listed building.
  • A gable had replaced the proposed hipped roof on the southern tip of the wrap-around extension.The officer reported: “It is considered that whilst the Inspector approved a hipped roof, the simpler treatment of a gable is considered more appropriate…”

Committee member Julie Martin asked how they could ensure such a situation would not occur again and was told that the issue of compliance and monitoring was under review.

Kettlewell – March

The committee again approved the application to convert and extend Crookadyke Barn in Kettlewell into a local occupancy dwelling even though North Yorkshire County Council’s Highways Authority had again objected on the basis of highway safety.

The applicant had amended his application, which was conditionally approved in November 2016, by proposing to lower the dry stone wall on either side of the access, but the Highways Authority stated that this would not be sufficient.

The planning officer, however, told the committee: “The character of the road side boundary walls on the approach into Kettlewell from the north are an important wider landscape feature. The revised proposal would preserve the character of the traditional building and wider site.

“Overall the alterations to the access amount to an improvement in the existing situation, whilst not to the standards recommended by the Highways Authority they are, on balance, considered adequate for highways safety purposes.”

Kettlewell – and barn conversions – May

Tug Gill Lathe between Kettlewell and Starbotton was the centre of a debate about where to draw the line on roadside barn conversions.

The YDNPA’s new Local Plan allows for roadside barns to be converted “subject to the proposal’s impact on the landscape.”  The majority of the members accepted the planning officer’s assessment that the creation of a dwelling at Tug Gill Lathe would have a significantly harmful effect on the highly distinctive landscape of Upper Wharfedale due to its residential curtilage, car parking, external and internal lighting and other domestic usage.

The applicant, Margaret Rhodes, however, informed the committee: “I am working four full days 52 weeks a year improving the grassland at Tug Gill. I am really passionate about protecting the Yorkshire Dales for future generations. I continue to preserve the land to enhance the variety of native plants and wildlife.

“I’m battling to improve and secure the land, and by allowing this barn to be converted as my home would allow me to achieve more and keep the standard maintained.”

Her agent, Robert Groves, stated: “Allowing the barn to be converted to a dwelling will ensure that the asset is conserved in the appropriate form proposed which is almost unchanged externally from the character and form of the original barn.

“A small respectful conversion as this one, occupied by the applicant who has a high respect for the landscape, can protect the environment and landscape better rather than, say, the barn reverting back to some other use or being derelict and the land slipping from being within the controlled schemes of Natural England to more unrestrained farming practices.”

The chairman of the YDNPA, Cllr Carl Lis, commented that if permission was granted for Tug Gill Lathe then others could seek approval to convert barns in Wharfedale which were not as well hidden. “This is a step too far,” he said.

Another committee member, Ian McPherson, stated: “Once we set the precedent of allowing roadside barns in that kind of landscape [to be converted] then, in my view, we might just as well go home because we are not then fulfilling the first statutory purpose that the National Park is basically all about.”

Allen Kirkbride, a parish council representative from Askrigg, reminded the committee that Kettlewell-cum-Starbotton Parish Council was in favour of this barn conversion. “They are the people on the ground. They would not allow this sort of development to go ahead if it didn’t fit in with the surrounding area.

“I believe they are quite right. This one is set back in the hillside a little bit. I think it is the sort of barn that could be developed.”

Cllr Blackie maintained that, if converted, Tug Gill Lathe would still assimilate well into the landscape, and such conversions were needed to retain young families in the Dales.

“This is exactly what was in mind when members brought forward the roadside barn policy. We would do a great disservice to the community in Upper Wharfedale if we refuse it,” he said.

Cllr Heseltine told the committee: “Either we are serious about implementing our roadside barn conversion policy or we are not serious about it. Do we accept in our policy that these sporadic roadside barns close to the road can be approved or not approved? This is an important watershed in interpreting our barns policy.”

He, however, voted against giving approval.

Lancaster City Council and Leck

The September meeting was remarkable and memorable because: Lancaster County Council humbly apologised for its errors; the National Park Authority’s head of development management reported that there was a disagreement between officers; and the way an application had been dealt with was described as a “massive maladministration”.

The committee unanimously approved Andrew Redmayne’s application for the erection of a dwelling at Leck which incorporated the remaining walls of Fell Side Barn.

Lancaster City Council had humbly apologised to the YDNPA for the errors it had made when it gave Prior Approval to Andrew Redmayne in June 2016 to convert the barn. That Approval included a car parking and turning area which would be outside of the curtilage of the new dwelling. Mr Redmayne also assumed that the approval covered the proposed cellar as that was shown on the submitted plans.

Work did not begin on the barn until after Leck became part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park in August 2016. As Mr Redmayne was advised by a structural engineer that the western gable should be rebuilt both that and a section of the northern wall were demolished in early 2017, the latter to facilitate the construction of the cellar. Work also began on an underground garage for which no planning approval had been obtained.

In February Mr Redmayne was informed by YDNPA enforcement officers that, according to their estimate, about 37 per cent of the barn had been demolished and so it was no longer a conversion but a rebuild. He was also told that the cellar and the garage were not included in permitted development rights.

Richard Graham, the YDNPA’s head of development management, told the planning committee: “This is a contentious application. I will be open about this, there has been a disagreement between officers on the recommendations and the weight given to material considerations over against Local Plan policy.”

“The background to the case is quite important. Crucial to it are the national permitted development rights to barn conversions, barns and dwellings subject to a prior approval procedure. These don’t apply in National Parks.”

He explained that discussions were held with Mr Redmayne about how to apply for planning permission and added: “It was felt that such a solution was worth exploring as the alternative would be enforcement action that, at best, would leave the barn as a semi-derelict ruin on the landscape.”  This led to Mr Redmayne applying for permission for a “new build” even though both he and the City Council believed that it would still be a conversion.

Mr Graham said that this proposal was in accordance with the City Council’s Local Plan as it would “contribute positively to the identity and character of the area through good design, having regard to local distinctiveness.” The amended proposal represented a significant improvement on that originally submitted to the City Council, he added.

Mr Redmayne told the committee: “I would like to apologise unreservedly for the unauthorised work. The intention was to try and hide the residentialisation impact of this building. I have worked long and hard with the Yorkshire Dales [Authority] to improve the proposal. We have retained all the stones – everything that has come out of the barn is going back into it.”

Lancaster City Councillor Margaret Pattison commented: “I think once it’s done it will be beautiful.”

Other members of the committee accepted that the circumstances were exceptional and unlikely to occur again.

Sedbergh parish councillor Ian McPherson stated: “We can’t refuse it. Lancaster City has apologised for the mess. We either end up with a semi-derelict barn … or a dwelling house which is actually an improvement and clearly well designed.”

To that Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong added: “To me to even think about refusing it would just be compounding a massive maladministration.” She couldn’t see how the applicant should suffer because of the procedural irregularities and the complete failure of some people to do their jobs properly.

“I think we should actually commend the applicant for having the perseverance of trying to do a proper job.” And she recorded an apology to Mr Redmayne.

Ireby with Leck Parish Council had told the Authority: “The Council is not able to support this application but would support a revised scheme that is more in keeping with the original structure. The proposal involves too much disturbance of the natural landscape.

“The application goes significantly beyond what was granted originally in the permitted development and is now proposed as a new build.

“Whilst the Council is sympathetic to the difficulties the applicant has experienced with the proposals, the Council views the present application as setting a precedent and circumventing the rules of permitted development.”

Mr Redmayne will not be required to sign a local occupancy legal agreement as Lancaster City Council’s Local Plan still applies.

Litton – October

The Authority’s Local Plan policy that any traditional barn to be converted must be large enough to accommodate the new use without the addition of any significant extensions or alterations led to an application concerning Dubb Croft Barn in Litton being refused.

The planning officer stated that this policy applied to any additions after a barn had been converted. Since the conversion of Dubb Croft Barn it has become a family home with a holiday cottage letting business. The office for that business, the planning officer said, was in part of the master bedroom. “This is considered as being far from ideal as it requires access through the bedroom and requires the keeping of files, a desk, computer, telephone etc which cramps the bedroom space,” he explained and added that clients also had to enter that room to obtain keys and other information.

The application was for the erection of a single storey extension to provide a new bedroom so that the office could be separate. The planning officer stated that the extension would not be subservient to the present dwelling and would result in significant harm to the character and appearance of that building which is in a conservation area.

The agent, Robert Groves, disagreed.  “As the architect for this proposal I disagree as the [extension] has been designed to be very simple in its form. It [would be] essentially agricultural in appearance and provide no disharmony to the original. It is to a scale that is clearly subservient to the original and does not obscure any of the important features.”

He told the committee that the proposal was very important for the future of the business.

Litton Parish Meeting supported the application and stated: “Mr and Mrs Cowan are valuable members of our small community and their expanding business is a valuable asset bringing in much needed business and employment.”

Linton – February

Even though a resident told the planning committee that the proposed extension at The Minns in Linton would severely impact upon his residential amenity the majority of the members accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application.

Linton Parish Council agreed with John Ford that the extension would have a negative impact on his home. It stated: “The council still considers that the planning application does not adhere to the ethos of Linton as being a conservation village.”

The planning officer, however, argued that the applicant’s amended application was for a more modest, single storey side extension which would be subordinate to the main property. It had been designed to limit the impact upon neighbouring properties, he said. He added that the extension would not be a prominent addition to the street scene and would not detract from the appearance of The Minns.

Long Preston – February

The committee agreed that the planning application for 13 houses to be built of Greengate Lane in Long Preston should be approved as that granted in 2014 will expire on February 26.

One of the two sites was previously used for wagon storage and maintenance. The industrial building there has been demolished and removed.

The original planning permission, granted in February 2014, included a condition that a housing association would ensure that  six dwellings on the site would remain affordable homes for perpetuity. The applicant had confirmed this year that a housing association was no longer involved and he wanted to sell the site.

The new planning permission, therefore, requires that there will be a legal agreement to ensure that  two shared ownership units and four affordable rented units will remain so for perpetuity and be transferred to a Registered Provider prior to the occupation of any of the seven open market dwellings.

The owner of the site will need to check if Long Preston Water Trust will have sufficient supply to serve the development as mains water is not available in that part of the village.

Newbiggin in Bishopdale  – February

A legal agreement would not be sufficient to stop the two-bedroom annex to Mystified Bungalow becoming a separate dwelling Mr Graham told the committee.

The planning officer warned that the continued use of the annex as a self-catering holiday let would set an undesirable precedent for allowing the subdivision and conversion of any modern building anywhere within the National Park.

The majority of the committee accepted this advice and so refused the application, and agreed that an enforcement notice should be issued giving the owner six months to stop using the annex as a holiday let.

Andrew Cunnington, the agent, said the applicant was willing to sign a legal agreement tying the holiday let to the original bungalow and limiting the time it could be used as a holiday accommodation to 10 months each year.  His client, he explained, did require a mixed use for the annex, providing accommodation for tourists during the season and for his family at other times. Mr Cunnington argued that this would generate benefits for the local economy and so fulfilled the criteria for sustainable development as identified both nationally and locally.

He maintained that the new Local Plan set out competing priorities between the need for affordable housing and the provision of more facilities for tourists.  The planning officer, while acknowledging that there were competing priorities in the Local Plan, stated that the use of the large annex as a self-catering holiday let would prejudice the supply of local needs housing in an open countryside location as it had its own parking area, access and garden space. She added: “The annex could provide a viable, independent two-bedroomed dwelling.”

Cllr Blackie said that the Local Plan called for more overnight stays and accepted the provision of all types of accommodation including railway carriages.

He told the committee that a previous enforcement officer  had not told the applicant to remove the kitchen in the annex. This, however, was one of the options now put forward by the planning officer in order to turn the annex into B&B accommodation which would be acceptable. Cllr Blackie also pointed out that the present owner had installed a door between the original bungalow and the annex – something that had not been done when the annex was built.

Mr Graham stated concerning any legal agreement: “It would not be worth the paper it is written on.” When asked later about this in view of the decision made regarding Rose Cottage at Arncliffe he stated:

“The issue raised by the proposals at Mystified Bungalow and Rose Cottage concerns whether a separate ‘planning unit’ (a separate dwelling) would be created or not. With Rose Cottage the porposal was to convert a small domestic office at the bottom of a long garden. The building would not have a separate access or curtilage and, therefore, in the officers’ opinion, is highly unlikely to be sol off or used independently from the host property – in essence it is an annex. With Mystified Bungalow the proposal was for the accommodation to be used as a holiday cottage independent from the main house – with its own separate parking, access into the building and front/back garden space.

“A S106 agreement can be used to restrict how a building is used or occupied or to tie ownership but it must meet legal tests (including that it is ‘reasonable’) and it can be subject to appeal. A planning permission for an annex with a S10-6 agreement tying the annex to the host dwelling would be reasonable. A planning permission creating a separate dwelling with a S106 effectively saying the new dwelling cannot be used as a separate dwelling would not be reasonable and, therefore, likely to be removed on application or appeal. What I was trying to convey to the members [was that] such an agreement would be so weak as not survive a challenge and as such would not guarantee what they were proposing.”

Rylstone – February

An enforcement notice will be served on  the owners of Green Farm at Rylstone as they have not complied with several of the conditions included in the permission granted in 2013 for the construction of several large agricultural buildings.

“We are very disappointed that they have done that,” said Mr Graham. “It is a sad situation particularly as these are some of the largest buildings that we have given planning permission for in the National Park. We have been talking to them for quite a while now to try and resolve the situation. The only avenue we have got is an enforcement notice.”

The enforcement notice covers the removal of a yard to the south of the farm buildings,  the reduction in the number of roof lights and not providing sufficient landscaping

Cllr Blackie asked if it was necessary to “use the big stick” especially when it was so difficult for dairy farmers these days.

Mr Graham replied that when enforcement action was approved further negotiations took place to give the owners the opportunity to comply.

The enforcement officer, Martyn Coy, reported that the large yard which had been constructed without permission to the south of the farm buildings meant that a lot of activity took place close to neighbouring residential properties.

He stated that permission had been granted for four roof lights per bay but this had been increased to six without permission.  This did have an adverse impact upon the landscape and dark skies at night.

Cllr Harrison-Topham compared such farm buildings to large well-lit ocean liners.

Rylstone – November

The Authority should change its attitude towards communication masts, its planning committee was told by one of its own members.

South Lakeland District councillor Brenda Gray said: “We have to have communications, we have to accept man-made masts in the landscape for the people who live here and the people who visit. We must change our attitude.”

The majority of the committee agreed that EE Limited should be allowed to install a 11m high slim telegraph pole and ground base equipment in a farm field at Rylstone which would service voice calls, provide 3G and 4G data and network services for the emergency services.

As this was against the recommendation of the planning officer this decision will have to be confirmed at the committee meeting in December.

James Butcher, who farms at Rylstone, told the committee: “Communications are an essential local service. For an area to remain a living and working community it must have access to what most of the population takes for granted.

“It’s particularly important to the younger generation. We’ve attracted lots of young families and young people. We’ve got 15 children who go to local schools. This is an example of how to maintain a vibrant community. But if they don’t have a mobile signal they will be lost to the area.”

He described how one ambulance crew recently got lost trying to reach a child patient and couldn’t call in for directions because there was no mobile signal.

Cllr  Peacock said that people wouldn’t want to come and live in the National Park if they were concerned about the lack of communications and the ability to call for an ambulance.

Of the proposed site she commented: “It isn’t perfect where it is but you will have no countryside if you haven’t got people living and working here.”

“To make sure we don’t get left behind in the Yorkshire Dales we have to accept some compromises occasionally,” commented Cllr Blackie.

Cllrs Heseltine and Welch added that the wind turbine already in the farm field was not intrusive on the landscape.

The planning officer had argued that the pole and apparatus, equipment cabins and enclosure, viewed together with the existing wind turbine, would cumulatively dominate local views and be extremely prominent as an alien feature in wider views of the site, and so have a very detrimental impact upon a high quality landscape.

Jim Munday was concerned that EE Limited was going for the lowest cost option and felt that there could be alternative sites where a mast would not be so visible, such as beside trees.

The company’s agent, Carolyn Wilson, said that a mast beside trees would have to be much higher and bulkier. The company had to consider whether the cost of any alternative would make the scheme commercially unviable.

Cllr Peacock commented that for 20 to 25 years she had seen big companies walk away from projects in the National Park when the cost became too high. “We have an opportunity here to pass something that we don’t feel is intrusive and which benefits the whole area because it is a message – the message that we, the National Park, are here to help to promote our area and to encourage people to come and live and work here.”

After the vote Mr Graham said: “We have a wind turbine in this location. We also have another company which feels this is a suitable location for telecommunications and put up their mast without bothering to apply for permission. My great concern is that if we granted permission for this application we will be opening the door to further development [there]. For that reason I would say that this application should be referred back to the next meeting.”

He also explained that the Authority was working with Airwave to find suitable locations for 12 telecommunications masts to serve the emergency services. “We have planned suitable locations and designs for those masts that we feel won’t have a significant impact upon the landscape. The Park is being positive about these things,” he said.

Rylstone – December

All but three of the members agreed that a 11 metre high slim telecommunications pole would not make a major difference to the landscape at Fleets Laithe near Rylstone but would considerably improve the mobile phone service in that area.

Cllr Peacock agreed with Cllr  Heseltine that the impact upon the landscape would not be significant. She said: “To me it may not be a perfect site but … I believe we need to go ahead for the benefit of the communities. We have a business that is actually going to provide good mobile coverage in this area. We need good mobile phone coverage. We have got to take care of the future of our dales.”

Cllr Blackie agreed with her that it was not accurate to describe the mast and associated equipment as just a commercial enterprise especially in a deeply rural area. “This commercial mast will be serving both the social necessities of the population and [their] economic needs. We mustn’t put off those who are seeking to invest in essential community infrastructure,” he said.

He told the committee that 20 years ago the planning officers had regularly recommended that applications for telecommunications masts in Wensleydale and Swaledale should be refused. The committee had approved most of them apart from one in Swaledale. “Now, near Low Row [you] lose reception and only gain it again when you get to Gunnerside,” he added.

A planning officer maintained that the mast at Rylstone would have a harmful impact on the landscape as it would be at an exposed and prominent site. She and Mr Graham said they were not convinced that all alternative sites had been considered by EE Limited.

The planning officer stated:  “Areas of the National Park that tend to suffer from poor coverage do so not because of the restrictive planning policies but because commercial telecommunications operators choose not to invest in infrastructure in these areas.”

Three members abstained from voting when the majority approved the application.

Sedbergh – July

An application to build two houses on part of the former Baliol School site in Sedbergh was refused because that area has been designated for business development.

Mark Stott of Farmgate Vets and Edward Waller, who has a stone masonry and funeral parlour business, told the committee that they had bought land at Baliol School but needed to recoup some of the cost of constructing new premises on that site. “Although it is not essential for our financing, we are looking to sell a portion of the site for housing to offset some of the potential losses and to help to secure the business for the future,” Mr Stott said. Like Mr Waller, Farmgate Vets plan to have bespoke premises built on the site.

Sedbergh Parish Council had asked if it was possible to ensure that the business premises were built before the houses. The planning officer, however, told the committee that this was not legally possible.

She added: “As no case has been made that the previously approved scheme of two commercial units is unviable without the houses, it is considered that there is no justification to warrant a departure from a newly adopted planning policy.”

Committee members pointed out that there was a shortage of business sites within the Yorkshire Dales National Park and they did not want to set a precedent for introducing residential houses within them.

Stackhouse – May

The conversion of a Grade II listed coach house at Stackhouse  into two holiday lets was approved even though the county highways department and Giggleswick Parish Council had objected.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Richard Welch told the meeting: “The highways authority is against it, the parish council is against it and the residents are against it.”

The former had objected because, it stated, the access onto Stackhouse Lane was unsatisfactory and there was insufficient visibility splay.The parish council was concerned about that access due to the number of residents already using it.

The planning officer noted that the narrow lane to that access was not adopted by the county council and was not made up to the standards normally required by the highways authority.

She added:“Given that the lane is in a reasonable condition, is reasonably level and straight, and currently services at least ten other properties, it is considered that the road conditions are not so poor they would warrant refusal [of the application].”

The owner, who lives in the adjoining Old Hall, originally applied to convert the coach house into three holiday lets but then amended the plans.

The planning officer described the coach house as a heritage asset of high significance with many features that required protecting. This, she said, was better achieved by converting it  into two holiday lets. This is in line with the YDNPA’s objective to encourage more staying visitors as part of its tourism policy because of the economic benefits they bring.

Cllr Welch queried what economic benefits the holiday lets would bring to such a hamlet and said they would be unsuitable within such a small community.

Starbotton – June

Starbotton in Wharfedale has changed so much that it is has become far more difficult for a hill farmer to care for his livestock, Colin Lister told the committee.

Mr Lister has applied for permission to erect an agricultural building for the safe handling of sheep 100m above the north side of Starbotton. At present the sheep have to be herded down 395m to reach Bushey Lodge Farm on the south side of the village.

He told the committee: “The physical aspects and challenges of hill farming remain little changed, whereas the community at Starbotton has changed dramatically. En-route to our current sheep handling yard, with our sheep, we pass five holiday homes. These generally contain people who are unaware of what we are trying to achieve. This makes it unlikely that we ever have a clear path to our destination.

“Our second obstacle, and a relatively new one, is the increased number of dogs visiting and living in Starbotton. Sheep will not pass a dog on a single track road. The Starbotton Cam Road into Starbotton is impassable with sheep when meeting dogs being walked in the opposite direction. This is a common occurrence along this popular dog-walking route.

“Another major obstacle is crossing the main road in Starbotton. Traffic numbers and speeds have increased and safely crossing the road requires at least three people who are not always available.

“Even without the fore-mentioned, a considerable amount of effort is put into our farming day trying to ensure the safety of residents and tourists and also minimising disruption to their day. Basically this means early starts and late finishes way beyond the set working hours.

“Current environmental schemes are encouraging us to graze cattle on our higher pastures. We have been doing this for seven years and find it has been a most rewarding part of our current Natural England agreement, both economically and environmentally. However, the handling of the cattle… creates all the same problems previously mentioned but on a much bigger scale.

“I think one of the reasons cattle are not seen on the hills, prior to us being encouraged, was because they are difficult to handle on outlining pastures far away from any handling facilities.”

There would also be far less run-off of dirty water if the tasks of drenching, shearing, parasite treatments, tailing, marking and foot bathing were carried out in a roofed barn, he added.

The YDNPA’s farm conservation advisor, however, stated: “The argument relating to stress is not strong as [the livestock] will be herded/flocked to this point anyway which will undoubtedly cause them stress.

“The location of the site is very visible from below and above and the building will stick out quite considerably in an area that is lacking in field barns at that height.”

The planning officer agreed and recommended that the application should be refused.

Kettlewell-with-Starbotton Parish Council disagreed. It had informed the planning committee: “It is easier to care for sheep in a roofed building. The design and location are such that the building will be largely hidden.”

The committee accepted Cllr  Heseltine’s recommendation that there should be a site visit.

Starbotton – July

Animal welfare and efficient farming were two of the reasons why the majority of the committee decided that Colin Lister should be allowed to erect an agricultural building 100m above Starbotton.

Following the site meeting Cllr Heseltine told the committee: “This application primarily concerns animal welfare.”

He disagreed with the planning officer that the new barn would be situated on the high moors and said it would be on the limestone pasture. Conserving and preserving the landscape of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales was important, but they had to keep in mind that it was also a workplace especially for the farmers. “Without them we would be lost,” he added.

Several others agreed with him including one of the newest members, Lancashire County Councillor Cosima Towneley who said: “The terms of reference for the National Park is the landscape but what is the landscape without people? You can’t live without jobs or employment.”

She also argued that, as each application was considered on its merits, no precedent would be set. Cllr Peacock agreed and stated: “This is a unique situation because, at present, sheep have to brought across a busy road.”

The issue of precedence was underlined by the planning officer and Julie Martin. The latter commented: “I don’t want to make farmers’ lives more difficult but I do generally feel this will set a very bad example in terms of farm buildings at this sort of altitude.” She believed other options could be explored especially as the barn would be visible from high-level footpaths.

The planning officer reported that Mr Lister had submitted amended plans for the siting of the barn which would mean that it would  be hardly visible from the valley floor.

Fourteen out of the sixteen members voted in favour of the application and there was one abstention. Mr Graham announced that this decision would not have to be ratified at the August meeting even though it was against the officer’s recommendation.

Thoralby  – October

It would be wrong to send a negative message to Dales’ dairy farmers at a time when so many were pulling out of that business, Cllr  Blackie told the committee.

Mr Graham had supported the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse permission for a 40.5m diameter concrete slurry store to be constructed in a field above Thoralby. He said the slurry plant would be almost as long as the Authority’s office building in Bainbridge and similar in height.

Cllr Peacock, however, agreed with Cllr Blackie and said: “I know there are problems but to flatly refuse it would be wrong.”

The majority of the committee agreed with Cllrs Blackie and Peacock that it was better to defer a decision and give Michael Lancaster of Town Head Farm, Thoralby, more time to discuss the issue with the planning officers.

Thoralby parish meeting and Aysgarth and District Parish Council had suggested how to better screen the concrete tank but committee member Julie Martin warned that there might be no effective way of doing so.

The planning officer stated: “The construction of a large concrete tank situated by itself on a hillside is an industrial scale development that would have an adverse impact on the landscape.” He added that, if approved, it would set a precedent which could lead to a series of large slurry tanks along dale sides.

Like Thoralby Parish Meeting he was also concerned that the construction of the tank and the measures taken to try and screen it would lead to the loss of archaeological features.

Mr Lancaster, however, believed that the proposed slurry store could be effectively screened with bunds and trees. He told the committee: “As a resident of Bishopdale I am acutely conscious that the development needs to fit in with the wider landscape.”

He said the new store would have the capacity for six months storage compared to just four weeks at the present one within the farm complex at Town Head Farm. This, he explained, would enable him to run a more efficient dairy business, decrease the number of vehicle movements through the village, reduce the amount of chemical fertilisers being used, and increase grass production. “This store will represent the biggest capital investment made by the business in the last ten years and is an essential investment,” he stated.

He told the committee that, since he took over the farm from his father 11 years ago, he had continually invested in improving the condition of the land and the facilities at Town Head Farm, and that he had increased the herd to 300 cows and 300 followers.

The planning officer accepted that the proposed tank would reduce the risk of water pollution and would make the farm compliant with current legislation regarding slurry storage. But he added: “It is considered that these potential environmental benefits are outweighed by the harm caused.”

Threshfield – February

The proposed dormer extension at a house in Wharfeside Avenue, Threshfield, would be on the rear elevation in accordance with the Local Plan guidelines – but a planning officer recommended refusal.

He stated that the dormer would detract from the appearance of the house and could be seen from the B6160 across the fields.  The applicant, Andy Gould, pointed out that the road was half-a-mile away.

Threshfield Parish Council had informed the planning officer that it had no objections and stated: “We support the application as it is in keeping with many other properties in the area. Along this particular section of the avenue every other property has some type of dormer extension. Therefore, the proposed alterations at High Winds would be in line with surrounding properties.”

The planning officer responded: “Whilst it is accepted that there are dormer windows within the vicinity of the site, these relate to properties of varying styles and ages. In assessing this proposal, officers have taken into account the particular visual interest of the semi-detached host property, the appearance and impact of the proposed dormer windows and the fact that there are wider public views of its rear elevation.”

The reason given for bringing the application to the committee was that it was at the request of Cllr  Heseltine.

At the meeting Richmondshire District Councillor Stuart Parsons noted that although the front of the house was architecturally important there was nothing special about the rear because an extension had been added at sometime.

No one seconded the proposal to accept the officer’s recommendation, and the majority voted to approve the application.

West Burton – April

The cost of an application for a barn conversion at Sorrelsykes Farm, West Burton, could amount to £8,194 without any guarantee that it would be approved the  committee was told.

Over £2,000 of that would be the fee for a professional odour, noise and disturbance survey because the barn is five metres from a milking parlour. But the survey would not be necessary if the application was to convert the barn into holiday lets rather than into three local occupancy dwellings.

Adam Spence, the agent, told the committee that Les Bell, who owns the barn, believed that the provision of local occupancy properties should take priority.

Cllr Blackie agreed and said: “He has already clocked up well over £5,000 [in fees]. If we are not careful we will stifle barn conversions coming forward and this was the star policy of our new Local Plan.

“We have local residents who have been living for years on that farmstead [and] there have been no complaints about odour and smell.”

He argued that the main objective of allowing roadside barns to be converted was to provide more local occupancy housing, not more holiday lets.

The planning officer stated that the application should be refused because Mr Bell had not agreed to have a professional odour, noise and disturbance survey as recommended by Richmondshire District Council’s environmental health officer.

The planning officer reported that no information had been provided about the farming enterprise, including how many animals there were, when milking occurred and when slurry was collected. Without this it was not possible to ensure that there would be a good standard of amenity for the future occupants of the converted barn, she stated.

Mr Spence said that information could be provided but not at a cost of £2,160.

Allen Kirkbride pointed out that some years ago permission had been granted for a barn conversion at his dairy farm in Askrigg – and that barn was as close to the milking parlour as that at Sorrelsykes. He wondered if the planning rules had changed.

In response to questions about why an environmental survey wasn’t needed for holiday lets, the planning officer said that visitors would not have to live constantly with any odours or disturbances. This was emphasised by the Authority’s senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, who stated that any future statutory nuisance should be identified at the planning stage.

Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong said that they did need the information about the farming enterprise and her suggestion that a decision should be deferred to allow Mr Bell and Mr Spence to provide that was accepted.

West Burton – June

Permission has been granted for a barn at Sorrelsykes Park Farm near West Burton to be converted into three local occupancy dwellings.

At the June meeting the planning committee was informed that Richmondshire District Council’s Environmental Health Officer (EHO) had not repeated its objection to the planning application.

In April the planning officer told the committee that the EHO had requested that suitable noise and odour assessments should be made before the application was approved as the close proximity of the barn to the cow shed and milking parlour could have a detrimental impact upon those living in it once it was converted.

Cllr  Blackie said that a consultant would have charged at least £1,750, and that would be in addition to the £7,500 the applicant had already paid for surveys and other costs. His suggestion that the agent should carry out the noise and odour survey was accepted and he reported on Tuesday that the cost of that was £200.

Joceyln Manners-Armstrong commented: “I wouldn’t be confident on making a decision based on [the agent’s report] but the Environmental Health Officer has removed his objections so I don’t have a basis for refusing either.

“I can understand the point about surveys being expensive. If you want quality information you have to pay for it.”

The planning officer reported that there had been five letters of support for the application from those living close to the farm, and that the EHO had never received any complaints about odour or noise.

Cllr Blackie emphasised the need for local occupancy housing. He said: “A family or two with two or three children would make all the difference between keeping West Burton school open or the potential of seeing it close.

“If applicants are saying we can’t afford to take forward barn conversion applications then I do think we have a serious matter to address.”

YDNPA planning reports February to December 2016

ARC News Service reports on YDNPA planning committee meetings during 2016: applications affecting roadside barn conversions, Arcow Quarry at Horton in Ribblesdale, Appletreewick, Arncliffe, Askrigg, Austwick, Aysgarth, Bolton Abbey, Buckden, Burnsall, Burtersett, Casterton, Crosby Ravensworth, Dent, Drybeck, East Witton, Embsay, Gayle (including Garris House), Grassington, Grinton, Hardraw, Hartington Raikes, Hawkswick, Hebden, Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Howgill, Hudswell,  Kettlewell, Malham, Marske, Newbiggin in Bishopdale, Otterburn, Reeth, Sedbergh (and Millthrop), Skyreholme, Stainforth, Stirton,  Swaledale (Richmond Motor Club Three Day Trial and Swaleview Caravan Site) Thorpe, Threshfield, Weasdale, West Witton,  and Winterburn. These are listed in alphabetical order below.

An application from Forbidden Corner in Coverdale was also discussed.

This was an eventful year for the Authority as its boundaries were extended on August 1 and its policies were widened to include the approval of roadside barn conversions, like that planned by Kelly and Haydon Cooper near Askrigg (above).

Sadly, it also saw the retirement of Harold Brown.  At the beginning of the September  planning committee meeting the chairman, Richmondshire District Councillor Caroline Thornton-Berry paid tribute to him. After  20 years as a parish council representative he had resigned due to ill health.“He has made a very long and loyal contribution to the Yorkshire Dales,” Cllr Thornton-Berry  said. He was also thanked at the Full Authority meeting on September 27.

Barn conversions – Early in 2016  the committee began approving the conversion of roadside barns in accordance with the emerging Local Plan. This policy, approved in December 2016, permits traditional buildings to be converted into local occupancy homes or holiday lets, all with legal agreements.  After the Local Plan was adopted most barn conversion applications will be dealt with by officers under delegated powers.

In late 2016 an application to convert Tug Gill Lathe near Starbotton was refused by an officer under delegated authority and so was not considered by the planning committee. Kettlewell with Starbotton Parish Council had informed the planning officer that it supported the application.

The officer stated the domestic use of the barn would be discordant with the highly distinctive landscape character of Upper Wharfedale. The barn is within the Upper Wharfedale Site of Special Scientific Interest and near the River Wharfe SSSI. Natural England had advised the Authority that the proposal was unlikely to have an adverse effect given the small scale and nature of the development.

In August it was noted that those converting barns will be required to install boreholes if water was not already available at the site.

Among those approved by the planning committee in November were at Skirbeck Farm, Long Preston (holiday let or local occupancy); at Blackburn House, Main Street, Thorpe (local occupancy);  and  at Croft Farm, Arkleside, Coverdale (holiday let).

It was agreed at that meeting that applicants should be offered dual legal agreements covering holiday lets and local occupancy for barn conversions unless they requested only one type of use.

An amazing press release

After the meeting in May I was not impressed by an amazing press release sent out by the Authority.  It was amazing because it congratulated the planning committee for approving a retrospective application for a restaurant at Knight Stainforth Hall, Stainforth, that had been open for a year!

There was little said, however, about Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council opposing plans to organise yet more Three Peaks charity events.

Retrospective planning applications – October

Anyone who makes a retrospective planning application should have to pay all the costs incurred by the Authority, Richmondshire District Councillor Stuart Parsons stated.

He said:  “Retrospective planning applications must carry a form of financial penalty – although it is not a fine, although we are not making money out of it – but people must understand that if they don’t apply the basic rules of planning then it is going to cost and that cost could be significant.

“People have to learn that they can’t just do what the hell they like and hope to get away with it.”

He said this following a statement by the Association of Rural Communities which gave an illustration of a recent retrospective planning application in Aysgarth.

The Association commented: “This National Park was extended to protect special areas of landscape. But your ability to protect the landscape is severely limited if it is possible to build without planning permission with no penalties being imposed.

“Our Association would suggest that there should be financial penalties on a sliding scale according to the size and cost of the construction carried out.”

It was pointed out, however, that as it was not a criminal offence to build without planning permission no fines could be imposed.

Richard Graham, the Authority’s head of development management, stated: “Developers who carry out work with the knowledge that it is unauthorised do so at their own risk and they are liable to enforcement action and may be required to undo the work.”

He said that the Authority will appoint a [full time] principle planning officer to manage planning enforcement. That officer will be asked to introduce a system to monitor new developments so that the Authority can pro-actively ensure compliance with planning controls. Up until now the Authority has had just two part-time enforcement officers.

Exemption caravan sites – October

In its statement ARC also commented on the ability of the Camping and Caravanning Club to accredit small camp sites even in National Parks without planning permission.  It reported that Aysgarth Township parish meeting had asked if the Authority could campaign to have this loophole closed.

Mr Graham responded that the exemption allowing such caravan clubs to accredit small sites had been in place for over 50 years and was re-affirmed by the government last year. “Given that, it’s considered unlikely the government would change such  well-established legislation.”

Cllr Parsons commented: “I accept the caravanning club explanation even though it is completely bonkers.”

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie reported that a caravanning club had decided to close its sites in Hawes and in Wharfedale from January  until early July next year. That would mean the loss of 240 pitches in the Yorkshire Dales which would have a negative impact upon the local economies.

He said concerning caravanning clubs : “They have always been a law unto themselves and unfortunately the law allows them to be a law unto themselves on these small sites. Whilst I think we are tilting at windmills in terms of the legislation that has just recently been confirmed, I do think I would  like to see this National Park try and engage at a greater level than perhaps it has in the past with [organisations] that can mean make or break for local economies.”

From the ARC statement: “Twelve months ago residents in and around Aysgarth were very concerned when an application was made to the Camping and Caravanning Club for accreditation for a site at Townends for five caravans/mobile homes and ten tents. Parish councillors warned that the access was very dangerous due to restricted visibility. The decision to accredit the site was made on the advice of just one person.

“Those at Aysgarth Township parish meeting in March stated that this Authority should be campaigning to have this loophole closed – and the Association of Rural Communities agrees.

“At that parish meeting the owners of Townends stated that they would go ahead with making significant alterations to the roof of the bungalow and adding an extension without planning permission – and they did. There are several other examples of retrospective planning permissions within the Yorkshire Dales this year.”

Appletreewick – February

The decision on whether or not the timber-built Knowles Lodge at Appletreewick could be replaced with a modern building depended upon what the planning committee members did or did not like.

After reminding the committee that Appletreewick parish council fully supported the application, Ian McPherson stated:

“We’ve had quite a number of different views expressed and I think this is because refusal revolves around aesthetics – what we like and what we don’t like in terms of design.”

When asked what a decision to approve the application could be based upon the Authority’s legal officer replied: “The reasons are simply that the design is acceptable and the converse are the reasons for refusal.”

Cllr Blackie pointed out that in the Authority’s own Design Guide it was stated that it wasn’t always necessary to reproduce the vernacular style. “I think this is a really good example of where we can perhaps be a little bit adventurous. We can step outside the norm and bring something forward that celebrates the Park and celebrates the landscape.”

Julie Martin upheld the planning officer’s view that the proposed replacement would appear to be larger than the present lodge and would not respect vernacular architecture.

The architect, Ben Cunliffe, told the committee that the footprint of the new building would be 71 cubic metres less than the existing lodge. He added that there was another design option in the National Park and that was the Arts and Crafts style of the larger rural residences.

As Knowles Lodge stood on large plot with trees around it and was not overlooked by neighbours he believed the site lent itself to an Arts and Crafts style family home.

Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong agreed that the new building would appear less bulky, and would be more efficient and sustainable. She added:“I am concerned at the idea that the only kind of building we are allowed is the vernacular style which to me doesn’t seem to be appropriate. It would be a pastiche. It would be a lie. It should be a building of merit.”

The majority, however, disagreed with nine voting to refuse the application and six being in favour of it.

The applicant appealed and the application was approved by a planning inspector.

Arcow Quarry, Horton in Ribblesdale – November

The planning committee decided that more detailed estimates of the number of lorries leaving Arcow Quarry each day were needed before it could make a decision about the resumption of mineral extraction there.

The committee particularly discussed the increase in traffic from the quarry. Jim Munday said: “Quarrying has been part of the Dales scene for centuries and I have no objection to it continuing. However, the biggest problem is moving the product to the market. I congratulate Tarmac on putting in the rail link and I think that should be used fully.”

He was, however, concerned about that the increase in road haulage would amount to 18 heavy, noisy lorries per hour, ten hours a day, five days a week. “I feel there should be some limitation on the amount going by road,” he concluded.

David Parrish, the YDNPA’s minerals officer, said that Tarmac Trading Ltd had originally expected to move 250,000 tonnes by road each year but during negotiations had reduced this to 150,000 tonnes. That tonnage was being delivered to local councils for the resurfacing of roads.

It made no sense, he said, to take the crushed stone from the quarry by train, unload it at either Bradford or Manchester, and then bring it back by road.

Members agreed with Steve Macare that the company should provide estimates of how much local councils required each year.

Ross Hailey, the agent for Tarmac, said that the company had paid £5million for the construction of the railhead at the Arcow Quarry. This had reduced the amount transported by road from Dry Rigg Quarry by 60 per cent.

No stone has been extracted from the Arcow Quarry since June 2015 and Austwick parish council, the Yorkshire Dales Society and the Friends of Upper Ribblesdale had asked why the company had not been required to submit a new planning application rather than requesting an extension to an existing one. The YDNPA’s policy is to refuse new applications involving quarries.

Mr Parrish stated that there had been considerable work at the quarry while the railhead was being constructed and stone was now being transported from Dry Rigg Quarry to trains at Arcow. He said: “There has been continuous activity and employment at the site … and it is considered that, in the circumstances, it is appropriate to deal with the application as an extension (deepening) of the existing quarry.”

The company has asked for permission for resumption of mineral extraction at Arcow Quarry; retention of the existing processing plant until progressively replaced by a new mobile processing plant; retention of the railhead and the completion of the site restoration in accordance with an amended nature conservation and landscaping scheme during the following 12 months.

The material will be extracted from deep within the quarry and so will not have an impact upon the landscape, Mr Parrish said.

Mark Corner, the chairman of the Yorkshire Dales Society, told the meeting that the quarry was a blight on the landscape and so was inconsistent with the purposes of the National Park. He questioned that there was a national need for the stone extracted from the quarry. He asked if the proposed number of vehicle movements could be reduced and that the lorry drivers should avoid the centre of Settle.

In response to requests from residents and Horton in Ribblesdale parish council Tarmac has installed a wheel wash at Arcow Quarry and employed a road sweeper. It has agreed that all lorries will be sheeted at all times, laden or empty, and those transporting mineral to the railhead will be washed at the end of each working day. The decision was deferred.


Tarmac has agreed to reduce the proposed number of lorry movements from Arcow Quarry at Helwith Bridge when quarrying is resumed there.

Last month the  planning committee deferred making a decision on Tarmac’s application because members wanted to see such a reduction. At this month’s meeting approval was, therefore, given for mineral extraction to resume.

Tarmac had asked to move 150,000 tonnes per year by road from Arcow Quarry in addition to the same amount already being transported by lorries from Dry Rigg Quarry. The company has now reduced the total to be moved by road from both quarries to 250,000 tonnes per year between 2017 and 2021 when Dry Rigg Quarry is due to close. This amounts to a drop in the number of lorry movements along the B6479 towards Settle and beyond from 90 to about 74 per day, with none on Saturday afternoons or Sundays.

The YDS also questioned the need for further quarrying. The Authority’s minerals officer, David Parrish, said that there were a limited number of sites in England that can produce the same quality stone for road surfacing. Much of it was delivered to councils in the North of England where there were no facilities to unload it from trains.

“The extraction of minerals is in the national interest and we should not forget that,” commented North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine.

South Lakeside District Councillor Brenda Gray added that the stone had to be quarried where it was needed and the shortest routes taken for its delivery.

Julie Martin asked if anything more could be done to reduce the number of lorries travelling through Settle.

Mr Parrish replied that there had been several attempts to discuss this with the residents of Settle and Giggleswick but no consensus had been achieved. “I think the quarry company would really need to see that there was a strong consensus of opinion that one route or another was acceptable, and at the moment they aren’t getting that,” he explained.

Jim Munday said he was pleased with the reduction in vehicle movements and asked if there were any guarantees that the restoration work would be carried out after the quarries closed.

“Tarmac has always carried out its restoration commitments completely,” Mr Parrish replied.

In response to the concerns expressed by the committee last month Tarmac has agreed to retain the existing screen banks and trees around the margins of the quarry until work there ends and the full restoration is carried out.

Arncliffe – October

The size of a proposed extension to High Green Cottage at Arncliffe led to the planning committee refusing permission for it.

The committee heard that the application included a gabled first floor extension to the rear of the Grade II listed cottage which, the planning officer said, would be seen from the north side of the village green.

Arncliffe Parish Meeting had stated: “At our meeting… it was felt that old properties should, with careful and sympathetic plans, be brought in to modern day living standards. Those plans fit the criteria in the conservation area and there are no objections.”

At the planning meeting Lancaster City Councillor Margaret Pattison (the Authority’s first Labour member) asked if the owners could be given advice about  how to modernise the cottage.

Mr Graham, replied :”It’s the scale of the extension being proposed that is the problem.”

Mrs Martin, the Authority’s member champion for for cultural heritage, commented: “The character of the building would be significantly altered. The extensions would almost double the size of the house.”

One of the applicants, Gerard Simpson, told the committee that some aspects of the cottage were not, at present, suitable for a family  and that the first-floor extension would not be prominent when viewed from the village green.  The application submitted by him and his wife also included a single storey extension at the rear of the cottage.

Askrigg – October

It took just seven minutes for the committee to give its unanimous approval for a barn in Red Gate Lane, Askrigg, to be converted into three-bedroom home and so bringing to an end a seven-year wait  for Kelly Cooper.

Kelly Cooper and her husband, Haydon,  were overjoyed at the committee’s decision. “Just seven minutes – it felt like a lifetime,” commented Mr Cooper afterwards.

Cllr Blackie emphasised the importance of the emerging Local Plan policy which is making it possible to obtain permission to convert many traditional barns into  local occupancy homes.

He told the committee that Kelly had previously contacted the National Park about the barn. He said: “Seven years ago … it was almost heretic to suggest that [the barn] should be converted as we are proposing now. It didn’t help that along Abbotside there was a tumble down cottage which had been converted by an outsider into a seven bedroom mansion. It looked unfair and discriminated against local families.

“We have got a policy now that allows barn conversions into roadside dwellings which is all that we ever wanted – not the ones on the dale top.”

He pointed out that during the intervening years many young families  had left the Dales and this had led to a substantial drop in the number of children attending local schools.

Austwick –  July

In November 2010 a member of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee commented that a policy which stopped a barn in Austwick from being converted into a local occupancy home would not be in existence within five years. In fact, it took five-and-a-half years.

At the July planning committee meeting approval was given for Townhead Barn to become a dwelling. “This has been a long journey,” commented North Yorkshire County Councillor Richard Welch.

In December 2011 permission was granted for it to be converted into a bunk barn, following an appeal by the owner, Peter Taylor. The committee was told that, although the work was carried out, it was never used that way. This meant it could be viewed as a traditional barn beside the roadside and so approval for its change of use to a dwelling could be given in line with the Authority’s emerging Local Plan. Austwick parish council had queried this as that Local Plan has not yet been adopted.

The planning committee did agree that there should only be a small garden and that not all of the paddock attached to the barn could become curtilage. The converted barn will be subject to a local occupancy agreement and domestic permitted development rights will be removed so that the appearance of the building remains the same.

Aysgarth – September

A farming family in Aysgarth were given permission to go ahead with a two-phase re-development of its dairy farm.

David Spence and his sons wanted to erect a dairy cubicle house for 100 cows and later a milking parlour and dairy.

“At the current milk prices this is quite a brave move,” commented North Yorkshire County Councillor Roger Harrison-Topham. He was assured that the only time the herd would be inside the building 24/7 would be during the winter months.

Cllr Blackie, described the Spences as first class Upper Dales farmers who were prepared to run a dairy herd. “Farmers are the foot soldiers of conservation that is so important here in the Dales,” he said.

The planning officer explained that the Authority’s agricultural advisor had found that the facilities were required to meet rising welfare and space standards for cows and the changing regulations controlling the dairy industry. The existing sheds cannot house all the cows and calves, the hay, straw, silage and feed stuffs, the officer said. This meant that the dry cows had to be transported to fields owned by a family member at Thornton Rust and brought back when in milk.

The officer added:“This is a critical time for the milk industry and the proposed investment would allow the next generation to continue as dairy farmers with the benefits that that brings to the local economy.”

Although the new dairy cubicle house will be sited behind the present farm buildings and barely visible,  one of the planning conditions is that a bund should be built and then planted with trees to provide more screening.

Bolton Abbey – May

The possibility of losing a historic view not just of the Devonshire Arms but also of the landscape around Bolton Abbey led to the majority of the committee voting against an application by the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement to add two double-storey accommodation blocks on the north-eastern side of the country house hotel.

Simon Rhatigan, on behalf of the applicants, explained that the hotel needed to provide better, more modern facilities. They had been in discussions with the Authority for two years and believed that the proposed site was less obtrusive than the roadside one which had been suggested by the YDNPA.

The planning officer, however, agreed with Historic England that the sheer size and bulk of the proposed buildings, positioned within and almost entirely filling the north-eastern aspect of the hotel, would considerably reduce the important landscape views of the 18th and 19th century hotel complex. She added that the Georgian building had been deliberately designed to have an open aspect on to the Bolton Abbey landscape.

Buckden –July

A site meeting will be held at Heber Farm in Dubbs Lane, Buckden, to evaluate the impact on the amenity of neighbours if permission is granted for the creation of a 22 pitch campsite. The application was made by the National Trust. The tenant farmer, Gary Schofield, told the committee that, given the situation of farming at present, such diversification was needed for a farm to be economically viable.

Burnsall – February

Permission has been granted for a roadside barn at Burnsall to be converted into a dwelling in line with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s emerging Local Plan.

“This is the first test of the new policy,” commented North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine.

Craven District Councillor Carl Lis added: “This is exactly what we are aiming to achieve in our Local Plan.”

The barn, Jerry Laithe, is on the B6160 road about half a mile to the north west of Burnsall and outside of any designated housing boundary. The conversion of it to a local occupancy dwelling is not in accordance  with the present policies of the Authority but the application had been made in response to the emerging draft Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-2030.

The planning officer noted: “This draft plan is sufficiently advanced in its preparation that it can be afforded weight as a ‘material consideration’.”

The committee approved the application which will mean that the traditional agricultural barn can be transformed into a two-bedroom dwelling.

Burtersett – August

A small barn in Burtersett can be converted into a two-bedroom dwelling and be used for short-term holiday lets.

This will be in accordance with the emerging Local Plan which will allow some traditional agricultural buildings to be adapted for alternative uses.

The barn is owned by Jeff Huntbach and overlooks the front of his home, The Grange. It does not have a garden and off-street parking will be provided in the yard shared with The Grange.

For these reasons it was accepted that the building would be more suitable for short-term holiday lets but the s106 agreement will also include local occupancy.

Burtersett – September

A Wensleydale farmer has been given permission to convert a barn at Cubble Head, Burtersett into a three-bedroom home – even though part of the roof has collapsed. But it came with the warning that no walls should be demolished.

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie commented that he had not been sure how far the planning team would go when considering which barns could be converted. The Authority’s emerging Local Plan allows for barns which are near the roadside or part of a group of buildings to be converted into local occupancy homes.

Cllr Blackie said that the roof of the barn at Cubble Head would have to be taken off and agreed with the planning officer that the walls were in good structural order.

The application was wholeheartedly supported by Hawes and High Abbotside parish council which stated: “It saves a redundant agricultural building for what will eventually provide a first-rate dwelling for a local occupant, in this case a local life-long farmer [Richard Metcalfe], from tumbling down through dereliction into a pile of stones and slates. This would have been a tragic and unnecessary loss.”

Julie Martin, the Authority’s member champion for cultural heritage, said there were inconsistencies in how barn conversions were being dealt with by the Authority and this needed to be rectified.

She warned that there had been problems in the past when it had been found that a barn was, in fact, structurally unsound. This had led to walls being demolished and cultural heritage being lost.

She said this could be prevented by ensuring that features were recorded, that there was a structural survey, and that there was a condition that no demolition could take place without the consent of the Authority.

This was also emphasised by Cllr Blackie, Craven District Councillor Carl Lis (chairman of the Authority) and Richard Graham (head of development management).

Mr Graham said: “The primary aim is to conserve these buildings in the landscape as a heritage asset.” He explained that if walls were knocked down it could no longer be described as a barn conversion and the owner would have to apply for permission for a new build which wasn’t covered by the incoming Local Plan.

Casterton – December

The committee gave permission for the former boarding school buildings at Casterton to be converted into apartments even though two of its members questioned the considerable drop in the off-site affordable housing contribution.

South Lakeland District Council sought a contribution of £340,852 but the developers, Eight Property Ltd, had not agreed. After Casterton became part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park in August the company submitted its application to the YDNPA.

The Authority obtained an independent valuation for the affordable housing contribution of £200,000 and that was accepted by Eight Property Ltd. That contribution will be given to South Lakeland District Council.

The company has opted to pay such a contribution because it believes it is not economically viable to provide some affordable dwellings within the site which comprises of Bronte House, Crookenden House and Garner House.

“I know these buildings well,” said YDNPA member Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong. “I am concerned that this (conversion) is incredibly overcrowded. Those flats will be so cramped. I think the developers are trying to capitalise on the location.”

Like another member, Jim Munday, she felt that £12,000 per unit was a very modest contribution to the affordable housing fund.

Mr Graham replied that, after being told by two sets of valuers that the contribution of £200,000 was entirely reasonable, the Authority would have to find very good reasons to increase it.

The application is to provide 17 additional dwellings on the site bringing the total to 20. Garner House and Crookenden House will provide eight houses with gardens.At Bronte House there will be nine flats with balconies.

Cllr  Harrison-Topham questioned the impact that the balconies will have on those living in the three houses to be provided in the annex to Bronte House. Mr Graham said that issue would be discussed with the developers.

The  committee was told that the South Lakeland Core Strategy had been used when considering this application.

Coverdale – February 

An application to extend the opening hours of the Forbidden Corner in Coverdale was refused.

The planning officer told the committee that one of the conditions of the Appeal Decision in 2000 when retrospective permission was granted for opening Forbidden Corner to the public was that the opening times from Monday to Saturday should be from noon to 6pm (or dusk if earlier). There can be a maximum of 150 individual tickets issue for any one-hour period and it can be open from 10am to 6pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

North Yorkshire County Council Highways Authority had stated that, on safety grounds, the Forbidden Corner should not be open from 10am every day. Middleham Town Council and Middleham Trainers’ Association (MTA) had also objected.

“The steep narrow road often leads to dangerous confrontations between horses and vehicles that are not reported. The town council does not want the number of visitors to be detrimental to the racehorse training business which is Middleham’s major employer,” the planning officer explained.

He said that the town council was concerned that overall traffic numbers had increased since 2000 due to the establishment of The Stables Restaurant, the provision of holiday accommodation and Tupgill Park Estate becoming a wedding venue. The town council had reported that coaches were already travelling through Middleham to the Forbidden Corner during morning hours.

Malcolm Tempest, the agent for Forbidden Corner, stated:  “The proposal seeks to meet the changing expectations of our visitors. There is now more a demand for morning visits than late afternoon visits.

“We did two counts of horses using the road and that showed that two thirds of the horse movements took place between 10 and 11 and one third between 11 and 12. Bearing that in mind we are happy to amend the application to open at 11, therefore not affecting two thirds of the horses.

“Further we have agreed for a timed access to be on the quarter hour basis rather than on the present hourly basis. This is to avoid any surge in cars on the hour that Highways was concerned about.”

He argued that the National Planning Policy Framework stated that development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual accumulative effects of the development would be severe. He said that Highways didn’t have the facts to back up its concerns and added: “We haven’t had any problems. How can we move from no problems to severe problems with a maximum of seven vehicles per quarter of an hour seems to me incredible.”

In his report the planning officer stated that extending the opening hours could generate some 80 to 100 extra car movements each day. The applicant (Colin Armstrong) had proposed that 100 instead of 150 tickets could be issued for each of the additional morning hours reducing the extra car movements to 24 to 33 per hour.

The Highways Authority had indicated it would accept two coaches per hour during the extra morning hours as these would be sufficient to take up all of the 100 ticketed visitors suggested by Mr Armstrong.

Cllr Harrison-Topham, who lives in Coverdale, remembered that in 2000 all the racehorse trainers had supported the Forbidden Corner application. He thought it was significant that all the trainers in the MTA now opposed the application to extend the opening hours.

He added: “I am not sure that horse accidents actually manage to feature in the records to which the applicant and his agent would have access.

“Training is a very serious business (in Middleham) and anything that puts that industry at risk is a very serious matter.

“There is a letter that suggests that the applicant is already in breach of this condition.” There was, he said, a history of a little change all the time and that built up to a very considerable change.

Ian McPherson commented: “It seems to me that at the moment a reasonable accommodation has been reached. I see no reason why that equilibrium should be disturbed by increasing the possibility for accidents.”

The only member who voted to approve the application was Cllr Blackie. He didn’t think there had been a single recorded accident between a horse and a car heading towards Forbidden Corner.

Cllr Blackie said that the idea of opening from 11am could be considered. The vote was on the application to open Forbidden Corner to the public from 10am every day.

Crosby Ravensworth – December

A small bungalow cannot be built in the garden of a house in Silver Street, Crosby Ravensworth, even though the parish council believes it would be a useful addition to the housing stock in the village.

Crosby Ravensworth Parish Councillor Virginia Holroyd told the planning committee  that the parish especially needed smaller, energy-efficient and low maintenance dwellings which were adapted for the elderly.

“The proposed bungalow would be of benefit not only to the applicants but also to future generations, and it fits in with the council’s policy for increasing housing stock in Eden. This would stop the current trend of older members having to abandon their community, their family and friends, and seek more age-appropriate housing stock in market towns,” she reported.

The parish council believed that it would not affect the character of the street as it would be set well back from the road and would be screened by neighbouring properties.

The planning officer maintained, however, that the proposed development would be contrary to the Eden District Core Strategy and stated: “The introduction of a squat, single storey building in between two existing properties would result in a cramped form of development that would be harmful to views in and out of the conservation area.”

The applicants’ agent, Ian Smart, told the committee: “We believe that words such as ‘cramped’ and ‘squat’ are unjustifiably emotive and subjective, especially when applying for …outline planning permission with all matters reserved.”

He said that the applicants, Mr and Mrs R Morland, had decided not to spend any more money on the application given the planning officer’s negative appraisal and requests for a lot more information including a tree care plan and a bat scoping survey.

Some of the committee members argued that a district council planning department would have also requested more information.

Cllr Blackie said: “Sometimes there seems to be over-bearing requests for surveys and assessments – but not to reduce (the information) to zero. We haven’t the first clue what we might be approving in outline. We have to refuse this application until we know more about it.” The majority of the committee agreed with him.

Dent – July

Permission was refused for a section of late 19th century walling to be removed in order to create a space for off-road parking at Overdale in Deepdale Lane, Dent.

The Highways Authority had recommended that the access should be even wider but the planning officer said this would have led to yet more of the distinctive wall being lost. This, she said, would detract from the visual quality of the conservation area.

Robert Groves, the agent for the applicant, said they accepted that the wall did have a traditional and attractive character and for that reason wanted to remove as little of it as possible.

Dent – July

The committee members were amused to hear that the graveyard at Deepdale Chapel 2km south-east of Dent will be retained and used as a garden.

As there were covenants attached to the building when it was sold the graveyard will still be open to the public when the chapel is converted into a three-bedroom local occupancy dwelling.

The committee approved this conversion under the same policy (L2) in the emerging Local Plan as had been used for traditional barns.

The chapel was vacated by the Methodist Church in 1996 and, according to local residents, there are ample facilities for community groups in the area.

Dent parish council fully supported the application by what it described as a young and expanding couple with extended family connections in the dale. It is happy that many of the internal features of the chapel will be retained and that there would be sympathetic use of local materials.

The planning officer reported that the chapel, which dates back to 1888,  was an important undesignated heritage asset of architectural and historical interest. “Such chapel buildings are a limited resource within the National Park and they are important to understanding the cultural heritage of the area and, in particular, provide physical evidence of local social history,” she said.

Drybeck – November

Residents from Drybeck travelled over 30 miles to tell the  planning committee why they were opposed to a slurry lagoon about the size of a football pitch being created near their homes.

Along with Eden District Councillor William Patterson and Mike Dewis of Farm Systems Ltd they were the first members of the public to attend an YDNPA planning committee since the district was incorporated into the National Park on August 1.

Cllr Patterson, who is a member of the Eden District planning committee, commented: “We now find ourselves in Yorkshire!”

He explained that the applicant, Neil Sowerby of Town Head Farm, had applied over a year ago for permission to build the lagoon. “I will be having words with my own planning department because it was their fault that it has taken so long.”

Eden District Councillor Valerie Kendal, who became a member of the YDNPA in August, thanked the Authority’s planning department for acting quickly to complete the process. But the delay had led to construction being started this summer.

She was concerned both about that and that clay had been used to line the 4.5m deep lagoon. Clay, she said, could dry out and shift in dry weather and the underlying limestone was permeable.

This was one of the concerns listed by Pamela Barr on behalf of some of the residents. “We wish to ensure environmental protection and public safety. There have been recent problems…with slurry polluting the beck,” she said.

She added that the lagoon was only 250m from some of the garden boundaries. Residents had asked if it could be sited in a field where the prevailing winds would not blow the smell across the village.

Cllr Patterson explained that, as the dairy farm was becoming organic, it needed to make full use of the slurry it produced once fertilisers were no longer allowed. Nor could the slurry be treated with chemicals to stop the odour. Mr Sowerby has agreed to implement an odour management scheme.

Following several questions about the management of the slurry lagoon Mr Graham explained that the Authority could not duplicate the work of other regulatory authorities. Such lagoons, he said, had to comply with the regulations aimed at stopping any pollution from silage, slurry and agricultural fuel oil (SSAFO), and these were policed by the Environment Agency. The agency believed that the slurry lagoon was capable of complying with the regulations and would monitor it, he added.

The committee approved the application. The conditions included improving the access track to the lagoon and screening it with a bund and hawthorn hedges.

East Witton – December

Permission was granted for the Methodist chapel at East Witton to be converted into a two-bedroom holiday let.

Cllr Blackie queried the way this had been advertised. According to the present Local Plan any such community building should be advertised for sale for six months. If it has not been sold for community use during that time then permission can be requested for change of use.

The chapel at East Witton, however, was only advertised on the local Methodist circuit website. The planning officer explained that the emerging Local Plan allowed for more flexibility.

Cllr Blackie then asked how this would affect the sale of the chapels in Hawes and Arkengarthdale which are no longer in use.

“Could they be advertised on the Richmondshire Today news website?” he asked.

“Yes” replied the head of development management, Richard Graham.

Embsay – May

There have been so many extensions to homes in and around Hill Top Close in Embsay that it was hard to object to one more, the committee agreed.

The owners of the bungalow at 1 Hill Top Close had applied for permission to erect a two-storey extension to the east gable; a dormer window to the south elevation; a single storey porch at the front; and to put in roof-lights to both sides of the roof. The garage will also be converted to living space and there will be additional parking and pedestrian access at the corner plot. They had amended the plans after Embsay-with-Eastby Parish Council objected to some of their plans.

The committee accepted the officer’s recommendation to approve the application.

Embsay – August

The committee unanimously agreed that a bungalow can be built within the garden of 18 Millholme Rise, Embsay.

Embsay-with-Eastby parish council had asked for assurance that this would be a single storey building and that there would be no negative impact upon the neighbouring nature reserve.

It was reported that the Authority’s ecologist felt there would be minimal impact upon the nature reserve as the bungalow would be downstream from it. The applicant has proposed to install a sustainable surface water drainage system which would further protect the environment.

Mr Graham said there would be a legal agreement concerning the use of a shared access.

Cllr  Welch asked if it was time to change the rule that a planning applications had to be dealt with by the committee if a parish council did not agree with the officer’s recommendation. Ms Bevan replied that the policy had only recently been reviewed and the majority of members had been in favour of retaining it.

Embsay – enforcement notice – September

Chris Oxley was given 12 months to reinstate historical features at The Garth in Pasture Road, Embsay.

The committee agreed that an enforcement notice should be served calling for the restoration of the original floor level and flagstone flooring in the cellar at The Garth and to replace the structural walling, niches, stone shelving and stone tables which had formed a mid 19th century service room in this Grade II listed building.

The only committee member to vote against this was Cllr Blackie who argued that Mr Oxley’s planning applications should have been brought to the committee so that he could have explained why he had carried out the work in the cellar. The planning officer had, under delegated powers, refused those on September 1 and had then made the application for an enforcement notice.

Cllr Blackie commented that this was very hasty and had taken away any opportunity for the applicant to address the planning committee as that was not allowed when enforcement notices were being discussed.

The planning officer explained that the work had been aimed at solving the problem of damp in the cellar. “In times of heavy rainfall there is standing water there – the kind of condition you would expect within a cellar that is partly subterranean and its use was to store food.”

He added that originally Mr Oxley had wanted not only to dry line the cellar but also to demolish a cross wall and enlarge a window to provide another access into it so as to create an additional living space.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, commented: “There have been an awful lot of meetings, advice and correspondence [which] resulted in a failure to agree to a compromise solution.”

Richmondshire District Councillor Stuart Parsons said: “This was a very interesting space. It could have been turned into something absolutely fascinating and if we are not prepared to take steps to protect this sort of heritage we might as well just go home.

“Action needs to be taken. They’ve been given every opportunity to come back with a compromise.”

Gayle – August

Michael Webster stood outside the entrance to the YDNPA office in Bainbridge on Tuesday, August 9, with the sample panel illustrating what the render on the west wall of Garris House in Gayle would look like if he was able to complete the water-proofing work.

As he was not allowed to speak during the discussion about enforcement action it was left to Cllr John Blackie to speak for him.

Cllr Blackie said that, as the recommendation for enforcement action included the possibility of a criminal prosecution, Mr Webster should not only have been allowed to speak but also to bring the sample panel into the meeting.

“Hawes and High Abbotside parish council is absolutely appalled. This is not democracy in action. This is simply a dictatorship,” stated Cllr Blackie.

Cllr Lis said that members of the YDNPA had, for the sake of fairness, agreed on the rule concerning enforcement hearings. It would only be fair, he explained, to allow objectors to speak as well as the appellant, but some objectors would feel too inhibited to do so. Members were free to reconsider that policy, he added.

The majority of the members agreed that if Mr Webster did not submit a planning application within three months an enforcement notice should be issued.

Cllr Blackie said that Mr Webster maintained that he did not need to apply for permission as, when the work was finished, there would be no noticeable difference to the original appearance of the rendered west wall of Garris House.

Mr Webster had planned to cover the metal panels with render that matched what had been there before but had stopped work when told to do so by the enforcement officer. He had, said Cllr Blackie, tried various ways in the past, including replacing render, to stop water egress on the west wall but with no success. Cllr Blackie proposed that Mr Webster should be allowed to render the metal panelling so that the finished appearance could be assessed.

Other members agreed with the enforcement officer that what Mr Webster had done constituted unauthorised cladding which did not match the rest of the traditional stone built house. The enforcement officer said that the gable end had already been extended by 12cm by the addition of wooden batons which had then been covered with metal insulation material.

He added: “It was difficult for officers to identify how the folded over edges of the cladding, where they meet the vertical walls and the roof slates, were going to be rendered or pointed in such a way that it preserved the traditional character of the property.”

Cllr Harrison-Topham commented: “The difficulty we have is that the operation has been halted half way through. We just don’t know whether it will materially affect the external appearance of the building.”

The head of development manager, Richard Graham, stated: “It is a breach of planning control. We need assurance that the render is not going to come off.” He added that a planning application would give them the opportunity to establish whether it was going to result in an acceptable appearance and enable Mr Webster to address the committee.

Cllr Blackie pointed out that, if Mr Webster did not submit a planning application, he could lodge an appeal against the subsequent enforcement notice.

Mr and Mrs Webster’s letter to the planning committee members:

We have lived in Garris House for just over 30 years and the west facing wall has been subject to damp / water ingress for most of this time due to the elevation being exposed to the prevailing driven rain from the west which is a constant fact of life here in the Upper Dales, particularly in these recent times of significantly higher rainfall.

The wall in question has been covered with a cement render which dates back to the early days of construction of Garris House in the 19th Century, so the need to prevent water ingress has been there from the earliest time.  To combat this problem I have applied various proprietary damp proofing materials over the years in the property.  These damp-proofing agents have been well applied but sadly have had no lasting protection.  The materials used were always of a nature as not to change the appearance of the building.

The problem has now developed to a point where significant structural problems are self-evident to the main supporting roof timbers, which show clear signs of wet rot where they connect into the wall, so it now has become urgent to stop this process of damp ingress to prevent a roof failure.  It is also evident that a vast area of the whole wall is holding a high moisture content and does not fully dry out even in the summer months before the wet autumn / winter periods return.  We have even experienced dripping water down the inside bedroom wall adjacent to the outside wall, and the downstairs adjacent room has not been used for living purposes for several years due to these conditions, and can only be used for storage.

With the need for a permanent solution  to these problems, in the summer of 2015,  I started work to re-cement render the wall and in the process of doing so, incorporated an insulative waterproof member as a sub-surface underneath the final render coating.  The work in progress had reached the point where the sub-surface waterproofing element had been applied to the upper half of the wall when I was visited by the YDNPA Enforcement Officer, Robert Bissicks, who asked for details of the work due to a complaint that had been received by the Authority.  I explained the problem and what I was doing to address it, and he said he would reply in writing to me.

The reply I received described my solution as “wooden cladding” and that planning consent was required.  I felt Mr Bissicks had not fully understood the information I had given him, so I wrote to him to emphasise the sub-surface now in view was not a finished surface, which would be a cement render to match the original, and all edges would also be made-up matching the original so that there would be no perceivable difference to the original appearance.

After further exchanges of correspondence it was established that if the surface was finished with an appropriate render, then it could result in a satisfactory finish, but Mr. Bissicks maintained that planning consent would be needed in any case.  I would challenge that opinion and this would be one of the grounds (along with other grounds) should this matter go to an Enforcement Appeal Inspector, which I sincerely hope that it does not.

I trust the above account and the photographs give some insight into this situation to aid your judgement in this matter. I respect the purpose for planning controls, but it is my honest belief that the work that I have in progress is a normal building repair not requiring planning permission, which when complete will look exactly as its original appearance, is of sound construction, and it will not look or ccould possibly be described as “cladding”.

I would have continued to finish the work last year but Mr. Bissicks insisted I stopped what I was doing there and then, and I have obeyed his instructions.  As I say I respect the need for planning controls.  As one of the original group of 4 managers who established the Wensleydale Creamery after buying the site from Dairy Crest in 1992, and since then the Creamery’s Director in charge of buildings I always ensured that any new works there that needed planning permission obtained it before the commecement of the works.  I still work at The Wensleydale Creamery one day a week.

However in view of the Report you are considering at your meeting I have affixed a sample slab of render temporarily to the wall to demonstrate what the finished rendered surface will look like.  Obviously it will weather down to a finish, colour and texture akin to the original.  I will also bring a sample panel of the new and the existing rendered surface to the Planning Committee, and I hope you will take the time to look at it before you consider the item on your Agenda.

Just on the other side of Gayle Beck to Garris House is a cottage which clearly has suffered the same problem of damp ingress from the prevailing west wind.  The owner, whom I know very well, slated the whole elevation over 25 years ago, and it has cured his damp problem.  He has been fortunate to enjoy a damp free interior in his cottage over all these years.  However you may consider his solution stands out more than what my solution will do, that is when I have finished.  There are a number of other properties in Upper Wensleydale that I could highlight where similar solutions to damp ingress have been applied with success but they are visually obtrusive, unlike my solution when I have finished will be.

I ask the Planning Committee considers deferring the proposed action in Mr.Bissicks’ recommendation for 9 months, until next May, to allow me to finish the work,  and then if it is wishes, or needs to, re-examines the situation.  During this period I will complete the work Mr. Bissicks stopped in its tracks a year ago, and I know you will find then a rendered wall that will be no different in appearance to the existing wall.  However the difference this will make for me and my wife if my solution is successful will be that living at Garris House will be much more comfortable, and hopefully damp free, and therefore conducive to us remaining in good health, given we are both of retirement age.

(In March 2017 Mr Webster’s application for the four inch extension to waterproof the wall was approved.)

Gayle – October

A local farmer should have been offered a legal agreement which included converting a barn into a local occupancy dwelling as well as a holiday let, Cllr Blackie told the planning committee.

Bruce Raw had applied for permission to demolish the modern extensions to a barn in Bands Lane, Gayle,  and to create a three bedroom holiday let in accordance with the Authority’s emerging Local Plan.

Hawes and High Abbotside parish council fully supported this application but had not been informed that the Authority had decided that a legal agreement would be required.

At the planning meeting the head of development management, Richard Graham, explained that following an internal discussion between the planning officers and the Authority’s solicitor it was decided that a Section 106 legal agreement would be required to ensure that anyone who might buy the property in the future would know what restrictions had been placed upon it.

Cllr Blackie, who is the chairman of Hawes and High Abbotside parish council, compared Mr Raw’s application to that for the Tithe Barn at Stirton which the committee had debated at length earlier in the meeting. That barn conversion will be restricted by a legal agreement to being either  a holiday let or for local occupancy.

He asked that Mr Raw should be offered the same type of dual agreement.

“Holiday lets are important to our local economy. We [at the parish council] are equally in favour of it becoming a local occupancy property.”

Cllr Blackie did contact Mr Raw the following day and said that the farmer was delighted to  hear the legal agreement could include local occupancy. Cllr Blackie said: “Having both options makes the development more sustainable.”

He explained that if there weren’t bookings for the holiday let it could be rented by someone who had been commissioned to carry out work locally for a few months – and that would be covered by the local occupancy agreement.

Grassington –  April

 A request to allow a converted barn near Grassington to be used as short stay self-catering holiday accommodation was refused because the application could not be supported by any YDNPA policies.

Mercie Kennedy told the committee that following her father’s sudden death in July 2015 no-one in the family had been able to carry on farming there. The land they owned had been rented to a local farmer who did not need an additional agricultural worker’s dwelling. An agricultural occupancy restriction was placed on Halfway House when permission was granted to convert it to a dwelling in 1997.

Mrs Kennedy said that she and her brother wanted to retain the house not just in case one of them wanted to return to the farm in the future but also so that they could have regular access to it now. This could be done by using it for holiday lets which would also bring in some income.

Both Mr Colley and Cllr Heseltine said they would like to support the family’s application but accepted that this would not be in line with any of the Authority’s policies.

Grassington – October

Grassington House Hotel finally has approval for a ventilation system.

The Authority first considered taking enforcement action against the hotel’s owners in 2008 when a large metal extraction flue fixed to the northern side of the premises could be seen from The Square in Grassington. The planning committee deferred formal enforcement action in October 2013 to see if a solution could be found.

That flue was then replaced with one deemed almost as bad and again without consent. The planning officer commented: “The existing ventilation system has a highly adverse impact on the character and significance of the Listed building and on the wider Conservation Area. The structure is a harsh contrast to the simple, elegant form of the Georgian Listed hotel building.”  She added that it also has a negative impact upon neighbouring buildings.

The approved replacement will still look incongruous, she said, but has been designed to reduce its size and so minimise its impact.

The Grassington Museum Society was still concerned,however, that there would be smells and noise from the flue which will overhang the museum. The planning officer reported that the flue would be fitted with an odour neutraliser and the ductwork would be lined with sound absorbent material.

The planning committee accepted that the hotel had to have a good ventilation system to meet modern standards and to retain its high star rating.

“There are similar issues elsewhere,” Cllr Blackie said, and added that the Authority needed to encourage the entrepreneurs who were trying to develop businesses in the National Park.

Grinton – May 

The main problem with the creating a second dwelling at Virginia Cottage in Grinton was the lack of parking spaces, Harold Brown told the committee.

He said that something had to be done to alleviate the parking problems along Leyburn Road especially as the traffic, including cyclists, had increased since the Tour de France. Grinton Parish Council was very concerned about this as the one-bedroom Wolf Cottage had already been created by dividing Virginia Cottage.

The planning officer said that those living at Virginia Cottage had agreed to use their off-road parking spaces so as to leave that on the highway verge for Wolf Cottage.

He recommended approving the retrospective application as the applicant had agreed to sign a local occupancy legal agreement and because the sub-division of Virginia Cottage had not done any significant harm to the listed building. This was accepted by the committee.

Hardraw – May

The committee members unanimously refused to approve the application by Mark Thompson to construct a micro-brewery near St Mary and St John’s Church at Hardraw.

Both Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council and Hardraw Parochial Church Council objected strongly to the proposal for a small range of buildings to house a cycle hire, micro-brewery and garden store within the grounds of the Green Dragon Inn.

Parish councillor Tony Fawcett, who has lived in the village all his life, Told the committee that the application was an absolute disgrace, opportunist and immoral, and could make the area by the church look like an industrial estate.

Susan Foster, on behalf of the parochial church council, said that as the building would be outside of the village boundary it would be like creeping industrialisation and totally out of keeping with the peaceful environment.

The smell from the micro-brewery would not only be offensive to people visiting family graves but also to those planning to get married at the church, she added.

Like Cllr Heseltine, the parochial church council felt that a micro-brewery in that location would be disrespectful to the consecrated graveyard. Cllr Heseltine commented: “This application is, in my opinion, one of the most insensitive to ever come before us.”

Cllr Blackie stated that the churchyard provided a place of quiet contemplation where people could enjoy all that was special about the National Park. “It will be compromised by the clanking of barrels and the pong of beer,” he added.

He, like others, said that the large visitor centre beside the Inn was under-used and could accommodate the micro-brewery.

Cllr Harrison-Topham pointed out that there was no management plan for the micro-brewery and commented: “This is a somewhat specious excuse for putting up a new building.”

The planning officer had, however, recommended that the committee should approve the application especially as the emerging Local Plan would welcome and support the provision of new visitor facilities.

She added: “The siting and design of the proposed building is considered to be acceptable although the extension of the existing visitor centre would be a more favourable option that would have had less landscape impact.”

When proposing refusal Julie Martin said that people went to Hardraw to visit the spectacular falls and that, to her, the visitor centre provided a rather forbidding approach. As the vote went against officer recommendation the decision will have to be ratified at the meeting on June 14.

At the June meeting the committee again refused permission on the basis that it would be a new development outside the defined settlement of Hardraw and would be detrimental to the character of the open countryside and the visitor experience of Hardraw Falls. It was pointed out that Mr Thompson had not adequately demonstrated that the existing Visitor Centre beside the Green Dragon could not accommodate the new facilities  internally or with an extension.

Hartington Raikes – December

The application to convert Holes Beck Barn at Hartington Raikes, into a four-bedroom dwelling for either local occupancy or for use as a holiday let had originally included a large single-storey annex and a big garden in what was the farmyard.

The amended plans approved by the planning committee showed a timber clad lean-to on the northern side of the converted barn and a much smaller garden area. The rest of the farmyard will become pasture and a stable block of four loose boxes will be sited within the redundant sunken slurry pit.


Permission was granted for a small barn at Hawkswick to be converted into a two-bedroom holiday cottage.

The planning committee agreed that the unusual rough arch over the door at what will be called Redmire Farm Barn should be protected.

When asked why an S106 agreement was deemed to be unnecessary the planning officer said that the curtilage was so small the converted barn would only be suitable for a short stay holiday let.

There was, she said, a large layby nearby where cars could be parked.

Hebden – February

The planning committee was asked to approve enforcement action which would lead to the complete demolition of a family home next to Cherry Trees in a small hamlet west of Hebden Mill Cottages.

The enforcement officer explained that an application by Andrew Whitham of Cherry Trees to convert a former water turbine house into an agricultural worker’s dwelling was refused in February 2014.

Permission was granted in February 2015 for the turbine house to be converted into an annex to Cherry Trees on condition that it would not become a separate household; that the roof height would not be increased; and that the building would largely retain its original form.

When the enforcement officer visited the site last month she found that the building had effectively been replaced by a much larger one. She reported: “The owner has verbally commented that it was always his intention to construct the building as it stands currently, as a means of providing a house for his family and that the raised height was necessary to provide a first floor as additional living accommodation.”

The chairman of the committee, Chris Armstrong, commented: “This is a shocking example of somebody completely disregarding the planning committee.”

And Craven District Councillor Carl Lis said: “What’s the point of a planning committee when anybody can come along and just do what they want?”

Peter Charlesworth agreed with several others that he would not like to see the whole house demolished, but added that such a draconian measure would have to be taken if a solution wasn’t found.

“It has to be regularised one way or another,” said North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine. “To knock it down completely would seem to me a bit excessive.”

The committee agreed to defer a decision for three months to give the owner time to submit a planning application as this was the only way the Authority could impose conditions.

The committee was told that there was a lot of local support for the couple and two young children to continue living in the house as it is and a petition with 22 signatures had been delivered to the Authority.

Cllr  Blackie commented: “This has all the ingredients to become a cause celebre. To see that building knocked to the ground and seeing a home taken away from an agricultural worker and his young family will put us in the dock in the court of public opinion.”

He hoped that a resolution could be found which would not mean demolishing the house completely nor leave the owners with an open market house in the open countryside.

Hebden – July

Retrospective planning permission was granted  but not without a lot of soul searching. Several members warned about the dangers.

Cllr Parsons said: “If this is approved the message we are sending out to absolutely everybody in the Park is … build what the hell you like and then come in with a local occupancy story and they will have to give it to you. That is the precedent that this committee will set. The applicant knew that planning permission was required. He chose to not do things by the book because he had been previously disappointed by the National Park Authority.”

Cllr Lis asked: “I find it impossible that people do this without in any way considering that they might need planning permission. What’s the point in our being here to discuss it?” But he did  not want to take draconian action against the family now living in the converted building.

Cllr Thornton-Berry  commented that the issue had to be handled sympathetically.  And Cllrs Robert Heseltine and Harrison-Topham pointed out that the officer’s recommendation would lead to the complete demolition of what is now a home for a local young family with twin babies. The applicant’s father, Andrew Whitham, said that a local occupancy legal agreement would be signed for what was now an independent new dwelling in the open countryside.

Mr Whitham apologised to the committee and explained that the conversion work had gone ahead “partly out of necessity and partly me being naive about the ways of planning laws.”  His son works locally in agricultural contracting and as a part-time game keeper. “How would he find somewhere affordable for someone living on a minimum wage with an area where he can keep all his equipment?” he asked.

The work had included partially demolishing the old turbine house, adding a significant extension, and raising the roof ridge and eaves. This, the planning officer said, could not be considered to be a ‘conversion’. Other alterations had significantly eroded the simple vernacular character of the former building, he added.

Horton in Ribblesdale – May

Large-scale charity events are causing such untold stress and pressure regarding parking, litter and noise pollution in the village that the parish council decided it was unethical to support the applications by the Authority to put up banners supporting the “Day in the Dales” on June 18.

Horton in Ribblesdale parish council has now set up a working party to combat the negative effects of so many “Charity Events” in the parish.

The planning committee was told, however, that the only basis on which to refuse the applications was in the banners had an impact upon amenity or public safety. “Amenity” she said, related to the visual impact of the banners.

It was, therefore, agreed that banners could be placed for a temporary period at the Horton National Park toilets and also on the field gate at the entrance to the car park which serves the pavilion and playing field. The “Day in the Dales” is a charitable event for Heart Research UK in partnership with the Authority’s Three Peaks Project. The aim is to raise sponsorship money for Heart Research UK, as well as improving and maintaining the Three Peaks path.

Beck House, Howgill – March

Permission was granted for camping pods and the creation of a new camping area at Beck House.

One camping pod will be erected beside the two static caravans which are already there. In addition there will be three pods, two tent pitches and a facilities building along the beck nearby.

Cllr Harrison-Topham abstained from voting because, he said, he was concerned about the wide definition of a caravan. Camping pods fall within the statutory definition of a caravan.

The planning officer had recommended that the conditions should include restrictions on the camping pods so that they could not later be replaced with any other structures or caravans without approval.

He told the committee: “Once the landscaping is established and if the site is successful there may be opportunity to support more tent pitches in this location.”

He said that the camping pods would help to fill a recognised gap in the tourism market in the National Park and would be assimilated better in the landscape than caravans.

He assured members that the planning officers would make sure that the lighting on the site would be at an appropriate level and that suitable arrangements were made regarding effluent.

Mr Brown agreed with him that this would be a good form of farm diversification.

Hudswell – March

Hudswell Community Charity, which was founded about 300 years ago, applied for permission to build three more affordable homes to rent. It already has three houses in the village which it rents to those with a local connection and in housing need.

The new houses will be built on part of Thompson’s Field which the charity has owned for 100 years. This is at the eastern end of Hudswell with part of it creating a gap between some bungalows and modern detached houses –  a gap which the charity wants to fill with two three-bedroom semi-detached houses and a two-bedroom single storey dwelling.

A Housing Need Survey last year identified five more families with a local connection who needed rented accommodation.

Martin Booth, the secretary of the charity, told the committee that they had worked for two years on the plan to provide more rented accommodation. He explained that they had considered a partnership with a Registered Provider but that would have meant losing some control over the ownership of the properties and how they were allocated.

He said: “We had the funds, and we own the land – so we had the means to do it ourselves. We don’t need to draw any money from government sources. So we didn’t need a Registered Provider.”

This means that the new houses will be exempt from the government’s proposed extension to the Right to Buy scheme.

Mr Booth added: “We did go to great lengths to consult with the village. Being a local charity we all live there. We had two public meetings and spent a lot of time with the immediate residents  – trying to accommodate all their concerns about how it would impact on their lives.”

For this reason there were no objections to the application nor had any of the committee been lobbied about it.

Harold Brown pointed out that Hudswell was unusual in the National Park in that one side of the linear development was within the YDNPA area and the other was not. He added: “This seems to me to be a very good scheme.”  All the other members agreed.

In accordance with the YDNPA policy for affordable housing the rents will be at 80 per cent of market rent and the charity has agreed to sign local occupancy legal agreements on the houses.

Hudswell – August

It was agreed that the local occupancy agreement for three new houses in Hudswell could be amended so that it was in accordance with the aims of the charity which will own them.

Hudswell Community Charity has, for over 200 years, sought to provide affordable rentable housing for those who have a connection with the village and need the support and assistance of their family members there. These people, however, might not fit the definition of “local” as defined by the YDNPA’s housing policy.

The charity had, therefore, asked that the s106 agreement should include a paragraph stating: “A person in housing need who has an immediate relative who is a resident of the relevant parish and who would benefit significantly from the support and assistance that this relative would be able to provide through close proximity.”

Cllr Blackie said that this compromise would mean that the three houses would remain available at affordable rents unaffected by the government’s policy on “right to buy”.

Kettlewell – February

A concrete barrier at Brightwaters in Kettlewell can be retained as it is protecting the walls of the converted barn from water damage.

It was reported that structural surveys had shown that the concrete barrier would help to stop further bulging and cracking of the walls which could then be repaired.

The planning officer, however, recommended that the retrospective planning application for the concrete barrier beside Kettlewell Beck and the railings around the patio created by it should be refused. He argued that the extent of the railings should be reduced and that a more sensitive way of protecting Brightwaters could be found.

The majority of the committee, however, disagreed. Cllr Blackie said that the barrier was supporting the structural integrity of the converted barn. He added that during the past few months the water in the beck had risen to almost the level of the patio at the top of the concrete barrier.

He added: “I wouldn’t want to stand on that particular patio without some sort of railings. A number of other places in Kettlewell have railings.”

Mr Graham said that even though the committee had not accepted the recommendation of the planning officer the decision would not need to be confirmed at the next meeting.

Kettlewell – April

It didn’t take long for the committee to give its unanimous approval for a barn near Kettlewell to be converted into a two-bedroom house for local occupancy.

Cllr Heseltine commented: “This is a fine example of our emerging roadside barns policy. It is ideally situated for a young family as it is near the school.”

Kettlewell – September

Plans for an extension to a modern end terrace house in the centre of Kettlewell had to be considerably modified before the Authority would consider approving them.

Originally it was proposed to build a two-storey extension at 1 Orchard Cottages but the planning officer felt this would adversely affect the neighbour’s property.

Kettlewell and Starbotton parish council still believed that the amended plans for a one-storey sunroom would be intrusive but the committee  did give approval for that.

It was pointed out by a neighbour that the proposed use of white uPVC for the door and window frames would not be in keeping with the original planning consent and would change the character of the terrace of three houses. At the committee meeting Cllr Parsons observed that white uPVC patio doors had already been installed at 1 Orchard Cottages.

He also asked if the houses, that were built in 1984, had any permitted development rights. The planning officer said this would be checked.

There had been no objections to proposed change of use of the garage into a study and that was approved as well.

Kettlewell – November

A young couple was  given permission to convert a barn at Kettlewell into their family home.

David Hillam, the applicants’ agent, told the committee that Anthony Robinson and his wife and children lived in a rented house in Starbotton. “They have a strong commitment to the area and want to live in a barn [conversion] that they own,” he said.

Kettlewell with Starbotton Parish Council strongly support the application because Mr Robertson works locally and his children attend the village school.

The barn, which is near the school, will be converted into a three-bedroom local occupancy dwelling.

Malham – December

A young couple, Louise and Andy Macbeth, can go ahead with adding two contemporary single-storey extensions at Beck Hall, Malham, even though the parish council stated that these would be out of keeping with the style of the hotel.

The planning committee approved the glazed extensions which will form a new reception area and bar, and an additional dining area. These will be sited on either side of the large 1980s two-storey wing that is behind the original 18th century house which forms the frontage of the hotel.

The planning officer told the committee that the extensions had been amended following objections by Kirkby Malhamdale Parish Council to being simple glass box designs with flat grass roofs.

The parish council, however, felt these were just modest alterations and that the extensions would still have a detrimental and negative impact upon such a significant property in Malham.

Cllr Parsons commented that the extensions would improve the appearance of the rear of the 1980’s building which he felt was quite ugly.

Cllr  Gray said: “We should look at modern building (materials) as useful tools and glass is one of those things. In the day time it reflects the surroundings and the skyline. It actually reduces the heavy impact of the modern building.”

Marske – December

The emerging Local Plan means that the 18th century Stable Block and Coach House at Marske in Swaledale can now become apartments for local people as well as holiday lets. Permission was granted in 2012 for the buildings to be converted into nine holiday lets. The same plans were submitted by Roger Tempest of the Rural Concepts Group to the committee this month so as to include local occupancy.

At the meeting  Cllr Blackie commented that this was an excellent way to save such a fine building from dereliction.

“This is an outstanding building. It is wonderful to see it being brought back into use,” said Cllr Parsons.

Newbiggin in Bishopdale – July

There are only five businesses in North Yorkshire which provide suitable independent or assisted wheelchair accommodation. But soon the Yorkshire Dales will have its first now that the planning committee has approved the change of use of an outbuilding at Eastburn Farmhouse at Newbiggin in Bishopdale.

Andrew and Diane Howarth have developed a high-quality five-star self-catering accommodation business in the village. Mr Howarth told the committee that this application would provide an opportunity for the National Park to provide flagship accommodation to national accessibility standards for those with mobility, hearing and visual impairments. He pointed out that the Peak District had 40 such types of accommodation.

The outbuilding was constructed in 2002 as a warehouse and office building and the planning officer stated it could be assessed according to the policy in the new emerging plan which allowed for the conversion of modern buildings to new business or employment uses. Since the Haworth’s bought Eastburn Farmhouse it has been used as a domestic store.

The Senior Listed Building officer recommended refusal of the application on the basis that the overall size and shape of the extensions would have a negative impact upon Eastburn House which is Grade II listed.

The planning officer, however, stated that the building would not be readily visible from the street or have a significant impact on the character of the village.

Cllr Harrison-Topham said: “I am slightly startled that we are treating the Senior Listed Building officer’s comments in quite such a cavalier fashion. After all she is the advocate for one of our prime national purposes in respect of the cultural heritage.”

Mr Graham, responded that the extensions would not lead to the building dominating the farmhouse. The planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application was accepted by the majority of the committee. The application included a garage for the farmhouse.

Otterburn – July

The new policy which allows roadside traditional barns to be converted into dwellings was applauded by John Steel, the agent for the owners of Crane Field Laithe on the Hellifield Road near Otterburn.

He described it as a welcome and progressive initiative which will allow many barns to be restored. These, he said, do contribute to the National Park’s historic environment.  If permission was granted the 200-years-old barn would be restored to a high standard so that it would again have a beneficial use. “It will ensure the life of this undesignated heritage asset well into the future,” he added.

Both he and the planning officer assured the committee that it was possible to restore and convert the building without the demolition of any walls and the owners were willing to sign a S106 legal agreement. The owners propose to use the converted barn either as a short-stay holiday let or as a local occupancy dwelling.

Initially the planning officer had recommended refusal because the Highways Authority had pointed out that the access onto Hellifield Road had severely restricted visibility. An alternative access was suggested and Mr Steel confirmed that the applicants did own the land adjoining the barn.

It was agreed that planning officers could work with the Highways Authority and the owners to find a satisfactory solution.

Otterburn – December

The committee agreed that the proposed glazed garden room at Grove Farm in Otterburn would be too big and have a detrimental impact upon the Grade II listed building.

Otterburn Parish Council had informed the Authority that the village fully supported the application and considered that the proposed garden room would be a delightful addition to the house, in keeping with and sensitive to the property, its history and its garden.

Cllr Roger Harrison-Topham also believed that the conservatory was well designed. He said: “It fits in very nicely with the newer extension and provides a missing element of symmetry to my mind.”

When another committee member described the proposed conservatory as being far too big, another asked who was going to see it.

The Authority’s member champion for cultural heritage, Mrs Martin, agreed with the planning officer that it would be inappropriate in scale and form, and would detract from the character of the original 17th century farmhouse and its 18th century extension.

She pointed out that the planning officer had advised the applicants, Andrew and Annabel Haggas, that a smaller extension to the side of the property would be more acceptable.

Mrs Martin wondered about the future of the four yew trees in the garden if the conservatory was built. One of the yew trees is over 300-years-old.

She was also concerned that the proposed access to the cellar could lead to the loss of potentially important historic features. The cellar is thought to be the oldest part of the house.

Reeth – December

The committee gave approval for The Little Barn, the annex to Bank House in Silver Street, Reeth, to become a separate holiday let or local occupancy dwelling.

Sedbergh – February

Sedbergh will gain three local occupancy dwellings and one commercial unit in the Main Street.

Ian McPherson, who is a Sedbergh parish councillor, said: “This is good news for Sedbergh. There are no local objections and it is supported by the parish council.

“It brings the advantage of providing employment opportunities on the site which the existing building does not provide at the moment. And it very effectively tidies up what is at the moment a very messy site – indeed an eyesore.”

At present the site is used for storing building materials and equipment and no-one is directly employed there. The proposed two-storey commercial building with living accommodation above it will front onto Main Street. The workshop on the site will be converted into a two-bedroom dwelling and another local occupancy house will be built.

The site has been identified as an area of high archaeological importance and the open yard there has existed since the 1850s. The planning department will seek to ensure that the courtyard and other historical features will be protected and that an archaeological evaluation will be carried out.

Sedbergh – February

An application to build a two bedroom house in a builder’s yard at Millthrop, Sedbergh, was refused by the committee.

Sedbergh parish council had supported the application, but as a member of the YDNPA, Sedbergh parish councillor Ian McPherson explained that he could not do so as that would be contrary to five of the Authority’s planning policies.

The planning officer reported that the builder’s yard behind The Spedding was outside the development boundary of Millthrop and the proposed building would have an impact not only upon trees on the site but also on a listed building. He told the committee that the proposal would result in the loss of existing employment land and would undermine the viability of the adjoining builder’s workshop and storage business run by the applicant’s brother.

Cllr Blackie commented that employment sites in the National Park were likely to become an endangered species and the policy to protect them should be maintained.

In OctoberPermission was granted for a builder’s workshop and store at Millthrop to be converted into a live work unit. The application was partly retrospective.

The committee agreed that this would be an acceptable way to provide accommodation without losing an employment site.

Sedbergh –  April

The new chairman of the planning committee,Cllr Caroline Thornton-Berry, described the proposed re-development of Kings Yard in Sedbergh as very exciting.

The committee agreed that it should support what Cllr Blackie described as a wonderful scheme which would help to rejuvenate Sedbergh. Approval was given to demolish the existing buildings and replace them with five local occupancy houses and a two-storey commercial building.

Ian McPherson, who declared a personal interest as he lives near Kings Yard, reported that the parish council fully supported the application and there had been no significant local objections.

“In fact there has been a lot of support because the site at the moment is a terrible shambles. Almost anything would be an improvement,” he said.

He added that the agent had made a great deal of effort to consult with local people, the parish council and the planning officers. The disused workshop and garage buildings were described by the Economic Development Team at South Lakeland District Council as being not fit for purpose and did not provide a quality environment to attract jobs.

The owner, Richard Mathers, had fulfilled the YDNPA’s requirements by advertising the whole site from September 2014. This showed that there was no current demand for such employment use in that location and this meant that Mr Mathers could include housing in the re-development plan.

The new commercial building will provide units for six independent service-sector businesses. The committee agreed that the application could be considered in accordance with the emerging Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-2030 which will allow for 100 per cent local occupancy housing with no affordable units.

Following a request by Sedbergh Community Swifts, swift bricks and boxes will be provided in the buildings. Andrew Colley asked if permeable surfaces for the car parking areas could be considered as well as the provision of solar panels.

Sedbergh – May

Sedbergh School can go ahead with the construction of a new multi-courts sports centre at Busk Lane in Sedbergh.

Several members of the committee emphasised the need for the work to go ahead as soon as possible. For this reason the committee refused requests from Ian McPherson, on behalf of the parish council, for the decision to be deferred or for a legal agreement concerning the car parking arrangements to be drawn up at this time. One may be considered later the legal officer said.

Sedbergh Parish Council objected to the application mainly on the basis of inadequate parking arrangements, with just seven spaces available for cars at the site and with no parking restrictions along Busk Lane which is the main route through the town for heavy vehicles. It had told the Authority: “The parking of cars and coaches on Busk Lane during sporting events is already causing obstruction of footways, difficulties for the free flow of traffic and damage to pavements and grass verges.”

The parish council asked for additional parking to be provided within the school estate, particularly for coaches, and for a robust car parking management plan.

Martin Smith, the school’s Estates Bursar, said: “The car parking issue is a sore point and something we are trying to get a better handle on,”

He explained that the school had arranged for marshals to enforce a car parking plan at the last big sports event.

Cllr Welch commented that the main problem was that people were lazy and didn’t want to walk far from where they had parked.

Mr Smith explained that the school was in an extremely competitive market and needed such a modern facility especially as, in the North of England, there could be extreme weather. The school, he said, not only provided employment but supported many local traders.

Peter Charlesworth stated: “This is quite clearly a well-designed building which fits well into the landscape. To say that we should refuse it because they haven’t got a big enough car park is, I think, quite misguided – because to make a big car park would be detrimental to the landscape. The management plan for the car parking has to be enforced.”

Mr Graham said that the parish council would be consulted on the car parking management plan.

Both Mr Charlesworth and Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong stressed that the new sports centre should also be available to local people.

The single storey stone pavilion at Busk Lane will be demolished to make way for the new centre which will have courts for badminton, basketball, netball and volleyball plus cricket nets and seating for 488 spectators. There will also be changing rooms, an office, two multi-purpose studios and a hospitality suite.

Sedbergh – June

The re-modelling of Ingmire Caravan Park  at Marthwaite, Sedbergh, would make the site much more attractive the committee was told.

The applicant’s agent, Jeremy Lambe, said this could reverse the trend of  decreasing numbers of touring caravans at the site.  All the touring caravan will now be located near the entrance rather than being scattered throughout the site.

There will be three fewer touring caravan pitches but the planning officer said this would not affect the overall provision for these in that area.

Ian McFarlane reported that Sedbergh Parish Council welcomed the provision of improved facilities but did want a condition imposed that would ensure that all static “units” would be for holiday purposes only. It also wanted the assurance that the touring pitches were genuinely available for short term use. Mr Graham said such conditions could be included.

At present the site has 12 holiday caravans and 18 touring pitches. The committee approved the plan to alter this to 15 holiday caravans or lodges, 13 touring caravan pitches and two camping pods. The Nissen hut and two toilet blocks will be replaced with a new washing facility together with landscaping.

Sedbergh Parish Council and Cllr Blackie would have liked to have seen pitches provided for tents. Mr Graham pointed out that, at present, there weren’t  any tent pitches at the site and the provision of camping pods did increase the types of holiday accommodation on offer.

Mr Lambe said that campers could use the grassed areas among the trees.

Skyreholme – July

There was another case of “A Call for Justice” – this time by Simon and Sue Newbould who live at Skyreholme.  This, as Cllr  Harrison-Topham reminded the committee, recalled the “Wild West” days of planning in the Yorkshire Dales National Park when there were glaring inconsistencies concerning the imposition of local occupancy legal agreements.

During the discussion about the informal request to lift the S106 local occupancy agreement on Croft House at Skyreholme  Cllr Harrison-Topham said he had previously characterised the period between 1985 and 1990 as being rather like Wild West country. “An awful lot of subjective judgements were made,” he commented.

In 1985 permission was granted by the planning committee for the construction of Bracken House in Skyreholme without imposing any local occupancy agreement.

A planning officer stated at this month’s meeting (July 2016) that there was no detailed record as to why that was done as in 1985 officers had again recommended refusal. Two other applications for the same site had already been refused, with both of those decisions being upheld at appeal.

In 1990 permission was granted for the construction of Croft House subject to a local occupancy agreement. This was done under an Interim Housing policy which was subsequently not accepted by the government.

The owners of Croft House, Simon and Sue Newbould, have now asked for the legal agreement to be lifted as there had been inconsistency in planning decisions. Their agent, Andrew Moss, told the committee that both Bracken House and Croft House had buildings on three sides of them. “There is a clear inconsistency in relation to the approach to Bracken House and my clients’,” he said. He reminded the committee that in May 2013 it had lifted a local occupancy agreement on Top O’T’Hill at Feizor due to inconsistency in decision making in 1990.

Cllr Heseltine said that the Interim Housing Policy was the first attempt to provide local occupancy housing in the Dales. He mused that the committee should accept the planning officer’s recommendation that Mr and Mrs Newbould should seek to modify the legal agreement to allow the more flexible local occupancy criteria set out in the Authority’s emerging Local Plan.

The officer stated that the removal of the legal agreement would undermine the basis for granting planning permission which had been to meet an established local need.

Committee member Ian McPherson asked that a decision should be deferred as the legal background was quite complicated. “I don’t think we have had sufficient legal advice,” he commented. The majority of the committee agreed with him.

Skyreholme – Croft House – August

Simon and Sue Newbould were deeply disappointed when the committee, after a very short discussion, decided not to lift the local occupancy agreement on Croft House in Skyreholme. They were told instead to apply for it to be amended.

Ian McPherson argued that the committee should accept the recommendation of the Authority’s senior legal officer, Claire Bevan, that such local occupancy restrictions were still relevant and served a useful purpose.

If such an agreement had not been offered to the Newboulds in 1990 it was likely, he said, that more onerous conditions would have been imposed on a new build within what was defined as the “open countryside”. He quoted the legal officer’s report that such agreements remained of value in controlling housing development in the National Park and ensured the provision of housing to meet the specific socio-economic needs of the area. These were, he said, still an important aspect of the Authority’s housing policy.

Cllr Blackie described the planning policy in the National Park between 1980 and 1997 as being very unstructured with decisions being made “on the hoof”. “It was an absolute dog’s breakfast,” he commented. He pointed out that in 1991 the Government instructed the Authority to call a halt to its short-lived Interim Housing Policy (IHP). It was in accordance with this that the local occupancy agreement for Croft House was made.

That policy, he said, had led to some glaring inconsistencies. The Authority had acknowledged some of them and he believed it should do so concerning Croft House.

Mr Graham responded that the Authority had been consistent in restricting development in the open countryside and imposing local occupancy agreements.

On the issue of inconsistency and unfairness the legal officer stated:“The Authority has previously acknowledged in relation to the case at Holme Barn and Hawksnest, Hawkswick that there has been an element of unfairness in the use of S106 Agreements having regard to the inconsistencies in applying evolving housing policies at that time. This was an uncertain period, during which the IHP was eventually set aside, and until the adoption of the 1996 local plan, there was a clear inconsistency between some dwellings in the wider National Park which were approved under the IHP and restricted to local occupancy and others granted consent after the IHP was discredited and before the adoption of the 1996 local plan which were not.”

She maintained that the basis of making decisions was fair regarding the planning permissions for two houses in Skyreholme between 1985 and 1990. She said that the key difference was that “the planning committee determined not to impose an occupancy restriction on what is now Bracken House [in 1985]. There is no record of the considerations taken into account by planning committee and it would be mere speculation to suggest what they may or may not have been.”

SkyreholmeSimon’s Seat – August

The government has now introduced a regulation which will mean that many barn conversions will require their own water supply.

In response to a question from Cllr Blackie Mr Graham explained that bore holes would have to be sunk and the water assessed for its quality. “I would agree that would be another burden on the applicants but we have to satisfy ourselves that there will be an adequate water supply,” he added.

Local council environmental health units expect to see a water assessment before giving approval for any barn conversion. Such an expensive demand would rack up the cost of a barn conversion before an applicant knew if planning permission would be granted, Cllr Blackie said.

The planning committee gave approval for a barn at Simon’s Seat Farm, Skyreholme, to be converted into a three-bedroom house so long as a local occupancy legal agreement was signed. A chicken hut by the roadside will be replaced with a garage and the modern farm buildings will be removed.

Appletreewick Parish Council was concerned about the impact of such barn conversions on the already limited local water supply in Skyreholme. The owners of the barn at Simon’s Seat had confirmed that there was already a bore hole there.

Ian McPherson asked if provision could be made for birds such as swifts, as well as for bats.

Stainforth – May It looks as if the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is now celebrating approving retrospective planning applications!

Immediately after the planning committee meeting a press release was issued announcing that the Knight Stainforth Hall caravan and camping park in Ribblesdale was set for a facelift after a retrospective application to convert agricultural buildings into a new restaurant and other facilities was approved.

But according to the restaurant’s own Facebook page it opened on 16 May 2015.

Mrs  Martin asked how the buildings could have been rebuilt and converted without planning permission and how further cases could be prevented in the future. In response Mr Graham said: “Sometimes these things happen.”

Cllr Heseltine commented: “I am just surprised that such a large development in that location wasn’t brought to the attention of any of our officers.”

And Cllr Harrison-Topham, pointed out the need for the planning department to liaise with building control. He said that a normal local authority had building control and planning departments whereas the National Park didn’t.

The latest application was for the part re-building and conversion of a traditional barn and a range of modern farm buildings so that they could be used for the restaurant, toilets, offices and store rooms as well as a new caravan site reception cum shop and a games room. Solar panels have also been installed.

An application for the conversion of the buildings was approved in August 2012 but when work commenced in February 2013 the applicants found that some original walls were unstable. The planning officer reported that, in consultation with building control and the building contractor, it was decided to rebuild these. This constituted re-construction and was not covered by the original application, one of the criteria for which was that substantial rebuilding was not required.

He stated: “The carrying out of works to demolish and reconstruct significant portions of the traditional buildings that previously existed at the site has been undertaken without any recording of their interest or features, and their loss is to the detriment of the cultural heritage of the National Park.” He added that the development did reflect the traditional character of the buildings by using reclaimed materials and retaining some of the original walls.

Stirton  – June– When the plastic sheeting covering a building at Stirton was removed it was revealed that the conversion of the traditional barn had not gone according to the approved plans.

Stirton-with-Thorlby Parish Meeting reported that the roof had been raised, some quoins had been removed, and at least one window needed re-positioning.  These and other changes had led to the Authority considering enforcement action.

The committee agreed with the planning officer that the east gable window should be re-positioned within three months. This, the planning officer said, would reinstate the former building line and quoins.

Following discussions with the planning officer the applicant had amended the retrospective application. The planning officer reported: “The amended proposal also includes a more gradual grading of land levels across the site from north to south. This would remove a recently formed terrace created in part by excavated soil and would mean there is a more continuous gradient that relates to off-site land levels to the north. The reinstatement of the earlier ground level would restore some of the building’s earlier character.”

Stirton with Thorlby – October

The committee agreed that the 400-years-old Tithe Barn at Stirton can be converted into either a local-occupancy dwelling or a holiday let.

The Trustees of Roman Catholic Purposes had  been given permission in 2014 to convert this Grade II listed building for office use. Its latest application is in line with the Authority’s emerging Local Plan which allows for traditional roadside barns to be converted for local housing or holiday lets subject to legal agreements.

During the debate there were two queries: if the access to a neighbouring field would be protected; and if an archaeological watching brief would not only be kept on the barn during conversion but also on  the area around it.

Cllr Parsons explained that tithe barns always had other buildings around them. This meant there could be important archaeological remains under the hard standing used for car parking. He was assured that the archaeological watching brief would extend outside to the barn.

The planning officer reported that although no internal fixtures or fittings now remain in the barn the building still had features of historic significance. The members accepted his argument that there would be clear conservation benefits from allowing it to be converted.

Stirton with Thorlby Parish Meeting had also been concerned about the access to adjoining fields. The planning officer stated: “Although this is a civil issue, the application has been amended to ensure that the existing agricultural access can be maintained.”

He added that the plans included the provision of a nesting box for barn owls.

Update – In August 2017 a planning officer, under delegated authority, gave permission for the Tithe Barn to be converted into offices. The parish council had generally approved of the application but did ask that the roof timbers should be protected.

Stirton-with-Thorlby – December

The committee agreed that the planning officers could grant planning permission for High Barn in Sour Lane, Stirton-with-Thorlby, to be converted into a three-bedroom local occupancy dwelling and a one-bedroom holiday let once amended plans have been received.

An archaeological assessment had shown that the roof timbers in the stone barn had been reclaimed from a much earlier cruck framed timber building. The planning officer has, therefore, requested that the amended plans should include the retention and visibility of the roof structure.

Swaledale – November :  Richmond Motor Club Three Day Trial

The Richmond Motor Club had £6,000 less to give to local charities following this year’s Scott Trial due to the cost of fulfilling the new conditions imposed by the YDNPA, Cllr Blackie told the planning committee.

The same conditions will now be imposed upon the Reeth Three Day Trial held by the Richmond Motor Club in July each year.

Cllr Blackie said: “This is a very important trial for the economy of the Upper Dales and particularly for young people. The archaeological and ecological units have gone rather over the top in demanding baseline information well beyond what was ever demanded before.”

Cllr Parsons agreed with him and stated: “You are expecting the [club members] to have a huge area of specialist knowledge. Expecting them to identify archaeologically sensitive sites when we can’t identify them ourselves is expecting a little bit too much.

“You are expecting 20 to 30 people to carry out what is a fairly professional survey and also to have a huge understanding of bio-diversity.”

Mr Graham, responded: “In terms of how the trial is managed, how the riders and spectators are managed, and what mitigation measures will be put in place to prevent damage to the environment – [that] is the same as with the Scott Trial. So there is no need to duplicate the work. I don’t envisage that there will be a significant amount of extra work.”

The planning officer told the committee that whilst the Authority did accept that the Three Day Trial was a long-established, nationally recognised event that contributed significantly to the local economy, it was held over Arkengarthdale, Gunnerside and Reeth Moors where there were special sites of conservation and scientific interest as well as a number of unscheduled monuments.

Ian McPherson stated that if the conditions, which were aimed at limiting and repairing any damage to the environment, were not imposed he could not vote for the Club to continue staging the Three Day Trial.

“This is a National Park and the overriding purpose of the National Park is to conserve and protect the environment. I think that there is adequate evidence to show that, because of the different areas and aspects of the natural environment involved, that protection is necessary,” he said.

Swaledale – November

Permission was granted for ten camping pods to be placed between the two rows of trees which separate the 30 touring caravan pitches from the rest of Swaleview Caravan Site near Reeth.

Mr Graham assured Cllr Blackie, that the conditions on the approval were sufficient to ensure that the camping pods could not, at some time, be replaced with caravans.

Approval of the camping pods is in line with the Authority’s emerging Local Plan which aims to expand and diversify the supply of more modern forms of “camping” accommodation within the National Park.

The owners had agreed to plant more trees at the entrance to the site. Cllr Parsons asked that even more should be planted so that the site was not so visible from the Reeth Road as visitors entered the National Park.

Thorpe – November and December

At the November meeting the committee agreed with the planning officer that the proposed extension to Mitchell House was not in keeping with the existing building.

An amended application to convert the agricultural workshop  into a two-bedroom holiday let was approved at the December meeting. The extension was not included in the amended plans.

Threshfield – July

The committee agreed that a compromise was needed to find a way to turn Toft House in Threshfield into a comfortable, modern farmhouse, without losing even more of its original 17th century features.

The chairman of the committee, Cllr Thornton-Berry, commented: “I think we are all in sympathy with what needs to be done and we want to help local people as much as we can. But our job is to maintain the historic heritage.”

Toft House was described as an important heritage asset and a fine example of a vernacular Dales farm house. All the proposed alterations would be at the rear of the farmhouse but Cllr Thornton-Berry pointed out that it was not a material consideration that they wouldn’t be seen.

On the side where there are modern windows and a door it is proposed to construct a two-storey extension to provide an additional bedroom and also a large kitchen cum farm office. On the other side it is proposed to move a 17th window to make room for a door into a new cloakroom where outdoor farming clothing could be removed. Another window would be enlarged to provide more light to a staircase.

The senior listed building officer had objected to the extension but at a site meeting the planning officer accepted the principle of its construction.

At the planning meeting the Authority’s member champion for cultural heritage, Julie Martin, stated that the key issue was to retain the 17th century windows. It was agreed, therefore, that instead of accepting the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse the application, a decision should be deferred so that a compromise could be found.

A compromise agreement was approved by the committee at the August meeting.

The majority voted to approve amended plans which included the retention of the original stairway window and the scullery window, but allowed the new garage to include a cloakroom.

Weasdale – November

A barn at Lane Farm in Weasdale which dates back to 1767 can now be converted into a two-bedroom holiday let and so ensure its long term.

Weasdale became part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park on August 1, and so planning decisions are now made by the YDNPA and not Eden District Council.

Mr Graham told the committee that, as the application was contrary to Eden District Council’s current policies, the Authority’s planning department evaluated it according to the objectives for sustainable development outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework.

“It is a very sensitive conversion,” he said. “We feel that it is right for holiday accommodation rather than residential because of the quality of the building.”

He explained that this less intensive use of the building would mean fewer changes and less likelihood of affecting historically important features.

Cllr Kendal had been to see the barn and told the committee: “I was quite knocked over by the beauty of it and I feel it would be criminal not to bring it into use.”

West Witton – July

Permission was also granted for a traditional barn at Home Farm in West Witton to be converted into a local occupancy three-bedroom home.

Winterburn – November

There were gasps of admiration when a photograph of the magnificent Friars Head – a late Tudor gentry house – was shown. The late 19th century single storey outbuilding is also historically and architecturally significant.

The owners had applied for an outbuilding to be converted for short term lets or for local occupancy directly related to the farm.

The planning officer reported: “The proposal provides an opportunity for a new use for the building that should ensure its future survival without significant alteration to its external appearances or the loss of its most important features.”

This was accepted as being in accordance with the emerging Local Plan concerning the conversion of traditional buildings.

ARC News Service

Pip Land attends on the YDNPA meetings on a voluntary basis for the ARC News Service to ensure that reports are available to the public. No newspaper reporters attend these meetings and so the ARC News Service is the only independent source of information concerning those meetings. Her ARC News Service reports are sent, free of charge, to local newspapers and websites.  If you would like to support this service do join the Association of Rural Communities.

Upper Dales Area Partnership – September 2016

The impact of the Better Health programme on the Upper Dales, the possible increase in distances ambulances will need to travel, and condition of the roads in winter, especially the Buttertubs pass, were the main items discussed at the Upper Dales Area Partnership at Reeth on September 21.

Better Health programme

Edmund Lovell, the communications and engagement lead for the Better Health programme, said that this was aimed at providing a sustainable service by the hospitals which were participating in it. These originally were the Darlington Memorial Hospital (DMH), the James Cooke University Hospital at Middlesbrough, the South Tees Hospital and the University Hospital of North Durham.

Under the government’s Sustainability and Transformation Plans for the NHS that at Durham will not now be included. This change meant that the public consultation on the Better Health programme would not take place until next year, Mr Lovell said.

Compared to the meeting at Hawes his presentation this time did include “travel impacts” – something which greatly concerned residents in the Upper Dales.

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie said that when the maternity and paediatric units at the Friarage Hospital were downgraded in 2013 residents had been assured by the Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group (HRWCCG) that the DMH would provide these consultant-led services as well as a full A&E department. Residents were very concerned that the Better Health programme could lead to these services no longer being available at the DMH.

Cllr Blackie pointed out that this would mean that most patients from the Upper Dales would face a 60-mile journey by ambulance to a hospital. He also asked if this would cause over-crowding at the James Cooke University Hospital in Middlesbrough and even further delays in ambulance response times. Mr Lovell assured the meeting that these issues will be included in the consultation.

Dr Derek Cruikshank, one of the doctors involved for several years in the planning for the Better Health programme, explained that developments in medical care had not only led to much better outcomes for many patients but also to an increase in specialisation by doctors. There could be a 30 per cent better chance of survival if a patient was taken to a hospital with the specialist skills even if it involved a longer journey, he said.

“We have got to keep up with the pace of the changes that are available. But the cost of these services and the expertise that is required means that we can’t have all of them in every hospital.” Specialists, he added, needed to see enough patients to maintain their skills.

Mr Lovell described this as “critical mass” and that hospitals with sufficient patients would attract such specialists. If hospitals had specific specialisations there would be fewer cancellations of planned operations, he added.

Dr Mark Hodgson of the HRWCCG told the meeting that additional resources were now available at the Friarage Hospital to provide for planned care and to give a better service for those who were critically ill.

Both he and Dr Mike Brookes of the Reeth GP Practice reported that there had been an improvement in ambulance response times. Dr Brookes said this was partly because ambulance crews could now seek the advice of local GPs rather than take all patients to hospital.

But those living in the Upper Dales were still very concerned about the amount of time it can now take for ambulances to return from the long journey to Middlesbrough and felt that the Better Health programme could make the situation worse.

Gill Collinson of the HRWCCG supported the objective of the Better Health programme to bring medical services closer to the patients and so reduce the number of delayed discharges from hospital. As part of this there has been a trial of the “Step-up/Step-down” scheme at Sycamore Hall in Bainbridge (*see below).

“This is a brilliant initiative,” said West Burton parish councillor Jane Ritchie.


The Buttertubs pass will not be upgraded to a Priority One road for winter gritting Richard Marr, the new NYCC Richmondshire Area Highways Manager, told the meeting.

He was introduced by North Yorkshire County Councillor Don Mackenzie whose remit as a member of the county council’s executive included highways and transport. “You should blame the councillors who create policies and not the managers who carry them out,” Cllr Mackenzie said. “The problem is the budget cuts – we’ve had a 40 per cent cut. We are the biggest county in England and have 6,000 miles of roads.”

Mr Marr quoted the government legislation which stated that highways authorities had a duty to ensure safe passage along roads in times of snow and ice “as far as reasonably practical.”

The Priority One roads in the Dales were those running from east to west providing access between the main centres of population to the A1.

“Buttertubs doesn’t fit the criteria for a Priority One – you can’t look at it in isolation compared with similar roads across the county. Budgets are limited and we have to do what we can within the limits that we have and we can’t do everything,” Mr Marr said.

Cllr Blackie argued that the Buttertubs road was a very important link between Upper Swaledale and Hawes and when it was closed residents had to drive an additional 30 miles.

Others at the meeting pointed out that there were times when the A684 did not need gritting but the Buttertubs road was impassable due to snow or ice. So would it be possible to grit the Buttertubs road at such times and so keep access open for ambulances as well as residents?

Mr Marr replied: “The procedure is that if the Priority Ones do not need treatment then we can do the Priority Twos. We would not do that if the forecast said the temperature would rise before 10 o’clock. If there are certain days that the part of the Priority Two network which needs treating is just the Buttertubs then I am expecting that will get done.”

He was also asked why the grit store at Hawes was not used regularly instead of the grit wagons having to return to Leyburn to be re-filled.

“Hawes will be used but only when we are running continuously [in very bad weather]. For routine morning treatments we can still operate from Leyburn,” Mr Marr said. He added that it didn’t make sense to have a man and a machine at Hawes to load grit for routine gritting.

Geraldine Coates, the vice-chair of Grinton parish council, told Mr Marr that the road between Grinton and Redmire was, like the Buttertubs road, an important north/south link for residents but this also had Priority Two status for winter gritting. She repeated the request made by the parish council last November for a barrier to be placed along the side of the road at Grinton Bank so that cars could not topple over the edge in icy conditions.

About  repairing roads Mr Marr stated: “We are looking for ways to keep road closures as short as possible. We also have to keep in mind the health and safety of our workers. Some drivers whiz past them at 60mph. Three [workers] were hit by vehicles in the last few months, one deliberately.”

It was reported that part of the road through Swaledale which was recently resurfaced is already showing signs of wear.


*Step-up/ Step-down beds at Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge and Kirkwood Hall, Leyburn:  This would allow Wensleydale patients to have up to six weeks nursing care locally either on coming out of hospital, or to prevent them from going into hospital.  Patients will be looked after by their GP, District Nurses and others depending on their needs

Harold Brown retires from the YDNPA


Harold Brown, the longest serving parish council representative on the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA), has resigned due to ill health.

In 1996 Brown was among the first group of parish council representatives to be appointed to the Authority by the Secretary of State. By then he had been chairman of Grinton parish council for 11 years following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather not only as a parish councillor but as a respected hill farmer.

During his 20 years as a member of the YDNPA he has been the Authority’s deputy chairman and also chairman of its planning committee. Following a stroke in January 2015 he was only able to attend Authority meetings thanks to the assistance of his wife, Kathleen. He continued as deputy chairman of the planning committee until August this year.

He said: “I have represented the beating heart of this community for 20 years. It is with some regret and with some reluctance that I have had to stand down.”

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie commented:  “In Harold Brown standing down from the YDNPA, and particularly from the Planning Committee we have lost, at our peril, a wonderful advocate for the deeply rural Upper Dales: unswervingly loyal to the very best interests of all of us who live and work here; to the prosperity of our local businesses, never forgetting this category includes our farming enterprises; and to the very well-being of our local communities.

“Harold was highly respected by both officers and his fellow members on the YDNPA, even those who perhaps did not share his instinctive passion for securing the very best for all the local people here in the Upper Dales, and beyond in the remainder of the National Park.  He was incredibly well-informed on farming issues, and ever ready to stand up to be counted for us all.

“Sadly ill health has prevented him carrying on his excellent work over very nearly 20 years of his membership of the YDNPA but the memories of his various contributions to debates and discussions at the Park, and the many achievements in both planning and policy-making that he, along with others who shared his view of the huge importance of vibrant local communities, helped shape will live on for a long, long time to come.

“I personally will miss him dreadfully as we worked so very well together. He was always very supportive of me, and at times he could exert a steadying influence when I was intending to move into over-drive! 0

“In our heyday James Kendall, Harold and I were nicknamed by a well-known member of the YDNPA at the time as The Swaledale Mafia (me because as a County Councillor I represented both Swaledale and Wensleydale) – mainly because we made the Planning Committee offers it could not refuse! Like the Camms Barn on High Abbotside, like the Sports Centre at Reeth, like the renewal permission for The Scott Trial, like so many more – all planning applications recommended for refusal by planning officers but overturned by the compelling arguments and the powerful advocacy that we put forward on behalf of our local communities.

“I very much hope that Harold’s health issues can be resolved so he can enjoy his retirement, resting in the knowledge he has done his very best and achieved a great deal at the YDNPA for our local communities here in the Upper Dales.”

Upper Dales Area Partnership – May 2016


An ARC News Service report on the meeting of the Upper Dales Area Partnership on May 11, 2016 at the refurbished Hawes National School building. The issues discussed included: health projects based at  Reeth GP Practice;  problems for Aysgarth Surgery; concern about the future of A&E and the maternity unit at the Darlington Memorial Hospital; travel to the James Cook University hospital, including the shuttle bus from Northallerton; bringing superfast broadband to more villages; winter gritting; local schools including Hawes Primary and the sixth form at the Wensleydale School; LEADER grants; and the Richmondshire Rover bus service.


The Upper Dales Area Partnership had the honour of being the second group to hold a meeting in the newly refurbished Hawes National School building. Two days previously Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council met there.  Above, Cllr John Blackie preparing for the Area Partnership meeting.

North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie commented: “This has been lovingly refurbished, sometimes single-handedly by Andrew Fagg and Emily.” He said that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) had ensured that the building had to be initially advertised for community use and this had saved it from becoming a five-bedroom holiday cottage.

The refurbishment was partly funded by Richmondshire District Council’s Communities Opportunity Fund and the parish council had also given £1,000.  “What we have got out of it is a wonderful meeting venue,” Cllr Blackie added.

Andrew and Emily want it to be used by the community in a variety of ways including children’s parties and Saturday matinee film shows. Below: the refurbished Hawes National School


Health projects based at Reeth – Dr Mike Brookes gave an update on the projects based at his GP practice at Reeth.

The patient transport project started six months ago and will run for two years. This is a collaboration between the Richmondshire, Hambleton and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), his GP practice and Reeth District Community Transport. It provides a door-to-door service for house-bound patients to the surgery at Reeth so that they can receive treatment without going to hospital. On the way home they can  use the transport to do such things as visiting the post office or attending luncheon club meetings.

“We’ve had really encouraging initial results,” Dr Brookes said.

He added that the service had made it possible for district nurses to take on other jobs such as providing more end-of-life care for patients who wish to remain at home. The pilot transport scheme is also being used to deliver medicines to people who would otherwise struggle to get to the surgery, he said.

Cllr Blackie described the transport scheme as a beacon project.

Dr Brookes reported that they were working on a community resilience project. “We’ve had our first joint workshop with the Red Cross for emergency care training in the community.  The practice was also working with the North Yorkshire Joint Strategic Assessment Board regarding end-of-life care. In this way it would make a contribution to the whole of the county.

Defibrillators. –  Cllr Blackie commented that almost all the villages in the Upper Dales now had defibrillators. There was concern, however, about how villagers could remain up to date with the skills required to help someone suffering from cardiac arrest.

Dr Brookes said the surgery staff were retrained each year in basic life support. He  added that Ambulance Control would tell people, step by step, how to use a defibrillator.

Jane Ritchie said that parish councils had been reminded that there was a resuscitation dummy at West Burton which could be used for re-training.  She reported that the defibrillator at Preston under Scar had been successfully used.

Central Dales Practice. – Cllr Blackie reported that it had now been confirmed in writing that patients from the Central Dales Practice would be admitted to The Friary at Richmond for after-hospital care.

But the problem of a dedicated, secure NHS broadband connection with Aysgarth Surgery had not yet been solved.  (The BT cabinet at Aysgarth was fibre enabled for superfast broadband in March.)

Dr Brookes described the situation at Reeth Practice when they lost both their main line and back up line for this service. “For about three days we were absolutely crippled because we couldn’t call up any records. All our prescribing is done through the computer reference system. We were at a stand still. It is important to have that connection.”

“So Aysgarth Surgery is operating in the dark ages then,” commented Cllr Blackie.

It was agreed that the Area Partnership should write to NHS England not only to ask for an explanation for the delay but also  for a date when this service will be available at Aysgarth Surgery.

Darlington Memorial Hospital– There was concern that the A&E and maternity services at the Darlington Memorial Hospital were being reviewed.  It was pointed out that when the 24/7 consultant-led maternity and paediatric services at the Friarage in Northallerton were downgraded Dales folk had been been told they could rely on the Darlington Memorial Hospital.

“The Friarage doesn’t have an A&E which is worthy of the name – it has an urgent care centre,” Cllr Blackie said. “There’s this awful fear that one by one these key immediate urgent health care provisions are being taken away. Ambulances don’t go to the Friarage anymore with an A&E case. If they are going to be taken away from the Darlington Memorial hospital we are being left high and dry – well and truly isolated.”

District Councillor Richard Blows emphasised that they should be feeding in comments before the consultation stage which, he had been told, should begin in November.

There was also concern about the future of the shuttle bus service from the Friarage to  the James Cook hospital.

Cllr Ritchie said that the CCG would keep its commitment to ensure that transport was provided for those needing to access the maternity and paediatric services at Middlesbrough even though further large financial cuts had to be made. She added that many others were using the shuttle service, including those going to work.

Cllr Peacock said that it was difficult both driving to and also parking at the James Cook hospital. And Cllr Blackie commented: “The James Cook is a fabulous hospital – I have nothing but praise for it, but it is a long way away.” He felt that there should be better signage to the James Cook hospital along the Middlesbrough section of the A66.

Cllr Blows suggested that more use should be made of webcams so that people did not have to go to the hospitals. Cllr Ritchie wondered if a “Friends of the Dales “ project should be started to buy up-to-date tele-medicine equipment for the surgeries.

Superfast broadband – Chloe Lewis reported that more money had been allocated to enable more villages to receive superfast broadband at different times during the next year. These include Keld, Askrigg, Low Row, Castle Bolton, Downholme, Catterick, Newton le Willows, East Witton, Spennithorne and Bellerby.  She warned that this would mean more road closures.

She also reported that the Dales area had a very high level of take-up on superfast broadband even though it didn’t have any commercial cabinets.  She said: “The Aysgarth cabinet went live in October and the take-up was fantastic straight away.”

Cllr Peacock explained that a lot of people in the Dales were running small businesses from their homes.

Cllr Blackie thanked Chloe and the others who had worked tirelessly to ensure superfast broadband was available in many dales villages. But he pointed out that nothing was being done yet to bring superfast broadband to Arkengarthdale. The Area Partnership agreed to support him in trying to achieve this.

Winter gritting. – The Area Partnership also agreed to support Muker Parish Council and Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council in their request to have the Buttertubs recognised as a Priority One route for winter gritting. Cllr Blackie described this as a lifeline road as the ambulance drivers based at Bainbridge used it to access Swaledale.

He explained that although there was a salt pile at Hawes the drivers of the frontline gritters were not allowed to reload there by the contractors. This meant they had to return to Leyburn to reload after having gritted the main roads through Wensleydale, adding one-and-a-half hours to their schedule. If they could reload at Hawes the Buttertubs could become a Priority One route rather than a Priority Two.  The only time they can reload at Hawes is when 72 hours of continuous freezing weather was expected, Cllr Blackie said.

Local schools. – Cllr Blackie reported that he had met Don Parker, the lead  for the multi-academy trust of which Hawes primary school is now a part. The three other schools in the trust are at Harrogate, Skipton and South Craven. He was pleased that the trust was now advertising for a head teacher for Hawes even though, initially, it had stated that it wouldn’t. There was also a guarantee that there would be parent governors.

Cllr Peacock was pleased with the way the federation of Bainbridge, Askrigg and West Burton primary schools was developing. She was especially impressed by the new system for teaching Maths that had been introduced by the head teacher. She said that each school was retaining its own identity. The children begin and end each day in their own school, and are taken by bus to Askrigg for any  united classes.

There was relief that the government had decided not to go ahead with forced Academies especially as it was felt this would lead to the closure of many rural schools.

There was concern about the sixth form at the Wensleydale School. Both Cllr Blackie and Cllr Peacock pointed out that students were voting with their feet and going to the Queen Elizabeth school in Darlington. There were now only about 40 students in the sixth form at Leyburn, which was barely enough for two courses to be run each year.

Cllr Blackie felt that it was time to consider improving the transport to Darlington especially as the head teacher at the Queen Elizabeth school was willing to organise buses. Cllr Ritchie suggested that over-night accommodation in Darlington should be considered.

Grants. – Chloe reported that LEADER grants were available for tourist development, farm diversification and micro and small enterprises. She accepted that it was a complicated process and offered to help anyone with filling in the forms.

See for more details about LEADER grants.  Chloe’s email address is: She can also give advice about other grants which are available.

Richmondshire Rover. – Cllr Blackie said that a new bus service – the Richmondshire Rover – had been launched by the Little White Bus to run between  Northallerton, Catterick and Richmond four times day. This will continue if enough volunteer drivers can be found.

“Self reliance is the name of the game. It is under test,” he said.

February to December 2015

ARC News Service reports on YDNPA planning committee meetings during 2015: applications affecting Airton, Appersett, Appletreewick, Arncliffe, Aysgarth Station, Beamsley, Carperby (fishing hut), Clapham, Coverhead, Dent (Risehill Mill), Grassington, Hawes, Healaugh, Ingleton, Kettlewell, Kirkby Malham, Langcliffe, Low Row, Malham, Millthrop, Reeth, Sedbergh, Spout near Sedbergh, Stainforth, and Threshfield. See separate post concerning telecommunications masts at West Witton.

John Roberts:

John Roberts, who died on March 8 aged 70, had represented Craven District council on the Authority and so, at the meeting that month, the chair where he usually sat was empty. Referring to that the chairman of the Authority, Peter Charlesworth, stated: “As far as planning is concerned it will be a void that will be difficult to fill. It reminds us of the valuable contribution he made to our community. He showed great respect for the views of others and to all the members, and in return he received great respect from us.”Before the meeting began North Yorkshire County Councillor Shelagh Marshall told me: “He always put people first – that’s what I admired about him. He was a very active councillor in Upper Wharfedale. He will be very badly missed.” There was a minute’s silence in his memory.

Airton – May – Enforcement

The present occupant of Dykelands Farm Cottage at Airton was given three months to comply with an enforcement notice to find alternative accommodation. Planning permission was granted in 2006 for the cottage to be an agricultural worker’s dwelling to meet an identified need for a farm worker to live on site to serve the farm. But the present occupant is involved in engineering and pest control, neither of which the Authority accepted as fulfilling the definition of an agricultural worker.

Appersett – November

North Yorkshire County Councillor  Blackie asked if there could be a protective mechanism for residents when the Authority wrongly sought an enforcement action – a protective mechanism which would hold those involved to account in public.

He quoted the example of Stable Cottage at Appersett. Hawes and High Abbotside parish council had sent the following statement about this to the Authority:“It considers the YDNPA’s handling of the application of the Lawful Development Certificate … for Stable Cottage, Appersett, was unreasonable, lacked the balance of fairness due to her (the applicant) when making her application, and caused her unnecessary and avoidable stress while awaiting nearly 12 months for the appeal decision in her favour.

“It considers clear and unchallengeable evidence for granting the LDC was presented with her application, and this should have led to it being granted without the need for an Appeal. The parish council notes that once the Appeal was made, there was no challenge to this evidence by the YDNPA, and no interest shown by the YDNPA in defending its position to the Appeal Inspector.”

At the meeting Cllr Blackie stated: “My own view from the outset …was that it was very wrong to refuse this application in the first case. I was incredibly disappointed.  The Appeal Inspector says that none of the evidence that was put forward, which clearly and unequivocally described Stable Cottage as an independent dwelling, was challenged by the Authority.”

But last year an officer had, he said, painted a picture of absolute doom and gloom when advising the applicant that her application was unlikely to succeed. “An applicant can end up simply complying with all that the enforcement officer is saying because they don’t know where to turn,” he added.

Cllr Blackie also questioned how the Appeal Inspector had travelled so far only to find that no arrangements had been made for her to view Stable Cottage and no-one was there from the Authority.

He had been told by the Authority that the Appeal Inspector’s email had gone into the spam filter. He observed: “This particular inspector would hardly set off from Bristol without knowing that the arrangements had been made.”

Appletreewick – December

It was agreed that three shepherd huts can be sited on the embankment at the rear of The Craven Arms at Appletreewick.

Peter Charlesworth, who is the chairman of the Authority, said that this was an unobtrusive site and added:“This will provide guest accommodation at the pub in a sustainable, suitable and sensitive way.”

The planning office told the committee that the huts will provide open plan living, with a sleeping area, a wood burning stove and an enclosed toilet cum shower sufficient for a small family.She explained that there was no provision in the present Local Plan for such new types of visitor accommodation but there will be under the new Local Plan, and has already been included in the National Planning Policy Framework.

Arncliffe –  April

The fate of the conservatory at Prospect House in Arncliffe still hangs in the balance after a close vote. There were seven votes to five to allow it to remain as built but as that was against the planning officer’s recommendation that will need to be confirmed at the meeting in May.

The planning officer told the committee that an old conservatory, for which planning permission had been granted, had been replaced with a new one. In his opinion the height of the roof especially with so much glazing made it much more visible and so it had a harmful impact upon the Arncliffe conservation area and the surrounding countryside.

He also stated that the roof of the new conservatory detracted from the architectural style and appearance of Prospect House which is a mid-19th century Grade II listed building.

The owner, artist Kitty North, told the committee that the conservatory did not affect the fabric of Prospect House and it’s ridge was 70cm higher than the old one. She explained:“The need for the steeper pitch (was) to ensure that any snow would not cause damage to the structure. The new conservatory follows the pitch of the house roof.”

She said that her new studio and the conservatory worked very well together which was a reflection on the standard of work involved. She added: “One of the jobs of an artist is to create beauty for others to enjoy. The conservatory succeeds in this and hopefully for future generations to enjoy.”

North Yorkshire County Councillor Richard Welch commented that as the difference in roof height was marginal he felt the committee should have a chance to discuss the retrospective application.Several members agreed with North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine that the new conservatory was acceptable and did not “offend the eye”. It was pointed out that no residents or the parish council had objected to it.

But Mr Charlesworth stated that the application should be refused. “This is a conspicuous addition (to) a key building in the Arncliffe conservation area. It is too high. The planning officer is saying that something with less visual impact would be acceptable. It’s for the applicant to produce a design which is thought to be acceptable.”

May –  Mr Charlesworth repeated his objection at the meeting in May.

The alternative argument was made by North Yorkshire County Councillor Roger Harrison-Topham who pointed out that the conservatory was barely visible and would soon be hidden by bushes.

When it came to the vote there was deadlock and Chris Armitage’s casting vote as chairman went in favour of the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse permission.

December – The promise of a yew tree helped to save the conservatory from being significantly altered or removed.

The committee agreed by a slim majority that the mitigating measures proposed by artist, Kitty North, were acceptable. These included planting a semi-mature yew tree so as to screen views of the conservatory from the village green.

Neither Arncliffe parish meeting nor any of the residents had objected when Ms North replaced an old lean-to conservatory with the present one.

After the vote  the head of development management, Richard Graham, said that it would not be necessary to refer the decision back to the committee again even though the officer’s recommendation had not been accepted.

Aysgarth – March

Permission was granted for a shop in the centre of Aysgarth to become a residential property even though the parish council had objected.

The planning officer explained that the owners of the clothes shop had more than fulfilled the advertising procedure required by the Authority to prove that it could not be sold as a commercial business, as it had been on the market at a reasonable price for two and a half years rather than the required six months. The Authority’s Local Plan does allow for the loss of a village shop only if there are exceptional circumstances.

The officer reported:  “The policy allows consideration to be given to the importance of the shop to the community; the financial viability of the business; the demand for the premises (established by the advertising procedure); the length of time that it has been advertised; and the length of time it has been in operation.”

He added that the business in Aysgarth had not been operated as a village shop and post office for more than 10 years and as a clothes shop it had not had sufficient customers to be commercially viable.

Cllr Harrison-Topham remarked that insufficient information had been provided to substantiate the claim that the business was unviable. “I am totally baffled as to why, given the long discussion we had about hotels which were in my mind far more clearly way below the line, we should so rapidly come to a conclusion that this application should be granted. To my mind this sort of marketing business (the advertising procedure) is a cock handed way of going about it.”

Speaking In support of the parish council’s objection, Cllr Blackie commented that it was a shame to lose a village shop. He said that when he first became a county councillor it had been a thriving little village shop with a post office.

The parish council had argued that there had been no attempt to make a successful business that would be attractive to a would-be buyer. It did report that there was now a very good village store at Aysgarth garage.

It asked that if permission was granted for the change of use that the property should be subject to a section 106 local occupancy agreement. The planning officer, however, stated that as there was already living accommodation at the premises and that a separate dwelling would not be created a section 106 agreement could not be imposed.

Aysgarth Station – April

Permission was granted for Wensleydale Railways Plc to develop its visitor attraction and car park at the former Aysgarth Station.

Nigel Park, the company’s general director, told the committee that the development would be carried out in phases. This year a railway carriage will be installed to be used as a café and a meeting place, and the the car parking will be extended to provide for 49 cars and two small buses.

By 2017 a short stretch of railway track will have been laid so that visitors can enjoy five-minute train rides for a maximum of 24 times a day. A small diesel engine will be used and this must be switched off between rides so as to limit the amount of pollution.

Originally the company had applied to have the visitor centre open 200 days a year and with spaces for 90 cars. But the Environment Agency objected to this as it did not feel the existing facilities for drainage were sufficient and that pollutants could affect the surrounding Freeholders Wood which is a site of special scientific interest.

To overcome such problems the company will install portable toilets and the diesel engine will be fuelled by a road tanker rather than through the storage of fuel on the site. One of the conditions is that the engine will be stabled over a drip-tray fitted with absorbent sheets.

The centre can be open for 100 days each year with a legal agreement to ensure that the visitor attractions are available after the provision of the additional car parking.

Carperby cum Thoresby parish council was concerned that some of the proposed car parking spaces would be too visible. The company has, therefore, agreed to organise the car parking so that the least visible areas are used first.

Mr Park commented: “We want to be a part of the local community hence our willingness to alter the objectives.”

This, he said, also applied to the buses that would provide a pick up and drop off service from Redmire Station to Aysgarth Station. The parish council had pointed out that the road from Carperby to the station was unsuitable for large coaches.

Mr Park assured the committee that only 30-seater buses would be used and that the company hoped to work closely with the Little White Bus service. “We have no intention of bringing large coaches down Church Bank,” he said.

In response to questions about the impact on the tranquillity of Freeholders Wood, the head of development management said that it was felt that an acceptable balance had been found.

In her report the planning officer noted that the Authority does support the reinstatement of the Wensleydale Railway from Redmire to Aysgarth Station by 2020.

Of the development at Aysgarth Station Mr Park said: “It is a precursor to the return of the railway and that represents an element of our strategy which is to produce some islands along the route.” The objective of the islands is to generate income and interest in the railway and so support the restoration of the rail service.

Mr Park added: “The economics of the site at Aysgarth are such that they are a drain on the resources of the company. That is a serious issue for an organisation that is supported by volunteers and subscriptions so we have to manage the operation carefully. We are looking at ways in which the economics of the site can be improved.”

Beamsley – February

Permission was not granted for a building to be constructed which would be used to restore and maintain nine historic cars.

Cllr Heseltine said the parish meeting supported the application for such a functional, domestic building which would include log and garden machinery stores. He argued that it was a reasonable application as the garden was secluded and screened by trees. The owner had offered to plant additional native shrubs and raise the height of a boundary wall.

The majority of the members, however, agreed with the planning officer that the timber clad building, and especially the two aluminium roller shutter doors, would have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the area.

Mr Charlesworth commented: “I do have concerns about the size of this building. Its use of materials doesn’t seem to me as anything like appropriate, especially those large doors. I don’t think this would be anything other than an incongruous building in a lovely landscape.”

August –  This time the planning officer did recommend approval as the owner had agreed to amend the plans. These included moving the building two metres further into the garden and reducing its frontage by a metre. There will be vertically boarded doors instead of roller doors. The majority accepted the officer’s recommendation.

Cllr Blackie disagreed as the dual pitched double gabled building would have a larger footprint that The Cottage. “This is not a domestic application,” he said.

“I had to fight long and hard to get a simple garage in Gayle rebuilt,” and he asked the committee to consider the troubles that normal people living in normal houses went through to get applications approved.

He said that by describing the building as domestic rather than commercial there would be no restriction on the hours that anyone could be working there. He was concerned that there could be “planning creep” especially if the use of the building changed sometime in the future. “It will be a Trojan horse,” he added.

The planning officer said that the owner would have to apply for planning permission for any change of use.

Mr Charlesworth told the committee: “I voted against the application earlier this year because I thought it was out of scale and inappropriate.“In a sense I think we can congratulate ourselves because we did oppose (that application) and that has led to co-operation and a much, much improved result with this building not being as incongruous or as prominent.”

He added: “There are no objections from local people and it’s not going to harm the landscape.”

Carperby – June

It was agreed that an enforcement notice should be served on the Bolton Estate to have a fishing hut removed from a field to the west of Carperby  close to the stepping stones over the River Ure.

In a late submission to the Authority the Hon Tom Orde-Powlett of Bolton Estate stated that a stone flag base had now been removed. He asserted that the fishing hut did not amount to a change of use of the land.

The committee, however, accepted the enforcement officer’s advice that the siting of the hut in the field, even if it was mobile, constituted a change of use from agriculture to fishing.The officer explained that the Authority had become aware of the hut on the stone flag base in June 2014. By January 2015 the hut had been fitted with wheels and had been moved a short distance from the base.

Cllr Harrison-Topham asked if there was a gap in policy concerning fishing huts. He pointed out that salmon were once again coming up the River Ure as far as Aysgarth Falls.He said that in Scotland some were paying £500 a day to fish for salmon and for that they expected decent facilities. A fishing hut provided them with somewhere to have lunch, to change into waders, or to take shelter from bad weather.

When the Ure became a proper salmon river that would be the main economic factor of the land alongside it and would be of far greater value than the grazing, he stated. “We need to put our minds to developing a policy which enables people to have fishing huts and enables us to control the way they look,” he added.

Mr Graham explained: “We are quite happy to talk to landowners about proposals for fishing huts and any development which might encourage visitors to the National Park. The process is – talk to us first, to discuss the right design and (to ensure) that it doesn’t harm the landscape.”

The officers and most of the committee felt that this particular fishing hut did harm the landscape.

The appeal against this decision was withdrawn.

Clapham – August

Parish councils must give planning reasons when they either object or support any planning application.

At the planning committee meeting Craven District councillor Carl Lis reported that Clapham cum Newby parish council did support the proposed alterations to Deighton House at Clapham but hadn’t explained why.

The application to replace an uPVC glass conservatory with a stone built and natural slate roofed lean-to garden room was refused because the committee agreed with the planning officer.She had stated that the extension would significantly increase the mass of the dwelling and alter its form considerably, unbalancing the well-proportioned square building form that defined the character of the property.

Garth Jones told the committee that when he and his wife bought the house in 2008 it was covered in pebble-dash and quite ugly.

He said: “We have been very sympathetic to the development of the property and restoring it in such a fashion to bring out the highlights of it.

“We care very deeply about the appearance of the property and commissioned our architect carefully to ensure that we protected the important contribution that this property makes to Riverside and to Clapham as a whole.”

The committee accepted that there would be a planning gain if the conservatory was replaced but felt that Mr and Mrs Jones needed to work with the planning officer to find a better solution.

Coverhead – February

The water supply to those living at Woodale, Coverhead,  at the south-western end of Coverdale was a key issue when deciding whether to approve a large development at a farm there.

When proposing that the application for a 36.5m by 28.7m building for a suckler beef herd at Wooddale Farm should be approved Cllr Harrison-Topham said that the animals would use an enormous amount of water. “The existing water supply (at Woodale) is apparently barely satisfactory and I think somehow we need to protect it. The residents should have continuing exclusive use of the existing water supply,” he said.

He was told that the applicant, Mrs Eileen Mawle, had confirmed that the water to the new building would be harvested from roofs and brought from springs not used to supply Woodale, and was assured that the river would be protected from pollution.The cattle building will have under floor slurry tanks so that there should be no uncontrolled run-off to pollute water courses or springs and to reduce the likelihood of smells and flies.

One of the conditions is that internal lighting should be switched off between 7pm and 5am except when a cow is calving. Cllr Harrison-Topham asked that the orange safety lights could be movement triggered rather than being on all night. “Even one of those is pretty unpleasant,” he said as he does live in Coverdale.

He congratulated the officers on bringing a major agricultural application to the committee and hoped they would continue to do so.

Permission was granted for the cattle building, formation of yard areas and a new site access, and for the erection of a general storage agricultural building.

Dent – December

There has been great relief in Dent that someone has come forward to re-develop Risehill Mill and so provide more jobs, Ian McPherson told the committee.

Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong also fully supported the application by Chris O’Connor and Associates to create a microbrewery at the mill with office accommodation, a visitor centre with a café, and a workshop and warehouse unit.

The committee unanimously agreed with them and delegated responsibility for defining the conditions to the head of development management.These will include the times when construction can be carried out and also the hours of working so that there would not be any harmful impact upon residents. It is expected that the microbrewery will be in operation from 8am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays, and that the visitor centre would be open from 11am to 8pm Thursdays to Sundays.

Grassington – February

Springroyd House in Station Road, Grassington can be converted into a dental surgery even though the parish council is unanimously opposed to this change of use due to the lack of space for parking cars.

Grassington parish councillor, Andrew Colley, told the planning committee: “Grassington parish council wants to make available to all residents in the locality the services that they need and amongst the obvious ones is the dental practice. It is very, very important to us. It is however in the opinion of Grassington parish council that parking in the village is extremely limited.”

He added that Grassington Dental Care surgery had over 7,000 clients and he calculated that there could be 20 or more visiting it every hour. The surgery will be just 20 metres from a very busy junction.

Other members of the planning committee, however, said that many dental surgeries provided no spaces for car parking. There will be space for parking three cars and a turning area at the rear of Springroyd House.

Dr Thomas Songhurst assured the committee that annual passes would be bought for the staff so that they could park in the YDNPA car park.

He said that the number of services available at Grassington Medical Centre had grown considerably and more space was required. At Springroyd House there will be rooms for four dentists, a waiting room, staff toilet and changing room, an office, reception and a toilet suitable for those who are disabled.

Grassington – August

The committee agreed that an empty ground floor premises in The Square at Grassington can be used for both retail and as a café.

The majority of councillors at Grassington parish council had objected to the application as they felt the addition of a café would be inconsistent with the nature of other businesses in The Square.

Some business owners believed there were sufficient eating establishments in Grassington already and that another café would saturate the market.

The planning officer noted that there will be no alterations to the external appearance of the Grade II listed building and that the ground floor premises had been vacant for eight months. The objective, he said, was to create a “vintage” tearoom serving afternoon teas, cakes and sandwiches in 40 per cent of the floor space.

The new owners, who intend to have a “baking theme” throughout the premises, had confirmed that no additional waste bins would be required.

Mr Colley asked what would happen if there was a problem with waste bins. The planning officer replied that would be an issue for environmental health.

Grassington – September

A housing association which was due to take the 20 per cent share in a recently built affordable house at Grassington has withdrawn due to the uncertainty surrounding Government policy a planning officer told the committee.

Cynthia Colley, who owns the house with her husband, Andrew, stated: “Following our experience it’s doubtful if any of the other small two unit size (developments) – including those in the National Park’s housing development plan – will be developed. It is just not financially viable.”

Mr Colley, who is a Grassington parish councillor and a member of the planning committee, left the room during the debate.

After he and his wife had offered a site next door to their home in Grasswood Lane, Grassington, the two houses built there were among the first to be completed under the YDNPA’s 2012 housing development plan. There are Section 106 legal agreements on both houses to ensure that they remain available to local people. But on one there is an additional S106  agreement requiring that the sale price does not exceed 80 per cent of the market value of the property, with the remaining share being transferred to a housing association.

The Colleys had taken the unusual step of making an informal request to modify this additional legal agreement in order to get advice because they had not been able to sell the house since it was completed in October 2014 and no longer had the support of a housing association.

Several committee members pointed out that they had not been given sufficient information to make a decision and this led to the application being refused.

One of the questions they had concerned the legal agreement. Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong, who is a board member of a housing association, stated: “If the 20 per cent property holder has withdrawn then the Section 106 agreement cannot be fulfilled. I think it has to go back to the drawing board.”

Senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, explained that the Authority would need to explore other ways to secure it as an affordable home.

Cllr Marshall warned that there were others who wanted such legal agreements to be lifted. “We need to be exceptionally careful. I think far more time should be given before an application like this comes before us. If we were to give way on this… it would set such a dangerous precedent for us and for our local development plan.”

Cllr Roger Harrison-Topham, commented: “I find this an almost incomprehensible mess. There isn’t sufficient information. I don’t feel the planning committee is a good place to sort out a very difficult situation.

“We as an Authority have been trying to persuade people to make land available for affordable housing and when someone does I think we have a responsibility towards them. And the responsibility is particularly acute when the provider is an individual.”

He was supported by Cllr  Blackie who said: “People who invested in the ideals we put forward in our local plans in 2005 and 2012 are trying to deliver local occupancy. They played along with our rules and it is not their fault that the Government’s position now has left them completely in the middle of nowhere.

“I think the circumstances are unique. The uniqueness is in the absolute dog’s breakfast that current housing policy is as promoted by the Conservatives.”

He reported that, if the Government went ahead with new Right to Buy legislation without providing any exemptions for small rural communities, over 60 houses for rent in perpetuity in Askrigg, Bainbridge and Hawes could be sold. As it would not be possible to replace them such communities would never again see houses available at affordable rents for local people he added.

In December the Colleys made an informal request to the  Authority to modify the S106 agreement on one of the two houses next to their home in Grasswood Lane. Mr Colley again left the room while this was discussed.

The agreement required that the house, West Ings, would have been either let or sold at an affordable price to someone who fulfilled the local connection requirement. This was to be organised by a Registered Provider.

Mrs Colley told the committee: “We are legally unable to sell West Ings because the Registered Provider dropped out.”

One of the problems was the Government’s intention to extend the Right to Buy scheme to housing association tenants. Craven District Councillor Carl Lis commented that the government’s housing policy was a complete mess at the moment and this had led to other developers being unable to find housing associations (Registered Providers) to take responsibility for affordable houses.

Cllr Blackie agreed and said:  “I think Mr and Mrs Colley …are victims of adverse circumstances in many ways not of their own making.”  Like others he pointed out that, with S106 agreements, there would still be two local occupancy houses for perpetuity.

Cllr Harrison-Topham felt that the Authority should take some moral responsibility for the way such development schemes were run. “We are in effect sponsoring these schemes and we are not accepting any responsibility. As a result I think we have to take a more pragmatic view.”

Even though Councillors Marshall and Welch warned about how the decision would be perceived the majority agreed to the request to modify the original agreement.This was against the recommendation of the officer but the decision was not referred back as it was an informal request and not a planning application.

Grassington – September – Enforcement

The committee agree that enforcement action should be taken against the owner of a caravan at Fletchers Brow near Grassington.

“This is an absolute flagrant breach of development control,” commented Mr McPherson after hearing how a caravan which was capable of residential use had been sited on a newly created raised surface and a fence had been erected so that there would be a private area around it.

The enforcement officer reported that a substantial amount of earth had been excavated from the hill to create a level surface. A stone retaining wall had then been erected to retain the earth embankment and an area covered by aggregate.The access from Mill Lane had been covered with aggregate along with the formation of a new track 22.5 metres in length and 3.5 metres in width leading part way to the caravan.

As all this had been done without planning permission the enforcement notice will be for the removal of the caravan, a container, and the fence within one month and the removal of the track and embankment and the infilling and reseeding of the excavated area within six months.

(An appeal has been made.)

Grassington – November

Planning permission has been granted for a car parking area within the garden of Ellesmere in Garrs End Lane, Grassington, even though the parish council believed that the new entrance would not be wide enough.

Mr Colley asked if the planning committee could hold a site meeting to get a better understanding of the narrow lane in relation to the proposed entrance.“There is not room to manoeuvre on that road – it is only wide enough for one car,” he said and added that the parish council believed that the entrance should be made wider by removing more of the stone wall.

But the committee decided it did have sufficient information to make a decision without holding a site meeting – and decided in favour of the applicants.

Grassington  – December – Enforcement

An extraction flue at Grassington House Hotel in Grassington was described as an abomination by Cllr  Heseltine.

The committee unanimously agreed that a listed building enforcement notice should be served on the owner for the removal of the extraction and air intake units and repair the stone masonry within three months.

The YDNPA enforcement officer reported that the owner was aware that planning consent was required for the installation of a new extraction system because negotiations concerning another flue had been on-going since November 2008. That flue was replaced with the present unit in January 2015.

“It is apparent following discussions with the owner and the engineers responsible for fitting the flue that there are much more sensitive solutions available,” she said.

Gunnerside – December

A garage can be built to replace a tin sheeted lean-to building attached to Stotter Gill Cottage adjacent to Oxnop Gill.

The committee heard that the owner of Stotter Gill Cottage no longer objected as the applicants who live at Oxnop Gill had agreed to reduce the size of the garage. They had given assurances that although the building would also be used to store tack no horses would be stabled in it.

Hawes – June

After a lengthy discussion about the design of the proposed new signage at the Dales Countryside Museum the majority of the committee approved the application for eight fascia signs and two free standing signs.

Hawes and High Abbotside parish council had objected to the application and especially to the proposed large white lettering across the long wall of the museum.

Hawes – October

The parish council and several businesses also objected strongly to there being a café at the Dales Countryside Museum. But approval was given and it is likely that there will be one there by the spring of 2016.

This will be a franchise arrangement with the YDNPA and the café will be large enough to cater for a coach party. There will be free access to the café via the museum’s main entrance and the shop.

Richmondshire District Councillor Carolyn Thornton-Berry commented that although she approved of the idea she felt that the Authority had to be careful as it was so close to the issue. A YDNPA staff member had made the application and the argument for having the café was put forward by Kathryn Beardmore, the Authority’s director of park services.

Local businessman, Bob Belton, was not convinced that the Authority had been transparent in its handling of the application. He told the committee that when he asked for a copy of a survey of visitors at the museum in September he was told it was not in the public domain. Richard Graham, head of development management, agreed with Cllr Blackie that Mr Belton should have been allowed to see the survey.

Mr Belton said he was speaking on behalf of four businesses, three young people who thought their jobs were at risk, and six residents who felt the café would be detrimental to Hawes. Like Hawes and High Abbotside parish council they feared that it would become a town of two ends with both the Wensleydale Creamery and the Museum offering sufficient visitor attractions and hospitality at its extremities to make it unnecessary to visit the centre.

Mr Belton explained that in the half mile from the Museum to the Creamery there were 22 places selling hot and cold drinks of which seven were cafés and tea rooms. Although he was critical of the figures provided by the planning officer he did agree that there had been a considerable drop in the number of people visiting Hawes and the Museum since 2009. He argued that a café at the museum building would lead to even fewer people walking into the town centre.

He pointed out that neither the James Herriot Museum at Thirsk nor the Green Howards Museum at Richmond had cafés and added: “The Green Howards said that a tea room would be detrimental to their town.” He also cited the example of Aysgarth where he had witnessed that most visitors used the cafés at the car parks on the north and south side of the river, but very few went to the tea room at the bridge.“

I strongly believe that opening a café at the museum will be detrimental to the businesses in town and some may end up ceasing to trade,” he said.

Cllr Lis, however, stated: “In my experience the majority of reasonable size museums do have a café.”

He agreed with Ms Beardmore that the café would increase the financial viability of the National Park Authority. She described it as a new business opportunity and said that there had been local interest in the franchise.

Both Mrs Beardmore and Ruth Annison told the committee that some of the elderly visitors who came with coach parties were not able to walk into town from the Station Yard.

Mrs Annison asked the Authority to ensure that nothing was done to hinder the railway business as it was hoped to re-open the railway line sometime in the future. There will be some seating for the café on the platform.

She added that many of the comments at the parish council concerned how the café would compete with businesses in the town. Mr Graham agreed with her that competition between businesses was not a planning consideration.

He explained: “The issue is about whether (the café) will have a significant impact upon the vitality and the viability of Hawes as a service and retail centre.” He added that the café could be open from 8am to 6pm each day, or even until 9pm if there was an evening function, because it was sufficiently distant from residential properties.

Other businesses could apply to extend their hours and each application would be considered on a case by case basis to assess the impact upon the amenity of neighbours, he said.

Cllr Blackie told the committee he would abstain from voting as he owned a café in Hawes. He went on to present the arguments made by the parish council of which he is the chairman. In addition to the points made by Mr Belton the parish council was concerned that the new café would have an unfair advantage due to elements of subsidy.

These included being next to the YDNPA’s large car park and not having to provide toilets. Its customers could either use the public ones at Station Yard or have access to those in the building if they had paid for access to the Museum. The parish council had also pointed out that many years ago the Authority had promised that there would be no catering facility at the Museum.

Several committee members said that if the application had been made by anyone not connected with the Authority there would not have been any problem with approving it. The majority agreed with Mrs Beardmore that the café would not only increase the viability of the YDNPA and visitor satisfaction at the Museum, but also lead to an increase in the number of people visiting Hawes as a whole.

At the November meeting Hawes and High Abbotside parish council presented this statement to the Authority:

“It was very disappointed to note the unanimous decision (other than Cllr John Blackie) to approve the application for a café at the Dales Countryside Museum, contrary to the response of the parish council, and to hear that results of a rushed survey purporting to be of visitors to the DCM were only available the day before the planning committee meeting, were not circulated to members of the planning committee, or copies made available to members of the public attending the meeting itself, and to hear that an objector (Mr R Belton) who took up the opportunity to speak at the planning committee was denied access by the YDNPA to these results ahead of the meeting. It understands Mr Belton has complained to the Chief Executive, David Butterworth, and supports wholeheartedly his complaint.”

Hawes – October

An application for an extra care housing scheme at Turfy Top near the Wensleydale Creamary was unanimously refused by the committee.

One of the reasons Cllr Blackie gave for turning down the application was that a new site for an extra care home, close to the Medical Centre, had become available.

“We want an extra care housing scheme but we want it in the right location, and the right location is not Turfy Top. It is a huge hill for elderly people or even sprightly middle aged people to ascend from the town centre,” he said.

He added that there was a gap in the footpath along that route, and that the site at Turfy Top was only large enough for single bedroom apartments. “All new extra care housing schemes need two bedroom facilities – that is the latest standard,” he explained.

He told the committee that Hawes and High Abbotside parish council was unanimously opposed to the Turfy Hill site. Its reasons included that Turfy Hill was too far from the Medical Centre, the flood risk at the site, the possibility of further overloading the sewage system, and the detrimental impact upon the landscape and neighbouring properties.

Cllr Blackie also argued that the county council’s health and adult services division would not support an extra care home at Turfy Top.

In his statement to the committee 92-year-old Graham Watts said that he and his wife Mary, as the applicants, had had an on-site consultation with the county council’s head of extra care and its project coordinator. Both had confirmed that the county council would be happy to undertake an elderly person development at Turfy Top.

The Watts’s plan for a 40-unit extra care home with all necessary ancillaries was supported by the predominant neighbour – the Youth Hostel Association. The home would have had its own medical consulting room.

Mr Watts  said that residents of Lancaster Terrace would have been offered sufficient land, free of any land cost, to provide off-road car parking and enough space to enlarge their back yards to make gardens. The former would have contributed to road safety by reducing the number of vehicles parked along the road.

He argued that there was adequate space for tree-planting on both the north side and the entrance area, and that the building would be on a similar scale and alignment as the Youth Hostel.

Mr Watts added: “The site is readily accessible to the town – the excellent Little White Bus service would get even partially disabled people to the town centre in three to four minutes. There is no flood-risk. All storm water can be absorbed into the site by adequate design.

“This is a major opportunity to provide the town with a facility already urgently required by many elderly folk and their families and would release many homes to the market.

“The site is secluded but a natural part of the urban area. It is capable of offering residents quiet enjoyment of a location they can be proud of. I submit that a better site than Turfy Top does not exist. The need is urgent and, as we are all living longer, becomes more urgent than ever.”

Healaugh – July

Harold Brown, who had just returned as a member of the Authority after suffering a stroke in January, supported Cllr Blackie in an attempt to life the S106 local occupancy agreement on the one-bedroom Martin’s Cottage at Healaugh.

The committee saw a photograph which showed that the bedroom was  hardly big enough for a double bed plus the small bed for the two-years-old son of Ian and Charlotte Pybus. Cllr Blackie argued that policy of one size fits all should be put to aside when there were such  exceptional personal circumstances.

The couple had told the committee that there had been no viewings since the converted barn had been put on the market one and a half years ago as the S106 local occupancy condition had put people off. If they reduced the price further they would be in negative equity and would not be able to continue living in Swaledale and supporting the local school.

“They are prisoners in that cottage. We must have compassion and understanding,” Cllr Blackie said. He added: “This isn’t a money making exercise – this is a life changing opportunity for the Pybuses.”

Some of the committee questioned whether such a one-bedroom cottage was suitable for a local occupancy condition. But Mr Graham stated that in 2007 when permission was granted for the barn conversion a survey had shown that 12 people in Swaledale were interested in one-bedroom accommodation. To that Cllr Blackie asked where was the precedent if there were very, very few one-bedroom properties with S106 agreements.

The majority of the committee, however, believed that they should adhere to policy, especially as the legal officer had advised that no legal weight could be given as yet to the emerging Local Plan. That plan will allow people to choose to have a S106 local occupancy agreement on a new barn conversion, or pay a commuted sum so that it could be sold later on the open market.

Mr Charlesworth said that the present policy of having all new conversions restricted to local occupancy was because they were desperate to keep young people and families in the Dales. Cllr Robert Heseltine argued that they had to be consistent and that if they lifted the S106 on Martin’s Cottage it would deny another young family an opportunity of having affordable accommodation.

Neil Heseltine, a Malham parish councillor, agreed. He stated: “I have every sympathy with the Pybuses. But I think what is very important is that generation after generation of local families also get the opportunity and I think if we remove the S106 then it reduces the likelihood of any subsequent occupants whose children will attend the local primary school.”

Mr Brown, like Cllr Blackie, felt that the S106 agreement on Martin’s Cottage had served its purpose and was likely to lead to a young family leaving Swaledale. Cllr Blackie pointed out that Gunnerside School now had only seven pupils, and Reeth had 37 – a drop of over 50 per cent in 15 years.

Charlotte Pybus was as tears as she, her husband and son left the meeting following the committee’s refusal to lift the S106.

Discussion of the application was deferred at the June  meeting because there were no representatives of Richmondshire District Council at the meeting following the recent elections. This meant that appointments to the YDNPA committees would not take place until the end of June.

For that reason, in line with what had happened in previous years Cllr Blackie asked that any decision about Martin’s Cottage should be deferred.

But Secretary of State appointee Jocelyn Manners-Armstrong stated: “We are all here in our capacity to act in the best interests of the nation for the Park and it is not a representative role as such.”

Cllr Heseltine agreed with her and added: “We do not represent – we are appointed.”

He said that if that decision was deferred then all the others would have to be as well. “In my opinion the proper procedure is to proceed,” he stated.

It was pointed out by Cllr Richard Welch that members would not be able to get legal advice on the issue as no legal officer was present.

Mr Graham advised: “It’s up to members to decide whether you feel you’ve got sufficient information in front of you to allow you to make a decision – or whether you take the view that you should include the representations from members who have greater knowledge of the local area and issues.”

Both Cllr Blackie and Cllr Harrison-Topham argued that it was important that the applicants, Ian and Charlotte Pybus, felt that they had been given a fair hearing.“We need to have a fair balance of representation given the importance of the decision to their future,” Cllr Blackie said.

When it came to the vote three voted for deferral and three were against, with three abstentions. The chairman, Chris Armitage, then voted for deferral stating that he felt it was an unusual case and that he accepted what Cllr Blackie had said about lack of representation.

Mr Colley told the committee that he had to declare an interest because he had applied for a variation of the S106 agreement on a recently built property that he owned.

Ingleton – September  – Enforcement

Enforcement action must be taken swiftly to stop an unauthorised “settlement” at Storrs Common, Ingleton, becoming even larger, Cllr Lis warned the committee.

The enforcement officer had asked for approval of an enforcement notice with a compliance period of two months for the removal of a caravan cum cabin in the disused quarry adjacent to the B6255. The quarry is in a very visible location and is used as a car park by walkers as it is close to a route to the summit of Ingleborough.

Both Cllr Lis and Craven District Councillor David Ireton questioned giving the owner two months to move the cabin which he is using as his permanent home.

Cllr Lis said: “We need to stop it as soon as we possibly can. The ‘settlement’ – if you may call it that – it is getting bigger and bigger. There is evidence of further buildings going up. There’s no sign of him doing anything other than staying there.”

In support of reducing the compliance period to one month Mr Charlesworth pointed out that on June 4 the occupant had been given 28 days to remove the caravan. At that time he was advised that Craven District Council’s housing services could assist with finding him somewhere to live.

On July 2 a 21-day deadline had been agreed with the occupant for the removal of the cabin which had, by then, been separated from the truck. And in August a letter was delivered in person to the occupant offering seven days for the removal of the cabin and associated equipment.

The committee unanimously agreed that the enforcement notice should be complied with within one month.

Ingleton Quarry – November

The committee agreed that extraction work at Ingleton Quarry can continue until May 2020. But no-one knew whether or not Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd might later apply for another extension.

When asked if the gritstone being extracted from Ingleton Quarry was of such national importance that the Authority should grant an extension until 2020 David Parrish, the Authority’s minerals officer, said:“I would argue that it isn’t a national need but the company would disagree and that would have to be tested at a public inquiry with both sides expressing their views.”

He explained that due to technical problems on the south west side of the quarry extraction of gritstone would cease in 2016, two years earlier than planned. By moving waste from a tip and placing it in the base of the quarry the south west side could be re-aligned allowing for extraction to continue until 2020.

Planning permission was required to allow that and also the re-alignment of the quarry boundary wall as the existing permitted extraction area would be exceeded. All the work would, however, remain inside the quarry footprint.

Ben Ayres, representing Hanson, told the committee that 17 jobs would be secured by allowing work to continue at the quarry until 2020. He said the gritstone was used principally by Lancashire and North Yorkshire county councils for surface dressing of roads.The company would discuss with Ingleton parish council the development of a sleep zone to ensure that heavy goods vehicles (HGV) didn’t pass through the village before 6.00 and that it would contribute towards highways improvements such as a new footway and repairing manhole covers.

It would also set up formal quarry liaison meetings to improve communications with residents. Those living nearby have raised concerns about the impact of blasting upon their homes.The company agreed with the parish council that starting vehicle movements later each morning will have a detrimental impact upon the community at the beginning of the school day.

As there will now be no HGV traffic on Saturdays the planning committee agreed that the parish council should be re-consulted about the starting times for transport movements on weekdays. “The key issue here is to minimise the disturbance to Ingleton village,” said Mr Parrish.

There will be no change to the working hours at the quarry as the company had argued that any reduction would have a disproportionately harmful impact upon the business. The recommended working hours are between 6.30 and 17.30 on weekdays and from 6.30 to 12.00 on Saturdays.

When asked about the amount of gritstone that would be transported by rail Mr Parrish said this would remain the same, and explained that the problem was not loading it at Ribblehead but distributing it from the depot at Leeds.

He added that the company did want to discuss with the National Park the possibility of moving from the Ingleton quarry to that at Horton. There were considerable reserves of the gritstone at Horton quarry and rail haulage could be increased. The level of employment would also be retained, he said.

Mr Colley commented that the efforts of Threshfield Quarry Trust to attract other businesses had shown that the closure of a quarry did not always mean a loss of employment.“It is a change of employment – and when quarries finish they can be regenerated and can be wonderful for wildlife and can have an awful lot of benefits,” he added.

When extraction at Ingleton Quarry does finish it is intended that a deep lake will be created with the remainder of the site being restored to grassland and woodland. The site is already screened by trees and a bund.

Kettlewell – April

Ponies can be kept on an iconic field in Kettlewell and a field shelter can be erected there even though many residents and the parish council appealed to the planning committee not to give permission.

The chairman of Kettlewell with Starbotton parish council, David Belk, told the committee: “There has been such an overwhelming response from parishioners in the last week – they do not want anything built in this field.”

He added that until such time as the field – Maypole Croft – was designated as an important open space the application for the change of use of the land should be denied. Another resident, Jack Heseltine, said that the field could be destroyed by over grazing.

He pointed out that the owners had stated at a parish council meeting that the field was not big enough for their two ponies. According to the Equine Trust these will need 2.5 acres whereas there is just 0.825 of an acre at Maypole Croft.

There was concern that the field was next to the village playground used by both local children and visiting school parties. He asked:“What will happen when children kick the ball over and go to retrieve it and they are confronted by unknown ponies which are unsupervised by the owners? Will the next move be that a dwelling will be needed on the site so they can supervise the ponies?”

Cllr Harrison-Topham also wondered if there was a “Trojan Horse” element to the application.

Andrew Colley reported that the late John Roberts supported the parish council’s view. Mr Colley added: “I can’t think of a worse place for horses and ponies. It is iconic. It is right next to the maypole near the centre of the village and it’s the view that everybody gets when they walk down the village. Let’s not spoil it.”

The planning officer’s report was quoted by Cllr Marshall as she felt it made the case for refusing the application. This stated that the field provided an open backdrop to The Green and the maypole as well as making a significant contribution to the wider quality of the conservation area, affording important views into and out of the historic core of the village.

The planning officer, however, told the committee that the owners did not need planning permission to graze ponies on the field. The application for change of use and to erect a field shelter, therefore, gave the Authority the opportunity to have more control.

When the majority voted to approve the application Cllr Marshall asked that strict conditions should be imposed. These will mean that no jumps, old tyres or any other equipment can be placed in the field, cars cannot be parked there, and there must be no muck heaps. There can be no outside storage except behind the shelter.

Kettlewell – April – Enforcement

An enforcement notice will be served on the owner of 2 Town Head in Kettlewell for the removal of hard standing for parking and for the area to be re-grassed.

The committee was told that the area had been registered by the owner of 2 Town Head as in his ownership. But until the autumn of 2012 Kettlewell with Starbotton parish council had paid contractors to mow the grass there on a monthly basis. Until that time the area had the character and appearance of a village green or common land.

The enforcement officer had been negotiating with the owner of 2 Town Head since late 2012 after the parish council complained about a hard standing surface being laid to create a parking space. The owner claimed that the area was part of the curtilage.

The enforcement officer noted that such permitted development could only take place if the area had been used for residential purposes by 2 Town Head for ten years.

As there was evidence that this had been a communal area until 2012 the creation of the hard standing for car parking for 2 Town Head had, she said, triggered a material change in use. She stated: “Both the use of the land for ancillary residential purposes and the creation of the hard standing are unauthorised.”

She added: “To date no evidence has been submitted to the Authority to demonstrate that this land has either a functional or historical connection to 2 Town Head for it to be considered to form part of the curtilage of the dwelling.”

The land had also been included in an area of Important Open Space in Kettlewell and so development was not permitted if that would result in the loss, or significant harm to, the character of it.

“The arrangement of the pre-1851 buildings around an open ‘green’ at Town Head produces an attractive and characterful space within the village. The open quality of the space, its undeveloped (grass), informal appearance and communal character are important elements of an important part of the village,” she said.

(The applicant has appealed this decision)

Kettlewell – Brightwaters

At the May meeting approval was given for an enforcement notice for the removal of a patio and railings at Brightwaters. In 2006 planning permission was granted for a barn beside Kettlewell Beck to be converted into a local occupancy home with limited curtilage so that there would be little impact upon that part of the village. The patio was constructed in 2012.

The owners subsequently made a planning application which was discussed at the December meeting. That application was deferred to allow time to obtain an independent report as to whether the concrete barrier and patio was providing protection from flooding.

Matthew Koslow, on behalf of his parents, told the committee that the structure was a retaining wall which did protect the building, and that the railings were need to ensure the safety of anyone there, especially children. The Koslow’s had lodged an appeal against the enforcement notice.

See the February 2016 YDNPA planning committee report.

Kirkby Malham – September

Approval was given for a single storey rear extension to West Bank Farm at Kirkby Malham, despite a Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority planning officer maintaining that it would undermine the character of the Grade II listed building.

South Lakeland District Councillor Brenda Gray, stated: “I do think it’s a bit nit-picky to say that it isn’t suitable.”

And Ian McPherson commented: “Prior to the site visit I was inclined to refuse permission. I had the impression from the officer’s report that this was a substantial addition to the property. In fact it’s really quite small and so not overly dominant nor incongruous as the planning officer suggested.”

The applicant’s architect, Barry Birch, told the committee that the single storey link from a family room to the rear hall of the house would be only an extension of five per cent to the existing building. As it could not be seen from any public views there would be no adverse impact and no distinguishing features of the house would be obliterated.

He added: “By comparison a property in West Burton was granted an extension the size of a moderate house in front of the original vernacular longhouse which although not listed is a significant piece of architecture in the dales landscape.”

Cllr Harrison-Topham said that 25 years ago permission had been granted by a YDNPA planning committee for a similar extension to his own house. “If I was to do anything other than recommend acceptance of this I will be one of the world’s greatest hypocrites,” he told the committee, and added:“I think the argument against this is overdone. I don’t think there’s detrimental visual harm to the building.”

Mr Charlesworth agreed with him but was concerned that there were two procedures running in parallel – the planning application and a listed building application which had been refused under delegated authority and which was now the subject of an appeal.

Mr Graham explained: “If members grant planning permission for the extension then one would hope that the applicant would withdraw the appeal because you are always in danger of the inspector taking a different view to the planning authority. We would assume they would then resubmit an application for listed building consent which would be taken in light of the committee’s decision.”

As the majority voted in favour of approving the extension Mr Graham said that the decision would not need to be referred back even though the planning officer had recommended refusal.

Kirkby Malham – October

Dark anodised aluminium rather than wooden doors can be installed in the summer house at Clock Cottage in Kirkby Malham. The committee agreed to this even though Kirkby Malhamdale parish council had objected.

The parish council opposed this variation to an existing planning approval because it felt that aluminium bi-fold doors were not in keeping with the Grade II listed building. It stated: “All existing windows and doors on this historic property are of timber or wood construction.”

The planning officer, however, said: “Aluminium is in keeping with the distinctly contemporary design.”

He reported that the summer house was low key on the site and little was visible close to the original cottage. He added: “This finish to the framework would ensure that the sunroom would remain a visually understated modern addition to the building group, which would not detract from the character of the host property or the village setting.”

Langcliffe – February

The owners of a house in Main Street, Langcliffe have three months in which to screen the lantern roof of an extension – and the work must be carried out in strict accordance with the plans approved by the planning committee.

In February 2012 the owner was unsuccessful in an appeal against an enforcement notice for the removal of the extension. The planning officer told the committee: “Since that date the Authority has delayed taking further formal enforcement action in an attempt to resolve the matter amicably.”

This, he said, had been achieved by agreeing that a road side wall should be raised by 80cm using matching local limestone to screen the lantern. A large planter box which had been placed on top of the present wall will be removed.

Cllr Welch proposed that the retrospective application for the extension should be refused and stated: “This has been turned down, appealed, turned down, enforcement to remove – it goes on and on. In my opinion the fresh application hasn’t changed anything. This is a conservation area (and) it’s next to the village green. The whole point is – it should never have been there in the first place.

“The planning policy seeks to promote and reinforce local distinctiveness. Any extensions should respect the architectural integrity (of the area). Are we in period when any developments can have high walls to hide developments?”

The majority,however, agreed with Mr Colley that as the application was the result of negotiation between both parties they should accept the officer’s recommendation to approve.


Low Row – December

Approval was given for a barn near Low Row to be converted into a bunk barn to be used by school groups and DofE expeditions no more than 24 times each year.

The committee had refused a similar application in October 2014 because it was felt that it would have a negative impact upon those using the adjoining Turnip House and that there was insufficient evidence that any groups staying there would be effectively supervised. There were also concerns about unmanaged car parking on the common land outside the barn.

The planning officer this time recommended approval because:the number of group bookings had been considerably reduced; the length of stay limited to no more than two nights with a member of Hazel Brow Farm staff always there to supervise any group; and that sound insulation would be installed on the wall adjoining Turnip House.

The committee was told that any minibus bringing the groups to the Dales will park in Low Row and the school children will walk to the barn.

Alistair Lewis, speaking on behalf of the owners of Turnip House, asked if all the children would be able to walk up such a steep track. He argued that the application by Cath Calvert of Hazel Brow Farm was still contrary to the Authority’s existing and emerging policies which allowed for the creation of bunk barns if they were within a group of buildings and beside a road.

He also felt there was still the likelihood that groups could be at the barn when members of the family which owned Turnip House were there. Mrs Calvert, however, stated that groups would be there on educational visits during school time and not during school holidays.

She told the committee: “We are not doing it because we are going to make lots of money – we are doing it because we feel passionate about sharing that special environment.”

Cllr Blackie was fully in support of the application. His amendment that DofE groups could also, under the same supervision, use the bunk barn was approved.

Harold Brown reminded the members that many of the traditional barns, which are such an iconic feature of the Yorkshires Dales, were falling down as there was no use for them.“This is going to protect this barn and give it another life,” he said and added that it was good for the barn, good for the young people who would stay there and so be in line with the National Park’s policy to encourage people to visit the Dales.

He explained that very few farms in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale now had dairy herds and were only just getting by. But it was the farmers who were maintaining the landscape and the walls.

The chairman of the committee, Chris Armitage, stated he wanted more children from the cities to have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the countryside and to understand how farming contributed to their lives.

Malham – May

A plea by Kirkby Malhamdale parish council to protect the village from what it described as an inappropriate development was not accepted by the committee.

Pat Wherity, on behalf of the parish council, told the committee: “I have heard today that the National Park Authority has a duty to conserve and enhance. I heard you say that if nobody else will protect it you have to.”

On that basis both he and Stuart Gledhill felt that the committee should reject the application for five houses to be built at Cherry Tree Croft. Three will be rural discount homes and the other two will be affordable rented homes.

Mr Wherity and Mr Gledhill were disappointed that the committee did not accept the request by Cllr Marshall to hold a site meeting at Cherry Tree Croft. “I don’t think you can really get an impression of what this place is like from the slides,” commented Mr Wherity.

He argued that the scale and size of the development was too large compared to the buildings nearby and explained that it was the green spaces which gave Malham its distinctive character. “This will remove one of the key green spaces and replace it with a domineering pattern of ribbon development along Finkle Street with housing more suitable for an urban environment.”

This, he said, would be exacerbated by having the houses too close to the road and so creating a tunnel effect disproportionate and contradictory to the style of the village.

The parish council and almost all of the residents were united in their objection to the application, he added. Their reasons included the substantial increase in traffic along what to them was already a dangerous, narrow road.

Mr Gledhill compared putting five houses on that site to sardines in a tin. This, he said, was a totally inappropriate development which would set a precedent for spoiling iconic villages in the National Park. “This is one of the most iconic villages – you are the custodians and guardians – you should not let this happen,” he told the committee.

The planning officer had recommended approval of the development as a rural-exception site. The parish council did not agree with her that the development would fulfil the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework.These are that it should respond to the local character and history, and reflect the identity of the local surroundings and materials as well as being visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping.

Mr Gledhill also argued that the site did not fulfil two out of three of the criteria for such a rural-exception site as it was not adjacent to the development boundary, and there was no longer sufficient evidence of the need for affordable housing in Malham.

Over two years ago the parish council with Craven District Council had surveyed the village and found there was a need. But since then that need had diminished, he said, leaving just one local couple wanting such housing.

Caroline Sunter, speaking on behalf of the agent, told the committee that they had spent a lot of time with planning officers and had made changes to the design as requested. The development had the support of both the highway authority and the district council. She added that it was the only site at present available for affordable housing in Malham.

Cllr Marshall, however, stressed that Malham was one of the jewels in the crown in the National Park and, like the parish council, she believed this development would be inappropriate. She said that the design of the houses was urbanised and they would become a dominating feature in an area of old cottages.

“I don’t believe this would be considered for approval if it wasn’t being viewed as an exception site. I think the approval of local housing for a need is leaving a legacy of a totally inappropriate design of housing in that village in perpetuity,” she said.

Mr Charlesworth observed that the committee was in a no-win situation. “We are desperate to do what we can to keep young people and young families in the Dales and indeed to attract them by providing low cost affordable housing wherever possible.

“It is clear that the parish council and local residents do not want this development. But we do have this need for affordable housing for local young people.” He added that he felt it was a sensitive design and would be highly appropriate.

Mr Colley disagreed and stated that the development would be like the modern-looking houses which had recently been built at Grassington that failed miserably to blend in with the surrounding countryside. He was one of the three who voted against approving the application.

At the November meeting the committee heard that the registered provider – Home Housing – had pulled out from an agreement to take ownership of the two houses for rent and to be responsible for the three others described as affordable intermediate houses.

The Authority therefore needed a fall-back mechanism to ensure that the houses would remain affordable for local people in perpetuity. This mechanism, approved at the meeting, will be that all five can be affordable intermediate houses verified by Craven District Council through the National Park Authority, if no registered provider can be found.

Andrew Colley asked if the Authority could have a valuation carried out at the planning stage to ensure that the construction cost of a housing development was not more than its end value. “We as a planning authority require houses to be built to our high specification to fit in with places like Malham. But these houses are very expensive to build. So we don’t want any developer falling into the trap… of building something which ends up not being affordable. I know we have no legal obligation.. to do a viability study – but I think it is morally right that we should,” he said.

Cllr Marshall quoted the example of a builder who went bankrupt when constructing affordable houses in the National Park as neither he nor those interested in buying the homes could get mortgages.

But the head of development management, Richard Graham, replied: “Development is a risky business – that is their responsibility.”

Cllr Marshall, like North Yorkshire County Councillor Roger Harrison-Topham and Ian MacPherson, believed that permission should not have been granted for the housing development at Cherry Tree Croft as the parish council and residents had so vigorously opposed the application.

“We got it wrong. I hope any members who voted in favour of the application last time will have second thoughts,” said Cllr Harrison-Topham.

Cllr Blackie warned that the Government’s proposal to extend the Right to Buy scheme to housing association tenants could mean that there will be far fewer new affordable rented houses in rural areas.  He said that housing associations were walking away from new developments in rural areas due to the Government’s plans and guidelines.

He said: “The local community looks to us to provide the planning permissions and because of the emerging Government policy they are not being implemented and we are not getting the houses that we need. It is a very serious situation.“This is a real concern that we will not find housing associations prepared to develop in the National Park. They just don’t want to lose money – and the losers are the local communities here in the Dales.”

Millthrop – May

The committee also refused permission for an affordable local occupancy house to be built in Millthrop near Sedbergh. This application was supported by the parish council but the committee accepted the planning officer’s argument that it would be contrary to too many of the Authority’s policies.

Graham Milburn told the committee that his plan was to build a two-bedroom house on land which at present forms part of the family’s builder’s yard and use the capital to refurbish Spedding House. Several generations of Milburns have lived in Spedding House which is a grade II listed building. He, his three brothers and his mother all live in that part of Millthrop.

The planning officer recommended refusal because the new house would be so close to Spedding House that it would a detrimental impact not only upon this listed building but also on the amenity of anyone living there. The trees which screen the builder’s yard would either have to be severely cut back or removed altogether, and there was no space to plant any more.

In addition the site is outside the building development boundary and the house would not provide accommodation for someone involve in agriculture or another rural-based enterprise. And employment land would be lost which, the officer stated, would undermine the viability of the remaining employment site.

See also the February 2016 YDNPA planning committee report.

Reeth – July

The committee took under ten minutes to decide unanimously that this time an application to re-develop Orton Works at Reeth could be approved.

This application was for full planning permission for the erection of a guest house and demolition of some existing buildings on the site, and the extension and conversion of the existing office building to form manager’s accommodation.

Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh parish council fully supported the application subject only to the comments of the immediate neighbours. The concerns of the latter included being overlooked, the overbearing and overshadowing impact of the guest house, and the close proximity of a laundry room and kitchen to some homes. The latter will be created by the conversion of an existing garage.

The planning officer reported that there had been three previous applications for the redevelopment of the site since Orton Works closed in 2011. The third – for the erection of a guest house – was refused by the planning committee in June 2014 having been deferred on two occasions for the submission of amended drawings but still deemed to be a poor design.

He said that the latest application was for the guest house to be built on the southern part of the site over the footprint of existing buildings and so avoiding the sewer and the most sensitive part of the site in terms of impact on those living in Hill Close.

“Overall the proposal is a significant improvement in terms of its siting, and general arrangement, from the previous submissions,” he added.

Scott Trial – July

Richmond Motor Club has accepted responsibility for surveying the 70-mile route of the annual Scott Trial across Arkengarthdale, Gunnerside and Reeth Moors and for carrying out any mitigating work afterwards.

The club’s agent, Robert Halstead, said that it had set up a sub-committee which had already begun to research the baseline level of data requested by the Authority. Photographs of the route would be taken immediately after the trial in October and these would make it possible to identify vulnerable areas which should be avoided in the future.

He added that previously the burden for all that had fallen on the Authority and he felt that it was right and proper the onus should now be on the motor club.

In these circumstances the committee agreed unanimously to a five-year extension so that this internationally recognised motor bike trial could continue.

Cllr Blackie and Mr Brown pointed out that “The Scott” as it was known gave a tremendous boost to the local economy and supported both employment and tourism in the area. In addition it raised about £10,000 a year which was donated to good causes such as The Friarage Hospital at Northallerton and doctors’ surgeries in the Dales.

Mr Brown said The Scott had the full support of all the parish councils and added:“It only operates with the goodwill of the farmers, the game keepers and even land agents as well. It has local support all round and that is the reason it is so successful. They are a very well respected and responsible body. It is a motor cycle trial conducted under the heaviest supervision.

“They train the youngsters from something like the age of six or seven years – even the girls. You will see from reports that we have some fantastic girl riders – Katy Sunter and Harriet Peacock to name a few.”

He added that he believed the damage caused to ancient monuments like the disused lead mines was minimal and that some tourists had inflicted more.

Sedbergh – February

A traditional building in Sedbergh, which is at present used for storage, can be converted into a two-bedroom house.

The majority of the committee members agreed that it would make a very good local occupancy dwelling even though Sedbergh parish council had objected to the application.

Sedbergh parish councillor, Ian McPherson explained that the parish council was very concerned about the loss of one to two roadside car parking spaces when the vehicular access was created for the house, or for possibly creating a precedent for turning gardens along Highfield Road into car parking areas.

The parish council was also concerned about the impact of the dwelling upon the Grade II listed Palmers Hill (the Widows’ Hospital), or the possibility that in the future there might be more noise emanating from the businesses adjourning the new house.

Sedbergh – October – Removal notice

It was agreed that a double-sided sign at Café Nova in Sedbergh must be removed as it significantly exceeds the limit for permitted development.

The committee gave approval for the Authority’s solicitor to serve a Removal Notice to be complied with within 28 days. If the Notice is not complied with the Authority can remove the sign and charge the proprietors of the café for the costs incurred.

The enforcement officer told the committee that not only was the sign too big and so having a harmful impact upon the conservation area, but it was also attached to the corner of the building. This, he said, was not a traditional method of sign display and hid the distinctive quoin stones.

Spout, Sedbergh – August

The committee approved an application by Susan Woof to convert a traditional barn at Spout near Sedbergh into a bunk barn capable of accommodating six people.

Sedbergh parish council and others who own properties at Spout had questioned how the bunk barn could be effectively managed and supervised when those nominated to do that did not live close to it. Ms Woof and her partner live ten miles away, and a relative is two miles away.

The parish council had, however, also pointed out that there was little difference between a small-scale bunk barn and a holiday cottage which could accommodate six or more people – and the latter did not require a management plan.

Dr Barron, who owns a holiday cottage a few metres from the barn, told the committee: “This is the wrong development in the wrong place.“

He added that a bunk barn would dominate such a small hamlet of seven residential properties and have considerable impact upon the tranquillity of the area. The increase in traffic he said would also cause problems along the narrow, winding road. “It will create a precedent for intrusion on the landscape and for traffic on a substandard road,” he told the committee.

Ms Woof said that she had worked closely with planning officers for 18 months to prepare an application that would be in accordance with the YDNPA’s policies, including how to safeguard the amenities of neighbours.

Cllr Blackie and Jocelyn Armstrong-Manners agreed with her that those who booked such places for a holiday enjoyed and respected the tranquillity of the area.

Ms Woof commented that 20 years ago there would have been more traffic on the narrow, winding road because her family were farming the fields more extensively. Now the barn was no longer suitable for agricultural use and they wanted to find a way of ensuring its future and to provide her with a job. She told committee she intended to make sure that the bunk barn would not cause problems for the neighbours.

Mr McPherson acknowledged that the decision was finely balanced but still felt that the application should be refused for the reasons put forward by objectors.

Mr  Charlesworth said that the site meeting had convinced him that the conversion was entirely appropriate and acceptable. And several members reported that there had been no problems with so many cars being there for that meeting.

Harold Brown commented: “A lot of hill farmers are going out of business because they can’t get a proper price for their produce. So I am in favour of this support for a hill farm.”

Stainforth – October

Stephen Raine won the sympathy of the committee when he explained that he was the full-time carer for his elderly mother and was travelling each day to his farm at Stainforth to care for the animals there and to complete some walling for Natural England.

He said he had not intended to do anything illegal by again siting a caravan at the farm. He explained that he was not living in it but instead was using it as a shelter and somewhere to make hot food and drinks.By January the work for Natural England should be completed and he will move the livestock away from the farm. “I would be more than happy to move the caravan at that time because there is no reason for me to take shelter and have meals,” he said.

The committee agreed with Cllr Heseltine that prosecution proceedings should be put off until March.

As Mr Raine had said he might start work on building a farmhouse in March the committee accepted the recommendation of the legal officer, Clare Bevan, that the decision to prosecute or not should the caravan still be there after March 31 should be left with the solicitor.

The enforcement officer had asked for prosecution proceedings to begin now because by siting another caravan at Garth Nook Farm Mr Raine had failed to comply with an enforcement notice served in August 2008.

The deputy chairman of the planning committee, Harold Brown commented: “I have every sympathy with the position of Mr Raine as a fellow (uplands) farmer struggling to keep walls up, to keep the livestock in good health, and on top of that to be carer for an elderly person – and a building thrown in. Jack of all trades we are known as.”

Stainforth – November – Enforcement

At the October meeting members gave David Parker a month to submit a planning application for an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Bargh House, Stainforth.

If this had been done it was likely that the committee would have allowed him to continue having a caravan at that site. As he hadn’t, it was agreed unanimously that an enforcement notice should be issued for the removal of the caravan.

Last month the committee heard that planning permission had been granted in 2007 for the conversion of a building to form a preparation area for meat and game, a chiller room and a store, as well as the erection of an agricultural building. Permission was also given to site a caravan there for three years until January 2010.

Since then Mr Parker has been repeatedly advised to either apply for further permission to have the caravan there  or to make an application for a dwelling. If he did the latter he could ask for permission to retain the caravan until the house was ready to live in. Mr Parker now has six months notice to remove the caravan.

Threshfield – June

The application to re-develop Threshfield Garage, including the provision of a Spar convenience store, replacing the motor vehicle workshop and reconfiguring the filling station forecourt, gained the unanimous approval of the committee.

Grassington parish councillor Andrew Colley said: “Up and down the dale it’s going to be absolutely invaluable. But it has to remain a filling station and a garage workshop as well as a convenience store.” He told the committee that both Grassington parish council and Chamber of Trade supported the application made by James Hall & Company.

The company’s agent, Graham Love, assured the committee that it had carried out everything that had been asked of it by the planning officer, including reducing the proposed height of the buildings.He added:“It does have the potential of improving local convenience shopping in terms of the range of choice and availability of goods and products. This will allow a greater number of people to carry out more of their shopping locally so less will travel to Skipton for their main shopping.”

John Midgley, whose company, Midgley Motors, will continue to operate the vehicle and MoT facility, told the committee that since 1965 seven local garages had closed.“We have seen the demise of the country filling station. Petrol is no longer a stand-alone product. The reality is that unless Threshfield Garage follows this business model there will be no fuel or car repairs, MoT servicing or car sales,” he said and added:“The current building is beyond its useful lifespan. It was hard to make a profit throughout last winter because of the extra heating costs. I can’t expect my staff to work in that dungeon of a workshop – the rain comes in, the electric fuses on a regular basis, and there is a lack of heating.”

But Rob Crolla of Indigo Planning, representing some concerned retailers in Grassington, stated: “We consider there is no substantial or reasonable justification for why the existing buildings cannot be re-used from a commercial perspective.”

He said that the housing policy had been misapplied to justify the retail proposal and that the applicant had not provided a detailed assessment of the retail impact, as compared to need. “There is a real danger that this proposal will kill a number of businesses in Grassington to the detriment of the health of that centre.”

He argued, therefore, that the application was fundamentally flawed both in terms of the strength of the support information on retail matters provided to justify the scheme and the proposal itself in terms of the proper planning for retail services in the area.

Cllr Marshall said it was known that only three traders in Grassington were against the application and that the majority of residents in the area were supporting it.

Threshfield parish council also supported it especially after the applicant  had agreed to reduce the hours that the store and filling station would be open to 7am to 10pm. This. it was stated, will reduce the impact upon the amenity of the neighbouring properties.

West Witton –  See the March 2015 report for the report on the discussion about telecommunications aerials at West Witton.

YDNPA – an extension too far

My  personal comment on the decision by the Environment Secretary, Liz Truss,  to extend the boundaries of the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District national parks followed by North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie’s comment.

Miss Truss’s decision is a theatrical flourish which underlines the fact that the Conservatives are not the ‘party of the countryside’.

The democratic deficit that will be created in August 2016 when the Yorkshire Dales National Park is increased by 24 per cent just shows that the present government cares little for rural voters.  The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority had asked that if the extension went ahead that the membership of the Authority should be increased to include local authority representatives from the newly designated areas. As Cllr John Blackie, pointed out the YDNPA has come away empty handed.

It has also come away empty handed on the financial side for Ms Truss has made no provision for the cost of these extensions. That is a big blow to these two National Parks when they are waiting in fear and trepidation for the next cuts in their grants.

In September the Chief Executive of the YDNPA, David Butterworth, agreed that if there was a 40 per cent cut in the Authority’s budget it would not be able to carry out its statutory responsibilities. The extension alone will probably absorb 30 per cent or more of the Authority’s current budget, before any probable reduction in the 2016/17 DEFRA grant.

And yet Ms Truss believes that the creation of a mega national park will lead to more beautiful countryside being protected. If she wants it to be protected she must take a truly professional approach and make sure that the two Authorities have the money to do the job properly.

I feel very sorry for those living in the areas about to be requisitioned for this piece of political gamesmanship. At present planning decisions affecting their homes and livelihoods come within the remit of district councils. A former National Park planning officer, Mike Warden, pointed out:

‘As a planning authority a National Park is completely devoid of all the other functions that a responsible District Council administers. Any council outside of a National Park has to take into account the matters of  building control, of environmental health, of pollution. of economic development, and most importantly local councils are housing authorities for their areas, which a National Park is not.” National Park planning officers are often more focused on conservation than on the economic and social well being of residents, he said.

Costly planning decisions

This was very apparent when a planning application for a replacement camping site at Kettlewell was turned down in November 2011.  This meant that in 2012 there was no campsite at Kettlewell and the drop in trade had a serious impact upon the village. One pub closed and the village shop came close to closing as well. The situation has improved since a new campsite opened in 2014.

Then there was the case of the farming family in Littondale which, having bought enough land to develop its own farm wanted permission to convert a barn into a farmhouse. But the planning officer recommended that not only should that barn be tied to the farm but also a farmhouse that the family was renting and did not own, and a house that was mortgaged. Many months later and £20,000 poorer the family finally got approval for the barn conversion without those extraordinary conditions.

Or consider the costly mine field another farming family has had to find its way through just to convert an unused traditional barn into an icecream parlour.

The latest example in this sorry saga involves an annex to a converted barn. The YDNPA failed to enforce certain conditions when it was constructed in 2003 and the owner applied for a  certificate of lawful use or development (LDC) in July 2014. The YDNPA issued an enforcement notice in October 2014 and the owner appealed. A year later she heard that her appeal had been successful with the inspector accepting that the annex had been used as an independent and separate dwelling since 2003.

“The sad fact is that the YDNPA should have spared her the 18 months of (at times) mental turmoil and financial disadvantage by admitting from the outset her case was clear and unequivocal because it had failed to enforce the conditions imposed in the original planning approval within the appropriate time limits…” said Cllr Blackie.

Situations like this emphasise the need for residents to have sufficient locally elected representation on a National Park Authority (NPA).  And it shows just what sort of problems residents in the areas designated to join the Yorkshire Dales National Park next year will face.

Part of the problem is that the YDNPA, like other NPAs have had to cut back on staff in the past few years due to the reductions in their grants from Defra. The staff are already over-stretched – what will it be like for them when faced with the additional work load next year?

Affordable homes?

Ms Truss also believes the YDNPA will be able to facilitate the construction of hundreds of new affordable homes. The YDNPA has worked hard for several years to do that only to see its efforts completely undermined by her Government.  Its plans to extend the “right to buy” scheme without any clear and protected exemptions for rural communities will mean that landowners, farmers and parish councils will not be prepared to make land available at low prices. The end result will be that once the affordable rented houses are sold none will be built to replace them.

This will be a complete disaster for rural communities especially as, unbeknown it seems to Ms Truss, the price of open market houses in National Parks is higher than those in neighbouring areas. It doesn’t take much studying of the estate agents adverts to see that she is incorrect in stating that there was “no evidence to suppose that house prices would rise solely as a result of designation.”  This is why so many young people are forced to move out to towns like Skipton and Catterick rather than remaining within their home communities.

Ms Truss believes that the extension of these two National Parks will be a fantastic opportunity to protect these vital, beautiful landscapes for generations to come. But if there is no affordable housing for young people there will be no future generations to maintain it.

These “national landscapes” were not created by NPAs. Nor do NPAs have the staff to maintain them. The only way to protect them is to protect and support those who do so – the landowners, the farmers and those who run small businesses. And the latter are facing increased competition from NPAs who are seeking to cover the shortfall in their grants by running their own businesses – businesses which will be subsidised by those Government grants.

What a sad future our beautiful countryside faces thanks to a Government which obviously has very little understanding of the needs of rural communities.


Cllr John Blackie’s statement to the YDNPA:

I do hope there will be some restraint on the air of triumphalism following the announcement that the YDNP is to be extended into Cumbria and Lancashire, adding an extra 24% by land mass to its existing area.

The Chairman (Peter Charlesworth) and Chief Executive (David Butterworth) of the YDNPA will do well to remember that the Authority supported the extension with two caveats, that it should be accompanied by additional funding to reflect the increase in area and that the current structure of the Local Authority membership of the Authority should remain whilst accepting that the extension will bring with it a demand for additional local authority membership to reflect the newly designated areas.

On both these caveats the YDNPA has come away empty handed.

They also need to recognise the strength of the opposition to the extension was a powerful and united partnership between three County Councils, North Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire and two District Councils, Richmondshire and Eden. It is important to note that most of these Local Authorities were due to gain a new, yet key influence, on the extended National Park through their membership of a reconstituted YDNPA, so their opposition is all the more surprising, and noteworthy of respect.

This partnership was cemented at a local level by a large number of the Dales communities in opposition, as represented by their Parish Councils. For example all of the Parish Councils in the Upper Dales were steadfast in their opposition to the extension, and the Chairman in noting the delight of local communities in the extension area in his Press Release should not overlook the dismay the news will set off amongst many local communities within the existing YDNP.

They are faced with seeing the resources they are entitled to receive from the YDNPA, to assist their self-reliant efforts and enterprise in maintaining the iconic landscapes the Dales are internationally famous for, are being substantially reduced, as they are stretched over a much larger area, whilst they are losing their local members from the Authority who speak up for their best interests day-in day-out at the Authority meetings and particularly on the YDNPA Planning Committee.

Further grant cuts

There is a certain irony in the Secretary of State’s (the Conservative MP, Elizabeth Truss) outright dismissal of the notion of there being any new Government resources to finance the extension today, but instead she promises jam tomorrow. This promise looks to be hollow in nature and substance given the Conservative-led Coalition of 2010 – 2015 has instigated the reduction of the resources it gives to National Parks by 40%, with a promise of a further 40% cut in store for it in the Comprehensive Spending Review in November !!

Adding to this is her suggestion that the YDNPA is good at levering in resources from charitable and grant-making organisations, so we now have a Government-led strategy of a YDNPA dependent on the Lottery. A depressing prospect for the local communities in the existing YDNP as the resources available to them shrink by 24%. I smile whilst asking – just how did your Lottery ticket fare in the draw last week ??

No wonder the Secretary of State’s visit on a traditionally quiet media day – a Friday – to the Upper Dales to make the announcement of her decision was such a hole in the wall affair, with her creeping into Hawes and creeping out again without I understand informing the BBC and ITV of her intentions until literally minutes before she arrived in the town, and without sending the letter announcing her decision to the select band of newspaper journalists invited to interview her.

It is a pity she was not prepared to talk to the local community in Hawes (and certainly with the Chairman of Hawes & High Abbotside Parish Council) where she might have been given a street level opinion on her decision to endorse what was plainly a Public Inquiry that was nothing more than a whitewash, but heavily disguised as a now obviously bogus opportunity to put the case against what it was always going to conclude.

The cynical choice of venue to make the announcement, the hugely and justifiably successful Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes, was no doubt designed to soften the edge of the blow her decision was likely to have. The Wensleydale Creamery was saved some 22 years ago by the self-reliance and determination of the very local community she made her announcement in, by a Save the Wensleydale Creamery community campaign group founded in Hawes & High Abbotside, and joined by other Upper Dales communities and business leaders.

Being in the YDNP had little or nothing to do with the survival of Hawes Creamery, it was the desperate need of the local communities to have employment on their doorstep that time and again challenged the wish of Dairy Crest (then a Conservative Government owned arms length company) to sell off the Creamery site for housing or some other lucrative non-employment use, and made it in the end cave in to the local pressure. The rest is history.

impact on local representation

If the way the Public Inquiry was conducted is anything to go by, it gives little confidence that the promised so-called consultation on the structure of the local authority membership of the new YDNPA will be anything other than another done deal, fait accompli. We can soon expect proposals where District and County Councillors with pure National Park electorates are replaced with those on the very periphery of the extended area.

For example a Lancaster City Councillor with 200 electors or a Lancashire County Councillor with 475 electors in the extended YDNP will most likely take the place on the YDNPA (and possibly on its Planning Committee) of say a Richmondshire or Craven District Councillor with 1000 electors or a North Yorkshire County Councillor with 4750 electors. Of course if the number of members of the YDNPA remains the same then North Yorkshire District and County Councillors will be replaced by an increased number of District and County Councillors from Cumbria.

Will these new Councillors who predominantly represent up-market communities whose main interest in joining the YDNPA was to prevent wind farms in their area, and the loss in value of their houses they might lead on to, have the same priorities as those they replace, representing hard working, what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) Dales communities, where their very future is threatened by the exodus of young families caused by the loss of affordable housing to buy or rent ??

Will they have any clue – or indeed interest – in the planning issues that can impact detrimentally on the day to day way of life of these hard working dyed in the wool Dales communities. Will they even care about the future of these communities when there is such a mismatch in their priorities ??

impact on planning

Planning, already a National Disaster under the Conservative Government with long established processes protocol and protections being literally slung out of the window on a daily basis (so much so that a recent Friday afternoon Ministerial dictat on Affordable Housing was declared illegal by a Judicial Review) will be a Local Dogs Breakfast as no fewer than six local plans will have to be amended because of the decision made by Secretary of State Elizabeth Truss MP.

This will incur significant extra hidden costs that the Minister does not understandably own up to in this era of extreme public sector austerity. With cutbacks, for example, down to the level of Parish Councils in the YDNP having to pay for grit bins by an Ambulance Station, near a Doctors surgery, on dangerous hills, and outside schools, it is an unnecessary and extravagant public purse expense that political common sense should have concluded must be completely avoided at this difficult time.

This reason alone was sufficient to kick the extension plans into the North Sea. I pity barn owners in the newly designated areas who will find their current right to develop them via the streamlined system of prior notification into dwellings for local families or centres of rural enterprise will fall foul of the YDNPA planning regime which bars their conversion into houses or workplaces without full planning permission and subject to every planning rule in the book.

The losers in the extension areas through the loss of their planning rights are –

– the barn owners, very often local farmers struggling to make a living out of upland livestock farming (have you seen the recent price of a fat lamb, Ms Truss ??) whose hard work in all weathers delivers as a by-product the maintenance of the landscape thought worthy enough of National park designation – in short they are the foot soldiers of conservation.

– the local families denied an affordable opportunity of living amidst the communities that were born and / or brought up in.

– the local economy denied the opportunity for additional prosperity and a higher level of local employment from the new enterprises that would have found a home in a workshop converted from a barn, possibly using Superfast Broadband in doing so.

No wonder the National Farmers Union and the Country Landowners Association were implacably against the extension proposals.

Protecting a successful brand

At least the Campaign to oppose the extension can rightly claim an outstanding success amidst all the doom and gloom embedded in the Minister’s decision. It was the Campaign that brought the likelihood of a change of name of the Yorkshire Dales National Park into the public domain, a change that would have removed at a stroke the unique worldwide branding and marketing tool that connects the iconic landscapes that are the very essence of the Yorkshire Dales – what they are internationally famous for – in the mind of the potential visitor or tourist.

The local economies in the existing YDNP would have been damaged probably beyond repair by such a name change given their increasing dependence on tourism. Despite this the name change was not in the terms of reference of the Inquiry, whilst many could understand the feelings of the local communities in the newly extended areas in Cumbria and Lancashire who would wish to have a name that reflected their geographical location, heritage and identity, and their desire for individuality that would see in the name change their wish come true to stand apart from the ethos and culture conjured up in the word Yorkshire.

The Campaign leaders were pooh-poohed on the potential for name change by the supporters of the extension, but it was their insistence in time and again bringing the possibility into the perception of the public as an implication of enlarging the YDNP into two counties other than Yorkshire that has led to the Minister unequivocally agreeing with what we were saying, and ruling out any possibility of name change in the future. Thank the Lord for Small Mercies.

An expensive trophy project

The extension of the YDNP was always a trophy project and remains so. It is an unnecessary, expensive and extravagant distraction from delivering the bread and butter business that keeps the deeply rural areas in the existing National Park Dales communities going on a day to day basis, and it threatens their future in so many ways.

With deep austerity in the public sector a fact of life already and directly ahead on the agenda again it is completely and utterly the wrong time for the extension to be introduced.

Indeed it is blow in the face of the Dales communities that have so magnificently and proudly, for 60 years or more, and with such wonderful results, acquitted their role of being the host to the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It is more than distressing that the shabby treatment and disregard for their future handed out in a whitewash of an Inquiry, endorsed by the Minister’s decision, should be their scant reward for all they have done to further the cause of National Parks, and their skilled handiwork and their very hard work in maintaining the wonderful landscapes that have provided such huge enjoyment for the visitors to their communities.

A Black Day for the future of the local communities in the Dales.

Right to buy and rural communities

The Right to Buy debate in 2015: at the September meeting of the Upper Dales Area Partnership and at the AGM of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA).

members agreed with North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie that the Authority should lobby the Government to exclude rural communities with less than 2,000 residents from the proposal to extend the Right to Buy scheme to include housing association tenants. The proposed changes to the housing policy would also mean that local authorities would have to sell off their most valuable council houses when they become vacant. The Authority chairman, Peter Charlesworth, intends to discuss these important issues with other national park authorities and National Parks England with a view  to jointly lobbying the Government.

“We have fought tooth and nail over the past years to build some affordable houses. But now we face having the rug pulled from underneath our feet for what we have created already,” Craven District councillor Carl Lis told the meeting.

He and the majority of the members supported Cllr Blackie’s call for the YDNPA to lobby the Government for communities with under 2,000 residents to be exempt from any extension to the Right to Buy scheme.

“It has to change,” continued Cllr Lis, and called for the government to take into account the different needs of rural communities.

Mr Charlesworth allowed Cllr Blackie’s proposal to be discussed because, he said, housing was such a fundamental part of the new Local Plan. For the full statement that Cllr Blackie sent to members before the meeting see below.

During the debate he reminded them of the struggles they had had to get affordable housing built in Askrigg and Hawes, and that these were in desirable places to live.  He added: “If anybody thinks that when these houses are sold off they will be replaced by a similar stock of houses for renting for perpetuity –  I’m sorry that is just wishful thinking.

“I believe the Government needs to be told of the concerns of the National Parks and of (other) rural communities and councils that this policy will actually put a question mark over the future viability of small communities … to retain our resident population, our young people and our  young families.

“I hate to see the best intentions (of the new Local Plan) undermined by a Government policy of one size fits all.”

North Yorks County councillor John Blackie felt that the proposal to lobby the government should be made even stronger and South Lakeland District councillor Brenda Gray argued:

“I believe no council houses or social housing that has been built with public money should be sold as long as there is a waiting list. In South Lakeland we have a waiting list that is equivalent to the number of houses that have been sold off over the years and it isn’t reducing.”

Jocelyn Armstrong-Manners supported the concept of lobbying but felt that the figure of 2,000 residents was arbitrary and that some sort of proportionately should be built into any exemption formula.

Cllr Blackie’s statement on the Right to Buy in rural areas

Under threat – The future of all the rural communities in Richmondshire and the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

The Government’s new policies on social and affordable housing are threatening the very future of deeply rural and rural communities in Richmondshire including all those in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The continued viability of these communities and whether they remain vibrant and forward-looking is in peril of being removed altogether by the momentous impact of three Government-led initiatives.

1) The raising of the thresholds of affordable housing that developers of housing used to provide when building new open market houses. There is now no need to make provision, either by building affordable houses for rent or shared ownership, or contributing a commuted sum into a fund to facilitate this on sites of five houses or less.

The issue is that in deeply rural areas of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, and rural areas in the more remote parts of Richmondshire, there are very, very few sites available that can accommodate five new houses, as most are plots for just one, two or three houses. In the past these would have yielded an affordable house or two, or a contribution into the commuted sum fund, but there is now no longer a requirement to make this provision or contribution.

And should a larger site become available developers are likely to be imaginative in avoiding the affordable housing provision by only developing part of the site, or splitting the site between owners so each will individually be below the trigger level.

2) The proposal that local Councils that are still housing authorities will have to sell off their most valuable Council houses when they become vacant.

Inevitably the small number of Council houses that remain in the Yorkshire Dales National Park or the attractive villages in rural Richmondshire beyond the Park will have the highest book value of all the houses amongst the stock owned by Richmondshire District Council.

These houses have been available for rent since they were built in the 1950’s to 1970’s and have continued to be so for the last 30+ years of having the Right to Buy them available to their occupants. In many cases they are the last remaining Council house or two in a small rural community, and as such they are the equivalent of the family silver of the Richmondshire District Council housing stock list, and they will have to be sold off once they become vacant.

The idea that they will be replaced by new houses for social rent in the same small community is so much moonshine. The official statistics tell their own story of one-way-traffic.

3) The proposal to allow Housing Association tenants the Right to Buy their houses at huge discounts will spell doom and disaster for deeply rural and rural communities in Richmondshire, as inevitably the take up will be very significant indeed.

This rush for purchase by their current occupants, or as likely their close relatives providing the necessary finance, is fully understandable and I lay no blame at their door whatsoever. After all why would they look a Government Gift Horse in the mouth, especially considering the attractiveness of the communities in which their houses are situated and the price they will be able to buy them at.

However at a stroke it will take away the capacity for these deeply rural and rural communities to accommodate the churn in tenants facilitated by having a stock of houses for rent in perpetuity in their midst, that necessarily needs to be available to maintain a viable, vibrant, sustainable community in the future.

The churn accommodates local young couples starting out, local young families moving along through their life, key workers in your local public services or economy coming or going, those experiencing a break-up in their relationship, even those downsizing to allow others to access their larger family accommodation.

For example, since they were first built in 1994, a development of 11 housing association properties in Hawes has seen some 33 new tenants, including the 11 tenants that first moved into the new houses 21 years ago.

The suggestion from the Government that there will be a one-for-one replacement is simply wishful thinking. In the Greater Manchester area, 830 Council houses have been sold in the last 3 years under a rejuvenated Right to Buy initiative with much higher discounts, of which only 10 have so far been replaced with new affordable houses for rent financed by these sales.

Given this telling statistic what chance I ask has Hawes to replace its existing 21 housing association properties with new properties when they are sold off ?? None whatsoever, I suggest.

The last batch of 10 housing association properties built in 2007 in Hawes opposite the Wensleydale Creamery took 8 years to get built and this at a time when Government funding for Housing Associations developments in rural areas was reasonably freely available. It took a visit I arranged with the then Chief Executive of the Countryside Agency to break the logjam and access the national housing funding pot.

This Government funding has now dried up completely. The fact is that once the Housing Association properties are sold off there will be no more coming to take their place in the deeply rural and rural areas in Richmondshire.

Last November the Rural Summit I organised as the Leader of Richmondshire District Council examined the exodus of young people and young families from the Upper Dales and concluded a key factor was the lack of affordable housing in its small communities. In Swaledale for example the number of children attending its two primary schools has dropped from 95 youngsters to 45 in the last 15 years, a reduction of more than 50%.

This situation will be made much worse if the nine housing association properties in Reeth and the small handful of Council houses remaining there are sold off without replacement.

Unless you have young people and young families in your midst, there is no bright future ahead for your local community in these deeply rural communities. The schools, shops and services gradually all close down as the footfall of the young at their door disappears, and soon before your very eyes, the infrastructure within these communities comes close to collapse.

I believe there is a desperate need to avoid this collapse by the new Government legislation yet to be tabled on the Right to Buy of Housing Association properties and the sell off of the highest value Council houses making an exemption of these new initiatives applying in communities of 2000 population or less. This would preserve the stock of houses to rent in perpetuity in all the deeply rural communities in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and most of the rural communities in Richmondshire, and give them a future to look forward to.

At the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 30th June) a new Local Plan is to be approved which in part is aimed at increasing the supply of local housing, including affordable housing for local people, in the communities in the Dales.

As the impact of the new Government initiatives in housing will prove directly opposed to this worthy intention, I intend to ask the Authority to support a proposal for it to join with all the other National Parks in England, where the issues are exactly the same as in the Yorkshire Dales, and lobby the Government to allow an exemption to its new Right to Buy of Housing Association properties and sell off of high value Council houses, for communities of 2000 or less in population.

At the Richmondshire District Council meeting in July I will be tabling a similar motion, but as it is a political Authority I will be calling upon the newly elected MP for Richmond (Yorks), Rishi Sunak MP, to take our concerns to the highest level in the Government.

There will be many urban communities and cities in England that will welcome the new Government initiatives in housing as giving their local residents the chance to step onto the housing ladder as a member of the property owning democracy. However if they are to be adopted wholesale across the country as a one-size-fits-all initiative they will spell doom and disaster for our deeply rural and rural communities in Richmondshire as the stock of affordable houses for rent are sold off with no hope of seeing them replaced quickly or at all to provide these communities with the viable and vibrant future they so richly deserve.

He provided statistics from the 2011 census which showed that for all of England the percentage of social rented (Council houses) was 8 per cent and for social rented (predominantly Housing Association properties) it was 10 per cent. This compared with the following statistics from the 2011 census for the Yorkshire Dales National Park: Social rented (local council houses) – 2.8 per cent; social rented (Housing Association properties) – 3.9 per cent; and shared ownership (Housing Association properties) – 0.6 per cent.

He commented: “These figures hardly suggest that the exemption I am proposing would lead to a revolution amongst local residents, or does it suggest a need to boost the provision of market housing in the Yorkshire Dales.”


The government’s intention to extend the Right to Buy to housing association tenants was a key issue at the meeting. Among the documents given to those attending was a letter from Cllr Peacock, in which she explained to Carperby cum Thoresby parish council why she and the rest of the Conservative group voted as they did at a RDC  full council meeting on a motion put forward by Cllr John Blackie requesting that communities of 2,000 and under should be exempt from this extension.

She said: “My Group and I took a different view on how the potential changes should be dealt with and did not support the more direct approach advocated in the Motion submitted by Cllr Blackie. “I intend, with the support of our local MP, Rishi Sunak, to meet with the Government’s Housing Minister .. to explain on behalf of Richmondshire and other rural communities in North Yorkshire, the types of housing issues that are worrying individuals living in our isolated rural areas.

“My aim is to encourage the Minister to make some concessions in any legislation brought forward that would assist our rural communities, but without moving away from the general principle of Right to Buy which I support.”

At the meeting she stated: “I am not like Cllr Blackie. I work behind the scenes, I work quietly and I try to get things done. And that is the way I intend to go forward.

“I am passionate about housing in my area. You need to remember that the aspirations of people are to buy their homes. If someone buys their home and lives in it they are more likely to stay.”

She said that one of the problems with Cllr Blackie’s motion was that it stated 2,000 and under whereas there were other district councils in North Yorkshire that believed the threshold should be 3,000.  North Yorkshire County and RDC councillor Stuart Parsons commented: “I am sure if you had come back regarding Cllr Blackie’s motion and asked to increase it to 3,000 he would have been quite happy to take that on.”

He explained that he and Cllr Blackie were very concerned about the knock on effect if young people and young families could not find affordable homes within their own rural communities and had to look for houses in urban areas. In Richmondshire the main area where house building was taking place he said was at Colburn. He warned that Colburn’s infrastructure couldn’t take any more.

“I am afraid that going to talk to the minister is not nearly enough especially when our own MP doesn’t appear to understand that one-to-one replacement is not happening,” Cllr Parsons added. He was referring to another letter which was circulated at the meeting:-

Letter from Rishi Sunak MP

Rishi Sunak MP had written that Cllr Peacock’s meeting with the Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis MP was a more effective way of ensuring the Government was aware of how aspects of the policy may affect Richmondshire.

He added:“Receipts from selling current property will help build replacement affordable homes on a one-for-one basis in the same area. This means the number of homes across all tenures will effectively double for each home sold, increasing national housing supply and creating a new affordable home for those in need from each sale.”

Pip Land said that the Association of Rural Communities supported the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority in its request that communities of 2,000 and under should be exempted.

She pointed out that in Aysgarth there had once been eight council houses. All had been sold under the earlier Right to Buy scheme with none being built to replace them.

She also read a note from Ian Cuthbert of Kettlewell who stated that if the first sale to the sitting tenant was affordable the second and subsequent sales could be at full market price. There was no requirement for any subsequent sale to be to a “local” as there was no system in place to monitor it.

RDC Cllr Richard Beal gave an illustration of how unjust the extension of the Right to Buy scheme would be for those who had bought “affordable” homes on a Housing Association site compared to those who were tenants. The difference in cost for such neighbours could be as much as £130,000 if tenants had the Right to Buy.

Cllr Peacock responded that at present the Government had provided no written details of its proposals. She asked that people should give her as much ammunition as possible for her meeting with the Housing Minister.

YDNPA – Authority meeting March 2015

An ARC News Service  report on the full Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) meeting on March 31. The main agenda items were on  how the Authority could generate sufficient income to offset the heavy cuts in its core grant from the government including the introduction of  a 20p charge to use the public toilets at the YDNPA’s car park in Grassington, and the possibility of having a cafe at the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes.  Other issues discussed included the newly-formed Destination Dales Group,  and if the Yorkshire Dales Society  should be consulted on all planning applications.

As at the YDNPA planning committee on March  10 a one minute’s silence was held in memory of John Roberts who died suddenly on March 8. The chairman of the Authority, Peter Charlesworth, in his tribute stated: “He was a very much valued member and made an immense contribution to the National Park. He gave respect to all of us and he was respected. He was a very popular member.”

A matter of survival?

The YDNPA must undergo a major organisational and cultural change if it is to survive the drastic cuts in its government grants, the chief executive, David Butterworth, told members.

He reported that its core grant been reduced by 40 per cent in real terms since 2010 which was a higher cut than any imposed upon local authorities. He stated: “We are now in a position where we either: cut our objectives and work programmes in line with the new financial realities; or, we change the way we operate – putting a greater emphasis on finding and using other (‘external’) sources of funding to deliver our objectives.”

He asked all those involved with the Authority – its staff, members and volunteers – to be involved in this. And he stated: “Securing ‘unrestricted’ income (as opposed to income that can only be spent on specific activity) is going to be increasingly important as our core grant shrinks.“

Projects that deliver our objectives and contribute to supporting our existing staff costs and running costs will be increasingly important to our survival. This reality is part of the cultural shift that has to take place in the Authority.”

Transitional budget

That reality was clearly outlined by Richard Burnett, the director of corporate services, when presenting what he described as the transitional budget for 2015/16. Following the cuts in the Authority’s core grant it had been estimated that the deficit for this year would be £125,000. This had been resolved by the Authority having put aside a reserve from unbudgeted savings and by generating income through introducing new charges.

But there was always the likelihood of additional cuts and it could become increasingly difficult for the Authority to balance the books. If there are significant grant cuts in the next few years the Authority may have to reduce its staff numbers by 24 per cent.

One impact of these financial restraints is that the publication of the new Local Plan has been put back until Spring 2016. This also allows for a selective review of the plan to find ways to increase the provision of new housing in the Dales.

Both he and Mr Butterworth said that the budget would be reviewed later this year when the following were known: how successful the Authority has been in generating more income; the attitude of the new government towards National Parks; and if a decision has been made concerning the proposed boundary extensions.

That 38 degrees petition

When presenting the draft of the Authority’s fund raising strategy Mr Butterworth stated that the only agenda the civil servants in Defra had now was how to make cuts.

He added: “The only time the civil servants and ministers take any notice is when they think they might be threatened or embarrassed. So the recent 38 degrees petition – with 200,000 calling for no more cuts for National Park Authorities – caused some ructions. They sat up and took notice of that.”

The Authority’s fundraising strategy, he said,  included seeking to secure grants from such agencies as the Heritage Lottery Fund and Local Enterprise Partnership, and charging for services and trading activity. The Authority is trialling an eBay shop for online sales as well as considering a café franchise at the Dales Countryside Museum (see below).

Income generation

Judith Donovan said that it should be called an income generating strategy as fund raising implied charitable purposes. Even sponsorship, she explained, should be listed as commercial and not charitable. “We need to actively go out and aggressively pursue some of these,” she added.

Mr Butterworth warned that the Authority owned very little land compared to some other National Parks. And the value of the land might be insignificant compared to the cost of the consultation process and marketing it.

Each year some of that land would be sold so as to save the high cost of staff managing those assets, he added. “I’m calling them assets but that’s really pushing it,” he commented. The Authority would prefer to find like-minded groups which would take on those pieces of land. If that was not possible they would be sold on the open market.

Public toilets at Grassington

The members agreed that turnstiles should be installed at the public toilets in the National Park’s car park at Grassington and that there would be a 20p charge to enter them.  This will be part o f a two-year trial to find the best way to bring in some income which will help with the maintenance of the ten public toilets owned by the YDNPA.

As part of that trial a donation box will be installed at those beside the information centre at Aysgarth Falls to see which method brings in the most funds.

It will cost £9,000 to install the turnstiles at Grassington public toilets which may take two years to recoup as it is expected that the usage of those facilities will drop by 50 per cent once charges are introduced. The installation of an honesty box at Aysgarth Falls will cost £500.

Mr Butterworth told the meeting that the government cuts since 2011 had left the Authority in a difficult position. Some programmes had ended and others had been substantially reduced.

It was likely there will be further cuts and so the Authority had to find new income streams to maintain existing services. Without the additional income it was likely that several public toilets would be closed, he said.

Of the turnstile system he commented: “If this can’t work at Grassington it can’t work anywhere.”

The leader of Richmondshire District Council (RDC), councillor John Blackie agreed with him. He reported that the RDC might well have to introduce charges at the seven public toilets that it owns in the National Park. “It is very expensive to maintain public toilets,” he said.

In her report the Kathryn Beardmore, director of park services, stated: “Anything that could be perceived to put Grassington businesses at a disadvantage or cause problems for the local community will, understandably, not go down well.

“However, it is suggested that charging is undertaken on a trial basis, and part of the trial will be to assess the overall impact on the village and the local community. It is suggested that this be done in conjunction with Grassington parish council.”

Cafe at the Dales Countryside Museum

It was agreed that the business community and the parish council at Hawes should be consulted about establishing a café franchise at the Dales Countryside Museum (DCM).

Ms Beardmore outlined this income-generating project to the committee and added that they could not be sure anyone would apply for a café franchise at the museum. “If nobody wants to run it – it falls by the wayside,” she said.

Cllr Blackie reminded the committee of the negative response from the Hawes business community when such an idea was put forward in 2008. “The concern then and will be now (is) that if we are not careful in Hawes we will end up with a town with two ends and no centre in terms of the private business economy.” Visitors, he said might drive to the Wensleydale Creamery and the museum and not bother to walk into town.

Mrs Donovan commented: “It’s very important that we do share with the local business community our plans for development.

“When I first joined the Authority I was asked to do a consultant’s report on the DCM which at the time was turning in some pretty appalling numbers. Only about one in ten people who walked into that building was actually paying money to visit it and therefore we had a very under-exploited asset.”

The Authority had invested in developing the museum since then and was now showing an increase in visitors, she said, but it was not yet providing the range of facilities it was supposed to do as a museum.

Mrs Donovan told the meeting: “Success breeds success – the more facilities we can offer visitors the more visitors will come and the longer they will stay. This will benefit all the businesses in Hawes.”

She explained that the key part of the DCM’s revenue comes from business to business – meetings, conferences and events. But one business had recently cancelled two bookings at the DCM because of the lack of food facilities.

“This is not about one café in Hawes making money at the expense of another. This is about people taking their business to another location,” she said.

Mining Collection

The DCM manager, Fiona Rosher, told the meeting that the Yorkshire Dales Mining Museum (YDMM) at Earby had offered them that part of its collection which relates to the Yorkshire Dales.

The YDMM, which will close this summer, has over the past 50 years put together an extensive collection of materials relating to mining in the Dales between 1750 and 1910.

Julie Martin, the YDNPA member champion for cultural heritage, agreed with Mrs Rosher that part of such a collection would be a great asset to the DCM. She said: “The collection pertains to one of the most distinctive aspects of the dales landscape, its culture and its natural heritage and I believe there are no other similar collections.”

It was agreed that the offer should be accepted along with any assistance towards the cost of integrating the collection into that at the DCM. Grants will also be sought.

Andrew Colley asked if the collection could later go on tour to Hebden and Grassington as both these towns had had significant mining industries.

Charitable status for the Dales Countryside Museum?

Cllr Blackie asked if the DCM could become a charitable trust as that could mean saving up to £38,000 a year. At present the DCM pays that much in business rates. If it was a charity this would be immediately reduced by 80 per cent and there was the possibility of the rates being dropped to zero per cent.

“We are going to be facing yet more cuts – it’s just how severe they are. One way of perhaps saving some vitally important money would be to see if we can make the DCM a charity,” he said.

Mr Butterworth replied that Ms Beardmore had been asked to research this and the committee would discuss it later in the year.

Destination Dales Group

Ms Beardmore presented a report on the creation of the Destination Dales Group (DDG) in February which has replaced the Dales Tourism Partnership.

The  DDG is an advisory body of organisations and tourism businesses in the Yorkshire Dales and Nidderdale who will work collaboratively to help guide the development of tourism in the Dales.

It is chaired by Mrs Donovan who is the Authority’s member champion for promoting understanding. The Authority provides the secretariat for the group with the help of the Nidderdale Area of Natural Beauty.

Mrs Donovan said: “This recognises that the majority of businesses in the National Park are small businesses. What they need more than anything is business and marketing advice to sell themselves.

“It is not our job to market the Dales to consumers and businesses. It is our job to support businesses in the Park who are themselves selling to businesses and we want to help them do it better. “

Yorkshire Dales Society

North Yorkshire County councillor Richard Welch told the meeting that according to the latest Yorkshire Dales Review the Yorkshire Dales Society (YDS) was now on the list of consultees for all planning applications submitted to the YDNPA.  He commented:

“With all due respect this (Society)  is self-appointed, self-opinionated and unaccountable to anybody. It’s a lobby group.” He asked if it was fair for this Society to be consulted on all planning applications.

Mr Butterworth responded that it was fair and right that any individual or any organisation who wanted to comment on any application could do so, even if it was a lobby group. “We want to be open and transparent and we should be open to scrutiny and challenge.”

Cllr Welch replied: “I fully agree about openness and transparency but they are blatantly, in their magazine, saying they are consultees. That puts them on a par with parish councils, the Highways Authority, and others. This gives the impression of superiority and that they are consulted on everything.”

Chris Armitage, who is a member of the YDS, responded that there was no suggestion that the Society was on the statutory consultee list alongside the parish councils and the Highways Authority.

Peter Charlesworth, the chairman of the Authority, said: “We will look to see if there is a list in the planning department of those who are consulted – a “secret” list – and we will make it un-secret.”

Ian MacPherson asked that the results of the inquiry be made known to all the members.

YDNPA – planning committee March 2015 (West Witton)

An ARC News Service report of the discussion at the planning committee of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) on March 10, 2015 concerning the provision by Airwave Solutions of superfast broadband to West Witton  and the subsequent placing of  tree preservation orders on the two trees at the Fox and Hounds. For other reports from the March meeting see February to December 2015.

So yet again the YDNPA offices at Bainbridge, where the planning meetings are held, are being quoted as an example of “do as we say” rather than “do as we do”.

The West Witton residents who attended the planning meeting were delighted when a compromise agreement was reached to allow a national pilot scheme for superfast broadband to go ahead in their village. They were especially pleased that the chairman of the Authority, Peter Charlesworth, fully supported the scheme.

But within days their delight turned to anger and dismay because the Authority issued those tree preservation orders which would probably have made it impossible for the scheme to be launched by April. They asked how the Authority can say it wishes to support the provision of modern communications systems in the Yorkshire Dales and yet make it so difficult to achieve.

On March 16  North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie sent an email to the YDNPA at 9.36am  asking for an explanation. And West Witton parish councillor John Loader then sent a comment with the good news that agreement has been reached over work on those trees. He added: “Am checking site for crested newts, dormice and giraffes just in case another bit of the Park puts its oar in.”

It had been hoped that the aerial masts would be in place by the end of March but on the 27th Mr Loader reported that Galloway Estates who are managing the installation had hit a couple of administrative problems with two sites. It hoped to start work using early access agreements whilst the paperwork was dealt with. The aim is to have all the sites up and ready to run in three weeks – that is by mid April.

Report of the discussion at the planning meeting:

The ‘tourist dance’ will soon be a past memory in West Witton in Wensleydale thanks to the planning committee approving plans for four masts to be erected by Airwave Solutions as part of a nationwide pilot project to bring superfast broadband to rural areas.

West Witton parish councillor Mr Loader told the committee that mobile phone companies were now offering free apps which enable users to connect with networks when they are in a WiFi zone. He explained that the masts would create such a zone – a WiFi cloud. “That means the end of the tourist dance where people walk up and down the road – even climbing on walls,” he said.

Both he and Richmondshire District councillor, Matthew Wilkes, were surprised at the number of residents who had attended a meeting in West Witton to discuss the scheme proposed by Airwave Solutions. “It was called by the people proposing this because they were worried that the village was going to object. There was not one objection.”

He added that they were very proud to be part of such a pilot scheme and totally supported it. “This is vital for the village as it’s going to serve well over 100 properties. That includes some of our hospitality businesses. The internet is (now) viewed as a utility.”

Cllr Wilkes said that keeping up with modern technology was vital in rural areas and was one way of stopping the exodus of young people and families. He knew of Dales-based businesses which had already seen a dramatic increase in growth since superfast broadband had become available in their area.

To which Cllr Blackie added: “Some of the communities I represent in Upper Swaledale don’t even get terrestrial TV or radio – they’ve been left behind by modern day communications. There’s no broadband, no mobile telephone (network) – until recently they had party lines.

“It’s very difficult if you can’t make internet connection,” he said pointing out that farmers needed it to record the movement of livestock and even primary school children used it to do their homework. “We must ensure in future that when we have new technologies like broadband we don’t leave communities behind.”

Peter Charlesworth commented that since becoming chairman of the Authority he had visited many parish councils and had assured them that the YDNPA was committed to bringing high speed broadband to the communities in the Dales.

“As was said at the Rural Summit organised by Cllr Blackie last year, we are desperate to keep employment, to bring employment to our communities, to keep them alive and above all to keep young people and families in the Dales. This is one of the most important ways we can support them. Obviously we have to balance it with the landscape – but here the benefits should clearly take precedence,” he told the meeting.

Originally the planning officer had recommended refusing permission for two of the masts – that in the Fox and Hounds car park and the other at the playing field – because they could have a negative impact upon the landscape. But for those two Airwave Solutions had changed their applications from permanent installations to temporary.

The planning officer commented: “Taking a pragmatic view this would seem reasonable given that this is a pilot project and would allow the authority to assess the impact of the masts through the changing seasons and allow sufficient time to enter into a dialogue with the applicants to discuss alternative solutions and designs if it was considered that the masts were harmful.”

He had been particularly concerned about the impact of the 13m slimline mast with its four antennae and two dishes would have on the Fox and Hounds which is a Grade II listed building, and that it would be visible from the A684. Cllr Loader, however, argued that it would be very little higher than the tree it would be positioned close to, and that the entrance to the car park was so narrow that most people would not see it from the road.

Cllr Blackie commented: “I see that wiser council has prevailed and we can move forward on a sensible compromise.” He explained that the pilot project was necessary because the cost of bringing superfast broadband to villages and towns which did not have cabinets that could be upgraded was proving to be so expensive.

In his report the planning officer noted that as the government’s target of 90 per cent superfast broadband coverage in North Yorkshire had already been achieved there were no plans for further BT administered fibre-optic links to be provided.

The scheme at West Witton is part of one of the eight national pilot projects being funded by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport with the objective of finding out which was the most cost-effective.

All four masts at West Witton are required for the project to work. That at Penhill Farm at the top of the Stoops will receive the signal from Leyburn telephone exchange and will transmit it to those at the Fox and Hounds and the playing fields. The signal from the mast at the Fox and Hounds will be relayed to that at Wynbury Stables. It is also hoped to serve 40 households at Preston under Scar from the mast at Penhill Farm.

Airwave Solutions plan to run this trial in West Witton for 12 months.

The following reason was given for issuing the tree preservation orders:

The Authority has made the order for the following reasons: the planning application has been approved by the Authority to install superfast broadband mast within the car parking area to the rear of the Fox and Hounds public house.

The proposal is to install the mast in close proximity to two mature trees, one ash and one sycamore. At a pre-application meeting the developers proposed that the sycamore could be removed to facilitate the installation of the mast. The senior planning officer present was concerned that the removal of the tree was unnecessary and that it should be retained.

On inspection of both of the trees they appeared to be in good health with no obvious of poor  health or structural defect. The trees are situated in a prominent location and are visible from the main street and neighbouring properties and a nearby public way/right of way and it is considered that they make a significant contribution to the amenity of the surrounding area. They also screen where the new mast will be located if planning permission is to be given.

Cllr Blackie’s email to the YDNPA at 9.36am on Monday, March 16:

Having been Community Hero for one day on the issue of Superfast Broadband for West Witton, the YDNPA turned into Community villain the very next day by serving a tree preservation order that will stand in the way of progress being made quickly to deliver the pilot SFNY service.

This is not the favourable community outcome painted in and promised by the press release the Authority issued.   As the member who seconded the Officer’s recommendation for all 4 masts in West Witton I wonder if you could tell me please what is going on ??

I will be knocking on doors in West Witton in my Election Campaign (he is standing as an independent parliamentary candidate for Richmondshire), and householders will understandably want to know from me about a YDNPA that has a public persona of going the extra mile to help the local community and a private stance of doing its absolute best to put obstacles in its way.

Duplicitous (or worse, dishonest) are the words those from West Witton who have contacted me have said about the YDNPA and the imposition of the TPO.

At 10am he received a response from the YDNPA chief executive, David Butterworth – hence, he said, the full steam ahead email to Mr Loader.

Below is part of the press release issued by the YDNPA immediately after the masts at West Witton were discussed at the planning meeting. I can’t help feeling that it is a shame that neither Chris Armitage nor the press officer were told about that steps taken to impose the tree preservation orders!

Chris Armitage, the Authority’s planning committee deputy chairman and Member Champion for Development Management, said: “As part of looking after this special place, the YDNPA also has a duty to seek to foster the well-being of our local communities.

“In the National Park Management Plan we and our local partners made specific commitments to improve access to broadband as part of our efforts to try to keep the area special, while helping it to thrive. We believe it is crucial that local businesses and households should have decent broadband access – with superfast broadband in place for areas with significant population.

“The National Park is a sensitive environment. We have been working very closely with Airwave to make this positive planning decision possible.  We look forward to working with Airwave to assess the outcome of this pilot and, hopefully, to being able to add more areas to the broadband access list in the near future.”

A spokesman for Airwave said: “Over the last six months, Airwave has worked closely with the National Park Authority, the parish council and local residents to identify an innovative approach to providing superfast broadband in West Witton and the Esk Valley, and we can now begin the work needed to deliver a trial.

“Our experience in providing a resilient and dedicated emergency services network – covering 99 per cent of Great Britain’s landmass including remote and rural areas – means that we have the knowledge and skills needed to help address the challenges faced by rural communities like West Witton.”



Upper Dales Area Partnership – January 2015

An ARC News Service  report of the Upper Dales Area Partnership  (UDAP) meeting held at the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes on January 21, chaired by the leader of Richmondshire District Council (RDC), councillor John Blackie,  and attended by Tony Clark, managing director of the RDC; Callum McKeon,  RDC corporate director and solicitor; and David Butterworth, chief executive of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA).  The issues discussed were: austerity and financial cutbacks; post 16 bus passes; affordable housing; paediatric unit at the Friarage Hospital, Northallerton; out of hours doctors service at Catterick Garrison; community defibrillators;  superfast broadband;  and emergency highway repairs.


Austerity warning

The country is going to face even worse austerity cutbacks in the next four years warned Tony Clark. He expected that  the “huge amount” of £1 million would be taken out of the RDC budget in that time.

He told the meeting: “We are going to see unprecedented reductions in public expenditure  – whatever party is in power after the general election.”

Callum McKeon said that the RDC was trying not to cut services but to deal with the shortfall by carrying out internal restructuring and by looking for new ways of generating income.  “We are working on a five year rolling process and the area partnerships will be a key way of our getting those messages across about the issues we are facing and the problems,” he added.

David Butterworth reported that as most of the Defra budget was not protected the YDNPA had been told to expect additional cuts of up to 50 per cent from 2015 until 2020. The YDNPA budget was reduced by 43 per cent from 2010 to 2015 and this led to 40 members of staff being made redundant in 2011.

The Authority was taking on projects which fulfilled the National Park purposes such as being responsible for the Pennine Bridleway.  This he said stretched from Derbyshire to Scotland and involved 14 local authorities who will pay the YDNPA to carry out the work.

At the Rural Summit held in Leyburn in November it was agreed that the RDC and the YDNPA must work in partnership to tackle problems during such a period of austerity.

Mr McKeon described how they were doing this concerning the future use of the Weatherald site at the old Askrigg railway station. The RDC has given £30,000 to fund a detailed study and development plan for the site.

Cllr Blackie commented: “One of the points that came out of the Rural Summit was that the old days of expecting people to do it for you – organisations to do it for you -have gone. If you are going to keep your communities vibrant you can’t expect someone else to do it for you.”

But he did not feel it was right to expect volunteers to do all the work. The local authorities had to meet communities half way by providing subsidies and resources.

The Rural Summit was a work in progress he  said and there would be a high level meeting soon between the RDC and the YDNPA to cement the working relationships between the two.

Post 16 bus passes

The high cost of an annual bus pass for Post 16 students attending the Wensleydale School is a tax on education and rurality, Carperby-cum-Thoresby parish councillor Steve Sheldon told the meeting.

All were amazed to hear that Post 16 students from Hawes were not allowed to get onto the school bus if they did not have a bus pass which now cost their parents £550 a year.

“My son said he would leave school and go to work because I couldn’t afford it,” said Diane Raw. She had, however, insisted that she would find the money.  She and the other parents who attended the meeting were especially aggrieved that the school bus always had empty seats.

She explained that as all the parents were working it was not possible to organise a car share system to take the students to the Wensleydale School which is about 18 miles away.  This is the nearest school and the Post 16 section of it could be jeopardised by the high cost of bus passes.

Cllr Sheldon commented that North Yorkshire County Council was penalising those who wanted to go on to further education and wondered how many young people had decided not to continue their education because of it.

Both he and RDC councillor Yvonne Peacock queried the principle of charging for bus passes when children now have to stay in some form of education or training until their 18th birthday.

“I am stunned,” said David Butterworth. “This is another attack on young people. In Britain we hate young people. We must do something to change this – it is outrageous.” He added that this was the first challenge to the Rural Summit.

Cllr Blackie, who is also a North Yorkshire County councillor, said that he had not supported the introduction of charges for bus passes for Post 16 students. When this was introduced a few years ago the bus passes had cost £300 but that had gradually increased. He stated:

“If you live in a place like Hawes or Swaledale there’s no way that you can have a car sharing scheme because it means somebody has to give up at least an hour of their day in the morning and an hour in the evening. At the Rural Summit we spoke about keeping young families in the dales. There is an exodus going on.”

The sixth-formers of today were potentially those who will find employment in the dales and become active members of the community in 20 years time Ruth Annison said.

Burton-cum-Walden councillor Jane Ritchie commented that the cost of the bus passes should be challenged but also wondered if, in the short term, a practical solution could be found. This might involve the parents forming a collective so as to apply for financial assistance.

It was agreed to support Cllr Blackie raising the issue at the county council’s area committee in March.

Paediatric service at the Friarage Hospital

There is little faith now in the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust since it announced that the paediatric unit at the Friarage Hospital  will be open for 20 hours less a week than was promised just three and a half months ago, Cllr Blackie told the meeting.

“We’ve lost faith, we’ve lost trust, we’ve lost confidence – and so has the public. The biggest cut back of hours is on a Saturday and Sunday when there are no GP practices open. They are actually cutting hours when they are likely to cause the greatest worry for young parents,” he said.

He reported that both the Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which pays for that service,  and the county council’s  scrutiny of health committee were opposed to  the cutback in hours. The RDC has also  told the South Tees Trust that it strongly opposes the cutback and has asked that the 10am to 10pm seven days a week service be reinstated.

He pointed out that at present the South Tees Trust has only promised to review the situation in April.

Cllr Peacock was concerned that in the past a temporary cutback in a service at The Friarage had later become permanent. “Is history repeating itself?” she asked.

Cllr Ritchie, who is a lay member of the CCG,  agreed with Cllr Blackie that the South Tees Trust owed the local population an explanation and a commitment to bring the full service back as soon as possible. She said she had no additional information but did know that there was a serious shortage of doctors because it was proving difficult to replace those who had either retired or had emigrated to Australia.

The concern about the future of the Friarage Hospital  was raised by RDC councillor John Amsden who said: “I think they are just draining away the Friarage slowly but surely in anticipation of closing it.”  But Cllr Ritchie responded:

“I don’t think they will close it. The South Tees Trust has an enormous debt – I think that’s one of the things that might be causing practical problems. But I don’t sense at all a sort of ‘let’s get rid of the Friarage’.

“As I understand it the government is trying to get this 24/7 service and the only way they are going to do it is by having a small number of massive hospitals and all the little ones will get much, much smaller and become like super cottage hospitals. They don’t seem to be able to train enough doctors to cope with the demand.

The area partnership agreed to fully support the RDC in its opposition to the cutback in hours of the consultant-led children’s services at the Friarage Hospital.

Out of hours service

Ruth Annison said that the NHS should send out a simple set of instructions about how to get to the out of hours doctors’ service at Catterick Garrison.

Even the road signage had not been changed yet to direct people to the new location. Mr Clark reported that the highways authority hoped to erect a new sign soon.

And it didn’t help that a doctor contacted via the 111 service didn’t know where it was either. RDC councillor Richard Beal reported that when he had rung 111 he was connected to a doctor at Leeds who could not give him directions to the out of hours surgery.

It was agreed to ask the NHS to send details with a map to various publications including the Upper Wensleydale Newsletter, to holiday cottages and B&B providers, and to the parish councils.

The out of hours service is presently at the Harewood GP Surgery, 42 Richmond Road, Catterick Garrison, DL9 3JD.

Community defibrillators

Cllr Ritchie reported on the provision of community defibrillators in the dales and said she would like to see each village have a small team of people who had been trained in CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The area partnership approved a grant for the purchase of a dummy on which volunteers could practise.

She explained that it would be hard for one person to continue giving CPR for ten to 20 minutes and so it would be better if there was a number of people who could help.

There isn’t a community defibrillator at Carperby because there is a first responder team based there. That team’s equipment includes a defibrillator and an oxygen cylinder Cllr Amsden said.

Cllr Blackie told the meeting that the community defibrillators had been funded by the RDC’s Communities Opportunities Fund, with the district council working closely with the CCG so that even the smallest villages in Upper Swaledale had such equipment available. There was, however, a problem in Keld where the public phone box was some distance away from the community defibrillator and there was no mobile phone signal.

In an emergency a 999 call should be made to the ambulance service first. Ambulance control will then give the code for opening the box and accessing the defibrillator.

Affordable Housing

The right to buy council houses has been the death knell of the sustainability of small communities in the dales, said Cllr Blackie.

And Mr Butterworth commented: “Council houses provided the first rung for so many young people before they could get in a position where they could afford to buy a house. That first rung has been wiped away. I don’t think you or any other local housing authority will get any support from central government. We had better realise that we are on our own.”

He added that almost a quarter of the housing stock  in the Yorkshire Dales National Park was now second homes or holiday cottages.  And the proposal by the Minister of State for Housing, Brandon Lewis MP,  to limit the use of Section 106 agreements on new developments has further undermined their ability to provide affordable homes. The Section 106 agreements enabled local planning authorities to seek contributions from developers to mitigate the harm of developments on local infrastructure and to provide affordable housing.

Mr Butterworth stated: “I think what was galling was the announcement was shoved out on a Friday afternoon when no one was listening just before Christmas and what was more galling than that the fact that it just absolutely took the legs away from years of consultation that goes into developing (housing plans) by people who are living and working in those areas – by some bloke sat in Whitehall behind a desk who was issuing this dictat. To be fair to the bloke in Whitehall – it was actually the politician standing behind him.

“It was a political decision. Because it was rather bonkers there are one or two organisations that have decided to challenge it.”  (West Berkshire Council and Reading Borough Council have applied to the High Court for a Judicial Review.)

Cllr Blackie reported that many more local authorities were planning to challenge the government on this issue because it blew affordable housing policies out of the water. “I think the government has got it completely, utterly and totally wrong. We are hoping for a U-turn,” he said.

Mr McKeon explained that the RDC had sought the advice of a leading QC and had been told that, as the district council had only recently adopted its local plan, the minister’s statement, which now forms part of the National Planning Policy Guidance,  could be treated as a material planning consideration. The RDC will, therefore,  continue to apply its policy of requiring affordable housing contributions from development sites no matter what their size. The government guidance is that such contributions can now only be required on developments of 10 houses or more in urban areas, and on five or more in rural areas.

Cllr Peacock did question imposing a contribution on the construction of just one house. She argued that a local young family having a house built for their own use would find it hard to pay towards the provision of an affordable home for someone else. Mr McKeon explained that the contribution would only have to be paid if the house was later sold.

It was useful that the YDNPA and the RDC had been forced to work together to try and address such serious issues as the lack of affordable housing, said Mr Butterworth. “Richmondshire has this bold plan – to try and provide housing while circumventing the government’s proposals for the right to buy. It is critical that housing is kept for renting for perpetuity. I think the initiative by Richmondshire to have a go deserves a lot of credit regardless of whether anything comes of it.”

Cllr Blackie explained that the RDC had stated at the Rural Summit that it would explore setting up an arms-length trading company with the objective of seeing  affordable homes built which would not be subject to the right to buy. Mr McKeon told the meeting:

“We have started the groundwork and have actually set the company up. We are now going into the detail of the legal work to prepare a business case to see what we are allowed to do within the financial constraints that we operate within in the RDC. That work is underway.”

The RDC has also been consulting with the housing associations to find out why it is so difficult for them to build affordable housing in rural areas. “We are looking for ways they can work with the district council in partnership to overcome those hurdles – to allow them to do what they do best which is to deliver houses. The district council would play a supporting role rather than an active, actual building role,” he said.

Forty local authorities were working together to try and develop their own schemes for affordable housing, Cllr Blackie said. They were looking for finance on top of that available through the government’s Housing Revenue Account.

Superfast broadband

One of the key elements required for economic development in rural areas was the provision of superfast broadband, said Mr McKeon. For that reason the RDC was working closely with Superfast North Yorkshire  to try and resolve any problems, including “not spots”.

The RDC’s business and community officer, Chloe Lewis,  reported that the pilot project to test a remote node for a few residents at  Ulshaw Bridge had been successful but the cost of providing electricity to it had proved to be as high as the connection to a cabinet serving 200 households.

This would further  increase the high cost of providing superfast broadband to those villages which did not already have a BT cabinet.

Cllr Beal commented: “Where there isn’t an existing cabinet the argument from the BT side is that’s more complicated and costly and in remote areas prohibitive at the moment. In Arkengarthdale we are looking at extending a radio network up the dale.” But that would not be considered until after 2016 and residents wondered if it would ever happen, he added.

All the cabinets have now been fibred for superfast broadband  Cllr Sheldon reported and the next stage will be  to put fibre into those places that haven’t got it at the moment – like Aysgarth and Carperby. Cllr Peacock remarked that it was a disgrace that those two villages did not have superfast broadband yet and called for that to be done as soon as possible.

“It’s certainly worth waiting for,” commented Cllr Blackie as Hawes already has superfast broadband.

Emergency highway repairs

The area partnership supported Cllr Blackie in his call for more common sense with dealing with urgent highway repairs.

At present the protocol for out of hours highway emergencies is that the Police should be contacted. North Yorkshire Police will then inform the duty operatives at Selby Swing Bridge.

At the meeting Cllr Blackie referred to these as the Selby Bridge gang when he described an incident which had occurred at Gayle in late October. A concrete mixer lorry had spilled a considerable amount of wet concrete onto the road on a steep hill. As the concrete was setting fast he contacted a local RDC employee (Neil Banks) who, once he had permission from his supervisor, cleared it before it formed a hard, dangerous lump.

When Cllr Blackie wrote to the highways department to commend Mr Banks he stated: “It would have been absolutely no good calling North Yorkshire Police. By the time I would have been able to contact them, then spelt Hawes, then told them where Hawes and the incident was, then waited the standard five hours (at least) for a policeman to arrive, the concrete would have set. In the old days I would have called Mike Woodford who encouraged county councillors to get in touch with him on these urgent matters. This is frowned upon, if not ruled out, wrongly in my view, by current management practice.”

the highways department responded by telling Cllr Blackie that he should have adhered to protocol. He was informed: “The protocol is not in place to inconvenience anyone, it is there to ensure that the correct action is taken as quickly as possible given the resources available to us; the protocol also ensures that out of hours tasks are allocated fairly, rapidly and efficiently.”

Cllr Blackie told the area partnership that in December Aysgarth and District parish council had contacted those at Selby Swing Bridge to report a dangerous situation along the road above Thornton Rust scar.  It wasn’t until 11 hours later that any police came to check the situation – and by then the A684 was closed to traffic due to flooding. This meant that all vehicles, including emergency ambulances were using the road through Thornton Rust.

“So our emergency ambulance route out of the dales was hanging by a thread,” Cllr Blackie said. “I’ve had plenty of other experiences of the system and it doesn’t work. It might work up and down the A1 and A19 corridors but it is not an appropriate system for the upper dales with the weather we get here. We must go back the system we used to have with Mike Woodford.”

When arguing for a more common sense approach Cllr Ritchie stated: “They should send some people on a training session on how to work within austerity and work differently to solve local problems.”

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February to December 2014

ARC News Service reports on the meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA)  planning committee meetings in 2014.

As County Coun Shelagh Marshall left the meeting in December she commented: “I didn’t come here to put farmers out of business. I am very upset.” This was because the committee had refused, by just one vote, the retrospective application for a large silage building at Middlefield Farm, Melmerby. It was agreed, however, not to start enforcement action for 12 months. See below under Melmerby.

The towns and villages are listed alphabetically.

It took 13 months for the YDNPA to decide whether or not a farmer at Litton could convert a barn into a home – and  eight months for a farmer at Rylstone to get a decision on an application for a small wind turbine. So it’s not surprising that in February 2014 the committee’s chairman, Harold Brown, warned that the future of farming in the Yorkshire Dales was at risk.

In its response to the YDNPA’s consultation on its Management Plan 2013-18 the Association of Rural Communities noted that the Authority’s planning policies had often undermined the sustainability of Dales’ communities and the farms around them. The Association called for a proactive approach aimed at achieving a good result both economically for the farms and also for the landscape.

For if the farms become unsustainable there will be a considerable negative impact upon the very landscape that the National Park Authority is supposed to protect.

In his analysis of planning applications for the last quarter of 2013 Richard Graham, the YDNPA’s head of development management, reported that for 67 applications 13 weeks had elapsed without a decision being made. The government guidelines state that the time limit for decisions to be made on applications is usually eight weeks. This can be extended to 13 weeks so long as the written consent of the applicant is obtained.

Mr Graham said several of the decisions have been delayed because officers were in negotiation with applicants or because applicants had not yet signed S106 agreements. The time allowed for starting structural work once an application has been approved does not begin until the legal agreement has been signed.

He also reported that in the last quarter of 2013 only 56 per cent of minor applications were dealt with in less than eight weeks as compared with the national target of 65 per cent.

Arncliffe – March – It was decided by just one vote that Amerdale House Hotel, which has been empty since 2009, cannot be turned into a family home.

Arncliffe parish meeting strongly supported the application for change of use because:  the hotel had proved to be financially unviable; the large building, which was deteriorating, was not suitable for affordable housing; and the proposal would allow a family to live in the village and so contribute to the local area.

Craven District Councillor  John Roberts supported those arguments and added that the house, which was in an iconic position at the entrance to the village, badly needed renovation. The new owners wanted to convert it into a seven bedroom family home which, Cllr Roberts said, would help towards the sustainability of the village.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Shelagh Marshall said that the Authority had previously set a precedent for allowing a building to return to residential use. She stated that the hotel was completely empty and could not be sold as a going concern and added: “It would be tragic if this family is not allowed to move into Littondale.”

Peter Charlesworth agreed that it would be difficult to convert Amerdale House into local occupancy flats but that as a family home it could add to the vitality and vibrancy of Arncliffe. “I think we should always maintain a degree of flexibility. I think there are grounds in this case for a departure from the script,” he said.

But the majority supported the planning officer who stated that the change of use would result in the loss of an employment site and that there should be a local occupancy agreement if it was no longer a hotel.

Ann Brooks reminded members: “It is extremely important that we adhere to our policies.” One of these was that such a business must be advertised for six months in accordance with the Authority’s regulations to prove whether or not it could be sold as a hotel.

The committee was informed that such a marketing exercise had been carried out in 2006 which had led to the Authority giving approval for a change of use on condition that there was a local occupancy agreement. Amerdale House had then been sold and the next owners had run it as a hotel until 2009 when their application for change of use was refused.  They had subsequently sold the hotel and removed all the furnishings.

The planning officer stated that the marketing information acquired in 2006 was no longer considered adequate. But North Yorkshire County Councillor  Roger Harrison-Topham commented: “I think we are just being perverse for insisting that they go through that again.”

His fellow county councillor John Blackie, however,  agreed with Mrs Brooks and stated that the committee would set an unfortunate precedent if it allowed the hotel to become a family home which could be sold at any time on the open market.

Askrigg – August – Askrigg and Low Abbotside parish council had informed the planning committee that it had no problem with the conversion of a double garage to form ancillary accommodation across the road from Dale Grange in Askrigg, but it did have concerns about access on to the main road. The committee unanimously approved the proposal to create an annex with a bedroom, bathroom and a sitting area as long as it was subject to a section 106 agreement restricting its occupation so that it remained ancillary to the use of Dale Grange.

Austwick –March – Retrospective permission was granted for the siting of a timber shed, creation of hard standing with bin store area and the six positioned caravan siting areas at Silloth House, Austwick. The planning officer stated that these were reasonable additions to a modest scale campsite.

Austwick Parish Council had raised concerns over the accuracy of plans relating to a recently modified Section 106 agreement covering the site. The planning officer said that those issues would be dealt with separately.

Austwick – May – A request by the Scout Association to hold a tent rally on land (Green Land) beside Silloth House Campsite led to an application to modify a Section 106 agreement. That agreement had meant that five caravan rallies by exempt organisations could be held on Green Land  each year. Members agreed to the request from Silloth House Campsite that tents should be included. The number of rallies each year will remain at five with each lasting no more than four days.

Aysgarth – June – The committee unanimously agreed that there can be 25 tent pitches on the field beside Aysgarth Falls Hotel. These can be used from March to November each year.

The field has been used for camping for over 20 years but on the basis of the 28 days permitted development rights. Retrospective planning permission was also given for the four timber sheds erected to provide washing and toilet facilities. The owners of the hotel, Heather and Steve Swann, plan to erect one more.

The planning officer pointed out that the site was already well screened and that it had been agreed that bushes would be planted in the main part of the site to soften the impact of the tents on long distance views.

Burnsall – October – The Stockdale family of Burnsall was delighted when the committee unanimously agreed that a barn in Main Street, Burnsall, could be converted.

“Bringing a young family back into a village like Burnsall is amazing. If we can get young people back into the school (it) is just fantastic,” said Ed Williams on behalf of Burnsall Parish Meeting.

The only reason that the planning officer had given for refusing the application was that North Yorkshire County Council’s highways department had stated that the access was unsatisfactory.

Mr Williams  and Alan Stockdale pointed out that with so many cars parked on the sides of the road through Burnsall drivers had to reduce their speed. Mr Stockdale added that there would be a reduction in traffic using the access compared to when it was used for agricultural purposes.

Members of the committee agreed that the application ticked all the boxes in the objective to encourage young people to return to the Dales.

Carlton in Coverdale – February – A single storey rear extension to Quakers Garth in Carlton in Coverdale can be built even though two North Yorkshire County councillors questioned the decision.

Lady Gardner, who lives next door to Quakers Garth, and North Yorkshire County Councillor Roger  Harrison-Topham  explained that the original building had been a Dales farmhouse with barn. As a sunroom had already been added the new extension would mean that the size of Quakers Garth would be doubled. Both asked how the Authority could agree to such a building being overextended.

“The proposed extension is desperately inappropriate to a barn,” said Cllr Harrison-Topham.

At the December 2013 meeting when he requested that a site visit should be held, he commented that incremental extensions to houses could have a “reverse tsunami effect”. At the February meeting Cllr  Blackie pointed out that in Richmondshire the district council would not give permission for such an extension to a barn. “So is the district council protecting the landscape more than the National Park?” he asked.

The planning officer had reported that the pitched roof extension would be built where there had been a flat-roofed garage. It was longer than the garage but the applicant had amended the plans so as to reduce its height. That amendment had led to the parish council supporting the application.

Several members commented that the extension was a modest one and the majority accepted the officer’s statement that it would not be detrimental to the simple vernacular character of the building. Following the site meeting in January most members also felt that the extension would not have an adverse effect on the neighbouring property.

Cracoe – August– The majority of the committee agreed that the Authority’s solicitor should pursue prosecution proceedings against Richard Jackson of Toppan Farm, Cracoe, for failure to comply with the terms of an enforcement notice served in April 2006.

The members were informed that the enforcement notice in 2006 was issued when a caravan at Toppan Farm was being used a dwelling. An appeal against that notice was dismissed and the caravan was removed in March 2007.

The enforcement officer, Nicola Dinsdale, explained that the siting of another caravan at Toppan Farm for residential purposes would still be in breach of that enforcement notice. She had informed Mr Jackson about that in April and so it was felt that the occupants had been given ample opportunity to find alternative accommodation. The caravan was the home of Mr Jackson’s son, his partner and his baby.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Robert Heseltine had proposed that Mr Jackson should be given four months to apply for additional housing on the site. At present there is permission for one detached house but Mr Jackson would like to change this to three cottages to provide accommodation for his sons.

Mrs Dinsdale had informed the committee that temporary permission for a caravan might be given in exceptional circumstances when a house was being constructed. Cllr Heseltine’s amendment was not accepted by the majority of the committee.

Cautley, Sedbergh – June – Permission was granted for Cross Hall Caravan Park at Cautley, Sedbergh to be open for 11 months each year (March 1 to January 31). An area within the existing site for static caravans has been set aside for tents and for those there will be no restriction on the length of stay during the season.

Retrospective permission was also given for the change of use of an adjacent field to form an extension to the caravan park but on the condition that touring caravans and tents could not be there for a period of more than 28 days. The maximum number of touring caravans on that site at any one time must be five.

Sedbergh parish council was opposed to the unrestricted or prolonged stationing of touring caravans and tents as it was felt this would be detrimental to the local economy by restricting the opportunities for those looking for short stay pitches.

The planning officer assured the committee that the park owners will be asked to keep a detailed log of those staying throughout the season to make sure that the caravans were not being used as permanent homes.

Clapham – November – Approval was given for the detailed plans for the conversion of a former office building at Old Mason’s Yard, Clapham,into two homes, both subject to local needs legal agreements. The committee also approved the detailed plans to demolish a pre-fabricated store and replace it with a two-bedroom local market bungalow.

In 2012 Clapham-cum-Newby parish council had objected to the outline plans due to the impact the additional vehicular traffic might have on the access road which is maintained by the village hall.

At the planning committee meeting North Yorkshire County Councillor Richard Welch welcomed the opportunity to have more local occupancy homes in Clapham. He asked if the planning department had followed up on the parish council’s reports that the applicant had felled some trees without permission,and that one of the four existing oil tanks was unbonded and was within 50 metres of Clapham Beck. The planning officer said she would check if these were enforcement matters.

Dent -June – It was agreed to hold a site meeting at Cowgill Barn, Cowgill, Dent.

The parish council fully supported the application for the erection of extensions to the converted barn and the insertion of a window in the east elevation. But the planning officer recommended refusal because it was felt that the design, size, form and external appearance, including excessive fenestration and the insertion of a new window , would result in a development which would significantly harm the traditional, simple appearance and special interest of what was originally an agricultural building.

When requesting a site meeting Graham Dalton commented: “I don’t think we can appreciate the context from the photos. It is essential to go and see it.”

Permission was granted in January 2015.

Embsay – August – Approval was given for full planning permission for the construction of a flood storage reservoir. This would include a dam with a crest height of 14 metres, spillway and stilling basin as well as a new road junction and access road from the A65. The committee was informed that the dam and reservoir would help to protect Skipton from flooding.

Giggleswick – August – The committee accepted the advice of the senior planning officer to defer making a decision for one month concerning the unauthorised change of use of Woodlands at Giggleswick. In June  the owner confirmed that the site was being used for holiday let accommodation for 19 people, wedding receptions and corporate “team building” events.

The original permission was for it to be used as a dwelling for a single household. The owner now wanted to apply for a temporary change of use of the property rather than enforcement action being initiated. Deferred again at the September meeting as awaiting a planning application from owner.  (An application was submitted but later withdrawn. Applications for certificates of lawfulness for existing use were refused.)

Grassington -April – Permission was granted for seven affordable homes for local people to be built in Grass Wood Lane, Grassington. There will be two three bedroom houses, two with two bedrooms, and two one bedroom apartments.

Grassington parish council, although being in favour of the development, had asked that the issue of sufficient parking spaces on the site should be addressed before planning permission was given. It would have liked to have seen seven more parking spaces in addition to the 11 included in the planning application especially as Grass Wood Lane was narrow and would be reduced to a single track road if any vehicles were parked on it.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, explained that, according to highway regulations, the size and specifications of the access would also have to be increased and that could make this affordable housing scheme uneconomic.

Peter Charlesworth agreed with Councillors Blackie and Welch that the parking spaces proposed should be adequate for such a modest scheme.

Cllr Blackie said: “We have been trying for years to get affordable housing.”

A survey in October last year showed that 14 people were interested in the properties to be built in Grass Wood Lane, seven from Grassington and the others from neighbouring villages within the National Park.

Andrew Colley, who is a Grassington parish councillor, was also concerned about the reports of infrequent flooding at the site. The applicant, the affordable housing provider Home Group Limited, has proposed to create a gentle slope in the garden of one of the properties to manage surface water run-off.

The YDNPA planning officer said that additional work would be carried out to make sure that the dry stone wall between that garden and the road was not undermined by that.

Section 106 agreements will mean that the properties will be retained as affordable local housing in perpetuity. The local occupancy restrictions will include an additional clause which will extend eligibility  to those who have resided permanently in the National Park for the preceding three years but who work outside the National Park or are unemployed, and have a demonstrable need to leave private accommodation.

The housing will be made available on a cascade basis, aimed at targeting the parish of Grassington first, followed by adjoining parishes (within the National Park, including split parishes) before being made available to the rest of the National Park.

Grassington- July – The proposed re-opening of an access at Town End in Station Road, Grassington, was potentially so dangerous that a site meeting should be held to evaluate the situation Mr Colley and Cllr  Roberts told the committee.

Cllr Roberts warned that the committee should heed the advice of the parish council because the entrance was on a very busy road, close to both a blind corner and a busy junction.

Mr Colley said: “The parish council is absolutely desperate for this property to be re-developed as the site has been empty for many years.” He added, however, that there was no pedestrian footpath along that section of Station Road and many motorists exceeded the 20mph speed limit. The traffic included heavy lorries and there were shops adjacent to the site as well as a school nearby.

But not only did the majority of the committee refuse the parish council’s request for a site meeting but also voted to approve the application. This was for the conversion of a barn to create a three bedroom house for local occupancy, the demolition of a garage block and part of a vehicle repair shop, and the erection of an office building. The re-development of the site includes the removal of petrol tanks and contaminated soil.

There is an entrance to the site in Hebden Road which will provide access to the car parking area for the present house and the barn conversion. The back part of the vehicle repair shop will be demolished with the front retained and rebuilt as an office space. The undercroft will be re-opened to provide a vehicular entrance on Station Road.

Both the applicant’s agent, Andrew Long, and the planning officer told the committee that the vehicle accesses on Station Road and Hebden Road already existed and the proposal was likely to result in a reduction rather than an increase in possible traffic movements.  North Yorkshire County Council highways department had no objection to the application.

Mr Charlesworth commented that the refurbishment of the site would lead to an enormous enhancement of what was at present an eyesore.

Grassington – November – Yorkshire Housing can go ahead with constructing 22 affordable homes for rent in Grassington – but only after some soul searching by the planning committee about the relationship with the local parish council.

Although Grassington parish council whole-heartedly supported the replacement of the social housing scheme for elderly residents in Aynham Close with affordable homes it had strenuously opposed Yorkshire Housing’s application. This was because it had unanimously supported a previous scheme put forward by Yorkshire Housing. The parish council informed the planning committee that it believed that those plans were never submitted because the planning officer had said “she did not like them and wanted a different lay out.”

It added that the present scheme was seen by it and residents as being unfriendly, too cramped, too close to the existing houses, and much too block-like in appearance.

When questioned about this at the planning committee meeting Richard Graham, the head of development management, said that the earlier scheme had had a more urban layout which included one large block of flats which was not appropriate to the site.

The planning officer argued that the present mews layout and the vernacular design would enhance the appearance of the approach to the village and reflect the wider character of the area around it rather than perpetuating the modern, urban form of post-war housing immediately adjacent.

Mr Colley commented that although he felt the planning officers had done a good job they should have taken the time to discuss the present plans with the parish council and residents before bringing these to the planning committee. He added:“I think we are all aware now that the planning department is going to have to work a lot more closely with parish councils and with residents in our National Park.”

Mr Charlesworth said: “This is a scheme which will enable young families and young people to live in the dales. The objection seems to be that (the parish council) has a perception that this present scheme is something to do with the personal whim of a planning officer and that’s wrong.”

He explained that he believed there were strong planning reasons for the present scheme and that it was a good one.

Mr Colley asked if local residents would be given sufficient time to apply for any of the homes. He told the committee:“People are very concerned because there is a lot of talk about further developments (in Grassington) after this one. But they do not want to see people coming into this accommodation from outside the area without them having a fair time to apply.”

Cllr Blackie said that in the Richmondshire area under the local connection policy local people had three to four months to apply for affordable housing.

The application, which was approved by the committee, was for 22 affordable dwellings consisting of eight three bedroom houses, six two bedroom houses and eight flats.

Cllr Marshall was very disappointed with the scheme because although the dwellings were described as “lifetime homes” there was no provision for a restaurant or a community room so that the older residents would not feel isolated or lonely. “It’s very sad that the developers haven’t taken the opportunity to put the most up to date accommodation for older people on this site when it had that use before,” she said.

Like Mr Colley and Cllr Heseltine she abstained from voting.

Grassington  – December – A two-storey house for a disabled resident can replace a garage adjacent to Gills Fold in Grassington.

The committee was informed that the house would be for Tom Cherry who is suffering from a progressive disability. He wanted to live closer to the town centre and so enjoy the facilities there for as long as possible.

Even though Mr Cherry was willing to sign a local occupancy agreement the planning officer had recommended refusal of the application partly because the house would, he stated, have an oppressive and over-dominant effect on a neighbouring property and so severely harm the residential amenity of its occupants.

Those living closest to the site, however, had written letters supporting the application and there had been no objections.

Mr Colley said: “Mr Cherry is a well-respected local builder who will ensure that the quality of the building will be excellent. And it will be an additional local occupancy house in Grassington.”

He added that the parish council was very enthusiastic about the application but should have sent a detailed response giving all the reasons for why it supported Mr Cherry’s plans.“I think this is a warning to other parish councils,” Mr Colley said.

As a significant majority of the planning committee members voted to approve the application Mr Graham, said that it would not be referred back to the February  meeting.

Grinton – April – There were gasps of surprise when the planning officer displayed photographs of the work which has been carried out on a barn in Swale Hall Lane, Grinton. These showed that domestic style windows and doors, an external flue, and a modern kitchen had been installed in what was an agricultural building in open countryside.

When queried about the alterations the owner had told the YDNPA that the intended use of the barn was to provide a “dry, safe, secure and vermin proof” environment in which to store animal feed and straw for when he wanted to keep animals on the adjoining land. At present the sheep which are grazed on that land belong to W H Brown and Son.

Harold Brown, the chairman of the planning committee, declared a pecuniary interest and left the room before the request for an enforcement notice was discussed. The majority were in favour of an enforcement notice being served to secure the removal of the windows, doors, flue and internal domestic fixtures and fittings as well as the re-instatement of the original eaves and ridge height. The owner will also have to remove a caravan from the site which is being used for residential purposes.

Hebden – Moorside Farm

September – An application to convert a barn for residential use with an office annex at Moorside Farm might be contrary to the present policies of the YDNPA but it was in accordance with the spirit of the Authority, Peter Charlesworth stated.

Mr Charlesworth, who is chairman of the YDNPA, argued eloquently that the application should be approved because it would not only enhance the landscape by restoring a derelict barn but it would also enhance the economic viability and vitality of the Dales and especially Hebden.

“Hebden has lost its shop, its post office, its toilets – no wonder the parish council is so supportive of any means which will help to keep this village alive and allow a young family to live and work in the national park,” he added.

He and Cllr Roberts  pointed out that the barn, although technically in the open countryside, was beside a main road and part of a farm complex. Cllr Roberts said: “If we don’t approve it the barn will be gone and it will pull half the house with it probably and we would have lost a complete property.”

Jason Simpkin told the committee that his widowed mother-in-law, Anne Appleton, wanted to return to the farmhouse at Moorside Farm and he and his wife wished to live next to her to support and care for her. There would be a section 106 agreement to retain the converted barn as a local occupancy dwelling.

He would base his electrical business there and hoped to employ an apprentice and an office worker. “This would have a positive economic impact upon the park,” he said.

He argued that the YDNPA draft Local Plan would allow such barn conversions. But the planning officer said it was too early to give any weight to the proposals in that draft. She did accept that the proposed conversion of the semi derelict barn would improve its appearance.

Even though just one committee member abstained and all the others voted to approve the application Mr Graham, said that the decision would have to be confirmed at the October meeting as it was not only against officer recommendation but also the present planning policy. The planning department will also consult with North Yorkshire Highways about the access from the A65.

October – “I feel I have a gun held to my head,” retorted Ian McPherson – and several other members expressed their shock at the unexpected advice given by the Authority’s monitoring officer, Gill Cooper, concerning the committee’s intention to approve a barn conversion at Moorside Farm.

Mr Charlesworth stated: “I have to say that to have (the advice) dropped on us this morning … is unsatisfactory.”

That advice was that it would be illegal for the committee to confirm its almost unanimous decision last month to approve the barn conversion because the material considerations listed by members were not sufficient to justify their not complying with the Authority’s Development Plan or the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.

The material considerations put forward by members included securing a local occupancy dwelling, providing employment and enhancing the economic viability of Hebden as well as supporting the emerging local plan policy.

Mr Charlesworth, a retired judge, asked for a month’s deferment to give members time to consider the situation. “I would still like to approve the conversion of this barn,” he said.

Cllr John Blackie described it as sabre rattling by the legal officer to tell them what they must and mustn’t do and wondered if a decision to approve would have to be considered by the Secretary of State. To do that a special meeting of the Full Authority may have to be called to ratify the decision.

The chairman of the committee, Harold Brown, stated: “I would not have changed my mind if approval had been on the table today. I think it’s illogical (as) we are crying out for houses. We are struggling to build any affordable houses.

November – The planning committee did find a way to allow the barn at Moorside Farm to be converted into a family home even though the monitoring officer repeated the advice she had given the previous month. She did,however, accept that there might be exceptional personal circumstances.

Mr Charlesworth  thanked Mr Graham, for meeting with the family to discuss those personal circumstances and added:“In my view it is justified for us as a committee to say these are truly exceptional circumstances which enable us to justify departure from policy. I appreciate that Richard Graham doesn’t think they are.”

He explained that when the farmer had died two years ago his widow had gone to live with her daughter and son-in-law in Skipton. But she wanted to return to her family home. The farmhouse, however, was in need of renovation and her daughter and son-in-law wanted to be there to support her.

Mr Charlesworth said: “We (now) have a situation where we can allow this farming family to move back to Hebden, renovate the house and convert the barn.

“In my view it’s a win situation for the National Park. We are desperate to keep young people in the dales.”

Cllr  Blackie was among those who agreed with him. Cllr Blackie stated: “We need to hang on to our young families otherwise in a generation or two many of the communities in the Yorkshire Dales National Park will collapse.”

Like Mr Charlesworth he disagreed with the advice given by a legal Counsel. He added: “Another barrister might have given an alternate view.”

Cllr Marshall reminded the committee that the Authority also had a duty to foster the economic and social well-being of the area.

When it came to the vote two members abstained with the majority approving the application for the conversion of the barn to a house for local occupancy with ancillary office space.

Horton-in-Ribblesdale – March – Permission was granted for a railway siding to be constructed at Arcow Quarry near Helwith Bridge. Stone will be transported to it from Dry Rigg Quarry.

It is likely that the railway siding will not become operational until October 2015, about seven months after the present permission to extract stone at Arcow quarry expires. Lafarge Tarmac which owns both quarries has permission to extract stone from that at Dry Rigg until 2021.

YDNPA officer, David Parish, said it was not possible to construct a siding at Dry Rigg because that would have a serious impact upon the Swarth Moor SSSI as would a new road between the two quarries or a conveyor belt link. A new habitat will be created for the great crested newts in the low lying fields between Arcow Quarry and the Settle-Carlisle line.

Cllr Welch very reluctantly proposed approving the company’s application for the railway siding and explained:“I think this is unnecessary. It’s unneeded and unwarranted and I think the company is being put to an awful financial burden to satisfy a small minority of lobbyists and campaigners. (But) if this is the way of keeping people in employment ….then I’m afraid I shall have to go with it.”

One of the objectives of the Authority’s Management Plan is to reduce road haulage from the three quarries in Ribblesdale by at least 50 per cent.

The arrival and departure of trains, all loading operations and all heavy goods vehicle traffic between Dry Rigg and Arcow will only take place from Monday to Friday each week between 7.30am and 5.30pm. There would only be one train per weekday, with each taking between three to four hours to load.

It was agreed that although, under the present agreement,  the restoration scheme for Arcow Quarry would be completed by the end of June 2016 that would not now include the sidings and stockpile area. Lafarge Tarmac has indicated that it is considering submitting an application to deepen Arcow Quarry.

Hudswell  – August – It was unanimously agreed that full planning permission be given for the demolition of existing farm buildings at land to the west of Holbrook House in Hudswell, and that a three bedroom house could be built there. The committee agreed with Hudswell and District parish council that the demolition of the ugly farm buildings and the construction of a well-designed house would be a planning gain on the fringe of the Hudswell conservation area.

Kettlewell – May – Several members were very pleased that work could begin soon to make the footpath from Kettlewell to Starbotton accessible to disabled people in wheelchairs.

Permission was granted to the YDNPA Ranger, Phil Richards, to construct an access ramp link to the footpath beside Kettlewell Road Bridge to accommodate wheelchair access. This will link the track owned by the National Trust to the public right of way beside the River Wharfe. The work will be carried out jointly by the National Trust and the YDNPA.

Natural England had confirmed that the ramp would not destroy any of the features of the River Wharfe Site of Special Scientific Interest. Part of the site is also a Biodiversity Action Plan priority habitat and so nothing must be stored on that calcareous grassland.

The Environment Agency had recommended that the ground levels must not be raised as the site is within an area of designated flood risk.

Cllr Harrison-Topham wondered if the culverts in the ramp would be large enough to stop it becoming a dam when there was heavy rainfall. Consent must be obtained from the county council (the Lead Local Flood Authority) for those culverts.

Kettlewell – June – It was unanimously agreed that a new campsite can be created at Kettlewell.

Cllr Roberts, who lived in the village, told the committee that the lack of camping sites in Kettlewell and Upper Wharfedale meant that the Authority was not fulfilling its second purpose (to encourage the public to have access to and enjoy the National Park) particularly to those on low incomes.

He said that the loss of a campsite in Kettlewell had, in part, led to the closure of one of the pubs and a fall in income for the village shop. The village was also in danger of losing its post office. He added: “The economic sustainability of Kettlewell is therefore considered by the parish council and myself to be a major planning issue in this case.”

He did request, however, that the Authority should ask North Yorkshire County Council’s highways department to consider ways to protect children going to the village playground on Conistone Lane. He also emphasised the need to retain the footpath which crosses the camping field.

The field, Staple Croft, is large enough for 40 tents and vehicles and will be open to campers all year round. There will be no formal pitches or hard surfacing, and no-one can stay on the site more than 28 days at one time.

A new gateway will be created at the south-western corner leading to Conistone Road, and a single storey stone clad amenity building will be constructed on the southern boundary. This will house not only the toilets, showers and pot washing area, but also a biomass boiler room and the reception.

The applicant, Nigel Lambert, has agreed to plant more trees and bushes to provide additional screening and to make sure that the site is well supervised.

Cllr Welch commented that each year the Authority aimed at increasing the number of visitors to the National Park and asked: “But where are all these people going to stay?” he asked. He was pleased that they had an opportunity at the meeting to approve more camping sites (see also Aysgarth and Cautley)

Langcliffe – December – A young family was refused permission to convert the former primary school in Langcliffe into a home and a floral and art workshop even though 38 residents had signed a petition in support of their plans.The committee heard that Jamie Kelly and Viktorya Hollings wanted to turn part of the school, which closed in 2007, into an open market home for themselves and their two children.

Langcliffe parish council was in favour of their plans which included a floral and art workshop plus allotments and a woodland area in the school grounds. In addition to the petition there had also been ten letters in support as villagers saw this as a lovely use of the building and a way of stopping it from decaying further.

But the school is outside the village development boundary and the planning officer was not convinced that the couple’s plans for the building sufficiently justified the loss of a community facility or the creation of a dwelling in the open countryside.

Ms Hollings told the committee: “After six years North Yorkshire County Council has not found a community use and private investors interest have come to nothing.” She added that renovations would cost £150,000 to £200,000 – a high cost for any community use in such a small village.

All they asked in return for providing some community use that fitted in well with other activities in the village such as the annual flower show was to be allowed to make their family home there.

Cllr Welch accepted that something needed to be done with the school but pointed out that it had been marketed by the county council as a commercial building. He said that several people would have been prepared to make high bids for it if it had been auctioned for open market housing.

The majority voted for his recommendation that the couple’s application be refused because it was against planning policy.

Litton – February – The decision in December 2013 to allow Parker Barn to be converted into an agricultural worker’s home was ratified. It had taken 13 months for permission to be granted to Stephen Lund to convert the barn on the family’s farm.

It had taken that long because originally the planning officer had asked the family to accept Section 106 agreements on three properties in Litton: Parker Barn; Potts Beck and West Farm. The latter belongs to the farm that the Lund family (Stuart and his sons Stephen and Stewart) presently hold the lease on.

Stewart, as a partner in the family business and who has an open market mortgage on Potts Beck, was asked to sign an agreement restricting his home to being occupied by an agricultural worker, which would have reduced the value of the house.

The Lunds plan to surrender the lease on West Farm at some time in the next few years as they have bought sufficient land around Litton to have their own farm. Parker Barn is on that land.

The planning officer was concerned that if the West Farm lease was not surrendered Parker Barn could be sold to someone not working on the Lund’s farm. He therefore asked that Parker Barn should be tied by a S106 agreement to the land they own.

At the February meeting two members of the committee, Ann Brooks and Mr Charlesworth, spoke in favour of this.

But the majority agreed with Cllr Blackie who argued that if Parker Barn was just an agricultural worker’s dwelling it could be used by a retired member of the family. He commented: “The Authority should trust those who work so hard to maintain this wonderful landscape. Sometimes we need to create the right circumstances for farming to continue.”

After the vote the chairman of the committee, Harold Brown, said: “We hope this will serve the family for generations. That’s if farming survives.”

Low Bolton -December – The planning committee approved an application by the Bolton Estate for the conversion of agricultural buildings to provide one live work unit and two workshop/office units at Low Bolton in Wensleydale.

The Authority’s head of sustainable development informed the committee that there was no specific policy in the 2006 Local Plan about live work developments. He added: “However in the absence of a specific policy on live work the Authority should presume in favour of sustainable development, unless there is a clash with some other aspect of National or local policy.”

The units at Low Bolton will be subject to S106 legal agreements which include that residential use cannot begin before the business part of the building is in use.

Low Row in Swaledale October – The educational work of Cath Calvert at Hazel Brow Farm in Swaledale was applauded at the meeting – but the majority of the members did not support her application to create a camping barn and educational facility at Turnip House Barn near Low Row.

Mr Charlesworth summed up the arguments against the proposal when he stated that there was no way that a camping barn would not affect Turnip House as the two buildings shared a party wall.

“Planning permission goes with the land forever – there is no question about it, it will harm the residential amenity of the adjoining premises,” he said and added that he had no doubt that it would be extremely difficult to have any effective management or supervision of the barn given the distance between it and Hazel Brow Farm.

Mrs Calvert said that the camping barn would be an addition to the work of Hazel Brow Farm and would be used only 80 days in a year. She would try to organise bookings so that there was little if any impact upon the owners of Turnip House who used it as a holiday home.

She said the  aim was to provide small groups with an opportunity to disconnect from modern living for 24 hours.“The whole ethos is to gain an insight into the past. We won’t be just telling the children – they will be experiencing it. This will be a living classroom,” she said and added: “This is our heritage and I feel we should share it.”

Cllr Blackie said that over the last 17 years he had watched the communities in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale decaying with facilities such as shops, post offices and schools being closed. “We must do something for these two Dales to make (young people) stay.” That, he said,  included providing not just affordable housing but also employment opportunities, the latter often depending upon encouraging more tourists to return regularly to the Dales.

Mr Brown, commented: “I fully support this – the work that she does and her family within the Dale for the education of young people, for tourism, for the well-being of Low Row and the surrounding area in Swaledale is nobody’s business.”

But in the end only four voted for the approval of her application.

Malham – December – The committee decided that a static caravan must be removed from Tullochvenus Farm near Malham within three months.

A planning officer informed the committee that permission had been granted in 2007 for a caravan to be there for three years as accommodation for an agricultural worker while the owner, Linda Hall-Denison, developed a llama farm. Due to illness Mrs Hall-Denison was not able to do this and in 2010 permission was granted for the caravan to remain there for another two years.

Her husband, Clive Chandler, told the planning committee that they wanted to retain the caravan for an unspecified temporary period as it was being used to help care for her. She is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and the outings to the caravan provided good stimulation, he said.

He disagreed with Kirkby Malhamdale parish council that the caravan was unattractive and too visible. This was one of the reasons the parish council gave for objecting to the retrospective planning application.

The planning committee accepted the officers recommendation to refuse the application and that an enforcement notice should be served to secure the removal of the caravan with its associated fixtures and surfaces within three months.

Melmerby – September to December

September – It was agreed to hold a site meeting at Middlefield Farm to consider the retrospective application for an agricultural silage building. Cllr Roger Harrison-Topham, who can see the building from his home, said that it was important to consider the economics of modern dairy farming.

The planning officer had recommended that the application should be refused and that enforcement action should be started to secure either the complete removal of the building or a reduction in its height to the same as that which had burnt down. The applicant had stated that the building had to be high enough to allow adequate clearance for modern farm machinery.

October – The sudden disappearance of a planning officer (Simon Chapman) led to a decision about the retrospective application for an agricultural silage building at Middlefield Farm in Coverdale being deferred for a month.

CllrBlackie explained that with Mr Chapman leaving at such short notice it had not been possible for the applicant, Andrew Avison, to provide written details about the business case for having such a large building. He pointed out that with the recent fall in the price of milk it was even more important to consider the economic viability of the farm.

Mr Graham said he believed the committee did have sufficient information upon which to base a decision and added: “The figures are actually in favour of the applicant’s proposal and we are not disputing these.”

Mr Chapman had recommended that the application should be refused because the applicant had not provided sufficient information to prove that such a large, visually intrusive building was required.

The officer who presented the report at the meeting, Michelle Clowes, stated: “Although it is accepted that farms need to expand and develop officers considered that in this instance the applicant’s agricultural justification didn’t outweigh the visual harm that is caused to the character and the community in the area by the height and scale of the building.

“Officers are also concerned about the precedent that this could set for other farmers to have very tall and large buildings in the Park.”

Cllr Roger  Harrison-Topham, who can see the building from his home, had written to ask that the decision be deferred for a month to allow Mr Avison to provide further financial information.

He was especially concerned about the sustainability of dairy farming in the Dales and noted that a smaller building would lead to an increase in the number of deliveries and costs. The farm agent had estimated that the additional cost could be between £10,000 and £20,000 a year.

The key question, said Cllr Roberts, was whether an articulated lorry could deliver silage into a building which had been reduced in height in accordance with the request by planning officers.

December –

Andrew Avison, the farmer, was rebuked by Peter Charlesworth and Richmondshire District Coun Stuart Parsons, for making a retrospective planning application.

The chairman of the committee, Harold Brown, commented: “I don’t condone anyone who comes with a retrospective planning application but when you are speaking about retrospective you only need to move a mile away from this (farm) where another applicant over the last 15 years has not driven a coach and horses through the planning policy – he has driven double decker buses.”

At the very end of the long meeting he referred to the schedule of delegated decisions and said: “Forbidden Corner – that’s retrospective.” To which N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham responded:“It’s called the Coverdale illuminations.” There had been objections to both of Mr Avison’s applications on the basis of light pollution.

The retrospective application from The Forbidden Corner approved by officers under delegated powers was for the change of use of flat racing stables to a restaurant, change of use of land for inclusion within a visitor attraction to create a car park and extend gardens, erection of a single storey porch extension and two storey gable extension, and erection of roof for visitor centre.

Coun Harrison-Topham told the committee before it discussed the application for the silage building at Middlefield Farm that he had pleaded with a head of planning five or six years ago to bring all decisions about mega-dairy farms to the planning committee. “We have already swallowed camels when other operations were approved under delegated powers in past years,” he said.

He argued that the silage building would look a lot better once a lean-to had been added to each of the longer sides. This would also enable the farmer to store sufficient feed for all his cows once he had increased the number to 400.

Coun Harrison-Topham also asked the committee to consider what would happen if the applicant appealed to the planning inspectorate. He then left the meeting as he lives close to the farm.

Silage building – Coun Parsons said the silage building had become known as the giraffe house. This is because the height to the eaves of 27m long building is over 10m.

Mr Avison explained that a silage clamp had been destroyed during a fire at the farm in February 2014. “We had an opportunity to create an infrastructure that was going to get rid of all the unsightly tyres, silage clamps and silage being stored outside.”

He added that this was what the government was recommending so that silage stayed dry and dirty water did not escape into the streams. The height of the building he said allowed the back of articulated lorries to be fully extended and therefore completely emptied.

He told the committee: “The reason we put the silage building up was because we had a six week window to put in silage. When your officer came we told him – ‘if you can find an alternative site for 1500 tons of grass I’ll put it there’. And he couldn’t.“

I just don’t why I’m here. To be absolutely honest I have not got a penny to spend on altering that building. We have had £150,000 off our milk cheque in the last five months so we are standing to lose £240,000 this year. We have laid off three staff off night milkings and we have dropped to twice a day milking.”

The large silage building was saving the farm £20,000 a year, the equivalent of a salary for a farm worker, said County Coun John Blackie. He stated: ”We are at a bit of crossroads now in terms of dairy farmers. Just like with the young people, if we are not careful they will become another endangered species.”

He pointed out that there were no longer any dairy farms west of Reeth, and he expected three more in Wensleydale to stop producing milk within the next few years.

He reported that David Hartley, the managing director, of Wensleydale Creamery, was very concerned that soon it might not be possible to source sufficient milk to make Wensleydale Cheese. The Creamery used to have 49 producers and now there were under 30 with another ten in jeopardy. Coun Blackie reminded the committee that it had given permission for a massive warehouse to be built at the Creamery even though it could be seen from the Pennine Way.

He described the dairy farmers as the National Park’s foot soldiers of conservation. “Their cows are keeping pastures green; we see those lovely hay meadows; and the farmers here keep the walls up. We can’t have them there and expect them to farm at a total, absolute loss. And I’m afraid that’s what is facing them. Many have walked away from dairy farming in the upper Dales.”

N Yorks County Coun Richard Welch agreed with him and questioned the statement by a planning officer. She had quoted an agricultural consultant as stating that the back of the lorries did not have to be fully extended and that meant the building could be lower in height. Coun Welch was not convinced and argued that the Authority should give special care to the needs of the local population.

Craven District Coun John Roberts stated: “I am very uncomfortable if the decision goes against the applicant that we may be closing that farm.”

Mr Charlesworth, however, stated: “We must support farmers in the Dales, of course, but it doesn’t mean you can just do what you like to the detriment of the landscape. I very much regard the landscape as the primary quality that we are here to conserve and enhance by law in the National Park. And this is too dominant. It is too out of scale. It is intrusive and incongruous. I can’t believe that the height of this building determines whether the business survives or not.”

Mr Brown reminded the committee that it was the farmers and also the lead miners who had created the landscape of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

And the planning officer agreed with Coun Blackie that in the landscape view of Middlefield Farm shown to the committee the silage building did not stand out.

Calf shed – The planning officer also recommended that Mr Avison’s application for a new calf shed to replace one which had been damaged during that fire in February should be refused.

He stated: “The proposed building by virtue of its siting and design would result in the introduction of significant levels of light pollution into an intrinsically dark landscape detrimental to one of the special qualities of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.”

This application had not been decided within eight weeks and the officer told the committee: “It is considered in the best interest of the Authority that the application for the silage building and this application are considered by members alongside one another.”

Both Mr Avison and Coun Blackie questioned this. Coun Blackie said that the building was not too large and calf buildings were essential to the dairying business. The lighting would be on from time to time but there were other farm buildings in the National Park which required much more. He said: “If we refuse this we are simply hounding him out of business and stopping him doing what we actually want him to do – farm our landscape.”

Richard Graham, the head of development management, responded: “It’s not the case that officers delayed this application. It could have been refused under delegated powers within the eight weeks time limit. But officers feel there is a solution to the issue….of light pollution.

“It’s a very difficult issue for officers to deal with because we can’t control internal illumination and so we have to make sure (about) the design of the building and the landscape planting that will help to screen it.”

When Mr Graham added that the planning officer had tried to consult with Mr Avison, Mr Brown had to call the meeting to order because the young farmer disagreed with him. He had to call the meeting to order again a little later when members were discussing the best way to deal with the situation.

All agreed that the planning officer and Mr Avison had to resolve the issue but County Coun Robert Heseltine proposed the committee should, therefore, defer making a decision, while Coun Blackie asked that the application should be approved subject to amended plans being acceptable to the planning officer. This would mean that approval could be granted within weeks, whereas if the decision was deferred it would have to be brought back to the next planning committee meeting which was in February 2015.

Mr Graham said: “Just to move the matter on I am happy if members are happy to delegate to officers to agree a revised scheme with the applicant. If we can’t reach an agreement then it will come back in February. If we do reach an agreement then we will use delegated powers (to approve it).” Coun Blackie’s proposal was accepted.

Mr Brown told the meeting: “To add my ten penny worth. I don’t know what we’re on with here. It’s an ordinary general purpose shed for calves. I don’t know where the light pollution comes into this because calves don’t get milked at 4 o’clock in the morning. So I’m in favour of getting on with this pronto.”

And he told Mr Avison: “Talk to the planning officer.”

(Permission for the calf shed was later approved by an officer. In 2017 legal enforcement action was taken against Mr Avison.)

Newbiggin, AskriggMay – Allen Kirkbride, the chairman of Askrigg and Low Abbotside parish council, said it was for reasons of safety that Martin Alderson had applied to create a new access and track for his home at Newbiggin. He explained that the visibility from the present access was so bad that cars had to be driven half way out onto the road before the drivers could see if there was any oncoming traffic.

Mr Alderson pointed out that it would be far safer for his children if the present access was blocked off and they could use the new one when going for a cycle ride.

North Yorkshire County Council’s highways department had, however, objected to the proposed new access as it would not give a clear visibility of 33 metres along the road in the northerly direction. This had led to the planning officer recommending refusal.

Cllr Blackie said that there were many situations in the Dales where the optimum visibility could not be achieved and the amount of traffic was increasing even in small hamlets like Newbiggin. He added that the new access would be far safer than the present one and the visual impact would be minimal as Mr Alderson planned to use grasscrete.

As all but one of the members voted to approve the application Mr Graham said that the decision would not need to be ratified at the next meeting.

Newhouses – July – There was a huge sense of relief in Newhouses and Horton in Ribblesdale now that timber wagons from Greenfield Forest will no longer be driven along the very narrow roads and past homes on the route from High Birkwith thanks to the planning committee members voting  unanimously to allow the wagons to go via Cam High Road to the B6255 via Far Gearstones instead.

Cllr Welch said that the residents had been asking for many years for a solution to the problems caused by the timber wagons and added: “This is a no brainer. It is an absolute dream for the residents of Newhouses and all those who use the road from High Birkwith.”

This has come about because the Cam Forest Trust acquired Greenfield Forest in February. Last year the Trust signed a legal agreement which carefully defined the use of the Cam High Road for the extraction of timber from Cam Forest. This included a 10mph speed limit and restricted the number of vehicle movements each week. Under that agreement extraction of timber would stop after 2015 and recommence around 2021.

To remove timber from Greenfield Forest the Trust requested that the legal agreement should be altered to allow for continuous use of the Cam High Road for the next 15 years and again in the future. For the first three years, during the period of most extensive felling, there would be no more than 40 wagons a week, with five before 9.30am each day and none at weekends.

The Trust proposes to create a new bridleway and a new footpath in Greenfield Forest as well as to upgrade a footpath to a bridleway. It will phase the extraction of timber so as to retain sufficient mature, cone-bearing, stands of trees for red squirrels.

Mr Charlesworth said: “It should be acknowledged that this applicant has done everything that has been required of him and has been fully co-operative, and nothing but professional.”

The main concern of the Yorkshire Dales Society, the Yorkshire Dales Access Forum, and the British Horse Society was that the movement of timber wagons should be regulated so as to avoid conflict with others using the Cam High Road.

The planning officer reported that since wagons began using the Cam High Road last year there had been no reports of speeding, and that the route had exceptionally good sight lines along its entire length. There will be warning signs during harvesting and extraction periods and the monitoring and review clause will be included in the new legal agreement.

Reeth – Orton Works

February – A decision regarding the application to erect a guest house at the Orton Works in Reeth was deferred to give the planning officer time to try and negotiate a better solution with the owner.The officer had recommended that the application should be refused because of the poor design and siting of the proposed guest house.

Cllr Blackie accepted the officer’s description of the proposed development but added that an up-market guest house could benefit the tourist trade in the area. He said: “It is a hugely important site in Reeth.”

The members then debated what would be the best way to improve the design and siting with several stating that the present application should be refused. The chairman, Mr Brown, pointed out that the late Bob Gale, when he was a district councillor, had wanted to support the application partly because it would clean up an eyesore in the village.

Reeth parish council and some residents, however, were concerned about the impact of the building on neighbouring properties. Richmondshire District Councillor Malcolm Gardner reported that the parish council was not invited to the site meeting in January.

April – It was agreed to defer a decision on the application to erect a guest house at Orton Works because not all the documents were available at the meeting.

Cllr Blackie said that the owner had supplied details about proposed modifications by March 21, four days before the agenda for the meeting was compiled. But these were no included with the agenda. And yet the officer had reported that at the time of writing his report no further information had been received. “That is simply not true. There is a need to be fair,” Cllr Blackie stated.

Five members voted for deferral, with one against, and six abstentions.

June – The impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties and the desire to see an application which included the whole of the Orton Works site at Reeth led to the majority of the committee refusing permission for a five bedroom guest house to be built there.

Both Mr Charlesworth and Graham Dalton said that they had been convinced, after visiting some residents in Hill Close during a site visit, that the guest house would have a severe detrimental effect upon those households.

The applicant, Christopher Proctor, had asked if the site shown on the application could be re-delineated to include the workshop. But he had been told that would only be possible if he made a new application.

Members were told by the legal officer that they had to make a decision on the application as it stood. This also applied to Cllr Gardner’s suggestions that approval could be given in principle for a guest house and that the detail could then be worked out later by a small committee consisting of planning officers, local councillors and a representative of the parish council.

The planning officer reported that the parish council was in favour of the application as it would lead to the site being tidied up. This point was emphasised by Mr Brown,  Cllr Gardner and  Cllr Blackie.

Cllr Gardner told the committee that the workshop was no longer functioning and was due for demolition and added that the guest house would provide employment once again on the former Blenkiron and Sons builders yard.

Cllr Blackie said the site was already an eyesore and disagreed with the officer that the proposed guest house was of such a poor architectural design. He argued that the application should be approved rather than to see the continued dereliction of the site.

Rylstone – wind turbine at Fleets Farm

February – The members did not feel they could assess from the photographs shown by the planning officer what impact a single 10kw, 14.8m high wind turbine would make upon the landscape at Fleets Farm, Rylstone.

Craven District Councillor Carl Lis summed up the feelings of several members when he stated: “I am massively in support of small wind turbines and it is massively important that we can see its impact (upon the landscape).”

When Cllr Blackie asked about a photo montage Mr Graham, said that the planning department was not obliged to show one.

Another Cllr Roberts, pointed out that the Authority was already at fault for non-determination as the application had been received by the planning department on September 25 last year.

March – The farmer at Rylstone did have to wait another month for a decision about having a wind turbine installed at Fleets Farm.

The majority of the committee voted in favour of the application but as that was against the planning officer’s recommendation it had to be ratified at the April meeting.

Ann Brooks was one of the members who argued that the wind turbine would be in an exposed position and “break the horizon” and so would be very obtrusive. Mr Charlesworth agreed and added that the Authority had a duty to protect and conserve the landscape.

But Mr Brown, reminded them that they also had a duty to safeguard the social and economic well-being of those living and working in the National Park. “This is a very modest (application) and it supports our green energy policy,” he said.

April – It took eight months but the planning committee did finally make a decision about the installation of a wind turbine at Fleets Farm with the majority voting in favour of the application.

Yet again there were strong opinions both for and against the application by the farmer, James Butcher. Cllr Blackie commented that it was one of those applications where each member might come to a different conclusion.

Some members agreed with the planning officer that the turbine would have a detrimental impact upon the landscape. Mr Charlesworth said it would be very harmful to the landscape because it would be prominently placed on an exposed, isolated site.

Others did not feel it would be so visible on the skyline especially once the trees were in leaf. It was pointed out that the government was encouraging farmers to introduce renewable energy alternatives to carbon fuels and that a precedent had been set in the National Park when approval was given for a wind turbine on a farm at Malham.

Cllr Blackie said that the Authority had also approved a 39.6m high radio mast at Hawes which was far more prominent on the landscape than the wind turbine at Rylstone would be.

The decision had to be confirmed at the April meeting due the referral back system.

Sedbergh – February – The committee unanimously accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that MK Conversions Ltd must sign a S106 agreement to build two affordable houses at the former Aqua Engineering Site at Guldrey Lane.

If this isn’t done within three months, or within a longer period as agreed with the Authority’s head of development management, an enforcement notice will be issued requiring the demolition of Fell Vista, Mr Ball’s five-bedroom home, which was built on the site without planning permission.

The planning permission, with strict conditions, was for two affordable houses and two open market houses, with Fell Vista being one of the latter.The planning officer also recommended, in line with a request from Sedbergh parish council, that the affordable houses should be built within 18 months.

The parish council had approved the application being changed from three to two affordable houses so long as the permission was tied to a robust and enforceable planning obligation.

The agent for MK Conversions Ltd assured the committee that the affordable houses could be built within 18 months.

Sedbergh – February – Sedbergh Parish Council supported the amended plans for the change of use of the dental surgery in Finkle Street as the proposed larger retail unit was more likely to be viable and so help to make the shopping centre more attractive. The committee accepted this and also the parish council’s request that there should be a S106 agreement on the flat on the first floor to limit occupation to a person in local need.

Sedbergh – May – Permission was granted for all the window frames at 1-12 Bainbridge Court in Bainbridge Road, Sedbergh, to be replaced with uPVC ones. The planning officer explained that these would all be sash windows to match the appearance of those being replaced and would have a wood grain effect.

Sedbergh parish council had objected to the application to change the conditions on the original planning permission for this building which was built in the last 20 years. It is in a conservation area and the council is keen to retain the traditional character of Bainbridge Road.

The planning officer pointed out, however, that wooden window frames at other houses in Bainbridge Road had been replaced with uPVC ones. He added: “It is considered that the proposed replacement windows would preserve the character of the building due to the replication of the sash details, the slender proportions of the glazing bars and the fact that the horizontal glazing bars would be equal to the bulk of the existing timber sashes.”

His argument was accepted by the majority of the members. Chris Armitage said that this would not set a precedent because this was a relatively new building and so not listed.

There was a discussion about the merits of uPVC window frames compared to modern wooden ones.  Cllr Harrison-Topham said that uPVC frames had a limited lifespan and were costly to replace. And Mr Colley explained that these days new wooden frames came with a ten-year guarantee and after that would cost less to maintain.

Sedbergh – Post Office yard

November – A new building in the Post Office yard garden in Sedbergh would have a very detrimental impact upon the town’s conservation area two residents told the meeting.

Dr Helen Hodge thanked the members for agreeing to Ian McPherson’s request for a site meeting so that they could see the yard for themselves before deciding upon the application for the construction of a three-bedroom house.

Speaking as a resident and not as the chairman of Sedbergh parish council, she stated: “The main objection is that it would have an overpowering impact.”

And like Jim Atkins, who was representing the parish council, she disagreed with the statement by the planning officer that:“The presence of a new building will add to the sense of enclosure and close-knit urban grain which is a key characteristic of this part of Sedbergh’s townscape.”

The planning officer had reported that the densely populated yards were developed on what may once have been medieval burgage plots with workshops for knitting and spinning. These, he said, were a central feature of the town’s layout and contributed significantly to its locally distinctive character.

Mr Atkins argued that the Post Office yard showed the quintessential character of the oldest part of the town and that as one of the few open spaces in the area it was very important and valuable.

Dr Hodge emphasised the impact that the loss of the green space would have as well as pointing out that the narrow rights of way which provided access to the site were not only used by vehicles but also by many pedestrians, especially children and the elderly. “Any addition to the movement and parking of cars will undoubtedly represent a substantial loss of public amenity,” she said.

She also highlighted the loss of amenity to other residents if there was a new building close to their garden walls blocking off more of the limited amount of light at present available. Both she and Mr Atkins said that the development would make it more difficult for Post Office vans to manoeuvre in what would remain of the yard.

December – The committee voted to refuse the application for a three-bedroom house to be built in the Post Office yard garden but as that was against the officer’s recommendation that decision was ratified at the meeting in February 2015.

Mr McPherson reminded the committee of the unanimous objections of the parish council and residents to the application.

Mr Charlesworth, however, agreed with the applicants, Mr and Mrs C Johnson, and the planning officer. He said it would be a modest house, and the design and materials would be appropriate. He added: “It increases the supply of housing for local people and will not cause substantial harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area. In my view it will add to the sense of enclosure in these small yards. It’s fully in accord with our policies.”

An appeal against this decision was dismissed by the planning inspectorate in March 2016.

Settle – July – It was unanimously agreed that the development of an innovative aquaponics system at a former reservoir off Mitchell Lane in Settle could continue.

The planning officer explained that this experimental form of fish farming would include using the nutrients from the fish tanks to feed plants grown on raised beds within the aquaponics building. This cleans the water allowing it to be fed back into the tanks, and also ensures that no effluent escapes into local streams. Vegetables, fruit and herbs will be grown outside the building.

“Such an imaginative use of an old reservoir deserves our full support,” commented Cllr Gardner.

Graham Wilks’ application was partly retrospective as he had already erected a timber building and had a caravan there so that he could reside on the site while carrying  out substantial ground works and developing the aquaponics system.

Permission was granted for creating an access to the reservoir floor and for stabilisation work on its walls.The committee agreed that Mr Wilks could retain the caravan on the site for three years. It was expected that after that period the aquaponics system should have stabilised and that accommodation on the site would no longer be necessary.

The aquaponics system will be powered by a solar panel array which will be screened by the woodland. Mr Wilks’ proposal includes the felling of ten mature trees and replanting with blackthorn, hawthorn and fruit trees. The timber from felled and fallen trees will be turned into fence posts, mulch, tree stakes and logs for heating.

Settle parish council was concerned about the felling of mature trees, noise from the site, and any increase in the volume of traffic along the steep and narrow lane. Mr Wilks had assured the planning officer that he would only use a Landrover and trailer to transport supplies to the site and to take produce to local markets.

Settle – September – The six businesses based at The Courtyard near Settle won the support of the planning committee  in their bid to have what they believe will be sufficient signage on the A65.

The planning officer had recommended that the application for three advance warning signs should be refused as they would be too large and so have a visually harmful impact due to their alien and commercial appearance in a rural area.

Simon Robinson, a partner in the Dalesbred bespoke soft furnishing company, explained to the committee that good signage about what was on offer at The Courtyard was needed to attract motorists to leave the fast moving traffic on the A65.

He told the committee: “At no point when we were granted planning permission for retail did we realise how difficult it would be to get planning permission for sufficient signage to make the businesses work. This is now our fourth application and the signs proposed now are 33 per cent smaller than any previous application in order to find a compromise.

“I really believe every business (there) is at risk if we don’t have signage that is large enough and clear enough to encourage people to stop and shop. The planning officers would like us to have smaller signage which only says Courtyard on it and doesn’t tell you what is there. All the businesses in The Courtyard feel that we are being heavily penalised for wanting to work, create jobs, and live in the park.”

He accepted that the temporary signs needed to be replaced with good quality signage of a sensitive nature and the committee members were impressed by the designs shown at the meeting.

Cllr Lis, in proposing acceptance of the application, said: “We need to do everything we possibly can to support these businesses. I can’t believe we are even considering turning this application down.”

The majority agreed with him with some pointing out that smaller signage could be dangerous as motorists would have difficulty reading it. It was also accepted that the A65 was a busy commercial highway and could not be compared to a more rural location.

Settle Town Council supported the application and the Yorkshire Dales Society had withdrawn its objection, partly on the understanding that all the temporary and individual retailers’ signs, flags and bunting on and around The Courtyard buildings would be removed if approval was given for the new signage.

As there was just one abstention to the majority vote in favour Mr Graham said that the decision to approve would not be referred back to the October meeting.

Stainforth – – February – The request to discharge the S106 agreement on Ingle-Byre at Stainforth was refused.

The planning officer explained that an enforcement notice had been served on the owners, Andrew and Jenny Colau, in October 2010 because Ingle-Byre had been subdivided to form a holiday let without planning permission.

In February 2011 the planning committee had agreed that the two bedroom holiday let could become a dwelling for someone who met the local need criteria so long as a S106 agreement was signed.

Mr Colau told the committee that in 18 months there had been just one possible purchaser. That person worked and was on the electoral roll in the National Park and had an elderly parent living within it and yet was informed by someone at the YDNPA that they did not meet the local need criteria.

Mr Colau said that if they could not sell that dwelling they were in danger of losing their own home and so would be casualties of the S106 agreement.

Stainforth – April – The owners of Taitlands at Stainforth was given two months to remove a large marquee.

The committee had discussed the retrospective planning applications made by the owners for the marquee and the plywood link to the Coach House within the curtilage of the Grade II listed Taitland House. The owners erected the marquee because for structural reasons it was not possible to use the upper floor of the Coach House for dancing during wedding functions.

Cllr Welch stated that not only was the marquee creating a detrimental impact upon the landscape but there was excessive noise on Saturday nights due to the live bands and discos. This, he said, did not preserve the peace and tranquillity of the National Park and added: “The planning rules have been flaunted. The marquee is a permanent fixture. This is also to do with a listed building.”

Mr Charlesworth stated: “This applicant has chosen, without planning permission, to construct this monstrosity of a marquee which is utterly and totally incongruous in the landscape.”

Others argued that wedding functions considerably helped the local economy and that it would be unfair to those couples who had already booked Taitlands for their weddings this year if  the Authority insisted  that the marquee should be removed within two months.

The planning officer pointed out that the owners had been told in June last year that planning permission was required for the marquee and yet they had gone on taking bookings for weddings.

The majority of the members voted to refuse the retrospective planning applications and then approved enforcement action.

Starbotton – March – The future of Wharfedale could depend upon some land at Starbotton being extensively tested for anthrax spores, local resident, Robert Brame, told the planning committee.

Mr Brame told the committee: “Gambling with anthrax is irresponsible. The only true safe option is to get experts to extensively test the land and if found to contain anthrax spores then to have it extensively decontaminated. Lives, livelihoods and the future of Wharfedale may well depend on it.”

But despite being warned by both Mr Brame and Kettlewell with Starbotton parish council planning permission was given for a replacement extended garage for the Old School House. This will involve excavating land where older members of the community believe animals infected with anthrax may have been buried.

The planning officer reported that the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) had assured the Authority that there were no records of any such problem and had added: “The applicant can be advised to contact the AHVLA to seek further advice, if any such discovery was made.”

In addition the Authority’s legal officer, Clare Bevan, told the committee that the possibility of anthrax contamination was not a planning issue. She said that of the four objections raised by the parish council only one could be considered and that was whether light would be restricted to the cottage adjacent to the garage. The parish council had also reported that there were disputes about the ownership of the access track and the boundary wall at the rear of the garage.

The planning officer told the committee that the replacement garage would enhance the appearance of the Starbotton Conservation Area. He believed that the overall impact upon the windows of Closeburn would be ameliorated by such design features as the garage having an oblique front elevation, and the overall height being reduced by dropping the ground level by 100mm.

One of the committee members, Graham Dalton, pointed out that usually it was assumed the amenities of neighbours could be affected if a building was within 20m of their windows. The planning officer informed him that the 2.2m extended width of the garage would bring it to within about three metres of the ground floor windows at Closeburn. That three metres is the width of the access track between the garage and Closeburn.

The majority of members felt that the slides shown by the planning officer provided them with sufficient information about the impact upon amenity without attending a site meeting.

Cllr Roberts requested a site meeting because he believed that the amenity of several nearby cottages would be affected. And he added: “The question of anthrax needs to be explained I believe on site. The word ‘anthrax’ is very emotive.”

Ms Bevan reminded members that to have a site meeting the application had to be particularly complex or if it was difficult to visualise the impact of the development. She said: “We don’t just do them off the cuff -they cost money and they delay the determination of the application.”

See below – Anthrax warning for Wharfedale.

Stirton – November – The committee gave its unanimous support to the proposal to convert a 17th century Tithe Barn into four offices even though residents described the application as inappropriate and wrong.

Alison Griffin, the clerk to Stirton-with-Thorlby parish meeting, outlined the reasons why residents were so opposed to the application by the Trustees of Roman Catholic Purposes.

She said that the increase in traffic along the narrow roads would imperil pedestrians including the children who walked along it to secondary schools in Skipton. There was also concern that the reduction in the number of car parking spaces from 12 to six could lead to vehicles being parked on the road or across the accesses to farm fields and so impeding the movement of tractors.

She stated: “Residents oppose these plans for an historic tithe barn to be turned into an inappropriate office block and unsightly car park. If this development goes ahead you will be in direct conflict with residents. The development is wrong.”

The committee members supported her call for everything to be done to protect the barn owls which roost in the barn. Mr McPherson pointed out that barn owls were a significantly endangered species and did not move their nests to order. He questioned whether they would accept a temporary roost while the building was being converted.

Mr Charlesworth said he was sorry that the application didn’t have the support of local residents but supported their right to have a say.

He believed that this would be a very sensitive conversion of the barn that was in dire need of rescue and added: “We are desperate to provide employment opportunities in the dales which go together with housing and families. That is something I believe is fundamental and we should support it.”

Cllr  Blackie agreed with him and stated: “This is an admirable choice for a site for the sort of industry we need to attract into the dales.”

Threshfield – Long Ashes

April – New chalets to be built at Long Ashes Caravan Park can be used for holiday purposes for eleven months a year.

When approval for the siting of the chalets was given in August last year the YDNPA restricted their use to short stay holiday accommodation with no individual staying in one for more than 28 days in a year. This, the Authority was told, would make it very difficult for Lakeland Leisure Estates Ltd to sell the chalets.

The chalets must not, however,  be a person’s sole or main residence and Mr Graham was asked what the Authority was doing to ensure that such regulations were adhered to at all the caravan parks in the National Park.“We don’t check them on a regular basis. A check will be made this year,” he replied.

Cllr Blackie emphasised the need for regular checks so that people were not misled into believing that they could make such chalets their permanent residences as had occurred in the Richmondshire area.

Cllr Harrison-Topham vehemently disagreed with the majority of the members about altering the planning condition. “I think this proposal is outrageous,” he stated.

He was not convinced that a council tax bill for a permanent residence elsewhere was sufficient to stop people using such chalets as their main home.“We put our local residents through considerable planning hoops and, in effect, these structures… are to be made available in all likelihood (as) the main residence of whoever buys them. This sort of thing simply cannot be adequately policed and we should not agree to it.”

Mr Colley was concerned that the Authority would have to meet all the costs of checking the registers at all the caravan parks in the National Park, and wondered if there was any way of charging the caravan, chalet and lodge owners for such monitoring.

September – Permission was granted for an earth mound to be retained at Long Ashes Caravan Park as it was accepted that this did provide screening for the site.

Threshfield parish council  had objected to the retrospective planning application because it included the access road into an agricultural field. It asked: “As this field is to remain undeveloped why has such a substantial permanent access road been built? And what is the enormous heap of crushed stone currently in the top northern corner of the field to be used for?”

The committee agreed that the track in the field and the heap of crushed stone should be removed within three months and the field restored to its original condition.

Cllr  Roberts reminded the committee that Cllr Marshall had suggested several months ago that the  owners of Long Ashes Caravan Park (Lakelands Leisure Estates Ltd)  should submit a five-year plan for the site because there were so many applications.

He and other committee members asked that a site meeting be held at Long Ashes, preferably when the next planning application was received. Cllr Roberts commented: “The majority of the members of the committee have never been near Long Ashes.”

It was reported that another application had been received – for a 136 square metre extension to the spa facilities at Long Ashes. This extension would house a new manicure and pedicure salon, an enlarged relaxation lounge, new changing and locker rooms with shower and toilet facilities, and a lift suitable for those who are disabled, as well as a new emergency exit staircase.

December –  Cllr  Marshall told the committee that she was deeply disappointed with Lakeland Leisure Estates for not yet having provided the YDNPA with a five-year-plan for its Long Ashes Caravan Park.

Mr Graham said the company had been asked on more than one occasion to provide detailed proposals for the Park.

In its latest application the company had applied to put seven static holiday caravans on a small site which had been included in an application in January 2013. The Authority’s decision to refuse permission for that was dismissed at an appeal in July 2013.

The planning officer said that the seven caravans would not be seen from outside the park as they would be well screened by trees. The planning conditions included further ecological improvements to the whole park.

Cllr Roberts reported that Threshfield parish council still objected to the application even though the site had been included in the appeal decision.“The parish council is saying ‘Enough is enough’,” he said. “This is the largest caravan site in the National Park. I am against it being developed any more. I believe it has reached its capacity. I cannot stress how dangerous the entrance and exit from the north and south is.”

He accepted the planning officer’s advice but said he would abstain from voting because he felt the opinion of the parish council was so important.

Mr Colley and Cllr Harrison-Topham asked if the Authority could insist on a comprehensive re-modelling scheme for Long Ashes. But Mr Graham reminded the committee members that they were dealing with an application for seven static caravans. The majority voted for permission to be granted.

West Witton – February – Approval was given for the change of use of a bungalow at Chantry Country Retreat to an office and facility centre. The bungalow has been vacant since 2007 and employees staying overnight had used one of the static caravans. The latter will later be relocated to where other static caravans are sited. There will be no change to the number of static caravan pitches and it was accepted that the proposed conversion of the bungalow would improve the facilities available to customers.

Anthrax warning for Wharfedale: Kettlewell with Starbotton parish council objected in March 2014 to a garage in Starbotton being extended due to doubts about if and where animals which had died of anthrax had been buried.

At the October 2014 meeting of the parish council the following letter from the applicant, David Taylor was read out:

“Since 1983 I became aware that my plot of land was the supposed burial site of a cow infected with Anthrax in 1940. This has since escalated to numerous cattle being buried by one of the objectors to my planning application. Despite being told over the years that this was just hearsay and peculation, I have always taken this matter seriously and from 2005 I have attempted to find a safe solution to clarify the situation.

“Having spent time seeking advice from numerous agencies such as local vets, the National Archives, DEFRA, AHVLA and Environmental Health, who were not actually concerned as there were no records showing cattle having been buried in my plot. Anthrax was, even in 1940, a notifiable disease, but records do show a suspected outbreak at another location which proved to be negative during the same time.

“I was advised to speak to the Rare and Imported Pathogens Department at Public Health England, Porton Down headed by Dr Tim Brook, Head and Clinical Services Director and one of the country’s leading scientists together with Dr Judith Duggan, Principal Scientist. Having had numerous lengthy conversations with Dr Brook, he issued me with the information and guidance required to take soil samples safely and without risk.

“This I have now done, in accordance with his instructions, and the samples have been tested by PHE Food, Water and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at my own expense. The tests undertaken have proved that anthrax spores have not been detected in the samples and this week I have received confirmation of the results.

“As the Parish Council objected to my planning application on the grounds of anthrax, I would be grateful if the contents of this letter can be included in the minutes so that any interested party, together with those who have voiced their opinions on this subject, can be made aware of the results, that my land is not infected with Anthrax.”

Richard Brame, Mr Taylor’s neighbour in Starbotton, had objected to the extension and below are excerpts from the letter he sent to the Prime Minister and to Yorkshire Forward prior to the Tour de France Grand Depart in Wharfedale:

“I and many other local residents fear that the imminent disturbance of this land (for the garage extension) will create a biological health hazard to both animals and humans.There seems to be no interest taken of the very real threat that anthrax poses not just to the local environment and occupants, but also to those visiting and cyclists participating in the (Tour de France)  Grand Depart.”

He sent copies of that letter to Cllr Roberts; Julian Smith MP for Ripon and Skipton; Edward Miliband MP leader of the Labour Party; Nigel Farage  MEP; and Natalie Bennett,  the leader of the Green Party. In his covering letter he stated:“My chief concern is the risk arising from the disturbance of the land which is known to be the site of interred diseased cattle. If anthrax spores are released, the environmental consequences could be catastrophic. The impact on lives, local economy (retain, tourism and agriculture), and the reputational damage of the region … would be both immediate, and probably last for decades.I strongly believe this is a matter of national importance and needs a Government level intervention.”

John Blackie – the Rural Summit and that complaint


On Tuesday, November 25, Graham Dalton and I sat with Coun John Blackie for two hours at the Bainbridge office of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority  (YDNPA) waiting to find out what had been decided behind closed doors about the complaint brought against John.

We both knew that John’s passionate championship of local communities sometimes led to him being just a bit “over the top” in his comments, especially at YDNPA meetings. (Above: John Blackie at the Upper Wensleydale Community Office soon after he took on the role of community volunteer head postmaster to save the Post Office service in Upper Wensleydale. With him are Abbie Rhodes on the left and Imogen Kirkbride.) 

But both of us were there to defend him regarding what he had said and done at the YDNPA full Authority meeting in March 2014.  We and others felt he had been quite restrained that day! We couldn’t be sure that we would be allowed to speak at the meeting of the Standards Committee on November 25 because at one stage during the investigation against him it had not been deemed necessary to hear what we had to say.

While we were waiting Graham asked John about the Rural Summit which had been held in Leyburn the previous week (see my posts about that). John, as the leader of Richmondshire District Council, had played a key role in organising this. He told Graham:

“Early this year I wanted to find out how, even with a rural housing enabler, we hadn’t produced any rural houses for the last two years – and I know she had tried. I found out that the housing corporations and housing associations were so risk adverse now and so concentrated on the golden triangle which is Harrogate, York and Leeds, they weren’t interested in rural areas any more.”

There had been lower and lower responses to the surveys conducted to identify housing needs, he said, because people had given up hope that they would ever get affordable housing developments in their communities. But without such housing they would not be able to hang on to their young people and young families.

“I then had a meeting with the Local Enterprise Partnership – and they too were playing the numbers game and were really only interested in the market towns and the larger conurbations, and the old days of providing advanced workshops were done and dusted for ever.”

“My experience in Hawes was that we provided a rural business park ten years ago and it has only just now been filled. But in filling it we have over 50 jobs.

“Then I looked at the school rolls. I have been a (North Yorkshire) county councillor for 17 years so I asked (to see) those from 15 years ago, 10 years ago and five years ago. And I found that young families were voting with their feet and leaving the Dales.

“As an example Reeth and Gunnerside schools 15 years ago had 95 children and they now have 46. Bainbridge and Askrigg have lost 50 students out of the 117 they had 15 years ago. And then there is the loss of services for young families – like the midwife and paediatric services. In Gunnerside I found the last teenager in the village just can’t wait to get away. He said ‘ I’ve got no friends here.’ There’s no place for a young person in a village where the school is down to seven students. The Post Office has closed. The shop has closed. At that time the pub was closed – fortunately it has re-opened.

“I thought I’ve got to do something – and the only way was to get everybody together – everybody who has a role to play in economic and social development – to get them round the table and say ‘the way we’ve been doing it to date, standing on the side lines and every one of us hoping something would turn up, isn’t working. And unless we do something differently now then we are going to see the collapse of communities that will not survive without young people in their midst.’ And that’s where it came from.

“So back in June I said there would be a rural conference. I didn’t like the word conference. We’d been to conferences before – you turn up, say wonderful things and then you walk away and do absolutely nothing about it. I decided it would be a conference with a difference. Somebody provided the word summit for me and I devised the format – ‘speed-dating’.

“I wasn’t interested in any excuse, any justification. What I was interested in – what the summit would be interested in – was doing things differently in the future. And even if it failed at least you were there for the trying. And that’s what we had and I believe that what’s we got – a head of steam going.

“The most important thing about the rural summit is it reconvenes next July with everybody to come back and say what they have done differently and what progress they had made.

“Which is why what is happening today (November 25) is so important. I am willing to accept there wasn’t a conspiracy if the complaint is being, so to speak, withdrawn. Far more important is what we can do for the communities out there. Because if we don’t do anything we are going to watch them die in front of our very eyes.”

Soon after I recorded that, Peter Charlesworth, the chairman of the YDNPA, came to tell us that a formula for agreement had been accepted. I deeply respect Mr Charlesworth for all he did that morning as a conciliator.

John had been accused of breaching the Authority’s code of conduct by failing to treat others with courtesy and conducting  himself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing the Authority or his office as a member into disrepute.

In a YDNPA press release afterwards it was stated: “The allegations followed a meeting of the Authority in March and were denied by Mr Blackie. Independent solicitor John Lawrence, who was called in to investigate the allegations, decided the evidence supported them.”

Graham and I disagreed. My defence of John rested on the fact that I had recorded all the debates at the full Authority meeting in March. When transcribing those recordings I was even more convinced of his innocence.

The official meeting of the Standards Committee finally started at 12noon on November 25 and Mr Charlesworth was allowed to speak even though he was not a member and his statement was accepted:

“Having spoken at length to all concerned – may I ask that this statement be recorded by agreement with the parties: to in effect adjourn sine die on the basis that on reflection the complaint need not be preceded with to a hearing and on the basis that John Blackie acknowledges that the allegations of political motivation and conspiracy by any of the parties were wrong and that no decision is being made on this complaint one way or the other.

“The further action is a joint resolve between all concerned to work together, to meet the challenges that face the National Park and its communities in the future.

“I would like to add personally, particularly since the Rural Summit last week at Leyburn that it is essential that we all work in harmony together to do our best for the National Park the communities in the Dales.”

John accepted that and said:”I in my various public service roles will do my absolute best to deliver outcomes that are favourable to the local communities within the Dales and indeed beyond the Dales, and that I am positive they will benefit from a sound working relationship between the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and (Richmondshire) District Council of which I am proud to be its leader.”

Well – at least they (and that included Cllr Carl Lis) didn’t “shoot the messenger” !

Rural Summit – affordable housing

An ARC News Service report about the Rural Summit – Young Families – an Endangered Species? – held at Tennants Auction Centre in Leyburn on Wednesday, November 19. Coun John Blackie, leader of Richmondshire District Council (RDC) outlined the problem of migration from rural areas and Nicola Furbisher, managing director of the Yorkshire Post, emphasised the need to find solutions. A key problem was the lack of affordable housing and the speakers who addressed this issue were: Callum McKeon, RDC corporate director; David Butterworth, Chief Executive of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA); Paul Lightfoot, Property Director of Broadacres Housing Association;  and Phil Taylor, Commercial Manager of the Darlington Building Society.  The summit was organised by the RDC and sponsored by the Yorkshire Post. 

Those who took part in the discussion session were Dr Peter Annison, Ropeworks, Hawes;  Coun Linda Cowling, leader of Ryedale District Council; Colin Dales, RDC director; Emily Nicholas; Craven District Coun Carl Lis, and Richmondshire District Coun Yvonne Peacock. It was during that discussion that Mr McKeon outline further the idea for the council to set up a trading company to have an ‘arms-length’ approach to the provision of affordable housing.


Young families are an endangered species in rural and deeply rural areas of Richmondshire Coun John Blackie, told the Rural Summit.   Above: Coun John Blackie with Kayleigh Thompson (RDC Youth Council lead) and Emily Thompson (right) who is an ex-chairman of the youth council.

Coun Blackie told the summit that there had been a 26 per cent drop in the number of pupils attending the excellent primary schools in the Upper Dales in the last 20 years. “No local community can survive for long without young families in their midst. The figures I’ve spelt out indicate that many of them are not a generation away from collapse.

“Standing on the side lines are organisations which have a key role to play in social and economic development. Hoping something will turn up and improve the situation will not do. Unless a new way of addressing the crisis is implemented things will go from bad to worse,” he said.

He stressed that the various organisations had to work in partnership and added: “No one organisation holds the key to finding the answer to the crisis. It is a multi-faceted problem (that needs) a multi-faceted response.

“To resolve the crisis we will need new, fast and different actions – not long drawn out excuses to justify more of the same. If you apply the same old thinking to the same old problem – you end up with the same old problem. Small is big in rural areas.”

He quoted the example of the workshops in Reeth and said: “They might be a drop in the ocean in Leeds but they have had a huge impact on the local economy in the Upper Dales. Small investment can generate a big difference.”

The Managing Director of the Yorkshire Post, Nicola Furbisher, explained why:

“In this age of austerity cuts to local authority budgets combined with soaring house prices and petrol prices (have left) these communities on the brink. And the disappearance of cherished pubs, post offices and village shops, not to mention key services such as schools and maternity care, (means) there is less of a reason to attract people to our rural areas.”

She had been struck by the fact that the average household income of a local family was £22,100 while the average house price was £270,800. And the average age of a resident in the Upper Dales was 47. What with other factors like the drop in the number of children attending rural schools they needed to talk not only about the problems but also solutions.

“You need solutions before it is too late – before the very nature of the Yorkshire region changes for ever,” she warned. And any solutions they found could be models for other communities.

Callum McKeon, remit as a RDC corporate director includes trying to find a way of breaking the deadlock affecting the provision of affordable housing in the district. He said that despite all the efforts of the district council and neighbouring authorities little headway had been made with this.

“The figures are indicating that despite all the best efforts of all the people involved, of all the policies we have, the numbers just aren’t there. So we need to find out why that is and we need to come up with some new practical solutions.

“So why don’t we actually sit down and talk to the housing associations and find out what are the problems in dealing with affordable houses. Because maybe we can actually identify what those problems are, identify the constraints that housing associations are working under. Maybe rather than taking our traditional role as simply a planning authority we need to adopt a new approach and actually act as a development partner in sharing those risks whatever they may be to help deliver affordable houses. In other words becoming an active partner, an active risk sharer.

“The district council could also play a more proactive role in sharing the knowledge it has gained by working with the Ministry of Defence to provide more houses at Catterick Garrison with the YDNPA. He wondered also if the YDNPA would be interested in a joint approach to the central government to discuss whether the current planning regime helped rural areas deliver the types of services that were needed.

“Two voices are definitely going to better than one and we have got two departments working together. They will have ideas we haven’t thought of. If we act together we maybe can get the ear of central government – maybe get some new initiatives through.

“The district council has decided it is going to utilise its communities opportunity fund and actually put £30,000 into looking at establishing a hands on local authority trading company to deliver affordable housing. Now there are hundreds of questions associated with that idea but may be the start would be with the local authority buying up vacant properties to recycle them and put them back onto the market.

“The other extreme is the local authority actually takes on the role of developer – acquires sites and undertakes development itself. We know other local authorities are doing this. The key thing for me is – there’s been a clear commitment from the district council to try something new, to try something positive, and ….we can start straight away.”

David Butterworth, the Chief Executive of the YDNPA, remarked: “It’s fantastic that this event is shining a spotlight on this.

“I think this is a last chance for the area. I think this is the last chance for my generation …to be part of the solution of this problem. If we can’t be part of that solution we need to get out of the way and let young people take control of their own destiny.

“ I think what’s clear in all the work we are doing in the area of affordable housing is it’s not a national park issue – it’s a rural one. It’s happening all across the country from Cornwall – where a town council has caused uproar this week with a proposal to ban second homes -to Dumfries and Galloway.”

He said that with 20,000 people and 11,500 houses in the Yorkshire Dales National Park there wasn’t a shortage of housing. But there was a shortage of affordable housing. “Between 2001 and 2011 there were 1,000 new homes and the population increased by 100 people. What’s happened? What’s happening is that in 2001 15 per cent of that housing stock was second home or holiday cottage – that’s gone to 23 per cent in 2011. Nearly a quarter of the entire housing stock – that is not a viable position for the future.”

He explained that open market housing was being bought either by elderly people or for second and holiday homes. But it was now difficult to obtain finance and mortgages for houses restricted to local occupancy.

Thirty sites had been allocated in the YDNPA’s housing development plan with 50 per cent of those 230 new homes being for local market housing and the other half for affordable homes. By March this year 37 of those had been built, planning permission had been granted for a further 46 and discussions were on-going concerning three sites for another 40 dwellings. But only nine of those 133 houses were in Richmondshire.

“So what are we doing about this issue?” he asked. “Well the (Authority) members have ordered an urgent selective review of all aspects of housing delivery. The public consultation will start straight after Christmas and will include several practical proposals to remove barriers including broadening the local occupancy criteria so that the whole district can actually benefit – Leyburn, Catterick, Richmond – if there is no demand for houses within the National Park. That should give greater certainty to lenders and purchasers that properties will sell.

“Secondly we are looking at the mix of houses on the allocated sites. If necessary there may have to be an element of open market housing to improve the developer viability of the site.”

In the new local plan, which he expected would be published in July 2015, there would be provision for the conversion of roadside barns for local occupancy.

The YDNPA wanted to work with district councils to try and resolve the problem and added: “We would like to see the districts and county councils funding and supporting the investigation into housing finance.”

And then he added: “Let me upset a few people here. Lots of park residents and parish councils do not want housing. So if we do some work as partners bringing together their schemes into the market the politicians need to face down some opposition. That is a very very difficult thing to do. I don’t underestimate it as an officer because if you’ve got the community saying we don’t want housing here, that can be a major problem.”

He said the YDNPA was also looking at the provision of self-build homes and rural help to buy schemes to try and resolve the lending issues for dwellings with local occupancy conditions.

Paul Lightfoot, the Property Director for Broadacres Housing Association and Phil Taylor, the Commercial Manager for the Darlington Building Society, explained why there were problems with providing affordable housing in rural areas.

Mr Lightfoot said that the regulations were much tighter these days for lenders, with an emphasis upon value for money and control of the business.They had to be careful in the planning stage not to waste money, raise expectations or cause frustrations.

Any grants available from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) were included in the financial assessment of whether a housing development scheme would be financially viable and sustainable. Rural schemes were more costly and so required more subsidies but the grants from the HCA had fallen in the past few years.

Rents were set using a national formula and they had to be sure that there would be a sufficient number of people wanting to rent properties. For this they relied on questionnaires and surveys but were those fit for purpose he asked.

So it was difficult to convince his board that they should continue to invest in subsidised housing and it would be easier if they could share the risk with partners. H explained:

“I think the local councils have a role to play – they can identify sites. Most importantly they need to be a consistent and visible support all through the process. I am not criticising the planning system – but (we do) need to try to reduce the risk. Planning conditions can add costs.”

He especially mentioned the infrastructure conditions adding that for a small scheme an additional £1,000 could be the tipping point in making it unviable.

“Is it reasonable for a small scheme to improve footpaths in a village?” he asked.  “Is it reasonable to charge for work on verges and streams for which the county council should take responsibility? Is it right that a small scheme of six properties should spend £30,000 on facilities – and then charge £1,000 a year for maintenance of those facilities? That adds £3 a week on rents.

“We understand that we are all suffering from austerity conditions. But we need to work together for the common good to provide good quality affordable housing.”

In response to a question he said: “We are not trying to say there isn’t a need. I think it is more how we demonstrate that need to convince those who will invest in those properties to feel that there is no risk to their investment. I think we need to explore new ways to identify that need rather than by surveys. Maybe we do need partnerships to share the risk.”

Of the increased financial regulations he said: “There’s been a severe tightening in the affordability rules that all lenders have had to instigate. So all lenders are now fully responsible for assessing if a borrower can afford a loan. Lenders will still grant interest only loans but only if there is a credible strategy for repayment of the capital at the end of the term. And a mortgage lender must also check that the person can afford the repayments now and also in the future”

Although this had particularly affected low income buyers there were initiatives to help first time buyers including help to buy, equity loans, shared ownership and mortgage guarantees.

He said they were trying to make the process more streamlined to reduce the risks for the lenders and they were also working closer with the housing associations and local authorities.

He asked that planning conditions and section 106 local occupancy agreements should be kept as simple as possible and added that some clauses could lead to refusal by mortgage lenders.

During discussion time Dr Peter Annison, co-owner of the Ropeworks in Hawes stated: “The National Park is attempting to reduce the cost of certain houses by imposing section 106 occupancy restrictions. As you have heard that gives rise to all sorts of problems with the mortgage lenders.” He supported the idea of the district council being more involved with the provision of affordable homes for rent.

Mr Taylor agreed with him explaining that the hardest part was getting all the partners to work together. He said that there needed to be a commitment by all stakeholders to make any proposed housing scheme work. He preferred the help to buy scheme which had introduced incentives for developers and house builders.

Coun Linda Cowling, the leader of Ryedale District Council, said that many people were not going to get onto the housing property ladder and so there was a need for more rented affordable housing. The councils had found that rented housing was notoriously expensive to run and it was likely that the housing associations had the same problems. So they should work with the private sector to save money and make rented affordable housing more affordable.

Mr McKeon replied that was why the RDC was considering the idea of a trading company. “One of the advantages of setting up a trading company is that you are at arms-length as a local authority. We are at the very early stage of looking into this. But we think that there’s got to be a way based upon what other local authorities are doing around the country … and seem to be operating in a way that is economical, efficient and delivering the types of properties and tenures that are required for their particular areas.”

Colin Dales, a RDC director, said in response to a question from Emily Nicholas, said that there were schemes to help young people and mentioned the Young Peoples Pathway.

And Craven District Coun Carl Lis, who is a member of the YDNPA, expressed concern about the way the rents for affordable houses were increasing.

Richmondshire District Coun Yvonne Peacock described how a planning inspector for Dorset had turned down a proposal in the YDNPA’s housing development plan for four houses in Aysgarth. That scheme for four houses would not have involved a housing association. “The inspector turned it down because one resident who lived next door (to the site) objected. One inspector could throw out what we the local people wanted.”

Mr Butterworth agreed with her.

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Rural Summit – devolution and partnerships

An ARC News Service report. –  At the Rural Summit at Tennants Auction Centre in Leyburn on November 19 Richard Flinton, chief executive of North Yorkshire County Council, explained how the budget cuts were leading to new partnerships and even thoughts of regional devolution in England. The importance of partnerships was further emphasised by two Richmondshire District Council officers – Jo-Anne Simpson, culture and wellbeing delivery  manager,  and Tony Clark, the managing director.


“We are massively underfunded compared to urban areas,” Richard Flinton told the Summit. He felt that the county council could make better use of money if more power was devolved to the regions.

If the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) wanted to give 10 per cent of its money to rural areas why not give that to the county or to the districts? “Let us use that 10 per cent – that would be devolution,” he said.

“We have a massive funding challenge – to take £168 million out of the budget. That is an enormous challenge and will have an impact on services and road.” And he added: “The government needs to wake up – all the parties – and think about rural areas. There is a real national issue here that needs looking at.”

He explained: “The amount of government funding that comes into North Yorkshire for the main public services (local government, health, police, schools) is £2,598 per head of population. In Westminster the amount per head of government funding is £3,870 and in Leeds the amount per head of public funding is £3,109. If North Yorkshire had the same level of funding per head as Westminster we would receive in the region of an additional £763 million for these public services. If we were funded to the same level as Leeds per head of population then the increase of funding would be £306million for this range of public services.

“It interesting to note that the average salary levels in North Yorkshire are £25,029, in Leeds the average salary is £26,200 and in Westminster the average salary is £39,166.”

He was also concerned about how many urban roads received much more funding that rural ones, even though the latter, like those in the Dales were affected by the wide variations in weather and heavy agricultural machinery.

As Northern England had been most affected by reductions in local authority spending power he said the county council had to target its resources on the most vulnerable in its communities. This put other services such as transport, children’s centres and libraries, under a lot of stress.

“As a result we have to think what are the strengths you can fall back on to get through this. Our strengths are the types of communities we have in rural areas and in North Yorkshire. Our response to the challenge is to set money and individuals aside and to go out there and be innovative and find local solutions. We are in difficult times but I think we can get through this because of the entrepreneurial innovative spirit.”

He illustrated this by describing how 20 more libraries could join the seven which are already run by volunteers.

Richmondshire District councillor Tony Duff questioned this. He stated: “We in Leyburn are very much against being ditched yet again. We were ditched last time – we managed to fight back and we produced a service with 40 hours of library instead of the 15 (with the help of) a lot of volunteers. We are now told you are going to remove all the county council employees. I think we deserve some support.”

Mr Frinton replied: “We are not withdrawing the service. We are saying we are going to withdraw the paid staff. We will provide the books and the IT and will pay a large proportion of the library running costs. A lot of councils just take a knife to the budget. We are saying that as a partnership with the community we will see how we will work through it together.”


“Partnership working is absolutely essential – not just in terms of finance but in terms of working together to solve problems,” said Jo-Anne Simpson, Richmondshire District Council’s culture and wellbeing delivery manager.

She pointed out that there wasn’t likely to be any capital investment for many projects, so communities needed to be creative and use the facilities they had. For instance secondary and primary schools had facilities that could be used by the community in the evenings or at weekends.

“And why not use the wonderful environment? And so we are looking at unusual ways of providing vocational opportunities for young people like internships and apprenticeships, and some maybe connected with sport.

“ I think the real strength throughout the district (is that) everybody does want to work together. So let’s package Richmondshire in such a way that people want to be part of it – that they want to buy into and contribute to the brand.”

Richmondshire has been developing such partnerships for the last 10 years through a network of community offices, Tony Clark the managing director of the RDC reported. That model, he said had evolved with the various councils working together to try and continue providing services during a time of austerity.

He gave as an illustration the way office space had been allocated to the Richmond Volunteer Centre and Richmondshire DBS in half of the building used by the district council in Richmond. Charities could be based there and create a community hub to provide sustainable services for local people. “That’s the type of initiative the council wants to bring forward and deliver over the next five years,” he said.

Another example was the way the district council had supported community bus services like the Little White Bus in Wensleydale. “It is that type of service which is going to be the future of viable communities – working with communities and looking for volunteers,” he told the Summit.

This method of working with local communities had led to the district council investing a million pounds into local projects ranging from the upgrading of village halls to cultural activities. It was also supporting the Andrew and Emily Faggs’ school house project in Hawes.

“People in rural areas want to have the same facilities and access to services as their urban colleagues do,” Mr Clark commented. And that was why Richmondshire District Council had been a strong advocate for rural issues and had been involved in several campaigns in recent years to ensure rural residents got a fair deal.

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Rural Summit – helping young people

An ARC News Service report. – Emily Nicholas described the problems facing young people in rural areas when she spoke at  the Rural Summit at Tennants Auction Centre in Leyburn on Wednesday, November 19.  One of the problems was transport and Kevin Holt reported on the assistance young people were receiving through Wheels2Work and Richard Owens of North Yorkshire County Council’s integrated passenger transport department explained how some bus services were being retained by working in partnerships and with the help of volunteers.

Below: Emily Nicholas (centre) with Kayleigh Thompson, Richmondshire youth council lead, and Rishi Sunak, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Richmondshire.


Emily Nicholas, an ex-Youth Council chairman whose family lives in Wensley told the summit that however much she would love to return to her roots in Wensleydale after she completes her studies at Durham University in anthropology and sociology she couldn’t envisage doing that due to the lack of opportunities and the lack of transport. “I don’t think realistically there’s the niche for me to do what I want to do with my life here at the present time.”

She outlined the problems facing young people in the Dales: transport including bus, cycle and pedestrian routes; education and apprenticeships; housing; childcare; local youth services; health and especially mental health care; and access to hospital facilities.

She told the summit that there were 12,000 under 19s in Richmondshire and 16,500 who were under 24. But “young people” was very much an umbrella term and those over 18 had very different issues to those under 18.

Transport, and especially the cost, was the main issue given the significant distances. “One of the solutions that has worked very well across the county is the £1 one-way ticket for bus journeys. Over six weeks we saw an increase of 10,000 young people making those journeys and to me that was fantastic. I think this is a very impressive achievement.”

She explained that this had provided young people with access to further education and better job opportunities. But bus routes, especially those to Darlington, were a problem. “When you are thinking of your future the last thing you want to think is ‘Well, I’m going to have to sacrifice what I do at A levels and my chances of (going to) university and a career simply because of the buses.’”

A friend of hers has also has difficulty travelling to Harrogate where he is employed as an apprentice. “I think it’s important to increase the number of apprenticeships in the area,” she added.

The cost of transport also stops young people accessing leisure, personal development activities and local youth services – or even the opportunity to meet with others like herself to discuss the problems they faced and how to overcome them.

Emily praised Kayleigh Thompson for all the work she had done in the past six years as the lead for the Youth Council in Richmondshire. “It gives young people a chance to talk about what affects them,” Emily said.

She reminded everyone that many young people cycle or walk but local authorities gave more attention to the needs of tourists when it came to maintaining footpaths and cycle paths. “They are not thinking about young people who want to use those paths to get to school, to get to work, or to get to leisure. I would question whether the priorities are right.”

She reported that many young people also gave up a lot of their leisure and social activities as it took so much time trying to achieve their educational objectives. It was often not possible for young people to study for A levels locally and the only university in Yorkshire was at York. She warned that when young people left the area to study they might not come back.

She agreed with Andrew Fagg that if they did return, even after a short time away, they might not be easily accepted back into their community. And, of course, they faced the problem of finding somewhere to live.

“The vast majority of young people have very little or no disposable income. Rents might be really low but if you’ve got no money that really doesn’t help. What is going to happen in the interim when (searching) for a job which will allow them to pay their rent?” she asked.

Alongside affordable housing there needed to be easy access to services including childcare and hospitals. She also emphasised the need for mental health care and said: “It’s difficult enough growing up but on top of that there is the social isolation that comes from living in a rural area.

“It’s even harder when you can’t get to hospital because your family is working – and when you can’t access a doctor’s appointment or hospital appointment because the transport isn’t available.”

As for herself, she stated: “I would love to leave university with a degree that I’m proud of, come home, and set up business here. It would be wonderful. Can I? No I can’t.”

Kevin Holt, the chief officer for Wheels2Work, agreed with Emily about the problem of transport.

He said that a census had shown that only four per cent of those travelling to work in Richmondshire did so by public transport, half of those by bus and the rest by train. The majority (64 per cent) used private journey with 30 per cent walking to work. Many depended upon friends, family and neighbours for transport to hospital, with others using formal car schemes.

They were grateful to all the volunteers who helped with such schemes, including those who drove the community buses. And hundreds had benefitted from the Wheels2Work scheme. “For those over 16 having such wheels is a stepping stone to getting a job,” he said.

Richard Owens, assistant director of NYCC’s integrated passenger transport department, told the summit that the county council wanted to make sure that residents had access to a whole range of services – both conventional and non-conventional.

Of the Little White Bus Company based at Hawes he commented: “It is that type of service which is going to be the future of viable communities – working with communities and looking for volunteers.”

He said that in Skipton the county council had started to run its own bus service on weekdays when a commercial operator ceased trading. It was now working with a local community group to try and get volunteer drivers so that the bus service could also run on Saturdays.

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Rural Summit – health and education

An ARC News Service report. – Amanda Livingstone Owen of Ravenseat in Swaledale gave a graphic description of the problems that hill farming families face when she spoke at the Rural Summit at Tennants Auction Centre in  Leyburn on Wednesday, November 19. And neither she nor Linda Cork (retired local  headteacher) wanted to see the Yorkshire Dales turned into a living museum or a Dalesworld theme park. Pete Dwyer (corporate director, North Yorkshire County Council) also spoke about finding solutions to the funding problems that rural schools faced. The provision of health services in rural areas was described by Dr Mike Brooks of Reeth surgery and Dr Charles Parker  of Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group. Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden asked about the ambulance response times.


Amanda Livingstone Owen (pictured above with her daughter Annas) described herself not only as a mother of seven but also a hill farmer – an occupation, she said, which had shaped the iconic landscape and topography of the Yorkshire Dales which so attracted tourists.

“We farm the land, work with the environment encouraging wild life whilst also managing the peaty boggy moorland that has become important on a global scale with its ability to reabsorb gasses.”

But farming is a dangerous professions to be in and one of her family’s main problems is reaching medical facilities. She, like many others in the Dales, measures journeys by the time they take rather than distance – half an hour to the nearest market town and two hours to the Friarage Hospital at Northallerton.

“The roads are the slower, narrow winding country roads that are, I can assure you, tortuous to travel when you are in the throes of labour. I’ve had one emergency C section, one very premature (baby) and five (delivered) before I reached the hospital.” So to add more time to that journey to reach the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough was, she said, ridiculous.

“Now we are making that journey even more difficult. If there are complications during child birth or in other emergency situations time is the essence.” And air ambulances won’t carry pregnant women.

She recalled Mother’s Day in 2012 when they thought one of their children had meningitis. It had taken three hours and five minutes to reach Middlesbrough because the snowy conditions made it impossible for a helicopter to collect the little girl. Thankfully it wasn’t meningitis.

“Personally I feel that we’ve been left high and dry – not allowed to have a home birth as we are too far from the hospital and, having to set off for the hospital, knowing full you’ll give birth en route. Once there was a hospital at Catterick. There was a perfectly equipped fully function hospital at Northallerton complete with paediatric unit, special care baby unit and children’s consultant.” She asked if it was progress now that those services had been moved to Middlesbrough.

She related how Gunnerside and Reeth schools had been federated due to the falling number of pupils. There were 38 at Gunnerside in 1999 and only seven now. This was because property prices had gone up so much that local people couldn’t afford a house in the Dales. Many houses had been bought as second or holiday homes which were left empty in winter.

“The villages are then almost deserted. Swaledale is becoming a fine example of rural depopulation – a social engineering of sorts. A kind of natural selection is taking place where only the strongest people survive. Any weakness – either health wise or financial – and people do not stay.” Swaledale was becoming the playground of the rich, she said.

For the farmers there were additional problems caused by living in a mobile phone “notspot”. But they needed to access the internet to fill in VAT returns, log sheep and cattle movements, and even for their children to send their homework by email during inclement weather.

“What incentive is there for young people and young families to live and work here when the essential services are being constantly eroded away and the gap between what’s available to town dwellings and country dwellers is widening?”

“There is no doubt that we are blessed to live in such a beautiful place and to feel that the footsteps of our forebears echo in all that we do. But we can’t survive just on fresh air and a view. We are not a living museum,” Amanda told the Summit.


Linda Cork, who retired as headteacher of Gunnerside Primary School in July commented: “We are not trying to conserve what we have now because if that’s all we’re trying to do then we are in danger of creating some sort of theme park – Dalesworld – that gets toured by coaches and left behind at the end of the day. We need to create a structure for moving forwards. If you put this place in aspic it will suffocate and die.”

She described how Gunnerside and Reeth schools had been federated and a more informal alliance of schools in Swaledale created.

“The Dales’ schools provide high standards (and) we also provide locational choice for young families. The schools make it possible for people to plan for a life in our most beautiful rural areas and to be able to bring up their children in a setting where many of us grew up.”

She warned, however, that if one element of the infrastructure in rural areas was removed then all the others became less secure and less attractive to the next generation. This would lead to the communities being less viable.

The lack of affordable homes made it difficult not only for young families to remain in the area but also for staff to live close to the schools. What about a rural rebate on housing tax she asked, and she also wondered if there could be some sort of fuel subsidy to help towards the cost of those long journeys to hospitals or other facilities.

“I want to see what we all want to see – the Dales as a living, vibrant, growing community which attracts families to live and work here. And is (also) a hub for tourists and a renowned centre of excellence for crafts people and producers.” And so she hoped the seminar would provide an opportunity for people to make a commitment to work together to find local solutions.

Pete Dwyer, NYCC corporate director, pointed out that increasingly school funding was determined by pupil numbers.

“That’s what creates a challenge in rural areas,” he said. “We have campaigned nationally to ensure that there are changes in those funding formulas. The government has responded and allowed the introduction of a sparcity factor in local funding. “We do not want to see children travelling huge distances to access high quality education.”

The county council had found that teachers would not apply for jobs in rural areas unless they felt secure about the future of the schools. That security in rural areas had been achieved by forming partnerships, such as the federation of Gunnerside and Reeth schools, or through alliances.

Like many other speakers he emphasised that the way to continue to provide good services during a period of austerity and financial cuts was through partnerships and creativity.


Health care was a major priority for people, Dr Mike Brooks said. He has been running the GP practice in Reeth on his own for seven years and is also a voluntary doctor for the ambulance service, attending road accidents and other serious medical incidents.

He told the Summit that at his surgery patients didn’t have to spend hours on the phone trying to book an appointment for maybe two week’ s time but could just walk in and get seen.

“When you walk in you get addressed on a first name basis by people who know you. Your GP has seen you many times before and so you don’t have to explain your story over and over again. And you can leave the surgery with your medication and don’t have to find a pharmacy or wait for hours for it to be dispensed. You go home safe in the knowledge that you have been to a practise with a very high level satisfaction rate.

“We are fortunate to have very good working relationships with the consultants at Northalleton and Middlesbrough (hospitals). We also do email consultations not just with young people but with … silver surfers.”

He hoped in the future to  carry out emergency paediatric treatment using a video-link with consultants and to provide some chemo therapy treatments at the surgery. He would also like to develop the surgery as a well-being centre.

“We want to bring care closer to people,” he said. And good health care helped to keep rural communities viable.

Coun John Blackie emphasised the need for proper health care provision in deeply rural areas. He stated that health care provided by numbers and “one size fits all” was not suitable for rural and deeply rural areas.

“Without the sort of service that Dr Brooks provides and without having hospital services reasonably close, there’s no future for any communities. I think it’s time that those in London realised that,” he stated.

Dr Charles Parker of the Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group said that one of the CCG’s main priorities was to move care closer to people. The provision of health care had to be part of a lifestyle package which would encourage people to stay in the rural areas.

He added that the CCG wanted to “make sure that care is in the right place for you and not the most convenient place for the health service.” To do that the CCG wanted to see increased integration of services which would include social services.

He explained that the CCG bought health care – both hospital and community care – for the local population, but not the services of GPs or their surgeries.

He told the Summit: “We are committed to the Friarage Hospital as a hub for the rural area population maintaining an acute service at the Friarage, but maybe that will evolve. It may well be that we will meet people at the front door and then assess where is the best place for them to be treated. But that will be led by consultants.”

The ambulance response times were, he said, a priority. To do this ambulance crews could, when possible, take patients to GP surgeries rather than to hospital; and emergency ambulances were not being used to transport patients to hospital when there was a non-urgent request from a GP.

During question time Richmondshire District councillor John Amsden introduced himself as a community first responder (Carperby and Aysgarth team). He said that on two occasions when he had been called out as a first responder he had had to wait for 45 minutes or more for an ambulance to arrive. “To me that is unacceptable in a rural area,” he commented.

Dr Parker replied that they had been working very hard to improve response times and there had been a significant improvement especially in the last two years.

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Rural Summit – employment and transport

An ARC News Service report. –  At the Rural Summit at Tennants Auction Centre in Leyburn on Wednesday, November 19 BBC radio journalist Andrew Fagg described what it was like to return to Hawes in Wensleydale even though he couldn’t find employment there, while his wife, Emily, described the positive and negative aspects of rural life. David Hartley, managing director of Wensleydale Dairy Products,  reported on how the rebirth of the Wensleydale Creamery had created 246 jobs. John Moore of NyNet gave a progress report on the provision of Superfast Broadband to such rural areas and Abbie Rhodes, manager of the Upper Wensleydale Community Office,  reported on how that had developed and now included the Little White Bus  service.  Richmondshire District councillors Mick Griffiths  and Jill McMullen took part in the debate.  (Below – Andrew and Emily Fagg with their daughter Chrisyta)


Andrew described how, when working in the BBC news room early one morning, he had a look at the J R Hopper website as he needed some diversion.

He recounted: “And there it was – the national school house for sale in Hawes- very run down. Lovely simple building in a lovely setting next to St Margaret’s church. Here was a building which needed a bit of love and attention, and the school master’s cottage which we could live in next door. We could restore this place and bring it back to community use. It was an opportunity for us to contribute to the community.

“I’m a Christian and I believe God wants us to live here, to serve, to minister, to learn. I want to become part of a Christian movement here in the Dales.”

They were able to buy a home in Hawes because of the price they got for their two-bedroom flat in London. He has continued working in London, however, and explained: “We may have found this project in Hawes but we haven’t found a job yet. I can’t find a very local job in my work which would pay enough. My best friends couldn’t be based in the Dales – they rely on the connections within the big city.

“In Hawes it seems to be that the big jobs are in agriculture, the service sector serving the tourists and the small army of people who maintain the built environment of the dales. When you get beyond that the opportunities are quite small.”

Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure such as with transport connections. “Wouldn’t it be great if I could just step on a train in Hawes, go to Northallerton and then to London. Infrastructure like that could really bring economic opportunities to the Upper Dales,” he said. He was also waiting to see how Superfast Broadband would work.

Emily commented that the very basic services in such a rural area were a challenge particularly as she depended upon the bus service during the week. As a city girl who had grown up in London she was also aware how difficult it could be for outsiders to feel accepted in such a rural community.

Andrew explained: “Maybe people don’t know quite how to welcome outsiders into the group. It’s not a deliberate choice that people make but (maybe because) not many people come so they are not very well practised at it.”

For both of them, however, there is much to enjoy in and around Hawes. He said: “I grew up with the Fells all around. Mum grew up on a farm. There’s a sense of having roots here. I don’t want to get away from them – I want to come back. And I love the environment here.”

Emily explained that there was such a sense of history when driving around the area for they could tell their two children stories that related to their own family. She compared life in the city to that in the village where it was possible to become part of a community. “It’s a unique aspect of this area that children often attend the same schools as their parents and their grandparents. The (fact that) the majority of the people in the area know your children is really a very special thing. They talk to shopkeepers, they hand over money – they are becoming responsible little adults. Everything is more relaxed.

When asked if greed was a factor in the problems facing rural communities Andrew said it could be a problem but there was very little showing off of wealth. He added: “One factor in the Dales is the ethos of hard work – people work really hard here and they respect hard work. One of the things I love about living in the dales is the independent spirit.”

That independent, hard working spirit has been very evident at the Wensleydale Creamery. When the managing director, David Hartley, spoke at the Summit he especially thanked Coun John Blackie who, he said, had been very much involved with the rebirth of the Creamery after it was closed in 1992. At that time he and 58 others lost their jobs.

Now Wensleydale Dairy Products has an annual turnover of over £25million, and employs 246 people, 182 at Hawes and 64 at Kirkby Malzeard. Of those 61 were from Eastern Europe with the majority being full time employees who were living in the area. “Without them we would be relying on more agency staff. We are grateful to them for settling in the area and working for us.”

He was particularly proud of the fact that 75 per cent of the 28 managers and supervisors were home grown. He explained: “Wensleydale Dairy Products is an independent company which means we have to do everything ourselves. So there is a cycle of employment opportunity at all levels because we have jobs at all levels. We want to offer opportunities in training and development. So we give people the opportunities to become skilled and valuable employees.

“We need access to a pool of willing employees and we need to be able to attract the best to our business and to this area. To create and retain this pool we need employees who can afford to live in the area.

“To create and maintain this pool of talent we need excellent education provision, we need affordable housing schemes, good transport infrastructure, and a world class communication network – Superfast Broadband is where it’s at. Because we are operating on a world scale it has to be the best and to do that you need talented people.”

The company is now investing £5 million into improving its facilities – but that has meant borrowing from banks. That is not easy for a SME (small, medium sized enterprise) which is investing in a brand rather than buildings or machines, he said.

“We have a fantastic USP (unique selling point) for we are the only makers of Yorkshire Wensleydale cheese in the world. It took seven years to get European protection.

“We are an award winning cheese maker and blender of cheese – cheese making is at the heart of what we do. We are a company with a recognisable brand and a thousand years of cheese making history. We don’t concentrate on the past but we focus on the future. Success to us is being relevant to modern consumers. We produce about 4,000 tons of cheese a year which goes to all the major UK retailers and we export to many countries around the world. “

Wensleydale Dairy Products is committee to the area. Our brand identity is focussed on Hawes, Wensleydale and Yorkshire… and all the values associated with that. We are committed to the rural economy and to the local farmers. Without the farmers we have no milk. And if we don’t have the milk we don’t have the flavour and we don’t have a business.”

In his speech John Moore, chief executive of NyNet, said that the objective of Superfast North Yorkshire was to provide such broadband connections to all premises in the region by 2017. But provision in Richmondshire lagged behind the rest of North Yorkshire because of the topography.

“We are facing technical difficulties and won’t be able to lay fibre to all locations – and that makes it costly.” As they would reach the point where subsidies would outweigh the costs it was necessary to stimulate demand for superfast broadband in the areas where it was already available.

He said that broadband was now the fourth utility and helped businesses to store data more securely. It affected house prices; assisted with retaining businesses and skills; was becoming a necessity for farmers; and attracted more tourists to the area. Broadband he said created capacity and potential – and equality of opportunity.

About 17 miles of cable had to be laid to bring Hawes into the modern world of Superfast Broadband and the Upper Wensleydale Community Office will certainly benefit from that.

The manager, Abbie Rhodes, described how this had begun 15 years ago when with a couple members of staff and a handful of volunteers it began to provide centralised administrative services to the communities in Upper Wensleydale. It is now a community office, district council office, and a local police office as well as providing a full county council library service. It runs the Little White Bus service with the help of 24 volunteer drivers and is now a post office as well. This has meant Hawes still has a sorting office, two postmen and the outreach Post Office services to Bainbridge and Askrigg have been retained.

“When local authorities couldn’t provide as much,  with good old community spirit and by working in partnership we began to achieve this,” she said. “Our philosophy is – give people a choice, don’t make them have to choose. We are looking to provide the essential services within their community. With the best will in the world each service would no doubt struggle to survive on their own but by working together under one roof each individual organisation helps sustain them all.”

This means that services in rural areas need not be compromised and people would not have to migrate to large towns, she stated.

Both Coun Mick Griffiths and Coun Jill McMullen reminded the meeting that it wasn’t just the communities in the Dales which were in danger. This was a problem for the rural communities throughout Richmondshire.

Coun Griffiths said he lived just nine miles from Darlington but they had the same problems such as the lack of services, the closure of post offices and less children in the schools.

Coun McMullin asked if the Little White Bus scheme could be introduced to other areas. She pointed out that even those living close to Darlington had difficulty accessing that town by public transport.

Richard Flinton , chief executive of NYCC, responded that the county council not only had funds for existing schemes but also to assist with setting up new ones.

Coun Blackie, who is the leader of Richmondshire District Council, emphasised that the summit was for the whole of Richmondshire.

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The ARC News Service is run on a voluntary basis.

Rural Summit – the start-up obstacle race

An ARC News Service  report. – There was considerable emphasis at the Rural Summit at Tennants Auction Centre in Leyburn on November 19, 2014, on the need to be innovative and entrepreneurial during a time of austerity. But for Gillian Harrison of Wensleydale Ice Cream there have been many obstacles to overcome because the farm where the business is based is in the Yorkshire Dales National Park with its often opposing ideologies concerning conservation and the wellbeing of residents.  David Smurthwaite, the Rural Officer of the Local Enterprise Partnership warned that it would be difficult to encourage people to come to the area if there wasn’t a range of opportunities, and Rita Lawson explained how Richmondshire District Council was trying to encourage economic development. Those who took part in the discussion included David Butterworth (chief executive, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority), Tony Hoile of Dairy Co,  David Hartley (Managing Director of Wensleydale Dairy Products), David Poole and Richmondshire District councillor Fleur Butler.


“It has cost me personally very dear – mentally, physically and financially,” Gillian Harrison said when describing a little of what had happened since her dairy farming family in Thornton Rust, Wensleydale, had decided to convert a traditional barn close to the A684 into an ice-cream parlour.  (Above – Gillian Harrison with North Yorkshire County councillor John Blackie at the Rural Summit. Coun Blackie is also the leader of Richmondshire District Council)

This began after May 2013 when the government’s deregulation of parts of the planning system included allowing for the change of use of agricultural barns without planning permission. David Butterworth told the meeting during discussion time that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA)  had disagreed with Mrs Harrison’s plans for Hardbanks barn.

She stated: “In simple terms because of where we live we have endured a much more uphill struggle than if we lived in a town. Indeed, if we lived in an urban area we would be up and running by now. It would be considered that a new use for an old building was an excellent idea especially if it created employment.

“The fact that we are surrounded by grass has created a real problem. In our minds we feel qualified to make a judgement with all the hours we put in – we and our ancestors have put into this land – we live here because we love it, enjoy the view and the landscape and not to reap the financial rewards that other areas could provide. We want to have a successful business on our own merits and not be shot down before we have the opportunity. Dales farmers play a hugely important role in the man-made landscape that you see and without us would this be what tourists would want to visit?”

She said that in Thornton Rust there were 89 people of voting age of which 66 per cent were retired and 32 per cent were employed on the four farms. There were only seven children under the age of 16 and none under the age of 10.

“In the last 68 months the Defra milk price has been above the cost of production for only six months. My husband works 80 hours a week and certainly doesn’t get a minimum wage. There are stone walls to maintain and the fields are smaller so you can’t have the bigger equipment so the costs are higher.” As the winters are up to two months longer additional fodder has to be imported but the transport costs are high due to not being able to use articulated lorries on the narrow roads.

To try and augment the family’s earnings she had set up a small book keeping service and a retail business. The recession which began in 2011 had, however, taken a terrible toll on online retail businesses. So they needed to find another source of income besides that from their herd of Jersey cows. They spent a considerable amount on setting up an ice cream production unit at their farm and their customer base has been growing. But they soon realised that in order to make a good living they had to sell a proportion of their Wensleydale Ice Cream directly to consumers.

They felt that a modern use of a barn which would otherwise fall down would be an excellent solution. “We would love to work with the authorities to deliver a positive outcome,” she said.

When I asked why it had taken so long to move forward with converting the barn she said: “Ideology quite frankly. Some peoples’ perceptions of what’s a good idea isn’t someone else’s. And when you get those two huge forces coming together it creates a lot of friction, a lot of effort and a lot of time.”

In reply to another question she explained: “We want to offer our children the opportunity that we have had (but) in modern times you have got the older generation living longer. They have got all their money invested in that holding. In our particular instance we have three generations on one holding.

“In the last 10 years a herd of 132 Jersey cows has gone from being an above average size to now being the national average, and probably in the next ten years it will become smaller than the national average. We simply do not have the opportunity to expand. Hence the reason we are looking into diversification.”

She described the current worsening situation with milk prices as being very scary especially as they approached winter.

Tony Hoile of Dairy Co and the Princes Initiative said that dairy farms in England produced only 50 per cent of the milk that the country needed and the rest was imported. He warned that if the volatility in the milk market was not stopped this country would not have a sustainable milk producing industry.

David Hartley, Managing Director of Wensleydale Dairy Products,  noted that many of the 45 farms producing milk for the Creamery had only 78 cows, which was half the national average. This showed how critical this company was to the viability of dairy farming in Wensleydale.

Rita Lawson (RDC economic development officer) said that Superfast Broadband was a welcome boost to business and saw it as having an integral part to play in the district economic strategy. The objective was to stimulate economic development and local employment; and attract entrepreneurs and small businesses.

She listed some of the developments the RDC had already secured funding for and said it had identified potential projects. These included the Weatherald’s site at Askrigg where they wanted to see the potential of that employment land being unlocked so as to create more jobs in the Dales.

“As we’ve heard already the council can’t do that on its own. We need to work in partnership. So we need to strengthen those partnerships that we’ve got already. We need to work with the National Park, the leaders, the councils, the businesses, associations and community groups that have an interest in the dales. And encourage people to volunteer or be able to offer jobs in the small tourist attractions. We also intend where necessary to work closely with businesses such as Gillian’s and to help them develop their ideas … so that they can bring their dreams to fruition and also sustain their farms or whatever in the dales,” she said.

She added that she was available to anyone who wanted to discuss business ideas. “That’s where I see my role – talking to people and being a catalyst and hopefully bringing those opportunities forward.”

David Smurthwaite (Rural Officer of the Local Enterprise Partnership), warned that it was not easy to encourage people to come to an area if there was not a range of opportunities, little choice of jobs, poor infrastructure and insufficient affordable housing. Business development he believed needed to be focussed on the market towns and also on Catterick Garrison.

He said: “Isolated small steps get swamped – so we need to take small steps together to have a long lasting impact.”

During the discussion session  Richmondshire District councillor Fleur Butler commented that a full economic package was needed to encourage businesses to want to come to the dales. As a mother of four children she wondered how they would find decent jobs and be able to move back to the place she loved. “I’m not confident they will ever be able to access the council houses, or the affordable housing because their incomes will be slightly too high. They certainly can’t afford the (open market) houses.” She believed that more should be done to encourage self-employment and entrepreneurial activity.

David Poole told the Summit: “The dynamics of the dales area are changing. The reason is that the children and young people are being given aspirations that are excellent but unfortunately the opportunities to reach those are not here – and they will go away.” He said that they needed, therefore, to look at ways of encouraging business and employment opportunities.

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The ARC News Service is run on a voluntary basis.

Mission to save rural communities

This month N Yorks County and Richmondshire District councillor John Blackie launched a year long mission aimed at preventing the drain of young people and young families from the rural and deeply rural communities of Richmondshire including the Yorkshire Dales. (The press release issued Richmondshire District Council  is at the end of this post.) He then asked the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) to take part in this important mission. At the Full Authority meeting of the YDNPA on September 23 the Association of Rural Communities made the following statement to which the chairman of the Authority, Peter Charlesworth, made a response. See also YDNPA Full Authority meeting September 2014.

Statement by the Association of Rural Communities:

The Association of Rural Communities supports the mission launched by Cllr John Blackie to prevent the drain of young people and young families from deeply rural areas like the Yorkshire Dales National Park. This Association has, since its inception, stood for the need to protect and encourage the viability of local communities in the Dales.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority does have a duty of care to this beautiful landscape – but it can’t do that on its own. The majority of the work of maintaining this landscape is carried out by farmers and landowners, and the communities to which they belong. This means the Authority also has a duty of care to those who live and work in the Yorkshire Dales.

But many communities are becoming unviable as their lifeblood – young people and young families – are leaving. So the Authority needs to consider whether its planning system is undermining those communities.

The Authority boasts that over 90 per cent of planning applications are approved. This, however, does not take into account the number of applications which are withdrawn or the factors which stop local families applying to convert barns either into homes or for commercial use.This year a farming family in Litton has had to pay over £10,000 in various fees to obtain permission to convert a barn against officer recommendation. And they are not the only ones who have had to pay so much to fight the system.

Farmers and landowners are very aware of the high cost of working in the National Park. Those stories are shared at auction marts and create bad will and a desire to avoid the planning system. That in turn undermines small dales’ communities.

Often there is the impression that the planning system favours the rich over the poor, the wealthy incomer over those on lower incomes whose families have lived in the dales for generations.

It doesn’t help when the draft local plan looks as if it favours “glamping” and chalets cum luxury lodges over traditional camping and touring caravans. But the latter bring in far more income to local shops and businesses than from those rich enough to rent more luxurious holiday accommodation. Just look at the negative impact upon local businesses in Kettlewell when a camp site closed last year.

We were encouraged that those at the last planning committee meeting set good precedents for encouraging young families to return to the Dales and in supporting business sites like The Courtyard near Settle in their need for sufficient and good signage so as to remain viable. We hope those examples will set the pattern for the future.


Peter Charlesworth’s response:

“I really do hope that the Association of Rural Communities do not take a negative view of the work of the Authority because, if I may say so, I think there is so much more that unites us than divides us.”

He said he might not agree on the analysis of the points raised and that the problems facing rural areas had been much the same since the industrial revolution. Other national parks were facing similar problems with depopulation and he added: “Our communities here are facing very serious challenges”

“Indeed all these challenges were recognised explicitly by this authority and our partners who cooperated in making the National Park Management Plan and we set, I believe, meaningful objectives in the management plan to try and tackle them. Several of these objectives will tackled through our policies in the new Local Plan which is being consulted upon as we speak.

“I think there is also an opportunity during discussions on several papers we are discussing this afternoon to look at what practical measures we can take that can improve the situation. And that is the key for me and my final response to (this) statement. That we are genuinely trying to find practical actions rather than simply saying ‘well there’s a problem – something needs to be done about it.

“I hope as (ARC) does that we can rise to that challenge and I hope that we can work together with all parties including the Association of Rural Communities in … genuine co-operation and goodwill to try and face up to the problems which (ARC) has outlined.”

Young families becoming an endangered species –  press release issued by Richmondshire District Council.

Councillors at Richmondshire District Council have endorsed a year long mission launched by its Leader, Cllr John Blackie, to prevent the drain of young people and young families from the rural and deeply rural communities in the District.

A debate at its Corporate Board discussed concerns over the lack of affordable housing, the poor quality of employment and business opportunities, little or no access to essential services, spasmodic public transport, NHS services such as GP Surgeries and local maternity services being lost, that are evident in rural communities, and concluded the threat of these communities collapsing in on themselves was all too real unless more can be done to retain their young people and young families.

It was agreed that the problem cannot be solved simply by the Council acting on its own, as it needs a co-ordinated approach working with all those key players involved in community development with everyone acting within its own remit to make improvements, however small, to brighten the outlook for the future.

The Council has agreed to take a lead by being very active in lobbying regional and national organisations to raise awareness of the acute plight of rural communities. This will also include hosting a Conference on the issues later in the year. In the meantime it is preparing a series of detailed papers on the key concerns to explore what the Council can do, acting in partnership with others as appropriate, to help address the problems.

Cllr John Blackie said “16 years ago two local primary schools in the Upper Dales had 117 children on their combined school rolls. In September there will be just 67 pupils because local young families, faced with insurmountable difficulties to overcome, have voted with their feet and moved away. Children gracing the corridors and classrooms of our small rural schools are the lifeline to a vibrant, sustainable long term future for their local communities, and without them we are but a generation or two away from witnessing their complete collapse”

He added “Storm clouds are now directly overhead and unless we act quickly now and act together in doing so young people and young families will sadly become an endangered species in our rural areas. Doing nothing and hoping things might improve soon is simply not an option. They will not.”

February to December 2013

ARC News Service  reports on the meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA) planning committee February to December 2013.

Towns and villages are in alphabetical order.

Annual performance statistics  – In May North Yorkshire County Councillor John Blackie asked what was being done to improve the rate in which planning decisions were made, especially for those cases which could not be resolved within eight weeks.

According to the annual performance statistics provided by the planning department 258 out of 319 applications had been resolved within eight weeks in the past year. The average time for the other 61 applications to be determined had been 31 weeks. “Thirty-one weeks, for some of these applications, is unacceptable,” Cllr Blackie said.

He also pointed out that eight to ten years ago the planning department dealt with 36 per cent more applications each year with very few extra staff. “With a 36 per cent reduction in the work load we seem to be taking a long time to deal with some of the straight forward applications and those that go beyond the eight week target can sometimes go into the dark abyss.” He described how some people had phoned him either early in the morning or late at night to ask what had happened to their applications.

He added: “I think occasionally applications are simply put to one side because of other pressing work. If you do publish annual statistics then you need to look at the performance and see if you can improve it.”

Richard Graham, head of development management, said it was not as straight forward as it looked. There were a variety of reasons why some applications were not dealt with within eight weeks such as the need to provide good customer service, the drawing up of section 106 agreements, or even because an applicant had disengaged from the process. Many applications had been dealt with within nine weeks and just a handful had taken much longer. He added that ten years ago the government did not expect planning applications to be dealt with within eight weeks.

Cllr Blackie said: “I don’t want this to be taken as an attack on officers. It is desire to actually improve (the service).” He also asked if officers needed to spend so much time on agreeing conditions on planning applications.

The Authority’s member champion for development management, Chris Armitage, agreed with Cllr Blackie that such questions should be asked and said that they had been comparing the performance of the YDNPA with other National Parks. “We are on a par with other national parks in efficiency but there is still more to do,” he said.

He added that there was a small working group which was looking at what happened to applications that had not been resolved within 13 weeks. The working group did ask: “Did they just go in a drawer and ‘we’ll get back to them when we can’?” The planning department did, he said, regularly review cases that were coming up to the eight week deadline.

Local List of Validation Requirements – In October Cllr Blackie wanted committee members to have time to read the full revised version of the Local List of Validation Requirements before it was published, and so he asked that a decision on it should be deferred until the November meeting. It was pointed out, however, that the current list would expire by November 1. The new one had, therefore, to be published by that date.

The senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, accepted that this was “a bit of a mess” and recommended that the revised list should be adopted at the October meeting and then discussed in November when amendments could be made. Cllr Blackie commented that the present list of application requirements was already far too onerous.

At the November meeting Mr Graham reported that the list of Validation Requirements had been revised and shortened. He added that a good list helped to avoid delays with planning applications.

Richmondshire District Councillor Malcolm Gardner asked if applicants could be warned about obtaining a bat survey at the right time of the year. He explained that if they paid for a survey to be carried out in winter it was likely they would have to pay for another when the bats were not hibernating.

Appletreewick –  May – The committee unanimously approved the application for external alterations to the former primary school at Skyreholme, Appletreewick, which included the installation of solar panels on the south west facing roof slope.

John Jordan, the applicant, explained that he had three objectives: to improve the appearance of the building by replacing the flat roof on an extension with a ridged one more in keeping with the main building;  replace the old sewage tank, which leaked, with a modern one; and install less obtrusive black matt solar panels with black frames to make the building more energy efficient.  He added: “I want to have things in keeping with the area and I would like to see the old school house restored to use.”  He plans to re-open it as a field studies centre again.

Appletreewick parish council had been concerned that the solar panels would be unsightly on a roof which could be seen from many locations locally and that there might be leaks from the septic tank.

AustwickJune – The application to remove the local occupancy agreements on five new houses in Austwick was refused by the planning committee. Members agreed with the planning officials that if the section 106 agreement on the five houses was discharged they could be sold on the open market contrary to the Authority’s housing policies since 2006.

Craven Dt Coun Robert Heseltine commented that Kerrowmere Ltd had developed the site with full knowledge of the housing policy and that at the right prices the houses would sell. The planning officer reported that although the houses had been on the market for the last 18 months no details had been provided about how they had been marketed or at what price.

A new government regulation had made it possible for this application to be submitted and the company supported its argument partly by quoting six appeal decisions in Wales which had led to the discharge of local occupancy need agreements.

Austwick parish council objected to the application and pointed out: “The Authority’s adopted policies do not permit unrestricted open market housing in service villages such as Austwick. The obligation contained in the Section 106 agreement to restrict occupation of the new dwellings to ‘local people’ was necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms at the time when planning permission was granted, and remains necessary for the same reason. It follows that the obligation continues to serve a useful and proper planning purpose and should not be discharged.” This was re-iterated by planning officials.

One reported that the section 106 agreements were intended to make more homes available to those who met the local needs criteria and by doing so improve the social and economic vibrancy of the local community. They were not, therefore, contrary to EU Law, as Kerrowmere Ltd had argued, as it was not intended to use them to protect the needs of the less affluent. The resulting reduction in the cost of the houses was a consequence and not the intention of the policy.

The committee agreed that there were no exceptional circumstances that would lead to it going against the Authority’s housing policy. The members had been informed by a solicitor based in Wales that an appeal would be lodged if the application was refused.

Austwick – September – Permission was given for an enforcement notice to be issued for the removal of builder’s equipment, materials and a large pile of excavated soil from a site in Pant Lane.

Bainbridge – Housing development beside the Rose and Crown

March – The committee was applauded when, by a majority of just two, it agreed to approve an application by David Collinson for the construction of eight houses adjacent to the Rose and Crown Hotel in Bainbridge. The chairman of the committee, Harold Brown, warned the villagers that the decision would be referred back as this was against the officer’s recommendation.

The committee was deeply divided. Several accepted the planning officer’s statements that if the application was approved the Authority’s core housing objectives would be seriously undermined and would set a precedent for future housing developments in the National Park. Chris Armitage said they should not go against a policy which had been approved less than a year ago.

Peter Stockton, YDNPA head of sustainable development, told members that this was the first substantive test of the Authority’s new housing development plan which was aimed at ensuring that on any new site where more than one house was to be built there should be an equal mix of affordable housing for rent in perpetuity and homes which could only be sold to local people (local market housing).

But Richmondshire Dt Cllr Yvonne Peacock, as one of three public speakers, told the committee: “No housing association will want to invest any more in Bainbridge as we already have 16 at Scott Hill and 40 at Sycamore Hall. We need local need low cost houses to buy.”

She pointed out that 100 residents had signed a letter in support of the application. She explained that many of those working in the Dales, including YDNPA staff, do not fulfil the criteria to be allocated an affordable rented house but could not afford to buy a house on the open market.

Bainbridge parish councillor Ian Canavan said that a respected, local chartered surveyor had confirmed that the project would not be viable if 50 per cent of the site was allocated for affordable housing. And there was evidence that “local market” housing was needed.

The parish council and many residents disagreed with the planning officer that the development would be detrimental to the appearance of the village. Cllr Canavan added: “We firmly believe that the design is good. It is fit for purpose. And it would enhance our lovely village.”

Cllr Blackie told the committee: “The aim of the game is to keep the community of Bainbridge thriving, vibrant, forward looking (and) sustainable.” He added that there were sufficient affordable houses for rent in the village but not of “local market housing”.

Both he and N Yorks County Cllr Richard Welch warned that if there were not enough “local need” housing the villages would lose their schools and other facilities. Cllr Welch commented: “Here we have everybody wanting more housing – that’s a refreshing change.”

Like some other members Cumbria County Cllr Roger Bingham did support the application but said the objection by the County Council’s highways department regarding plans for the access to the site should be considered carefully and the design of the houses should be improved.

Cllr Blackie agreed that the design should be improved but the Authority needed to be careful not to make the project unaffordable to developers.The reasons he gave for supporting the application (for five two-bedroom and three three-bedroom houses) were that highway safety would actually be improved; local people would be provided with an opportunity to buy houses rather than just to rent; it would relieve pressure on affordable housing; that the considerable support for the project from the local community was a material consideration; and that it would not set a precedent.

He argued that it would not set a precedent because the application had been in the pipeline before new housing development plan was approved. But the senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, disagreed. She said that an application had been refused in 2010 and maintained that this was a new application which had been made after the housing development plan was adopted. It therefore had to be assessed according to the new plan.

The voting was seven to approve the application, with five against and two abstentions.

There was then a short debate about the application to demolish a listed building. Cllr Bingham, the member champion for conservation of cultural heritage, asked where this building was as all he had seen beside the Rose and Crown was an old shed. It was accepted that this building, with its corrugated roof and asbestos, was not worth preserving, especially as English Heritage had earlier given approval for it to be demolished.

One thing that all the members seemed to agree upon was what was described as being the ludicrous statement by the Architectural Liaison Officer (ALO) for North Yorkshire Police. In the planning officer’s report it stated: “The ALO comments that the proximity of the development to the main Leyburn to Hawes Road (and ultimately Lancashire) in addition to the close proximity to the Rose and Crown allows the travelling criminal a reasonable excuse to be in the immediate vicinity of the development ….”

May – Approval was given for the amended planning application to build eight houses to the north and west of the Rose and Crown with the condition that there would be section 106 local market housing agreements on all of them.

Mr Graham stated that the new plans were for simple, plain architecture which would blend in better with the built landscape of the village. The houses along the A684 would be set back from the road so as to preserve the appearance of the pub which is a listed building. There will be a footpath between the pub and the adjacent house. It was felt that this housing development would improve the appearance of the  site.

The applicant had, since a decision was deferred at the March meeting, submitted an economic viability study. This supported his argument that it would only be economically viable to build local market housing on that site. The local community had fully supported this on the basis that there was sufficient affordable housing in the village and there was a need for houses that were lower in price than those on the open market.

Cllr John Blackie commented that they should do something absolutely amazing for a community which had not only played host to the Authority since its inception but also to Sycamore Hall. “These (dwellings) will ease the pressure on the affordable houses,” he said.

Ann Brooks  and Peter Charlesworth wondered why the applicant, David Collinson, had not adjusted the plans and submitted an economic viability study earlier which would have saved time. Under the Authority’s current housing policy there must be sufficient evidence that affordable housing could not be included in such a non-greenfield development.

Inconsistencies – Chris Armitage pointed out the inconsistencies in the guidance given by North Yorkshire County Council on highways issues. There had been no objection to the access from Town Head Farm at Grassington even though there is a 60mph speed limit on the road there. Nor had there been any objections to the access from the Old Masons Yard in Clapham even though Craven District Cllr John Roberts had told the committee that it was very dangerous. And yet there had been an objection to that from what is at present the car park which serves the Rose and Crown in Bainbridge.

August – The members were unanimous that the proposed improvement and realignment of the public highway junction beside the Rose and Crown in Bainbridge did not need to be completed before work began on constructing eight houses behind the public house. Instead this can be done prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings. This was because the Tour de France race will pass the pub in July next year and the organisers would have to approve any amendments to the junction before such work could start. In addition that section of road is likely to be re-surfaced this September and then would need to be “patched” when the junction was rearranged and service connections were installed.

Bainbridge – September – The recommendation by Peter Stockton, the head of sustainable development, that Broadacres Housing Association should be allowed to let one unit at Scott Hill in Bainbridge to a non-local household which was on the Richmondshire housing list was accepted by the majority of the members. The Section 106 local occupancy agreement on that unit would resume when it was subsequently vacated.

Broadacres had asked for a temporary variation of the Section 106 agreement because it had not been able to let that two-bedroom unit. The majority of the members accepted that Broadacres had made every effort to advertise it to locally qualifying households.

Cllr Blackie explained that unit 21 had originally been the chapel of rest. “Local people felt it was a bit early to be tenants of this property,” he commented.

Cllr Marshall was very concerned that a review of local occupancy agreements might not be included on the agenda for the full authority meeting on September 24. She said that more flexibility was needed for these giving the example of someone from Skipton not being allowed to buy a house in Kettlewell on which there was a Section 106 agreement.

Carlton in CoverdaleFebruary –  The planning committee yet again gave retrospective planning permission for the installation of a kitchen extractor system at the Foresters Arms in Carlton.

Permission had originally been granted at the meeting in September 2012 but this was challenged through the judicial review process and subsequently quashed by the High Court in January. It was quashed because the summary reasons were inadequate and it was considered that the way in which planning policy and other material considerations were explained in the original committee report were unclear.This time great care was taken to make sure no fault could be found with the procedures or the decision to approve the application.

The majority of the committee again accepted that the large flue on the rear of the pub could be easily removed without causing any damage to the fabric of the listed building. It was agreed it should be painted in a stone colour so as to fit in well with the rest of the building.

It was also accepted that the flue along with the rest of the extractor system was necessary for the viability of the Foresters Arms as a community pub. The flue must be removed when no longer in operation or if the pub is no longer in use.

ClaphamDecember – The extensions to Marton House at Riverside in Clapham will provide an opportunity to improve the 1960s building Chris Armitage said when he proposed that the planning application should be approved.

This followed a site meeting when members of the committee were able to see what the house looked like at present with its rendered blockwork and artificial reconstituted limestone walls. The owner wants to change the external appearance so that it blends in better within the Clapham village conservation area.

Ann Brooks commented: “I feel it can be improved and you can’t see it (from the road) very well.”

The planning officer had recommended refusal because he believed that the proposed extensions would significantly and excessively increase the mass of the building to the detriment of the conservation area.

Clapham-cum-Newby parish council supported the application because the proposed extensions would not overlook neighbouring properties and did not extend beyond the footprint of the existing building.

When the majority of members agreed with Mr Armstrong and the parish council the head of development management, Richard Graham, said that the approval of the application would not need to be confirmed at the February meeting even though it was against officer recommendation.

CoverdaleLickber Lane

March – The committee heard that British Horse Society intended to serve an enforcement notice on North Yorkshire County Council’s Highways Authority in order to get Lickber Lane near Melmerby in Coverdale restored to the condition it was in before the local farmer, Andrew Avison, filled it with earth excavated when he had a new slurry pit constructed.

But the chairman of the committee, Harold Brown, warned: “What I don’t want to see is us develop an argument or an enforcement with the county council.” Some members had argued that the YDNPA should be prepared to take enforcement action itself.

The senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, explained that this would involve not only serving a notice on the farmer, but also on the Highways Authority as it was responsible for the maintenance of the right of way. This led to N Yorks County Cllr Richard Welch asking if the county councillors should therefore declare an interest. Ms Bevan advised that they should declare a personal interest – which they did.

Several members described Lickber Lane as an illegal landfill site and agreed with Cllr Bingham that the earth should be removed and the original “sunken” surface of the lane restored. He said: “We are dealing with the preservation of a historic feature which we are pledged to maintain and preserve.” The question was – just how to achieve that.

After a lengthy discussion the majority voted in favour of N Yorks County Cllr Roger Harrison-Topham’s proposal that Mr Avison’s retrospective planning application for the infilling of an unclassified county road should be refused, and that the Authority should write to the highways department requesting that it should ensure that the “sunken” condition of the lane was restored. Several members were not convinced that the Highways Authority would respond to such a letter and it was agreed to follow up on this in three month’s time.

Cllr Harrison-Topham, who lives in Coverdale, said that the highways authority was at present laying pipes down the lane to take water away from the nearby road. He added that the sunken status of the lane had meant it had served as a stream bed in recent years rather than as a path or highway of any sort.

He told the committee that Lickber Lane had not been on the county council’s published list of streets. Research had, however, shown that it was an Unsurfaced Unclassified Road and was maintainable at public expense. Like other members he argued that it was not the duty of a planning authority to clear a highway.

Ms Bevan pointed out that the lane’s status was still not clear as the Highways Authority was not sure what kind of traffic would be using it and, therefore, what the level of maintenance should be. And the planning officer reported: “The Highways Authority also have specific enforcement powers to require the lane to be reinstated but have pursued the option of downgrading the lane as an alternative course of action.”

June – The YDNPA will not be taking enforcement action against North Yorkshire County Council over the infilling of Lickber Lane near Melmbery, Coverdale. At the planning committee the members heard that the county council had offered to discuss remedial action.

Cllr  Harrison-Topham commented: “The one thing we want to avoid here is an inter-authority punch up.”

The planning committee wants to see Lickber Lane returned to its original “sunken” state and believes that the infilling carried out by Andrew Avison had resulted in the loss of an historic feature in the Dales landscape. In September 2011 Avison infilled the lane with earth excavated when a new slurry lagoon was being constructed at his farm.

Cllr Harrison-Topham explained: “This particular lane had been omitted in error from the (county council’s) list of streets. The farmer thought what he had was a private lane with certain easements for certain people from the parish to go down to the river. He thought he was tipping on his own land.”

Other committee members on Tuesday stated that it was still illegal tipping which should be prosecuted. They did, however, accept the advice of Richard Daly, the monitoring officer, that nothing could be gained by serving enforcement notices on Mr Avison or the county council.

Mr Daly reported that the county council’s solicitor had informed them that the highways authority considered that Mr Avison had improved the lane but did not own it. Nor did the county council feel it was good to return the lane to its original overgrown and unkempt appearance. He added that if the county council was required to remove the earth it would very likely return the next day and fill it back in again using its permitted rights as a highway authority.

Richard Graham, head of development management, said the county council had agreed to take remedial action to bring the lane back into a “sunken” state but also to ensure that it was useable for those people who had rights to use it. The highways authority would hold a site meeting with the YDNPA planning department to discuss this.

“From my point of view this is the best outcome we are likely to achieve,” Mr Graham said.

Dentdale February – It was agreed that an enforcement notice would be served by the end of February for the removal of a poly tunnel at Birchentree Farm, Cowgill in Dentdale. The farmer would have 84 days to comply – giving him time to finish lambing.

ClaphamMay – The majority of the committee members felt they should make a decision concerning the conversion of the office in the Old Masons Yard at Clapham according to the Authority’s present housing policy. The Authority had received notification from the government that there will be new permitted development rights  under the National Planning Policy Framework that will allow the change of use from office to residential but as yet did not have the full details.

In February 2012 the planning committee approved an application for the office and store beside it to be converted into “local need” housing comprising of two dwellings and a bungalow. The  latest application was for the office to be converted into a five bedroomed holiday let.  Cllr Roberts said that the applicant believed it would be difficult to sell local need dwellings. He added: “The applicant has got to prove that.”

The majority  accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that this application should be refused partly on the basis that the provision of holiday accommodation was in conflict with the Authority’s housing policy.

FeizorMay – The section 52 agreement on Top O’T’Hill Farm at Feizor will be lifted after a majority of members accepted the planning officer’s recommendation. She stated that there had been an element of unfairness in the way that it had been imposed in 1990, and that the case was very similar to that of Hazel Head Barn at Hawkswick.

Cllr Blackie commented that, when discussing the Hawkswick case, he had warned that there were about half a dozen other section 52 agreements which had been similarly imposed in the early 1990s. “There are very similar circumstances of unfairness and precedent,” he said concerning the barn conversion at Feizor. He felt it was now pragmatic and sensible to lift that agreement especially as the section 52 agreements were draconian and undemocratic.

Mr Armitage asked how much of a precedent had been set by the decision to lift the agreement on Hazel Head Barn. Richard Daly, the YDNPA monitoring officer, replied that this was very limited and affected only a small number of cases. Six of the members voted to discharge the agreement on Top O’T’Hill, with five abstaining and one voting against it.

Grassingtonmilk processing facilities at Town Head Farm

May: It was agreed to defer a decision on the planning application (part retrospective) for extensions to the milk processing facilities  at Town Head Farm so that a site meeting could be held.Cllr Roberts proposed the site meeting on the basis that this was a complex site and because it was in the public interest.  He pointed out that the economic development officer for Craven District Council had stated that the application met the key themes and priorities of that council’s economic development strategy.

Cllr Blackie noted that the business aspect of the application had to be considered at the site meeting.There is considerable local opposition to the application and Grassington parish council has objected to it on the basis that it would adversely affect the residential amenity of neighbouring properties and the environment of the area as well as resulting in unacceptable levels of traffic. The planning officer has recommended refusal not only because of the impact upon those living nearby but also because of the harmful impact upon the landscape.

The application is for additional cattle housing, roofing and cladding of the loading bay area; the creation of a hard-standing area, office and agricultural worker facilities; and the change of use of agricultural buildings and hard-standing areas to accommodate the dairy processing and distribution infrastructure.

Milk has been processed at Town Head Farm since 1994.  The processing of milk had increased from 2,779,593 litres in March 2002 to 12,437,964 litres in March 2012. This was achieved in part by processing milk from third-party suppliers.  If the expansion of the facilities is approved the applicant, David  Oversby, expects an increase of the farm’s own milk production to 1,600,000 litres and of purchased milk to 22,000,000 litres by 2023. Orange juice concentrate is also processed at the farm.

June: – A decision about the Town Head Farm (Dales Dairies)  application was deferred to allow time for more negotiations with the owner, David Oversby.

Several members of committee said they had lost sleep over this planning application for increasing the milk processing capacity at Dales Dairy.They applauded Mr Oversby’s family’s success in expanding the business. It now has 50 full time workers and processes milk for 15 local dairy farms. Six of these had nowhere else to send their milk after a major distributor went into liquidation in 2009.

Jonathan Caygill, speaking on behalf of those 15 farmers, stated: “Without Dales Dairies some of these would not be able to continue dairying within the Yorkshire Dales. Dales Dairies… is a great example of co-operation within the National Park. I urge you to approve the application to safeguard local dairy farming within the National Park.”

But at the same time the development of such an agricultural light industry enterprise in a residential area had had a major impact upon its neighbours.Tanya Graham, on behalf of some residents, told the committee that the large number of wagons posed a threat to pedestrians along the narrow lanes and added: “These industrial processes are right next to people’s houses and it is a 24-hour operation. It impacts severely on residential amenity.

“I have been asked by someone to point out that they have barely had a proper night’s sleep in three years and by someone else that this lack of sleep is now affecting her ability to work and therefore her business. This is a 24-hour seven-day a week problem of noise.”

Several members of the committee agreed with Grassington Parish Cllr Michael Rooze that the business should be re-located, preferably to somewhere local. Chris Armitage, a member of the committee, said that otherwise they were sentencing residents to a life time of disruption and many more sleepless nights.

Cllr  Roberts was one of the members who said he had lost sleep thinking about this issue. He said that Craven District Council’s economic development officer considered the development to be in accordance with the district council’s development policy.

He reminded the committee, however, that the planning officer had reported that seven YDNPA policies had been broken by Dales Dairies. Part of the application for change of use of buildings and hard-standing areas was retrospective.“This agricultural venture is in my view a great success story but it is also a victim of that success. My heart tells me to approve this but I cannot find any compromises to the traffic problem and the loss of amenity to residents. I believe he is just in the wrong place.”

He asked that if the application was refused there should not be any enforcement within two years. But the head of development management, Richard Graham, advised against this.

Mr Graham explained that the officer’s recommendation to refuse the retrospective application did not include enforcement because they wanted to be able to continue negotiations with Mr Oversby to consider his options not only to provide for his business but to also to protect residents. “We like to find solutions,” he said.

Several members then asked if a decision could be deferred to allow for negotiations to continue with Mr Oversby.

One of those was  Cllr  Blackie who emphasised the huge importance of supporting the small dairy farms in the Yorkshire Dales. He compared the situation to that in Hawes where local people supported the Wensleydale Creamery because of its economic benefit to the community, including the provision of jobs.“Sometimes (industry) has to be in the midst of community because it supports that community. We have the environmental officer giving the okay to this operation (at Grassington) – and the highways authority.” He didn’t want the Authority to be the “villain of the piece” in closing down the Dales Dairy.

At the end of a lengthy debate the six members who wanted the application to be refused were outvoted by seven others. There were then eight in favour of deferral, with one against and three abstentions. Mr Graham wanted it deferred for just one month while some members requested two months. Mr Graham said there would be a progress report at the July meeting.

The full application was for additional cattle housing, roofing and cladding of loading bay area, creation of hard-standing area, office and agricultural worker facilities and change of use of agricultural buildings and hard-standing areas to accommodate the dairy processing and distribution infrastructure (part retrospective).

July : The planning officer gave an update on the discussions with David Oversby concerning the milk processing plant at Town Head Farm.

Cllr Roberts asked why there had been a discussion about moving the processing plant to another site or providing additional pedestrian refuges on Bull Ing Lane as these were not included in the application. He was told that the applicant had raised the issue of pedestrian refuges, and the question of moving to another site arose as the officer had recommended refusing the application.

Cllr Roberts emphasised that as there were 50 jobs involved it was important for the business to remain in the area.The committee was told that the application would be discussed fully at the meeting in August.

As she would not be able to attend that meeting Cllr Marshall said that it was important that, should the committee be minded to approve the application, members and officers should make sure that the appropriate conditions were attached and that it was clear which agency (YDNPA, Traffic Commission, the Police or the local authority) was responsible for ensuring that those were fulfilled.

She also wanted to know if it could be ascertained what percentage of the farm was now being used for commercial purposes and to have an assessment of what the business was worth within the local economy. At present all of the farm was valued as being for agricultural use. She also wanted conditions concerning working hours to be included. Her other concern was that the heavy traffic from the farm was creating a very dangerous situation for pedestrians using Grass Wood Lane.

Richmondshire District Cllr Malcolm Gardner pointed out that most of the work in the processing plant was done by hand at present, but if more automation was introduced it would be far noisier.

Richard Graham, the head of development management, said that the parish council would be kept informed. Andrew Colley asked that there should also be time for a public meeting in Grassington.

August : After a two-hour debate  the proposal to approve the extensions to the milk processing plant at Town Head Farm was passed by just seven votes to six. This decision had to be ratified at the September meeting as it was against officer recommendation.

Part of the application by David Oversby was for retrospective approval but, once the vote had been taken, Cllr Harrison-Topham, pointed out that it was not clear what had been approved by the planning committee in 2006, nor how much of the milk processing plant had been in production for over ten years. This will be important in September if the decision to approve is overturned.

Peter Charlesworth, who is the chairman of the YDNPA, argued that the planning officer was correct to recommend refusal because the development was causing so much harm to the environment and to the amenity of many residents in Grassington. “What weight do we give to residents or to the parish council?” he asked. He reported that 90 people in Grassington had used Cynthia Colley’s survey to register their disapproval of Mr Oversby’s application.

Cllr  Harrison-Topham told the committee that he had been lobbied by Mrs Colley to vote against the application. Her husband, Andrew Colley, is a member of the planning committee and of Grassington parish council.

Mr Colley declared a personal interest at the beginning of the debate, and spoke and voted against approval.Mr Colley stated that Mr Oversby had built up a fantastic business but it was in the wrong location. He added that the parish council had listened to residents at a public meeting in January and had, therefore, objected to the plans. This was on the basis that they would adversely affect the residential amenity of neighbouring properties and the environment of the surrounding area, as well as resulting in unacceptable traffic levels.

Speaking on behalf of the parish council Michael Rooze said there appeared to be a “magnificent seven” on the planning committee which was very, very pro farmer. He argued that even Mr Oversby had accepted that this was an industrial plant and added that the employment situation there would only change if and when successful enforcement action was carried out.

Cllr Roberts however argued that in the past few months Mr Oversby had amended the plans to try and lessen the impact of the plant on residents. This included an assurance that lorries would only deliver and collect milk between 7am and 7pm each day.

Both he and Cllr Blackie pointed out that the Economic Development Officer for Craven District Council had supported the application because the business was making a significant contribution towards maintaining a diverse and prosperous economy and was a major employer in the area.

When proposing that the application should be approved Cllr  Blackie said it was a very difficult decision to make but they needed to remember that the statutory consultees like the Highways Authority and the Environment Agency had not opposed it – something which would be taken into consideration by an appeal inspector.

He added: “Mr Oversby had made tremendous compromises when trying to respond to the understandable and quite legitimate concerns of nearby neighbours”. In addition Mr Oversby had made a commitment in writing that there would be no further expansion on that site.

Cllr Blackie told  the committee that the business was worth £4million to the local economy, which included £1.3 million in wages, with 55 people being employed and 15 local farms dependent upon the plant to process their milk. “Sustainability and local prosperity does not come without a price. Please don’t associate the National Park with a message that we don’t want to encourage rural enterprise,” Cllr Blackie stated.

He pointed out that the impact upon the landscape of the Wensleydale Creamery buildings and its car parks at Hawes was considerably more than that of Town Head Farm. There was much more movement of lorries from the Creamery and the majority of those heavy vehicles were driven through the centre of Hawes.

The proposal to approve the application was on the basis of the benefits of employment both on the site and to local farms; the benefits to the local economy of having a successful business there; and also that the statutory consultees (governmental health, highways and the economic development authority) have raised no objections.

It was agreed that during the next month conditions should be drawn up which would try to meet the concerns expressed by residents and members of the committee.

September : The “knife edge” vote on the partly retrospective application for the extension of the milk processing plant at Town Head Farm went in favour of the applicant, David Oversby with eight members voting for approval and seven against.

In what the chairman of the Authority, Peter Charlesworth, described as an excellent debate members discussed what the balance should be between the economic advantages of approving the extensions to the Dales Dairies milk processing plant compared with the detrimental impact upon the amenity of those living nearby and upon the landscape.

Cllr Blackie argued: “We are talking about employment in an area that is not over endowed with employment. We are talking about sustaining dairy farms, particularly small dairy farms – the very heart and soul of our national park (with its) wonderful landscapes. It’s a great shame we can’t have the prosperity without the impact but unfortunately it imposes on some people.”

Cllr  Roberts pointed out that Dales Dairies employed 50 people full time and six full time. It also helped 15 local farms to continue with dairy herds. He added: “We have lost two dairy farms in Wharfedale in the last two years. The fostering of economic wellbeing is a material consideration.”

He said that although he had originally been against giving approval and still felt that the milk processing plant was in the wrong place the applicant had now addressed all his concerns. This included being willing to use cladding to reduce noise to about 40 decibels. Some of the fleet of vehicles were now being parked overnight at Cracoe.

The first to argue the case for refusing the application was Andrew Colley. He declared a personal interest on the basis that he was a resident of Grassington, had a B&B business in Wood Lane which was affected by the traffic from the milk processing plant and was a member of Grassington parish council.

He said that the road network could not be returned to how it was because within a day it would be damaged again due to the volume of traffic. He argued that Dales Dairies should move to a better site with good road access and facilities.

Both he and Mr Charlesworth did not believe that employment at Dales Dairies had had such a beneficial economic impact upon Grassington and quoted the Spar supermarket (owned by the chairman of Grassington parish council) as an example.

Ann Brooks was against giving approval because not only was it partly a retrospective application but also because she felt there was a significant harmful and detrimental impact upon the amenities of those living nearby.

Cllr Marshall said that there had been a significant change of use from agricultural to industrial at Town Head Farm and added that if so many stringent conditions were needed the committee should question giving approval. She did not believe that the economic arguments over rode the fact that the amenity of residents was being affected from 7am to 7pm each day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.

The conditions will include a traffic monitoring scheme offered and paid for by the applicant, who will also pay for 100 per cent of the cost of repairing Bull Ing Lane.

It was pointed out that the Highways Authority had not objected to the application, nor had the district council’s environmental health department.  The Economic Development Officer at Craven District Council supported the application.Grassington Parish Council objected to the retrospective application because it would adversely affect the residential amenity of neighbouring properties and the environment of the surrounding area; and it would result in unacceptable traffic levels.

(In early 2015 Dales Dairies bought a facility at Keighley so that the business could be moved by 2016 from the Grassington site where it was at full capacity. It expected that most of its work force would move with it and it would go on processing milk from small Dales’ farms.)

Grassington – June – The application by Andrew and Cynthia Colley for two “local occupancy” homes to be built at Lythe End in Wood Lane, Grassington, was approved.

Cllr Blackie was concerned that no time would be given for the planning officer’s report before a vote was taken. He commented:  “The point was made to me by the ombudsman that we’d been too quick to agree what appeared to be a member’s application. So please can I hear from the officer.” Mr Colley is a member of the Authority.

After the officer’s report  Cllr  Roberts pointed out that this was the first of the “affordable housing” sites designated in the Authority’s new housing plan to come to the committee for full planning permission.

Cllr Blackie asked that the applications for such sites should include a list of concentric rings for the parish eligibility so that occupancy would be restricted to local people. “Nothing would annoy people in Grassington more than to find that suddenly those from beyond the boundary have equal priority,” he said.

(At the August meeting the Association of Rural Communities did ask if Mr Colley should have declared an interest on the basis that he lived in Grassington and was a member of the  parish council as the YDNPA’s  code of conduct stated that an interest should be declared if “you are, or ought reasonably to be, aware that a decision in relation to any item of business which is to be transacted might reasonably be regarded as affecting your well being or financial position…” At the August meeting he had stated that there were problems along Wood Lane due to the number of lorries travelling to and from Dales Dairies. )

Grassington – Grassington House Hotel

October – Most of the YDNPA planning committee members agreed that the extraction flue on side of Grassington House Hotel looked awful but not all were ready to approve an enforcement notice demanding its removal within three months.

Cllr Blackie argued that although the flue was ugly the hotel would lose its star rating from the Environment Agency if it did not have one. As the Authority was committed to supporting businesses during the Tour de France Grand Départ next year it was not reasonable to enforce the removal of the flue within three months, he said and added: “I agree we must do something about it. But let’s give them a chance to put forward positive proposals.”  He  therefore proposed that there should be a one month deferral.

Chris Armitage, however, reminded the committee that it was a criminal offence to carry out such work on a listed building without planning consent.

And Peter Charlesworth stated: “This is one of the most iconic buildings in the southern part of the National Park. It has been listed for well over 50 years. It is a building of great architectural and historical importance. And yet in 2008 they decided without planning permission to plonk this dreadful extraction flue on the outside of this building.”

He added that the Authority’s officers had been negotiating with the owners since then and that three months was now adequate for them to do something.

The enforcement officer’s report stated that holes had been drilled into the stone face of the building to support the brackets of the flue, and that one of the fixings had been screwed into the window jamb of the 18th century stair window.

Like other members Cllr Harrison-Topham felt there had to be a long-term solution to the problem of hotels and pubs being able to meet the requirements of the Environment Agency for extraction flues without placing such ugly objects on listed buildings.

The enforcement officer reported that the owners had also not applied for planning permission before installing iron railings in front of the building and replacing traditional signs with modern ones.

Several members did not agree with the senior listed building officer’s view that the modern signage was inappropriate on the listed building.

By just two votes the committee did vote for a one-month deferral and so the recommendation for enforcement action to be taken concerning the extraction flue, the iron railings and the new signage will be discussed again at the November planning committee meeting.

November – Any application for a new extraction flue at Grassington House Hotel must include details of how it will be fixed to the building, Andrew Colley told the committee.

He said: “One of the problems with (the present) flue is that not only is it too big but that it’s been fastened onto a grade II listed building through the sills and this is totally unacceptable.”

The committee was told that the owner of Grassington House Hotel had verbally agreed that the extraction flue was visually unacceptable on the listed building. He is now considering the installation of a more efficient kitchen system which would include a smaller low level flue.

Mr Colley and other committee members would like to a solution to be found for the problem of large extraction flues on listed buildings and wondered if this could be discussed with the manufacturers, the Environment Agency and the National Trust.

The committee also heard that the owner of Grassington House Hotel had already removed the sign which had been on the listed wall and intended to replace the glass panes with the No 5 logo within the conservatory dining room windows with clear glass.

Richard Graham, head of development management, said that the impact of the signage had been accumulative and it had been agreed that the illuminated sign above the front door could be retained.

Giggleswick – September – Permission was also given for enforcement action to be taken to stop agricultural land at Fiddlecase Field from being used to store building equipment and materials. A shed will also have to be removed.

Hawes – February – It was agreed to defer a decision on the future of St Margaret’s Hall in Hawes for six months. Cllr Blackie requested this to see if, with a reasonable valuation, it was possible to either bring it back into community use or convert it into two local occupancy homes.

A&T Developments had requested planning permission to extend what had been the school masters house into the hall to create a five-bedroom dwelling. Cllr Blackie was informed at the meeting that the planning permission granted in 2007 for the hall to be converted into two local occupancy homes had now expired.

Hawes and High Abbotside parish council had objected to the latest application and had informed the planning committee: “Councillors felt very let down when it was pointed out that not only would the two small houses for local occupancy be lost but also the funds were to be absorbed by the Diocese and would not be spent on improving facilities at St Margaret’s church.”

Hawes – February – The planning officer had recommended refusal of an application by Ian Dinsdale to replace the garage at his home in Gayle Lane, Hawes, with a larger one because it would detract from the character and appearance of the area.

Cllr Blackie pointed out that there was a lot of new development in that area and permission had been granted for extensive remodelling of the Wensleydale Creamery which was across the road from Mr Dinsdale’s home. He argued that Mr Dinsdale’s new garage and workshop would not be so intrusive on the landscape given the amount of housing around the field next to his house.

This was accepted by the majority of the committee and the application for the new garage and change of use of land to form domestic curtilage was approved.

Hawes – April – The news that there would be no “erratic” design feature on top of the new cheese production building at the Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes had a mixed reception at the meeting.

“I am quite delighted that the erratic has disappeared,” said Ann Brooks, whilst Chris Armitage commented: “One man’s iconic structure is another man’s carbuncle.”

But without the erratic the unit would be a characterless building said Cllr  Harrison-Topham. He added: “It’s impossible to make these buildings delicious but it’s less ghastly with a pillbox than without.”

What he described as a pillbox was the replacement for the erratic. This addition to the roof of the building will house the visitor centre. It is now proposed that it will be clad with glass emblazoned with a ‘Wensleydale Creamery’ sign.

Members asked how large that sign would be, if the glass would be reflective and how much light from the visitors’ centre would emanate from it. Nor were they sure from the plans provided as to the intended shape of the visitors’ centre.

“I just don’t want it to be so obtrusive,” Mrs Brooks said and William Weston added: “My personal guidance is…try to keep it as simple as possible and as low as possible.”

Cllr  Blackie explained that the Creamery was now supplying cheese to virtually every major supermarket chain in this country as well as to a number abroad. The buyers who came to Hawes would have visited ultra-modern production units elsewhere and would expect to see similar at the Creamery. Instead the buildings were old, dowdy and often leaking.

“It’s vitally important to present a more hygienic image for the buyers who come to order huge amounts of our fabulous cheese. It’s all about the impression,” he added.

He asked the committee to give approval for the planning officers to work with the company and the architect about the details of the permission so that work on construction could start next January. He also asked that Hawes and High Abbotside parish council would be consulted before the final permission was given.

The amended plans included the different method of housing and cladding the visitors’ centre; the building to be faced with timber boards instead of reconstituted stone material; and that the construction work could be carried out in two phases. The latter will enable cheese production to continue at Hawes rather than being shifted for a while to the company’s production unit at Kirkby Malzeard.

Richard Graham, head of development management, was asked what additional condition would be applied concerning the phased method of working but he explained that he had only received the initial details about that the day before the meeting. It was agreed that the Creamery should not be a construction site for too long.

Mr Graham explained that the design of the building was novel and some of the materials untried in the National Park. “Officers don’t object to the use of modern materials in principle and particularly in this context where you have a wholly modern factory building. But officers do have some concerns about the finished appearance and particularly the size of the business logo,” he said.

Such details will have to be submitted and approved before construction could start. The committee agreed that the officers could do that.

Hawes – August – One side of the new GTEC Training building at Hawes has been described as “the biggest mirror this side of Kansas”, Cllr John Blackie told the committee.

Originally the planning committee had asked that the building on the Brunt Acres Industrial Estate should be clad with natural stone. In August 2011 an application to use artificial stone instead was refused and this decision was upheld at appeal. The appeal inspector stated that “even a better matching reconstituted stone would be an inferior solution.”

The building has been constructed and is in use as a renewable technology and training centre but no stone cladding has been carried out. The south gable, which can be seen from outside the industrial estate, is, therefore, like a large mirror.

At a site meeting in July which was attended by the GTEC managing director, Griff Thomas, and members of Hawes and High Abbotside parish council it was agreed that reconstituted stone should be used if it was exactly like that in Mr Thomas’ latest application. This was for Forticrete “Anstone – Brown Old Weathered” or something similar. The planning committee gave approval for this.

Hawes – December – The committee unanimously agreed with the planning officer that an application by Honeycott Caravan Park to substitute touring caravan pitches for three static caravan sites should be refused.

Hawes and High Abbotside parish council had argued that there was a need in the National Park to retain touring pitches for tents and caravans, and to refuse this application would be in line with a decision by a planning inspector who stated that there should be a balance of various types of visitor accommodation available in Upper Wensleydale.

Helwith Bridge – Arcow Quarry – November – Dave Parrish, the YDNPA’s minerals and waste planning officer, told the committee that the companies operating Dry Rigg and Arcow quarries had now merged to become Lafarge Tarmac. This company, in accordance with the YDNPA policy to minimise road haulage from quarries, wants to construct the railway sidings at Arcow Quarry to serve both that and Dry Rigg Quarry. Separate approval will be required from Network Rail.

HettonFebruary – The committee chairman, Harold Brown, had to curtail Cllr Heseltine’s enthusiasm when it came to the application to change the conditions on a worker’s dwelling at Manor Farm, Hetton from a Section 106 agreement to an agricultural tie.

“I think this is absolutely straight forward is it not. The recommendation … is eminently sensible,” Cllr Heseltine said before Brown reminded him that the planning officer hadn’t yet given his report. But as it was late in the afternoon no-one bothered too much and within minutes approval was given.

In his written report the officer had noted that the committee had given permission in June 2012 for the agricultural workers dwelling at Manor Farm subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement tying the building to the farm.

Subsequently there were problems with the financial arrangements. The applicant, Matthew Reeday, therefore wanted to be able to obtain his own mortgage  for the new dwelling but could not do so if there was a Section 106 agreement on it.

The officer noted that as the new dwelling and its curtilage would be within the boundaries of the farm and access to it would be through that farm, there would be sufficient constraints to control the future of the building and an agricultural occupancy condition would be sufficient.

Horton in Ribblesdale and Hawes – February – There was standing room only when the committee discussed the application to transport timber from Cam Forest over part of the ancient Cam High Road. Over 30 residents of Gayle and Hawes attended the meeting because they were concerned that the committee might opt for the route through their communities.

That route was the fallback position offered by the planning officer. The route she proposed, however, was via two miles of Cam High Road to Far Gearstones Farm near Ribblehead and onto the B6255. The planning application included creating 165m of track from the forest, repairing two miles of the Cam High Road, replacing the bridge across Gayle Beck and upgrading an existing farm track.

Representatives of the Yorkshire Dales Society and the Wensleydale branch of the CPRE told the committee that the use of that route would be contrary to the statutory purposes of the National Park and have an unacceptable impact on major recreational routes including the Cam High Road. Both asked the committee to defer a decision so that there was more time to consider either another route or the use of vehicles that would make less impact on such a fragile habitat.

Walter Head, representing Hawes and High Abbotside parish council pointed out, however, that if the wagons were routed through Gayle and Hawes they would have a serious impact upon the communities there. In some places the roads were so narrow that there would be barely three inches on either side of the wagons. And these roads were also used by pedestrians.

Cllr Blackie accepted that 44 tonne wagons in such a tranquil part of the National Park was the downside of the route via Gearstones to Ribblehead. But there would be no wagons at weekends.

He outlined the dangers of having the heavy wagons travelling through Gayle and Hawes and said that so many local residents were at the planning meeting because their feared how this would impact upon public safety and their amenities. He added that any other solutions to removing the timber other than that via Ribblehead would be unaffordable and impractical. And at Ribblehead it was possible that some of the timber could be transported by rail.

Members accepted that the wagons should not be routed through Gayle and Hawes. As for the route via the Cam High Road to Gearstones Chris Armitage commented: “This is possibly one of the most iconic sites in the Park and you can see all the peaks and Ribblehead viaduct.”

He felt, however, that the officers and the Park rangers had worked closely with the owners of the forest, the Cam Forest Trust, to bring forward the best proposal.The officers believed that the harmful effects could be mitigated by limiting the number of wagons each weekday and by imposing a speed limit of 10mph. The drivers will be instructed to stop when horses were approaching.

There would also be significant benefits including the phased felling of the Sitka Spruce and replanting with broad leaf trees as well as conifers to protect and enhance the red squirrel population, the improved access over Gayle Beck for horse riders, and the permissive use of the improved track from Far Gearstones Farm.

Horton in Ribblesdale parish council had objected to this route being used partly because it might jeopardise the retention of the traffic regulation order on Cam High Road.Only one member of the committee abstained from voting for the officer’s recommendation that the wagons should exit via Far Gearstones Farm.

Horton in Ribblesdale – December – It was agreed that the planning permission for the extension of the campsite and alterations to existing amenity buildings at Holme Farm, Horton in Ribblesdale could be amended.

The planning officer explained that due to ownership issues the applicant had not been able to sign a legal agreement to fulfil the conditions on the approval granted by the planning committee in September 2011. That legal agreement was to ensure that measures set out in the management plan for the site were implemented.

Following the decision of the committee the requirement for a legal agreement will be omitted and there will be a condition requiring the submission and implementation of a management plan to control car parking, provision and maintenance of toilet facilities, control of litter and rubbish, supervision of the site, retention of site records and overall site maintenance and organisation.

Ingleton – April – Approval was given for the conditions on the caravan site at Beezley Farm to be altered so that the closure period for the site would be reduced. It will now be closed from January 14 until March 1 each year. The planning officer said that there were already many trees beside the site and more would be planted.

Kirkby Malham  – November – A hedge would be more environmentally friendly than a dry stone wall at Tullochvenus Farm William Weston told the committee. Mr Weston, who is the YDNPA’s member champion for climate change, argued that there were ecological advantages in screening the farmyard with a hedge and some trees.

Kirkby Malhamdale parish council had objected to the owner’s application to alter some of the planning conditions  to the permission granted in 2008 to extend an agricultural building because it felt that a dry stone wall was the most effective and suitable screen for the farmyard. The majority of the committee, however, agreed with Mr Weston.

Cllr Welch said that a hedge would encourage more wild life than 100 metres of dry stone wall.The committee was informed that there are now no llamas at the farm and the land was being rented to a local farmer for grazing livestock.

Langcliffe – February – It was agreed to extend the time limit on the planning permission granted for the conversion of Langcliffe Mill site to form a complex of offices, a hotel and live-work units. The agent for Skipton Properties Pension Fund explained that if there had been any marketing interest in this over the past three years it would not have been necessary to make this application. The company was certainly not using the site for land banking, he said. Cllr Welch and Cllr Roberts pointed out that the site was becoming more and more derelict and was an eyesore.

Litton – December – “I think the National Park has shown where its heart is,” commented Harold Brown, the chairman of the planning committee, when the majority of the members voted in favour of allowing Stephen Lund to convert the semi-derelict Parker Barn at Litton.

The planning officer had recommended refusal because Mr Lund had not agreed to the converted barn being tied by a legal agreement to the land which the family own. Most of the members agreed, however, with Cllr Marshall that it could be approved with just a condition that it could only be used by those working locally in agriculture. As this was against officer recommendation this will have to be ratified at the planning committee meeting in February 2014. (It was)

Stephen Lund had applied for planning permission in January 2013 and Cllr Marshall commented: “This is an extraordinary length of time to come to a decision.”

The planning officer had asked that the house that Stephen’s brother, Stewart, owns in Litton (Potts Beck) should also be included in the legal agreement. He stated: “A restriction on the occupancy of Potts Beck, in addition to Parker Barn, would ensure that both dwellings remained available to meet the needs of agriculture irrespective of the unit it served.”

But as Potts Beck had been bought on the open market the officer accepted this was probably not achievable especially as the mortgagee would probably refuse to accept a restriction which would reduce the market value of the house.

Craven district councillor John Roberts questioned how they could include a privately owned house and added: “This is a genuine and respected Littondale family and being farmers they have managed the landscape with it barns and walls for generations.”

The Lund family has been buying land around Litton whilst holding the tenancy on West Farm. According to an agricultural assessment commissioned by the YDNPA, it is highly improbable that the Lunds could continue the West Farm tenancy when it ends in 15 years’ time.

The land they own is sufficient to require two agricultural dwellings and Stephen Lund wants to secure his future by converting the semi-derelict Parker Barn.

There was concern, however, as to what would happen to Parker Barn if the family did continue at West Farm. Craven District Councillor Robert Heseltine argued that it could then be sold to anyone who was working locally in agriculture or forestry and this could lead to another application for a farm worker’s dwelling in the future.

“Occasionally we need to trust farmers,” Cllr Blackie said.

And Cllr Welch argued that this decision would not set a precedent and that the Lund family should be applauded for their hard work in building up their own farm. “We should give them the support they deserve,” he said.

When proposing that permission should be granted with just an agricultural residency condition Cllr Marshall pointed out that the planning officer had virtually made the case for approval. This included the fact that Stephen and Stuart Lund were already running a financially viable farming business and that Parker Barn was close to other houses even though it was outside the housing development line.

Long Preston – October – The majority of the members voted for the construction of 13 homes at Long Preston even though the parish council and local residents asked them not to.

The first houses to be built on a combined site on Greengate Lane will be the six “affordable” ones for rent or shared ownership in perpetuity. The other seven can be sold on the open market as local occupancy homes.

Long Preston parish councillor, Hilary Baker, told the committee that this would be the largest development in the village in over 24 years. The parish council maintains that the development will dominate and further urbanise the village, and will significantly increase the amount of traffic.

John Matthews, who lives in Long Preston, questioned the evidence to substantiate the need for such housing and asked “What happens when there aren’t enough local people to buy the (local occupancy) houses?”

His wife, speaking as a grandmother, highlighted the problem of increased traffic at the junction of Greengate Lane with School Lane especially when young children were going to or leaving school. “It is extremely dangerous. This will be an accident waiting to happen,” she said.

Committee member Nick Thwaites, as chairman of Long Preston parish council, stated: “We must listen to Highways – I will not sleep easy if we approve this and there is an accident there.”

But the planning officer and several members pointed out that the two sites for this development were included in the YDNPA’s Housing Development Plan which was accepted by the Appeal Inspector even though the county council’s highways department had objected.

The planning officer reported: “The appropriate time for considering these highways issues should have been, and was, at the time of the adoption of the Housing Development Plan.”

The highways department had again objected stating that Greengate Lane was not suitable for the traffic generated by 13 new houses. The first application this year had been for 17 houses but the planning officer felt that would have had a greater impact upon highway safety. The larger site, on which ten dwellings will be built, was formerly used by a haulage firm.

William Weston said that he and other members of the YDNPA’s Housing Working Group had spent five years very carefully assessing sites to be included in the Housing Development Plan. “There is clear evidence of the need for housing in the Park and whatever we do cannot be sufficient,” he added.

The developer has agreed to sign a legal agreement whereby the affordable houses will be first offered to those living in Long Preston and then to those in adjoining parishes within the National Park (including split parishes) before being made available to the rest of the National Park.

Mr Weston accepted the suggestions made by Cllr Shelagh Marshall that the planning officer should ascertain if it was possible to phase the construction of the local occupancy houses so that not all went up for sale at the same time and that local landowners should be contacted about the provision of a footpath.

Some members pointed out that one of the major problems in developing any of the sites accepted in the Housing Development Plan was finding developers willing to finance such “local housing” projects. That at Long Preston was the first larger project to do so.

Mr Weston commented: “We can’t throw out the first of these sites – what kind of signal does that send to developers?”

Cllr  Blackie supported him and said that each of the sites in the Housing Development Plan had undergone a rigorous selection process.

The chairman of the committee, Harold Brown stated after the vote:“I think it is important that the Authority supports local housing particularly for local young people.”

The three who voted against giving approval were: Mr Thwaites; Cllr Welch who was especially concerned about the safety of children in the village; and  Cllr Harrison-Topham who did not feel that sufficient space was being provided for parking vehicles within the development.

Malham Moor –  October – There was unanimous agreement that an enforcement notice should be issued for the removal of a tank and hard surfacing on land adjacent to Capon Hall on Malham Moor. The owner will be given one month to comply.

Muker – Scar House Farm

June – Members were unanimous that Bobby Blades should be allowed to re-occupy what had been a house up until the early 19th century but had since been used as a barn.

“It’s a beautiful example of a long house,” commented Cllr Blackie. “It does have historic and architectural significance and merit. I think to convert this into a house would actually complete the appearance of the street scene of the enclave (of houses) there.”

The application included the conversion of the barn which is attached to that “house”, and the removal of a modern agricultural tin building. The agricultural use of these has now been moved to nearby farm buildings.

Peter Charlesworth agreed that there would be a planning gain, especially with the removal of the tin barn, and because there would be no change to the external appearance of the 18th century listed buildings. He added that it would not be a dwelling in open countryside as it was within a row of houses.

Both he and Cllr Malcolm Gardner felt the conversion into living accommodation would enhance the character of that part of Swaledale. And, like other members, were pleased that Mr Blades had amended the plans so that the dividing wall between two ground level rooms would not be removed.

Some members asked if there should be a local need condition included in the planning permission. But Cllr Blackie said that the Authority’s policy did not call for a such an agreement and this was confirmed by the monitoring officer, Richard Daly.

The planning officer had recommended refusal of the application partly because he did not believe that the building required restoration so as to protect its historical and architectural interest. With the unanimous vote the chairman, Harold Brown, asked if the application needed to be referred back for ratification. But Richard Graham said that it should.

July – The majority of the committee again voted to approve the application for the re-occupation of a former dwelling house at Scar House Farm and that the attached barn could be converted to make additional living accommodation.

Peter Charlesworth (chairman of the authority) accepted that this was a departure from the Authority’s B16 policy but believed that support for the application could be justified because the building was not in “open countryside” as it was within a row of dwellings, and that as it had been a house before it did have historical significance in terms of its original architecture, design and materials. The demolition of a modern barn would also be a planning gain.

Cllr Blackie told the committee that an Upper Dales family wanted to provide accommodation for family members. He pointed out that the listed buildings officer had stated the building did have some architectural and historic interest and added: “Therefore it becomes a matter of judgement to members whether it was significant enough or not.”

The planning officer reminded members that: “Saved policy B16 allows the re-occupation of former dwellings outside of development boundaries as an exception to the presumption against residential development in the open countryside. However, in order to comply with this policy, applicants have to demonstrate that the building is either listed or ‘of such architectural or historical interest that its restoration in the landscape is justified’.” He believed that as the unlisted building was structurally sound it did not need restoration.

Reeth – Orton WorksApril –Cllrs Bob Gale and John Blackie requested that there should be a site meeting at Orton Works in Reeth before making a decision on an application by the owner. Both said that the site was a complex one. Cllr Blackie added that he did not want to see the site become derelict and hoped that the committee could help to find a compromise.

They were supported by the chairman of the committee, Harold Brown who stated:“Reeth deserves something to be done with this site.” He believed that if the members visited the site they could help move things forward.

But the legal officer, Clare Bevan, explained that a site meeting should relate to a specific planning application and not be a tool for finding an alternative solution.

The members heard that the applicant had stated that he would not compromise and wanted the committee to make a decision regarding the present application. This was for the change of use of part of Orton Works so that a three-bedroom house could be built. The rest of the site would be retained for business use. A local building firm is still using part of the site.

The planning officer had recommended refusal and her reasons included: the poor architectural design of the proposed house; that due to its size the building would result in significant harm to the amenity of residents and nearby houses; and that as an open market dwelling it was not in accordance with the Authority’s housing development plan to provide affordable local housing.

The majority of the committee agreed that there should not be a site meeting and that the application should be refused.

Reeth – September – Allowing 20 static caravans at Swaleview Caravan Park near Reeth to become permanent residential homes would be bad for the community, bad for the Dales, and bad for the local town of Richmond argued William Weston.

He explained that allowing elderly people to take up permanent residence on the site would store up massive social problems not only for them but also for the local authority because as they got older the accommodation would become inadequate for their needs. He also questioned the theory that if the site had never flooded it was not likely to given the effects of climate change and that it was beside a river. And he pointed out that that the applications were aimed at optimising profits.

The agent for the site owners, Rachel Whaley, had told the committee that the owners were having difficulty selling static caravans as holiday homes while having people requesting to buy them as permanent residences. The income generated from such sales would be invested into the further development of the site. In their applications the owners argued that there was an undersupply of new housing within Swaledale and particularly of two-bedroomed properties.

The planning officer, however, pointed out that there had been no test to demonstrate that there were not sufficient suitable sites within development boundaries in that dale. And there would be no local occupancy restrictions on the caravans.

The legal officer, Claire Bevan, reminded members that the only housing permitted outside development boundaries was that for agricultural workers. The planning officer had also recommended refusal on the basis that this would reduce the amount of holiday accommodation available in the national park.

Cllr Blackie warned that the government seemed to be abandoning planning rules and the committee had to be careful to have good legal reasons for refusing such an application. He expected that the owners of Swaleview Caravan Park would take this to appeal if the application was refused.

Cllr  Harrison-Topham remarked: “Given the high standards we try to ensure in house building design I find this almost unthinkable – it is so contrary to everything we are about.”

The only member who disagreed with the planning officer’s recommendation was Cllr  Gardner who did described the Environment Agency’s argument concerning flooding as spurious and felt that planning rules should be more flexible and pragmatic.

The majority voted in favour of refusing both applications – the first for seven caravans and the second for 13 caravans to become permanent residences.

Rylstone – April – Members were told that John Shuttleworth and his family ran an excellent dairy enterprise at Green Farm and that the substantial extension to it could be largely hidden and landscaped. The new five metre high slurry tank would be sunk into the ground so that only one metre would be above ground level.

There would be a significant amount of excavation and the soil from that would be used to infill some hollows in fields on the farm.

Permission had been granted last year for a new direct access to the B6265. This is under construction and will mean that farm vehicles make much less use of the lanes which serve the hamlet.

The planning officer explained that the number of roof lights in the new dairy buildings had been reduced compared to the plans previously submitted. She noted that the Authority’s policy allowed for major developments to take place in exceptional circumstances such as allowing a farming operation to modernise to become more efficient and compliant with the latest welfare and environmental standards. “There is a danger that if dairy farms are not allowed to expand to keep up with modern standards that they will cease to be viable,” she added.

Cllr Blackie asked if permission had been sought about the disposal of earth before the excavation of the site had begun. He said that recently the committee had dealt with two retrospective planning applications from dairy farms in Coverdale concerning the disposal of such waste and it was important to be consistent.

And Cllr Harrison-Topham pointed out that as dairy farms needed to get larger to survive it was maybe necessary to consult with neighbouring parishes which might also be affected by the construction of bigger buildings.

He was also concerned about the amount of light which could emanate from these buildings, especially when the doors were open. “They can look like an ocean liner passing in the night,” he said.

But the planning officers said that conditions could only cover external lighting.

Mr Weston wondered if, with applications for such large extensions, the farmers could be encouraged to invest in bio-digesters, both to dispose of waste and also to produce electricity.

The committee voted unanimously to approve the application for the new buildings which included a parlour, collecting yard, cattle housing, silos and slurry store.

Sedbergh –  Spar car park

April – It was agreed to defer a decision on the application on behalf of Spar to remove the condition on the planning permission concerning recycling facilities at the site at Station Road, Sedbergh.

The parish council wanted these facilities to be provided in the supermarket car park as that would serve the western part of the town and help the shoppers recycle a considerable amount of packaging, cans and bottles. Graham Dalton requested the deferral so that there would be more time for the parish council, the county council and Spar to reach an agreement. This was unanimously agreed.

August – William Weston said lessons needed to be learned after it was reported by a planning officer that one of the conditions on the approval for the construction of the Spar supermarket in Sedbergh was unenforceable.

The planning committee voted for the removal of the condition that recycling facilities should be provided in the supermarket car park after receiving the following report from the planning department: “Officers considered that the original condition was imprecise and therefore is not enforceable. Additionally there is no policy requirement for the provision of such facilities in addition to those already provided at Joss Lane. South Lakeland District Council has confirmed that based on current volumes of waste there is no reason to offer two sites within the town collecting the same materials. On this basis there is no planning justification for the provision of additional recycling facilities and the recommendation of approval consequently remains.”

Sedbergh parish council had been very keen to have recycling facilities in the Spar car park but accepted that the original condition on the approval had been so poorly worded that it was unenforceable.

Sedbergh. – July – There should not be a tendency towards reducing the number of camping and touring caravan pitches in the National Park several members warned when the application to re-model Pinfold Leisure Park on Garsdale Road, Sedbergh was discussed.

At present there are pitches for 56 “static caravans”, 36 touring caravans and 12 tents. Hanley Caravans Ltd  applied to change this to 64 static/holiday caravan pitches, 30 touring caravan pitches and six for tents.

Cllr Blackie reminded the committee that such pitches had been swept away at two sites in Wensleydale with the static caravans at Westholme near Aysgarth being  replaced with luxury lodges costing up to £250,000. This planning creep, he said, was driving out those with tents and touring caravans at a time when the number using these was increasing.

He argued: “We are not going to have the facilities to accommodate them because we actually pander to the operators of the big sites. This is a great disappointment. I do believe it is stuff and nonsense to say that statics make more of a contribution to the climate change agenda than tourers. What about people who come with a haversack and a tent on their back? If we are not careful there won’t be anything left of certain types of people who want to come along and enjoy our park.”

Both  Cllr Marshal and Cllr Gale agreed with him. Cllr Marshall stated: “We should be encouraging everybody to come into the National Park and enjoy it. There should be choices.”

And Cllr Roberts argued that it was a retrograde step to reduce the number of pitches for touring caravans and tents and added that there had been a significant economic loss in Upper Wharfedale since a campsite was closed last year.

Cllr Harrison-Topham pointed out that tents often blended in well with the landscape.

The planning officer, however, stated that the reduction in the number of touring caravan and tent pitches “would help in reducing the impact of the site on the character and appearance of the area by removing caravans and tents over which no control can be exercised with regard to the colour, size or precise siting.”

He reported that the proposal included the change to lodge type caravans and believed that these would be significantly more energy efficient and use fewer natural resources than either static or touring caravans. The remodelling of the site included additional tree and shrub planting, especially along the boundaries.

The majority of the members voted to approve the application. The planning officers assured members that the conditions that the caravans could only be used for holiday purposes and not as anyone’s main residence would be monitored.

Sedbergh – December – Enforcement action should be taken quickly if negotiations with MK Conversions Ltd for the construction of some affordable houses at the former Aqua Engineering site in Guldrey Lane, Sedbergh, were not successful, Graham Dalton told the committee.

The planning officer reported that a five-bedroom open market house has been built on the site without planning permission. Following an appeal in 2008 permission was granted for one open market and three affordable houses on the condition that an affordable housing scheme should be submitted before any development took place.

Sedbergh parish council has urged the YDNPA not to grant retrospective permission for the new house until a legally binding agreement has been signed which requires that the affordable homes are built and available for occupation within a defined time period.

Just before the meeting the agent for MK Conversions Ltd asked that the proposed development be formally amended to the retention of the existing unauthorised house and the construction of two affordable homes.The committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that this application should be deferred until the meeting in February in order for further negotiations to be undertaken and for the financial viability of the scheme to be tested independently.Both Mr Dalton and Cllr John Blackie pointed out that a housing association is constructing three affordable homes adjacent to the new house. It might therefore be possible to interest that association in constructing some more as part of a negotiated agreement with MK Conversions Ltd.

Stainforth – November – Farmer Stephen Raine was congratulated by Harold Brown, the chairman of the committee for running his small hill farm near Stainforth at a profit.

Mr Raine’s application to build an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Garth Nook Farm was approved at the meeting. He can also construct an agricultural building on the farm which is in the Countryside Stewardship scheme. He had proved to the planning officer that there was a need for a full-time worker on the 118 acre farm where he breeds high quality specialist livestock.

The planning officer and committee members accepted that the buildings would be at a high elevation and so clearly visible. Mr Raine has agreed to plant trees so that the site will look like many other traditional farmsteads in the Dales.

Cllr  Welch described Mr Raine as a farmer worthy of praise. He assured the committee that the caravan at the farm, which has had an enforcement notice served on it, will be removed. The caravan was especially used at lambing time.

At the end of the debate Mr Brown, as a retired hill farmer, commented: “It is nice to see a hill farmer who is showing a profit this year – so congratulations Mr Raine. We need some farms in these hills and they are getting less through amalgamation and young people not taking them on.”

Threshfield – October – Permission was granted for the re-surfacing of six grass pitches with permeable stone, and the enlargement of 18 existing pitches at Wharfedale Caravan Club, Long Ashes Park, Threshfield. The planning officer explained that the objective was to make it easier for disabled people to use the pitches.

Threshfield – Long Ashes

October – Cllr Roberts said that a vote in favour of an application to erect 11 timber lodges at Long Ashes was against the first purpose of a National Park to conserve and enhance its natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage – but he and almost all the other members did that to obtain a “planning gain”.

The planning officer explained that the application was for a revised layout of one approved in the early 1980s which had been partly implemented. The applicants, Lakeland Leisure Estates Ltd, could fully implement the original planning permission. This would, however, affect an archaeological site and would put the new wooden holiday lodges in a more prominent position.

The new site places these within a fold in the hill slope with the main glazing on 10 of the lodges facing the access road so that it would not be visible outside of the site. In return for having this application approved the applicant has agreed to sign a legal agreement rescinding its right to complete the 1980s scheme.

Several members agreed that this was a planning gain but none were comfortable about voting in favour. “With the heaviest heart I support this,” said William Weston and added concerning Long Ashes: “The National Park Authority needs to take a grip on this development.”

After the vote, which was passed with three abstentions, Cllr John Roberts commented: “I have voted against the first purpose of this National Park.”

During the debate  Cllr Heseltine said that he remembered the days when Long Ashes was a small caravan site near the village of Threshfield. “We now have an urban village of 300 chalets and the population of Long Ashes is probably larger than that of Threshfield. But in this instance there is a degree of planning gain.”

Cllr Roberts told the committee that it was possible that there were archaeological remains at Long Ashes which dated back to the earliest settlements in the Dales.

Durham University Archaeology Unit has been brought in as consultants by the applicant to carry out an excavation study, preserve any archaeology and advise on an interpretation panel. Archaeological investigation will be included in the conditions on the permission as well as ecology management such as controlling bracken on calcareous grassland around the site. The committee was informed that this would help in the restoration of nationally threatened Northern Brown Argus habitat.

The lodges must be for holiday accommodation only.The planning officer stated, however, that there would be no pre-conditions such as setting a date for completion. Non-compliance with pre-conditions has led to some planning permissions being made unenforceable.

November: –  Cllr  Roberts argued forcibly against an additional 15 static caravans at Long Ashes Holiday Park. He asked if the siting of those caravans would enhance and preserve the character of the National Park in accordance with its first purpose. “In my view it doesn’t” he said.

In her submission on behalf of Lakeland Leisure Estates Ltd which owns the holiday park, Rachel Whaley, pointed out that the parish council had not objected to caravans being placed on two small sites. She said that at a recent appeal hearing the YDNPA had not been that concerned about the impact of placing seven caravans on one of these. She added: “Yet now (it is) being considered in isolation it feels that the goal posts are being moved.”

She explained that the two sites did not encroach on any fields, and that if 15 more caravans were added the park would still not have reached the total allowed there. At present there are 260 static caravans and chalets and approval has been given for 300. Mrs Whaley concluded that clear economic and environmental benefits would be delivered with this application.

Both Cllr Roberts and Peter Charlesworth, chairman of the YDNPA, quoted the appeal inspector’s report concerning the proposal last year to redevelop and extend the Park. The decision to refuse that application, which included the siting of 49 additional static caravans, was upheld by the appeal inspector.

In his report the inspector stated that he did not consider that the siting of seven additional static caravans on one of the two sites now being proposed would have any materially harmful impact. But he added that it did not form part of a comprehensive remodelling of the park which would produce significant overall visual or environmental improvements. The inspector believed that the placing of static caravans on the second small site would have a marked visual intrusion on the open and undeveloped land nearby.

Cllr  Marshall asked if Lakeland Leisure could put forward a long term development plan for the park. She also felt it would be helpful to have information about the actual occupancy of the caravans and chalets in the park.The majority of the committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse the application.


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YDNPA – Inconsistencies and gobbledygook revisited

ARC can only hope that its questions to the YDNPA will lead to some of the loopholes being closed which have led to houses built in the open countryside being sold on the open market.  During the past few months the  Association has followed up on its question to the planning committee in 2012.

Its latest questions on this issue were presented at the July 2013 meeting of the planning committee. One was:

“In October 2012 Richard Graham (head of management development) informed the Association that he was considering how the Authority could best address the enforcement of conditions precedent. This followed the lifting of the agricultural occupation condition on Calf Craft at Cracoe, which he said was an unusual and complex case. Has any more been done to ensure that conditions precedent can be enforced?”

This was the Authority’s reply:

“The Calf Croft case prompted a fresh look at the use and enforcement of ‘pre-commencement’ conditions – conditions that need complying with before development commences. Non-compliance with pre-commencement conditions can, in some circumstances, mean that all subsequent development is unauthorised and conditions attached to the permission cannot be enforced.

“In considering conditions we now take a more circumspect approach to applying pre-commencement conditions and will consider whether other stages of the construction process are more appropriate as a trigger for compliance with the condition. We have also introduced a ‘start notice’ system – when the decision notice is sent to the developer it includes a form to complete and return, to notify us when works commence. This gives us an opportunity to check whether conditions have been complied with early before the development progresses.”

ARC also asked what safeguards could be built in to ensure that agricultural or forestry conditions were retained on houses in the open countryside. To this the Authority responded:

“Agricultural occupancy conditions can only be removed if a planning application is made and permission granted. Current local plan policy applies strict tests to applications to remove agricultural occupancy conditions. Policy HDP4 requires applicants to advertise the property, with the agreed restriction and at an agreed price, for at least six months. If this proves there is no need for the restriction the Authority will consider replacing it with a local occupancy restriction.

“Alternatively an agricultural occupancy condition will not be enforced if a Lawful Development certificate is granted certifying that non compliance with the occupancy is lawful. The evidence required to justify granting a Lawful Development certificate must be sufficient to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that the condition has not been complied with for the preceding ten years. This invariably involves sworn statements from previous owners and occupier and enquiries being made of the local parish council and neighbours.

“Non-compliance with planning conditions is an enforcement issue. Our approach to enforcement of conditions is currently based upon responding to complaints from the public and Parish Councils. This is standard procedure for enforcing planning control.

“Proactive monitoring of agricultural occupancy conditions could lead to the Authority discovering breaches and then taking enforcement action. However, such a strategy could also be seen as an unjustified intrusion into the private lives of occupiers of an agricultural dwelling if enquiries were made about their personal circumstances without the Authority being alerted or having any grounds to believe there was a potential breach of planning control. It would also be difficult to manage in light of current resources allocated to planning enforcement.

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A Memorial to Jim Cunnington


jim_cunningtonA lime tree was planted at Winterburn on Saturday, April 27, in memory of Jim Cunnington who had been chairman of the Association of Rural Communities. Alastair Dinsdale, the present chairman of ARC, told the villagers and friends who gathered near Rookery Farm in Winterburn that Mr Cunnington and his wife, Jenny, had been among the first to join the Association when it was formed.

Mr Dinsdale paid tribute to Mr Cunnington’s constructive and moderating contribution to the Association. This continues to monitor the planning decisions of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, acts as a watchdog, and seeks to encourage consistency in planning. All the committee members of the Association attended the event.

The tree, sourced by Chris Myers, was planted by Ian Coldicott of Tree and Garden Care, Skipton, with the assistance of Mark Smith and Mr Dinsdale. Mr Coldicott said: “This is one thing that will outlive all of us.”

Mrs Cunnington invited everyone back to her home afterwards for excellent refreshments. She was thanked at the end of the afternoon by ARC committee member, Stephen Butcher.

At the memorial service at Kirkby Malham church on August 3, 2010, Mr Cunnington was described as a “true gentleman”. The 100 or more people who attended the service heard how his strong sense of community had led him to serve those in the Dales in several ways since he moved to Winterburn in 1991.

His son, Guy, said he was known for his kind, generous, optimistic, sunny nature. “He had the gift of making everyone’s day just a little better,” wrote his son Michael, who lives in New Zealand.

His interests included bird watching and walking and his wife, Jenny, said later: “He felt it was a privilege to be able to live in the Dales. I don’t think there was a patch or a hill in the Dales he hadn’t walked or climbed.”

They married in 1947 having met at a tennis club in Peterborough where Mr Cunnington was then serving an apprenticeship with Perkins after graduating from Cambridge University.

He later moved from diesel engines and automatic transmissions to white goods which led to him joining Phillips in Halifax. At the memorial service Guy explained that his father was involved in the management buyout in 1986 to make sure that those working there did not lose their jobs. That buyout led to the creation of Crosslee and the White Knight brand of tumble driers.  Mr Cunnington became the technical director and did not completely retire from the company until he was 70-years-old.  By then the Cunningtons had bought a barn conversion in Winterburn near Skipton.

It was his sense of community, even as a newcomer to the Dales, that led to him attending the inaugural meeting of the Association of Rural Communities in 1995. Mrs Cunnington explained: “He heard about the difficulties of running a business or a farm in the National Park. It seemed a good thing to have an organisation that would listen to the people who were trying to run businesses in the Park.”

The Rev Dilly Baker, who officiated at the memorial service, spoke of his faith, humour, wisdom, gentleness, and also his courage when he was dying from cancer. He was 79-years-old when he died on July 11, 2010.

Below:  Ian Coldicott, Mark Smith and Alastair Dinsdale after planting the tree.


Lakes to Dales National Park Boundary Extensions

The chairman of the Association of Rural Communities, Alastair Dinsdale, sent this response to the inquiry into the proposal by Natural England regarding extensions to two National Parks (the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales) –  the Lakes to Dales Landscape Designation Project  – asking if Area of Natural Beauty ( AONB ) status would be a better way to preserve and protect some special landscapes, in line with the Sandford Principle,  rather than including them in over-sized, undemocratic quango administrations. He stated:

Generations of our ancestors – farmers, miners and quarry workers – have left their imprint upon the Yorkshire Dales. From them we have inherited something so special that the dales have been designated as a National Park. As a farmer in Wensleydale I feel honoured to follow in their footsteps. This inheritance has made me and the other members of the Association of Rural Communities passionate about conserving and preserving this beautiful landscape.

As we travel through the Yorkshire Dales we are also aware of how much mining and quarrying have left their impact upon this area and created some fascinating sites of special scientific interest. The quarries and mine spoils act as a unifying factor within the Yorkshire Dales which is not shared with those areas now being considered for incorporation into this National Park.

We are grateful for all the work that has been done by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority to conserve and maintain footpaths. But sadly we have to question some of the statements made by Natural England about the impact of the National Park upon this area.

It’s been stated that National Parks should be thriving, living, working landscapes notable for their natural beauty and cultural heritage, which inspire visitors and local communities, and in which a wide-range of services are in good condition and valued by society; and that they should be places where sustainable development can be seen in action, where the communities of the Parks take an active part in decisions about their future, to achieve sustainable agriculture and transport, and healthy, prosperous communities.1

Natural England also stated that “no other regulation is imposed as a consequence of National Park designation – for example designation does not add any new regulatory restrictions on how land is farmed.” 2 It adds that NPAs administer a Sustainable Development Fund which is disbursed to projects in National Parks and are also very successful at attracting other external grants and income. 3

Just recently it cost a farmer in the Yorkshire Dales National Park £17,000 to gain permission to extend his dairy farm. From my own experience I can tell you that it is far more costly and much harder to run a modern farm within a National Park compared to the overheads a farmer faces outside such an area. Nor do we get any quicker or better access to grants compared with those farming outside the National Parks. Many farmers in the Yorkshire Dales do not accept, as Natural England maintains, that the National Park helps farmers to embrace modern practices and so “ensure that agri-environment scheme delivery is properly integrated with Park objectives and activities within the farmed environment”.4

Those with farms within the Yorkshire Dales National Park want to co-operate and assist with maintaining these special landscapes but find it difficult to do so with a quango which is also the planning authority. We know many farmers who, after bitter experiences with the Authority’s planning department, will never co-operate with a National Park scheme whatever they are offered. They do not accept that the Authority has either the credibility or often the expertise. I can give examples of where schemes run by the Authority have had little uptake and so very little impact.

We believe that planning policies that are linked to landscape management can cause conflict and that planning should be as much as possible kept separate from preserving and enhancing the landscape. From my experience conservation and enhancement projects work best when they are run by Natural England. Landscape enhancement projects are also much better controlled through the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme because it ties projects to a payment system. This is much more cost effective.

For instance if the National Park comes up with a plan to plant trees it advertises for people to come forward and co-operate but does not proactively go out to find them. English Nature, however, will approach farmers and landowners, explain the criteria and what the payment will be.

We believe that National Park Authority planning departments have a considerable inherent weakness as compared with those run by District Councils in that they cannot turn to in-house building control, environmental health, and economic development specialists. This leads to a considerable loss in expertise. We believe that District Councils can, therefore, be far more effective at administering areas of natural, special beauty as can be seen in Nidderdale and the North Pennines AONBs.

Attracting more people to visit the Dales does not benefit that many farmers. There is very little spin-off to them because diversification into tourism doesn’t really help the farming business as it diverts resources away from what they do best. Most of the tourist related businesses in the Dales (gift shops and bed and breakfast hotels) are run by those who have comparatively recently moved into the area. The only spin-off from that is that more low paid jobs are available.

Has Natural England carried out any regulatory impact assessment to determine what effect designation will have on agricultural businesses?

In its general approach to designation Natural England states that one of the criteria is to balance the benefit/positive impact of these proposals against the likely cost of designation.5

Has Natural England carried out an assessment of that?

And will the creation of even larger National Parks lead to thriving, sustainable communities which can take an active part in decisions about their future?

From my experience and that of the Association of Rural Communities the answer is No.

First – If these two National Parks are extended the communities within them will have even less chance to take an active part in decision making. Those in the Lune and Eden Valleys for instance have no historic ties with Wensleydale. So how will they relate to a quango based in Bainbridge? If National Parks are extended and maybe more are set up we are in danger of creating a “State within a State” where local people have very little say in their future.

Secondly – sadly the communities already within the Yorkshire Dales National Park have not thrived and become more sustainable. Just look at how many village schools have closed. And how many young people have been forced to leave the Dales? N Yorks County Coun John Blackie has championed and fought hard for local people to be able to provide housing for their children in the Dales – but he has often been heavily criticised by the Authority for doing so. For centuries our communities survived without the National Park. We are not sure that all will continue to do so.

Has the cost to those communities in the areas that may be designated been honestly evaluated? And have their opinions concerning their future been listened to?

Let me give one illustration of how the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has neither listened to a community, helped local businesses continue to be sustainable, nor protected the environment.

National Parks are, it is stated, to be attractive locations for large-scale community and charitable events.6 Possibly the largest are those which involve mass walks over the Three Peaks route. One veteran walker commented that, when there is a charity walk event, there can be up to 50 people waiting to get through each stile along that route. He used to walk the Three Peaks to enjoy the tranquillity and to commune with nature. But the Three Peaks route has become so popular that is difficult to do that for many months of each year.

Compare that with this statement about the North Pennines AONB: “The large tracts of open moorland see few walkers and make an ideal venue for those requiring solitude. Cross Fell and its adjacent high fells on the main Pennine ridge offer hill walking of the highest quality. Although the higher land grabs the headlines this AONB from valley to summit has something for walkers.”7

Has an independent study been carried out to assess the impact on the environment and upon farmland of such mass walks or of repairing and widening footpaths along the Three Peaks route? I have walked some of the less well known footpaths on Whernside and found that, due to over use, they were like moving bogs. How is that preserving the environment?

The Association of Rural Communities does not believe that National Park Authorities do take the lead in encouraging mediation, negotiation and co-operation8 – in fact, quite the contrary.

Our association believes that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has not listened to local residents, landowners, farmers or veteran walkers about the over-use of the Three Peaks route. Those who come on the mass walks spend very little money in local shops and cafes – but often do leave their rubbish behind. And the Authority has created its own merchandise which is undermining local businesses.

The Sandford Principle states that “Where irreconcilable conflicts exist between conservation and public enjoyment, then conservation interest should take priority.”

In 2010 the Government’s guidance concerning designation as National Park or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty stated that both had the highest status of protection as far as landscape and natural beauty was concerned. 9

The object of this inquiry is to ascertain if it is especially desirable to designate more areas to be included in National Parks and so make them more open to public enjoyment.10 These will include Orton Fells, the Northern Howgills and Mallerstang. In view of what has happened along the Three Peaks route we would argue that the better way to protect those beautiful landscapes and save them for posterity would be to designate them as AONBs maybe with conservation boards.

This has proved especially effective in Nidderdale and for the Northern Pennines AONB. People have been encouraged to visit those AONBs – but not to the detriment of the environment. And the local communities have a say in their future through their democratically elected representatives. There are far fewer second homes and holiday cottages in Nidderdale – and that helps the communities to be more sustainable.

Yes – please do act to preserve, protect and enhance such special areas as Orton Fells, the Northern Howgills and Mallerstang. But let that be done through designation as AONBs and not through what we as an Association see as flawed, unmanageable, unrepresentative, over grown quangos.

1 Natural England Background Paper – Boundary variations to the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks 4 (a) and (b) as quoted from the English National Parks UK Government Vision and Circular 2010.

2 Ibid pt 20

3 Ibid pt 21

4 English National Parks and the Broads, UK Government Vision and Circular 2010 : 4.57

5 Natural England Guidance for assessing landscapes for designation as National Park or Area of Outstanding Beauty in England, p2

6 English National Parks and the Broads, UK Government Vision and Circular 2010: 4.27

7 – North Pennines AONB

8 English National Parks and the Broads, UK Government Vision and Circular 2010: 4.19

9 Ibid : 4.20

10 Natural England Background Paper pt 5 :This also states “DEFRA identified various benefits of NPAs including in relation to recreation, tourism, health and wellbeing, rural development, local economies, social inclusion and democracy”. We argue that this has not been achieved in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, especially social inclusion and democracy.

YDNP – A call for justice answered

An ARC News Service report on  the  decision of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority ‘s  (YDNPA) planning committee on February 12 to lift a section 52 agreement on a barn conversion in Hawkswick near Kettlewell.

“I don’t see … that we as a planning committee are here to cause stress, upset and pain to our residents for deeds done in the past,” commented Nick Thwaite when the members discussed the application by two families in Hawkswick to lift the section 52 agreement on their homes.

Usually he supported the officers but this time he couldn’t because he believed this had been an unfair restriction. Like other members he referred to the fact that in the early 1990s a strict local occupancy agreement had been imposed on one barn conversion but not on another nearby.

Craven District Coun John Roberts was also upset by this inconsistency and described the section 52 agreement as draconian and undemocratic because it not only restricted the sale of either of the two dwellings created in Hazel Head Barn to someone working within a 10 mile radius which excluded Skipton but was also very difficult to lodge an appeal against.

Graham Dalton and Chris Armitage argued that the officer’s recommendation not to lift the agreement should be accepted because the precedent set could endanger the Authority’s Local Plan policy of building up a reserve of “local need” housing. Armitage warned that by lifting the agreement the committee could blow a hole in that policy. And Dalton pointed out that the policy was aimed at sustaining the communities in the Yorkshire Dales rather than seeing the villages full of second homes and weekend cottages.

For Ann Brooks the injustice of one family having to sign such an agreement while another in the same village didn’t need to,  made the situation at Hazel Head Barn an exceptional circumstance at that particular time.

Craven Dt Coun Robert Heseltine, who was the chairman of both the National Park committee and its planning committee in the early 1990s explained that the Interim Housing Policy at that time pioneered the concept of local need housing. It had not, however, been accepted by the Secretary of State. “It wasn’t discredited – it was an evolving policy,” he said.

He believed that the officer’s recommendation concerning Hazel Head Barn was legally correct but he wasn’t convinced with the arguments about precedent. He added: “I think I’m obliged because I was chairman of the authority at that time – I think I am going to give you Members the guidance of lifting this section 52 on this property and we will take the consequences that come.”

N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham commented that in the early 1990’s the Authority hadn’t had a policy. “It was the sort of Wild West era. There was a strong element of random walk of what went on – so it comes as no surprise that there were these contradictions and perceptions of unfairness. Do we say ‘rough justice’ or do we take the view that rough justice is not justice?” He wasn’t sure what precedent would be made by lifting the agreement but felt that it was important to get things right.

There were, however, others who had suffered a similar injustice at that time warned N Yorks County Coun John Blackie. “Officers are bound to want to hang on to those Section 52 agreements. I commend them for their stance – but I think they are defending what is probably indefensible. They are standing their ground on shifting sands because the policy base ….is not sustainable.” He, like the majority of the committee, felt it was time to lift the agreement on Hazel Head Barn.

The officer’s recommendation was, therefore, turned down and immediately Coun Roberts proposed  that the Section 52 agreement should be discharged. The senior legal officer, Clare Bevan,  explained that this could be done because the majority of members put more weight on the perceived unfairness and the personal circumstances of the applicants. The applicants’ planning advisor, Andrew Moss of WardHadaway, had pointed out that in the officers’ report it had been noted that unfairness and personal circumstances were matters which could be taken into account. The majority voted in favour of Coun Roberts’ proposal and Bevan said that a formal deed of release would be drawn up.

The applicants, Mick and Ginette Hawkins and Michelle Pickles were stunned and ecstatic that after 20 long, stressful years their pleas for the Section 52 to be lifted had finally been heard.

See also A call for justice

YDNPA – A Call for Justice

The picturesque small village of Hawkswick in the Yorkshire Dales became a byword for inconsistent planning decisions in the early 1990s – and now those who suffered the most are appealing to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA)  planning committee for justice.

Mr and Mrs Mick and Ginette Hawkins and Mrs Michelle Pickles of what was Hazel Head Barn in Hawkswick have the support of a leading London barrister who sees no reason why the  YDNPA  shouldn’t correct the injustice done in 1990.

And Alastair Dinsdale, the chairman  the Association of Rural Communities, stated at its recent annual meeting: “This was an absolutely gross inconsistency. It’s time that the Authority rectified this injustice”.

This injustice arose out of the ad hoc determination of planning applications in the National Park at the time which was described by a YDNPA member (N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham) at the July 2012 planning committee as the “Wild West” days.

For example  at Hawkswick  an application for the conversion of The Ballroom (directly opposite Hazel Head barn) was approved in 1986 demonstrating that open market residential barn conversions were acceptable in that village. Three years later two further applications were made for barn conversions in Hawkswick and although these were considered at the same YDNPA planning committee meeting in November 1989, they ended up being determined very differently – that for Hazel Head barn being subject to a ‘local occupancy’ legal agreement and the other not, even though it was just 100 metres away.

Susan Woodhead recollected that she and her late husband were told in October 1990 that unless a very restrictive local occupancy agreement (section 52)  was signed planning permission would not be granted to convert  Hazel Head barn  into two dwellings (Hawksnest and Holme Barn) for their married daughters. “We had five days in which to sign – we were given no option,” Mrs Woodhead said. “We subsequently discovered that not all future barn conversions had to comply with the section 52 agreement, which we had been forced to agree to, in order to get planning permission. The inconsistency and unfairness is self-evident,” she commented.

Permission was granted for another nearby barn conversion in June 1993 with the only restriction being that it had to be the principle residence (not second home) of the owner. While accepting that Mrs Woodhead and her family might feel aggrieved that other development was permitted in the 1990s without occupancy restrictions, the YDNPA’s senior legal officer (Clare Bevan) and its head of development management (Richard Graham) have argued that the S52 agreement could not be lifted without affecting about 100 other legal agreements and so reducing the pool of “local occupancy” housing within the national park.

The majority of those are Section 106 agreements which the Planner for Mrs Woodhead’s family, Andrew Moss, of Ward Hadaway in Newcastle upon Tyne, has maintained are not the same as the S52 agreements.The request for lifting the S52 agreement was discussed by the YDNPA planning committee in July 2012 when members deferred making a decision and asked officers to try and find a compromise.

When it came before the committee in October the officers quoted parts of the confidential barrister’s advice the Authority had sought including the statement: “I cannot see any basis on which the Planning Authority should accede to the applicants request to discharge the agreement.”

At that meeting Mr Moss asked for the S52 to be removed.  As an alternative he offered a possible compromise – to change the S52 to a S106 in accordance with those in existence in 1994 which restricted occupancy to those who would make it their primary dwelling and not a second home. A decision was deferred so that he could discuss that with officers.

After those discussions he said: “My clients were disappointed with the officers’ only suggestion, namely to change the existing S52 into a S106 agreement with the latest local occupancy wording. (This) would not address their contention that the S52 was unfairly imposed.” The latest wording restricts occupancy to those living or working in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

In response Mr Moss consulted Paul Brown QC, one of the highest ranking barristers in the country and a copy of his Opinion was sent to the YDNPA in early November. Unlike that obtained by the YDNPA Mr Brown’s Opinion is not confidential.

Mr Brown stated: “It is one of the ironies of this case that the only reason there is now a section 52 agreement in respect of (Hazel Head barn) is because the owners of Hazel Head Farm did not question the LPA’s  (Local Planning Authority) insistence … that this was essential. “The resulting inconsistency between the treatment of Hazel Head barn and (other) properties is undeniable. In simple terms, the owners of Hawksnest and Holme Barn have been unfairly disadvantaged because their parents co-operated with, rather than challenged, the LPA. As a matter of law, there is absolutely no reason why the National Park Authority cannot recognise the injustice that has caused by agreeing to discharge the section 52 agreement.” Mr Brown also argued that discharging this would not set a significant precedent that would undermine any S106 agreements made at that time, and very few, if any, S52 agreements.

At the agm of the Association of Rural Communities at Kettlewell in November former YDNPA member, Stephen Butcher,  pointed out that those living at Hawksnest and Holme Barn were paying a very high price for now challenging the YDNPA both in financial terms and with their health and lives in general when all they ever wanted was consistency and fairness.

This case has now been on-going for over 20 months and  Mr Hawkins is suffering from a stress related illness. He was a renowned fell runner and represented Great Britain in steeplechase teams on numerous occasions throughout the world including at the Auckland Commonwealth Games. “He was one of the fittest men in the country,” commented Mr Butcher.

The Association of Rural Communities was founded in 1995 when the anger against the planning inconsistencies in the National Park was at its height and hundreds attended the protest meetings organised by it. It continues to campaign for consistency in planning decisions in the Yorkshire Dales.

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YDNPA – February to December 2012

An ARC News Service  report on the meetings of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s (YDNPA) planning committee February to December 2012 :


Affordable Housing – February: The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA ) has stood firm on its decision to include small sites for affordable housing at Aysgarth, Thornton Rust and Low Row. The planning inspector who assessed the Dales Housing Development Plan rejected those sites.

After the full Authority meeting on Tuesday, February 14, the chairman, Carl Lis, stated: “We have asked the inspector as nicely as we can to reconsider his decision. We appreciate the work he has done but we would like him to look at these again.”What particularly concerned the YDNPA members was that part of Wensleydale would be left without affordable housing sites.

It was likely that four houses could be constructed on the site behind the village institute at Aysgarth and two more at the east end of Thornton Rust. Only one site had been proposed at Muker (for up to two houses). It was also expected that two houses could have been built on the Low Row site rejected by the inspector. The YDNPA had put forward a second site (for about two houses) at Low Row.

The objective of the Dales Housing Development Plan is to provide affordable housing for local people. The planning inspector also asked the Authority to clarify what it would do if an allocated site would not be viable to be developed with 50% affordable housing.

It has been proposed that, in order to encourage landowners to submit sites 50% would be affordable housing and the rest would be restricted by legal agreement to “local housing” so that the houses could not become second or holiday homes and the price would be reduced thus making them more accessible to households within the Park. The onus will be on the developer to prove why an allocated site could not be developed at 50% affordability.

It was agreed on Tuesday that: “If viability at 50% affordable housing is not possible then the Authority may negotiate an increase in the proportion of local market housing compared to affordable housing.”

Legal agreements – November: Ann Brooks asked Richard Graham if, in the planning department’s list of outstanding applications, it could be shown that it was not the fault of the planners that some legal agreements (Section 106 and also regarding conditions on planning permissions) had not yet been signed.

At least 20 applicants have not completed legal agreements – and the winner by a long margin is that for the conversion of a barn to a bunkhouse at Camm Farm, Cam Houses, Oughtershaw. The legal agreement for that has been awaiting completion since April 1999!

The runner up is maybe the planning application for the change of use of a barn and paddock to equestrian business at Gill Edge Barn, Gill Edge, Askrigg. That application was made in December 2006 but the Authority has been waiting for the legal agreement to be signed since February 2011.

There are several agreements waiting to be signed since 2008 and 2009. As Jack Heseltine pointed out at the recent annual meeting of the Association of Rural Communities – the time limit on beginning work after an application has been approved does not start until the S106 agreement has been signed.

Arkengarthdale – March: The majority of the YDNPA planning committee members did not accept that a barn in the middle of a field at Langthwaite in Arkengarthdale should be converted into a two-bedroomed dwelling for a rural worker.

Clark Stones, who is 78-years-old, told the committee that the house would be for a man who would be fully employed with snow clearing, contracting and agricultural work on his family’s farm. He explained that when conditions were very bad in winter it was impossible for the district council’s gritting wagon to reach Arkengarthdale until either he or his son had spread grit on the roads. It took two men to fill the spreader with grit.

He now wanted to retire and they needed someone else to assist with that job. Arkengarthdale parish council had told the committee that it fully supported his application and looked forward to the services he provided to continue with the help of a worker living locally.

Coun Blackie asked the committee to approve the application. “They provide an absolutely essential service clearing snow right up to Tan Hill. If the Stones are not there I don’t know what will happen to this community.”

He emphasised the need for more social housing in Arkengarthdale and that it should not be restricted to just two small villages. He was supported by Richmondshire District Couns Bob Gale (Reeth and Arkengarthdale) and Malcolm Gardner (Swaledale) who described why it was so important for the residents of Arkengarthdale to retain a locally based gritting service in winter.If we let these people down we should be ashamed of ourselves,” said Coun Gardner.

During the debate the legal adviser, Clare Bevan, told the committee that according to local and national policies there had to be a fundamental requirement for a rural worker in a location to justify converting such a barn into a dwelling. She said that this application failed that functional test as the work was more seasonal than permanent.

Coun Blackie later wrote to Richard Graham, head of development management, about Ms Bevan’s intervention mid-way through the debate . If the committee had decided to approve the application against officer recommendation it would have been referred back to the April meeting for further debate.

Coun Blackie stated: “Clare’s intervention could be regarded, in its content and delivery, as coming from a Member who was strongly opposed to granting an approval. Certainly in my opinion, and the opinion of other Members present, Clare’s intervention had that effect on Members who might have been swayed by the arguments to be in favour of the application. I think in the timing of her intervention (that) it did unbalance the debate and introduce an element of unfairness against the applicant.”

Arkleside, Coverdale – June: Both William Weston and Coun Harrison-Topham regretted that some of the green technologies to be incorporated into a barn conversion at Arkleside had proved to be unviable. The barn, which is in open countryside, is being converted into a home for a gamekeeper.

Mr Weston said that this had been an exemplar project which had ticked all the boxes and that the alterations requested to the S106 agreement would amount to a quantum shift. It had been originally hoped that sufficient electricity could be produced from a small hydro scheme but that had proved to be unfeasible as the water flow in the river was too low in summer.

It was felt that running a line to the nearest National Grid connection would have the least impact upon the environment. This would involve the installation of one pole and a 7m length of overhead line and then an underground electricity cable route to the dwelling. The pole would be largely screened by existing trees.

The applicant, Martin Vallance, also requested that there should be a sewage treatment package plant or septic tank instead of a multi reed bed system as the latter would be more visible than the other methods of sewage disposal. Rainwater harvesting and a wood burning stove would still be used and the YDNPA was assured that more would be done to reduce the dwelling’s carbon footprint and its overall environmental impact.

The application to alter the S106 agreement was approved.

Arncliffe -November:   Arncliffe parish meeting endorsed the change of use of the now disused school to a dwelling for local occupancy because the purchaser, who already lived in the village, wanted to convert it into a residence suitable for his disabled wife.

County Coun Shelagh Marshall had informed the planning committee that suitable alternative educational facilities had been provided elsewhere; there was a village hall; and there was a local need for suitable sheltered accommodation for a disabled person. The county council had closed the school last year when the number of pupils dropped to four. The building was sold this year by the Bradford Diocesan Board of Education (Church of England).

Craven Dt Coun John Roberts asked why there was the need for a section 106 local occupancy agreement as the new owners had bought the building on the open market. Richard Graham, the head of development management, said that under the housing development plan such a change of use could only be approved if the dwelling was then restricted to those in local housing need.

Cumbria County Coun Roger Bingham wondered if in time the 20th century additions could be altered to make them more sympathetic with the original 19th century Gothic architecture. And N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison Topham asked if the new owners needed permission to replace the tarmac school playground.

The senior legal officer, Clare Bevan, replied that as it would be part of the curtilage of a residential dwelling it was up to the owners what they did with their “garden”. There was a unanimous vote in favour of the change of use of the building.

Austwick – June:  The owners of the camp site at Silloth House, Austwick, had requested that the S106 agreement of 1997 should be altered so that they could increase the number of tent and touring caravan pitches from six to 13. This was approved – but only after a disagreement between County Coun John Blackie and Mrs Ann Brooks about what appeared to be the bias of the YDNPA against camp sites.

Most of the parish council’s suggestions about what should be added to the S106 agreement were included, such as marking out the boundary of the site with fencing and landscaping, and the submission of a management plan relating to storage, disposal and recycling of waste.

Austwick –  December: A request to modify the section 106 agreement on a site for five local occupancy houses at Pant Head in Austwick was unanimously refused. The houses will soon be completed and the owner of the site, Maximus Developments UK Ltd, had requested that the S106 be amended from 100 per cent local occupancy to 20 per cent affordable/local occupancy and 80 per cent open market as it was having difficulty in selling them.

Aysgarth Falls –  December: There was a unanimous vote in favour of an existing workshop adjacent to Yore Mill at Aysgarth Falls being converted into a two bedroomed live/work unit. As this is a grade II listed building the conditions include that only single glazing can be used for the windows. This will match the new windows installed in the cottages which have recently been renovated by Newroc Ltd.

Graham Newton, the managing director of Newroc, said that his company had restored the roof on the workshop last year during the period when the bats would not be disturbed. They had made a special space in the roof with bat access tiles as Natterer’s bats and Brown long-eared bats have been seen there.

Others living at the mill site had objected to permission being granted as it would cause loss of amenity and more problems with car parking and deliveries. The planning officer, however, argued that a viable use for the building needed to be found before it became completely derelict and that the office space was comparatively small. There will be allotted parking bays for this live/work unit alongside those for the renovated cottages.

Carlton in Coverdale – September:  The planning committee had to wrestle with the problem of encouraging and assisting the community pub at Carlton after an officer’s report delivered a very firm ‘slap on the wrist’ to the committee which now runs the Forester’s Arms for not conferring with the YDNPA before installing a flue which detracted so much from the appearance of the listed building.

In her report the planning officer stated: “Officers are disappointed by the chain of events which led to the erection of the flue after the Local Planning Authority had already worked with the applicants to regularise the previous unauthorised works to the listed building. Carrying out works to a listed building without the necessary consent constitutes a criminal offence and the approval of a retrospective application does not override this occurrence. Scant regard has been given by the applicants to the legislative requirements and the National Park Authority in this instance which is unsatisfactory, particularly following the assistance which was given to the applicants during the previous application and enforcement investigation.”

The committee running the community pub also upset one of its most supportive neighbours. John Hall told the planning committee that his firm of solicitors, which is based in nearby Leyburn, had done all the legal work for the community pub free of charge and he was a member of its committee. The flue is visible from his back garden.

He commented: “This is a question of good design. The planning officer’s report confirms how dreadful it is. We have been given short shrift.”

Raymond Brown, the chairman of the community pub committee, did apologise for the installation of the flue without planning permission. He pointed out that under new health and safety regulations a flue to extract fumes from the kitchen was necessary, and the pub needed to be able to serve meals to survive. He added that the flue only had temporary fixtures and could be removed when it was no longer needed.

Coun John Blackie said: “The officer has made the recommendation through gritted teeth” that the flue should remain even though it was so unsightly.

He and another planning committee member William Weston asked if advice could be sought from English Heritage about the installation of such flues on listed buildings as this was becoming a common problem. They also wanted a definition of when the flue would no longer be in use and so could be removed.

The committee accepted the officer’s recommendation to approve the retrospective planning applications for the installation of the kitchen extractor system and of the flue, but did ask that the flue should be painted a colour which made it less obvious. It was painted black at the request of the planning department.

Carperby – March and April:  Carperby cum Thoresby parish council strongly objected to a proposed extension to Alpine Cottage arguing that it would cause harm to an iconic building in the village.

The clerk to the parish council explained that Carperby was a conservation area and Alpine Cottage had been specifically mentioned in the Designation Statement.  It was probably built in the 18th century and was the only one of its kind which remained in the village. “It is seen by residents as a valued part of the built heritage of the village,” she stated.

The parish council did not accept the planning officer’s evaluation that the extension would not dominate the rest of the cottage but rather would be subservient and harmonious to it.

David Chapman told the committee that he and his wife had sought the advice of the YDNPA planning officer, and had followed that advice when they applied for the single-storey extension (for a lounge) and a store. Ten members accepted the parish council’s objections and voted against the officer’s recommendation to approve the application.

April: After the March meeting the owner of Alpine Cottage in Carperby submitted amended plans showing a reduction in the size of the single storey extension and the removal of a store.

N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham said that the latter especially changed the situation considerably as he had felt that the store beside a patio looked like it could have become an extension to the living space. Chris Armitage and  Cumbria County Coun Roger Bingham agreed with him that the alterations were sufficient to change the opinion of the committee.

N Yorks County Coun John Blackie reminded them that the majority of the villagers and the parish council were still against giving approval for the extension to the cottage.

A resident, Colin Gavin, told the committee he passionately objected not only because it was such an iconic old miner’s cottage but also because adding the extension would mean that the dwelling would no longer be affordable for local residents. The majority of the members, however, accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the altered plans.

Grassington – February: The owner of some old council garages in Grassington asked for and received a Valentines Day present from the YDNPA planning committee on Tuesday, February 14, when her plans for a one-bedroom bungalow on that site were approved.

Mrs Mary Wilkinson told the committee that she wanted to have a retirement home within walking distance of the town centre. She had agreed to set the building back by a metre but a neighbour told the committee that the front porch would still impede access to a garage.

Another neighbour said that the bungalow would affect their privacy and greatly reduce the amount of parking space in the area. Grassington parish council was not prepared to support the application as it felt the neighbours’ concerns had not been properly addressed.

The committee, however, accepted the recommendation of the planning officer that although the bungalow would be close to the two adjoining properties it would not have a negative impact upon the amenity of the neighbours or cause access problems. The YDNPA legal officer advised that it was a civil matter if any scaffolding during the construction of the bungalow caused access problems.

Grassington – March: It was agreed that the owner of Wisp Hill stables should be given nine months to comply with an enforcement notice. In December 2005 planning permission was given for the construction of new stables, workshop and storage units and the demolition of an old barn. The old barn has, however, been retained and three local small businesses are based there.

The enforcement officer reported that the owner had now submitted a plan for reducing the size of the old barn. It was hoped that a compromise could be found within nine months so that local jobs could be protected. The enforcement notice also includes the removal of the concrete wall enclosure created to form a horse turn out area.

Grassington – August: Approval was given for a terrace of three two-bedroom houses and a detached house with three bedrooms to be built by Yorkshire Housing on a small site at Mirefield in Garrs End Lane to provide affordable housing for rent. This was a compromise solution as originally Yorkshire Housing had applied to build four three-bedroom houses but it had been felt that this would have had too much of a detrimental impact upon the surrounding area.

The parish council had asked if there could be just three three-bedroom houses with more parking spaces but Yorkshire Housing had stated this would make the development economically unviable. There will be S106 agreements on the houses to ensure the restriction on occupancy for perpetuity.

Grisedale. – June and September: Coun Roberts reminded the committee that there was a book about The Dale That Died. Other members, however, pointed out that there had been some excellent conversions of derelict buildings in Grisedale so it was not so empty now.

There was then a lengthy discussion about the application to reinstate the former dwelling at East Scale which is a grade II listed building.  The officer had recommended refusal because, following several requests from the YDNPA,  the applicant had not provided a structural survey. Richard Graham, head of development management, said that there had been instances in previous years when work had started on similar buildings only for the walls to collapse and that meant the integrity of the original building could not be maintained.

The owner, who lives in New York, had not provided a full heritage statement or statement of significance as required under the new National Planning Policy Framework. Planning consent was given in 2003 for the 17th century former farmhouse with associated buildings to be altered to form a dwelling house with an office and a recording studio. The present application is to reinstate  the whole building as a dwelling. The roof on part of the building has collapsed since 2003.

The parish council fully supported the latest application as it welcomed the refurbishment of such properties in the parish. There was concern however about how electricity would be supplied to the property.

The committee deferred making a decision as it agreed that although it was supportive of the proposed development it might refuse to grant permission if the documents requested by the planning department (including the structural survey) were not submitted within three months.

At the September meeting the committee reluctantly refused the application as the applicant had not provided the requested documents.

Hawes – March: Residents in Hawes thoroughly approved of The Caravan Club’s Brown Moor site, Coun Blackie told the committee. It was agreed that the site was well screened by trees and shrubs and there should be no problem with removing 12 static pitches and replacing them with ten for touring caravans. Approval was given for the removal of the static pitches and construction of new all-weather serviced ones, the relocation of the existing bin compound and some new planting. After these changes there will be no caravans on the site from January 3 to March 16 each year.

Hawes –  September and October : Coun Blackie requested that there should be a site meeting to consider the application for the erection of a double garage with office at Ashes Farm House. He described this as an iconic building in Hawes.

This application was strongly supported by Hawes and High Abbotside parish council which felt that the quality of the design was in keeping with this grade II listed building. The planning officer, however, recommended that the application should be refused stating that the poor design would be out of character with the Ashes Farm house. Three buildings on the site are grade II listed buildings.

Some members argued that the photographs shown by the planning officer were sufficient and that a site meeting was not needed. The vote was evenly split and so the chairman, Harold Brown, gave his casting vote in favour of a site meeting.

The site meeting led to some amended plans being submitted for the October meeting and the approval of the majority of the members. The applicant, Mr M Metcalfe, explained that after the site meeting he had decided the height of the proposed building should be reduced so that the roof did not compete with that of the farmhouse, which is a grade II listed building.

He also showed photographs of the public toilets at Pennygarth in Hawes. He said no one had complained about that building being out of place beside listed buildings in the town – and the proposed garage was very similar in design. Several members of the committee agreed that the garage would not detract from the farmhouse or the other two listed buildings on the site.

Cumbria County Coun Roger Bingham, YDNPA’s member champion for cultural heritage, commented that he was very impressed by how Mr Metcalfe had restored and conserved the listed buildings.

The head of development management, Richard Graham, said that given the majority vote in favour of the application this decision would not need to be referred back to the committee meeting next month for ratification.

Hawes  – December:  Only time will tell whether the major feature of the new building at the Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes will be iconic or an oddity. The “erratic” on the green sloping roof has been planned to represent the large boulders (erratics) left behind by glaciers during the Ice Age.

The architect, Clive Williams, explained to the planning committee that the aim was to provide a modern production facility which respected its setting within Wensleydale. A focal point was needed for the entrance and it was, therefore, felt that a modern interpretation of the erratics would be a nice symbol.

The panels covering this would be made from glass reinforced cement (GRC) which, Mr Williams said, could be coloured to match local stone and over time moss and lichen would grow on them. The curved roof of the new building will have a calcareous grassland roof which will enhance the local ecology.

The planning officers and some of the committee members were however concerned about the “erratic”. William Weston said this was one of the few sites in the dales which could have such a contemporary, cutting edge, exciting design but the erratic was one of the two features which he felt verged on the pastiche. If it was possible to get the shape and the materials right it would be an exciting feature he added. He therefore proposed that the officers should have more time to work with the architect on such design features.

N Yorks County Coun John Blackie had, however, pointed out that there was great concern that the application would not be discussed by the committee until February 2013. “This would have threatened the viability of the scheme – because this is a major, major scheme for the upper Dales and is not going to be done without attracting investment from beyond the Dales.”

David Hartley, managing director of the Wensleydale Creamery, told the committee that the business with its two sites, in Hawes and at Kirkby Malzeard , had a £25 million turnover a year and employed 230 people, as well as receiving milk from 45 local farmers. Their award winning cheeses were well known and bought throughout the UK and the world. He added: “We are investing in capacity, efficiency, sustainability and really most importantly the legacy of the future of cheese making in Wensleydale. We are committed to Wensleydale.”

The company intends to make Hawes the centre of its state of the art handcrafted cheese production. To do this the old production and office buildings, some of which are over 50 years old and are no longer fit for purpose, will be demolished. These will be replaced with the new building which would cover the same area but will, at some points, be higher than the present one. It will incorporate cheese manufacturing, the offices and an enhanced visitor centre. It is expected that the latter along with the existing shop, café and restaurant will benefit Wensleydale and the wider area.

Coun Blackie asked that the permission should make it possible for the production unit to work 24 hours a day during busy periods such as when preparing for Christmas, and that, if the officers could not come to an agreement with the architect regarding the materials being used for the erratic that issue should be brought back to the committee.

He pointed out that the parish council had requested that planning officers should ensure that the sewerage infrastructure serving the town could cope with any additional discharge. Yorkshire Water had established that the Creamery had on occasions been the source of a lingering bad smell in some parts of Hawes.

The parish council also asked that the new development should include a permanent silent source of additional electrical power – rather than using a noisy reserve generator. The parish council did support the new development because, as was accepted by the planning officers, the Creamery was very important to the town as a provider of employment and bringing in tourists. It added that it was reasonably content with the design of the new building.

After the planning committee voted in favour of the application the chairman, Graham Dalton, reminded the architect that some had misgivings about aspects of the design, especially the erratic.

Hawkswick – February:  The committee approved the planning officer’s recommendation for the construction of a replacement dwelling at The Bungalow in Hawkswick even though one member described it as a “half-breed house” and another commented “It looks like a pavilion to me.”

Hawkswick parish meeting had stated: “We feel the design needs to be more sympathetic to its surroundings in Littondale with more use being made of stone than wood panelling and glazing.” The head of development management, Richard Graham, said: “It’s an unfussy design and it’s robust. The timber can be stained a dark colour or left to weather naturally.”

Hawkswick. – July :  County Coun Harrison-Topham described the period up to 1996 as the Wild West days of ad hoc planning decisions by the YDNPA.  And Craven Dt Coun John Roberts reminded the committee that inconsistent planning decisions had led to deep grievances against the Authority.

It was in 1989 and 1990 that the Authority received two applications for barn conversions in Hawkswick. One applicant was given full permission to convert a barn with no “local need” agreement. But the owners of the barn at Hazel Head Farm were told that they could not convert it into two dwellings unless they signed a Section 52 agreement. This not only restricts occupancy to someone working within a ten-mile radius of the dwellings but also means that they can’t be sold to anyone living outside that radius. The present owners of those dwellings have now applied to have the agreement discharged.

The arguments of their agent, Andrew Moss of WardHadaway, included the inconsistencies in planning decisions between 1990 and 1993, particularly concerning barn conversions in Hawkswick. The planning committee gave permission for a third barn conversion in 1993, again without a local occupancy restriction especially as that was not a requirement of the Authority’s policy at that time.

Mr Moss noted in his letter to the Authority that the emerging planning policy was being applied differently in that period. It wasn’t until the adoption of the Local Plan in October 1996 that “a certain and predictable system was achieved… thereby avoiding inconsistent and unpredictable decision making.”

He stated that where there had been inconsistent planning decisions it was only fair and reasonable for the position to be reviewed and regularised.

The Authority’s monitoring officer, Richard Daly, however, disagreed. He informed the committee that the Authority had consulted legal Counsel on this issue. Only the YDNPA officers and members could read the Counsel’s confidential advice – but the meeting was told that he did not accept that that the Authority should discharge the agreement. His arguments included that the covenant was not obsolete as it could still be of value in controlling development in the National Park, it secured a substantial advantage to the Authority and was in the public interest.

The officers and some members emphasised the Counsel’s argument that if the agreement was discharged it would set an extremely unhelpful precedent for future applications. Richard Graham, head of development management, stated that there were over 100 “local need” agreements (S52 and S106) made during that period.Coun John Roberts, however, argued that there were only four S52 agreements which affected barn conversions.

Several members said that the Authority should now find a compromise solution. This might either involve the owners of the two dwellings putting the properties on the market for six months in accordance with YDNPA guidelines and then, if they did not sell, the S52 agreements might be lifted.Or the S52 agreements could be re-negotiated to bring them more in line with the present S106 agreements. (These do not include the 10-mile radius restrictions.) The members voted unanimously for the decision to be deferred so that officers could negotiate further with the owners.

(NB: In November 2011 the committee discussed a similar application involving The Shetty at Gayle. The committee agreed to discharge that agreement only because of  “exceptional circumstances”.)

Hawkswick – August :  The committee spent a long time discussing whether a 10ft steel agricultural gate could be retained at the entrance to a 15m by 18m parcel of land at Belly Flatt. A local farmer will use the gate to offload sheep onto that land. Hawkswick Parish Meeting objected stating that the appearance on a country lane of two 10ft steel gates, side by side, was an alien feature on the landscape. (There is a similar gate at the entrance to an adjacent farm field.)

As there was a pedestrian gate onto the applicant’s plot and a farmer had made another access for sheep the parish meeting felt that new gate should be removed and the fence reinstated. The committee approved the planning officer’s recommendation that the gate could remain but there should be no access for vehicles and the limestone chippings should be removed within three months. Additional trees should also be planted.

Hetton –  May and June :  How does one define “open countryside” committee member, Chris Armitage, asked when the application by F Reeday and Sons to erect an agricultural worker’s dwelling in a farmyard which is part of Manor Farm in Hetton was discussed.  “This (application) meets all our criteria except one – this is a grey area,” commented Mr Armitage. The committee heard that there was huge local support for the application which was seen as a way of sustaining the future of the farm and encouraging a young family to stay in the Dales.

Craven Dt Coun John Roberts commented: “If the children go there is a domino effect with schools closing etc.” The farm is now mainly worked by Matthew Reeday who lives in a very  small cottage in Hetton with his wife and two young children. That cottage is owned by three of the Reeday family but is not part of the farm partnership.

A legal agreement on the original farmhouse means that it will be inherited by those not involved in the farm business. It was pointed out that the cost of houses in Hetton  is too high for farm workers like Mr Reeday. The planning officer argued that the house would be in open countryside as the site was outside the village boundary.

The only basis then for approving such an application was if it could be shown that accommodation could not be provided by using other houses within the control of the applicant. Richard Graham, head of development management, said that the committee could approve the application on the basis that there were legal and financial circumstances which made it impossible for the Reedays to do that.

As the committee voted unanimously in favour of approving the application Craven Dt Coun Robert Heseltine asked if this decision needed to be referred back to the June meeting. Mr Graham said the planning officer would need time to work on preparing the legal agreement to tie the dwelling to the farm business.

At the June meeting all but one of the members voted to ratify that decision. The two reasons agreed upon were: the exceptional personal circumstances of the applicants in terms of legal and financial issues prevented them from using any of the existing buildings in the family’s ownership to meet the needs of the farm business; and that the landscape impact of the proposal would be minimal having regard to its context within the existing farmyard that adjoins the settlement boundary of Hetton. There will be a S106 agreement tying the house to the farm buildings and all of the land.

N Yorks County Coun John Blackie pointed out that there had also been exceptional circumstances when Clark Stone applied for an agricultural worker’s dwelling in Arkengarthdale which would have also been outside a village boundary. He wondered if this was an example of double standards.

Horton in Ribblesdale – February and March :  A decision on the application to extend the amount of time that a field by the New Inn Bridge could be used for visitor parking was deferred by the planning committee until its  March meeting. This may allow time for the preparation of a traffic management plan for the village but the committee  agreed that the decision should not be delayed any longer. The owners have applied to use the field for parking for 70 days between April and October each year.

The planning officer recommended that it could be used for parking for only 57 days from April to September, and that it could not be used for overnight accommodation by those with tents or caravans.

Horton in Ribblesdale parish council had asked the committee to refuse the application. It stated: “It is essential that the wider issue of the impact on the village and the surrounding area of the increasing number of sponsored walks be addressed before there can be a sensible consideration of what provision should be made to accommodate visitors and their vehicles.”

The North Yorkshire branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England ( CPRE) wrote to the YDNPA to express its concern about mass walks. It stated: “It is necessary now to protect the countryside against the damage done by too many feet in one place. The CPRE considers damage can be caused not only to the ecostructure but also to villages in or adjacent to the Parks which become swamped by excessive numbers of visitors. We consider that every effort must be made to spread visitor numbers to places throughout the Parks.”And added: “Perhaps alternate routes could be worked out to give the Three Peaks a rest.”

The YDNPA’s recreation and tourism manager, however, felt that the Three Peaks walks were of such national significance that it would be difficult to persuade people to go elsewhere. The only alternative is to manage the numbers visiting the area.  Some charity events attract between 400 to 1000 participants. (See Pen-y-ghent cafe )

At the March meeting it was agreed to give  permission for three years for the field  to be used for temporary parking for a total of 57 days a year, with no parking there between October and March. This, it was felt, would provide sufficient time for a traffic management plan to be developed to enable the village to cope with the thousands who take part in sponsored Three Peaks walks.

At the planning committee the majority agreed that the conditions (secured with a S106 agreement)  should include restricting cars from being parked too close to the houses at one end of the field; that parking (with no overnight accommodation) would be limited to Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays according to a schedule of events provided by the landowner; and that parking or camping on another field owned by the applicant should be restricted.  The landowner will be asked to provide information to those preparing the traffic management plan.

Horton in Ribblesdale -December :  Permission was granted for the outdoor pursuits centre at Newhouses, Horton in Ribblesdale, to be converted into a four-bedroomed house. Although the parish council had some reservations about the revised plans it had no objection to what had been Foxwood Farmhouse being converted in a house as that would preserve the integrity of the grade II listed building. It would have preferred that the development remained within the footprint of the existing structure but the committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that a lean-to extension at the rear could project one metre beyond that footprint. The Friends of Foxwood Farm had used the farmhouse as an outdoor pursuits centre from 1996. By 2011 the charity was no longer able to run this facility and so sold the farmhouse at auction. The applicant maintained that due to its size and layout the building would not meet current standards or expectations for an outdoor education facility. The only committee member who did not accept this was Coun Blackie. He felt this would set a precedent and could lead to the loss of even more low-cost holiday accommodation in the national park.

Ingleton. – July: The committee gave approval for an enforcement notice to be served on the owners of the land adjacent to the White Scar Caves stating that a touring caravan on the site should be removed within three months. When an enforcement officer inspected the site in June 2009 there was a petting zoo there and the caravan was occasionally used for shelter. By May this year the moveable hutches had been removed but the caravan was still on the site and the Authority had not received a planning application for it to remain there.

Keld –  February:  Approval was given for the number of tents at Park House campsite, Keld, to be increased from six to 12 and for the opening period to be extended. No caravans or tents will be allowed on the site between October 31 and March 1 each year, and none can be there for more than 28 days during the camping season. The application originally proposed increasing the number of caravans from three to six but the planning officers were concerned about the impact upon such a remote and exposed landscape.

Kettlewell – June: The committee unanimously accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that hard surfacing and pitches for caravans could be created using crushed limestone at the site at Causeway Bungalow in Kettlewell. Craven Dt Coun John Roberts noted that caravans and motorhomes were getting heavier and so sank into the grass. N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham wondered, however, if crushed limestone was the most suitable material. He felt that other materials such as plastic matting should be considered. This application was supported by the parish council.

Kettlewell – June : Some of the members pointed out that as the owner of Market House in Kettlewell had not yet signed a S106 agreement the three years allowed for work to begin had not yet officially started. The agreement should have been signed in early 2009 after the applicant was given permission to convert a store into a shop with a two bedroom dwelling above.  As it had not been signed the planning officer had recommended that the application should be refused, but in an email just before the meeting it was stated that the applicant was now prepared to sign the agreement. At the meeting it was unanimously agreed that the applicant should be given a maximum of three months in which to sign. If he does he will then have another three years in which to begin converting the store. In 2008 the parish council had strongly objected to this application as the road by the premises was not only narrow but also a bus route.

Langcliffe – October : The large V shaped signs advertising that Langcliffe Mill was for sale or to let must be removed but they could be replaced with smaller ones in appropriate positions. This was the majority view of the committee after discussing the retrospective application for the present signs made by Skipton Properties Pension Fund. It was accepted that there needs to be good advertising if the Mill is to attract those who could bring employment to the area by redeveloping the site but that should not be done to the detriment of the surrounding landscape. The members therefore accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to refuse the application.

Linton – February:  Linton Parish Council was very concerned that a precedent would be set for the future development of the village if permission was given for a house to be built outside of the development boundary. After a lengthy debate the committee agreed with the planning officer that permission could not be granted for a house to be built in the field next to Tarn Laithe. The owner explained that it was for members of his own family and so constituted local need. The officer stated that as the site was outside the village housing boundary it would not fulfill the criteria for local needs housing under the present Local Plan nor the new Dales Housing Development Plan when it comes into force. Committee member Peter  Charlesworth believed the application would fulfil a local need for housing and pointed out that prior to a wall being built the development boundary would have extended through the proposed site to the edge of the conservation area.

Linton Falls. – October and November:  It was decided to hold a site meeting to assess the impact upon neighbours of extensions to Gable End at Linton Falls. “We have got a very strong recommendation from the parish council that we have got to listen to,” said Craven Dt Coun John Roberts.

Originally the applicant had wanted a two storey extension on the rear but the planning officer had said that would have had too much of a negative impact upon the neighbouring cottage owned by Mr B Kennedy. The officer felt that a single storey lean-to extension would not have a significantly overbearing or overshadowing impact and so had recommended that the application for that and a two storey side extension should be approved.

Mr Kennedy told the committee: “Light is at a premium in my cottage. I think this (will be) intrusive.” And Linton parish councillor, John Bennett, said: “The parish council is unanimously opposed… to this unacceptable loss of amenity particularly to Rose Cottage and other properties.”

At the November meeting all the members who attended the site meeting to Linton Falls voted for approval to be given for the erection of the two extensions to Gable End. The other two committee members abstained from voting.

Peter Charlesworth proposed the acceptance of the officer’s recommendation because at the site meeting he felt it was clear that the rear extension would not have a big impact upon the neighbouring property. He pointed out that under permitted development rights the rear extension could be three metres in depth whereas after consultations with the planning officer the applicant had agreed not only to reduce it to 1.8 metres but also to just a single storey.

Chris Armitage described the proposed extensions as being cleverly designed. The largest section of the extension will be into the garden at the side of the end-terrace house.

Long Preston – November:  Approval was given for half of a stable at Beckstone House in Newhouse Lane to be converted into an office for an e-communications firm.

Two of the three full-time employees live at Beckstone House and one of the conditions is that the use of the office would be tied to the occupants of that house. This is to ensure that the level of use does not increase and so impact more upon highway safety and residential amenity.

Long Preston parish councillor Hilary Baker told the committee that the un-adopted road to this small hamlet was narrow with very few passing places. “It is a well-used and much loved public footpath and in places is the width of a 4×4,” she said.

The parish council therefore objected to the application because the area would be adversely affected by the additional traffic. Mrs Baker added that the emergency services had difficulty accessing the hamlet via that road.

The planning committee, however, felt that such an e-based office would not generate much extra traffic and this was the type of use of old buildings that the Authority wished to encourage.

Low Row – October:  The majority of the committee agreed that there was little difference in the application involving East Broccabank at Low Row to that refused by planning officers in August 2011. That decision was upheld by a planning inspector in November 2011.

The committee therefore refused to give planning permission for a single storey extension to form a studio and shower room. This extension would have been to the garage attached to the house.

Richmondshire Dt Coun Malcolm Gardner had asked the planning committee to consider this application as he felt that the appeal inspector’s decision had been fatally flawed. He wondered what the inspector had meant by describing the design as “fussy”.

Paul Steele, who owns the house with his wife, explained that they had wanted an extension which could not be seen easily from the surrounding countryside and which would merge in with the garage.

Marske – April and May: At the April meeting it was decided that there should be a site visit to the Stable Block at Marske as the scheme to transform this Grade II listed building into nine holiday units was complex.

Marske Stable Block is in the open countryside and is on English Heritage’s “At Risk” register. Although the YDNPA would like to see it in use in order to conserve it, its senior listed buildings officer stated that the plans to remove the Victorian features from this Georgian building, including windows and stable boxes, would be harmful to the historic and architectural significance of the stables. The application includes alterations to the Coach House.

At the May meeting Sue Ridley, the vice chairman of Marske and New Forest parish meeting, begged the committee to work with Roger Tempest of the Rural Concepts Group, to preserve The Stables. “It is a beautiful building and some of the stonework is stunning.If you turn down this application what is the alternative?” she asked.

Mrs Ridley explained that the Rural Concepts Group had been the only buyer interested in purchasing The Stables from the parish meeting two years ago.

Committee members visited the 18th century building on April 20 to consider if there were sufficient conservation benefits if it was converted into nine holiday lets, and if the plans put forward would mean that too many of the 19th century features would be lost.

Following further consultation with the Rural Concepts Group a number of amendments to the original plans were agreed. These included retaining some Victorian sash windows, iron mangers and some feeding troughs, and 18th century graffiti. The developers will make a photographic record of the building prior to work starting.

Although the amended plans were not available at the May meeting it was agreed unanimously that the application could be delegated to officers to complete the planning process. The members accepted that there was an urgent need now to preserve the building and that Mr Tempest had an excellent record for restoring listed buildings throughout the country.

The committee chairman, Graham Dalton, was concerned that it would be possible for the community have long term use of a room, on a rental basis, at The Stables.

Mrs Ridley said that the WI and the parish meeting would make use of that room. She like Harold  Brown (Grinton parish council)  remembered the days when the villagers held dances, celebrations and many other community events at The Stables.

Melmerby in Coverdale– September and October: Two very different views of the alterations to a farmyard at Manor Farm, Melmerby in Coverdale were presented to the planning committee.

N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham, who can see the farm from his home, argued that the extension of the farmyard and the embankment was not so visible that it was having a harmful impact upon the landscape.

To Melmerby parish meeting, however, the embankment was an eyesore created from soil and rubbish and the trees engulfed by it were either dead or dying. And in wet weather effluent flowed down it.

The planning officer had recommended refusal because of the impact of the embankment on the landscape and on some trees. He had also asked that an enforcement notice should be served for the embankment to be removed and the farmyard returned to its original size.

The planning committee, however, accepted Coun Harrison-Topham’s request that there should be a site meeting before making any decision about the retrospective application by F Dinsdale and Sons to make up the ground level at the rear of the farm buildings.

The site meeting at Manor Farm made a considerable impact upon those members who went to see the embankment created with soil dug out when a new building was being erected. At the site meeting the farmers were congratulated by Melmerby parish council for the amount of tidying that had been carried out in the past two weeks.

The parish council felt that the proposed planting scheme of trees and a hedgerow would further improve the site. It asked that a channel should be dug to prevent effluent draining down the embankment.

It was accepted by the planning committee members that the cost of removing that soil would be too high for the farm business. They also accepted Nigel Dinsdale’s argument that the area created by the infill was essential to the functioning of the farm business.

Since then the meeting in September the  applicants had worked with the YDNPA’s Trees and Woodlands Officer to draw up an extensive scheme of landscaping. This includes the tiered planting of 120 trees on the embankment and the installation of a native hedgerow along the southern and eastern boundaries of the extended farmyard. The planning officer therefore recommended that the application should be granted which was accepted by the committee.

The committee did ask that in future any applications for new farm buildings should include information about the disposal of waste soil.

Melmerby in Coverdale – September:  The planning committee was asked not only to refuse Andrew Avison’s retrospective application for the infilling of Lickber Lane but also to authorise the serving of an enforcement notice to restore the lane to its original condition.

The planning officer stated that the infilling had damaged an ancient sunken route which was a non-designated heritage asset. Richmondshire Ramblers had told the Authority that it was regularly used by walkers.

Melmerby parish meeting, however, had reported that prior to the infilling Lickber Lane had been impassable due to water running down it, damage by rabbits and the build-up of vegetation. The section infilled by Mr Avison was now useable but that nearest to the river had not been touched and remained impassable.

The YDNPA member champion for heritage, Cumbria County Coun Roger Bingham said that any archaeological evidence in the infilled section of Lickber Lane had been obliterated.

But the planning committee decided not to support the recommendation of the planning officer immediately. Instead the majority voted to defer the decision so that the YDNPA could consult with N Yorkshire County Council’s highways department as the unclassified lane is recorded as being the responsibility of the county council.

Coun Roger Harrison-Topham said that the main problem now was to reconcile the objectives of two authorities which operated under different pieces of legislation. His advice that the YDNPA planning department should reach agreement with the county council and then bring the issue back to the planning committee was accepted.

Reeth – February : Committee members voted overwhelmingly in favour of allowing a new house to be built at Mill Hill. This, however, was against the planning officer’s recommendation who said it should be refused as the amended plans did not go far enough to solve the problems of over-dominating and affecting the privacy of the house below it.

The Swaledale members of the committee felt there would be minimal loss of privacy and amenity and that the proposed building was in keeping with the terraced nature of many houses in Reeth. Another committee member asked if the house could be set back by a metre from the footpath.

It was agreed that the planning officer could ratify this decision if the applicant could make that adjustment to the plans.

Ribblehead –  February An enforcement notice will be issued for the removal of the residential caravan beside the Station Inn at Ribblehead, but the compliance period will be set at six months instead of two. N Yorks County Coun John Blackie explained that the owner was preparing to apply for an extension to the Inn so as to provide alternative staff accommodation.Ribblehead –  May: It was unanimously agreed the application for full planning permission for extensions and alterations to the Station Inn and its  bunkhouse should be approved. The conditions include the removal of the caravan beside the pub.  Cumbria County Coun Roger Bingham said that although the pub was one of the most visited in the Yorkshire Dales the site was a mess at present. “I do hope it will be tidied up.” The extensions to the pub include an improved kitchen at the rear and enlarging the dining room and the toilets.  The facilities in bunkhouse will be improved and further accommodation will be provided for staff. There will be a new vehicular access.

Sedbergh – March: The committee agreed with the planning officer that a wall built to enclose part of the grassy area in front of Abbot Holme at Millthrop,Sedbergh, would detract considerably from the beauty of the open space which had been in existence since the mid 19th century. It would also have an adverse impact upon Abbot Holme which is a listed building. The application for a 1.2m high stone boundary wall was therefore rejected.

Sedbergh – May and July:  Local planning authorities can no longer question the need for a telecommunications system as that right has been removed under the government’s new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Nor can a local authority determine if there are sufficient health safeguards for residents if an applicant can show that the proposal meets International Commission guidelines for public exposure to radiation levels.

This was reported by the planning officer dealing with the application by Electricity North West to construct a 20m high telecommunications pole with antenna at its primary substation off Busk Lane in Sedbergh. The application according to the NPPF could only be determined on planning issues. But neither the members of the planning committee nor over 200 Sedbergh residents were convinced that they could not question the need for the mast.

Andrew Fleck, the head teacher of Sedbergh School, spoke on behalf of 211 residents when he queried the technology and the height of the mast.

N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham said that the mast would be a particularly bad blot on the landscape. He accepted that if the committee refused the application the company would apply again and then he wanted the technological need to  be appraised by an independent advisor.

The company had explained the mast was essential to manage the supply of electricity and remotely manage the high voltage equipment at the substation by having a clear line of sight for radio signals to be transmitted to it from the rest of the Electricity North West  network. The committee was told that the BT network would not work and the only safe and secure method was via radio transmissions.

The planning officers had negotiated with company to have a mono-pod design which was half the width of the lattice tower originally proposed, so as to try and minimise the impact upon the landscape and the neighbourhood. To retain line of sight it was necessary, however, for the top of the mast to be above the trees.

The majority of the committee members agreed that the mast would have a detrimental impact not only on the landscape but also on those living near it, particularly some of those in Queen’s Drive, and that there were health and safety issues. They also wanted the technology to be reassessed to find out if such a high mast was really necessary.

As they did not accept the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application this decision had to be ratified at the June meeting.

At the July meeting Shirley Smith from Sedbergh impressed the committee with her carefully argued objection to the telecommunications pole. She quoted the NPPF (see below) and asked the Authority to seek independent advice before serious damage was done to the Sedbergh area.

All but two  members of the committee agreed with her and felt that maybe this should be put to the test.  Even though it was understood that Electricity North West would appeal if the committee did not approve its plans, the majority of the members voted against accepting them, thus ratifying the decision made at the May meeting.

Some members argued that they were not questioning the need for the mast but whether it was the best option especially as it was the duty of the YDNPA to protect the landscape and make sure that any proposed development would not have a detrimental impact. It was also felt that the mast would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the neighbouring properties.

Mrs Smith’s statement  to the planning committee: “First of all I wish to thank the committee for voting down so convincingly at the meeting in May, ENW’s application for a telecommunications pole at Sedbergh substation.I maintain that the reasons for which the permission was refused by the planning committee then are equally valid now since no independent proof of the need for a pole has been obtained. I hope that Members will agree that ENW’s plan to erect a 20m telecommunications pole, adjacent to the cemetery, with antennae at the top, jutting 5m above the very tall trees around, towering over the nearby residential area and marring the view from any of the fells around, as well as from houses in Sedbergh above a certain level, should not go forward. Sedbergh can well do without such an eyesore. The petition concerning the pole now has 296 signatures.Paragraph 6 of the (YDNPA) reference back report refers to a report produced eight years ago – in which the conclusion is drawn that alternative technology is unsuitable. Technology has made great strides since 2004! In paragraph 8 reference is made to ‘tests’ in 2007 leading to the same conclusion. But five years on, there is no doubt that alternative ‘fit-for-purpose’ technology is available for the asking.  It is now time for the technological alternatives to be thoroughly and independently investigated to provide conclusive proof that a pole is not needed.After all, the National Planning Policy Framework recommends in Section 43 that ‘local planning authorities should support the expansion of electronic communications networks . . . . They should aim to keep the numbers of radio and telecommunications masts and the sites for these to a minimum consistent with the efficient operation of the network.’Section 46 of the NPPF states that planning authorities should not question the need for the telecommunications system: No-one here could possibly suggest that ENW has no need for an efficient telecommunications system. All that is being questioned is the need for a pole. Also in Section 46 ‘local planning authorities should not seek to prevent competition between different operators’.ENW, as an operator itself, may well favour a pole as the least expensive option. An independent investigation would be able to discover which operator, if not BT, could provide the best competitive non-pole technology for ENW’s purposes, much more appropriate for Sedbergh, relying, as the local economy does, on the visitors who come to enjoy its beautiful landscape.In conclusion : There is no doubt that efficient operation of a network to suit ENW’s demands is possible with up-to-date technology. The committee has not yet exercised due diligence by taking independent advice and we would strongly recommend that such advice is sought without delay before serious damage is done to our area. We have always understood that the purpose of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is to safeguard our landscape.”

Sedbergh – August:  The committee accepted the planning officers recommendation that a modern, fit for purpose dental practice would be a key community asset and would contribute to the vitality of Sedbegh and so approved plans for the change of use of the Spar shop in Main Street in the town centre. The Dental Practice Sedbergh plans to re-locate to there from Finkle Street and in doing so be able to take on 120 new NHS patients.

The parish council accepted that the dental practice would maintain footfall in Main Street but was concerned about the loss of a retail outlet in the town centre and that the original plans did not provide for the shop front being remodelled to fit in better with the traditional appearance of what is a conservation area.

The planning officer stated that the proposed alterations were now acceptable in design terms (including the removal of the unattractive shiny fascia) and would enhance the street scene.As there had been so much public interest in this issue with many writing to the YDNPA with arguments for and against the application it was agreed this must be discussed in an open forum.

There was concern about the continuing viability of Main Street as a shopping location especially since permission had been given for the auction mart to be transformed into a new Spar supermarket plus health centre. That health centre will not have sufficient space for the extended dental practice.

The new Spar supermarket opened in March and since then there has been a considerable reduction in the range of goods on sale at the Main Street shop and the hours have been severely curtailed. There is an S106 agreement that Spar should retain its Main Street store for two years after the new supermarket was opened. The committee members were told that that agreement can be modified so that the existing retail use continues until the premises are sold to the dental practice.

The dental practice had not provided evidence that there the retail use of the premises was no longer economically viable but was proposing that the surgery in Finkle Street should become a shop.

At the  meeting approval was given for the dental surgery in Finkle Street to become a retail premises with a very small flat on the first floor. The request by the parish council that the flat should be for those in need of accommodation locally was accepted and there will be an S106 agreement to ensure that.

Sedbergh. – October: The committee unanimously agreed that Two Castles Housing Association could go ahead and build seven two-storey and three bungalows, all for local occupancy, on the former Cumbria County Council depot site in Guldrey Lane, Sedbergh.

The members did check on the cascading eligibility arrangements for occupancy as they wanted to ensure that local people were not pushed out. It was explained that the first ones to be considered would be those living in Sedbergh; then those from named adjacent parishes within South Lakeland, and then those living elsewhere within the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

N Yorks County Coun John Blackie’s request that those living in Hawes and High Abbotside should be considered before others living in the National Park was accepted. He explained that Hawes and High Abbotside had a similar agreement with Sedbergh and Garsdale for the affordable housing recently built in Hawes.

Both he and Graham Dalton were dismayed that Cumbria County Council had not taken up offers by private businesses to use that site for employment purposes. “The site has been empty now for more than 20 years and it is getting in a very derelict condition,” said Mr Dalton.

Members felt that the planning officers had made a good job of negotiating with Two Castles Housing Association about the number of dwellings and the layout . Originally the Association had proposed that there should be 12 dwellings but the planning officers asked for this to be reduced so as to produce a layout which did not impinge on the amenity of neighbouring properties.

The Association’s project manager, Lisa Hogarth, assured members that the new homes would be built so that they could accommodate disabled people. She said that even with the reduction in the number of dwellings and with problems such as the need to decontaminate the site she believed the project was viable and would provide homes for local people.

Sedbergh – November: Sedbergh parish councillor, Douglas Thompson, asked the committee to defer making a decision about an application for the change of use of a one-room shop to residential.

This was because the parish council wanted more time to work with the YDNPA on the Sedbergh Townscape Project aimed, in part, to foster the economic well-being of the town. The parish council felt that the loss of this shop in Main Street would affect the retail area of the town.

The planning officer stated that the shop was not on the main shopping street; was not conspicuous; was very small with no additional space for storage or separate toilet facilities; and has been empty for a considerable period of time. The rest of the house is residential and the owners wish to continue living there.

It was pointed out at the meeting that the owners had complied with the YDNPA’s advertising and marketing process prior to applying for change of use but it had proved impossible to find someone willing to take on the shop.

The owners had also considered re-organising the house so that the whole of the ground floor could be used for retail and the second floor would be a single-bedroom residence. But such a proposal was unlikely to be economically viable. All of the members therefore voted for planning permission to be granted.The application included the replacement of the shop window.

The chairman, Harold Brown, believed this would not set a precedent as, in his view, there were unique factors involved. He added that other applications from Sedbergh would be judged on their merit and the Authority would continue to support the parish council.

Starbotton – February  and March: Many members agreed with the chairman of the planning committee that the need for housing for local people outweighed the arguments against approving the construction of a two-bedroomed house on land designated by the YDNPA as important open space within a village. The majority therefore voted against the planning officer’s recommendation that the application should be refused.

Dt Coun John Roberts pointed out that the application didn’t meet eight of the YDNPA’s policies. The officer explained that it would be harmful to the village because: it would introduce domestic clutter to an otherwise wild and unspoilt area; it would increase the visual prominence of a presently unobtrusive vehicular access; it would reduce the visual quality of the green space along the beck; and it would introduce a dwelling that paid little regard to its setting in terms of detailing, siting and orientation.

Kettlewell-with-Starbotton parish council said it supported the need for local occupancy housing but questioned if the YDNPA should allow a house to be built on land designated as special open space.

At the March meeting Craven Dt Coun John Roberts told the planning committee that it would be inconsistent to approve the construction of a house on an area designated by the YDNPA as Special Open Space after it had issued enforcement notices to protect open spaces in Kettlewell which were in the same parish.

“This is one of the most protected sites that we have in this area. It is an important open space in a conservation area in the national park. This was our designation. This application goes against eight of the Park’s saved policies,” Coun Roberts said. He added: “I understand the need for housing in the parish … but we are here to protect and enhance the environment.”

County Coun John Blackie had argued that more “local need” houses were required in the area to safeguard the future of the pubs and the school. As there would be a S106 agreement on the house it could only be sold to those who fulfilled the criteria for “local need” and so would sell for up to 15 per cent less than the open  market value.

Kettlewell-with-Starbotton parish council had pointed out that this was the second application for a local occupancy dwelling in Starbotton from the same applicant and the first property was still vacant.

The YDNPA’s head of development management, Richard Graham, told the committee that the need for another such house had not been demonstrated. He stated  there was no material benefit to outweigh the policy not to allow construction on such an open space.

The majority at the March meeting voted against approving the application.

Swaleview Caravan Park- May: At the December 2011 meeting the committee had requested that the owners of Swaleview Caravan Park, Andrew and Eileen Carter, should enter into some legal agreements. The Carters, however, had replied that they felt that the conditions on a new planning permission allowing seasonal use on all 30 touring caravan pitches would be sufficient.

The conditions included defining touring caravans as those which can be towed by cars ;  that an up-to-date  register will need to be kept to show that all those using the 30 seasonal pitches between March 1 and October 31 had  permanent homes elsewhere; and that from November 1 to February 28 no caravans could be on those pitches for more than 28 consecutive nights.

Hudswell parish council was very concerned that lodges might replace caravans on those pitches and so be used as either second or even first homes. It also did not want to see a further loss of short stay touring pitches.

Richmondshire Dt Coun Malcolm Gardner asked if it was possible to enforce the conditions which stopped the site becoming a permanent village. Mr Graham said the conditions were enforceable and officers did check to make sure no-one was living permanently on such a site even though that was very time consuming.

The majority of the committee accepted the planning officer’s recommendation to approve the application subject to 12 conditions.

Threshfield  –  April : It is now possible for the owners of Wood Nook Caravan Park to vary the number of touring caravans and tents on that site at any one time as a condition imposed in 1977 has been lifted by the planning committee. That condition stipulated that there could be 30 caravans and 20 tents in that park. Although this may mean less tents on occasions it was pointed out that there was also a camp site with pitches for 31 tents at  Wood Nook.

The planning officer explained that after months of discussion with the owners it was agreed that 12 pitches would be removed from the caravan park and there would be extensive planting along the southern side  and the western corner to match the adjacent woodland. This will partially shield the site from a footpath.

Two new pitches will be added on the eastern side of the site. Eleven pitches will be retained for the existing statics so the maximum number of touring caravans at any time would be 39. As compared with 30 tourers it was felt that this would have a marginal impact upon highway safety.

Three members of the committee queried the possible loss of camping pitches.  Coun Blackie was the only one who voted against granting permission as he felt it was important to maintain and even increase the number of camping pitches available in the Yorkshire Dales.

Threshfield –  August:  County Coun John Blackie and other members asked why the YDNPA planning department had allowed an application to remain unresolved for so long that the applicants had appealed to the Planning Inspectorate.

Lakeland Leisure Estates had applied in November last year for permission to erect extensions and make alterations to the Gamekeeper Inn at Long Ashes Caravan Park, Threshfield. The Gamekeeper public house and restaurant is at the centre of the caravan park and the owners want to extend the function room and erect an accommodation block of six letting bedrooms.

The committee was asked to uphold the planning officer’s recommendation that the application should be refused so as to strengthen the YDNPA’s case at the appeal. The planning officer contended that the proposed extensions would dominate and be out of character with the existing building.

Threshfield – September: Long Ashes Holiday Park is a significant settlement in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and the owners have submitted several planning applications to the YDNPA planning department in the past few years. But, as the longest serving member of the committee, N Yorks County Coun John Blackie asked: “When did we last have a site meeting there?”

Graham Dalton requested that a site meeting should be held before making a decision concerning the latest application as it was a complex one but this was not accepted by the majority of the committee.

The application was for the redevelopment and extension of the holiday park to include change of use for siting 49 statics, 64 touring caravans and 22 camping pods plus two buildings to provide facilities. Thirty four of those statics and the site for the 64 touring caravans would be on undeveloped fields.

Mr Dalton stated that if the application was granted the holiday park would double in size. Other members pointed out that the holiday park was already like a small town and felt that it had out-grown itself.

Craven Dt Coun John Roberts argued that the holiday park should not be allowed to envelope two good hay meadows. This application, he said, was little different to that refused by the planning committee in March and did not resolve the concerns about sewage and water supply, nor of the dangerous access onto the B6160.

Threshfield parish council, in its objection to the application, pointed out that there were quite a few unused plots on the present site.

At the planning committee Craven Dt Coun John Roberts, said that the site could be remodelled to include 52 more caravans as had previously been approved by the Authority.

The majority of the committee accepted the planning officer’s conclusion that the extension would result in a significant and harmful impact upon the landscape and voted to refuse permission for it.

Threshfield -December:   Allowing the Long Ashes Caravan Park  near Threshfield to increase in size was compared to urban sprawl by planning committee member, William Weston. “We already have a site which is bigger than many Dales’ communities. The idea of increasing urban sprawl in this location is really extraordinary given how big the site is already,” he said.

Lakeland Leisure Estates Ltd had applied for full planning permission to redevelop and extend the park by adding 51 static caravans, 64 touring caravans and 22 camping pods plus the erection of some buildings, including a toilet block.

“The chutzpah of putting this forward is breathtaking,” commented N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham.

Coun Roberts stated that if at Easter all the bed spaces at Long Ashes were filled its population would be equal to that of Threshfield and Grassington combined. The good agricultural fields that the park owners proposed to extend  into would then become brown field sites, Coun Roberts  said.

He was also concerned about the sewerage system at the park, and the safety of cars exiting onto the B6160. Threshfield parish council had unanimously opposed the application.

The agent for Lakeland Leisure Estates explained that more information could be provided about the drainage and sewerage, and that there would be a landscape scheme which would include tree planting. The extension of the park would create 13 more jobs and a considerable financial input  into the local economy, she said.

West Witton.  – October:  Mr Dalton said that as the central government was encouraging caravan sites to remain open all year it was difficult for the committee to refuse the application from Chantry Country Retreat to be open all the time for holiday purposes. Up until now it was closed from January 16 until March 1 each year.

Some members and local residents were concerned that this could result in the caravans being used as permanent residences. The planning officer pointed out that the operators will have to maintain an up-to-date register of the names of all owners/occupiers on the site along with their main home addresses.

That information must be available to the planning department when requested. Coun Blackie commented that it would not be easy for the planning officers to keep a check on such details.

The application was approved with the conditions including that no additional lighting should be installed without the approval of the YDNPA.


YDNPA- inconsistencies and gobbledygook

My personal view on events at the October meeting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee meeting – and how the YDNPA is failing to rectify the inconsistencies in planning decisions in the 1990s.

Question: Does the YDNPA have a moral duty to remedy the anguish and pain caused by its often grossly inconsistent planning decisions between 1986 and 1993?

Events at the October meeting of the YDNPA planning committee brought back for me vivid memories of the mid 1990s when there was so much anger and pain in the Yorkshire Dales over the often huge inconsistencies in planning decisions. Many people queried the basis on which those decisions were being made and if some of those connected with the YDNPA – which is a quango and so unaccountable to the electorate – were using their power to manipulate those decisions.

The small hamlet of Hawkswick is, sadly, a perfect illustration of those inconsistencies. Between 1986 and 1993 the Authority permitted four barn conversions. There were no restrictions on two of those and so they could be sold on the open market. That which received approval in 1993 can only be used as a principle residence. But the owner of Hazel Head Barn was, in her words, forced in 1990 to sign a stringent Section 52 agreement. (see below for the full ARC News Release)

She is now asking for that agreement to be lifted. The YDNPA has paid for expensive legal advice to prove that it shouldn’t. To some members of the Authority it’s simply a case of: She signed it and now she and those living in the two dwellings created as part of that conversion are stuck with it.

One of the arguments put forward by the Authority is that it is the custodian of public interest. No-one attending the meetings of the Association of Rural Communities in 1996 could have been in any doubt that local residents felt that the Authority had, at that time, completely abrograted its right to that custodianship.

The Authority has also argued that since 1989 it has consistently followed a policy of building up a pool of ‘local occupancy’ housing in the National Park and does not wish to undermine its ability to retain that. I doubt anyone would argue with an objective that is so essential to the sustainability of communities within the Yorkshire Dales. And yet at the October planning committee meeting we witnessed an example of the Authority failing to safeguard such housing.

The only dwellings which can be constructed in the open countryside are those which are tied to agriculture or forestry. And yet one such house – Calf Croft in Cracoe – has now been sold on the open market. At the October meeting the Authority failed to answer ARC’s questions about how to make sure that could not happen again in the future.

So at one meeting there were yet again glaring inconsistencies. On one hand the Authority took the “high ground” arguing that as our public custodian it could not free the occupants of the Hazel Head barn conversion from the S52 agreement. And on the other it hid behind what can only be described as bureaucratic gobbledygook to cover up its inability to protect many ‘local occupancy’ homes in the open countryside from being sold on the open market.

So I agree with another ARC committee member, Stephen Butcher, that this is absolutely scandalous.

ARC News Service –  news release regarding the barns of Hawkswick:

It took over two months for the planning department of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority to provide relevant information even though it was told in July to hold further negotiations with an applicant. This led, on Tuesday, October 9, to the applicant’s agent, Andrew Moss of Ward Hadaway in Newcastle, telling the YDNPA planning committee that one report reached him by email five minutes  before he left his office that morning. He had received another important document  just one week before the meeting.

At the July planning committee members had deferred making a decision about lifting the legal Section 52 agreement on the Hazel Head Barn conversion at Hawkswick in Littondale to give the planning department more time to negotiate with the applicant. The S52 agreements were the first to be introduced to try and build up a stock of housing restricted in occupancy to specific limited groups of people.  The YDNPA was making these a condition on barn conversions and some new buildings in the early 1990s during a period which one of its present members, N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham, described as the “Wild West days” of ad hoc planning decisions. These led to so much anger against the Authority that hundreds in 1996 joined the newly formed Association of Rural Communities as a protest.

At Tuesday’s meeting Stephen Butcher asked, on behalf of the Association, when the YDNPA was going to deal with the great inconsistencies that occurred during that period.

What happened in Hawkswick was a good example. In 1986 the YDNPA gave permission for a barn conversion in Hawkswick. This showed that under the Authority’s Barn conversion policy at the time that Hawkswick was recognised as a settlement where such new dwellings could be created. In November 1989 the planning committee approved two barn conversions in Hawskwick on the condition that the applicants signed S52 agreements.  The owners of Hazel Head Barn were given five days to sign the S52 Agreement.  “We subsequently discovered that not all future barn conversions had to comply with the Section 52 Agreement, which we had been forced to agree to, in order to get planning permission,” Mrs  Susan Woodhead recounted later.

The owners of the other barn refused to sign.  Planning permission for that conversion was then granted without any occupancy restriction. In 1993 permission was given for another barn conversion in Hawkswick on the condition that it could only be used as the principle residence and not as a second home.

Richard Graham, the head of development management at the YDNPA, re-iterated at the meeting on October 9, that the Authority had followed a consistent policy since 1989 of trying to increase the number of homes available for “local occupancy” within the National Park. He also said that the Hazel Head Barn application was an exception to the Authority’s Barn Conversion policy.  Mr Moss said that this remains an area of dispute as other barn conversions in Hawkswick considered against the Authority’s Barn Conversion policy were found to comply with that policy and granted planning permission without being subject of an occupancy restriction.

Mr Graham additionally told the meeting that legal agreements for local occupancy (both S52 and S106) had been given for 19 barn conversions between 1989 and 1993.  The Authority had offered to change the agreement on the Hazel Head barn conversion to an S106 agreement. The S52 agreement restricts occupancy to those working within 10 miles of the dwelling. Nor can the dwelling be sold to anyone living outside of that radius. He argued that if the S52 was lifted without replacing it with an S106, other properties could be lost from the pool of local needs housing.

At the meeting on Tuesday the members agreed to defer a decision so that a possible compromise put forward by Mr Moss could be discussed if the Authority was not agreeable to the complete removal of the S52. N Yorks County Coun John Blackie asked that a meeting should be arranged between Mr Graham and Mr Moss within two weeks.

Hazel Head Barn was converted into two dwellings – Hawksnest and Holme Barn. The occupants are related to Mrs Woodhead.


ARC’s question to the YDNPA planning committee  on Tuesday, October 9, presented by Mr Butcher:

We would like to know how the Authority is going to deal with the great inconsistencies that occurred in planning decisions during the 1990s. As some will recall I and other farmers who were  members of the Authority’s planning committee were totally opposed to the application in 1999 to build the house now known as Calf Croft in open countryside at Cracoe  because we argued that a wild boar farm there would not be viable. One of the conditions on that house was to tie it to agriculture or forestry. And yet we understand that in July the Authority issued a certificate of lawfulness on the basis that the owners had not complied with the agricultural occupancy condition for four years and were now immune from enforcement.   The house, smallholding and other buildings were  subsequently put up for sale on the open market for about £690,000. How can the Authority ensure that a dwelling in open countryside with an agricultural tie continues to have such a restriction on it? What could the Authority do if that dwelling was no longer being used by someone practising agriculture or forestry?”

The YDNPA  response to this question presented by Richard Graham, head of  development management:

“The Authority’s local plan policy H4 seeks to restrict new housing in the open countryside to full time workers in agriculture, forestry or other rural based enterprises where the need for someone to be on hand, in the particular location and at all times, is clearly demonstrated.

“Any dwelling approved under policy H4 is subject to an agricultural occupancy condition. Policy H4 also provides for an agricultural occupancy restriction subsequently to default to a local needs restriction if the property is marketed for a suitable period at a price that reflects the restriction and no agricultural occupant is forthcoming.This approach adopted by H4 is endorsed by the National Planning Policy Framework.

“If the Authority becomes aware that an agricultural dwelling is being occupied by persons who do not comply with the occupancy condition, it considers what action is appropriate in the particular circumstances of the case. This may result in the Authority taking formal enforcement action, such as issuing a planning enforcement notice requiring the unauthorised occupation of the dwelling to cease.

“Any planning applications received to vary or remove an agricultural occupancy condition are considered on their particular facts in accordance with relevant up to date development plan policies and any other material planning considerations.”

ARC subsequently pointed out that this did not answer the main question: Just how would the Authority ensure that an agricultural tie would continue on a dwelling where those living in it had ceased carrying out any agricultural or forestry work?

It also queried the decision letter sent to the owners of Calf Croft in July this year. In this the YDNPA planning department stated:

The Authority considers that the applicant has proved, on the balance of probabilities, that the property (Calf Croft) had been constructed and since occupied continuously for the preceding four years as a dwellinghouse without complying with conditions precedent. As such the said planning permission was not implemented. The dwelling was constructed without planning permission and is now immune from enforcement action.”

ARC then asked: How can it be said that the dwelling was constructed without planning permission and had not complied with conditions when there was a wild boar farm there from 1999 to 2001? If the house was constructed after 2001 why didn’t the Authority take any action?

Camping in the Yorkshire Dales National Park

The  Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA), campers and touring caravans.

“If I Were a Rich Man – I could visit the Yorkshire Dales ” – might be the song of the future for this National Park if those with brightly coloured tents are not encouraged to come. We can but hope that what has happened at Westholme near Aysgarth does not set an irresistible trend.

When Tom and Margaret Knowles first owned the site they welcomed many Scout groups with tents and sleeping bags. Over the years those young people and their parents wanted to come back – and so, in the 1970s, this family site developed into a park for static caravans, touring caravans and tents.

Today no tents are allowed thanks to a condition imposed by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA)  and a camping pod there costs between £35-£45 a night. A lodge for two costs over £400 per week – or you can buy one for £182,000 or more.

The situation for those on low incomes who want to visit the Yorkshire Dales won’t improve unless the YDNPA does take a more positive stance concerning campers and touring caravans, and if the government does not close the loophole whereby it can be claimed that a large lodge can be defined as a static caravan. If not many more caravan park owners throughout Britain will be tempted to change to the format that is proving so profitable for what is now the Westholme Estate – and areas of outstanding beauty like the Yorkshire Dales will become playgrounds for the rich. This was surely not the idea  when the National Parks were created !

The Association of Rural Communities has therefore sent the following news release about camping and touring caravan sites in the Yorkshire Dales, as part of the ARC News Service, to all the local and weekly newspapers which cover the area for which the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) has so much responsibility.

N Yorks County Coun John Blackie appalled one member of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority on Tuesday June 12 when he asserted at the YDNPA planning committee that the authority still had a bias against campers.

He wondered why a planning officer had produced such a lengthy (albeit excellent) report when the owners of a small camp site at Silloth House, Austwick, only wanted to increase the number of pitches for touring caravans and tents from six to 13, and queried the way the authority viewed tents. To that Ann Brooks responded: “I am amazed at Mr Blackie’s remarks – with no facts or figures to back up what he says. I am appalled.”

The Association of Rural Communities first highlighted the problem of this bias against campers in 2008.  After several letters to the YDNPA it finally found out that  the planning department had given approval in 2007 for the remodelling the holiday park at Westholme near Aysgarth on condition that the site could no longer be used for pitching tents, touring caravans, trailer tents or mobile homes for the “benefit to the natural beauty of the landscape”. Richard Graham,  now head of development management at the YDNPA, stated then that the planting of more trees would not provide any significant improvement in visual and landscape terms as “there will still be brightly coloured tents”.

The remodelling of that holiday park, agreed to by planning officers under designated powers and without the knowledge of the YDNPA planning committee, has led to what is now the Westholme Estate becoming a multi million pound eco lodge site. The park began as a camping site and, with space for  20 to 30 tents, became  an important overnight stop for Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme participants.

In 2008 Mr Graham recommended that Honeycott Caravan Park at Hawes could remove all tent and touring caravan pitches and replace them with static caravans. Coun Blackie with the support of the Association of Rural Communities and Hawes and High Abbotside parish council argued that the application should be refused. The planning committee agreed with him and that was upheld at appeal because the inspector believed there would be a significant loss in touring caravans and tent pitches.  At the appeal hearing it was reported that approximately 200 touring caravan pitches had been lost in Upper Wensleydale in recent years.  After the Honeycott decision it was decided that all decisions concerning caravan and camp sites in the Yorkshire Dales National Park should be made by the planning committee and not by officers under delegated powers.

Coun Blackie stated on Tuesday: “At this time (of economic difficulty) tents are the choice of the day to get out into the countryside. Do we want our local economies to thrive or not,  particularly at a time when those in the dales are struggling? I believe we need to think long and hard about our approach.”

He pointed to the recent decision to issue the camping and touring caravan site at Old Hall Cottage,  Hardraw, with a lawful development certificate (LDC). This will allow the site to be used by campers and caravaners from Good Friday until October 31. At the meeting of Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council in April it was stated that the YDNPA should have issued that LDC as a formality for the site had been in existence for over 50 years. Instead a planning officer demanded very detailed information about the number of camping units that had been on the land for every calendar day for at least the last ten years.

To that Coun Blackie had responded: “Whilst of course you may wish to seek further corroborative evidence beyond this by way of usage statistics, local people and businesses may well interpret your demand for what by any standard is an unreasonable level of information to support an LDC as an attempt by the YDNPA to stifle the tented and touring caravan section of the visitor accommodation trade, to the detriment of the economic and social well-being of the local communities.”

The LDC was issued after the owners provided copies of booking-in sheets for just one year. And at the planning committee meeting on Tuesday approval was given for the increase in the number of pitches at Silloth House.

YDNPA – planning meetings 2011

ARC News Service : The decisions of the planning committee of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority  ( YDNPA ) from January to December 2011 are listed below by location, in alphabetical order.

Tightening up on planning applications:

At the planning committee meeting in September the Association of Rural Communities (ARC) was assured by the Authority that the rules for planning applications will be tightened up. At the meeting the Association’s chairman, Alastair Dinsdale, asked the following question: “In these days of computer graphics and in light of the arguments made at the appeal hearing concerning the new houses at Thornton Rust Hall, surely it is time for the YDNPA to insist that all building plans submitted for planning permission should only be accepted if they are “to scale” and are clearly marked with the datum point and the finished height.”

In response the chairman of the planning committee, Graham Dalton, said that at the October meeting members would be asked to approve a report from officers stating that all building plans should show the existing height levels and finished floor levels with levels relating to a fixed datum point off the site. They should also show the proposals in relation to adjoining buildings.

Mr Dinsdale had attended a hearing in August following an appeal against an enforcement notice after the roofs of two houses in Thornton Rust in Wensleydale had not been lowered. He was very concerned about how the appellants’ representatives had argued that the height of the building could not be questioned not only because of the lack of a datum point on the plans but also because these were stamped “Do not Scale”. In his appeal decision, the inspector David Pinner, stated : “The appeal on this ground is based on the lack of notation on the approved plan to indicate the existing ground level or the proposed height of the building.” He did conclude that the development was unacceptable and upheld the YDNPA enforcement notice that the roofs should be removed and lowered, giving the appellants nine months to comply with the order.

County Coun John Blackie said that Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council had also made representations to the YDNPA planning department once it had realised that the height of a new building at the Wensleydale Creamery would make it very dominant. On the plans for that the height had not been given. He agreed that the YDNPA needed a new protocol and that it should insist that the datum point and height must be shown on building plans. “I applaud what ARC is doing because we do need that information,” he said.

Arkleside, Coverdale

February meeting – Permission was granted to convert a partly derelict barn at Arkleside into a home for a game keeper. This is in open countryside but the applicant, Martin Vallance, has demonstrated that there is a need for a rural worker’s dwelling and that there is no alternative accommodation available. Members were impressed by the plans to make this dwelling independent and sustainable and so reducing its impact upon the environment. County Coun John Blackie commended the plans for making the best use of a redundant barn. Grinton parish councillor Harold Brown added that game keepers were very important in such a rural area and there would not be heather on the top of the moors without them. The new dwelling will belong to Mr Vallance’s estate and so will always be the game keeper’s cottage.


March meeting – The majority of the planning committee members did not accept that a barn in the middle of a field at Langthwaite in Arkengarthdale should be converted into a two-bedroomed dwelling for a rural worker. Clark Stone, who is 78-years-old, told the committee that the house would be for a man who would be fully employed with snow clearing, contracting and agricultural work on his family’s farm. He explained that  when conditions were very bad in winter it was impossible for the district council’s gritting wagon to reach Arkengarthdale until either he or his son had spread grit on the roads. It took two men to fill the spreader with grit. He now wanted to retire and they needed someone else to assist with that job. Arkengarthdale parish council had told the committee that it fully supported his application and looked forward to the services he provided continuing with the help of a worker living locally.

Coun Blackie asked the committee to approve the application. “They provide an absolutely essential service clearing snow right up to Tan Hill. If the Stones are not there I don’t know what will happen to this community.” He emphasised the need for more social housing in Arkengarthdale and that it should not be restricted to just two small villages. He was supported by Richmondshire District Couns Bob Gale (Reeth and Arkengarthdale) and Malcolm Gardner (Swaledale) who described why it was so important for the residents of Arkengarthdale to retain a locally based gritting service in winter. “If we let these people down we should be ashamed of ourselves,” said Coun Gardner.  During the debate the legal adviser, Clare Bevan, told the committee that according to local and national policies there had to be a fundamental requirement for a rural worker in a location to justify converting such a barn into a dwelling. She said that this application failed that functional test as the work was more seasonal than permanent.

Coun Blackie later wrote to Richard Graham, head of development management, about Ms Bevan’s intervention mid-way through the debate . If the committee had decided to approve the application against officer recommendation it would have been referred back to the April meeting for further debate. Coun Blackie stated: “Clare’s intervention could be regarded, in its content and delivery, as coming from a Member who was strongly opposed to granting an approval. Certainly in my opinion, and the opinion of other Members present, Clare’s intervention had that effect on Members who might have been swayed by the arguments to be in favour of the application. I think in the timing of her intervention (that) it did unbalance the debate and introduce an element of unfairness against the applicant.”


October meeting – Craven Dt Coun John  Roberts reminded the planning committee that it needed to be consistent in its decisions when the application concerning Spen House, a grade II listed building, was discussed. The owner of the house, farmer Mr Middleton wants to replace 10 sliding sash wooden single glazed windows with sliding sash wooden double glazed ones. Three of the windows of the house, which is on an isolated and exposed site above Askrigg, have already been boarded up because the frames had deteriorated so badly. But replacing windows with double glazed units would mean the loss of several with cylinder and plate glazed panels which, the planning officer argued, were part of the historic fabric of the building.

Coun Roberts pointed out that the YDNPA had refused permission for windows at Scar House at Hubberholme (a National Trust property) and at West Sale Park, Kettlewell, to replace such windows with double glazed units – and those buildings are also in very high, exposed locations. The planning officer had suggested alternatives to wooden double glazed units which included secondary glazing, insulation blinds or internal shutters. Mr Middleton told the committee that it would cost £500 extra per window to install secondary glazing.

Askrigg Parish Council supported his application because of the isolated and exposed nature of the site ensured that the work was necessary and there would be no impact on the surrounding properties. The committee decided to defer a decision until they had seen an example of the type of double glazed window that Mr Middleton wanted to install at Spen House.

November meeting – The planning officers were very forceful about the application to make alterations to the windows at Spen House, which is a listed building. And Coun Roberts repeated that the YDNPA needed to be consistent with its decisions. Officers explained that to replace 18th and 19th Century windows with double glazed units would be contrary to government policy regarding the preservation of listed buildings.

Mr Richard Middleton, the applicant, had offered to donate the windows with cylinder glass to the YDNPA. But during the debate an officer said that it would not be acceptable to replace them with even the slimmest double glazed units available as that would still make a significant change to the windows.

Carl Lis, who is the chairman of the Authority, commented: “I can’t believe that in this day and age we can’t produce double glazing windows that would satisfy all requirements.” Several committee members obviously felt that the emphasis these days  should be on energy conservation.

When asked why the owners of some listed buildings had been allowed to install double glazed units an officer explained that the windows that had been replaced were not (as at Spen House) the originals but dated from the 20th century. The majority of the members accepted the officers’ recommendation and voted against giving planning permission.


February meeting – Permission was granted to amend the previously approved application to build five local occupancy dwellings at Pant Head, Austwick. These amendments are to extend the curtilage of three of the dwellings;  to alter the parking arrangements and the provision of bin storage areas; and to slightly alter the vehicular access to the highway.

Although Austwick parish council was happy that three of the houses would be provided with more recreation space it was concerned about not setting a precedent of breaching the housing development boundary. The YDNPA has therefore stated that the garden areas would remain outside of the boundary unless it was formally varied through the LDF review. Planning permission will have to be obtained to add anything to or make any changes to the houses, and that includes conservatories, sheds or greenhouses. The parish council had suggested that the gardens be restricted to personal recreational use only.

The parish council was also concerned about the loss of some bin storage spaces but the planning officer pointed out that for two of the houses there would be access to the back garden and it was not possible to insist that people used the storage spaces provided.

December meeting – A decision about the proposed conversion of Townhead Barn into a 24-bed bunk barn was referred back to the December meeting because in November  the majority of members had voted against the officer’s recommendation that the application should be refused. Peter Charlesworth said that the parish council (which had continued to strongly object to the application) should be supported . He added that he did not feel the applicant had  produced  a sufficient management scheme as it did not provide for a resident manager. N Yorks County Coun Richard Welch, however, argued that as the building was on the Pennine Bridleway it was ideal for a bunk barn. This time seven members voted to refuse the application, with six wanting to see it go ahead.

The applicant, Mr Taylor, told the November meeting that the bunk barn would mainly be used by horse riders and supervised groups of scouts and school children. Coun Richard Welch commented: “This makes good use of a disused barn and I think (this application) deserves a chance.”  Other members agreed that Mr Taylor should be given an opportunity to resolve the issue of supervision. There was therefore a majority vote in favour of approving the application but this had to be ratified at the December meeting.


September meeting – The committee voted unanimously to allow the Authority to install 40 photovoltaic panels on the south facing roof of its office in Bainbridge – a move which County Coun John Blackie said will open the door for many more households in the Yorkshire Dales to have solar panels.

He pointed out after the meeting that he knew of several instances recently where the Authority’s planning officers had advised that people could not install solar panels on buildings where the permitted development rights had been removed. He asked at the planning committee if the permitted development rights for the YDNPA office had been removed but did not receive an answer. “I will suggest that people put in planning applications and I will call them to the committee and remind it that ‘what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander’,” he said.

On Tuesday he reminded the committee that it was only two to three years ago that the Authority was involved with what he called the “Carperby Affair” when a resident was told to remove one solar panel from the roof of her house.  “I am only just warning planning officers that once we have it on our buildings it will be used as an example for others.”

William Weston, the Authority’s member champion for climate change, congratulated the planning officers who had worked so hard to find dark solar panels which would be less visible.

(In the past few months, under designated powers,  planning officers gave permission for the following: photovoltaic panels on an existing farm building roof at Wharfe House Farm, Hartlington; installation  of 16 ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels at Hurries Farm, Otterburn ; and for solar panels to be installed at Askrigg primary school. )

Barden Fell

June – The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement had applied for full planning permission to upgrade a moorland track and create a new one running alongside a dry stone wall to link with two existing tracks on Barden Fell between Wharfedale and W Nidderdale. This was to provide vehicular access to manage livestock and to carry out moorland management and game keeping activities. The tracks would be used by four-wheeled vehicles and tractors. It was argued that the benefit of the work carried out would outweigh the negative impact upon this SAC (Special Area of Conservation) and SSSI. Natural England, however objected on the basis that 0.3 hectares of dry dwarf shrub heath habitat would be lost, and some more damaged. The trustees had suggested ways to mitigate this. The planning committee decided to defer making a decision.

Bolton Abbey

December meeting – Courting rituals and a touch of a “Passage to India” brought some light relief to a long day  when members discussed the proposed changes to the Cavendish Pavilion at Bolton Abbey and the temporary use of the gatehouse as a café while those alterations were being made. Craven Dt Coun John Roberts described the pavilion as an iconic building to which he had regularly walked his future wife when they were courting. There was laughter when N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham said that the pavilion had powerful echoes of the British Raj. Such a building, he inferred, should be dark inside and have fans to cool customers down. There is little natural light inside the  Pavilion at present and the application includes the replacement of half of the windows along the front with glazed panels. After an objection from the parish council the plans were amended to retain the black timber uprights. As the building had been substantially changed since it was built in 1898 the members accepted the officer’s recommendation to approve what were described as relatively modest alterations to the Pavilion.


October meeting – The committee decided to defer a decision on an application for solar panels on a barn which is part of listed group of farm buildings at Oat Croft so that there could be a site visit. The electricity generated would be for the grade II listed farmhouse close to the barn. Burnsall parish meeting had unanimously supported the  proposal to install 21 photovoltaic solar panels especially as these would not be seen from the front of the barn.

The planning officer, however, recommended refusal because she felt that the introduction of so many solar panels on a traditional stone slate roof would seriously detract from the character and appearance of such a traditional group of buildings and the area around them. She had suggested that either the solar panels could be on ground mounted panels or installed on the roof of a nearby modern agricultural building.

The agent for the applicants, Mrs Jacobs, said that livestock was kept on the land around the farmhouse and the agricultural building was too far away from it. She did suggest that darker, more unobtrusive solar panels could be installed. The YDNPA’s member champion for climate change, William Weston, proposed that the application should be accepted even though he recognised that it would be a definitive decision as it affected a group of historic buildings. He also asked if darker panels could be used. Some of the other members felt it was very important to protect the appearance of such an attractive group of traditional buildings and wanted to see for themselves if there was an alternative solution.

Carlton in Coverdale

January meeting – Foresters Arms : The members heard how application to make alterations to the Foresters Arms in Carlton had divided the community. The owner, Claire Pritchard, requested full planning permission for the erection of an extension to allow the partial change of use to form three two-bedroomed dwellings for local occupancy and a public house. In an independent financial report commissioned by the YDNPA it was stated that the downsizing of the business was both a sensible and logical way of making it more viable. It would continue as a traditional country village pub with food available in the bar.

The meeting heard that the community wanted the Foresters Arms to be viable so that the village did not lose its only pub. Matthew Wilkes, chairman of Carlton Town Council, explained that although the council was not opposed to the application, it did want to see the cottage nearest to the pub tied to the Foresters Arms. This would protect the viability of the pub as there would always be sufficient accommodation in the future if someone with a family bought it. Otherwise the pub would be left with just the one-bedroomed flat above it which N Yorks County Coun John Blackie stated, would be like issuing a death notice as at some time in the future no-one would want to buy it as a pub due to the limited accommodation.

Mr Andrew Pritchard, agent for the pub, argued that it would be difficult to get a mortgage if that cottage was tied to the pub. The Authority’s legal advisor explained that the committee could decide the cottage should be tied to the pub but a mortgage provider might refuse to sign the agreement. Members also wanted to know if that cottage could, under the Authority’s present housing policy,  be an open market dwelling. Some members pointed out that if it was a farmhouse the cottages would not be restricted  under that policy to being affordable homes. The policy allows farms more flexibility so that they can remain viable – and it was argued that the long-term viability of the public house in Carlton was just as important.

N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham proposed that the application should be approved on the basis that one cottage was tied to the Foresters Arms and that there should be no local occupancy restriction on that cottage. “Our overwhelming objective is to ensure the prosperity and the future of this pub,” he said. The members voted unanimously in favour of his proposal. As this was not fully in agreement with the officer’s recommendation that all the cottages should be for local occupancy with none tied to the pub this decision will have to be ratified at the February meeting.

The application for listed building consent for the internal changes to part of the pub to create three new dwellings was agreed. One of the consultees had pointed out that the creation of such homes for local occupancy might bring some new residents into a village where there were already too many empty second homes.

February meeting – Coun Roger Harrison Topham reported that the day after the January planning committee meeting the Foresters Arms at Carlton was closed and was almost completely stripped of the fittings and furniture. At the January meeting the committee had agreed to the proposed alterations to the pub and the conversion of part of it into two cottages, one being for local occupancy and the other tied to the pub.  The members agreed to defer making such a decision so the situation could be clarified. They specifically wanted to know if the land on which the toilet extension would be built would be sold to the pub owners,  and if there was a timetable for re-opening the pub or it being under new ownership.

April meeting – There were gasps of surprise at the meeting on Tuesday March 12 when members heard that villagers in Carlton in Coverdale had already received pledges amounting to £157,500 towards buying the Foresters Arms and turning it into a community pub. All of the villagers on the committee set up to take over the pub attended the planning meeting. Their representative, Peter Pearson, explained to the members why they did not want the YDNPA to approve a planning application from the owners that would allow part of the pub to be turned into two dwellings. They felt that for the pub to be viable it needed a restaurant and letting rooms. They also wanted the space so that they could in the future provide a village shop and be able to support youth and sports activities. When proposing that their request should be granted N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison Topham said that the members  should make every effort to help the villagers in their efforts to retain their pub as it is at the moment.  Other members agreed that for a rural pub letting rooms were a vital part of the business, as well as the ability to provide evening meals. The majority, therefore, supported the villagers.


March meeting – Carperby cum Thoresby parish council strongly objected to a proposed extension to Alpine Cottage arguing that it would cause harm to an iconic building in the village. The clerk to the parish council explained that Carperby was a conservation area and Alpine Cottage had been specifically mentioned in the Designation Statement.  It was probably built in the 18th century and was the only one of its kind which remained in the village. “It is seen by residents as a valued part of the built heritage of the village,” she stated. The parish council did not accept the planning officer’s evaluation that the extension would not dominate the rest of the cottage but rather would be subservient and harmonious to it. David Chapman told the committee that he and his wife had sought the advice of the  planning officer, and had followed that advice when they applied for the single-storey extension (for a lounge) and a store. Ten members accepted the parish council’s objections and voted against the officer’s recommendation to approve the application. This decision was, however, overturned at the April meeting, and permission was granted.

Chapel le Dale

May meeting – The committee deferred making a decision on the application from the Cam Woodland Trust to upgrade a section of an existing track and create a transhipping area for the storage and loading of timber at the entrance of Far Gearstones Farm, Chapel le Dale. This would be a temporary measure for 12 months to bring out windblown timber from Cam Wood, where the Sitka Spruce planted in 1968 and 1969 was now fully mature. The Trust has the right to use the Cam High Road as it owns land adjacent to it, but the timber would be taken along this ancient road by tractor and trailer.

Chelker Reservoir

April meeting – It was agreed to support Craven District Council in its objection to the proposal by Yorkshire Water to replace the existing wind turbines at Chelker Reservoir with three new ones.  This was because the new ones will have a tip height of almost 40m more than the present ones. Among the views within the National Park that would be affected would be that painted by Turner of Bolton Abbey. Roger Bingham said they would be alien structures which would be as high as the Blackpool Tower. Coun Harrison Topham commented that even the present wind turbines were absolutely hideous. Not all the members were so convinced that the proposed new ones would be so visually intrusive but the majority upheld the planning officer’s recommendation.


January meeting – The concerns of Clapham-cum-Newby parish council were discussed when considering the application for the change of use of the offices at Old Mason’s Yard in Clapham to two three-bedroomed dwellings and the construction of one single-bedroomed bungalow. The parish council said its prime concern was to maintain the viability of the village hall and the parking and increased traffic at the yard site would add to issues between residents and the hall users. The access is shared between the present residents, the village hall and the yard. The officer’s analysis was that the use of the yard for residential accommodation was likely to cause less traffic generation than if it was still in commercial use. Craven Dt Coun John Rogers stated that with cars being parked in the yard in the evening parking at the village hall might get tight. He was also concerned about the close proximity of the bungalow to existing houses. All three dwellings will be restricted to local occupancy and Coun Blackie pointed out that one-bedroomed homes were as necessary as those for families. The committee voted to approve the application.


February meeting – The YDNPA Ranger service had applied for full planning permission for the construction of a wooden bridleway bridge over Mossdale Beck on Conistone Moor. Permission was granted in September but the application was re-submitted because, following detailed investigation into ground levels, it was found that the design had to be altered. It will also be widened to make it easier for horse riders to use it. The new application was approved by the committee.

Coverham church

January meeting – Members voted unanimously against the officer’s recommendation to accept a proposal from Welcome to Yorkshire on the siting of a Turner Trail interpretation board on the grass verge outside Coverham church. Coun Harrison-Topham said the board would be incongruous within the landscape. He added that he wished the YDNPA would support them more in keeping down the number of signs that were beginning to litter the area.

The planning officer had explained that originally it had been agreed with Coverdale Church Committee that the interpretation board could be placed under the noticeboard in the lynch gate. Welcome to Yorkshire had then decided it would be more visible on a wooden frame on the verge nearby. The officer recommended that this proposal should be accepted so long as the colour of the frame was not intrusive. Coverham with Agglethorpe parish meeting reported that the church committee strongly opposed this as the interpretation board would then be an alien intrusion into an ancient view. Coun Blackie reminded members of the NPAPA report which had emphasised the need to listen to the community more. When proposing that the application should be refused William Weston said: “We should try to seek other solutions like using natural materials in more unconventional ways that intrigue and add to the experience of those visiting the area.” As members were unanimous in their refusing this application Mr Watson said it would not need to be discussed again at the February meeting.

Planning applications for two other interpretation boards for the Turner Trail were approved. An A1 lectern style board will be erected to the north west of Aysgarth Falls Visitor Centre and at Kettlewell a board will placed on the rear wall of the toilet block beside the car park.


August meeting – A majority of the members accepted the advice of the enforcement officer that the platform which had been constructed in a field west of Barth Bridge by Dr J Ashton  must be removed. On occasions since September 2010 a yurt (a large, light coloured circular tent) had been positioned on this platform. In June 2011 two tents, portable toilets and other equipment had been seen in the field. The enforcement officer informed the committee that the unauthorised use of the land as a recreational campsite had this year exceeded the 28 days allowed under permitted development rights. The enforcement notice includes the cessation of the use of the land as a recreational campsite, the removal of the tents and toilets, and the restoration of the site to a green field. Dr Ashton’s retrospective application for planning permission for the new field track in that field was approved subject to conditions.

Embsay  –

April meeting – A planning officer reported that the dams at the Mill Ponds, Primrose Glen, Pasture Road, Embsay, were in a poor state of repair and so there was inadequate flow of water. The planning permission granted in 2005  for the development of the former tannery site had included bringing the dams into a watertight and structurally sound condition. It was agreed that as this had not been complied with the owners would be asked to give a written undertaking to carry out the works within an agreed timescale within 28 days or an enforcement notice would be issued.


May meeting – The majority of the members decided not to accept the recommendation of a planning officer to refuse an application for the erection of a two storey extension to Raybridge House. A site meeting was held there in April. Mrs Joyce Varley explained that the extension would provide a bigger kitchen as well as a defence against flooding. The house had been flooded twice since 1992 with water gaining access through a door. The new door would be set higher and would not be facing towards the source of the water when there was flooding.

The planning officer stated that the extension would dominate the existing building and would result in the loss of the traditional style frontage. It was pointed out by some members that it was not clear what was the historical frontage of the house, and the “traditional style” one referred to had been created in the 1930s. The owners did intend to use some of the interesting older stonework in the extension.  This “frontage” is not that visible from the minor road adjoining the property.  Andrew Colley said that the main view of the house was from the Leeds Liverpool Canal and that had been spoilt by the addition of a conservatory for which the YDNPA had granted permission in 1995. It was decided that as the majority of members voted to approve the Varley’s application and there were no conditions to be attached, this decision would not need to be referred back.


November meeting – The “local needs criteria” applied to The Shetty in 1991 included clauses to ensure that only someone living within 10 miles of the house could move into it. The owner argued that this had made it difficult to sell and had asked for the S106 agreement to be removed . Such clauses are not included in “local needs” agreements now.  The majority of the members accepted that the restriction  should be removed because there were exceptional circumstances. The committee discussed in private a confidential medical report concerning one of the owners.


March meeting – It was agreed that the owner of Wisp Hill stables should be given nine months to comply with an enforcement notice. In December 2005 planning permission was given for the construction of new stables, workshop and storage units and the demolition of an old barn. The old barn has, however, been retained and three local small businesses are based there. The enforcement officer reported that the owner had now submitted a plan for reducing the size of the old barn. It was hoped that a compromise could be found within nine months so that local jobs could be protected. The enforcement notice also includes the removal of the concrete wall enclosure created to form a horse turn out area.

September meeting – The family dairy business of David Oversby has become so successful that the owners have had to find a new route for milk tankers. At present about 30 heavy goods vehicles pass through Grassington’s Main Street and along Chapel Street each day due to Town Head Farm having expanded in the past 15 years to a 25,000L dairy capacity. It was reported at the meeting that this has often caused severe congestion in the Main Street.

Chapel Street is so narrow that some residents could open a window and touch the milk tankers. One of the residents, Laura Shuckburgh, said she had a young son and added: “It is a safety issue for me – my door opens straight out onto Chapel Street.” She described how pedestrians had to squeeze into doorways if they met a milk tanker when walking along that street.

Bob Hargreaves also lives in Chapel Street. He had provided the committee with photographs of how close the tankers came to the houses and said: “Can you imagine the noise levels, obstruction, pollution from the exhaust experienced by residents every day?”  His photographs also illustrated the subsidence which had occurred due to the heavy traffic. The houses in Chapel Street do not have foundations and some have suffered damage.  He added that the street was part of the Dalesway and so many walkers use it.

Other residents asked the planning committee to defer a decision until the parish council had held a site meeting with the county council’s highways department. They want an extension of a 30mph speed limit and a stop sign to be agreed before the route was altered. Those arguing for deferment included planning committee member Andrew Colley  – who then left the meeting after declaring an interest. He and his wife run a bed and breakfast business along the new route.

David Oversby, of Town Head Farm, had applied to demolish a barn at the entrance to the farm so that large vehicles could turn into Bull Ing Lane rather than Chapel Street. He has agreed to create two rather one passenger refuges along Bull Ing Lane following a request from the parish council. He also needed permission from the YDNPA to alter the junction of Bull Ing Lane with Grass Wood Lane so that there was better visibility and large vehicles could turn left.

The committee decided not to defer a decision and voted unanimously in favour of these proposed changes. County Coun John Blackie suggested that residents should raise a petition if they wanted the highways department to alter speed limits.


March meeting – Residents in Hawes thoroughly approved of The Caravan Club’s Brown Moor site, Coun Blackie told the committee. It was agreed that the site was well screened by trees and shrubs and there should be no problem with removing 12 static pitches and replacing them with ten touring caravans. Approval was given for the removal of the static pitches and construction of new all weather serviced ones, the relocation of the existing bin compound and some new planting. After these changes there will be no caravans on the site from January 3 to March 16 each year.

May meeting –  A couple at Town Head in Hawes found a 21st century solution to heating their 17th century house – only to have their air source heat pump described as an ugly intrusion to the town’s roof-scape and be threatened with enforcement if it wasn’t removed. The committee did not, however, accept the officer’s recommendation.

Margaret Grattan told the YDNPA planning committee on Tuesday, May 10: “We believe in the present climate everyone must do their best for the environment and the community that we live in.” So she and her husband  wanted an alterative to a central heating system which used oil – a non renewable fossil fuel. They were advised by the manufacturers and installers that for their house, which has no loft space, the best location for an air source heat pump was on the small section of flat roof which overlooked the A684 near the garage in Hawes. This section is protected on three sides by other roofs. The unit has provided sufficient heating for the Grattan’s house for over a year.

N Yorks County Coun John Blackie pointed out that all 15 of their neighbours had written in support of their retrospective application, many of whom hadn’t even known where the unit was until the YDNPA planning officer recommended refusal. Coun Blackie did not take part in the debate at the parish council meeting. The parish council subsequently wrote to the YDNPA to support the Grattan’s application and stated:

“Councillors were alarmed to hear that the Chief Executive of the YDNPA had written to the local MP, Mr Hague, enclosing some zoomed photographs which gave an inaccurate impression of the visual appearance of the heat source unit in the overall street scene, along with his comment ‘I think the photographs speak for themselves.’ They felt that as Chief Officer ultimately responsible for the decisions of the Planning Service, he should have remained impartial until the application has been decided, and the bias he has shown against it at this stage was most unfortunate.”

Several members of the committee said that the unit was just one more piece of “roof top detritus” in a town full of TV aerials, satellite dishes and wires as well as the large garage signs nearby. They did not feel that the unit was that obvious and believed that if it was moved to the southern elevation it would have an unsightly impact upon the 17th century aspect of that row of houses as well as disturbing some of the neighbours due to the noise it made.

Coun Blackie was among those who did not believe it would set a precedent especially as very  few residents would be able to copy exactly what the Grattans had done. Mrs Grattan reminded the committee that small scale energy developments were decided on a case by case basis.

The majority of the members decided not to accept the planning officer’s recommendations that not only should the application be refused but that if the air source heat pump was not relocated to the southern elevation within three months of the committee’s decision then enforcement action would be commenced. The planning officer was asked to discuss with the Grattans if it was possible to paint the unit to make it less obvious. This decision was confirmed at the June meeting.

July meeting – The majority of committee members agreed with the planning officer that reconstituted stone blocks could be used instead of natural stone for the external cladding on the renewable technology centre being constructed for GTEC Training Ltd at the Bruntacres Trading Estate in Hawes – but asked that they should be in a darker colour than that used for  the sample panel of stonework.  Members agreed with the parish council and residents that the stone in the sample panel was too start and too bright. The original planning permission included a condition that local natural stone should be used.  GTEC argued that this would not match the existing adjacent buildings on the trading estate. County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham commented that it did not seem right to impose the financial penalty of using expensive natural stone when other buildings on the trading estate had been clad with cheaper reconstituted stone blocks. The majority of members agreed that the original planning condition could be changed as long as the reconstituted stone blocks were closer in colour to the houses  and walls outside of the trading estate so that this dominant building would make less impact upon the surrounding landscape.

August meeting – As GTEC Training Ltd had refused to change the colour of the reconstituted stone which which it  planned to clad its training centre on Bruntacres Trading Estate the committee refused permission for such stone to be used.

The parish council was very concerned that a planning officer had,  without consultation, allowed GTEC Training Ltd to enlarge the building by three feet in width and by one feet and three inches in height from that approved by the planning committee last September. The parish council and some residents had made it very clear that they were concerned about the scale and massing of the building. The YDNPA had advised the parish council that the planning officer had granted this “minor amendment” a matter of days before she had left the employment of the Authority

Helwith Bridge – Dry Rigg Quarry

May meeting – David Parrish, the YDNPA minerals officer, reported that the existing planning permission for quarrying at Dry Rigg would expire on May 31 2011. He recommended that the company should be given additional time to negotiate the details of the planning application made in January to extend mineral working at the quarry until December 2021. He reported that consultees and local residents had raised further issues relating to the transport of material from the site including the use of rail haulage; the protection of Swarth Moor SSSI; and landscaping and restoration. A full report should be made to the planning committee no later than the September meeting.

August meeting – Even though many objectors attended the meeting Lafarge was given permission to continue extracting “gritstone” (dark grey siltstones) from Dry Rigg Quarry for another ten years – as long as it signs a legal agreement to halve the amount it sends out  by road by the end of 2013 and carries out an extensive restoration scheme.  Extraction work will be carried out by deepening the present quarry site.

In his report to the YDNPA planning committee Mr Parish, stated that although the quarry supplied a high performance aggregate used for road surfacing this was not considered to constitute a “national need”. Such extraction  work is not allowed in National Parks except in exceptional circumstances and the Campaign to Protect Rural England stated: “Quarrying within this National Park seriously comprises the Authority’s remit to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the countryside and its wildlife.” At a site meeting in July Lafarge stated that there were only three sites in the Yorkshire Dales and two in Cumbria which supplied rock to such a high specification.

Natural England supports the restoration scheme and those at the site meeting were able to see the pilot project which had produced an alkaline fen with the characteristics of the local SSSI and where 26 different species of breeding birds had been seen. This, Lafarge argued, showed that the whole quarry area could be restored. The company must undertake and fully fund the monitoring work, after-care and management of the land for 20 years after the site has been restored.

The YDNPA received 52 responses when it advertised Lafarge’s application and the majority of these pointed out the adverse impact that the heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) had on Ribblesdale and Settle. It was felt that this and the quarrying did undermine tourism and other industries in the area. Some local residents could now see parts of the quarry as the screening bunds had sunk into the bog. Mr Parrish stated that the scar created by the quarrying of the hillside below Moughton Nab was visible to walkers over a wide area.

Lafarge was keen to use rail haulage but it was proving difficult to put a rail head at the site without affecting an SSSI. It would require the assistance of the YDNPA and Network Rail to get a rail link in place. The YDNPA planning committee insisted on the amount being brought out by HGVs should be cut by late 2013 to encourage Lafarge to create a rail link.

Horton in Ribblesdale

March meeting – It was agreed to give  permission for three years for a field  off  Station Road in Horton in Ribblesdale to be used for temporary parking for a total of 57 days a year, with no parking there between October and March. This, it was felt, would provide sufficient time for a traffic management plan to be developed to enable the village to cope with the thousands who take part in sponsored Three Peaks walks. Horton in Ribblesdale parish council had asked the planning committee to refuse permission to allow the field to be used for parking for more than the 28 days allowed under permitted development until that plan had been produced. Some parish councillors felt that there was a need for better organisation of available parking space rather than providing more capacity in general. At the planning committee the majority agreed that the conditions (secured with a S106 agreement)  should include restricting cars from being parked too close to the houses at one end of the field; that parking (with no overnight accommodation) would be limited to Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays according to a schedule of events provided by the landowner; and that parking or camping on another field owned by the applicant should be restricted.  The landowner will be asked to provide information to those preparing the traffic management plan.

July meeting – Permission was granted for the extension of the campsite at Horton in Ribblesdale and improvements to the existing toilet and shower facilities. The committee agreed to this on the basis that a S106 agreement was signed that required the implementation of the measures set out in a management plan. These included keeping the campsite and the toilet and shower facilities clean; no food to be sold on site to campers;  no playing of loud music; and providing sufficient parking spaces so that campers could be discouraged from leaving cars on the roadside outside. Local residents accepted that the campsite was beneficial to the local economy but wanted it to be better managed.  The committee members asked how these measures could be enforced and the planning officer assured them that the YDNPA could do this once the S106 agreement had been signed.

August meeting – The need for affordable housing in the Dales was one of the main reasons why the planning committee accepted the officer’s recommendation to grant permission for three dwellings to be built at The Old Slaughter House. These will be subject to a S106 agreement restricting the occupancy of the dwellings to persons meeting the YDNPA’s local needs criteria and conditions. Horton-in-Ribblesdale parish council had opposed the application as it was felt that the two three-bedroomed houses and one two-bedroomed house would be an over-development of the constricted site and added: “The development is unsympathetic and detrimental to this sensitive site and the adjoining listed buildings.” The parish councillors were also concerned that there would be inadequate parking provision and had grave concerns about potential flooding and pollution of the beck. There were no objections from the  Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water Services Ltd or United Utilities. A site meeting was held there prior to this decision. It had also been pointed out that an application to build three houses on the site was refused in January 2011 and one of the reasons given was that there was no evidence for “local need” housing.

October meeting – Tarmac Ltd was given permission to continue extracting stone from Arcow Quarry for another three and a half years. It was understood that Tarmac may apply for an additional 10 years. This will mean that instead of work finishing at the quarry by the end of this year and the restoration of the site being completed by December 2012, Tarmac will continue extracting Silurian gritsone (greywacke) until 2025.

About 45 people and organisations had objected to there being any extension, including the Campaign for National Parks, the Campaign to Protect Rural England, the Yorkshire Dales Society, the Ramblers Association and the vice-president of the European Parliament, Edward McMillan-Scott, MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber. In his letter to the YDNPA Mr McMillan-Scott stated that Tarmac had made it clear it had long term intentions to continue operating and that by approving the application for a three and a half year extension it would be difficult to resist that.

Natural England, however, did not object as the extraction of stone during the next three and a half years would not generate new impacts upon the environment. It was accepted that the continued use of heavy goods vehicles would have an impact. One of the conditions of the new agreement is that the road haulage level will be reduced next year (to 250,000 tonnes in any 12 months). The YDNPA would like to see a railway siding created which would mean a further reduction in road haulage.

At the meeting N Yorks County Coun Richard Welch made an impassioned plea for the continued use of the quarry. He compared the employment situation in the area to a three-legged stool which depended upon farming, tourism and quarrying. “If one leg is removed it will fall down,” he said.

Committee member Chris Armitage, like many of the objectors, reminded the committee that this quarry, like others near Horton in Ribblesdale, were in a National Park. “I get the feeling we are being taken for a bit of a ride as the applicants are already thinking of applying for another 10 year extension.”

Several objectors said that to approve the application would be contrary to both government and the YDNPA’s policies and that the continued extraction of stone would cause further harm to the landscape and the areas around the quarry. Settle Town Coun  Steve Amphlett had pointed out that there were 400 lorry movements a day from the local quarries  through the centre of the town. He described this as a blight on the town and wrote “400 lorries a day do not make for an attractive, safe and friendly town!”

The basis of Tarmac’s application was that it had not been able to extract as much as permitted in the past eight years due to the economic recession and geological stability problems. By the end of this year about 875,000 tonnes of permitted reserves would remain unworked.Arcow is one of the three quarries in the Yorkshire Dales supplying high performance aggregate for use in road surfacing.



February meeting –

An Association of Rural Communities news report

The YDNPA planning committee on Tuesday February 8 imposed more conditions on the re-development of the Scargill House centre at Kettlewell in response to the concerns expressed by residents and business people in Wharfedale. The planning application by the Scargill Movement to alter, carry out selective demolition and build new accommodation blocks and a sports hall was approved but with tighter controls.

These were: that the accommodation at the centre should be restricted to the numbers stated in the application;  that the traffic management plan should be reviewed annually and that Kettlewell with Starbottom Parish Council should be involved; there should be an ecological plan for the whole site, including all the trees and the traditional meadow; an archeological survey should be carried out; that the sports hall should be only used  by those visiting the centre; and that there should be a constant watching brief on the construction work to make sure that all conditions were met.

It was agreed that a video should be made of the condition of the road and walls before construction began so that those who caused any damage would pay for repairs. The traffic management plan would include when contractors’ lorries would be driven through Kettlewell and that none should use the road through Conistone. The revised conditions will be discussed by the committee, probably at the April meeting, before the centre can go ahead with re-developing the site.

Several members, as well as those representing the local community, emphasised the need for a detailed lighting plan to be submitted and approved before construction began. The danger of light pollution and glare from the glazing was one of the concerns listed by the parish council, the Wharfedale Against Scargill Planning action group, and the Yorkshire Dales Society.

Chris Beazley, the chairman of the parish council described the £6  million development as the biggest ever in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. “It’s a huge application,” he said. The parish council’s concerns included: the need to clarify the number of people who could be accommodated at the centre; how traffic movements would be managed; the possibility of there being more traffic if there was an increase in the number of conferences;  and the way the multi-purpose sports hall would alter the balance and intensity of the uses of the site.

Janet Walter, who represented Kettlewell village hall committee, pointed out that it was against the policies of the YDNPA to allow such a sports hall to have an adverse effect upon local facilities. Graham Walter said that the narrow road to the centre was used by dog walkers, farmers moving sheep,  and was a Sustrans cycle route. He, like others, was concerned that with more vehicles using the minor unclassified country lane, especially construction traffic, there would be damage to the road and to the walls. Traffic to the centre would also have to negotiate a narrow section of road in Kettlewell.

Tim Illingworth, who  represented a group of accommodation providers in Wharfedale, said the market was already saturated. The group was therefore strongly opposed to an increase of accommodation at Scargill House.

David Nelson, who is now resident in Kettlewell and a former Scargill House community member  said that even when the centre was full or held special events no traffic problems had been reported. He pointed out that the centre had been in existence long before many of the present businesses and had not had, nor would have, a detrimental effect upon other accommodation providers or cafes. “From my own experience the presence of a viable Scargill can do nothing but good for the life of the village,” he said.  He believed that now that Kettlewell School was remaining open Scargill would once again attract families to join its resident community. The new buildings had been designed to include modern environmental and energy needs.

Tony Hesselwood, vice chairman of the Scargill Movement Council, explained that the accommodation at the centre had to be renovated and brought up to modern standards. They also wanted to comply with modern regulations which required that groups of young people should be accommodated separate from that for adults and families. The re-development of the centre would be carried out in phases and would be financed from gifts rather than looking for pay-back from bookings. A lot of work would be carried out by volunteers. “We wish to be a vibrant part of the Upper Wharfedale community and support local providers where possible,” he said.

Some members complimented the planning officer on his report. In this he stated: “This is a particularly complex planning application… The use of the site would not change – since the 1950’s the site has had a permanent resident community, accommodation for over 100 guests, and has held courses and events. The proposals would not change the essential character of the use. The difference in the amount of accommodation proposed and the existing is not significant in terms of the traffic it would generate.” He added that the design had evolved since the original submission in 2009 and said: “It is considered that the proposal now represents a sensitive response that will assimilate into the landscape and enhance the appearance of the site.”

Two of the committee members, Cllr Harrison-Topham and William Weston, voted against the application because of the design. “It is incoherent with no unifying vision,” said Cllr Harrison-Topham.  Mr Weston commented: “The site is frankly a mess at the moment and we might have hoped for a really excellent, imaginative scheme … but sadly I don’t think we have that.” He added that members of the committee and local residents had instead pointed to the need to retain and increase the trees of the site as a way of hiding the buildings.

Other committee members were concerned that if the site was not re-developed and so made financially viable it could become semi-derelict and so look even worse.  No limit was set on the number of conferences as it was felt this would probably be well controlled by market forces.

April meeting – The committee approved the 19 conditions to the planning permission for the development Scargill House at Kettlewell and added one more:  that the three new houses to be built should be tied to the ancillary use of Scargill House as a Christian residential and educational centre.

It was agreed that North Yorkshire County Council should be asked to impose a 20mph limit on the narrow stretches of road that lorries will use to access the site, especially as it is expected that the phased building work will take over four years to complete. It was also agreed that a small group of members should be available to mediate between residents and Scargill House over any traffic problems.

October meeting –  The committee agreed that enforcement action could be taken to secure the removal of two unauthorised hard standings which had been created beside Kettlewell Beck as these had an unacceptable impact upon the character and appearance of the conservation area.  The Authority was concerned that if action was not taken other residents would create hard standings for their vehicles on what was an important open space consisting of verges and green areas.

October meeting – The committee heard how opinion in Kettlewell was divided about the application to replace a camp site off Conistone Road with a new one in a field nearby. Craven District Councillor John Roberts said that 14 residents had objected to the application and there had been 21 letters in support of it. He added that the sustainability of villages like Kettlewell depended upon being able to provide many different forms of tourist accommodation and the campsites were an important part of that, particularly for the Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions. As a resident of Kettlewell he abstained from voting.

Peter Charlesworth commented that the main problem with the proposed new location was that it would be so prominent in what was a “chocolate box view” landscape. “I could not conceive of a more inappropriate site,” he said.

The planning officer had noted that the application did not fit the criteria in the Local Plan for the creation of a tented camp site. She stated: “The introduction of a camp site into this field would seriously interrupt the character of upper Wharfedale and have a significant adverse impact on the setting of Kettlewell.” Not only was the site not screened sufficiently at present but it would not be possible to do so.

Nigel Lambert, the son of the applicants, explained that his parents were retiring at the end of October and the two campsites they had run for many years would be closed. He wanted to move back to Kettlewell with his family and run the new campsite. The application included the conversion and alteration of an existing agricultural building to provide facilities for campers and an office which he would use to supervise the site. “We want to provide proper facilities including for the disabled,” he said. He added that he wanted to run the site professionally and that it would be open from Easter to October each year.

Cllr Blackie described how the campsite at Hardraw in Wensleydale had grown in popularity in the past few years and this had led to increased trade for the local pub and other businesses. “Campsites bring young people into the Dales  – and they will come back in the future.” Harold Brown agreed with him that the provision of campsites brought prosperity to Dales’ villages.

Six of the members voted against the officer’s recommendation that the application should be refused. Five voted for her recommendation and there were two abstentions. This means that the decision to approve the application needs to be ratified at the November meeting.

November meeting – The planning officer left the members of the committee in no doubt about how they should vote when they reconsidered the planning application to create a new camp site at Kettlewell. In her report the planning officer  reminded them of the two purposes of a National Park: to conserve and enhance the landscape and to promote opportunities for people to come and understand and enjoy its special qualities. If there was a conflict between these two then the Authority should apply the Sandford Principle: to attach greater weight to the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Park.

She stated that the development of the proposed camping site “would interrupt the ancient field pattern to the south of Kettlewell to the extent that the landscape quality for a wide area is severely compromised.”  And she added: “..the duty towards the economic well-being of Kettlewell cannot be used to justify development at the expense of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the landscape.” She concluded that the proposal would amount to a significant and permanent landscape detractor. And if that wasn’t enough she added that if the members granted permission the matter would be referred to the Secretary of State as a departure from the Authority’s adopted policy. That has very  rarely been stated in an officer’s report.

The chairman of the committee, Graham Dalton, explained that this planning application had split the community of Kettlewell and he gave a summary of the arguments for and against.

For: There was a need in the vicinity of Kettlewell to provide a camp site for Duke of Edinburgh participants, Dales Way walkers, cyclists, young people and families. Camping was the cheapest way to come and enjoy the Dales – and the Authority had a duty to promote the enjoyment of the National Park for everyone. The applicants had provided a management plan and offered a tree planting scheme. And he added about the sustainability of Kettlewell “The money which the campers bring in goes into the shops and the pubs and the income supports the working population and in turn the working population provides the children for the school and so you have the virtuous circle of sustainability”.

Against: The proposed site was very open and set within a landscape that was famous both nationally and internationally. The application did not meet many of the conditions that the YDNPA had formulated for campsites – that the impact upon the landscape should be minimal; there should be appropriate  screening of the site at the time of the application; and that it should be close to residential buildings. As this campsite was not  close to the village it could not be monitored all the time. He again reminded members of the Sandford Principle.

As compared to last month the majority of the members voted to accept the officer’s recommendation and refuse the application. Cllr Blackie, however, said he had not changed his view that the site should be approved.  He felt that the sustainability of Kettlewell was an important material consideration and that the impact upon the landscape would not be so significant especially as campers did not leave  irreparable marks upon a field.

December meeting – Members agreed with officers that an enforcement notice should be issued to ensure that no scrap metal items were left for collection on the land opposite the water works at Kettlewell. The members also want the hard standing removed and the verge re-instated. Yorkshire Water could apply to use the verge on a temporary basis whenever necessary.


December meeting – The agent for the Fountaine Inn at Linton told members that it was understandable that they had turned down an application to convert the barn behind the inn into hotel rooms. The Planning Inspectorate had, however, only dismissed the appeal because there wasn’t a S106 agreement to tie the barn to the inn. The planning committee had agreed with the parish council and residents that the development would cause car parking and access problems in Linton. This, however, could no longer be the basis for refusal following the decision of the planning inspector. The new application was approved subject to a S106 agreement to tie the barn to the inn, to restrict the accommodation to just bedrooms with en suites and to control signage.

Little Stainforth

April meeting – The majority of members accepted the planning officer’s argument that the impact of the 21 external lighting columns at Knight Stainforth Caravan Park was relatively low. As the lights were angled downwards they would not have a damaging effect in a dark, rural location. This was a retrospective planning application.

Long Ashes, Threshfield

March meeting – Allowing the Long Ashes Caravan Park near Threshfield to increase in size was compared to urban sprawl by planning committee member, William Weston. “We already have a site which is bigger than many Dales’ communities. The idea of increasing urban sprawl in this location is really extraordinary given how big the site is already,” he said. Lakeland Leisure Estates Ltd had applied for full planning permission to redevelop and extend the park by adding 51 static caravans, 64 touring caravans and 22 camping pods plus the erection of some buildings, including a toilet block. “The chutzpah of putting this forward is breathtaking,” commented N Yorks County Coun Roger Harrison-Topham.  Coun Roberts stated that if at Easter all the bed spaces at Long Ashes were filled its population would be equal to that of Threshfield and Grassington combined. The good agricultural fields that the park owners proposed to extend  into would then become brown field sites, Coun Roberts  said. He was also concerned about the sewerage system at the park, and the safety of cars exiting onto the B6160. Threshfield parish council had unanimously opposed the application. The agent for Lakeland Leisure Estates explained that more information could be provided about the drainage and sewerage, and that there would be a landscape scheme which would include tree planting. The extension of the park would create 13 more jobs and a considerable financial input  into the local economy, she said.


December meeting – Approval was given for formal enforcement action to be taken to stop Prior Hall at Malham being used as two separate dwellings.

September meeting – The committee voted unanimously in favour of the officer’s recommendation that the section 106 agreement on Hall Close in Peart Lane, Malham should not be altered from a rural workers occupancy restriction to a local occupancy restriction. The parish council had asked the planning committee to stick to the rules and regulations. The planning officer reported that the applicants had not followed the Authority’s adopted advertising procedure for selling such a house and so had not adequately demonstrated that there was no demand for a rural based worker’s dwelling in the locality.

Malham Moor

February meeting – The planning committee refused permission for a 30m high 100 kw wind turbine near Lee Gate farm. The total height to top of a tip blade would be 40m. “This is the largest turbine we have considered,” said one member.

South Lakes Dt Coun Kevin Lancaster  commented that if this was approved the YDNPA would not be able to refuse any application for wind turbines. “I am totally in favour of energy generation but this is not the way to do it.” William Weston agreed with the planning officer that the open nature of the site and the visibility of the turbine in that position on the moor would make it unacceptable. He suggested that solar panels should be considered instead.

Grinton parish councillor Harold Brown said he would support the applicant, Frank Carr,  but would prefer two smaller turbines. He warned that a lot more had to be done to support hill farmers. Mr Carr explained that the supermarkets to which the farm was sending meat did expect that the carbon footprint of the producers should be reduced.

In its comments Kirkby Malhamdale parish council stated: “Concern was expressed at the precedence that might be set in the National Park by approval of the application. The visual impact of wind turbines including single turbines, is highly sensitive to siting and it is important that each case is considered on its merits. Planning guidance is needed to clarify the National Park’s policy.”


December meeting – The owners of Swaleview Caravan Park had requested that two conditions should be removed from a planning permission so as to allow seasonal use of all 30 touring caravan pitches. Like Hudswell parish council and the CPRE in Swaledale,  N Yorks County Coun John Blackie and other members  were particularly concerned that if there were not sufficient safeguards the short-stay touring pitches could be lost. It was therefore agreed that some of the conditions should be supported with S106 agreements to ensure that caravans on the touring pitches would not become residential accommodation.

October meeting – “After 16 or 17 amendments I think we have got a suitable development which I can support,” commented committee member Malcolm Gardner, when the application for the construction of a three-bedroomed house on land to the rear of Metcalfe’s Farm at Reeth was discussed. Coun Richard Welch said he had been very impressed by the plans when he attended the site meeting. He added that if he had not attended the site meeting  he would have voted against the proposal. The majority of the members voted to grant permission for the new house.

July meeting. – The request by the planning officer to defer a decision regarding planning permission to erect one three-bedroom house to the rear of Metcalfe’s Farm at Reeth was accepted by the committee. The officer explained that another set of amended plans had been received since he had recommended refusal on the grounds that the new house would have an overbearing impact upon adjoining properties including loss of privacy.  Coun John Blackie had asked for the decision to be made by the planning committee because over the past few months five different sets of plans had been submitted. “I am aware that there have been differences of professional opinion at planning officer level,” he told the committee. He emphasised the need for a site meeting before a decision was made. Richmondshire Dt Coun Malcolm Gardner agreed with him and added that the site and the differing levels on it  should be accurately measured. The majority of the committee members felt that the applicant must submit his final set of plans before a site meeting was held. At the August meeting it was agreed to organise a site meeting and discuss the application again in October.

February meeting – In view of the government’s policy about caravan sites as outlined in its “Good Practice Guide for Planning for Tourism” and the way that had been upheld at appeal the members accepted the planning officer’s recommendation that Swaleview Caravan Park  near Reeth should be allowed to operate as a holiday park all year round.


June meeting – The committee agreed that enforcement action should be taken to secure the removal of an unauthorised shelter at the Station Inn, Ribblehead. The owner has denied that it was a “smoking shed” but was for those sheltering from the elements while waiting for busses and trains. Both the planning and enforcement officers reported that the shelter had an unacceptable impact upon a simple, traditional building.


March meeting – The committee agreed with the planning officer that a wall built to enclose part of the grassy area in front of Abbot Holme at Millthrop,Sedbergh, would detract considerably from the beauty of the open space which had been in existence since the mid 19th century. It would also have an adverse impact upon Abbot Holme which is a listed building. The application for a 1.2m high stone boundary wall was therefore rejected.


January meeting – The  members agreed to a request from the enforcement officer that an enforcement notice should be issued to ensure that the owners of Penyghent Cottage at Selside stopped using part of it as a holiday cottage by no later than December 31, 2011.  This is a Grade II listed building which used to be a barn and the original planning consent was for one dwelling. Under the present housing policy any sub-division can only be for local affordable housing.


February meeting – Three residents of Stainforth wrote to the YDNPA stating that they had received insufficient notice (just 3.5 days) that the amended plans for the division of Ingle-byre into two dwellings would be discussed at the February meeting. Two of them asked that the decision should be deferred to give appropriate time for consideration and comment. The third pointed out that Ingle-byre had been split into two without planning permission and that the front door of that used as a holiday cottage impeded onto land used for vehicular access by other residents. She added: “If this application is recommended then it seems that it sets a precedent to build and change what you want without going through the proper channels, and get away with it.”

The YDNPA had issued an enforcement notice in September 2010 requiring the cessation of the use of the property as two dwellings. The owners, Mr and Mrs Colau, had then made a retrospective planning application to regularise the sub division. This application included a wind turbine, a glass roof drying area, a gate across the public right of way, retrospective permission for a decking area, a flag and a stone cairn with charity collection box inside. These were deleted from the application. The planning officer reported that a house could be sub-divided so long as this did not have an adverse effect upon the amenity of neighbours or the character of the area, and that the additional unit created would be for local occupancy. In one of the letters of objection it was stated, however: “This has had an impact on ourselves and other local residents for years. It is ourselves and other residents that have been trying to get the YDNP to take action against unauthorised development. Previous documentation referring to Ingle-byre planning applications have mysteriously disappeared in a small fire at the planning office (as stated previously to Stainforth Parish Council).

At the planning meeting N Yorks County Coun John Blackie queried whether the radio transmissions from Ingle Byre would affect the television reception in neighbouring properties. None of the members referred to the residents’ letters or the request for a deferral.  The majority voted to accept the planning officer’s recommendation that permission should be granted so long as one of the dwellings was for local occupancy.


March meeting – Craven Dt Coun John Roberts told the planning committee that it would be inconsistent to approve the construction of a house on an area designated by the YDNPA as Special Open Space after it had issued enforcement notices to protect open spaces in Kettlewell which were in the same parish. “This is one of the most protected sites that we have in this area. It is an important open space in a conservation area in the national park. This was our designation. This application goes against eight of the Park’s saved policies,” Coun Roberts said. He added: “I understand the need for housing in the parish … but we are here to protect and enhance the environment.” County Coun John Blackie had argued that more “local need” houses were required in the area to safeguard the future of the pubs and the school. As there would be a S106 agreement on the house it could only be sold to those who fulfilled the criteria for “local need” and so would sell for up to 15 per cent less than the open  market value. Kettlewell-with-Starbotton parish council had pointed out that this was the second application for a local occupancy dwelling in Starbotton from the same applicant and the first property was still vacant. The YDNPA’s head of development management, Richard Graham, told the committee that the need for another such house had not been demonstrated. He stated  there was no material benefit to outweigh the policy not to allow construction on such an open space. At the February meeting the majority of the committee had voted to approve the erection of a two-bedroomed house within the Special Open Space by the beck but as that was against officer recommendation the decision had to be referred back to the next meeting. The majority at the March meeting voted against approving the application.

Thornton Rust

February meeting – The new houses on the Thornton Rust Hall estate were discussed in closed session. It was agreed that an enforcement notice should be issued immediately as some of the remedial works had not been carried out. The key issue was the need to lower the roofs so that both semi-detached houses were two-storeys high rather than three. The owner later lodged an appeal and requested an appeal inquiry.  (His appeal was dismissed the by planning inspector.)


December meeting -The committee very quickly approved the application for a new fire station and drill tower at the former council yard in Threshfield.  Richmondshire Dt Coun Malcolm Gardner commented about the old fire station that he was surprised that the retained firefighters had been willing to use such a shambles of a shack for so long. This did not meet health and safety requirements nor did it provide the necessary facilities. Threshfield parish council had asked if the height of the new building could be reduced. The planning officer reported that following negotiations the roof height had been reduced. The height was, however, dictated by the need to house and maintain a fire appliance.

West Burton

February meeting – County Coun John Blackie said that although Burton cum Walden parish council was saddened that Richard Johnson had not initially applied for planning permission for the erection of a timber building and changed the use of a strip of land to domestic curtilage  it did accept that the building was sited in the least visible place in the field behind his home in West Burton. It did not therefore oppose the retrospective planning application but did ask that the building be restricted to being a kennel for two dogs and that the storage area was used for ancillary domestic purposes only. The retrospective application was approved and the conditions included: the storage and kennels to be used for domestic purposes only; the withdrawal of permitted development rights within the new curtilage; no outside runs for the dogs unless otherwise agreed by the planning authority; and for a dry stone wall to be erected within eight weeks.

West Witton

October meeting – The committee agreed that enforcement action could be taken to stop what has become the “Chantry Country Retreat” making unauthorised use of a field on the far east side of the caravan site.


January meeting – The members unanimously agreed with the planning officer to accept the latest application to convert the former chapel at Widdale so it could be used for residential lets or short stay holiday accommodation.  Chris Armitage said it was a much better proposal than the first one they had discussed. This was because the access onto the highway had been moved to a position where there was far greater visibility. This access had been agreed with the N Yorks Highways department at site meeting requested by the YDNPA.

Some of the members pointed out that the chapel was already falling into disrepair and looked forward to it being restored and brought back into use. This development is part of a farm diversification project and there will be a S106 agreement tying it to the farm. The  agreement will not apply to the house adjoining the chapel.

YDNPA boundary extensions – a planning officer’s view

Mike Warden has just retired after working in two of the most beautiful areas of North Yorkshire. In 1975 he joined the planning department of the YDNPA (Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority) and moved in 1998 to Harrogate Borough Council where he was often involved with planning applications from those living and working in the adjoining Nidderdale  AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). He believes the National Parks needed to be designated in the early 1950s to protect the beautiful hill and mountain areas:


The National Parks were set up to protect their natural beauty, to promote visitors coming to them, and to have consideration for the social and economic welfare of those living in them. It was the natural beauty and promote the freedom of walking over the open fells, and over those special mountain areas, that they were created for.

Everything went quite well when the National Parks were administered by the county councils, although there was some criticism that the old rural district councils were too parochial. But when the new park authorities were created in 1974, they started to take unto themselves responsibilities, including planning, that the national parks initially had not been set up to administer. They started to want to control so much and they rather lost sight of what they were really supposed to do.

The YDNPA does have a good warden and tree planting service and these are very important.  It has done quite well at promoting tourism in the National Park. But these functions were usurped from the County Council’s countryside service, from the Forestry Commission, and from the old Tourist Boards. On the other hand, the YDNPA has been poor at looking after the landscape and very, very slow to get involved in helping the agricultural businesses that managed the landscape – the hill farms. They are not really involved now. They try and assist in form filling, helping landowners to get special grants that Defra administers. But Defra could fulfil that function itself if it set its mind to it.

When I started in 1975 the National Park didn’t have planning policies. The principle was that unless a planning application was wrong and you could find valid reasons for refusing it, you would have to allow it. But then the YDNPA, particularly the officers, got so elitist that it lost track of social and economic welfare, and it lost sight of promoting enjoyment of the area, rather it wanted to control tourism. It thought it was protecting the countryside by controlling the villages and the towns – and it wasn’t. It was just making itself very unpopular.

In 1984 I became the agricultural officer and was involved in the design of farm buildings in the dales at a time when there were generous grants from MAFF, which preceded DEFRA. It wasn’t a question of saying No to buildings – but rather of saying how we can get nice looking buildings that fulfill their purpose and that fit in. And that really did usually work – except when elitism came in. At that time stock numbers were growing and the farmers needed more accommodation for their animals during the winter. We developed some wonderful buildings that did just that for the farmers. A case that caused me the greatest concern was a farm in Yockenthwaite where the farmer wanted a sheep house. The farm is quite prominent in a special, picturesque place. With the farmer, the ADAS Officer and I designed a wide span sheep house. The farmer was quite happy to put a base stone wall along the side that was visible across the valley and to ensure that it nestled into the hillside, with a dark brown roof and Yorkshire boarding above the base wall so the building would have natural ventilation for the sheep. But elitism within the YDNPA really did rise up. Senior officers and the committee said it was in such as special place that the building ought to be entirely of stone. You cannot build sheep houses in stone because they don’t breath. Put more than three animals in during the winter and stock get pneumonia. So the farmer got a pretty stone building that was useless for sheep.

The elitism at the YDNPA crushed me after a while. Over the 22 years I spent there it became less and less of an Authority listening to the community and working with the community – and more of a controlling body. The elitism and empire building within the YDNPA was especially evident when the Authority proposed making Swaledale a Conservation Area because, it said, this was the only way get national funding to preserve barns and walls. Residents were assured that designation would not include anything else. But the day after the Conservation Area was introduced farmers found it did cover everything else, including felling trees. The YDNPA brought in everything that could be controlled in a Conservation Area under its remit. It had acquired additional controls by stealth. I was appalled.


As a planning authority a National Park is completely devoid of all the other functions that a responsible District Council administers. Any council outside of a National Park has to take into account the matters of  building control, of environmental health, of pollution. of economic development, and most importantly local councils are housing authorities for their areas, which a National Park is not. The YDNPA always seemed to work on the basis that only if there was no conservation harm could an application be permitted. But in an AONB, the District Council has to establish conservation harm before it can be against a scheme. In each case the same question is being considered, but from two completely different standpoints.

The culture of the YDNPA is conservation focused. A significant proportion of the members are appointed on the basis of their conservation expertise – not economic development or social welfare. The appointed members have no responsibility to the local communities. You don’t get that in a District Council. District Councillors are not automatically conservation focused but they do want to protect that which they think is special. They have more leeway.

During 13 years at Harrogate I found it a far more healthy, respectful body that was making decisions – and by and large very good decisions. There is more local integrity in Nidderdale AONB than in the  YDNP because the latter has been penetrated by the wealthy who expect the YDNPA to protect the value of their capital assets. There is quite a different culture in a District council’s consideration of its AONB. The elitism displayed by officers and members of the YDNPA doesn’t exist. In an AONB planning issues are decided upon taking a whole gamut of other issues into account. Councils like Craven, Richmondshire and South Lakeland are protecting their areas outside the National Park. They don’t believe they are there to create a perfect world. They are careful to encourage tourism and businesses – and are mindful that it is the businesses that keep the places profitable. It is the businesses that create a local society that is profitable, healthy and developing. The area develops socially and culturally as there are working people living there. In the AONB there are less holiday cottages and empty properties. You will find that rural district councils are very good at managing the countryside as well as the towns and villages. Good examples are the Lune and Eden valleys, and round Richmondshire and Craven, areas which are not even AONBs, so that the farming community can look after its countryside and the villages can grow and develop.

At Harrogate I found that the decisions made were far more balanced. There were no strong rural pressure groups and the decisions were made by consensus of councilors representing both urban and rural wards. The objectives in an AONB  – to protect the specialness of the area – are little different to the objectives of a National Park.  But whereas AONBs are administered by District Councils National Parks are autonomous Unitary Authorities.


So what of the proposed National Park boundary extensions?  I have never quite understood why the boundary of the Yorkshire Dales National Park is where it is. It is an anomaly that areas like the Howgills are not in the National Park nor been designated an AONB. That said, the original National Parks were the first of areas to be protected, mountain and hill areas, wild and remote. Some time later as the pressure for controls grew, so the AONBs were designated, the second or a lesser grade of natural beauty.

The proposed new areas including the Lune Valley must be a third grade of natural beauty, way down the list of areas to be protected. They are neither a first tier mountain or hill area, nor a second tier AONB. Attractive the proposed extension areas may be, but they are not generally of the quality of natural beauty of a National Park. On the one hand to add the proposed extensions to the National Park would dilute the specialness of the natural beauty of the existing National Park.

The Lune and Eden Valleys will lose their identity if they are incorporated into what is now the YDNPA. They still have very strong local ties with what was Cumberland and Westmorland looking  to Kendal and Appleby – not to an office in Bainbridge in Yorkshire to which they have absolutely no link or tie. If incorporated in to the YDNP, matters of housing provision, building control, environmental health, economic development would still remain the remit of the district councils, but planning decisions would be a National Park matter.  Who would represent the interests of the areas?  The YDNPA would have to expand in staff and in costs to administer areas a long way from its administrative centre and to deal with matters presently more effectively and efficiently carried out by the District Councils.  If it could be proved either that the District Councils have been so incompetent at administering their areas, or that the residents unanimously believed being a part of the National Park would be their magic bullet, I might just consider an extension of the National Park boundary.  One has to question, as Natural England is forced to shrink, is it hopeful it can pass its functions to another like minded conservation centred body?

Mike Warden

YDNPA boundary extensions – a personal view

Kevin Lancaster has been a member of South Lakeland District Council since 1997 and last year was elected to Cumbria County Council. He was a member of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority ( YDNPA ) from 1996 to 2011. His ward includes parishes that will be affected by the extensions to the Yorkshire Dales National Park proposed by Natural England. Here are excerpts from his letter to Natural England:


Personally, as a resident of Yorkshire Dales all my life and a member of the authority since 1996 and Chairman for the year 2008/9 I have little doubt that inclusion in the National Park has been harmful for the communities of Sedbergh, Garsdale and Dent, all of which I have represented since 1997. Fundamentally this harm stems from the inherently undemocratic nature of the authority. Yorkshire Dales is not worse than the other National Park Authorities – it is much better than several. But, the lack of direct electoral input results in an authority which exercises democratic functions over an area without any legitimacy. There is little surprise therefore that compared with the district and county authorities which serve their areas National Parks perform poorly.


It is a fundamental weakness of most English National Parks that they sit in marginal land areas between settled communities. This is as true for Exmoor and the Lake District as it is for Yorkshire Dales. Thus whilst to outsiders “The Yorkshire Dales” appears as an entity it is in fact three distinct communities – Swaledale and Wensleydale looking towards Leyburn and Richmond; Wharfedale looking towards Skipton and Leeds; and Sedbergh and Dent looking towards Kendal and Lancaster. These distinct communities clearly interact but have little in common. It would be fair to say that the area which you designate “YD West” looks towards Kendal and Lancaster but the Northern search areas look more to Penrith and Carlisle. Certainly neither look towards Bainbridge or Grassington.Thus there is an immediate incongruity in linking these areas with “The Yorkshire Dales”. How much more is this imbalance exacerbated by the distinction of name. You will have seen the visceral opposition which has been engendered within the existing Yorkshire Dales by the suggestion that a more neutral name, either “The Dales NPA” or “Yorkshire and Westmorland Dales NPA” could be adopted. I shudder to think what the reaction would be to “Westmorland and Yorkshire Dales NPA”.


In your methodology you have made little serious attempt to engage with the communities concerned. It is unfortunate that the presentations from Natural England have been so completely one-sided and that you have failed to invite platform speakers who could give a cogent dissenting view. This in spite of the fact that many such people can be found. Regrettably you have relied on public meetings and responses to a biased questionnaire. In polling terms these cannot produce an accurate response and for a government body their use is a scandal.


It has been asserted at public meetings that inclusion within the Yorkshire Dales will be beneficial for the farming industry. It is suggested that somehow the farming industry benefits from particular grants for farming within a National Park. That is self-evidently wrong. As a farmer in the Yorkshire Dales I have never been entitled to any grant which I would not have been entitled to farming the same land outside the park. It is dishonest to suggest otherwise. The only farmers which I know of who are within YDNP schemes are in the Ingleborough area and those schemes are dependent upon the special conservation area status of the land concerned. National Park designation is not relevant. The vast majority of farmers within YDNP receive no extra payments for being within the National Park and will not do in the future either. I understand the relevant officer of YDNP fully accepts that this is the case. I understand also that he objected to the relevant passage within the draft documentation. It is unfortunate that you chose to disregard his correction.

As a subordinate body under DEFRA I believe you have a duty to do a regulatory impact assessment to determine what effect designation would have on an agricultural business. You seem not to have done this. If you have which farms have you selected for the assessment ? My experience suggests that being within a National Park has a detrimental effect on most agricultural businesses. Whilst on the face of it the planning process is not materially different for agricultural buildings the experience of several of my constituents is that planning officers make the process difficult and sometimes there is little way forward without the intervention of members.


It might be supposed that with specialist conservation staff a National Park would perform well on conservation of historic buildings. Whilst for the main part the archaeological staff and Building Conservation Officers have a sound generalist understanding of their subjects they lack specialist knowledge of the vernacular architecture of either the current National Park or the areas which surround it. This is my area of expertise and I have found the reports of planning officers and building conservation officers shocking in their gratuitous ignorance. There can be little confidence that protection of the built environment will be enhanced by inclusion within a National Park.


It is suggested that designation will prevent undesirable applications being approved on the open fells. It is not clear as to what exactly National Park status is intended to protect the area from. National conservation policy has changed markedly since the 1949 Act and national planning guidance effectively outlaws such development for the most part. As there could be little change on the open fells I must assume that the targets for this protection are either wind farms or other activities in the valley floors which are currently taking place lawfully. The proponents, even when directly challenged refuse to make clear what developments they wish to resist. I am sceptical as to whether NPA designation can make any difference to the wind farm issue. Certainly it ought not to as you have already claimed the land in question is of high landscape value by instigating this consultation. However, until a more rational approach is adopted on renewable energy the threat of wind farms will plague all of South Lakeland. All that further designation could do would be to concentrate the same number of wind farms in a narrower corridor between the two National Parks.


Virtually all of the land within the present YDNP is either “Disadvantaged” or “Severely Disadvantaged”. However, below Middleton Head the quality of the valley floor land improves dramatically. Much of the enclosed land within Middleton, Barbon and Casterton is extremely productive. The first cut of silage is generally complete in those areas by the end of May. Sedbergh is about a month later and Dent another month later still. It is indicative of your initial research that the report does not mention this fact. Travelling from Kirkby Lonsdale through the area of search and through the present YDNP no land of similar quality is encountered again until beyond Leyburn – beyond the National Park. Onerous as being within the park has been for farmers in Sedbergh and Dent this would be much more harmful to the highly productive farms of the Lune valley, many of which will not be eligible for the new Upland Stewardship scheme. I know of several farmers within Casterton and Barbon who have erected very large buildings in the last couple of years in order to remain competitive. It is their fear that a National Park would obstruct their future development plans. My experience as an NPA member supports their view.


Another issue of great concern is membership of the National Park Authority. Historically there were 26 members and that number balanced up the three districts well. I note with concern the suggestion that the new authority could continue to operate with 22 members. In fact 26 are needed to represent the present area and a further four at least would be needed if all the proposed areas were to be included. Selection of Secretary of State Members would also have to be adjusted. At present Natural England appears to favour retirees from urban areas with virtually no understanding of the current Yorkshire Dales let alone the Lune valley. It seems that certain national charities such as the Campaign For National Parks promote candidates for vacancies to the disadvantage of genuine local candidates.


It is to be regretted that your report does not consider alternatives to designation as part of a National Park. The whole of the suggested western extension is along with Sedbergh, Garsdale and Dent part of the historic entity of Lonsdale – Kirkby Lonsdale, Middleton in Lonsdale and Sedbergh in Lonsdale. This is a natural collection which dates back beyond the Conquest. In 1086 they comprised the very last entry in the Domesday Book. I would advocate that YD West should become an AONB (Area of Natural Beauty). “The Upper Lonsdale AONB”, “South Westmorland AONB” are all names which are suggested. At many public meetings where your proposals received an extremely hostile reception this suggestion was on the contrary welcomed.


Designation of a major part of its area as National Park would be extremely disruptive to South Lakeland. Its LDF and employment land policies would all have to be substantially re-written. It is understandable that residents of South Lakeland outside the two National Parks are extremely concerned that development will have to be squeezed within their areas.

YDNPA – Camping and Caravaning

ARC News Service reports on the impact of decisions made by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority YDNPA ) on the pitches available for touring caravans and tents. This includes the £14million eco lodge development at Westholme, Aysgarth, which went ahead without the members of the planning committee knowing what was happening. The inspector’s report following an appeal by owners of the Honeycott Caravan Site at Hawes is included as this emphasised the need for pitches in the Yorkshire Dales for touring caravans and campers.

At the agm of the Association of Rural Communities, Tom Knowles, who developed Westholme in the 1970s into a site to accommodate  44 static caravans, 46 touring caravans and 23 tents, asked how the lodges could be described as “mobile homes”. He was also worried about the loss of sites for touring caravans and tents.

Hawes and High Abbotside parish council was so concerned this year that it  strongly objected to the proposed loss of  touring caravan pitches at Honeycott near Hawes, and so ensured that the application was discussed by members of the National Park Authority.

At the October planning meeting the members turned down the Honeycott application as they didn’t want to create an undesirable precedent and felt that the loss of touring caravan sites would result in a detrimental change in the balance of cheap holiday accommodation in the national park contrary to the policy of encouraging people to come and enjoy the area.

But this week, after seeing the Authority’s  file on Westholme County Coun John Blackie said: “We are the guardians …. but we have shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.”

He disagreed with the senior planning officer, Andrew McCullagh, that the members had been told about the loss of touring caravan and tent pitches at Westholme.

When the owners of Westholme sought the advice of officers in 2005 about remodelling the caravan park they made it clear that they wanted to replace touring caravans with static caravans.

In response the Authority’s strategic planning officer said that for any such scheme to be approved it had to deliver a significant environment improvement and was concerned about the possible loss of touring caravan pitches.

When Burton cum Walden parish councillors carefully examined the first application in March 2006 they saw nothing to object to and so it was dealt with under delegated powers by planning officers.

A planning officer then asked the owners, Quintain Estates, for an area set aside for touring caravans and tents to be included in the application.

He added: “If it is still to be used for camping or for touring caravans, the improvement in visual and landscape terms from some additional tree planting on the application site would hardly be ‘significant’ – there will still be brightly coloured tents.” He agreed that the area should be turned into a managed meadow.
Full planning permission for 74 statics was granted in March 2007. The site was then bought by Darinian Ltd which stated this week that it plans to turn it into an exclusive five-star luxury lodge park of quality holiday accommodation which should provide employment for 20 full and part time staff.

Some of the 68 lodges, priced between £195,000 and £245,000, will be let by Hoseasons with a four-bedroom lodge costing £630 per week in August 2009. The lodges are being advertised as having panoramic patio doors and windows and private terraces, some with outdoor hot tubs.

Mr McCullagh stated: “The lodges…. fall within the legal definition of “caravans”, a definition which is remarkably and notoriously wide.”

Under the 1968 Act twin units are subject to maximum dimensions and only have to be capable of being transported by road when fully assembled whether lawfully or not. Darinian claim that their lodges fall within that definition.

Discussion of ARC questions at Full Authority meeting January 2009

THE Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority must have interim policies to protect a balanced range of visitor accommodation so that it did not turn into a rich man’s playground, it was decided at the Authority’s meeting in January 2009. This was agreed after members debated the three questions presented by the Association of Rural Communities about the ban on touring caravans and tents at the Westholme site near Aysgarth.

Both the association and its president, Tom Knowles, were thanked for raising the issue. None of the members had known about the decisions made by a planning officer under delegated powers concerning Westholme until informed by Mr Knowles.

So that a situation like that at Westholme could not happen again there was unanimous agreement on Tuesday that all applications in relation to caravan and camping site should be brought to the Authority’s planning committee and not dealt with under delegated powers by officers. (Sadly, a decision reversed a few years later.)

Parish Councillor Harold Brown commented: “Burton cum Walden parish council would have objected if it had known what the outcome what have been.” County Councillor John Blackie said: “It should not have to be up to a small parish council to bring to the authority a matter of such importance. We need a fail safe system. “Unknown to us a precedent had already been created behind closed doors and we don’t want to be in that position again.”

He explained that even when there wasn’t a market down turn young people had been coming on camping holidays to the National Park and it had been shown that 80 per cent of them would return later to stay in a variety of accommodation. The provision of cheap and cheerful accommodation for such people was important, therefore, for the sustainability and viability of the local economy, he added.

Peter Stockton, a senior planning officer, pointed out: “We don’t have a planning policy to protect visitor facilities and perhaps we should have. There is a fundamental issue there.” He explained, however, that it could take a few years to research market trends and prepare a new policy. The members voted unanimously for an interim policy to make sure that there was a balance of visitor accommodation in the national park.

They also followed the lead of County Councillor Roger Harrison Topham that the Authority, via the Association of National Park Authorities, should lobby the government to change legislation on the definition of a static caravan. One member said that the definition was so wide it would include a chalet which had had wheels painted on it. It was due to that definition that the decision to allow only static caravans at Westholme had led to the introduction of luxury five-star chalets there and the Association of Rural Communities asking what the National Park would do to stop the Yorkshire Dales becoming a rich man’s playground.

Mr Stockton said that the decision concerning Westholme had been made on the basis of there being a significant overall environmental improvement if there were no touring caravans or tents there. And the YDNPA chief executive, David Butterworth, pointed out that when there seemed to be a conflict between a National Park’s objectives to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage, and to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of National Parks by the public, it had been accepted that the priority was conservation.

Members felt, however, that any such decisions should be made by the planning committee and not by an officer under delegated powers. One member did state, however, that touring caravans and tents could be a blight on the landscape.

After the meeting Mr Knowles said that it had not been possible to see the tents and touring caravans at the Westholme site which he had and his wife, Margaret, had run for many years. The site had, he said, provided an important facility for those taking part in Duke of Edinburgh award scheme expeditions in Wensleydale as well as for many other young campers.

The chairman of the Association of Rural Communities, Alastair Dinsdale, commented later about the unanimous vote of thanks to the association: “This is a milestone for Tom. It makes the monitoring of the YDNPA that he has done for so many years all worthwhile. He has sat through so many meetings.”

Planning inspector’s report 2009 – Honeycott Caravan Site appeal 

There must be sufficient touring caravan and tent pitches available in the Yorkshire Dales to allow people with limited incomes to enjoy the national park – and that need must become enshrined in the policies of the YDNPA.

This was the unanimous decision of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s planning committee on Tuesday, December 8. That was made exactly one year after Tom Knowles’ letter to the YDNPA in which he asked: “What will the Authority do to safeguard the right of young people and those on lower incomes to have access to the national park by ensuring that existing sites for touring caravans and tents are retained and, therefore, that the Yorkshire Dales are not turned into a rich man’s playground?”

Tom, who is the founder president of the Association of Rural Communities (ARC), owned the Westholme caravan park at Aysgarth for many years. He and his wife, Margaret, had welcomed a wide range of people and there were even two caravans owned by Sheffield Social Services to provide holiday accommodation for needy families. He began writing to YDNPA planning officers in 2008 to try and find out what was going on at Westholme. But, as was highlighted again at ARC’s agm in November, it would seem that YDNPA officers don’t always reply to correspondence.

When ARC began researching the situation at Westholme it found that an officer had decided that tents and touring caravans had a negative visual impact upon the landscape – and so had agreed with the owner at that time that they could be banned from the site. Neither the YDNPA members nor Burton cum Walden parish council were told about the amended plans (see below). And so the next owner was free to develop a luxury lodge site there. At the December planning meeting County Coun John Blackie pointed out that some of the lodges on that site are being sold for £240,000. Those lodges were installed thanks to what he described as the government’s incredibly loose definition of static caravans.

The YDNPA members did not learn about what had happened at Westholme until Hawes and High Abbotside parish council objected to touring 18 touring caravan pitches being replaced with 14 static pitches at Honeycott Caravan Site near Hawes, and ARC began requesting information. This led to the planning committee rejecting the Honeycott application. The reasons for refusal included that it would result in a detrimental change in the balance of provision of touring caravans and tents in the National Park and so would mean that less people would have an opportunity to understand and enjoy the special qualities of the Yorkshire Dales.

In her reasons for dismissing the appeal against this decision the planning inspector noted that approximately 200 touring caravan pitches had been lost in the Upper Wensleydale area in recent years, and of the 191 which remained 110 were only available to members of The Caravan Club. She upheld the opinion of the YDNPA  that this reduction would result in a lack of affordable accommodation and that people on lower incomes would have less opportunity to visit, stay overnight in and enjoy the National Park – and, therefore, detrimental to one of its statutory purposes. “The inspector was amazing. It is a ground breaking decision,” said Coun Blackie. He added that although this decision set a precedent it was not quite a policy precedent. He was concerned that it could take two to three years for the Authority to incorporate this into its policies.

He told  ARC committee members who attended the planning meeting that the Authority had instructed officers to send details of any amendments to planning applications to parish councils before any decision was made.